Church Fundraising

Hsi-tun Catholic Church, Taichung
No. 240 Ching-hai Road, Sec. 2, Taichung 407
Fund Raising Drive for the new
Hsi-tun Catholic Church
Our current church facilities are sorely inadequate. The
church proper is much too small and parking is a big problem.
Because of this, the Maryknoll Society has been trying for some
years to purchase land in the Hsi-tun area to build a new church.
However, due to exhorbitant land values and difficulty finding a
suitable location, this dream has remained unfulfilled – until now!
In April of 2004, our pastor, Fr. John Nhuan, found a piece of
land in a good location and for an affordable price. The land is
located between the Chungshan Freeway (National Freeway No.
1) and the Taichung-Changhua Expressway (Highway No. 74).
There is convenient access to the freeway, and the new location
is relatively close to the Central Taiwan Science Park. After
considerable prayer to our Lord and through the intercession of
St. Joseph, the land was successfully purchased. The catch was
that this land was agricultural land (in Taiwan, only 10% of
designated agricultural land may be developed by the building of
structures). With this zoning limitation, it would have been
impossible to build a church on the purchased land. Fr. Nhuan
was not deterred. Due to the fervent prayers of our
parishioners to the Lord and to our patron, the Blessed Mother,
a virtual miracle was accomplished! On February 15, 2006 the
governmental authorities completed the paperwork authorizing
the purchased land be designated for use to build a church.
The total projected cost for the new facilities is 49,000,000
NT dollars. The breakdown of costs is as follows:
1. Activity Center . . . . . . . . . . .
(including pastor’s living
2. The church proper . . . . . . . . .
3. Fee for change of . . . . . . . . .
zoning designation
4. Interior furnishings . . . . . . . . .
Over the years, due to the diligent efforts of our parishioners to
raise money and also with help from the Maryknoll Society, we had
sufficient funds to purchase our land. With the successful sale of the
building we currently use, we already have a start on the funding
necessary to build the new facilities. However, we are still short
approximately 30,000,000 NT dollars to pay for the new facilities.
For this reason, we decided to have this fund raising drive. Every
little bit helps and we welcome contributions of all sizes.
Contributions to such a worthy cause for the Kingdom of God will
certainly have it’s ultimate rewards. Let’s do what we can to hasten
the coming of the kingdom through our joint efforts. Those who
contribute 50,000 NT dollars or more will have their name engraved
on a plaque to be mounted on a wall of the new church.
Once the new church is finished, the dream of our parishioners
will finally have come to fruition. In this world with all of its
frustrations and concerns, let us do our part to help build a tabernacle
worthy of our dear Lord. A place that will radiate God’s love to all
who pass through it. A place that can be home for all of our Catholic
brothers and sisters. An oasis in the spirit of the Blessed Mother.
May the peace of the Lord be with you always!
Maryknoll Society Superior, Fr. Peter O’Brien
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church pastor, Rev. John Nhuan, MM
Contributions may be deposited to the following specially
designated account:
Chinfon Bank (慶豐銀行)
Bank ID Code: 825
Bank Branch Code: 007
Account No.: 10-032042-3-00
Account name: (財團法人天主教瑪利諾會)