Women in Eighteenth-Century English Literature:

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Women in Eighteenth-Century England:

Individual Works, Editions, and Collections, with Some Entries

Relating to Earlier Centuries, to the Colonies, and to Other


Armstrong, Nancy. Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political

History of the Novel . Oxford: Oxford UP, 1987.

Makes extensive use of Foucault's theories concerning the


Austen, Jane. Emma: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Reviews and Criticism . 3rd ed. Ed. Stephen M. Parrish. New York:

Norton, 2000.

Backscheider, Paula R. Moll Flanders: The Making of a Criminal

Mind . Twayne's Masterwork Studies No. 48. Boston:


---, ed. Revising Women: Eighteenth-Century "Women's Fiction" and Social Engagement . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2000.

Ballaster, Ros[alind]. Seductive Forms: Women's Amatory Fiction from 1684 to 1740 . Oxford: Clarendon; New York: Oxford UP,


Focuses on the seduction plots in the writings of Aphra

Behn, Delarivier Manley, and Eliza Haywood.

Barash, Carol. English Women's Poetry, 1649-1714: Politics,

Community, and Linguistic Authority . Oxford: Clarendon,


Barchas, Janine, and Gordon D. Fulton, eds. The Annotations in

Lady Bradshaigh's Copy of Clarissa .

ELS Monograph Ser. 76.

Victoria, BC: U of Victoria, 1998.

Barker-Benfield, G. J. The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and

Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain . Chicago: U of

Chicago P, 1992.

Discusses the concept of sensibility as it relates to education, economics, literature, politics, and religion.

Sees feminine concepts of sensibility as influencing British society across gender divisions.

Barrell, John. "'The Dangerous Goddess': Masculinity, Prestige and the Aesthetic in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain ." The

Birth of Pandora and the Division of Knowledge .

Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1992. 63-88.

Page 2

Traces a development from public, rhetorical, and masculine concepts of the esthetic to private, psychological, and feminine concepts. Necessary background reading: Barrell's

The Political Theory of Painting from Reynolds to Hazlitt :

The Body of the Public (New Haven: Yale UP, 1986).

Basker, James G. "Dancing Dogs, Women Preachers and the Myth of

Johnson's Misogyny." Age of Johnson 3 (1990): 63-90.

Battersby, Christine. Gender and Genius: Towards a Feminist

Aesthetics . London: Women's, 1989; Bloomington: Indiana UP,


---. "Stages on Kant's Way: Aesthetics, Morality, and the

Gendered Sublime." In Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality:

The Big Questions . Ed. Naomi Zack, Laurie Shrage, and

Crispin Sartwell. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1998. 227-67.

Beasley, Faith E[velyn]. Revising Memory: Women's Fiction and

Memoirs in Seventeenth  Century France . New Brunswick, NJ:

Rutgers UP, 1990.

Close readings of Montpensier, Lafayette, and Villedieu.

Behn, Aphra. Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister .

Ed. Janet Todd. Penguin Classics. London: Penguin, 1996.

---. Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister . Ed.

Maureen Duffy. Virago Modern Classic No. 240. London:

Virago, 1987.

---. The Rover; The Feigned Courtesan; The Lucky Chance; The

Emperor of the Moon . Ed. Jane Spencer. Oxford: Oxford UP,


Behrendt, Stephen C., ed. Approaches to Teaching Shelley's

Frankenstein. Approaches to Teaching World Literature 33.

New York: MLA, 1990.

Behrendt, Stephen C., and Harriet Kramer Linkin, eds. Approaches to Teaching British Women Poets of the Romantic Period .

Approaches to Teaching World Literature 60. New York: MLA,


Beilin, Elaine V . Redeeming Eve: Women Writers of the English

Renaissance . Princeton: Princeton UP, 1990.

Discusses 44 works by women writers, including Anne Askew,

Elizabeth Cary, Mary Wroth, and Aemilia Lanyer. Examines the restricting assumptions imposed upon women writers of the Renaissance.

Page 3

Bell, Ilona. Elizabethan Women and the Poetry of Courtship .

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Discusses poetry read by, written by, or addressed to women.

Benedict, Barbara M. "Pictures of Conformity: Sentiments and

Structure in Anne Radcliffe's Style." Philological

Quarterly 68 (1989): 363-77.

Bennett, Betty T., and Stuart Curran, eds . Mary Shelley in Her

Times . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2000.

Bennett, Betty T. Mary Diana Dods, A Gentleman and a Scholar .

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP,

"David Lyndsay" and "Walter Sholto Douglas" both were pseudonyms of Mary Diana Dods.

---. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley: An Introduction . Baltimore:

Johns Hopkins UP, 1998.

Revised and expanded version of the introduction to Crook and Clemit's edition of Mary Shelley's works.

---, ed . Selected Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley .

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995.

Bennett, Judith M., and Amy M. Froide . Singlewomen in the

European Past, 1250-1800 . Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania

P, 1999.

Benson, Mary Sumner. Women in Eighteenth Century America: A

Study of Opinion and Social Usage . New York: Columbia UP,


A classic study twice reprinted (1966, 1976).

Bernier, Olivier. The Eighteenth-Century Woman . Garden City:

Doubleday, 1981.

Text and pictures dealing with fourteen women (Mme. de

Pompadour; Dutch novelist Betje Wolff; Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples; Mme. des Ursins; painter Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun; dressmaker Rose Bertin; actress Mll. Clairon; et al.), illustrating the freedom and power accorded women in the eighteenth century.

Bilger, Audrey. Laughing Feminism: Subversive Comedy in Frances

Burney, Maria Edgeworth, and Jane Austen . Detroit: Wayne

State UP, 1998.

Analyzes the feminism implicit in satiric attacks upon courtship customs, male authority figures, and conduct books.

Page 4

Blodgett, Harriet. "Capacious Hold-All": An Anthology of

Englishwomen's Diary Writings . Charlottesville: UP of

Virginia, 1991.

---. Centuries of Female Days: Englishwomen's Private Diaries .

New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1988.

Bloom, Edward A. and Lillian D. Bloom, eds. The Piozzi Letters:

Correspondence of Hester Lynch Piozzi, 1784-1821 (formerly

Mrs. Thrale) . Newark: U of Delaware P, 1989.

Contains previously unpublished or altered letters.

Boehrer, Bruce Thomas. "Behn's 'Disappointment' and Nashe's

'Choise of Valentines': Pornographic Poetry and the

Influence of Anxiety." Essays in Literature 16.2 (1989):


Bohls, Elizabeth A. Women Travel Writers and the Language of

Aesthetics, 1716-1818 . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Bowers, Toni O'Shaughnessy. "Critical Complicities: Savage

Mothers, Johnson's Mother, and the Containment of Maternal

Difference." Age of Johnson 5 (1992): 115-46.

Brack, O. M., ed. Writers, Books, and Trade: An Eighteenth-

Century Miscellany for William B. Todd . New York: AMS,


Braudy, Leo. "Penetration and Impenetrability in Clarissa ." New

Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Literature . Ed. Phillip

Harth. New York: Columbia UP, 1974. 177-206.

Brink, Jean R., Maryanne C. Horowitz, and Allison P. Coudert,eds .

Playing with Gender: A Renaissance Pursuit . Urbana: U of

Illinois P, 1991.

Brooke, Frances. The Excursion . Eighteenth-Century Novels by

Women. Ed. Paula R. Backscheider and Hope D. Cotton.

Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1997.

Brophy, Elizabeth Bergen . Women's Lives and the Eighteenth-

Century Novel . Tampa: U of South Florida P, 1991.

Uses unpublished manuscripts to reveal the lives of eighteenth-century women and applies these data to the analysis of fiction by Charlotte Lennox, Sarah Fielding,

Sarah Scott, Fanny Burney, Clara Reeve, Henry Fielding, and

Samuel Richardson.

