Authorised and published by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Level 1, 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000 ISSN 2204-0498 (Print) ISSN 2204-0501 (Online) © Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2014 No part of this publication may be reproduced except as specified under the Copyright Act 1968 or by permission from the VCAA. For more information go to: The VCAA provides the only official, up-to-date versions of VCAA publications. Details of updates can be found on the VCAA website: This publication may contain copyright material belonging to a third party. Every effort has been made to contact all copyright owners. If you believe that material in this publication is an infringement of your copyright, please email the Copyright Officer: Copyright in materials appearing at any sites linked to this document rests with the copyright owner/s of those materials. The VCAA recommends you refer to copyright statements at linked sites before using such materials. The VCAA logo is a registered trade mark of the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority. This report is printed on Revive Laser Digital; an Australian-made 100 per cent recycled uncoated paper. It is FSC© Certified and National Carbon Offset Standard certified carbon neutral. No bleaching occurs in the recycling process and it is manufactured by an ISO 14001 Certified mill. Sales of Revive support Landcare Australia. September 2014 The Hon. Martin Dixon MP Minister for Education 2 Treasury Place East Melbourne Victoria 3002 Dear Minister I have pleasure in submitting the annual report of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. All reporting is conducted in accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994. Yours sincerely Chris Wardlaw Chair Contents Report of operations – year in review 1 Report of the Chair 1 Report of the Chief Executive Officer 2 Objectives and functions 7 Vision 7 Mission 7 Values 7 Outcomes for learners 7 Outcomes for educators 8 Key achievements 8 Working with the community 9 Early Years and Foundation–10 13 Senior Secondary 17 Future plans and challenges 22 Summary of financial results 22 Report of operations – governance and organisational structure 24 Ministers 24 VCAA Board 24 Senior executives 28 VCAA committees 30 Organisational structure 33 Financial statements 35 Accountable Officers’ and Chief Finance and Accounting Officer’s declaration 35 Comprehensive operating statement for the year ended 30 June 2014 38 Statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014 39 Contents continued Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2014 40 Cashflow statement for the year ended 30 June 2014 41 Notes to the financial statements 43 Appendices 83 Report of operations – year in review Report of the Chair As incoming Chair of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), I am honoured to take this opportunity to highlight some of the Authority’s outstanding achievements in 2013–14. Education is fundamental to the progress of Victoria. The VCAA contributes to that progress through contemporary, high-quality curriculum, assessment and reporting to support educators and learners from the early years through to senior secondary level. The VCAA supports foundational learning and development in a child’s early years. Engaging children and exploring their capabilities at this early stage of their lives is crucial. The VCAA has effective new resources to support professional learning of staff in the Early Childhood sector. They include Assessment Practices in the Early Years, a resource designed to provoke reflection and inform curriculum decisions, and a set of video resources developed in partnership with Early Childhood Australia designed to deepen the focus on children’s learning in the birth-to-three-years period. These resources support understanding of the continuum of learning from birth. The release of the F-10 Curriculum Planning and Reporting Guidelines enables schools greater flexibility to work with their communities to determine how best to report student progress to parents. The launch of the AusVELS Curriculum Planning Resource website assists schools to identify, observe and evaluate how curriculum plans unfold across the their school at various levels. More than 50,000 students are undertaking the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) in 2014. The VCAA is committed to providing a VCE that prepares students for many pathways into a rapidly evolving and international workplace and citizenship. Ensuring our curriculum is contemporary and meets current and emerging needs is a constant requirement. This year, 20 VCE study designs were reviewed and revised by expert panels and five new studies were approved for development. New studies such as the VCE Algorithmics Higher Education Scored Study and the VCE Extended Investigation will further develop students’ deep knowledge and skills in research, problem solving, and digital literacy. The VCAA is also exploring new and sophisticated ways to use technology in teaching, learning and assessment. One successful innovation is the Critical Thinking Test delivered and assessed online in October 2013 for students enrolled in the VCE Extended Investigation pilot program. The VCAA will also offer further recognition of student performance in combining the study of a language, mathematics and English through the award of the VCE (Baccalaureate) for the first time in 2014. The VCE (Baccalaureate) will be complemented by recognition in the Industry Pathways program, which is designed to meet the requirements of industry, preparing students for further vocational learning and for adaptability in their future careers, and will be awarded to eligible students from 2016. Once again the VCAA’s assessment and reporting operations have made an extraordinary effort to release results in a timely manner. In 2013 the annual end-ofyear results release period saw the VCAA deliver 79,910 VCE statements of results, 4642 Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) statements of results and 15,676 VET statements of results to students’ homes. The VCAA’s expertise in testing is recognised and respected throughout Australia. This has resulted in some wonderful examples of cross-state and territory cooperation in the area of assessment over 2013–14. National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests for more than 250,000 Victorian students were administered and assessed in 2014. The VCAA also continued its partnership with Tasmania and Report of operations – year in review 1 marked all Tasmanian 2014 NAPLAN writing tests. The VCAA also renewed the license for its Assessment Online (On Demand) System to the Northern Territory Department of Education and Training in 2014. The success of the VCAA’s curriculum and assessment programs is immediately evident in the many events organised to celebrate student achievement. I was delighted to attend a number of events as part of the VCE Season of Excellence 2014. This celebration of student excellence continues to be a testament to the diversity of creative opportunities available to Victorian students. Similarly the level of innovation and the commitment to achievement demonstrated by VCAL students, teachers and providers recognised at the VCAL Achievement Awards was deeply impressive. I would like to acknowledge the strong leadership of the Minister for Education, the Hon. Martin Dixon MP, and the Departmental Secretary, Mr Richard Bolt, for their support of the VCAA in its contribution to the delivery of quality education across Victoria. I also wish to acknowledge the long and distinguished service of the previous Chair, Professor Adam Shoemaker and, after Adam’s departure, the Acting Chair Debora Punton, and thank them for their professionalism and leadership. My sincerest thanks also go to my fellow VCAA Board members, who carry out their duties with energy and professionalism, and to VCAA Chief Executive Officer, John Firth, who constantly exhibits his passion for education through his leadership of this Authority. Together with his senior managers and staff, John is positioning the VCAA to continue to meet the educational challenges of the future. Chris Wardlaw Chair Report of the Chief Executive Officer Over the 2013–14 reporting period, the VCAA’s continued delivery of high-quality curriculum and assessment programs made an essential contribution to the learning of all Victorian students. We have a large operational core of curriculum and assessment services for the students using our programs every year. At the same time, we seek to continuously improve and innovate. Our commitment to quality and innovation is ensuring that Victoria’s young people experience the best of established and effective educational practice alongside new and exciting initiatives. The VCAA has a long, rich history of curriculum and assessment innovation, and we are building on that foundation as we work to implement our strategic plan. The VCAA is committed to collaboration with other organisations, states, territories and national bodies to ensure that the very best programs and outcomes are delivered across a range of learning areas. The VCAA has made a strong contribution to the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority’s development of the Australian Curriculum in recent years. We have also developed a strong, coherent Foundation–10 curriculum for Victoria that incorporates the Australian Curriculum while retaining Victorian priorities. And, for the very first time, the VCAA has partnered with universities to design an innovative study that goes beyond most current senior secondary computing studies anywhere in the world, VCE Algorithmics (Higher Education Scored Study). The VCAA maintains a high level of expertise in testing and assessment. This applies to both full cohort assessment programs, and in high-quality formative assessment for use in classrooms. The VCAA delivered the NAPLAN to more than 250,000 Victorian 2 Annual Report 2013–14 students and managed its marking together with the Tasmanian NAPLAN writing test. In 2013 the VCAA’s Assessment Online (On Demand) System was licensed to the Northern Territory Department of Education and Training and, after positive feedback, this arrangement is continuing in 2014. As well as collaboration with Australian organisations, universities and governments on curriculum and assessment design and delivery, we continue to engage with the challenge of an increasingly international environment. We draw on international experience as it applies to education in Victoria, and provide greater exposure of our programs to potential partners and students overseas. International recognition of the world-class quality of the Victorian curriculum has led to schools in China, the Middle East, South Africa, Vanuatu and Timor Leste delivering VCAA curriculum and assessment programs. The VCAA Board has endorsed a refreshed strategic plan which commits us to further development of digital delivery and an increasingly international perspective on all of our work. National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy NAPLAN tests were conducted between 13 and 15 May 2014, and staff from across the organisation contributed to their successful delivery to more than 250,000 Victorian students from approximately 2300 schools. The tests were administered by school staff, supported by VCAA training and resources. I take this opportunity to once again thank teachers and principals throughout Victoria for their support in ensuring that the implementation of this national program was successful. The information that we provide to parents, students, schools and systems as a result of the tests is invaluable for the planning and development of improved teaching and learning. As the data accumulates over a number of years, we are able to provide further analysis of strengths and weaknesses, which feed into opportunities for school and system improvement. The data informs priorities for resources development, targeted intervention, and the evaluation of effectiveness of current programs. The NAPLAN Data Service provides schools with high-quality data and reports that are designed to assist individual schools determine their priorities in literacy and numeracy teaching. We are continuing to improve the quality of the reports we provide to schools. Our staff have developed an online resource to increase the capacity of schools to use data to improve performance. Victorian Certificate of Education The VCE continues to be a highly-valued, end-of-school certificate that is accepted internationally as the basis for selection into university study. It provides high-quality curriculum for the overwhelming majority of Victorian Year 12 students. The VCE is offered in China, Vanuatu and Timor Leste by schools working in partnership with Victorian schools. We are continuing to expand the offering of the VCE in China on a sustainable basis. The success of VCE students from China gaining access into university study throughout Australia is testimony to its value. The security and integrity of VCE examinations remains at the top of the VCAA’s priorities. The examinations in November were conducted and marked accurately, securely and in a timely manner. Online marking of VCE examinations continued to grow in 2013. Online marking allows us to use marking staff from throughout the state and is more efficient, timely and accurate. Biology and Business Management examinations were marked online for the first time in 2013. We will be further extending the application of online marking in 2014. Accurate results for all students were reported and distributed on schedule. This achievement requires a substantial effort from staff. Our examination setters, chief assessors, markers and numerous casual staff operate a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week program from October to early December to ensure that students receive their results in Report of operations – year in review 3 mid-December. This provides students with the time to receive feedback, advice and counselling before finalising their tertiary entrance applications. The VCAA continues to innovate within the VCE. Following a successful pilot of the new VCE Extended Investigation in 2013, it has been implemented as a scored VCE study, and 241 students are enrolled in the study for 2014. The VCE Extended Investigation Critical Thinking Test was successfully delivered and assessed online in October 2013. Early indications show that Extended Investigation will be a wellreceived addition to the VCE. Six new VCE studies were approved for development during 2013–14: VCE Algorithmics (Higher Education Scored Study), VCE Bridging English as an Additional Language (EAL), VCE Chinese Language, Culture and Society, VCE Chin Hakha, VCE Karen and VCE Vietnamese First Language. Our commitment to supporting a wideranging program of VCE languages is a major contribution to the fostering of language learning in Victoria. The VCE will now include 49 separate language subjects, the largest number in Australia. The VCAA also commenced a comprehensive review of a large number of VCE studies in 2013–14. They include all of our VCE studies in the areas of English, Mathematics, Science and History. The VCAA continues to provide students with a range of pathways and forms of recognition as they complete senior secondary studies. The VCE (Baccalaureate), which provides additional recognition for students who include a higher level mathematics and a language within their VCE program, was introduced in 2014. The VCAA has also continued developing the Industry Pathways Program to help students gain the right skills and prepare for work in their chosen industry. This program will be available to both VCE and VCAL students in the industries of Building and Construction, Community Services and Health, Manufacturing and Engineering, and Sport and Recreation. It is a two-year program, with the first Industry Pathways to be awarded in 2016. The redesigned Audit of School-based Assessment was successfully implemented in 2013, and the 2014 process has commenced. The streamlined processes have been widely welcomed by schools. The VCAA Review Committee considered nine cases of rule breaking arising from the 2013 end-of-year examinations, with seven students having grades reduced. Of the infringements considered by the Review Committee, three involved students copying from the work of others, and six involved students taking unapproved notes into an examination, of which three cases included using the notes to cheat and obtain an unfair advantage, and two cases included an intention to obtain an unfair advantage. Victorian Certificate of Learning The VCAL provides a vital vocational pathway for senior secondary students. Participation has continued to grow, by both students and providers, and the VCAL is now a well-established and vital component of our senior secondary offerings. The annual VCAL awards ceremony provides an opportunity for sharing many inspiring stories of how students have developed and thrived under the applied learning of VCAL. The VCAL continues to cement partnerships between schools and communities, especially in rural Victoria. We are working to further develop pathways from VCAL into higher-level vocational education and training (VET) studies and, in some cases, vocationally-oriented university study. In 2013, there were 22,853 certificate enrolments with 443 VCAL providers. In 2014, 14 new providers commenced delivery of VCAL. The On Track destination data for 2013 Intermediate and Senior VCAL students indicated that 27.3 per cent of VCAL students continued with further education or training, and 57.4 per cent commenced an apprenticeship, traineeship or employment. This means that 84.7 per cent of VCAL students had a direct pathway to further education, training or work – an outstanding achievement. 4 Annual Report 2013–14 Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework During the reporting period, Victorian early years providers continued the implementation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. This is part of a wide-ranging reform program involving education professionals across the whole of the Early Years. Our particular area of responsibility is to assist providers and our colleagues in the DEECD to understand and use the VEYLDF to enhance early learning. The initial evaluation of the implementation of the VEYLDF confirmed that early childhood professionals value the framework as a vehicle for change. Our work on assessment in this area is of particular significance. In conjunction with university partners, our small unit is involved in pioneering work on assisting early childhood professionals, in learning and development, to identify children’s progress by using a broad range of assessment strategies. It is crucial for early childhood professionals to gather reliable data to inform interventions at an early stage, as strategic intervention at this point can have the greatest effect on a lifelong learning. During the reporting period significant work was undertaken to develop resources that highlight and showcase the importance of learning in the birth-to-three-years period. This included the development of a training manual, Assessment for Learning, to support the shared vision of assessment practice in the early years, to improve efforts of early childhood professional’s impact on outcomes for children. The training manual includes video resources developed in partnership in Early Childhood Australia. The video resource demonstrates that children are active and competent learners from birth, and assists early childhood professionals to enact this image in their work. AusVELS/Australian Curriculum The VCAA has continued its strong contribution to the development of the Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum Steering Committee of the VCAA Board continues to monitor Australian Curriculum developments and to oversee consultation with Victorian stakeholders. I have continued my role as a board member of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority having been nominated by the Minister for Education during 2013–14. Dr David Howes, our Executive Director, Curriculum, is an active member of a number of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority reference groups and working parties. Our senior curriculum staff are all actively involved in development work in their respective learning areas. Our experience with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) provides us with a unique perspective on the general capabilities being developed by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority as part of the Australian Curriculum. The VCAA works closely with sector authorities in the Victorian government, Catholic and independent sectors to ensure that there is a coordinated approach to the development and implementation of the Australian Curriculum in Victoria. The implementation of AusVELS continued throughout the reporting period. AusVELS provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and common achievement standards. It reflects the design of the new Australian Curriculum while retaining Victorian priorities and approaches to teaching and learning. The AusVELS curriculum is a leading example of the effective integration of Australian Curriculum subjects into existing state and territory frameworks. The VCAA provides resources and advice for whole-school curriculum planning and for the curriculum-specific areas. These resources include advice and templates for audit and planning purposes, and annotated samples