Topic: Queensland History
This year, QHTA, in conjunction with the
Premier’s Department, is conducting a special competition to celebrate Queensland’s 150 th birthday.
Students in Queensland primary and secondary schools are eligible to enter this competition.
Prizes :
Primary Winner:
$350 winning student
$100 winning school
Secondary Winner:
$350 to winning student
$100 to winning school
Special prize: an extra $100 to the winner if the winning entry relates to indigenous Queensland history
If there are no winning entries relating to indigenous history then the extra $100 will be divided equally between the primary school winner and the secondary school winner.
The entry must be based on Queensland history. Students who include a significant component of Queensland history into a response in a wider context will also qualify. It will be up to the judges to decide what constitutes a significant component.
Entries can be in a written genre or a multimedia response. Please read carefully the requirements for each kind of response further on.
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Each school may submit no more than four entries in each section, primary and secondary.
This means that schools will need to conduct a pre-judging before submitting their chosen entries.
Entries should be posted to:
Michelle Brown,
Albany Creek SHS
PO Box 40,
Albany Creek Q 4035
Please clearly mark the envelope Entries for the 2009 Premier’s Q150 History
All entries must arrive by 18 September
Written genre:
Written responses must be identified as a specific genre, eg essay, letter, newspaper article. They must also be individual responses.
Year 4 and below
Years 5 to 7
Year 8
200 – 400 words
400 – 600 words
500 – 800 words
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
600 – 1000 words
800 – 1200 words
1000 – 1500 words
1200 – 2000 words
A multimedia response should require no more than 5 minutes to view.
May be an individual or group entry (4 people maximum)
A multimedia presentation can be given using
CD or DVD. It may take any format (website,
DVD or PowerPoint for example) but must be submitted in a self-contained manner supported by appropriate software; it must be ready for viewing by the judges. The presentation should reflect your ability to use multimedia as a communication tool that outlines the relevance and significance of your research. The presentation must be an original composition although it may make use of existing multimedia material.
Your presentation should include primary materials, but should also be an original composition. Presentations will be judged by the quality of the historical scholarship they display.
Your entry
May be an individual or group entry
(maximum of four in any one group).
Your entry must be submitted with appropriate software to run the entry.
No time will be spent resolving technical issues.
May be in CD or DVD format.
Must be succinct, a maximum of 5 minutes (primary) and 10 minutes
(secondary) will be spent viewing the entry and its components.
A bibliography must be included.
Entries must be student produced and presented, no external assistance is allowable at any stage of the multimedia presentation's development or display.
Conditions of Entry
All entries must be received by Friday,
18 th September, 2009. Entries received after this date will not be included in the judging.
Entries MUST have a title page attached which includes the following:
The student's name and year level
The question or hypothesis being addressed in the entry
The school's name, address, phone and fax numbers
The name of the student's teacher (for purposes of contact)
The following statement:
“I hereby declare that this submitted entry is the original work of the entrant, to the extent that no more than usual guidance was provided by others.”
This statement must be signed by the student and by the student's teacher, parent or guardian.
Entries submitted will not be returned as the cost of mailing is prohibitive. Copies should be submitted instead of the original. After the judging, winners may be asked to supply their entries on disk or by email.
Judging Sheet
For primary schools, the judging information provided for the National
History Challenge will be applied. These are outlined below.
Is the entry
Historically accurate
Using a range of different sources and information
Using both primary and secondary sources where appropriate
Showing an empathetic understanding of the period
Using the evidence and information to create an effective argument
Does the entry
Clearly relate to the theme in the historical context
Show a personal understanding of and involvement in the theme
Have a clear and logical organisation and structure
Effectively communicates its ideas
Have a bibliography
Entries which exceed or do not meet the stipulated length will not be judged .
For Secondary Schools, the criteria are the same as those for the QHTA Historical writing competition.
The entry must address the stated question.
The entry must deal with appropriate historical facts, concepts and opinions. It should be free from factual errors and unsupported assertions.
There should be considerable evidence of substantial reading about the topic from an appropriately comprehensive range of sources.
At Years 11 and 12 in particular this should include both primary and secondary sources.
The manner of referencing and format of the bibliography must be consistent, accurate and appropriate to the genre.
Critical use of Sources
For Years 11 and 12 entries, the student must use evidence in a manner which displays her/his ability to critically and effectively analyse, interpret and evaluate sources in the process of addressing the stated question . For multimedia entries, where evaluation opportunities may not occur naturally within the production, there must be some other place, such as end notes or appendices, where effective evaluation is evident.
The entry, whether written or multimedia, should be a logical, cohesive and fluently developed response which allows the widely accepted conventions of the chosen genre or uses the various elements of the chosen software effectively . The language which is used must reflect an appropriate level of sophistication and be free from mechanical errors.
Written submission should be word processed where appropriate and should use one and a half spacing or be clear, neat and legible.
Entries which exceed or do not meet the stipulated length will not be judged .