Page 5

Brown, Laura. "Reading Race and Gender: Jonathan Swift."

Eighteenth  Century Studies 23 (1990): 425-43.

Browne, Alice. The Eighteenth Century Feminist Mind . Detroit:

Wayne State UP, 1988.

Brownstein, Rachel M. Becoming a Heroine: Reading About Women in

Novels . New York: Viking, 1982.

Deals with Jane Austen and nineteenth-century novelists.

Bueler, Lois E. Clarissa's Plots . Newark: U of Delaware P,


Clarissa 's analogues: the Tested Woman Plot, the Don Juan

Plot, and the Prudence Plot.

Burney, Fanny. Camilla, or, A Picture of Youth . Ed. and introd.

Edward A. Bloom and Lillian D. Bloom. World's Classics.

New York: Oxford UP, 1983.

---. Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an Heiress . Ed. Peter Sabor and

Margaret Anne Doody. Introd. Margaret Anne Doody. World's

Classics. New York: Oxford UP, 1988.

---. Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an Heiress . Ed. Judy Simons.

Virago Classics. New York: Virago-Penguin, 1986.

Burns, Edward, ed. Reading Rochester . New York: St. Martin's,


Essays dealing gender and misogyny in the works of the

Restoration's most notorious bawdy poet.

Burroughs, Catherine B. Closet Stages: Joanna Baillie and the

Theater Theory of British Women Writers . Philadelphia: U of

Pennsylvania P, 1997.

Bowers, Toni. The Politics of Motherhood: British Writing and

Culture, 1680-1760 . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Cafarelli, Annette Wheeler. "Johnson and Women: Demasculinizing

Literary History." Age of Johnson 5 (1992): 61-114.

Campbell, Jill. Natural Masques: Gender and Identity in

Fielding's Plays and Novels . Stanford: Stanford UP, 1995.

Canfield, J[ohn] Douglas, and Deborah C. Payne, eds. Cultural

Readings of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English

Theater . Athens: U of Georgia P, 1995.

Gender-related essays on Restoration and eighteenth-century theater.

Page 6

Carlson, Susan. Women and Comedy: Rewriting the British

Theatrical Tradition . Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1991.

Argues that traditional comedy is sexist, incorporating strong women characters only to negate their power.

Carretta, Vincent. "Utopia Limited: Sarah Scott's Millenium Hall and The History of George Ellison ." Age of Johnson 5

(1992): 303-25.

Castle, Terry. Clarissa's Ciphers: Meaning & Disruption in

Richardson's Clarissa. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1982.

---. The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the

Invention of the Uncanny . Ideologies of Desire. New York:

Oxford UP, 1995.

Catty, Jocelyn. Writing Rape, Writing Women in Early Modern

England: Unbridled Speech . Early Modern Literature in

History. Basingstoke, Eng.: Macmillan, 1999.

Cerasano, S. P., and Marion Wynne-Davies, eds . Renaissance Drama by Women: Texts and Documents . London: Routledge, 1996.

Texts by Mary Sidney, Elizabeth Cary, Mary Wroth, Elizabeth

Brackley, Jane Cavendish. Primary source documents on women as performers, spectators, and participants in theatrical affairs.

Chapman, R[obert] W[illiam], ed. Works of Jane Austen: Now First

Collected and Edited from the Manuscripts . 6 vols. 1954.

London: Oxford UP, 1969.

Charke, Charlotte. Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Charlotte

Charke. Ed. Robert Rehder . Pickering Women's Classics.

London: Pickering, 1999.

The tumultuous life story of Colley Cibber's actress daughter.

Chedgzoy, Kate, Melanie Hansen, and Suzanne Trill, eds. Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern Writing. Pittsburgh: Duquesne

UP, 1997.

Essays dealing with Aemilia Lanier, Elizabeth Cary, Aphra

Behn, Agnes Beaumont, and others.

Cohen, Ralph. "The Reversals of Gender in 'The Rape of the

Lock.'" South Atlantic Bulletin 37.4 (1972): 54-60.

Clark, Stephen. "'Something Genrous in Meer Lust'?: Rochester and Misogyny." Burns 21-41.

Page 7

Clark, Danielle, and Elizabeth Clarke, eds. The Double Voice:

Gendered Writing in Early Modern England . Early Modern

Literature in History. Basingstoke, Eng.: Macmillan, 2000.

Clausen, Christopher. "Jane Austen Changes Her Mind ." American

Scholar 68.2 (1999): 89-99.

Argues that Persuasion marks a definite change in Austen's career as a novelist.

Clifford, James L. Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs. Thrale) . 2nd ed.

Oxford: Clarendon, 1952. Intro. Margaret Anne Doody. New

York: Columbia UP, 1987.

Copeland, Edward. Women Writing About Money: Women's Fiction in

England, 1790-1820 . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Copeland, Edward, and Juliet McMaster, eds. The Cambridge

Companion to Jane Austen . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.

Craft-Fairchild, Catherine. Masquerade and Gender: Disguise and

Female Identity in Eighteenth-Century Fictions by Women .

University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State UP, 1993.

Creighton, Margaret, and Lisa Norling, eds . Iron Men, Wooden

Women: Gender and Seafaring in the Atlantic World, 1700-

1920 . Gender Relations in the American Experience.

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1996.

Crook, Nora, and Patricia Clemit, eds. The Novels and Selected

Works of Mary Shelley . 8 vols. The Pickering Masters.

London: Pickering, 1996.

Curran, Stuart, ed. The Poems of Charlotte Smith . Women Writers in English 1350-1850. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Cutting-Gray, Joanne. Woman as "Nobody" and the Novels of Fanny

Burney . Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1992.

Namelessness liberates the female characters in Burney's novels, according to Cutting-Gray, by placing them in a category of Becoming rather than Being.

Daileader, Celia R. Eroticism on the Renaissance Stage:

Transcendence, Desire, and the Limits of the Visible .

Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture 30.

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Connects sexuality and the sacred by analyzing the literal absence but symbolic presence of women on the English stage.

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Damico, Helen, and Alexandra Hennessey Olsen, eds . New Readings on Women in Old English Literature . Bloomington: Indiana

UP, 1990.

Darby, Barbara. Frances Burney, Dramatist: Gender, Performance, and the Late-Eighteenth-Century Stage . Lexington: UP of

Kentucky, 1997.

DeJean, Joan E. Tender Geographies: Women and the Origins of the

Novel in France . New York: Columbia UP, 1991.

Margaret Anne Doody describes this book as "lively, thoughtful, and deeply researched. . . . DeJean's book shows us that the standard histories of the Novel produced and believed in the twentieth century are obsolete."

Delany, Sheila. Writing Woman: Women Writers and Women in

Literature, Medieval to Modern . New York: Schocken, 1983.

D'Monté, Rebecca, and Nicole Pohl. Female Communities, 1600-

1800: Literary Visions and Cultural Realities . Basingstoke,

Eng.: Macmillan, 2000.

Donovan, Josephine. Women and the Rise of the Novel, 1405-1726 .

New York: St. Martin's, 1999.

Discusses women's literary traditions throughout Europe from the fifteenth century onward.

Doody, Margaret Anne. Frances Burney: The Life in the Works .

New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP; Cambridge: Cambridge UP,


---. "The Law, the Page, and the Body of Woman: Murder and

Murderesses in the Age of Johnson." Age of Johnson 1

(1987): 127-60.

---. Introduction. The Female Quixote, or, The Adventures of

Arabella . By Charlotte Lennox. Ed. Margaret Dalziel. The

World's Classics. New York: Oxford UP, 1989. [page numbers?].

Douthwaite, Julia V. Exotic Women: Literary Heroines and

Cultural Strategies in Anciem Régime France . Philadelphia:

U of Pennsylvania P, 1992.

