Observations in Continuity Clinic - Developmental

Site-specific Learning Objectives
The Center for Developing Minds is a specialty clinic that provides care for children and young adults who
struggle at school due to behavioral, social cognitive or developmental variations. The Center provides
neurodevelopmental assessments of a child's strengths and weaknesses within the learning process;
Individualized treatment plans that encompass medical, behavioral and educational accommodations and
therapies; Pharmacotherapy for children with neurodevelopmental and psychological disorders;
Diagnostic assessments of pervasive developmental disorders; and licensed psychological testing.
Resident Role and Expectations: Pediatrics Residents will function as members of the multidisciplinary
team, primarily in an observer role. Direct supervision will be provided in the form of in-room modeling
and demonstration of the assessment process by Dr. Korb (Center for Dev Minds), and direct participation
in follow-up visits for pharmacotherapy with Dr. Korb.
Readings (located at the Children’s Health Council):
1. Caronna E: Autism, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics: A
Handbook for Primary Care, 2nd ed., (2005), pp124-129 Phil: Lippincott
2. Palmer F and Hoon A: Cerebral Palsy, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp145-151
3. Pueschel S: Down Syndrome, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 167-170
4. Carey J: The Dysmorphic Child, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 171-174
5. Morse B and Weiner L: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 191-194
6. Hagerman R: Fragile X Syndrome, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 195-198
7. Coplan J: Language Delays, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 222-226
8. Kastner T and Walsh K: MR: Behavioral problems, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 234-237
9. Coulter DJ: MR: Diagnostic Evaluation, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 238-241
10. Blasco P: Motor Delays, in: Parker S, et al (eds.), pp 242-247
Damon Korb, MD
Alternate contact:
Christina 408-358-1853
F: 408-358-1802
Educational Goals
Experiences at the Center for Developing Minds will enable trainees to:
 Deepen their understanding of the diagnostic process for children with behaviors on the autism
 Become familiar with educational strategies that may be used for children and teens with learning
disabilities or behavioral disorders.
Learning Objectives
Because of participating in the Center for Developing Minds experiences, residents will be able to:
 Outline essential components of a comprehensive assessment for autism spectrum disorders.
 Describe effective strategies or approaches for communicating information about diagnosis and
management to families.
 List educational strategies that may be recommended for children with learning disabilities or
behavioral disorders.
 Compare and contrast diagnostic approaches observed at the DBU Diagnostic Clinic and Center
for Developing Minds.
Stanford School of Medicine
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Training Committee (Rev. 07/28/06)
 Copyrighted document may not be reproduced without permission from the Training Committee
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