of student work. In February 2014, the VCAA released the F-10 Curriculum Planning and Reporting Guidelines, providing advice to Victorian schools on the effective use of AusVELS to develop curriculum plans and report student learning achievement. The VCAA also launched the AusVELS Curriculum Planning Resource website in February 2014, providing school leaders with a range of resources to support planning and documenting a comprehensive school-wide curriculum. Report of operations – year in review 5 Reflecting the VCAA’s commitment to providing high-quality curriculum for all students, the VCAA updated the curriculum materials designed for students with a disability in 2014 to align them with the AusVELS curriculum, renaming them Towards Foundation Level AusVELS. New AusVELS Students with Disabilities Guidelines have also been developed. The remaining Australian Curriculum areas are in various stages of development and the VCAA is coordinating Victoria’s participation in this development. A number of our staff are deeply engaged in the writing. The VCAA consults widely on drafts and provides feedback drawn from the views of all stakeholders. The Victorian Minister for Education is ultimately responsible for how Australian Curriculum is implemented in Victoria once it has received endorsement from the Standing Council for School Education and Early Childhood. We are working with DEECD to further develop policy advice for Victorian government schools about the implementation of the second iteration of the AusVELS curriculum incorporating the remaining Australian Curriculum. Board Membership In January 2014, Professor Adam Shoemaker completed his term of service as VCAA Chair. I thank him for his expertise and leadership over the last four years. He has been a passionate advocate for recognition of student achievement, and of our need to be international in outlook and to embrace digital technology more comprehensively in both curriculum and assessment. Board Member Ms Debra Punton served as Acting Chair from February to April 2014, after which Mr Chris Wardlaw was appointed to the position of Chair of the Board for a period of three years. Chris brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role, and his enthusiastic leadership of the Board so far has been exemplary. The members of the Board during the reporting period were Dr Esmerelda Bamblett, Mr Richard Bolt, Ms Suzy Chandler, Professor Adrienne Clarke, Professor Anne Jones, Ms Vicki Miles, Mr Tony Larkin, Mr Peter Moore, Mr Dale Pearce, Mr Russell Pettis, Ms Andrée Poulter, Ms Debra Punton, and Professor Collette Tayler. The Governor-in-Council appointed Mr Russell Pettis, Ms Suzy Chandler, Professor Anne Jones and Ms Andrée Poulter as members of the VCAA. The appointments commenced on 1 July 2013. The Board has taken a strong interest in reviewing and refining its Strategic Plan. The quality of Board input is an essential ingredient in ensuring the quality of our curriculum and assessment, and I thank all Board members for their contributions. Finally, I would like to thank our staff for their continuing commitment to our work. They embody a real sense of shared purpose to improve the learning of all young Victorians. They work with a large team of casual staff, volunteers in our advisory groups and working parties, and stakeholder representatives to ensure that we deliver the highestquality curriculum and assessment. It is a privilege to lead them. John Firth 6 Annual Report 2013–14 Objectives and functions The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) came into operation on 1 March 2001, succeeding the Board of Studies. It was established under the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Act 2000 (repealed) and is continued under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. The VCAA operates within the scope of the functions and powers conferred upon it by Part 2.5 of the Education and Training Reform Act and other relevant legislation. Under the Education and Training Reform Act, the VCAA is responsible for: developing high-quality courses and curriculum and assessment products and services carrying out functions as a body registered under Chapter 4 of the Education and Training Reform Act providing linkages that will facilitate movement between those courses and other courses. Vision A global leader in curriculum and assessment. Mission To provide high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that enable individual lifelong learning. Values The VCAA shares the core values of DEECD: collaboration and knowledge sharing outcomes respect and diversity empowerment. Outcomes for learners Early Years Children build foundational learning and development capabilities. Foundation–10 Students gain a solid breadth of knowledge, skills and personal attributes for selfdevelopment and further study. Senior Secondary Young people are well prepared for adult educational, social, work and civic participation. Report of operations – year in review 7 Outcomes for educators Design and delivery of study programs informed by contemporary teaching and learning principles. Accurate assessments of how well learners are progressing, where improvements are required and which interventions are likely to succeed. Improved knowledge of learning and the capacity to foster learning. Effective support of learners during transitional stages. Key achievements The following major achievements, specific to the VCAA outcomes, occurred during the reporting period. Early Years and Foundation–10 A training manual, Assessment for Learning – Supporting Early Years Networks, was developed to support early years networks. From 2015, this training manual will be used by early childhood consultants to deliver professional learning to multidisciplinary early childhood professionals working in the early years. The professional learning builds on the inquiry research model developed in the Outcomes Project in 2010 and 2011, refined in the Assessment for Learning and Development Project in 2012, and consolidated in the Inquiry to Implement Project in 2014. The training manual includes a specific focus on learning in the birth-to-threeyears period, and includes video resources developed in partnership with Early Childhood Australia. A diverse range of high-quality resources and professional development programs were provided to support the implementation of the AusVELS curriculum in Victorian schools. The VCAA’s On Demand assessment application was successfully used to deliver the Critical Thinking Test as part of the pilot of the VCE Extended Investigation in 2013. Twelve schools completed the examination on 16 October 2013. Following the VCAA’s initial licencing of the On Demand assessment application to the Northern Territory Department of Education and Training in 2013, the licence has been renewed for 2014. The Northern Territory Department of Education and Training has provided positive feedback about the application. Senior Secondary In its Strategic Plan 2013–17, the VCAA committed to: develop, deliver and evaluate high-quality curriculum and senior secondary curriculum programs deliver quality-assured VCE assessment programs expand digital delivery of curriculum documents, testing and marking broaden and strengthen senior secondary programs and pathways. The following achievements have assisted the VCAA to meet these commitments: Revised Study Designs for Dance, Drama, Health and Human Development, Philosophy, and Theatre Studies were implemented in 2014. Twenty VCE studies were in review during 2013–14: Geography, Information Technology (IT Applications and Software Development), English Language, English, English as an Additional Language, Literature, Mathematics (Foundation, Specialist, Further, Methods [CAS] and General), Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, Psychology, and History (Ancient, Early Modern, Revolutions, Twentieth Century and Australian). 8 Annual Report 2013–14 Six VCE studies were approved for development during 2013–14: VCE Algorithmics Higher Education Scored Study, VCE Bridging English as an Additional Language, VCE Chinese Language, Culture and Society, VCE Chin Hakha, VCE Karen, VCE Vietnamese First Language. VCE Chin Hakha has reached the final stage of development and VCAA will submit it to the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority for accreditation for implementation of Units 1 and 2 in 2015. VCE Chin Hakha will be fully implemented to include Units 3 and 4 in 2016. Following a successful pilot of the VCE Extended Investigation in 2013, the study design was refined, approved by the VCAA Board, accredited by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, and implemented as a scored VCE study in 2014. Twenty-one schools have a total of 241 students enrolled in the study. The study is centred on a student’s self-directed investigation of a chosen research question. The assessment structure includes a critical thinking test, and students must present their research findings in a 4000-word written report and present their investigation to a panel. The VCE Extended Investigation Critical Thinking Test was successfully delivered and assessed online in 2013. Additional forms of recognition have been integrated into the VCE. These include the VCE (Baccalaureate) and the Industry Pathways programs. The Industry Pathways programs have been developed in consultation with industry and will be available within the VCE and the VCAL. Each Industry Pathway is designed to meet the requirements of the industry and prepare students seeking vocations within that industry. Industry Pathways are available in: Building and Construction, Community Services and Health, Manufacturing and Engineering, and Sport and Recreation. The annual audit of school-based assessment was successfully completed in 2013, and the 2014 process has commenced. VCE Vocational Education and Training (VET) Building and Construction, Hospitality, Small Business and CISCO were redeveloped during 2013 for implementation in 2014. Continuous improvement of training packages saw changes made to nine additional VCE VET programs due to updates of units or changes to packaging rules. The VCAA provided information and advice to international education authorities regarding the inclusion of vocational education within Senior Secondary certificates of education. The VCAA participated in the Victorian Government Super Trade Mission to India, which sought to establish relationships between the Victorian and Indian VET sectors. VCAL enrolments have grown from 546 in 2002 to 22,853 in 2013, with a total of 443 providers comprising government, Catholic and independent schools, TAFE institutes, and adult and community education organisations. The VCAL Work Related Skills units were reviewed in 2013, endorsed by the VCAA Board, and reaccredited by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority for implementation in 2014. The following professional development opportunities were provided to support VCAL providers: ‒ four VCAL Showcase events, in association with the Catholic Education Office Melbourne, that focused on best-practice VCAL programs and initiatives ‒ the VCAL Induction 2013 workshop for new VCAL providers and teachers ‒ the Victorian Applied Learning Association annual applied learning conference and induction workshop, presented with support from the VCAA ‒ twelve VET/VCAL statewide briefings. Working with the community The VCAA ensures that the diverse nature of Australian society is reflected in all aspects of its operations. It has a strong commitment to the principles set out in Report of operations – year in review 9 Victoria’s Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Policy, Victoria’s Advantage – Unity, Diversity, Opportunity. This policy sets a framework for strengthening multiculturalism across the state, stressing the need for partnerships, harmonious community relations, advocacy and responsive services. The VCAA is committed to valuing, respecting and meeting the needs of Victoria’s culturally- and linguistically-diverse communities, as well as those of women, young people and Aboriginal people. Cultural and linguistic diversity Culturally-responsive programs developed by the VCAA ensure that respect and appreciation for cultural and linguistic diversity are a normal part of all curriculum and assessment policies, programs and procedures. The VCAA supports the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Policy through its interaction with schools and within its own administrative structures and procedures. In 2013–14, the VCAA: offered 45 languages at VCE level for Victorian students provided Foundation–10 standards as part of the AusVELS curriculum for six categories of languages, including Australian Sign Language (Auslan), the language of the Australian deaf community contributed to the Victorian Government’s plan for the implementation of its languages policy, The Victorian Government’s Vision for Languages Education 2013– 2025 undertook, for the second year, the national coordination of the Australia-wide Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages Project, preparing national examinations for 27 small-candidature community languages conducted workshops to support teachers of Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework languages in the development of their languages programs Devised a new VCE Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework study design for Chin Hakha prepared a series of responses to Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Languages curriculum documents in consultation with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Catholic Education Commission Victoria and Independent Schools Victoria conducted validation workshops with expert Victorian teachers on the draft Foundation–10 Australian Curriculum: Languages for Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Modern Greek, Spanish and Vietnamese provided information for parents on the VCAA website about the VCE, the VCAL and the AusVELS curriculum in 24 community languages supported Victorian schools wishing to offer VET Certificate II courses in Chinese, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian and Japanese at Years 9 and 10 conducted seminars and workshops on VCE languages and on strategies for teaching and assessing languages as part of AusVELS, the VCE auditing process, introduction for teachers new to VCE languages, and approaches to teaching the intercultural understanding capability provided a professional development program on course writing for VCE language studies for teachers and principals from 50 community-based, single-study providers provided access to VCE courses and assessment in English as an Additional Language for students from non-English-speaking backgrounds presented the keynote address and several sessions at the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria annual conference, Chinese Language Teachers’ Association forum, the Victorian Indonesian Language Teachers’ Association annual 10 Annual Report 2013–14 conference, Japanese Language Teachers’ statewide conference, Australian Catholic University trainee teachers’ forum, the French Teachers’ Association conference and several Victorian School of Languages professional learning programs. Koorie people The VCAA supported schools in the use of new curriculum materials for the teaching of Koorie languages. The development of these materials was funded by the Victorian Government’s Broadband-enabled Innovation Program and aimed to assist schools to use Web 2.0 technologies to implement the VELS Aboriginal Languages curriculum documents. These materials include protocols for teaching Koorie languages, cultures and language reclamation in Victorian schools, and generic standards for Koorie languages. Strong, ongoing support has been provided for this project by the Koorie community. Koorie language programs have now been implemented at Bright Secondary College, Chaffey Secondary College, Healesville High School, Heywood and District Secondary College, Mildura Primary School, Swan Hill Primary School and Thornbury Primary School. These schools are using the VCAA interactive website and materials developed for the Broadband-enabled Innovation Program project. The VCAA continued to offer professional learning workshops and curriculum resources support to schools that are teaching, or planning to teach, the VCE Indigenous Languages study, Indigenous Languages of Victoria: Revival and Reclamation. The VCAA participates in a working group set up by the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc to promote the teaching of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and languages in Victorian schools. Part of this work is a project to establish cultural hubs in several Victorian schools. These will be Centres for Cultural Learning, which will provide learning spaces for classes on Aboriginal cultures, history and perspectives and will house a range of Koorie community resources. The VCAA provided feedback on the draft Australian Curriculum Framework for Aboriginal Languages and Torres Strait Islander Languages. Women The VCAA is committed to the promotion of gender equality, both in its communication with schools and within its own workforce. In developing educational programs that remain fair and accessible to all, the VCAA assures a commitment to equity and diversity at all times. Youth The VCAA continued to provide advice and support for young people to help them make informed choices about pathways that will direct them into work and further study. This support included the provision of a wide range of study options in the postcompulsory years of schooling. The VCAA also supports young people by providing a telephone and email inquiry service, a range of publications offering advice on post-compulsory study options, faceto-face advice to students at education expos and a post-VCE and VCAL results call centre service in collaboration with the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre. The VCAA celebrates and promotes young people’s achievements in several ways: The VCE Season of Excellence is an annual festival that presents a representative sample of exemplary work by VCE students from the previous year. Works in design, technology, media and the visual arts are presented in two exhibitions: Top Arts and Top Designs. Short films are shown at Top Screen. The performing arts are showcased in the Top Class concert series with a final event, Top Acts, selected from these concerts. VCE Season of Excellence events are complemented by associated education programs, publications and online content Report of operations – year in review 11 The VCE Leadership Awards recognise the efforts of VCE students in promoting leadership and participation in their local school and wider community. The awards celebrate students who demonstrate initiative, inspire others, work well in a team and are committed to making a difference The VCAL Achievement Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of young people who participate in the VCAL, as well as the contributions and achievements of VCAL teachers and partner organisations in the development and delivery of innovative VCAL programs The Plain English Speaking Award provides an excellent opportunity for students to build self-confidence and extend their skills in oral communication, speech-writing and research. The VCAA coordinates the Victorian section of this national public speaking competition and the state winner attends the national final each year The Margaret Schofield Memorial scholarships are coordinated by the VCAA on behalf of the Margaret Schofield Memorial Trust. There are two scholarships available to VCE students: the Music Performance Scholarship is awarded to government school students who have studied VCE Music Performance or Music Investigation as soloists. The Music Composition Scholarship is awarded to government school students who have studied VCE Style and Composition, VCE Music Investigation or VCE Music Performance. The recipients are students who have been accepted into a tertiary course in music and are committed to a career in music performance. People with a disability The VCAA continued to implement the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Disability Action Plan, and to review and refine its processes to meet the needs of people with a disability. Each division has contributed to the action plan, which is aimed at improving outcomes for people with a disability in relation to accessible curriculum, assessment, consultation, information and communication, employment, physical access to facilities, and awareness among staff. Special arrangements are made each year to ensure equitable access for all students undertaking examinations, including checking the accessibility of rooms within examination venues, allowing time for students to enter and leave rooms, and permitting support people and Auslan interpreters to be present during examinations. Work was undertaken at the VCAA offices to improve accessibility and safety for VCAA staff. The 2014 VCE Season of Excellence included events and information designed to improve accessibility for people with a disability, their carers and families. Season of Excellence staff conducted audio tours at Top Designs at Melbourne Museum and Top Arts at the National Gallery of Victoria. Auslan interpreters were available at the Top Acts concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre. Appropriate seating facilities for people with vision impairment and those in wheelchairs were provided at Top Class and Top Acts. Details about accessibility at all Season of Excellence event venues were posted on the Season of Excellence web pages, and events were promoted through disability organisation websites. International programs The VCAA international program promotes partnerships between Victorian and overseas education providers and brings significant benefits to participating students, schools and staff. More than 2900 students participated in offshore VCAA curriculum and assessment programs offered by 23 providers worldwide in 2013. The VCAA granted licences to five new VCE providers in China while, in September 2013, the Multinational School became the first licensed VCAA provider in Bahrain. The school will deliver the Victorian Foundation–10 Curriculum to a broad range of Bahraini and international students. 