Examines the treatment of foreign women in important French literary works of the late 17th and early 18th centuries to show that literary treatments of cultural differences echoed treatments of gender differences, and that the optimism of the Enlightenment had a dark side.

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Duckworth, Alastair M. The Improvement of the Estate: A Study of

Jane Austen's Novels . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1971.

Duffy, Maureen. The Passionate Shepherdess: Aphra Behn, 1640-89 .

London: Cape,1977.

Dugaw, Dilanne. Warrior Women and Popular Balladry 1650-1850 .

Cambridge: Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century

Literature and Thought 4. Cambridge UP, 1989.

Eder, Franz X., Lesley Hall, and Gert Hekma, eds. Sexual

Cultures in Europe . 2 vols. Manchester, Eng.: Manchester

UP, 1999.

Eagleton, Terry. The Rape of Clarissa: Writing, Sexuality and

Class Struggle in Samuel Richardson . Oxford: Blackwell;

Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1982.

Ellis, Kate Ferguson. The Contested Castle: Gothic Novels and the Subversion of Domestic Ideology . Urbana: U of Illinois

P, 1989.

Uses Foucault and Marxist theory to show that gothic fiction undermined the notion of a safe domestic space for women.

Ellis, Markman. The Politics of Sensibility: Race, Gender, and

Commerce in the Sentimental Novel . Cambridge Studies in

Romanticism 18. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Ellison, Julie. Delicate Subjects: Romanticism, Gender, and the

Ethics of Understanding . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990.

Emerson, Kathy Lynn. Wives and Daughters: The Women of Sixteenth

Century England . Troy, NY: Whitston, 1984.

Epstein, Julia. The Iron Pen: Frances Burney and the Politics of

Women's Writing . Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1989.

Ezell, Margaret J. M., ed . The Poems and Prose of Mary, Lady

Chudleigh . Women Writers in English, 135-1850. New York:

Oxford UP, 1993.

---. Writing Women's Literary History . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins

UP, 1993.

Fabricant, Carole. "Pope's Portraits of Women: The Tyranny of the Pictorial Eye." Women and Men: The Consequences of

Power . Ed. Dana V[annoy] Hiller and Robin Ann Sheets.

Cincinnati: U of Cincinnati Office of Women's Studies, 1977.


Page 10

Farrell, Kirby, Elizabeth H. Hageman, and Arthur F. Kinney, eds.

Women in the Renaissance: Selections from English Literary

Renaissance . Amherst: U of Massachussets P, 1990.

Favret, Mary A. Romantic Correspondence: Women, Politics and the

Fiction of Letters . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.

Discusses the letters of Helen Maria Williams, Jane Austen, and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

Favret, Mary A., and Nicola J. Watson, eds . At the Limits of

Romanticism: Essays in Cultural, Feminist, and Materialist

Criticism . Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994.

Fay, Elizabeth. A Feminist Introduction to Romanticism . Malden,

MA: Blackwell, 1998.

Feldman, Paula R., and Diana Scott-Kilvert, eds . The Journals of

Mary Shelley, 1814-1844 . 1987. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford UP,


Fergus, Jan. Jane Austen: A Literary Life . Macmillan Literary

Lives. Basingstoke, Eng.: Macmillan; New York: St.

Martin's, 1991.

Ferguson, Moira. Animal Advocacy and Englishwomen, 1780-1900:

---. Colonialism and Gender Relations from Mary Wollstonecraft to Jamaica Kincaid: East Caribbean Connections.

New York:

Columbia UP, 1993.

Patriots, Nation, and Empire . Ann Arbor : U of Michigan P,


---, ed. First Feminists: British Women Writers, 1578-1799 .

Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1985.

---. Subject to Others: British Women Writers and Colonial

Slavery, 1670-1834 . New York: Routledge, 1992.

Women's anti-slavery writings were important in influencing the development of nineteenth-century British imperialist ideology.

Ferris, Ina. The Achievement of Literary Authority: Gender,

Authority, and the Waverley Novels . Ithaca: Cornell UP,


Argues that Scott's Waverley novels increased the prestige of the novel form and thus helped to reduce gender-related anxieties about reading and writing novels.

Page 11

Fielding, Henry, and Sarah Fielding . The Correspondence of Henry and Sarah Fielding . Ed. Martin C. Battestin and Clive T.

Probyn. Oxford: Clarendon; New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Fielding, Sarah. The Adventures of David Simple: Containing an

Account of His Travels through the Cities of London and

Westminster, in the Search of a Real Friend ; and, The

Adventures of David Simple, Volume the Last: In Which His

History Is Concluded . Ed. Peter Sabor. Lexington: UP of

Kentucky, 1998.

Fisch, Audrey A., Anne K. Mellor, and Esther H. Schor, eds . The

Other Mary Shelley: Beyond Frankenstein. New York: Oxford

UP, 1993.

Fletcher, Anthony . Gender, Sex, and Subordination in England,

1500-1800 . New Haven: Yale UP, 1995.

Fletcher, Loraine. Charlotte Smith: A Critical Biography .

Basingstoke, Eng.: 1998.

Flint, Christopher. Family Fictions: Narrative and Domestic

Relations in Britain, 1688-1798 . Stanford: Stanford UP,


Folkenflik, Vivien, trans. and ed. An Extraordinary Woman: The

Selected Writings of Germaine de Staël . New York: Columbia

UP, 1987.

Folsom, Marcia McClintock, ed. Approaches to Teaching Austen's

Pride and Prejudice. Approaches to Teaching World

Literature 45. New York: MLA, 1993.

Foster, Frances Smith. Written by Herself: Literary Production by African American Women, 1746-1892 . Bloomington: Indiana

UP, 1993.

Studies the appropriation of European and American literary traditions by African-American women. Focuses on the difficulty African-American women faced in being accepted as authors; the phrase "written by herself" was often attached to titles in confirmation of authorship.

Franceschina, John, ed. Sisters of Gore: Seven Gothic Melodramas by British Women, 1790-1843 . New York: Garland, 1997.

Freeman, Barbara Claire. The Feminine Sublime: Gender and Excess in Women's Fiction . Berkeley: U of California P, 1995.

Page 12

Fritz, Paul, and Richard Morton, eds. Woman in the 18th Century, and Other Essays . McMaster Univ. Assoc. for 18th Century

Studies 4. Toronto: Hakkert, 1976.

Fritzer, Penelope Joan . Jane Austen and Eighteenth-Century

Courtesy Books . Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997.

Fuderer, Laura Sue. The Female Bildungsroman in English: An

Annotated Bibliography of Criticism . Selected

Bibliographies in Language and Literature 7. New York: MLA,


Fyfe, Christopher, ed. Narrative of Two Voyages to the River

Sierra Leone During the Years 1791-1792-1793: Anna Maria

Falconbridge. And the Journal of Isaac DuBois. With An

Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa: Alexander

Falconbridge . Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2000.

Gallagher, Catherine. Nobody's Story: The Vanishing Acts of

Women Writers in the Marketplace, 1670-1820 . Berkeley: U of

California P, 1994.

---. “Political Crime and Fictional Alibis: ‘The Case of

Delariviere Manley’.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 23 (1990):


Gard, Roger. Jane Austen's Novels: The Art of Clarity . New

Haven: Yale UP, 1992.

---. "Mansfield Park, Fanny Price, Flaubert and the Modern

Novel." English 38.160 (1989): 1-33.

Garner, Shirley Nelson, and Madelon Sprengnether, eds.

Shakespearean Tragedy and Gender . Bloomington: Indiana UP,


Gill, Pat. Interpreting Ladies: Women, Wit, and Morality in the

Restoration Comedy of Manners . Athens: U of Georgia P,


Gillis, Christina Marsden . The Paradox of Privacy: Epistolary

Form in Clarissa. University of Florida Monographs:

Humanities 54. Gainesville: U Presses of Florida, 1984.

