11+ Entrance Assessment Notes for Parents Aims of the Assessment In making assessments of candidates for entry to the school at 11+ our main aim is to ensure that every child we admit has the ability, potential and approach that means they will be able to cope with the level and pace of work here, so we can be confident they will be happy and thrive. Of course, as a school, we provide so much more than just teaching, but academically we cater for pupils roughly in the top quarter of the national ability range. In the Entrance Assessment we want all pupils to have the best chance to show us what they can do. Therefore we try hard to put them at their ease and to make the day as enjoyable as possible. There are no hidden traps in the assessments! They are designed to be accessible to Year 6 pupils whatever school they come from. Quite rightly, some questions will assess a child’s current level of performance in English and Maths, but others are designed to evaluate reasoning and thinking skills, thus testing potential and aptitude rather than taught knowledge. There may be some hard questions designed to challenge the very brightest applicants, and everyone will find some unfamiliar tasks that are designed to test flexibility of thinking. References Because we want to make offers of places with as much relevant information as possible, we write to all applicants’ primary schools to request a full reference. This is most useful background information and is especially helpful in cases where a child might be particularly anxious on the assessment day. Explore! Days Explore! Days are being held on the 7th, 8th, 11th and 19th January 2016. These days allow prospective pupils the opportunity to experience ‘a day in the life of a Grange pupil’. If you would like your son or daughter to attend one of these days, please complete an Explore! Day Form and return it to The Admissions Department Grange Senior School. We will then contact you to confirm on which date we would like your child to visit. If you haven’t signed up yet, do so quickly, as places are very quickly running out! Format of the day The Entrance Assessment will be held for external candidates this year on Saturday, 6th February 2016. We are very mindful that pupils (and their parents!) are anxious on the day and we are very experienced at trying to put them at ease. Time The assessment will commence promptly at 9.00 am and registration of candidates will take place between 8.20 am and 8.40 am in the school Theatre. Children should be collected from the school Theatre between 12.30 pm and 12.45 pm. Parking Parents are asked to park on the main school site or on the British Legion car park opposite the school. We ask that you do not park in the playground car park adjacent to the school or on Bradburns Lane, as this causes unnecessary congestion in the area. Format of the assessments There are five main parts to the assessment. The first one is taken using a computer, the final four using pen and paper: Computer Based Assessment Mathematics I, Comprehension, Problem Solving and Thinking Skills The assessment is supplied for us by the CEM (Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring) at Durham University. They are based on thorough and well-respected research which is referenced against national norms. The Grange (along with all other major independent schools) has been using the CEM centre’s benchmarking and performance data internally for many years. Written Assessments Creative Writing Mathematics II Verbal Reasoning Personal Questionnaire The Creative Writing test will involve three discrete tasks, designed to test a candidate’s ease in using words for a variety of purposes. The Mathematics test will consist of questions similar in style to those in the Key Stage 2 Mathematics SATs papers. Familiarity with the content of the National Curriculum in Mathematics Levels 3-5 will be assumed. Questions will not require any knowledge beyond this, but some may require candidates to use their knowledge in non-standard ways. The Verbal Reasoning test will be similar to those which are widely available commercially. These tests yield very useful information about pupils’ abilities that may not be evident from their usual classroom work. They can indicate the likely ease with which a pupil will be able to acquire new concepts and understand new ideas across a range of school subjects. Personal Questionnaire - because we are also interested in the personality and all-round abilities of all our pupils, the final task of the morning will be a somewhat lighter one. All candidates will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire that will delve a little into their interests and what makes them tick. Spelling and grammar will not be assessed, and there are no right and wrong answers! At mid-morning break, light refreshments will be provided by the School. Candidates are not required to wear school uniform. Preparation advice It is not necessary to undertake extensive preparation for these assessments. They are designed to be accessible to Year 6 pupils preparing for their SATs. The best preparation consists in working hard in their normal schoolwork, although familiarisation with both verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests might be helpful W H Smith stock books of generic examples. There is a sample paper for the Creative Writing test (http://www.grange.org.