12 Annual Report 2013–14 A new VCAA international web presence was launched in early 2014, with content in both English and Chinese. This will provide a valuable resource to support and broaden awareness of the VCAA’s international activities. The VCAA continues to works closely with Victorian schools, tertiary providers and other government departments to promote and develop key policy frameworks for the delivery and expansion of school-sector education internationally. Early Years and Foundation–10 Early Years The Early Years Unit manages the implementation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework is aligned with the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia and links to the AusVELS curriculum in the early years of school. Achievements The Inquiry to Implementation Project, a key Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework initiative, was established in nine early-years networks across the four Department of Education and Early Childhood Development regions, from February to October 2013. The Inquiry to Implementation Project built on the evidence and design for professional learning that was developed in the Outcomes Project 2010–11 and refined in the Assessment for Learning and Development Project in 2012. A total of 132 early childhood professionals from a range of services participated in the project, which provided training focussing on early years assessment practice and used a practitioner-inquiry research model. The project operated as a collaborative partnership between researchers from the University of Melbourne and Community Child Care, policy makers from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the VCAA, and multidisciplinary early years practitioners. In 2013, the VCAA commissioned Monash University to review and evaluate the Inquiry to Implementation Project and the final report is available on the VCAA website. This report identified a Relational Agency Framework developed from an analysis of project data. The Relational Agency Framework accommodates early years multidiscipline practitioner experiences within the professional learning and accounts for the documented changes in professional identity, responsive relationships and assessment practice. This report identified a Regional Agency Framework developed from the analysis of the project data. This framework builds on the international research on the effectiveness of multidisciplinary networks and focusses on the context in Victoria. The report further informs the development of VCAA assessment resources to support early years multidisciplinary practice in early years networks. Development of a web-based resource; Supporting English as an Additional Language – Transition to School, commenced in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and Dr Priscilla Clarke, OAM. The resource links assessment in the early years with school curriculum support documents. It will assist early childhood professionals and teachers in schools develop a shared understanding of the capabilities of children learning English as an additional language and to develop practices that support a continuum of learning. An Assessment Practices in the Early Years resource has been developed and published on the VCAA website. It provides support for early childhood professionals in: ‒ ongoing engagement with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, associated frameworks and assessment resources Report of operations – year in review 13 ‒ professional conversations about children’s learning and development with children, with families and with other early childhood professionals ‒ reflective practice, evaluation and review of practices, beliefs and ideas about assessment for learning and development with colleagues, tertiary students and early childhood professionals. Foundation–10 curriculum The VCAA develops curriculum for the Foundation–10 years of schooling, as well as a range of curriculum and assessment support materials to assist teachers implement their teaching, learning and assessment programs. The VCAA also provides timely and high-quality advice to its stakeholders about implementing curriculum and developing teaching and learning programs. AusVELS AusVELS is the Foundation–10 curriculum for Victorian government and Catholic schools. The implementation of AusVELS, which incorporates four Australian Curriculum subjects – English, Mathematics, History and Science – began in 2013 and continued in 2014. AusVELS prescribes a single, coherent and comprehensive set of content and common achievement standards which schools use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents. AusVELS uses an 11-level structure to reflect the design of the new Australian Curriculum while retaining Victorian priorities and approaches to teaching and learning. It is a leading example of the effective integration of Australian Curriculum subjects into an existing state and territory curriculum framework. The VCAA’s dedicated AusVELS website,, provides the curriculum, including an overview for each learning domain and the content and achievement standards. The VCAA website,, provides additional Foundation–10 curriculum advice and support, including audit and planning templates, progression point examples, and information about professional development opportunities for teachers. Achievements The AusVELS curriculum website continues to attract high usage, with more than 214,000 users and more than 3 million page views. Twenty-five per cent of the users of the site in 2013–14 were new. The VCAA released the F–10 Curriculum Planning and Reporting Guidelines in February 2014. They provide advice to Victorian schools on the effective use of AusVELS to develop curriculum plans and report student learning achievement. The guidelines set out an approach to curriculum delivery based on learning as a continuum. The guidelines also provide flexibility for schools to specialise in specific curriculum areas and to develop teaching and learning programs for students. Under the new guidelines, schools will be able to work with their local communities to determine how best to report student learning to parents. The VCAA launched the AusVELS Curriculum Planning Resource website in February 2014. It offers school leaders a range of resources to support planning and documenting a comprehensive school-wide curriculum. It includes a self-assessment tool and a suite of curriculum planning examples for both primary and secondary schools. Since its launch, it has had 16,000 unique visitors and 85,000 page views, and usage statistics show that users are finding what they need and spending time on the site indicating they are engaging with the material. The curriculum materials designed for students with a disability, previously known as Towards Level 1 of the VELS, were updated to align with the AusVELS curriculum and retitled Towards Foundation Level AusVELS. For English, Mathematics, Science and History, curriculum levels A to D for students with a disability have been 14 Annual Report 2013–14 integrated directly into the AusVELS curriculum. New AusVELS Students with Disabilities Guidelines have also been developed to reflect the updated curriculum. They provide advice for school leaders and teachers to support the delivery of highquality curriculum for all students, with a focus on students with a disability. An extensive professional development program was delivered in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to familiarise government school leadership teams with the Foundation–10 curriculum planning and reporting guidelines. It involved 16 sessions for the first three of the four regions and reached approximately 1000 school leaders. The VCAA has facilitated online professional learning sessions for more than 500 teachers and leaders from Catholic, Government and independent schools about the implementation of AusVELS and whole-school curriculum planning in Victoria. Feedback from participants was positive and information was gathered about future professional development needs. The VCAA facilitated a large number of curriculum domain-specific AusVELS professional development sessions for school networks, tertiary institutions, subject associations, at education conferences and for other stakeholders. Resources to support the implementation of AusVELS were developed and published on the VCAA website, including: ‒ Navigating AusVELS, an electronically-navigable document designed to assist teachers to identify clearly the location of achievement standards within each learning domain. ‒ sample information for schools to communicate with parents about the implementation of AusVELS. The online AusVELS Update has nearly 4000 subscribers. Foundation–10 assessment NAPLAN 2013 The VCAA reported the results of NAPLAN 2013 to schools and parents on schedule in September 2013. Student results were referenced to the national achievement scale, which consists of ten bands. Each year level was reported against a range of six bands where the higher the band, the greater the complexity of the skills assessed: Year 3: Bands 1–6 Year 5: Bands 3–8 Year 7: Bands 4–9 Year 9: Bands 5–10. Parents of each child who undertook the NAPLAN 2013 tests were issued with a report that showed their child’s achievement in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Individual results were referenced to the national average and to the middle 60 per cent of all students who completed the test. The NAPLAN reports to parents included an interpretation of results to assist them in reading the report, described the content of each test, and provided a summary of the typical skills and knowledge assessed at each band for each subject area. One of the achievement bands for each year level is identified as the National Minimum Standard for that year level. The National Minimum Standard represents a wide range of the typical skills demonstrated by students at this level. Students with results in the band representing the National Minimum Standard typically demonstrate the basic elements of literacy and numeracy for that year level. These skills are published on the National Assessment Program website for each learning domain and for each year level. Report of operations – year in review 15 Table 1 – Relationship between year levels and the National Minimum Standard Year level Below NMS At NMS Above NMS Year 3 Band 1 Band 2 Bands 3–6 Year 5 Band 3 Band 4 Bands 5–8 Year 7 Band 4 Band 5 Bands 6–9 Year 9 Band 5 Band 6 Bands 7–10 NAPLAN 2014 The VCAA implemented the NAPLAN 2014 in Victoria in May 2014. More than 250,000 Victorian students from Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 undertook language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation), writing, reading and numeracy tests within the testing period. The tests were developed under the project management of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. A variety of item development contractors were responsible for the production of test items. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority coordinated development of the tests in consultation with the VCAA and the other state and territory test administration authorities, the Commonwealth Government, and non-government school representatives. An independent Measurement Advisory Group of experts in educational measurement and assessment provided advice on the quality of the tests and integrity of the data, and guided the methodologies applied in constructing and reporting on the tests. To ensure the validity of NAPLAN testing, all test items were trialled with a sample group of students across Australia. Results from the trials were used to select the items that were included in the final tests. To ensure that NAPLAN results can be reported on the same assessment scales from year to year, each year in the weeks prior to NAPLAN tests, a common ‘personequating study’ is conducted with a representative sample of Australian schools for all tests except writing. For the equating of writing, a pairwise comparison is conducted during the marking of the tests. This process takes place in all jurisdictions and involves markers comparing the relative quality of pairs of scripts from the current and previous year. This comparison ensures that different writing test prompts do not affect student results from year to year. The VCAA was responsible for marking Tasmanian NAPLAN writing tests (approximately 25,000 tests) as well as Victorian tests (approximately 250,000 tests). The marking of spelling and written-answer numeracy and reading questions was undertaken by trained assessors employed by the VCAA’s NAPLAN contractor, Pearson’s Assessment and Training. In addition to VCAA staff, the training session for markers of the written-answer reading questions was attended by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority NAPLAN Reading Project Manager and educational representatives from New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia. Marking of all written-answer items was completed by mid-June 2014. Achievements NAPLAN 2013 parent reports for Victorian students of approximately 2300 schools were delivered on schedule and on budget. NAPLAN 2013 school reports were delivered on schedule via the secure NAPLAN Data Service and were supported with professional development workshops for teachers, principals and curriculum leaders at multiple locations across Victoria. 16 Annual Report 2013–14 Tests for more than 250,000 Victorian students were delivered to, administered by and returned from more than 2300 schools during the NAPLAN 2014 testing period, within budget and on schedule. On Demand On Demand is an online application that provides tests linked to the AusVELS. Both general ability tests and learning-domain-specific assessments are provided. Teachers can administer On Demand tests for a single student or an entire class. The application provides both linear and computer-adaptive tests, where adaptive tests automatically adapt to the ability of the student sitting them, Tests are available in English and Mathematics. On Demand is widely used in Victorian schools for: assessing the ability levels of new-intake or late-arrival students identifying strengths and weaknesses of individual students corroborating teacher judgments of students’ abilities assisting in the planning of teaching programs assisting in curriculum planning longitudinal analysis of student achievement. Achievements The On Demand application was successfully used to deliver the Critical Thinking Test as part of the pilot of the VCE Extended Investigation in 2013. Twelve schools completed the examination on 16 October 2014. A technical review of the On Demand application was completed, and work commenced in 2014 to upgrade core elements of the application to ensure it remains functional and supportable into the future. Senior Secondary The VCAA has responsibility for both the VCE and the VCAL. The VCAA develops high-quality curriculum and assessments, teacher support materials and related professional development activities to support the delivery of the two certificates. The VCAA is also responsible for developing and maintaining the recognition arrangements for vocational education and training within the VCE and the VCAL. Senior Secondary curriculum VCE The VCAA supports the delivery of the VCE curriculum by providing advice and resources to teachers, including a wide range of VCAA curriculum materials and resources on the VCAA website. Implementation sessions are held across the state annually to accompany the introduction of revised VCE studies. The VCE curriculum is subject to rigorous quality-assurance processes through annual monitoring and cyclical evaluation and reaccreditation to ensure that the highest-quality curriculum is available to all Victorian students. The VCE covers a broad range of studies: more than 130 study options are available at Year 12 level, including 45 languages, 21 VCE VET programs and 13 school-based apprenticeships and traineeships. VCE VET programs are fully integrated with the VCE and provide students with credit in the VCE and credit for national training qualifications issued within the Australian Qualifications Framework. Report of operations – year in review 17 VCAL There are three VCAL levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Senior. Students start at the VCAL level that matches their needs and abilities. A VCAL student’s learning program must comprise four compulsory curriculum strands: literacy and numeracy skills work-related skills industry-specific skills personal development skills. Themed VCAL programs are also available. They are intended to provide a learning program focus linked to skill-shortage areas in the labour market or to job opportunities. The programs assist students to choose future education, training or employment pathways such as apprenticeships, VET qualifications or employment. Students who have completed the Senior VCAL or the VCE are able to enrol in VCAL Senior Extension (Folio Enhancement). The VCAL Senior Extension is designed as a further year of study to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in areas where a folio is required for entry to higher education or employment, such as in the visual arts, design, photography or music. VET VET programs allow students to combine general and vocational studies with Senior Secondary education. Students are also provided with pathways into training, further education and employment, and direct experience in business and industry. Students undertaking vocational education and training through either the VCE or the VCAL are able to include nationally-recognised vocational education and training in their study program. In Victoria, the term ‘VCE VET’ has been adopted to describe the formalised arrangements under which VET certificates have been incorporated in the VCE. Most students undertaking vocational education and training as part of their VCE or VCAL are enrolled in VCE VET programs. The VCAA develops VCE VET programs from national training package VET qualifications or nationally-recognised curriculum that can form part of a VCE or VCAL certificate. Students are able to select from a suite of vocational certificates approved by the VCAA for inclusion in the VCE or the VCAL. Students may enrol in a VET certificate undertaken as a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship program in a range of industry areas promoted by industry stakeholders. Students undertaking other VET training at or above Certificate II level are eligible for block credit recognition which provides broader pathways for VCE students because they are given access to a range of VET programs and the opportunity to tailor their studies to local industry requirements and training opportunities. It enables greater student uptake of school-based apprenticeships and traineeships in a wider range of industries. Through both the industry and the work-related skills strands of the VCAL, students are able to gain credit for vocational education and training undertaken in any industry or training setting. VET in Schools enrolments In 2013, a total of 49,436 students were enrolled in VET with 611 providers. This resulted in 68,463 certificate enrolments 1 across a range of industries, including 3,787 enrolments in school-based or part-time apprenticeships or traineeships. The numbers of students enrolled in VET has grown steadily since the program was established. Enrolments in 2014 remained steady. ‘Certificate enrolments’ counts the number of enrolments rather than the number of students; students may be enrolled in more than one certificate. 