A study of the heroine's private space as object of violation.

Gilmore, Leigh. Autobiographics: A Feminist Theory of Women's

Self-Representation . Reading Women Writing. Ithaca:

Cornell UP, 1994.

Page 13

Gittings, Robert, and Jo Manton . Claire Clairmont and the

Shelleys 1798-1879 . Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.

Glendening, John. "Young Fanny Burney and the Mentor ." Age of

Johnson 4 (1991): 281-312.

Goldberg, Jonathan . Desiring Women Writing: English Renaissance

Examples . Stanford: Stanford UP, 1997.

Goldsmith, Elizabeth C., and Dena Goodman, eds. Going Public:

Women and Publishing in Early Modern France . Ithaca:

Cornell UP, 1995.

Gonda, Caroline. Reading Daughters' Fictions, 1709-1834: From

Delarivier Manley to Maria Edgeworth. Cambridge Studies in

Romanticism 19. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Gores, Steven J. Psychosocial Spaces: Verbal/Visual Readings of

British Culture, 1750-1820 . Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2000.

Analyzes the creation of social space in visual arts and novels. Discusses, among other works, Jane Austen's

Persuasion , Sophia Lee's The Recess , and Henry Fielding's

Amelia .

Green, Katherine Sobba. The Courtship Novel, 1740-1820: A

Feminized Genre . Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1991.

Green, Susan. "A Cultural Reading of Charlotte Lennox's

Shakespear Illustrated ." 228-57 in Canfield and Payne.

Greene, Richard. Mary Leapor: A Study in Eighteenth-Century

Women's Poetry . Oxford English Monograph. Oxford:

Clarendon; New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Greenfield, Susan C., and Carol Barash, eds. Inventing

Maternity: Politics, Science, and Literature, 1650-1865 .

Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1999.

Includes essays on Anne Bradstreet, Mary Wollstonecraft,

Maria Edgeworth, and Harriet Jacobs, as well as male authors

(Dryden, Richardson, and others) who dealt with issues related to maternity.

Griffith, Elizabeth. The Delicate Distress . Eighteenth-Century

Novels by Women. Ed. Cynthia Booth Ricciardi and Susan

Staves. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1997.

Grossman, Marshall, ed . Aemilia Lanyer: Gender, Genre, and the

Canon . Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1998.

Page 14

Grundy, Isobel. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu . Oxford: Oxford UP,


---. "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's 'Italian Memoir.'" Age of

Johnson 6 (1993): 321-46.

---. "Samuel Johnson as Patron of Women." Age of Johnson 1

(1987): 59-77.

Grundy, Isobel, and Susan Wiseman, eds . Women, Writing, History,

1640-1740 . London: Batsford; Athens: U of Georgia P, 1992.

Ten essays by feminist critics dealing with a broad range of literary genres.

Gubar, Susan. "The Female Monster in Augustan Satire." Signs 3

(1977): 380-94.

Guest, Harriet. "A Double Lustre: Femininity and Sociable

Commerce, 1730-60." Eighteenth-Century Studies 23 (1990):


Gutwirth, Madelyn. Twilight of the Goddesses: Women and

Representation in the French Revolutionary Era . New

Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1992.

Blends social history, literary criticism, and psychoanalysis in studying eighteenth-century representations of women.

Gwilliam, Tassie. Samuel Richardson's Fictions of Gender .

Stanford: Stanford UP, 1993.

Hagstrum, Jean H. Sex and Sensibility: Ideal and Erotic Love from Milton to Mozart . Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1980.

Hall, Kim F. Things of Darkness: Economies of Race and Gender in

Early Modern England . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1995.

Hall, Lesley [A.], and Roy Porter. The Facts of Life: The

Creation of Sexual Knowledge in Britain, 1650-1950. New

Haven: Yale UP, 1995.

Halperin, John. The Life of Jane Austen . 1984. Baltimore:

Johns Hopkins UP, 1996.

The 1996 edition includes a new preface.

Hardwick, Elizabeth. Seduction and Betrayal: Women and

Literature . New York: Random, 1974.

Harris, Jocelyn. Jane Austen's Art of Memory . Cambridge:

Cambridge UP, 1989.

Page 15

Harth, Erica. Cartesian Women: Versions and Subverions of

Rational Discourse in the Old Regime . Ithaca: Cornell UP,


Discusses the female disciples of Descartes ( cartesiennes ), showing that while Descartes' belief that "the mind has no sex" seemed to offer women intellectual equality, educated discourse actually remained masculine in its idioms and presuppositions.

Harvey, Elizabeth D. Ventriloquized Voices: Feminist Theory and

English Renaissance Texts . New York: Routledge, 1993.

Investigates "transvestism" or gender impersonation in texts written by men but purporting to be by women.

Haselkorn, Anne M., and Betty Travitsky, eds. The Renaissance

Englishwoman in Print: Counterbalancing the Canon . Amherst:

U of Massachussets P, 1990.

Haywood, Eliza [Fowler]. The Injur'd Husband , or, The Mistaken

Resentment , and Lasselia , or, The Self-Abandon'd.

Eighteenth-Century Novels by Women. Ed. Jerry C. Beasley.

Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1999.

---. Selected Fiction and Drama of Eliza Haywood . Ed. Paula R.

Backscheider. New York: Oxford UP, 1999.

---. Selected Works of Eliza Haywood . 3 vols. Ed. Alexander

Pettit. London: Pickering, 2000.

---. Selections from The Female Spectator. Women Writers in

English 1350-1850. Ed. Patricia Meyer Spacks. New York:

Oxford UP, 1999.

Henderson, Katherine Usher, and Barbara F. McManus. Half

Humankind: Contexts and Texts of the Controversy about Women in England, 1540-1640 . Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1985.

Hill, Bridget . Women, Work, and Sexual Politics in Eighteenth-

Century England . New York: Blackwell, 1989.

Hill-Miller, Katherine C. "My Hideous Progeny": Mary Shelley,

William Godwin, and the Father-Daughter Relationship .

Newark: U of Delaware P, 1995.

Hinnant, Charles H . The Poetry of Anne Finch: An Essay in

Interpretation . Newark, DE: U of Delaware P, 1994.

Surveys Finch's poetry and places it in historical context.

Page 16

Hobby, Elaine . Virtue of Necessity: English Women's Writing,

1646-1688 . London: Virago, 1990.

Discusses a wide range of genres, showing how women were able to establish areas of autonomy. Treats about two hundred women writers.

Hoffman, Leonore, and Margo Culley, eds. Women's Personal

Narratives: Essays in Criticism and Pedagogy . New York:

MLA, 1985.

Hoffman, Ronald, and Peter J. Albert, eds . Women in the Age of the American Revolution . Perspectives on the American

Revolution. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia for the United

States Capitol Historical Soc., 1989.

Horne, William C. Making a Heaven of Hell: The Problem of the

Companionate Ideal in English Marriage Poetry, 1650-1800 .

Athens: U of Georgia P, 1993.

The notion of compatibility, the "companionate ideal," was crucial in the development of modern concepts of domesticity. Horne analyzes major and minor examples of marriage poetry and provides a checklist of such works.

Howe, Elizabeth. The First English Actresses: Women and Drama,

1660-1700 . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

Howe, Florence, ed. Tradition and the Talents of Women . Urbana:

U of Illinois P, 1991.

Hughes, Derek, gen. ed. Eighteenth Century Women Playwrights.

Hudson, Glenda A. Sibling Love and Incest in Jane Austen's

Fiction . 1992. New York: Scholarly-St. Martin's, 1998.

Ingrassia, Catherine. Authorship, Commerce, and Gender in Early

Eighteenth-Century England: A Culture of Paper Credit .