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2014/07/English_Entrance_Exam_2011_Sample_Paper-3.pdf) on our website. It would be helpful to talk it through with your son or daughter and give him/her a chance to try it. To prepare for the Mathematics test, practice Key Stage 2 SATs papers are readily available online or from W H Smith. The Level 3-5 papers show what is expected in terms of knowledge; some questions may be similar to those on the Level 6 papers in that they may ask your child to use their knowledge in an unusual way, but no content beyond that specified for Level 5 will be tested. There is no sample paper for the computer-based test, though there is a sample site (http://www.intuproject.org/demos/entrance) that will familiarise your child with how the test looks and the types of answers they may be asked to give. Nonetheless, it would be helpful to talk them through the following points. 1. They do not need any special computer skills or knowledge beyond being able to move a mouse and left-click on objects, and very basic keyboard skills. However there will be plenty of opportunity to ask for help if they are unsure. 2. There will be tasks set that all candidates will be unfamiliar with. This is the same for everyone and they should not worry about it. The idea is to see how well they deal with new things. 3. In the Maths part of the computerised assessment we will be emphasising that pupils need to use pencil and paper to help work out their answers; please reinforce this for us. For difficult questions this means they will need to spend time working out before giving their answer and moving on. However, they cannot come back to questions later so they have to do their best first time. Further general information about the background to the computer-based assessment (called GetIntu) can be found on the CEM Centre’s website at www.cemcentre.org under CEM Extra then Entrance Tests. The key advice is that there is no specific preparation for these assessments. Pupils with special educational needs Where there are concerns about a pupil’s ability to show his/her cognitive ability because of a known learning difficulty (eg dyslexia) or physical disability (eg broken arm) we can make special arrangements to help, including provision of extra time where possible. Parents are asked to contact Sharon Dickens, Admissions Manager, to discuss what would be appropriate well in advance of the assessments and to provide an up-to-date Educational Psychologists report. Scholarships The Open Scholarship awards are offered following the Entrance Assessment and are dependent upon outstanding results being achieved in all components taken. The number offered and their value will be decided following the marking of the assessment papers. It is assumed that all candidates are competing for the Open Scholarships therefore no special forms need be completed for these awards. The Music Scholarship auditions will take place on Friday, 15th January 2016. The Music Scholarship is offered for children with musical talent hoping to enter Year I. Any parent considering an application for this Scholarship should note that the minimum requirement is Grade 4 standard in either two instruments or one instrument and voice with a recognised Examining Board. A leaflet and an Application Form are enclosed. Bursaries The school is able to award a number of bursaries - up to 100% of fees (plus grants towards uniform) - to able children whose parents are not able to afford full fees, the calculation of which will be based on criteria introduced by the school in October 2008. This should mean that a Grange education is not, in principle, out of reach for anyone who might wish to apply. The number of bursaries is limited and preference will be given to those candidates who show in the view of the school, and through the evidence gathered through the entrance process, that they are best equipped to make the most of the opportunities available at The Grange. Candidates applying for a bursary (and their parents) may be interviewed as part of the admissions process. Please contact the Financial Administrator, Mrs Taylor on 01606 74007 for further details of the bursary scheme, how to apply for it, application forms or assistance with any aspect of the application process. Bursary Applications must be received at the school by Friday, 11th December 2015, at the latest. On the Day Your son or daughter will need to bring a pencil case, containing a pen, pencil, ruler and rubber. They will not need a calculator. They might also like to bring a book to read, just in case they finish one or two of the tests early. Offers of places Results will be posted first class on Friday, 12th February 2016 and offers will need to be accepted, at the latest by Friday, 4th March 2016. If the offer includes a Bursary award, a reply is needed by Thursday, 3rd March 2016 (12 noon).