1 18 Annual Report 2013–14 Achievements During February and March 2014, four VCE briefings for school leaders were conducted across regional and metropolitan Victoria, covering curriculum updates, enrolments, school assessment, examination conduct and administration, special provision, and statistical moderation. The briefings were attended by 175 participants from 101 schools. Two online Collaborate briefings for school leaders were also conducted with 85 participants. Teachers new to the responsibility of managing VCE programs indicated they found the sessions invaluable in providing an overview of the cycle from enrolments through to study score calculation. Following directions from expert reference groups and the results of statewide public consultation about the scope and focus for the review of the learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, and History, VCE review panels were formally convened and began an 18-month review process in 2013 and 2014. VCE Geography and Information Technology study designs are also being reviewed in 2013 and 2014. Following public responses to the consultation paper Strengthening Pathways in Senior Secondary Qualifications, the VCE (Baccalaureate) was introduced as a VCE pathway. The Industry Pathways Programs became available within the VCE or the VCAL. The VCE Extended Investigation was successfully piloted in 11 schools during 2013. The study is being implemented as a scored VCE study in 2014, with 241 enrolments from 21 metropolitan and regional schools. Induction and training days were conducted for staff of these schools. A half-day information session was conducted for staff of schools that had expressed interest in offering the study in 2015. Eightysix attendees from 41 schools attended the session. A review of the assessment regime for school-assessed tasks in seven VCE studies was conducted, and resulted in the marking scale being broadened and performance level descriptions being restructured into rubric format. The annual training days for teachers of the visual arts and technologies studies that include school-assessed tasks were conducted, with very good attendance rates and feedback. Sessions were also conducted via online Collaborate for teachers unable to attend the training days at the Coburg Assessment Centre. The program for Higher Education Studies in the VCE continued to grow, with eight universities offering eligible VCE students a broad range of first-year undergraduate studies approved by the VCAA Board. The 2013 Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Achievement Awards recognises the outstanding achievements of young people who participated in the VCAL in 2013. The awards also recognise the contribution and achievement of VCAL teachers and partner organisations that have contributed to the development and delivery of innovative VCAL programs. This year, the VCAL awards celebrated the outstanding achievements of 37 students, five teachers and seven partner organisations. The Chair’s Award was presented to two recipients for their contribution to the promotion and development of the VCAL in their community. Twelve new providers – five independent and seven government schools – were authorised to deliver the VCAL for the first time in 2014. The VCE VET programs Building and Construction, Hospitality, Small Business and CISCO were redeveloped during 2013 for implementation in 2014. Continuous improvement of training packages saw changes made to nine additional VCE VET programs due to updates of units of competency, new coding or changes to qualification packaging rules. The VCAA provided: ‒ statewide briefings on new developments in VCE VET programs and the VET sector as they related to VCE and VCAL students, to approximately 650 VET coordinators, VCAL coordinators, teachers, Local Learning and Employment Networks, and registered training organisations in 13 locations during November 2013 Report of operations – year in review 19 ‒ professional development seminars in partnership with subject associations, registered training organisations and government departments for VCE VET Hospitality, Information Technology, Sport and Recreation, Health, Music Dance and Business programs ‒ workshops for teachers and trainers from schools and registered training organisations engaged in the delivery of scored VCE VET programs ‒ assistance to Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Independent Schools Victoria and the Catholic Education Commission Victoria in relation to VET in VCE and the VCAL ‒ feedback regarding Vocational Training in Senior Secondary certificates as part of the review initiated by Department of Education and Early Childhood Development ‒ support for the Designing an effective 21st Century CTE (Career and Technical Education) /VET System project initiated by the Asia Society Global Cities Education Network. Delegates from eight international cities visited Melbourne to examine and learn from our VET in Schools model ‒ advice to Industry Skills Councils on the structure and content of qualifications appropriate for students undertaking a senior secondary certificate ‒ support to the Australasian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities VET group and the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority itself in gathering data and reporting of VET activity by students undertaking Senior Secondary certificates. High-quality materials were developed to support the implementation of training packages and scored assessment in VCE VET programs. The VCAA: ‒ continued participation in teacher and trainer networks led by Curriculum Maintenance Managers and other industry organisations ‒ participated in all stages of planning and development with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority on the Work Studies curriculum at Year 9 and Year 10 ‒ continued work on the National Trade Cadetship at Year 11 and Year 12. Senior Secondary assessment Victorian Certificate of Education During the October/November 2013 examination period, 109 written examinations from 106 VCE studies – including the Auslan examination and those provided by CCAFL – were conducted over 18 days. Further Mathematics, Specialist Mathematics and Mathematical Methods CAS each had two written examinations in November. All student examinations were processed and assessed and examination scores finalised over a period of 54 days. VCE graded assessment and study scores 2013 Graded assessment comprises School-assessed Coursework or School-assessed Tasks and external examinations. In 2013, there were 781,484 graded assessments. The median grade awarded was B and 57.9 per cent of grades were B or higher. 20 Annual Report 2013–14 Table 2 – Study scores 2008–2013 2008 Number of study scores issued 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 259,687 258,184 262,936 260,978 259,007 257,940 Students with at least one study score 75,541 76,208 77,017 76,699 76,493 76,325 Students with at least one study score of 40+ 14,597 14,650 14,947 14,737 14,610 14,657 Students with at least one study score of 50 625 604 637 624 643 659 Number of study scores of 50 687 684 695 693 706 721 VCE VET programs In 2013, 21 VCE VET programs across 13 broad industry areas comprising 31 distinct qualifications were available. Thirteen VCE VET programs provided students with the option of undertaking scored assessment of designated Units 3 and 4 sequences. Scored assessment was available in the following VCE VET programs: Business, Community Services, Dance, Engineering Studies, Equine Industry, Furnishing, Hospitality, Information Technology, Integrated Technologies, Interactive Digital Media, Laboratory Skills, Music Industry, and Sport and Recreation. The study score for a VCE VET program is calculated through assessments on a set of coursework tasks and an examination at the end of the year. The score allows students to use their VCE VET programs for direct contribution to their ATAR. VCAL The VCAL is available to students in Years 11 and 12. It provides a Senior Secondary credential through which participating students can receive recognition for their achievements in programs that have traditionally not provided credit within a formal qualification. This can include recognition of learning that occurs in structured workplace settings, locally developed programs, community projects and youth development programs. Achievements During the reporting period, the VCAA: recorded: ‒ 50,014 VCE completions ‒ 12,623 VCAL certificate completions ‒ 475 students who had successfully completed at least one unit of a Higher Education study delivered to students’ homes: ‒ 79,910 VCE statements of results ‒ 78,983 General Achievement Test statements ‒ 4,642 VCAL statements of results ‒ 15,676 VET statements of results ‒ 293 statements of Equivalent Qualification delivered to students through their school: ‒ 66,624 VCE statements of results ‒ 16,263 VCAL statements of results ‒ 31,201 VET statements of results Report of operations – year in review 21 delivered: ‒ 640 General Achievement Test statements to overseas students (Crawford Schools) ‒ 341 certificates and 374 statements of results to overseas VCE providers provided the VCAA and Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre joint information service for students, whereby: ‒ 27,961 students accessed their results by SMS ‒ 53,616 students accessed their results online and 13,455 students accessed their online results via their mobile phones ‒ 7,797 students accessed their results using both the SMS and web services. Future plans and challenges The following are planned for 2014–15: Establishment of an Assessment for Learning and Development Project advisory committee with the researchers who developed and delivered professional learning with the VCAA from 2010 to 2013. The committee will oversee the first round of external multidisciplinary early years professional learning which is to be delivered in networks by early years consultants Preparation for implementation of the Industry Pathways Programs and VCE Specialist programs as options within the VCE Statewide briefings, in preparation for implementation from 2016, for VCE Geography, Information Technology (IT Applications and Software Development), English Language, English, English as an Additional Language, Bridging English as an Additional Language, Literature, Mathematics (Foundation, Specialist, Further, Methods [CAS] and General), Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, Psychology, and History (Ancient, Early Modern, Revolutions, Twentieth Century and Australian), Chin Hakha, Algorithmics Development of two new VCE language studies: Karen and Vietnamese First Language Review and redevelopment of approximately 12 VCE studies. Summary of financial results The table below provides a summary of financial information for 2013–14 and comparison with previous years. In 2013–14, income totalled $51.6 million, compared with $52.4 million in 2012–13. This was due to a reduction in Other Income of $1.3 million, but offset by an increase in government appropriations of $0.5 million. Expenditure for 2013–14 was relatively stable, increasing by $0.9 million to $53.6 million from $52.7 million in the previous financial year. This was due to increases in supplies and services of $1.8 million, but offset by reductions in employee expenses of $0.7 million and depreciation and amortisation charges of $0.2 million. The VCAA recorded a net deficit of $2.0 million in 2013–14 compared with a deficit of $0.4 million in 2012–13. Total assets decreased in 2013–14 by $1.6 million, primarily due to reduced cash and cash equivalents of $1.4 million during 2013-14 to $8.5 million. Total Liabilities increased $0.5 million due to an increase in payables at year end. 22 Annual Report 2013–14 Five-year financial summary 2013–14 $,000 2012–13 $,000 2011–12 $,000 2010–11 $,000 2009–10 $,000 43,177 42,643 43,221 51,479 42,820 8,380 9,703 7,554 7,270 8,518 Total Income from transactions 51,557 52,346 50,775 58,749 51,338 Total expenses from transactions 53,633 52,697 55,600 55,845 51,189 Net result from transactions (2,077) (351) (4,825) 2,904 149 Net result for the period (2,088) (351) (4,825) 2,936 158 (203) 5,362 (896) Government appropriations Other Income Net cash flows from operations Cash and cash equivalent Total assets Total liabilities Report of operations – year in review (453) 881 8,490 9,896 9,460 10,533 6,533 11,701 13,270 13,950 17,762 15,454 6,022 5,503 5,831 4,820 5,447 23 Report of operations – governance and organisational structure Ministers The VCAA is primarily accountable to the Minister for Education. It is also responsible to the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development and the Minister for Higher Education and Skills in relation to sections of Part 2.5 of the Education and Training Reform Act. VCAA Board Professor Adam Shoemaker Chair 1 July 2013–31 January 2014 Professor Adam Shoemaker was Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Education) at Monash University, with responsibility for the quality, range and impact of all of the university’s coursework programs, innovation in digital education and international learning, Indigenous student access and support, and the university libraries. A former Commonwealth Scholar, Professor Shoemaker is one of Australia’s leading researchers in the area of Indigenous literature and culture. He is widely published in the areas of international education, race relations and cultural studies. Mr Chris Wardlaw, PSM, BEc (Hons), DipEd, Chair from 29 April 2014–present Mr Chris Wardlaw held Deputy Secretary positions in education in Hong Kong (2002– 08) and Victoria (2009–13) before retiring. In the Hong Kong Government, Mr Wardlaw was responsible for curriculum, assessment and quality assurance for pre-primary, basic education and senior secondary education, and in Victoria for strategy and review across the portfolio. Prior to his time in Hong Kong, Mr Wardlaw had a long career in Victorian education, during which he took a leading role in major reforms supporting school-level decision making, and evaluation and review. Mr Wardlaw taught economics and history at university and secondary levels prior to moving into educational administration. Mr Wardlaw was awarded the Public Service Medal in the 2013 Queen's Birthday Honours list. He was made a Fellow of Monash University in 2013. In a parallel sporting career, Mr Wardlaw was Head Coach of the Australian Athletics Team at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, an Olympian in 1976 and 1980 in the 10000m and marathon, coach of marathoners Steve Moneghetti and Kerryn McCann, and distance runner Craig Mottram. Mr Wardlaw was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in 2000. Dr Esmerelda Bamblett PhD, MEd, GradDipArts, DipT Dr Esmerelda Bamblett is a member of the Bangerang and Wiradjuri Aboriginal nations and has had a longstanding career in Aboriginal education and development. She was an inaugural member of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation from 1991 to 1994 and a member of the Australian Council of Women from 1993 to 1996. She was VicePresident of the Aboriginal Advancement League from 1998 until 2002. Dr Bamblett commenced her career in education working as a primary school teacher, eventually taking up a lecturing position in Indigenous Studies at the University of 24 Annual Report 2013–14 Melbourne in 1998. Dr Bamblett was a Koorie Education Development Officer for the Department of Education and Training from 1989 to 2003, research manager for the Institute of Koorie Education at Deakin University from 2000 to 2002 and acting manager of the Koorie Education Strategy Team for the Department of Education and Training in 2003. Dr Bamblett is currently the CEO of the Aborigines Advancement League and Managing Director of Neenann Multimedia and Consultancy. In 2010, Dr Bamblett completed a PhD at RMIT entitled ‘Gurranyin Borinya (On Eagle’s Wings): Effecting Change for Koorie Youth’. Mr Richard Bolt, BE (Electrical), MPPM Secretary, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Mr Richard Bolt has had a diverse career in public service, policy research, public advocacy and engineering. Richard is the Secretary of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (2011 to present). As Secretary, Richard manages a $12 billion budget and leads 2,300 corporate staff to deliver and improve early childhood, school education, and vocational and higher education services across Victoria. He employs a further 55,000 staff in government schools. Prior to joining the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Richard was Secretary of the Department of Primary Industries (2006 to 2011) with responsibility for agriculture, energy, fisheries, mining and forestry. During his public service career, Richard has led work on energy industry regulation, national energy market reform, carbon trading design, transport security, agriculture science and policy, and education reform. Before joining the public service, Richard’s work in advocacy and research covered defence, foreign affairs, industrial relations, communications, environmental protection and consumer protection. Richard holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the South Australian Institute of Technology (now the University of South Australia), a Master's degree in Public Policy and Management from Monash University, and a Graduate Diploma in Company Directorship. Ms Suzy Chandler, BA, MEd, Med, DipEd, MACE, FACEL Ms Suzy Chandler is Principal of Fintona Girls’ School where she also teaches VCE History: Revolutions. She has held this position for the past eight years. Prior to her appointment at Fintona, Ms Chandler was Vice Principal of Westbourne Grammar School from 2000 to 2006, and taught at Camberwell Grammar from 1995 to 2000, Scotch College from 1993 to 1994, and Yeshivah College from 1987 to 1992. Ms Chandler has been a passionate educator for more than 30 years. She has also served on the committees of a number of community groups and has been the Mayoress of Prahan and Stonnington. Ms Chandler is a member of the editorial board of Principal Matters (the official journal of the Secondary Principals' Associations of Australia), a member of the Australian College of Educators, and a Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders. She has a particular interest in sustainability, environmental matters and human and animal rights. Ms Chandler is a great supporter of the Northern Territory Danila Dilba Health Service, a non-government organisation providing high-quality comprehensive primary care to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of the greater Darwin area. Professor Adrienne Clarke, AC, PhD, BSc (Hons) Professor Adrienne Clarke is a leading academic and world-renowned plant geneticist. She has been awarded numerous distinctions, including Companion in the Order of Report of operations – governance and organisational structure 25 Australia (1991), and has served as the Lieutenant Governor of Victoria (1997–2000). She is the author of four major scientific books and has served the Commonwealth and Victorian governments on bodies including the Prime Minister’s Science and Engineering Council and the Victorian State Government’s Innovation Economy Advisory Board. Professor Clarke is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and of the Australian Academy of Technology, Science and Engineering, a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Science, USA and a Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Science. Professor Clarke was appointed Chancellor of La Trobe University in February 2011. Professor Anne Jones, EdD, MSc, DipEd, BSc (Hons) Professor Anne Jones is currently responsible for leading Victoria University’s academic and student portfolio, which includes the university’s student services and the Centre for Collaborative Learning and Teaching. She led the development and now leads the implementation of a new curriculum framework for the university. Professor Jones’ portfolio also includes strategic oversight of vocational education strategy, the Trades College and the Victoria University College. Professor Jones originally trained and worked as a scientist with qualifications ranging from degrees in Zoology to a doctorate based on research into how VET teachers make professional judgments. Professor Jones has significant experience in workplace-based learning and international educational activity. She has worked for the former Bendigo College of Advanced Education, RMIT University, the former Flagstaff College of TAFE, and Box Hill Institute. Professor Jones has a longstanding interest in VET policy and practice. She has contributed to thinking and practice relevant to post-compulsory VET, with particular reference to disengaged youth, to VET teaching practice, and to the structure and purpose of higher-level VET qualifications, their delivery and their role supporting the economic and social inclusion missions of the tertiary education system. Professor Jones is currently the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Students at Victoria University. Mr Tony Larkin MEd, BSc, MACE Mr Tony Larkin has been a member of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia since 1998 and a member of the Australian College of Education since 1988. His other education activities have been focused on the teaching and assessment of Mathematics at senior secondary. Mr Larkin has previously been a Board member with Independent Schools Victoria and the Queen Elizabeth Centre (Maternal and Child Care Hospital and Day Nurseries). Mr Larkin is currently Principal of Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School and Chairman of the Associated Grammar Schools of Victoria. Ms Vicki Miles, MEd, BEd, DipTeach Ms Vicki Miles has a strong commitment to, and solid experience in, public education both as a teacher practitioner and senior administrator for more than 30 years. She has been actively involved in curriculum provision in different educational settings, including as a lecturer in primary Mathematics and district curriculum consultant. Ms Miles is currently Associate Principal of Doveton College and Director of Learning. Her role includes the development of a personalised curriculum in the college, provision of professional development, including leading the college’s professional learning teams, and developing partnerships with universities and international learning experts. As Principal of Trafalgar Primary School she implemented a Leading Teams program and was invited to undertake training in Mathematics with Math Perspectives in Denver, 26 Annual Report 2013–14 Colorado. Under her leadership, Trafalgar Primary School was also the first Primary school worldwide to implement the Musical Futures Approach to music; now a highlysuccessful international program. Mr Peter Moore, BEd, DipTeach, Grad Cert RE, MRE Mr Peter Moore is Principal of