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Both fiction and the new system of credit finance afforded women new social, sexual, and financial interactions.

James, E. Wyn, ed. Ann Griffiths Digital Website . 2003-05.


Jameson, Robert. The Essential Frankenstein. New York:

Crescent, 1992.

Jankowski, Theodora A. Women in Power in the Early Modern Drama .

Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1992.

Page 17

Jardine, Lisa. Still Harping on Daughters: Women and Drama in the Age of Shakespeare . 1983. New York: Morningside-

Columbia UP, 1989.

Jensen, Katharine Ann. Writing Love: Letters, Women, and the

Novel in France, 1605-1776 . Carbondale: Southern Illinois

UP, 1995.

Jezic, Diane [Peacock]. Women Composers: The Lost Tradition

Found . 2nd ed. Ed. Elizabeth Wood. New York: Feminist,


Johnson, Claudia L. Jane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel .

Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1988.

Jones, Ann Rosalind. The Currency of Eros: Women's Love Lyric in

Europe, 1540-1620 . Women of Letters. Bloomington: Indiana

UP, 1990.

Jones, Robert W. Gender and the Formation of Taste in

Eighteenth-Century Britain . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Discusses Charlotte Lennox and Sarah Scott, among others, in connection with changing esthetic concepts.

Jones, Vivien, ed. Women and Literature in Britain, 1700-1800 .

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.

---, ed. Women in the Eighteenth Century: Constructions of

Femininity . World and Word Ser. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Jordan, Constance. Renaissance Feminism: Literary Texts and

Political Models . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990.

Jordanova, Ludmilla. Sexual Visions: Images of Gender in Science and Medicine between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries .

Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1989.

Juhasz, Susanne. Reading from the Heart: Women, Literature, and the Search for True Love . New York: Viking, 1994.

Discusses Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and later texts.

Kadish, Doris Y. Politicizing Gender: Narrative Strategies in the Aftermath of the French Revolution . New Brunswick, NJ:

Rutgers UP, 1991.

Kahn, Madeleine. Narrative Transvestism: Rhetoric and Gender in the Eighteenth-Century English Novel . Ithaca: Cornell UP,


Page 18

Examines the narrative impersonations of women by such early canonical novelists as Defoe and Richardson.

Kaplan, Deborah. Jane Austen Among Women . Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins UP, 1992.

Karpuk, Susan Price, comp. Samuel Richardson's Clarissa : An

Index to the Characters, Subjects, and Place Names, with

Summaries of Letters Appended: Based on the Penguin Classics

Edition, 1985, "a Complete Text of the First Edition." New

York: AMS, 1999.

Keener, Frederick M., and Susan E. Lorsch, eds . Eighteenth-

Century Women and the Arts . Contributions to Women’s

Studies No. 98. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1988.

Kelly, Gary, et al., eds. Bluestocking Feminism: Writings of the

Bluestocking Circle, 1738-1790 . 6 vols. London: Pickering,


Keogh, Dáire, and Nicholas Furlong, eds. The Women of 1798 .

Portland, OR: Four Courts, 1998.

Collection of essays on women in the Irish rebellion.

Kessler-Harris, Alice . Women Have Always Worked: A Historical

Overview . Women’s Lives, Women’s Work. Old Westbury, NY:

Feminist, 1981.

Keymer, Tom. Richardson's Clarissa and the Eighteenth-Century

Reader . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

Keymer, Thomas, and Peter Sabor, eds. The Pamela Controversy:

Criticisms and Adaptations of Samuel Richardson's Pamela,

1740-1850 . 6 vols. London: Pickering, 2001.

King, Margaret L. Women of the Renaissance . Women in Culture and Society. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1991.

Klein, Joan Larsen, ed. Daughters, Wives, and Widows: Writings by Men about Women and Marriage in England, 1500-1640 .

Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1992.

Kowaleski-Wallace, Elizabeth. Their Fathers' Daughters: Hannah

More, Maria Edgeworth, and Patriarchal Complicity . New

York: Oxford UP, 1991.

Examines the lives and works of two writers who, the author contends, welcomed rather than resisted patriarchal influences.

Page 19

Krontiris, Tina. Oppositional Voices: Women as Writers and

Translators of Literature in the English Renaissance . New

York: Routledge, 1992.

Labbe, Jacqueline. Romantic Visualities: Landscape, Gender and

Romanticism . Basingstoke, Eng.: Macmillan, 1998.

Argues that prospect views were associated with masculinity, detailed views with femininity.

Landry, Donna. The Muses of Resistance: Laboring-Class Women's

Poetry in Britain, 1739-1796 . Cambridge: Cambridge UP,


Langbauer, Laurie . Women and Romance: The Consolations of Gender in the English Novel . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990.

Lanser, Susan Sniader. Fictions of Authority: Women Writers and

Narrative Voice . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1992.

Laqueur, Thomas Walter . Making Sex: Body and Gender from the

Greeks to Freud . Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1990.

Lawrence, Karen R. Penelope Voyages: Women and Travel in the

British Literary Tradition . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1994.

Discusses Frances Burney and Mary Wollstonecraft.

Le Faye, Deirdre, ed. Jane Austen's Letters . 3rd ed. Oxford:

Oxford UP, 1997.

LeGates, Marlene. "The Cult of Womanhood in Eighteenth-Century

Thought." Eighteenth-Century Studies 10 (1976): 21-39.

Lemay, J.A. Leo, ed. Robert Bolling Woos Anne Miller: Love and

Courtship in Colonial Virginia, 1760 . Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1990.

Lenz, Carolyn Ruth Swift, Gayle Greene, and Carol Thomas Neely, eds . The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare .

Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1980.

Levin, Carole, and Jeanie Watson, eds. Ambiguous Realities:

Women in the Middle Ages and Renaissance . Detroit: Wayne

State UP, 1987.

Levine, George, and U. C. Knoepflmacher, eds. The Endurance of

Frankenstein: Essays on Mary Shelley's Novel . Berkeley: U of California P, 1979.

Page 20

Levine, Laura. Men in Women's Clothing: Anti-Theatricality and

Effeminization, 1579-1642 . Cambridge Studies in Renaissance

Literature and Culture 5. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer. Writing Women in Jacobean England .

Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1993.

A biographical study of nine women associated with the court of James I: Lady Mary Wroth, Lady Arbella Stuart, Queen

Anne, Aemilia Lanyer, Rachel Speght, Elizabeth Cary, and others. Lewalski finds evidence of rebellion against patriarchy in the life of each woman discussed.

Linkin, Harriet Kramer, and Stephen C. Behrendt, eds.

Romanticism and Women Poets: Opening the Door of Reception .

Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1999.

Livingston, Chella C. "Johnson and the Independent Woman: A

Reading of Irene." Age of Johnson 2 (1988): 219-34.

London, April. Women and Property in the Eighteenth-Century

English Novel . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Lowenthal, Cynthia J. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the

Eighteenth-Century Familiar Letter . Athens: U of Georgia P,


Lowenthal analyzes Montagu's letters as self-conscious artifacts that embodied other eighteenth-century genres and served to define a feminine epistolary tradition.

MacDonagh, Oliver. Jane Austen: Real and Imagined Worlds . New

Haven: Yale UP, 1991.

Demonstrates Austen's awareness of the political and social history of her time.

Mackie, Erin . Market á la Mode: Fashion, Commodity, and Gender in The Tatler and The Spectator. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins

UP, 1997.

Mandel, Laura C. Misogynous Economies: The Business of

Literature in Eighteenth-Century Britain . Lexington: UP of

Kentucky, 1999.

Mann, Erica [Jong]. "The Theme of Women in the Poetry of Pope: A

Study of Conventional Sexual Language and Imagery in Eloisa to Abelard." M.A. thesis. Columbia U, 1965.

Markley, Robert. "'Be impudent, be saucy, forward, bold, touzing and leud': The Politics of Masculine Sexuality and

Feminine Desire in Behn's Tory Comedies." Canfield and

Payne 114-40.

Page 21

Marshall, Florence Ashton Thomas . The Life and Letters of Mary

Wollstonecraft Shelley . 1899. New York: Haskell, 1970.

Marso, Lori. ( Un)Manly Citizens: Jean-Jacques Rousseau's and

Germaine de Staël's Subversive Women . Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins UP, 1999.

Massé, Michelle A[nnette ]. In the Name of Love: Women,

Masochism, and the Gothic . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1992.

Masten, Jeffrey. Textual Intercourse: Collaboration, Authorship, and Sexualities in Renaissance Drama . Cambridge Studies in

Renaissance Literature and Culture 14. Cambridge: Cambridge

UP, 1997.

Matchinske, Megan . Writing, Gender and State in Early Modern

England: Identity Formation and the Female Subject .

Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture 26.

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

McAllister, Marie E. "Gender, Myth and Recompense: Hester

Thrale's Journal of a Tour to Wales." Age of Johnson 6

(1994): 265-82.

McCandless, David. Gender and Performance in Shakespeare's

Problem Comedies . Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1997.

McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and

Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730 .

Oxford: Clarendon; New York: Oxford UP, 1998.

McGhee, Jim. "Obscene Libel and the Language of 'The Perfect

Enjoyment'." Burns 42-65.

McGovern, Barbara. Anne Finch and Her Poetry: A Critical

Biography. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1992.

McIntosh, Carey. The Evolution of English Prose, 1700-1800:

Style, Politeness, and Print Culture . Cambridge: Cambridge

UP, 1998.

Discusses, among other topics, the stylistic influence of women writers.

McKee, Patricia. Public and Private: Gender, Class, and the

British Novel (1764-1878) . Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P,


Page 22

McLeod, Glenda. Virtue and Venom: Catalogs of Women from

Antiquity to the Renaissance . Women and Culture Ser. Ann

Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1991.

Analyzes a neglected genre, the catalog of women, from ancient literature to Boccaccio and Chaucer.

Mell, Donald C., ed. Pope, Swift, and Women Writers . Newark: U of Delaware P, 1997.

Mary Leapor, Judith Cowper, Mary Chandler, Delariviere

Manley, and Mary Wollstonecraft are among the authors discussed.

Mellor, Anne K[ostelanetz ]. Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction,

Her Monsters . New York: Methuen, 1988.

---. Romanticism and Feminism . Bloomington: Indiana UP,1988.

---. Romanticism and Gender . New York: Routledge, 1993.

Discusses Austen, Edgeworth, Ferrier, Hemans, Landon,

Morgan, Radcliffe, Mary Shelley, Williams, and Dorothy


Mendelson, Sara Heller. The Mental World of Stuart Women: Three

Studies . Amherst: U of Massachussets P, 1991.

Discusses Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle; Mary

Rich, Countess of Warwick; and Aphra Behn.

Menninger, Roy W. "Johnson's Psychic Turmoil and the Women in his Life." Age of Johnson 5 (1992): 179-200.

Merians, Linda, ed. The Secret Malady: Venereal Disease in

Eighteenth-Century Britain and France . Lexington: UP of

Kentucky, 1996.

Mermin, Dorothy. "Women Becoming Poets: Katherine Philips, Aphra

Behn, Anne Finch." ELH 97 (1990): 335-55.

Messenger, Ann, ed . Gender at Work: Four Women Writers of the

Eighteenth Century . Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1990.

Discusses Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea;

Laetitia Pilkington; Mary Pix; and Mary Darwall.

---. His and Hers: Essays in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century

Literature . Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1986.

Page 23

Analyzes eight women writers by pairing them with better  known male writers who influenced them or otherwise had something to do with their work. The eight women are

Anne Killigrew; Aphra Behn; Anne Finch, Countess of

Winchilsea; Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; Eliza Haywood;

Frances Moore Brooke; Anna Laetitia Barbauld; and Ellis

Cornelia Knight.

---. Pastoral Tradition and the Female Talent: Studies in

Augustan Poetry . New York: AMS, 1999.

---. Woman and Poet in the Eighteenth Century: The Life of Mary

Whateley Darwall (1738-1825) . New York : AMS, 1999.

Miller, Nancy K. The Heroine's Text: Readings in the French and

English Novel, 1722-1782 . New York: Columbia UP, 1980.

An analysis of the psychology and personality of the heroine in the eighteenth-century novel.

Mitchell, C. J. “Women in the Eighteenth-Century Book Trades.”

Brack 25-76.

Monaghan, David, ed. Emma, Jane Austen . New Casebooks. New

York: St. Martin's, 1992.

Montagu, Mary Wortley. Selected Letters . Ed. Isobel Grundy.

Penguin Classics. Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1997.

---. Turkish Embassy Letters . Ed. Malcolm Jack. Athens: U of

Georgia P, 1993.

Mossiker, Frances. Madame de Sévigné‚: A Life and Letters . New

York: Knopf, 1983.

Mudge, Bradford Keyes. The Whore's Story: Women, Pornography, and the British Novel, 1684-1830 . Ideologies of Desire.

Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Muir, Edward, and Guido Ruggiero, eds . Sex and Gender in

Historical Perspective . Trans. Margaret A. Gallucci, with

Mary M. Gallucci and Carole C. Gallucci. Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins UP, 1990.

Examines sexual mores and gender roles in European social history from the Renaissance to the twentieth century.

Mukherjee, Meenakshi. Jane Austen . Women Writers. New York:

St. Martin's, 1991.

Combines feminist reading and non-western perspective on


Page 24

Myer, Valerie Grosvenor. Jane Austen, Obstinate Heart: A

Biography . New York: Arcade, 1997.

Myers, Sylvia Harcstark. The Bluestocking Circle: Women,

Friendship, and the Life of the Mind in Eighteenth-Century

England . New York: Oxford UP, 1990.

Neil, Edward. The Politics of Jane Austen . Basingstoke, Eng.:

Macmillan, 1999.

Newcastle, Margarent Cavendish, Duchess of. The Convent of

Pleasure and Other Plays . Ed. Anne Shaver. Baltimore:

Johns Hopkins UP, 1999.

Nokes, David. Jane Austen: A Life . New York: Farrar, 1997.

Nussbaum, Felicity. The Autobiographical Subject: Gender and

Ideology in Eighteenth-Century England . Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins UP, 1989.

Co-winner of the Louis Gottschalk Prize award by the

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1989.

Applies Foucault's concepts to the analysis of how autobiographical writers constructed a textual "self."

---, ed. The Brink of All We Hate: English Satires on Women,

1660-1750 . Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1984.

---. Torrid Zones: Maternity, Sexuality, and Empire in

Eighteenth-Century English Narratives . Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins UP, 1995.

New readings of texts by Charlotte Lennox, Frances Sheridan,

Sarah Scott, and Phebe Gibbes.

Otten, Charlotte F., ed. English Women's Voices, 1540-1700 .

Miami: Florida International UP, 1992.

Rare early women's writings made accessible for the modern student.

Page, Judith W. Wordsworth and the Cultivation of Women .

Berkeley: U of California P, 1994.

Payne, Deborah C. "Reified Object or Emergent Professional?:

Retheorizing the Restoration Actress." Canfield and Payne


Pearson, Jacqueline. Women's Reading in Britain, 1750-1835: A

Dangerous Recreation . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Page 25

Discusses Jane Austen, Frances Burney, Elizabeth Carter, and

Laetitia Pilkington, among others.

Perry, Ruth. "Mary Astell and the Feminist Critique of

Possessive Individualism." Eighteenth-Century Studies 23

(1990): 444-57.