St Monica’s Catholic Primary School, Moonee Ponds, and was Principal of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception School, Sunshine, from 2003 to 2012. He is a registered teacher and has more than 23 years of experience in the Catholic primary school sector as a teacher and as a deputy principal and principal. Mr Moore has been volunteer Chief Executive Officer of the Melbourne Overseas Missions, a humanitarian organisation providing assistance to communities in developing countries, since 2006. He is a foundation member of the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery and a member of the Australian Literacy Educators Association and the Australian Council of Educational Leaders. He completed a Masters of Religious Education in 2001 and has commenced a Doctorate in Education at the Australian Catholic University. Mr Dale Pearce, BA, DipEd Mr Dale Pearce is currently Principal of Bendigo Senior Secondary College, and has more than 30 years of experience both as a principal and a teacher in secondary school education. He is Chair of the Victorian Senior Secondary Principals Group and the Bendigo Secondary Principals Group, a member of the Regional Advisory Board of La Trobe University, and sponsor of the Victorian Virtual Learning Network, which creates online VCE courses for delivery to other schools around the state. He was a member of the University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Reference Group (2007 to 2008) and has been actively involved in several mentoring projects for newly-appointed principals. He has a strong interest in regional and international education, including the establishment, in partnership with the Chinese Government, of a Confucius Classroom Program, which provides Mandarin language programs to 18 schools in the Bendigo region. He is a member of Victorian government’s Community Sector Reform Council. Mr Russell Pettis, MAppSc, FAIM Mr Russell Pettis recently retired as Chief Executive Officer of DENSO Automotive Systems Australia, where he worked for 19 years and was the first non-Japanese chief executive of the global DENSO Corporation. Prior to joining DENSO, Mr Pettis was employed within the aerospace industry for many years in manufacturing management roles at Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation and, later, Aerospace Technologies Australia. His initial formative employment period, after gaining his tertiary qualifications, was with the Materials Research Laboratories within the Defence Science and Technology Organisation. He worked as a Scientist undertaking marine research related to defence materials. During this period, Mr Pettis published a range of technical reports and scientific papers for relevant publications. During an industrial career spanning 43 years, Mr Pettis had a passion for vocational training of his staff and the general workforce. He was responsible for the early implementation of the Certificate of Automotive Manufacturing at DENSO Australia, leading to the development of a highly competent workforce which became the benchmark for the automotive industry in Australia. In addition to his business career, Mr Pettis participates in a number of community activities, including membership of the board of the Sir Edward (Weary) Dunlop Medical Research Foundation and National President of the Naval Association of Australia. Ms Andrée Poulter, BA, Dip Ed, GCert Ms Andrée Poulter has been involved in education for more than thirty years, having worked in government schools in western Queensland and Melbourne, and written Report of operations – governance and organisational structure 27 curriculum materials for the ESL Companion to the CSF. She has led the implementation of whole-school curriculum change, introduced programs that promote the inclusion of all learners, delivered professional learning on a variety of topics including cognitive coaching, the integration of explicit teaching of higher order thinking skills into curriculum designs, literacy across the curriculum, collaborative learning, and philosophy for children. Ms Poulter is committed to pedagogies that engage young people with important ideas relating to our culture as well as equipping them with the skills and values that will allow them to have fulfilling lives and to become responsible adults and citizens. Presently Ms Poulter is Assistant Principal responsible for Teaching and Learning at Melton Secondary College. Ms Debra Punton, DipT, BEd, MEd Ms Debra Punton is a registered teacher who worked in government schools before taking up a teaching appointment in the Catholic education system, holding various principal positions in the Catholic sector for 16 years. She completed a Masters of Educational Studies at Monash University in 1991, with a major in psychology and a focus on the psychology of educational leadership. Ms Punton is a Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders and a member of the Council of the Victorian Institute of Teaching. Ms Punton is currently the Assistant Director, School Outcomes, at the Catholic Education Office, Melbourne. Professor Collette Tayler, PhD, BEd, DipTeach, TCert, FACE Professor Collette Tayler holds the Chair in Early Childhood Education and Care at The University of Melbourne. Within the Graduate School of Education, Professor Tayler leads the academic direction of the Master of Teaching Early Childhood, a specialist birth-to-age-eight teaching course bridging care, education and health. Professor Tayler is, leader of the E4Kids longitudinal study, and a chief investigator in the National Science of Learning Centre and the 3a (Abecedarian Approach Australia) group of research and development projects. She has an extensive background in early childhood education and has held numerous positions, including primary school teacher. Senior executives The Chief Executive Officer is responsible to the VCAA Board for policy and operational matters and to the Secretary of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development for financial, human resources and other administrative matters. Chief Executive Officer John Firth John Firth has been CEO of the VCAA since August 2005, having managed Curriculum for the previous 12 years. John has been a curriculum leader for many years and was responsible for the development of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) as the curriculum for Victorian schools for the Foundation–10 years. John has overseen the continuing development of the VCE as a Year 12 credential of international status, the full recognition of VET within the VCE and the implementation of the VCAL as an additional vocational pathway for senior secondary students. Under his leadership, the VCAA has expanded considerably its international work, especially increasing the number of schools who are working with international partners to offer the VCE. 28 Annual Report 2013–14 The VCAA supports early childhood providers to implement the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. The VCAA administers the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy in Victoria and provides high quality assessment tools for classroom use. John is a member of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Executive Board and has been a member of many state and national groups and speaks frequently at state and national forums. In 2008 he was appointed as a member of the Interim National Curriculum Board, and in 2009 he was appointed to the Board of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, and made a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators. Executive Director, Assessment and Reporting Dr David Philips The Executive Director, Assessment and Reporting Division, is responsible for policies and procedures associated with assessment, certification, analysis and reporting of student achievement, and for coordinating the division’s work programs, including the strategic redevelopment of the VCAA’s assessment technology. The division also collects and processes students’ enrolment and assessment data, manages the Victorian Student Register, and conducts measurement activities. David joined the VCAA in 2007 after working in senior roles with several agencies in New Zealand, including the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office. He also worked as a secondary school English teacher, was a university tutor in Education, worked for nine years as a test development officer and education researcher after winning a PhD scholarship, and held a Senior Fulbright Award. Director, Assessment Centre Joe Pellegrino The Director, Assessment Centre, is responsible for centre management, assessment programs, assessment services and assessment operations. The primary task of staff at the Assessment Centre is to develop and implement operational processes for developing, delivering, securing, assessing and processing the General Achievement Test and VCE written examinations, VCE Arts performance and Languages oral examinations, Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 NAPLAN tests, On Demand literacy and numeracy testing, and Select-entry High School testing. The centre is also responsible for the appointment of all sessional assessment staff. Joe has worked as an English and Media teacher and in the areas of curriculum and assessment development, teacher professional development, multimedia project management, and literacy and numeracy testing. Executive Director, Curriculum Dr David Howes The Executive Director, Curriculum, is responsible for the operations of the Curriculum Division, which include leadership of Early Years project teams, VCE Review Panels, Teams and Study Reference Groups, AusVELS Working Groups, the Vocational Education Reference Group, and the Curriculum and Assessment committees of the VCAA Board. These groups provide advice and recommendations to the VCAA on the development, implementation and monitoring of the VCE and the VCAL, including VET programs, the Foundation–10 VELS, and early childhood learning and development. David’s professional background includes senior management roles within the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and international education advisory roles. Report of operations – governance and organisational structure 29 Director, Curriculum Services Charmaine Taylor The Director, Curriculum Services, is responsible for the coordination and effective delivery of professional services to schools to support the implementation of the curriculum from Early Years to Senior Secondary. Charmaine commenced in this newly-created role in April 2013. She has had a range of school leadership positions at Principal Class level in suburban and regional colleges. She has been previously employed at the VCAA as Information Technology Study Manager and as Chief Examiner and Chief Assessor for several VCE studies. Charmaine has won a number of awards for curriculum innovation and excellence, including the South Australian Premier’s Award for Excellence in Educational Software and the Hume Council Inspiring Teacher Award. Executive Director, Planning, Strategy and Corporate Support Lea Saddington The Executive Director, Planning Strategy and Corporate Support, leads the Infrastructure and Business Services Division, which is responsible for providing support and information services to the education community and supporting VCAA business in finance, human resources, governance, legal services, information technology infrastructure, communications and international. Lea has worked at executive level in several Victorian public sector entities and in the private sector. VCAA committees Executive Committee The Executive Committee established under section 2.5.7 of the Act comprised the VCAA Chair, Mr Chris Wardlaw; Chief Executive Officer, Mr John Firth; Mr Richard Bolt; Mr Tony Larkin; and Ms Debra Punton. Audit Committee The VCAA Audit Committee comprised Board members Ms Vicki Miles, Mr Russell Pettis and Mr Tony Larkin, and two co-opted external members, Mr Stuart Alford and Mr Peter McMullin. The Audit Committee is responsible for governance, risk management and business assurance of the VCAA. The prime functions of the committee are to: foster an ethical culture within the VCAA in conjunction with senior management and the VCAA Board monitor compliance with relevant Acts and Regulations, and with any agreements negotiated with funding bodies provide advice to the VCAA Board on governance matters monitor, improve and maintain the credibility and objectivity of the accountability process (including financial reporting) provide a formal forum for communication between the VCAA Board and senior financial management improve the effectiveness of the internal and external audit functions, providing a forum for communication and reporting between the VCAA Board and the internal and external auditors monitor the quality of internal and external reporting of financial and non-financial information 30 Annual Report 2013–14 respond to the VCAA Board on matters referred by the VCAA Board to the committee for further consideration or advice. Early Years–10 Curriculum and Assessment Committee The Early Years–10 Curriculum and Assessment Committee comprises VCAA Board members and representatives of the following organisations and sectors: Catholic Education Commission Victoria Independent Schools Victoria Department of Education and Early Childhood Development The committee provides expert advice and makes recommendations to the VCAA in relation to the Early Years to Year 10 on: development and approval of curriculum and assessment, including the implementation of the Australian Curriculum policies, criteria and standards for curriculum and assessment the relationship between the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, the Foundation–10 curriculum, and the Senior Secondary pathways in education and training, including the VCE, VETiS and the VCAL administration of the NAPLAN Program (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9) monitoring and reporting of student participation and performance in assessment programs provision of material for schools and early childhood settings and professional development for teachers and educators to support the implementation of curriculum and assessment programs research on the curriculum, standards and assessment at a national and international level. Senior Secondary Curriculum and Assessment Committee The Senior Secondary Curriculum and Assessment Committee comprised VCAA Board members and Dr Merryn Davies, Ms Dina Guest, Mr Michael Taylor, Ms Rosalie Jones, Mr Andrew Hay, Mr Andrew Rimington and Professor Peter Stacey as coopted members. The committee includes representatives of the Catholic, Independent, Government, Tertiary and Industry sectors. The committee provides expert advice and makes recommendations to the VCAA Board on: development, evaluation and approval of curriculum and assessment in the postcompulsory years policies, criteria and standards for curriculum and courses designed to be undertaken as part of Senior Secondary qualifications policies and procedures for the design, delivery and evaluation of assessments and assessment products and services for the VCE, the VCAL and other Senior Secondary qualifications available to students patterns of participation and quality of outcomes relating to courses of study in the Senior Secondary years, including related professional development and research provision of material for schools and professional development for teachers to support the implementation of Senior Secondary curriculum and assessment programs research on matters relating to Senior Secondary curriculum and assessments. Review Committee The Review Committee comprises three members of the VCAA Board or staff of the VCAA and is convened only when required. A board member chairs committee Report of operations – governance and organisational structure 31 hearings. The Review Committee acts on the VCAA Board’s behalf and is responsible for: hearing student appeals against penalties imposed on them by schools for breaches of rules relating to school-assessed tasks and school-assessed coursework hearing charges alleging serious breaches of rules relating to VCE examinations and imposing penalties where appropriate cancelling or altering student results when necessary. Appeals Committee The Appeals Committee is an independent body with panel members appointed by the Minister for Education and is convened only when required. Members must not be members of the VCAA Board or staff. A student affected by a decision of the Review Committee, other than a decision made under section 2.5.21 of the Education and Training Reform Act, may apply for a review of the decision by the Appeals Committee on the grounds that the decision was unreasonable or the penalty imposed was too harsh. VCE Study Review and Development Panels and Writing Teams VCE Study Review and Development Panels and Writing Teams review, evaluate and redevelop existing VCE studies and prepare proposals for new studies for approval by the VCAA Board. They comprise practising VCE teachers, academic and curriculum experts, and business and training sector representatives and are chaired by the relevant curriculum managers. 32 Annual Report 2013–14 Organisational structure Minister for Children and Early Childhood Minister for Education Chair Chris Wardlaw Minister for Higher Education and Skills Secretary Richard Bolt CEO John Firth Executive Director Curriculum Dr David Howes Executive Director Planning, Strategy & Corporate Support Lea Saddington Director Curriculum Services Charmaine Taylor Executive Director Assessment & Reporting Dr David Philips Director Assessment Centre Joe Pellegrino VCAA staff establishment At 30 June 2014, the VCAA had an establishment of 185.1 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions. During the year, the VCAA also employed approximately 274 casual employees and just over 4018 sessional employees. More detail is provided in the workforce data section on page 88. Report of operations – governance and organisational structure 33 34 Annual Report 2013–14 Financial statements Accountable Officers’ and Chief Finance and Accounting Officer’s declaration The attached financial statements for the Victorian Curriculum an Assessment Authority (VCAA) have been prepared in accordance with Standing Directions 4.2 of the Financial Management Act 1994, applicable Financial Reporting Directions, Australian Accounting Standards including Interpretations, and other mandatory professional reporting requirements. We further state that, in our opinion, the information set out in the comprehensive operating statement, statement of financial position, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and accompanying notes, presents fairly the financial transactions during the year ended 30 June 2014 and financial position of the VCAA at 30 June 2014. At the time of signing, we are not aware of any circumstance which would render any particulars included in the financial statements to be misleading or inaccurate. We authorise the attached financial statements for issue on 27 August 2014. Chris Wardlaw Chair Melbourne 27 August 2014 John Firth Chief Executive Officer Melbourne 27 August 2014 Bruce Rohde Chief Finance and Accounting Officer Melbourne 27 August 2014 Financial statements 35 36 Annual Report 2013–14 Financial statements 37 Comprehensive operating statement for the year ended 30 June 2014 Note(s) 2014 $ 2013 $ Operating appropriations 2(a) 42,227,468 42,293,307 Capital appropriations 2(a) 950,000 350,000 Interest 2(b) 185,033 187,653 Other income 2(c) 4,015,136 3,392,750 Grants 2(d) 1,779,716 4,197,459 Resources received free of charge 2(e) 2,399,201 1,924,687 51,556,554 52,345,856 Income from transactions Total income from transactions Expenses from transactions Employee expenses 3(a) 32,455,754 33,167,402 Depreciation and amortisation expense 3(b) 1,090,926 1,336,189 Supplies and services 3(c) 17,687,461 16,269,059 Resources received free of charge 3(d) 2,399,201 1,924,687 Total expenses from transactions 53,633,342 52,697,337 Net result from transactions (net operating balance) (2,076,788) (351,481) Other economic flows included in net result Net gain/(loss) on non-financial assets 4(a) 14,214 - Net gain/(loss) on financial instruments 4(b) (25,883) - Net result from continuing operations (2,088,457) (351,481) Net result (2,088,457) (351,481) Comprehensive result (2,088,457) (351,481) The above comprehensive operating statement should be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements. 38 Annual Report 2013–14 Statement of financial position as at 30 June 2014 Note(s) 2014 $ 2013 $ Cash and deposits 15, 16 8,490,056 9,896,221 Receivables 5, 15 1,368,628 1,618,686 9,858,684 11,514,907 Assets Financial assets Total financial assets Non-financial assets Plant and equipment 6 1,453,556 1,505,880 Other non-financial assets 8 388,369 249,174 1,841,925 1,755,054 11,700,609 13,269,961 Total non-financial assets Total assets Liabilities Payables 9, 15 5,848,548 5,401,092 Borrowings 10, 15 173,879 102,230 Total liabilities 6,022,427 5,503,322 Net assets 5,678,182 7,766,639 979,690 3,068,147 Contributed capital 4,698,492 4,698,492 Net worth 5,678,182 7,766,639 Equity Accumulated surplus Commitments for expenditure 13 Contingent assets and contingent liabilities 14 The above statement of financial position should be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements. Financial statements 39 Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2014 Notes Balance at 1 July 2012 Net result for the year Balance at 30 June 2013 Net result for the year Balance at 30 June 2014 Accumulated Surplus $ Contributions by owner $ Total $ 3,419,628 4,698,492 8,118,120 (351,481) 3,068,147 (2,088,457) 979,690 4,698,492 4,698,492 (351,481) 7,766,639 (2,088,457) 5,678,182 The above statement of changes in equity should be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements. 