Pollak, Ellen. The Poetics of Sexual Myth: Gender and Ideology in the Verse of Swift and Pope . Women in Culture and

Society. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1985.

Poplawski, Paul. A Jane Austen Encyclopedia . Westport, CT:

Greenwood, 1998.

Porter, Roy, and Lesley Hall. The Facts of Life: Creation of

Sexual Knowledge in Britain, 1650-1950 . New Haven: Yale UP,


Rendall, Jane. Women in an Industrializing Society: England

1750  1880 . Oxford: Blackwell, 1990.

Reynolds, Myra. The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760 . 1920.

Boston: Vassar Semi-Centennial Ser. Gloucester, MA: Smith,


Rizzo, Betty. Companions Without Vows: Relationships Among

Eighteenth-Century British Women . Athens: U of Georgia P,


A study of the social institution of companionate relationships prevalent in the eighteenth century.

---. "Molly Leapor: An Anxiety for Influence." Age of Johnson 4

(1991): 313-43.

Roberts, David. The Ladies: Female Patronage of Restoration

Drama, 1660-1700 . Oxford English Monographs. Oxford:

Oxford UP, 1989.

Robinson, Charles E., ed. Mary Shelley: Collected Tales and

Stories with Original Engravings . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins

UP, 1976.

Rogers, Katharine M. Feminism in Eighteenth-Century England .

Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1982.

---, ed. Selected Poems of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea .

New York: Ungar, 1979.

Page 26

---. The Troublesome Helpmate: A History of Misogyny in

Literature . Seattle: U of Washington P, 1966.

Ross, Deborah. The Excellence of Falsehood: Romance, Realism, and Women's Contribution to the Novel . Lexington: UP of

Kentucky, 1991.

Rumbold, Valerie. Women's Place in Pope's World . Cambridge

Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Thought 2.

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989.

The first full-length study of Pope's personal experience of women as it affected his poetry. Described as "one of the best studies of Pope to appear in many years." [Rev. by

Patricia Brückmann in Modern Philology 89.4 (1992): 574-79.]

Runge, Laura L. Gender and Language in British Literary

Criticism, 1660-1790 . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.

Analyzes eighteenth-century critical language and, among other things, its tendency to portray novel as feminine and the heroic and the sublime as masculine.

Ruoff, Gene W. Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. Critical

Studies of Key Texts. New York: St. Martin's, 1992.

Salvaggio, Ruth . Enlightened Absence: Neoclassical

Configurations of the Feminine . Urbana: U of Illinois P,


Sanders, Eve Rachele. Gender and Literacy on Stage in Early

Modern England . Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture 28. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Examines the dramatic presentation of gender differences as they were acquired through learning to read and write.

Sartori, Eva Martin, and Dorothy Wynne Zimmerman, eds . French

Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Source Book . New York:

Greenwood, 1991.

The lives of fifty-two women writers from the twelfth to twentieth centuries.

Saxton, Kirsten T., ed. The Passionate Fictions of Eliza

Haywood: Essays on Her Life and Work . Lexington: UP of

Kentucky, 2000.

Scheuermann, Mona. Her Bread to Earn: Women, Money, and Society from Defoe to Austen . Lexington: U of Kentucky P, 1993.

Page 27

---. "Woman's Place: Finding and Evaluating Women's

Contributions to Literature in English." Age of Johnson 5

(1992): 391-419.

Schiebinger, Londa. "The Anatomy of Difference: Race and Sex in

Eighteenth-Century Science." Eighteenth-Century Studies 23

(1990): 387-405.

Schneller, Beverly. “Using Newspaper Advertisements to Study the

Book Trade: A Year in the Life of Mary Cooper.” Brack 123-


Schofield, Mary Anne. Masking and Unmasking the Female Mind:

Disguising Romances in Feminine Fiction, 1713-1799 .

Cranbury, NJ: U of Delaware P, 1990.

Scott, Sarah. The History of Sir George Ellison . Ed. Betty

Rizzo. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1996.

Shelley, Mary. Valperga: Or, the Life and Adventures of

Castruccio, Prince of Lucca . Ed. Stuart Curran. Women

Writers in English 1350-1850. New York : Oxford UP, 1997.

Shevelow, Kathryn. Women and Print Culture: The Construction of

Femininity in the Early Periodical . London: Routledge,


Shteir, Ann B. "Botanical Dialogues: Maria Jacson and Women's

Popular Science Writing in England." Eighteenth-Century

Studies 23 (1990): 301-17.

---. Cultivating Women, Cultivating Science: Flora's Daughters and Botany in England, 1760-1860 . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins

UP, 1996.

Simons, Judy. Diaries and Journals of Literary Women from Fanny

Burney to Virginia Woolf . Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1990.

Smith, Charlotte Turner. The Young Philosopher . Eighteenth-

Century Novels by Women. Ed. Elizabeth Kraft. Lexington:

UP of Kentucky, 1999.

Smith, Hilda L . Reason's Disciples: Seventeenth-Century English

Feminists . Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1982.

Page 28

Smith, Johanna M., ed. Frankenstein: Complete, Authoritative

Text with Biographical and Critical Contexts, Critical

History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical

Perspectives. Mary Shelley . Case Studies in Contemporary

Criticism. Boston: Bedford-St. Martin's, 1992.

Spacks, Patricia Meyer. An Argument of Images: The Poetry of

Alexander Pope . Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1971.

---. Desire and Truth: Functions of Plot in Eighteenth-Century

English Novels . Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1990.

Spector, Robert D[onald]. Smollett's Women: A Study in an

Eighteenth-Century Masculine Sensibility . Westport, CT:

Greenwood, 1994.

Spencer, Jane . The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra Behn to Jane Austen . Oxford: Blackwell, 1986.

Spencer, Samia I., ed. French Women and the Age of

Enlightenment . Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994.

Spender, Dale, ed. Living By the Pen: Early British Women

Writers . Athene Ser. New York: Teachers College, 1992.

A collection of articles focusing on women writers in the eighteenth century, including Aphra Behn, Charlotte Smith,

Charlotte Lennox, Fanny Burney, Maria Edgeworth, and others.

Stanton, Judith Phillips. "Charlotte Smith's 'Literary

Business': Income, Patronage, and Indigence." Age of

Johnson 1 (1987): 375-401.

Staves, Susan. Married Women's Separate Property Rights in

England, 1660  1833 . Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1990.

Recounts actual case studies as well as examples of property settlements from literary works. Analyzes women's situations from liberal, neo-Marxist, socialist, and feminist perspectives, arguing that the ideology of male supremacy was preserved even in the face of women's changing legal status.

St. Clair, William, and Irmgard Maassen, eds . Conduct Literature for Women, 1500 to 1640 . 6 vols. London: Pickering, 2000.

---, eds . Conduct Literature for Women, c. 1640 to 1720 . 6 vols. London: Pickering, 2001.

Page 29

Stewart, Maaja A. Domestic Realities and Imperial Fictions: Jane

Austen's Novels in Eighteenth-Century Contexts . Athens: U of Georgia P, 1993.

Stewart finds unexpected points of connection between domestic life and imperialism, with female domesticity serving both to counteract and to hide the aggressive qualities of colonialism.

Stokes, Myra. The Language of Jane Austen: A Study of Some

Aspects of Her Vocabulary . Language of Literature. New

York: St. Martin's, 1991.

Stone, Lawrence. The Family, Sex and Marriage in England,

1500  1800 . New York: Harper, 1977.

Storch, Margaret. Sons and Adversaries: Women in William Blake and D.H. Lawrence . Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1990.

Stout, Janis P. Strategies of Reticence: Silence and Meaning in the Works of Jane Austen, Willa Cather, Katherine Anne

Porter, and Joan Didion . Charlottesville: UP of Virginia,


Straub, Kristina. Divided Fictions: Fanny Burney and Feminine

Strategy . Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1987.