40 Annual Report 2013–14 Cashflow statement for the year ended 30 June 2014 Note(s) 2014 $ 2013 $ 44,957,184 46,839,622 Interest received 185,033 187,653 Goods and services tax recovered from ATO 100,557 110,998 Other receipts 3,929,506 3,189,430 Total receipts 49,172,280 50,327,703 (32,354,525) (33,981,072) (48,393) (7,248) Payments to suppliers (17,222,789) (15,458,740) Total payments (49,625,707) (49,447,060) Cashflows from operating activities Receipts Receipts from Government Payments Payments to employees Goods and services tax paid to ATO Net cashflows from/(used in) operating activities 16(b) (453,427) 880,643 (81,440) (66,799) Cashflows from investing activities Payments for non-financial assets Proceeds from sale of non-financial assets - Payments for work in progress Net cashflows from/(used in) investing activities - (942,947) (388,395) (1,024,387) (455,194) Cashflows from financing activities Proceeds from borrowings 121,336 66,799 Repayment of finance leases (49,687) (55,535) 71,649 11,264 Net cashflows from/(used in) financing activities Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (1,406,165) 436,713 9,896,221 9,459,508 8,490,056 9,896,221 Committed cash (Government grant funding received in advance) 3,461,180 3,620,511 Non-committed cash (cash reserve for short-term liabilities) 5,028,876 6,275,710 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 16(a) Consisting of: The cashflow statement should be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements. Financial statements 41 42 Annual Report 2013–14 Notes to the financial statements Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies 44 Note 2 – Income from transactions 55 Note 3 – Expenses from transactions 56 Note 4 – Other economic flows included in net result 57 Note 5 – Receivables 57 Note 6 – Plant and equipment 58 Note 7 – Intangible assets 62 Note 8 – Other non-financial assets 62 Note 9 – Payables 63 Note 10 – Borrowings 64 Note 11 – Superannuation 64 Note 12 – Leases 65 Note 13 – Commitments for expenditure 66 Note 14 – Contingent assets and contingent liabilities 66 Note 15 – Financial instruments 67 Note 16 – Cashflow information 75 Note 17 – Ex-gratia payments 75 Note 18 – Economic dependency 76 Note 19 – Responsible persons 76 Note 20 – Remuneration of executives 77 Note 21 – Remuneration of auditors 78 Note 22 – Subsequent events 78 Note 23 – Glossary of terms and style conventions 79 Note 1 – Summary of significant accounting policies The annual financial statements represent the audited general purpose financial statements for the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (‘VCAA’) for the period ended 30 June 2014. The purpose of the report is to provide users with information about the VCAA’s stewardship of resources entrusted to it. (a) Statement of compliance These general purpose financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, and applicable Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) which include interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). In particular, they are presented in a manner consistent with the requirements of AASB 1049 Whole of Government and General Government Sector Financial Reporting. For the purposes of preparing financial statements, VCAA is classed as a not-for-profit entity. Where appropriate, those AAS paragraphs applicable to not-for-profit entities have been applied. Accounting policies are selected and applied in a manner which ensures that the resulting financial information satisfies the concepts of relevance and reliability, thereby ensuring that the substance of the underlying transactions or other events is reported. To gain a better understanding of the terminology used in this report, a glossary of terms can be found in Note 23. (b) Basis of accounting preparation and measurement The accrual basis of accounting has been applied in the preparation of these financial statements, whereby assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are recognised in the reporting period to which they relate, regardless of when cash is received or paid. Estimates and assumptions are required to be made about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on professional judgments derived from historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstance. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised and also in future periods that are affected by the revision. Judgments and assumptions made by management in the application of AASs that have significant effects on the financial statements and estimates, are disclosed throughout the notes to the financial statements. These financial statements are presented in Australian dollars, the functional and presentation currency of the VCAA and prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention with the exception of non-current physical assets which, subsequent to acquisition, are measured at a revalued amount being their fair value at the date of the revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent impairment losses. Revaluations are made with sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amounts do not materially differ from their fair value. The fair value of an asset, other than land, is generally based on its depreciated replacement value. Historical cost is based on the fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets. Consistent with AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement, the VCAA determines the policies and procedures for both recurring fair value measurements, such as plant and equipment, and financial instruments in accordance with the requirements of AASB 13 and the relevant Financial Reporting Directions. 44 Annual Report 2013–14 All assets and liabilities for which fair value is measured or disclosed in the financial statements are categorised within the fair value hierarchy, described as follows, based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement as a whole: Level 1 – Quoted (unadjusted) market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities Level 2 – Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is directly or indirectly observable Level 3 – Valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable. For the purpose of fair value disclosures, the VCAA has determined classes of assets and liabilities on the basis of the nature, characteristics and risks of the asset or liability and the level of the fair value hierarchy as explained above. In addition, the VCAA determines whether transfers have occurred between levels in the hierarchy by reassessing categorisation (based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement as a whole) at the end of each reporting period. The accounting policies set out below have been applied in preparing the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2014 and the comparative information presented in these financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013. (c) Reporting entity The financial statements include all the controlled activities of the VCAA which was established under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Its principal address is: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Level 1, 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Vic 3000 The VCAA is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), whose powers and functions are set out in Part 2.5 of the Act. The CEO is responsible to the Board for the VCAA policy and operational matters and to the Secretary of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) for budgetary, personnel and other administrative matters. Objectives and funding The VCAA’s objective is to provide high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual lifelong learning. The VCAA is predominantly funded by accrual-based appropriations (excluding depreciation funding) from DEECD for the provision of outputs. As a statutory authority, the VCAA also derives revenue from a number of external sources, including Commonwealth Government, overseas student fees, publication sales, student services, royalties and other administrative fees. DEECD has provided letters of comfort in past years to support their request that the VCAA draw on accumulated reserves to fund operating activities. The current letter of comfort, dated 30 July 2012, provides that in the event that an operating shortfall exceeds available accumulated surpluses, DEECD will support the VCAA with supplementary appropriation funding to enable it to meet its current and future financial commitments as and when they fall due. This is subject to, VCAA in the first instance, utilising accumulated surpluses to fund its activities, and the shortfall arising as a result of costs being incurred by the VCAA in its good-faith endeavours to achieve the outcomes agreed between the VCAA and DEECD. Financial statements 45 (d) Scope and presentation of financial statements Comprehensive operating statement The comprehensive operating statement comprises two components, being ‘net result from transactions’ (or termed as ‘net operating balance’), ‘other economic flows included in net result’, as well as ‘other economic flows – other comprehensive income’. The sum of the former two represents the net result. The net result is equivalent to profit or loss derived in accordance with AASs. This classification is consistent with the whole of government reporting format and is allowed under AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements. Statement of financial position Assets and liabilities are presented in liquidity order with assets aggregated into financial assets and non-financial assets. Current and non-current assets and liabilities (non-current being those assets or liabilities expected to be recovered or settled more than 12 months after the reporting date) are disclosed in the notes, where relevant. Statement of changes in equity The statement of changes in equity presents reconciliations of each non-owner and owner changes in equity from opening balances at the beginning of the reporting period to the closing balances at the end of the reporting period. It also shows separately movements due to amounts recognised in the comprehensive result and amounts recognised in other comprehensive income related to other non-owner changes in equity. Cashflow statement Cashflows are classified according to whether or not they arise from operating activities, investing activities or financing activities. This classification is consistent with requirements under AASB 107 Statement of cashflows. (e) Changes in accounting policies Subsequent to the 2012–13 reporting period, the following new and revised Standards have been adopted in the current period with their financial impact detailed as below. AASB 13 Fair Value Measurement AASB 13 establishes a single source of guidance for all fair value measurements. AASB 13 does not change when the VCAA is required to use fair value, but rather provides guidance on how to measure fair value under Australian Accounting Standards when fair value is required or permitted. The VCAA has considered the specific requirements relating to highest and best use, valuation premise, and principal (or most advantageous) market. The methods, assumptions, processes and procedures for determining fair value were revisited and adjusted where applicable. In light of AASB 13, the VCAA has reviewed the fair value principles as well as its current valuation methodologies in assessing the fair value, and the assessment has not materially changed the fair values recognised. However, as AASB 13 has predominantly impacted specific disclosures about fair value measurements and disclosures of fair values, some of these disclosures replace existing disclosure requirements in other standards, including AASB 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. The disclosure requirements of AASB 13 apply prospectively and need not be applied in comparative information before first application. Consequently, the 2012–13 comparatives of these disclosures have not been provided, except for financial instruments, of which the fair value disclosures are required under AASB 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. 46 Annual Report 2013–14 AASB 119 Employee benefits In 2013–14, the VCAA has applied AASB 119 Employee benefits (September 2011, as amended) and the related consequential amendments for the first time. The revised AASB 119 changes the accounting for defined benefit plans and termination benefits. The most significant change relates to the accounting for changes in defined benefit obligation and plan assets. As the current accounting policy is for the Department of Treasury and Finance to recognise and disclose the State’s defined benefit liabilities in its financial statements, changes in defined benefit obligations and plan assets will have limited impact on the VCAA. The revised standard also changes the definition of short-term employee benefits. As a result, accrued annual leave balances which were previously classified as short-term employee benefits no longer meet this definition and are now classified as long-term employee benefits. This has resulted in a change of measurement for the annual leave provision from an undiscounted to discounted basis. The liabilities for long service leave and annual leave are recognised by DEECD. (f) Income from transactions Income is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the entity and the income can be reliably measured. Amounts disclosed as revenue are, where applicable, net of returns, allowances and duties and taxes. Revenue is recognised for each of the major activities as follows: Grants Grants are recognised as income when the VCAA gains control of the underlying assets. Where grants are reciprocal, income is recognised as performance occurs under the grant. Non-reciprocal grants are recognised as income when the grant is received or receivable. Conditional grants may be reciprocal or non-reciprocal depending on the terms of the grant. Royalties VCAA intellectual property is captured and maintained in a register, with royalties recognised as income when the VCAA gains control of the underlying asset. Fees, publications and other miscellaneous revenue Fees from overseas students are recognised in the period that the service is provided. Where student fees of a reciprocal nature have been received in respect of services to be delivered in the following financial year, such amounts are deferred and disclosed as fees in advance. Publication and other miscellaneous revenue received are recognised as revenue on provision of service. Interest revenue Interest revenue is recognised on a time proportionate basis that takes into account the effective yield on the financial asset. Fair value of resources received free of charge or for nominal consideration Contributions of resources received free of charge or for nominal consideration are recognised at their fair value when the VCAA obtains control over them, irrespective of whether these contributions are subject to restrictions or conditions over their use. Contributions in the form of services are only recognised when a fair value can be reliably determined and the services would have been purchased if not received as a donation. The value of the VCAA accommodation costs from DEECD, is recognised in the comprehensive operating statement as an expense offset by an increase to revenue as resources received free of charge. Financial statements 47 (g) Expenses from transactions Expenses from transactions are recognised as they are incurred and reported in the financial year to which they relate. Grants and other payments Grants and other payments to third parties are recognised as an expense in the reporting period in which they are paid or payable. They include transactions such as grants, subsidies and other transfer payments. Employee expenses Employee expenses include all costs related to employment, including wages and salaries, leave entitlements, redundancy payments and superannuation contributions. These are recognised when incurred, except for contributions in respect of defined benefit plans. Superannuation – State superannuation defined benefit plans The amount recognised in the comprehensive operating statement in relation to employer contributions for members of defined superannuation plans is simply the employer contributions that are paid or payable to these plans during the reporting period. The level of these contributions will vary depending upon the relevant rules of each plan, and is based upon actuarial advice. The Department of Treasury and Finance discloses in its Annual Financial Statements on behalf of the State as the sponsoring employer, the net defined benefit cost related to the members of these plans as an administered liability. Refer to the Department of Treasury and Finance Annual Financial Statements for more detailed disclosures in relation to these plans. Depreciation and amortisation All plant and equipment and other non-financial physical assets that have finite useful lives are depreciated. Depreciation is generally calculated on a straight-line basis, at rates that allocate the asset’s value, less any estimated residual value, over its estimated useful life. Amortisation is provided on computer software and other intangible assets. Amortisation is generally calculated on a straight-line basis so as to write off the net cost or other revalued amount of each asset over its expected useful life to its estimated residual value. The estimated useful lives, residual values and depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each annual reporting period, and adjustments made where applicable. The following are typical estimated useful lives for the different asset classes for 2014 and 2013 financial years. Asset Useful life (in years) 2014 2013 Plant and equipment (including computer equipment) 3–5 3–5 Leased assets (motor vehicles) 5–10 5–10 4 4 Intangible assets (including computer software) Where items of plant and equipment have separately identifiable components, which are subject to regular replacement, those components are assigned useful lives distinct from the item of plant and equipment to which they relate. 