Analyzes the paradoxes implicit in women's losing power by accepting feminine roles that were their sole means to empowerment.

---. Sexual Suspects: Eighteenth-Century Players and Sexual

Ideology . Princeton: Princeton UP, 1992.

Like Nancy Armstrong's Desire and Domestic Fiction: A

Political History of the Novel (1987), Straub's book applies

Foucault's theories to the analysis of sexual politics in the eighteenth century.

Sulloway, Alison G. Jane Austen and the Province of Womanhood .

Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1989.

Examines Austen's relationship to the "women's issue" in the late eighteenth century and finds that Austen uses the satiric perspective of the outsider to make veiled criticisms of patriarchal institutions.

Summers, Claude J., and Ted-Larry Pebworth, eds . Representing

Women in Renaissance England . Columbia: U of Missouri P,


Sunstein, Emily W. Mary Shelley: Romance and Reality . Boston:

Little, 1989.

Page 30

Teachman, Debra, ed. Understanding Pride and Prejudice : A

Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical


Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997.

Thomas, Claudia. "'Th' Instructive Moral, and Important

Thought': Elizabeth Carter Reads Pope, Johnson, and

Epictetus." Age of Johnson 4 (1991): 137-69.

Tobin, Beth Fowkes, ed. History, Gender, and Eighteenth-Century

Literature. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1994.

Todd, Janet, ed . Aphra Behn . New Casebooks. Basingstoke:

Macmillan, 1999.

---. The Secret Life of Aphra Behn . London: Deutsch, 1996.

---. The Sign of Angellica: Women, Writing, and Fiction, 1660-

1800 . New York: Columbia UP, 1989.

Provides a useful overview of the period, centering it upon the idea that women consciously constructed images of themselves as authors. Focuses primarily upon novelists.

---. Feminist Literary History . New York: Routledge, 1988.

Todd, Janet M. Women's Friendship in Literature . Irvington, NY:

Columbia UP, 1980.

Tomalin, Claire. Jane Austen: A Life . New York: Knopf, 1997.

Travitsky, Betty S., and Patrick Cullen, eds. The Early Modern

Englishwoman: A Facsimile Library of Essential Works. Part

1, Printed Writings, 1500-1640 . 10 vols. Brookfield, VT:

Ashgate, 1996.

---, eds. The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile Library of

Essential Works. Part 2, Printed Writings, 1500-1640 . 13 vols. Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 1996.

Troide, Lars E., ed. The Early Journals and Letters of Fanny

Burney . Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1988- .

Ten to twelve volumes of this edition are projected.

Troost, Linda, and Sayre Greenfield, eds . Jane Austen in

Hollywood . Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1998.

Trouille, Mary Seidman. Sexual Politics in the Enlightenment:

Women Writers Read Rousseau . Albany: State U of New York P,


Page 31

Tucker, George Holbert . Jane Austen the Woman: Some Biographical

Insights . New York: St.Martin's, 1994.

Turner, Cheryl . Living by the Pen: Women Writers in the

Eighteenth Century . New York: Routledge, 1992.

Analyzes the growth of women's fiction, 1696-1796.

Ty, Eleanor Rose. Unsex'd Revolutionaries: Five Women Novelists of the 1790s . Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1993.

Uphaus, Robert W., and Gretchen M. Foster, eds. The "Other"

Eighteenth Century: English Women of Letters, 1660-1800 .

East Lansing: Colleagues, 1991.

Vallone, Lynne. Disciplines of Virtue: Girls' Culture in the

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries . New Haven: Yale

UP, 1995.

Varney, Andrew. Eighteenth-Century Writers in Their World: The

Mighty Maze . Basingstoke, Eng.: Macmillan, 1999.

Discusses Mrs. Manley and several women poets.

Vickery, Amanda. The Gentleman's Daughter: Women's Lives in

Georgian England . New Haven: Yale UP, 1998.

Waldron, Mary. Jane Austen and the Fiction of Her Time .

Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Presents Austen as a radical innovator who challenged the novelistic conventions of her day.

Based on more than one hundred women's letters, diaries, and account books.

Walker, Julia M., ed. Milton and the Idea of Woman . Urbana: U of

Illinois P, 1988.

Walker, William. "Locke Minding Women: Literary History,Gender, and the Essay." Eighteenth-Century Studies 23 (1990):

245  68.

Wall, Wendy. The Imprint of Gender: Authorship and Publication in the English Renaissance . Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1993.

Watkins, Susan. Jane Austen in Style . New York: Thames, 1996.

Rpt. (with corrections) of Jane Austen's Town and Country

Style . 1990.

Wellington, Charmaine. "Dr. Johnson's Attitude Toward the

Education of Women." New Rambler 18 (1977): 49-55.

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Werker, Anke. By a Lady: Jane Austen's Female Archetypes in

Fiction and Film . Tilburg, Netherlands: Tilburg UP, 1998.

Whitbread, Helena, ed . I Know My Own Heart: The Diaries of Anne

Lister, 1791-1840 . 1988. Cutting Edge. New York: New York

UP, 1992.

Wilcox, Helen. "Gender and Artfulness in Rochester's 'Song of a

Young-Lady to Her Ancient Lover." Burns 6-20.

---, ed. Women and Literature in Britain, 1500-1700 . Cambridge:

Cambridge UP, 1996.

Williams, Murial Brittain. Marriage: Fielding's Mirror of

Morality . Studies in the Humanities: Literature.

University: U of Alabama P, 1973.

Wilson, Carol Shiner, and Joel Haefner, eds . Re-Visioning

Romanticism: British Women Writers, 1776-1837 .

Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1994.

Wilson, Katharina M. and Frank J. Warnke, eds . Women Writers of the Seventeenth Century . Athens: U of Georgia P, 1989.

Wiltenburg, Joy. Disorderly Women and Female Power in the Street

Literature of Early Modern England and Germany .

Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1992.

Windle, John. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin: A Bibliography of the

First and Early Editions, with Briefer Notes on Later

Editions and Translations . 2nd ed. New Castle, DE: Oak

Knoll, 2000.

Winn, James A. "Pope Plays the Rake: His Letters to Ladies and the Making of the Eloisa ." The Art of Alexander Pope . Ed.

Howard Erskine-Hill and Anne Smith. Barnes and Noble

Critical Studies. New York: Harper, 1979. 89-117.

Winter, Kari J. Subjects of Slavery, Agents of Change: Women and

Power in Gothic Novels and Slave Narratives, 1790-1865 .

Athens: U of Georgia P, 1992.

Examines gothic novels and slave narratives written by women and finds that sexual politics lies at the center of patriarchal culture.

Wolf, Leonard, ed. The Essential Frankenstein : Including the

Complete Novel by Mary Shelley . New York: Plume 1993.

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Wolstenholme, Susan. Gothic (Re)Visions: Writing Women as

Readers . Albany: State U of New York P, 1993.

Anne Radcliffe, Mary Shelley, and later women writers are discussed in terms of the connection between Gothic fiction and females as writers and readers.

Woodbridge, Linda. Women and the English Renaissance: Literature and the Nature of Womankind, 1540-1620 . Urbana: U of

Illinois P, 1984.

Woodcock, George. Aphra Behn: The English Sappho . 1948. New

York: Black Rose, 1989. Prev. title The Incomparable Aphra.

Woods, Susanne, ed. The Poems of Aemilia Lanyer: Salve Deus Rex

Judaorum. Aemilia Lanyer . Women Writers in English 1350-

1850. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Young, Douglas M. The Feminist Voices in Restoration Comedy: The

Virtuous Women in the Play-Worlds of Etherege, Wycherley and

Congreve . Lanham, MD: UP of America, 1997.

Zlotnick, Susan. Women, Writing, and the Industrial Revolution .

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1998.

Last update: 16 October 2000.