48 Annual Report 2013–14 Supplies and services Supplies and services generally represent the day-to-day running costs incurred in the normal operations of the entity. These items are recognised as an expense in the reporting period in which they are incurred and generally represent cost of goods sold and the day-to-day running costs, including school requisites and maintenance costs, incurred in the normal operations of the VCAA. Inventories are expensed when purchased. Bad and doubtful debts Bad and doubtful debts are assessed on a regular basis. Those bad debts considered as written off by mutual consent are classified as a transaction expense. Those written off unilaterally and the allowance for doubtful receivables are classified as other economic flows. (h) Other economic flows included in net result Other economic flows measure the change in volume or value of assets or liabilities that do not result from transactions. Net gain/(loss) on non-financial assets Net gain/(loss) on non-financial assets and liabilities included realised and unrealised gains and losses from revaluations, impairments, and disposals of all physical assets and intangible assets. Disposal of non-financial assets Any gain or loss on the sale of non-financial assets is recognised at the date that control of the asset is passed to the buyer and is determined after deducting from the proceeds the carrying value of the asset at that time. Impairment of non-financial assets All assets are assessed annually for indications of impairment. If there is an indication of impairment, the assets concerned are tested as to whether their carrying value exceeds their possible recoverable amount. Where an asset’s carrying value exceeds its recoverable amount, the difference is written-off as another economic flow within the statement of comprehensive income. It is deemed that, in the event of the loss of an asset, the future economic benefits arising from the use of the asset will be replaced unless a specific decision to the contrary has been made. The recoverable amount for most assets is measured at the higher of depreciated or amortised replacement cost and fair value less costs to sell. Net gain/(loss) on financial instruments Net gain/(loss) on financial instruments includes: realised and unrealised gains and losses from revaluations of financial instruments at fair value impairment and reversal of impairment for financial instruments at amortised cost disposals of financial assets and derecognition of financial liabilities. Other gains/(losses) from economic flows Other gains/(losses) from other economic flows include the gains or losses from reclassifications of amounts from reserves and/or accumulated surplus to net result, and from the revaluation of the present value of the long service leave liability due to changes in the bond interest rates. Financial statements 49 (i) Financial instruments Financial instruments arise out of contractual agreements that give rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity. Due to the nature of the VCAA’s activities, certain financial assets and financial liabilities arise under statute rather than contract. Such financial assets and financial liabilities do not meet the definition of financial instruments in AASB 132 Financial Instruments: Presentation. For example, statutory receivables arising from taxes, fines and penalties do not meet the definition of financial instruments as they do not arise under contract. Where relevant for note disclosure purposes, a distinction is made between those financial assets and financial liabilities that meet the definition of financial instruments in accordance with AASB 132 and those that do not. (j) Financial assets Cash and cash deposits Cash and deposits recognised in the statement of financial position comprise cash on hand and cash at bank, deposits at call and those highly liquid investments (with an original maturity of three months or less), which are held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than for investment purposes, and readily convertible to known amounts of cash with an insignificant risk of changes in value. Receivables Receivables consist predominantly of amounts owing from the Victorian Government, debtors in relation to goods and services and GST input tax credits recoverable. Receivables that are contractual are classified as financial instruments and categorised as loans and receivables. Amounts owing from the Victorian Government, taxes and other statutory receivables are not classified as financial instruments. Receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost, using effective interest rate method, less an allowance for impairment. A provision for doubtful receivables is made when there is objective evidence that the debts may not be collected. Bad debts are written off when identified. Derecognition of financial assets A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial assets) is derecognised when: the rights to receive cashflows from the asset have expired the VCAA retains the right to receive cashflows from the asset, but has assumed an obligation to pay them in full without material delay to a third party under a ‘pass through’ arrangement the VCAA has transferred its rights to receive cashflows from the asset and either: ‒ has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or ‒ has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset. Where the VCAA has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards or transferred control, the asset is recognised to the extent of the VCAA’s continuing involvement in the asset. (k) Non-financial assets Plant and equipment, leasehold improvements and leased assets (motor vehicles) Plant and equipment, leasehold improvements and leased assets are measured initially at cost and subsequently revalued at fair value less accumulated depreciation and impairment. More details about the valuation techniques and inputs used in determining 50 Annual Report 2013–14 the fair value of non-financial physical assets are discussed in Note 6 – Plant and equipment. The fair value of non-financial assets is normally determined by reference to the asset’s depreciated replacement cost. For plant, equipment and vehicles, existing depreciated historical cost is generally a reasonable proxy for depreciated replacement cost because of the short lives of the assets concerned. Unless otherwise disclosed, the current use of non-financial physical assets will be their highest and best uses. Intangible assets Purchased intangible assets are initially recognised at cost. Subsequently, intangible assets with finite useful lives are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. Cost incurred subsequent to initial acquisition are capitalised when it is expected that additional future economic benefits will flow to the VCAA. Intangible assets with finite useful lives are amortised on a systematic (typically straight-line) basis over the asset’s useful life. Amortisation begins when the asset is available for use, that is, when it is in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. The amortisation period and the amortisation method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life are reviewed at least at the end of each annual reporting period. (l) Other non-financial assets Prepayments Other non-financial assets include prepayments which represent payments in advance of receipt of goods or services or that part of expenditure made in one accounting period covering a term extending beyond that period. (m) Liabilities Payables Payables consist of: contractual payables, such as accounts payable and unearned income, including deferred income from concession arrangements. Accounts payable represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the VCAA prior to the end of the financial year that are unpaid, and arise when the VCAA becomes obliged to make future payments in respect of the purchase of those goods and services statutory payables, such as goods and services tax (GST) and fringe benefits tax. Contractual payables are classified as financial instruments and categorised as financial liabilities at amortised cost. Statutory payables are recognised and measured similarly to contractual payables but are not classified as financial instruments and not included in the category of financial liabilities at amortised cost, because they do not arise from a contract. Employee benefits Long service leave and annual leave The liabilities for long service leave and annual leave are recognised by DEECD. When a staff member accesses their leave entitlement, it is paid by DEECD out of the accumulated balances in the provision accounts in the DEECD balance sheet. On-costs Provisions for on-costs such as payroll tax, workers’ compensation and superannuation are recognised separately from the provision for employee benefits. Financial statements 51 (n) Leases A lease is a right to use an asset for an agreed period of time in exchange for payment. Leases are classified at their inception as either operating or finance leases based on the economic substance of the agreement so as to reflect the risks and rewards incidental to ownership. Leases of infrastructure, property, plant and equipment are classified as finance infrastructure leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership from the lessor to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases. Finance leases VCAA as lessee At the commencement of the lease term, finance leases are initially recognised as assets and liabilities at amounts equal to the fair value of the lease property or, if lower, the present value of the minimum lease payment, each determined at the inception of the lease. The lease asset is accounted for as a non-financial physical asset. If there is certainty that the VCAA will obtain the ownership of the lease asset by the end of the lease term, the asset shall be depreciated over the useful life of the asset. If there is no reasonable certainty that the lessee will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term, the asset shall be fully depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and its useful life. Minimum finance lease payments are apportioned between reduction of the outstanding lease liability and periodic finance expense, which is calculated using the interest rate implicit in the lease and charged directly to the comprehensive operating statement. Contingent rentals associated with finance leases are recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. Operating leases VCAA as lessee Operating lease payments, including any contingent rentals, are recognised as an expense in the comprehensive operating statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term, except where another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern of the benefits derived from the use of the leased asset. The leased asset is not recognised in the statement of financial position. All incentives for the agreement of a new or renewed operating lease are recognised as an integral part of the net consideration agreed for the use of the leased asset, irrespective of the incentive’s nature or form or the timing of payments. In the event that lease incentives are received to enter into operating leases, the aggregate cost of incentives are recognised as a reduction of rental expense over the lease term on a straight-line basis, unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from the leased asset are consumed. (o) Equity Contributions by owners Additions to net assets which have been designated as contributions by owners are recognised as contributed capital. Other transfers that are in the nature of contributions or distributions have also been designated as contributions by owners. Transfers of net assets arising from administrative restructuring are treated as distributions to or contributions by owners. (p) Commitments Commitments for future expenditure include operating and capital commitments arising from contracts. These commitments are disclosed by way of a note (refer to Note 13) at their nominal value and inclusive of the goods and services tax payable. In addition, where it is considered appropriate and provides additional relevant information to users, the net present values of significant individual projects are stated. These future 52 Annual Report 2013–14 expenditures cease to be disclosed as commitments once the related liabilities are recognised in the statement of financial position. (q) Contingent assets and contingent liabilities Contingent assets and contingent liabilities are not recognised in the statement of financial position, but are disclosed by way of a note (refer to Note 14) and, if quantifiable, are measured at nominal value. Contingent assets and liabilities are presented inclusive of GST receivable or payable respectively. (r) Goods and services tax Income, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of associated goods and services tax, except: where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the taxation authority, it is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of an asset or as part of an item of expense for receivables and payables which are recognised inclusive of GST receivable or payable. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included with other receivables or payables in the statement of financial position. Cashflows are presented on a gross basis. The GST component of cashflows arising from investing and financing activities which is recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority are presented as operating cashflows. Commitments and contingent assets and liabilities are also stated inclusive of GST. (s) Events after the reporting date Assets, liabilities, income or expenses arise from past transactions or other past events. Where the transactions result from an agreement between the VCAA and other parties, the transactions are only recognised when the agreement is irrevocable at or before the end of the reporting period. Adjustments are made to amounts recognised in the financial statements for events which occur after the reporting period and before the date the financial statements are authorised for issue, where those events provide information about conditions which existed at the reporting period. Note disclosure is made about events between the end of the reporting period and the date the financial statements are authorised for issue, where the events relate to conditions which arose after the end of the reporting period and which may have a material impact on the results of subsequent reporting periods. (t) Rounding Amounts in the financial statements have been rounded to the nearest dollar, unless otherwise stated. Figures in the financial statements may not equate due to rounding. Please refer to Note 23 for a style convention for explanations of minor discrepancies resulting from rounding. (u) AASs issued that are not yet effective Certain new AASs have been published that are not mandatory for the 30 June 2014 reporting period. The Department of Treasury and Finance assesses the impact of all these new standards and advises the VCAA of their applicability and early adoption, where applicable. As at 30 June 2014, the following AASs have been issued by the AASB but not yet effective. They become effective for the first financial statements for reporting periods commencing after the stated operative dates as follows: Financial statements 53 Standard/ Interpretation Summary Applicable for annual Impact on entity financial statements reporting periods beginning on AASB 9 Financial Instruments This standard 1 January 2017 simplifies requirements for the classification and measurement of financial assets resulting from Phase 1 of the IASB’s project to replace IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (AASB 139 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement). The preliminary assessment has identified that the financial impact of available for sale (AFS) assets will now be reported through other comprehensive income (OCI) and no longer recycled to the profit and loss. While the preliminary assessment has not identified any material impact arising from AASB 9, it will continue to be monitored and assessed. In addition to the new standards above, the AASB has issued a list of amending standards that are not effective for the 2013–14 reporting period (as listed below). In general, these amending standards include editorial and references changes that are expected to have insignificant impacts on public sector reporting. The AASB Interpretation in the list below is also not effective for the 2013–14 reporting period and is considered to have insignificant impacts on public sector reporting: AASB 2010-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 9 (December 2010) AASB 2011-7 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from the Consolidation and Joint Arrangements Standards 2013-1 Amendments to AASB 1049 – Relocation of Budgetary Reporting Requirements 2013-3 Amendments to AASB 136 – Recoverable Amount Disclosures for NonFinancial Assets 2013-4 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting 2013-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Investment Entities 2013-6 Amendments to AASB 136 arising from Reduced Disclosure Requirements 2013-7 Amendments to AASB 1038 arising from AASB 10 in relation to consolidation and interests of policy holders 2013-9 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Conceptual Framework, Materiality and Financial Instruments AASB Interpretation 21 Levies. 54 Annual Report 2013–14 Note 2 – Income from transactions 2014 $ 2013 $ (a) Output appropriations Operating appropriations 42,227,468 42,293,307 950,000 350,000 43,177,468 42,643,307 Interest on bank deposits 185,033 187,653 Total interest 185,033 187,653 2,317,665 2,228,822 654,707 175,190 Miscellaneous Income 1,042,764 988,738 Total other income 4,015,136 3,392,750 General purpose grants 1,779,716 4,197,459 Total grants 1,779,716 4,197,459 Accommodation 2,399,201 1,924,687 Total fair value of assets and services received free of charge or for nominal consideration 2,399,201 1,924,687 Capital appropriations Total output appropriations (b) Interest (c) Other income User charges Royalties (d) Grants (e) Fair value of assets and services received free of charge or for nominal consideration VCAA receives an operating appropriation from DEECD, from which the employee costs are met. Fair value of assets and services received free of charge or from nominal consideration relates to two separate building occupancy agreements: 2 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VCAA’s Assessment Centre at Coburg. Accommodation was paid on the VCAA’s behalf by DEECD. These amounts have been recognised in the comprehensive operating statement as expenditure offset by an increase to revenue as resources received free of charge. Financial statements 55 Note 3 – Expenses from transactions 2014 $ 2013 $ (a) Employee expenses Salary & wages (including annual leave and long service leave) 17,252,383 18,950,246 Fees for setting, vetting and assessment examinations 10,795,602 9,966,057 Superannuation 2,594,507 2,505,375 Other on-costs (fringe benefits tax, payroll tax and workcover levy) 1,813,262 1,745,724 32,455,754 33,167,402 1,036,432 883,172 54,494 53,040 - 399,976 1,090,926 1,336,189 Examination centre and supervisor grants 4,289,483 2,953,295 Teacher release and development grants 384,656 418,478 Contractors and consultants 7,021,851 6,798,647 Administrative expenses (including office supplies) 1,927,767 2,195,242 Information, technology and communication expenses 1,903,885 1,789,942 606,334 673,879 1,553,484 1,439,576 17,687,461 16,269,059 Accommodation 2,399,201 1,924,687 Total fair value of assets and services provided free of charge or for nominal consideration 2,399,201 1,924,687 Total employee expenses (b) Depreciation and amortisation expense Depreciation of plant and equipment Plant and equipment Amortisation expense Amortisation of leased assets (motor vehicles) Amortisation of intangible assets Total depreciation and amortisation expense (c) Supplies and services Operating lease expenses Other Total supplies and services (d) Fair value of assets and services provided free of charge or for nominal consideration 56 Annual Report 2013–14 Note 4 – Other economic flows included in net result 2014 $ 2013 $ (a) Net gain/(loss) on non-financial assets Impairment of plant and equipment - - Net gain/(loss) on disposal of plant and equipment 14,214 - Total net gain/(loss) on non-financial assets 14,214 - - - (b) Other gains/(losses) from other economic flows Impairment on write-down of receivables Net gain/(loss) on receivables (25,883) - Total other gains/(losses) from other economic flows (25,883) - Note 5 – Receivables 2014 $ 2013 $ Fee paying overseas studentsi 637,565 606,036 Provision for doubtful receivables (see Note 5(a) below) (12,000) (10,000) Other receivables 733,063 678,963 1,358,628 1,274,999 10,000 243,130 - 100,557 10,000 343,687 Total current receivables 1,368,628 1,618,686 Total receivables 1,368,628 1,618,686 Current receivables Contractual Statutory Amounts owing from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development ii GST Input tax credits recoverable i The average credit period for fee paying overseas students and for other receivables is 30 days. A provision has been made for estimated irrecoverable amounts from the fee paying services when there is objective evidence that an individual receivable is impaired. ii The Statutory amount incorporates funding for all commitments included in the appropriations drawn down from the Consolidated Fund. Financial statements 57 (a) Movement in provision for doubtful contractual receivables 2014 $ 2013 $ Balance at beginning of the year (10,000) Increase in provision recognised in the net result (25,883) - 23,883 - Reversal of provision of receivables written off during the year as uncollectible Balance at end of the year (10,000) (12,000) (10,000) (b) Aging analysis of contractual receivables Please refer to table 15.3 in Note 15 for the aging analysis of contractual receivables. (c) Nature and extent of risk arising from contractual receivables Please refer to table 15.5 in Note 15 for the nature and extent of risks arising from contractual receivables. Note 6 – Plant and equipment Table 6.1 – Classification by ‘Purpose Group’ – carrying amountsi Table disclosure reference Public administration Table 6.3 2014 $ Plant and equipment Total Table 6.3 2013 $ 2014 $ 2013 $ 1,097,887 1,360,540 1,097,887 1,360,540 - - - - Motor vehicles 172,089 103,590 172,089 103,590 Work in progress 183,580 41,750 183,580 41,750 1,453,556 1,505,880 1,453,556 1,505,880 Leasehold improvements Net carrying amount Plant and equipment are classified primarily by the ‘purpose’ for which the assets are used according to one of six ‘purpose groups’ based upon government purpose classifications. All assets within a purpose group are further sub categorised according to the asset’s ‘nature’ (i.e. plant and equipment, etc.), with each sub category being classified as a separate class of asset for financial reporting purposes. i 58 Annual Report 2013–14 Table 6.2 – Gross carrying amount and accumulated depreciation/amortisation Gross carrying amount 2014 $ Plant and equipment Accumulated depreciation/ amortisation 2014 2013 $ $ 2013 $ 4,597,604 4,061,272 - 1,140,129 Motor vehicles 231,101 236,832 Work in progress 183,580 41,750 5,012,285 5,479,983 Leasehold improvements (3,499,717) - Net carrying amount 2014 $ (2,700,731) 1,097,887 1,360,540 (1,140,129) - - (133,242) 172,089 103,590 183,580 41,750 1,453,556 1,505,880 (59,012) - - (3,558,729) 2013 $ (3,974,102) Table 6.3 – Classification by Purpose Group ‘Public administration’ – movements in carrying amounts Plant and equipment Leasehold improvements 2014 2013 $ $ Motor vehicles 2014 $ 2013 $ 1,360,540 1,708,335 - - 103,590 89,831 41,750 Additions 519,368 9,088 - - 164,302 66,799 Disposals (27,341) - - - (41,309) Transfer to Plant and Equipment 281,752 526,289 - - (883,172) - Opening balance Depreciation/amortisation expense Closing balance (1,036,432) 1,097,887 1,360,540 2014 $ WIP 2013 $ 2014 $ Total 2013 $ 2014 $ 2013 $ 188,733 1,505,880 1,986,899 423,582 379,306 1,107,253 455,193 - - - (68,650) - - - (281,752) (526,289) - - - (54,494) (53,040) - - (1,090,926) (936,212) - 172,089 103,590 183,580 41,750 1,453,556 1,505,880 Table 6.4 – Fair value measurement hierarchy for assets as at 30 June 2014 Carrying amount as at 30 June 2014 Fair value measurement at end of reporting period using: Level 1i Level 2i Level 3i Plant, equipment and vehicles at fair value Vehiclesii 172,089 - - 172,089 Plant and equipment 1,097,887 - - 1,097,887 Total of plant, equipment and vehicles at fair value 1,269,976 - - 1,269,976 Vehicles The VCAA acquires new vehicles and at times disposes of them before the end of their economic life. The process of acquisition, use and disposal in the market is managed by experienced fleet managers in the Department who set relevant depreciation rates during use to reflect the utilisation of the vehicles. Plant and equipment Plant and equipment is held at fair value. When plant and equipment is specialised in use, such that it is rarely sold other than as part of a going concern, fair value is determined using the depreciated replacement cost method. There were no changes in valuation techniques throughout the period to 30 June 2014. For all assets measured at fair value, the current use is considered the highest and best use. i Classified in accordance with the fair value hierarchy, see Note 1(b). Vehicles are categorised to Level 3 assets as the depreciated replacement cost is used in estimating the fair value. ii 60 Annual Report 2013–14 Table 6.5 – Reconciliation of Level 3 fair value 2014 Vehicles Plant and equipment Opening balance 103,590 1,360,540 Purchases (sales) 122,993 773,779 - - Transfers in (out) of Level 3 Gains or losses recognised in net result Depreciations (54,494) Impairment loss (1,036,432) - Subtotal (54,494) (1,036,432) Gains or losses recognised in other economic flows – other comprehensive income Revaluation - - Subtotal - - 172,089 1,097,887 - - Closing balance Unrealised gains/(losses) on non-financial assets Table 6.6 – Description of significant unobservable inputs to Level 3 valuations Vehicles, plant and equipment Financial statements Valuation technique Significant unobservable inputs Range Sensitivity of fair value measurement to changes in significant unobservable inputs Depreciated replacement cost Useful life of vehicles, plant and equipment 3–7 years A significant increase or decrease in the estimated useful life of the asset would result in a significantly higher or lower valuation 61 Note 7 – Intangible assets 2014 $ 2013 $ 4,266,414 4,266,414 Gross carrying amount Opening balance Disposals (4,266,414) Closing balance - 4,266,414 Accumulated amortisation Opening balance Disposals (4,266,414) (3,866,438) 4,266,414 - Amortisation expense - (399,976) Closing balance - (4,266,414) Net book value at the end of the financial year - - Note 8 – Other non-financial assets 2014 $ 2013 $ Current other assets Prepayments 388,369 249,174 Total current other assets 388,369 249,174 Total other non-financial assets 388,369 249,174 62 Annual Report 2013–14 Note 9 – Payables 2014 $ 2013 $ Supplies and servicesi 2,342,366 1,166,008 Accrued wages and salaries 1,293,545 1,192,316 Accrued expenses 1,445,630 1,451,121 394,136 387,436 5,475,677 4,196,881 32 - Group tax payable - 497,354 GST payable - 48,393 372,839 658,464 372,871 1,204,211 Total current payables 5,848,548 5,401,092 Total payables 5,848,548 5,401,092 Current payables Contractual Other payables Statutory FBT payable Amounts payable to government departments ii (a) Maturity analysis of payables Please refer to table 15.4 in Note 15 section (c) for the aging analysis of contractual payables. (b) Nature and extent of risk arising from payables Please refer to Note 15 for the nature and extent of risk arising from contractual payables. i The average credit period is 30 days. Terms and conditions of amounts payable to other government agencies vary according to a particular agreement with that agency. ii Financial statements 63 Note 10 – Borrowings 2014 $ 2013 $ Finance Lease Liabilitiesi 60,280 77,782 Total current borrowings 60,280 77,782 Finance Lease Liabilitiesi 113,599 24,448 Total non-current borrowings 113,599 24,448 Total borrowings 173,879 102,230 Current borrowings Non-current borrowings Note 11 – Superannuation As per the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, all employees of the VCAA are recognised as employees of DEECD and are entitled to receive superannuation benefits. The Department contributes to both defined benefit and defined contribution plans. The defined benefit plan(s) provides benefits based on years of service and final average salary. The VCAA does not recognise any defined benefit liability in respect of the plan(s) because the entity has no legal or constructive obligation to pay future benefits relating to its employees; its only obligation is to pay superannuation contributions as they fall due. The Department of Treasury and Finance recognises and discloses the State’s total defined benefit liabilities in its disclosure for administered items. However, superannuation contributions paid or payable for the reporting period are included as part of employee benefits in the comprehensive operating statement of the VCAA. Superannuation contributions for the reporting period are included as part of salaries and associated costs, in the comprehensive operating statement of the VCAA. The VCAA paid contributions on behalf of eligible casual and sessional employees into 112 different funds. i Secured by the assets leased. Finance leases are effectively secured as the rights to the leased assets revert to the lessor in the event of default. 64 Annual Report 2013–14 Contributions are calculated at a rate of 9.25 per cent pursuant to the provisions of the Superannuation Guarantee Act 1992. The names, details and amounts of the major employee superannuation funds and contributions made by the VCAA are as follows: Paid contribution for the year Contribution outstanding at year end 2014 $ 2013 $ 2014 $ 2013 $ 627,253 624,835 179,524 167,514 Catholic Superannuation Fund 24,181 23,035 9,042 7,073 Tertiary Education Superannuation Scheme 13,998 10,738 8,805 9,021 Various other 86,543 67,834 23,359 21,793 751,976 726,442 220,730 205,401 Defined contribution plans Victorian Superannuation Scheme Total Note 12 – Leases Disclosure for lessees – finance leases The lease commitments relate to the VCAA’s motor vehicle leases. The VCAA entered into leasing arrangements with VicFleet to lease motor vehicles for lease periods between 24 and 36 months. Minimum future lease payments Present value of minimum future lease payments 2014 $ 2013 $ 2014 $ 2013 $ 68,424 81,056 60,280 77,782 117,416 26,428 113,599 24,448 - - - - Minimum future lease payments 185,840 107,484 173,879 102,230 Less future finance charges (11,961) - - Present value of minimum lease payments 173,879 173,879 102,230 Not longer than one year Longer than one year and not longer than five years Longer than five years Financial statements (5,254) 102,230 65 Disclosure for lessees – operating leases 2014 $ 2013 $ Non-cancellable operating lease payable Not longer than one year 235,616 96,417 Longer than one year and not longer than five years 161,077 - Total non-cancellable operating lease payable 396,693 96,417 All amounts shown above are nominal amounts inclusive of GST. Note 13 – Commitments for expenditure The following commitments have not been recognised as liabilities in the financial statements. 2014 $ 2013 $ Capital expenditure commitments Payable Not longer than one year 67,015 566,677 - - 67,015 566,677 3,264,989 2,168,998 - - 3,264,989 2,168,998 Longer than one year and not longer than five years Total capital expenditure commitments Operating expenditure commitments Payable Not longer than one year Longer than one year and not longer than five years Total operating expenditure commitments All amounts shown above are nominal amounts inclusive of GST. Note 14 – Contingent assets and contingent liabilities At 30 June 2014 the VCAA had no contingent assets (nil at 30 June 2013) and no contingent liabilities (nil at 30 June 2013). 66 Annual Report 2013–14 Note 15 – Financial instruments (a) Financial risk management objectives and policies The VCAA’s principal financial instruments comprise: cash and deposits receivables (excluding statutory receivables) payables (excluding statutory payables) finance lease payables. Details of the significant accounting policies and methods adopted, including the criteria for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which income and expenses are recognised, in respect of each class of financial asset and financial liability are disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. The main purpose in holding financial instruments is to prudentially manage VCAA’s financial risks within the government policy parameters. VCAA’s main financial risks include credit risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. VCAA manages these financial risks in accordance with its financial risk management policy. The carrying amounts of the VCAA’s contractual financial assets and financial liabilities by category are in Table 15.1. Financial statements 67 Table 15.1 – Categorisation of financial instruments Contractual financial assetsloans and receivables $ Contractual financial liabilities at amortised cost $ Total $ 2014 Contractual financial assets Cash and deposits 8,490,056 - 8,490,056 Receivablesi 1,358,628 - 1,358,628 Total contractual financial assets 9,848,684 - 9,848,684 - 5,475,677 - Lease liabilities - 173,879 - Total contractual financial liabilities - 5,649,556 - Cash and deposits 9,896,221 - 9,896,221 Receivablesi 1,274,999 - 1,274,999 11,171,220 - 11,171,220 - 4,196,881 - Lease liabilities - 102,230 - Total contractual financial liabilities - 4,299,111 Contractual financial liabilities Payablesi Supplies and services Borrowings 2013 Contractual financial assets Total contractual financial assets Contractual financial liabilities Payablesi Supplies and services Borrowings (b) Credit risk Credit risk arises from the contractual financial assets of the VCAA, which comprise cash and cash equivalents and receivables. The VCAA’s exposure to credit risk arises from the potential default of a counter party on their contractual obligations resulting in financial loss to the VCAA. Credit risk is measured at fair value and is monitored on a i The total amounts disclosed here exclude statutory amounts (for example, amounts owing from Victorian Government and GST input tax credit recoverable and taxes payable). 68 Annual Report 2013–14 regular basis. Credit risk associated with the VCAA’s financial assets is minimal because the main debtor is the Victorian Government. Provision of impairment for contractual financial assets is recognised when there is objective evidence that the VCAA will not be able to collect a receivable. Objective evidence includes financial difficulties of the debtor, default payments, debts which are more than 60 days overdue, and changes in debtor credit rating. Except as otherwise detailed in Table 15.2, the carrying amount of contractual financial assets recorded in the financial statements, net of any allowance for losses, represents the VCAA’s maximum exposure to credit risk without taking account of the value of any collateral obtained. The carrying amount of financial assets recorded in the financial report represents the VCAA’s maximum exposure to credit risk as indicated in Table 15.2. Table 15.2 – Credit quality of contractual financial assets that are neither past due nor impaired Financial Institutions (AA credit rating) $ Other Total $ $ 2014 Contractual financial assets Cash and deposits Receivablesi Total contractual financial assets 8,490,056 - 8,490,056 - 1,358,628 1,358,628 8,490,056 1,358,628 9,848,684 9,896,221 - 9,896,221 - 1,274,999 1,274,999 9,896,221 1,274,999 11,171,220 2013 Contractual financial assets Cash and deposits Receivablesi Total contractual financial assets Currently the VCAA does not hold any collateral as security nor credit enhancements relating to any of its financial assets. There are no financial assets that have had their terms renegotiated so as to prevent them from being past due or impaired, and they are stated at the carrying amounts as indicated. i The total amounts disclosed here exclude statutory amounts (for example, amounts owing from Victorian Government and GST input tax credit recoverable). Financial statements 69 Table 15.3 indicates the aging analysis of contractual financial assets. Table 15.3 – Aging analysis of contractual financial assets Carrying amount Not past Past due but not impaired Impaired due and financial Less than 1–3 3 months not 1–5 years assets months –1 year impaired 1 month $ $ $ $ 2014 Receivablesi 1,358,628 758,995 108,219 443,462 33,224 14,728 - 1,358,628 758,995 108,219 443,462 33,224 14,728 - 1,274,999 982,980 195,303 31,059 20,063 45,595 - 1,274,999 982,980 195,303 31,059 20,063 45,595 - 2013 Receivablesi (c) Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the VCAA would be unable to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The VCAA operates under the Government fair payments policy of settling financial obligations within 30 days and in the event of a dispute, making payments within 30 days from the date of resolution. The VCAA’s maximum exposure to liquidity risk is the carrying amounts of financial liabilities as disclosed on the face of the statement of financial position. VCAA manages its liquidity risk by: close monitoring of its short- and long-term borrowings by senior management, including monthly reviews on current and future borrowing levels and requirements maintaining an adequate level of uncommitted funds that can be drawn at short notice to meet its short-term obligations holding investments and other contractual financial assets that are readily tradeable in the financial markets careful maturity planning of its financial obligations based on forecasts of future cashflows a high credit rating for the State of Victoria (Moody’s Investor Services & Standard & Poor’s AAA), which assists in accessing debt market at a lower interest rate. The VCAA’s exposure to liquidity risk is deemed insignificant based on prior periods’ data and current assessment of risk. i The total amounts disclosed here exclude statutory amounts (for example amounts owing from Victorian Government and GST input tax credit recoverable). 70 Annual Report 2013–14 Table 15.4 discloses the contractual maturity analysis for the VCAA’s contractual financial liabilities. Table 15.4 – Maturity analysis of contractual financial liabilities Carrying amount Nominal amount Maturity dates Less than 1 month $ 1–3 months $ 3 months– 1–5 years 1 year $ $ 2014 Payablesi Supplies and services 5,475,677 5,475,677 5,475,677 - - - 173,879 185,840 5,023 10,047 45,210 113,599 5,649,556 5,661,517 5,480,700 10,047 45,210 113,599 4,196,881 4,196,881 4,196,881 - - - 102,230 107,484 48,809 3,847 10,566 39,008 4,299,111 4,304,365 4,245,690 3,847 10,566 39,008 Borrowings Lease liabilities Total 2013 Payablesi Supplies and services Borrowings Lease liabilities Total (d) Market risk Interest rate risk Fair value interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value of the financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The VCAA does not hold any interest bearing financial instruments that are measured at fair value, therefore has no exposure to fair value interest rate risk. Cashflow interest rate risk is the risk that the future cashflows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The VCAA has minimal exposure to cashflow interest rate risks through its cash and deposits and term deposits that are at floating rates. The VCAA manages this risk by mainly undertaking fixed rate or non-interest bearing financial instruments with relatively even maturity profiles, with only insignificant amounts of financial instruments at floating rate. Management has concluded for cash at bank, as a financial asset that can be left at floating rate without necessarily exposing the VCAA to significant bad risk, management monitors movement in interest rates on a daily basis. i The carrying mounts disclosed exclude statutory amounts (for example, GST payables). Financial statements 71 The carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities that are exposed to interest rates are set out below. In addition, the VCAA’s sensitivity to interest rate risk is set out in Table 15.5. Table 15.5 – Interest rate exposure of financial instruments Weighted average effective interest rate % Carrying amount Interest rate risk exposure Fixed Variable interest rate interest rate $ $ $ Noninterest bearing $ 2014 Financial assets Cash and deposits 2.03 8,490,056 - 8,490,056 - Receivablesi 1,358,628 - - 1,358,628 Total financial assets 9,848,684 - - 1,358,628 5,475,677 - - 5,475,677 173,879 173,879 - - 5,649,556 173,879 - 5,475,677 9,896,221 - 9,896,221 - 1,274,999 - - 1,274,999 11,171,220 - - 1,274,999 4,196,881 - - 4,196,881 102,230 102,230 - - 4,299,111 102,230 - 4,196,881 Financial liabilities Payablesi Supplies and services Borrowings Lease liabilities Total financial liabilities 2013 Financial assets Cash and deposits Receivablesi Total financial assets 2.25 Financial liabilities Payablesi Supplies and services Borrowings Lease liabilities Total financial liabilities i The total amounts disclosed here exclude statutory amounts (for example, amounts owing from Victorian Government and GST input tax credit recoverable and taxes payable). 72 Annual Report 2013–14 Sensitivity disclosure analysis and assumptions VCAA’s sensitivity to market risk is determined based on the observed range of actual historical data for the preceding five year period, with all variables other than the primary risk variable held constant. The following movements are ‘reasonably possible’ over the next 12 months: A movement of 100 basis points up and down (2013: 100 points up and down) in the market interest rates (AUD). The VCAA has performed a sensitivity analysis relating to its exposure to interest risk at balance date. This sensitivity analysis demonstrates the effect on the current year results and equity which could result from a change in this risk. At 30 June 2014, the effect on the net result and equity as a result of changes in the interest rate, with all other variables remaining constant would be as in Table 15.6. Table 15.6 – Interest rate sensitivity analysis Interest rate -100 basis points Carrying amount Net result $ + 100 basis points Available-forsale revaluation surplus $ Net result $ Available-forsale revaluation surplus $ 2014 Contractual financial assets Cash and deposits 8,490,056 (84,901) - 84,901 - Total contractual financial assets (84,901) - 84,901 - Cash and deposits 9,896,221 (98,962) - 98,962 - Total contractual financial assets (98,962) - 98,962 - 8,490,056 2013 Contractual financial assets 9,896,221 The above interest rate sensitivity analysis has been performed on the assumption that all other variables remain unchanged. Only cash and cash equivalents would be affected by a movement in interest rates as other financial instruments are either interest free or subject to fixed interest rates. No sensitivity analysis has been performed on foreign exchange risk, as the VCAA is not exposed to foreign currency fluctuations. (e) Fair value The fair values and net fair values of financial instrument assets and liabilities are determined as follows: Level 1 – the fair value of financial instrument with standard terms and conditions and traded in active liquid markets are determined with reference to quoted market prices Level 2 – the fair value is determined using inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the financial asset or liability, either directly or indirectly Financial statements 73 Level 3 – the fair value is determined in accordance with generally accepted pricing models based on discounted cashflow analysis using unobservable market inputs. The VCAA considers that the carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the financial statements approximates their fair values because of the short-term nature of the financial instruments and the expectation that they will be paid in full. Table 15.7 shows that the fair values of most of the contractual financial assets and liabilities are the same as their carrying amounts. Table 15.7 – Comparison between carrying amount and fair value Carrying Amount 2014 $ Fair value 2014 $ Carrying Amount 2013 $ Fair value 2013 $ Contractual financial assets Cash and deposits 8,490,056 8,490,056 9,896,221 9,896,221 Receivablesi 1,358,628 1,358,628 1,274,999 1,274,999 Total contractual financial assets 9,848,684 9,848,684 11,171,220 11,171,220 5,475,677 5,475,677 4,196,881 4,196,881 173,879 173,879 102,230 102,230 5,649,556 5,649,556 4,299,111 4,299,111 Contractual financial liabilities Payablesi Supplies and services Borrowings Lease liabilities Total contractual financial liabilities i The total amounts disclosed here exclude statutory amounts (for example, amounts owing from Victorian Government and GST input tax credit recoverable and taxes payable). 74 Annual Report 2013–14 Note 16 – Cashflow information (a) Reconciliation of cash and deposits For the purposes of the cashflow statement, cash includes cash on hand and in banks. Cash at the end of the financial year as shown in the cashflow statement is reconciled to the related items in the statement of financial position as follows: 2014 $ 2013 Total cash and deposits disclosed in the statement of financial positioni 8,490,056 9,896,221 Balance as per cashflow statement 8,490,056 9,896,221 2014 $ 2013 $ $ (b) Reconciliation of net result for the period Net result for the period (2,088,457) (351,481) Non cash movements (Gain)/loss on disposal of non-current assets Depreciation and amortisation of non-current assets (14,214) 1,090,926 1,336,189 Movements in assets and liabilities (Increase)/decrease in receivables (Increase)/decrease in other non-financial assets Increase/(decrease) in payables Increase/(decrease) in provisions Net cashflows from/(used in) operating activities 248,058 (91,793) (139,195) 327,051 447,455 (339,323) 2,000 (453,427) 880,643 Note 17 – Ex-gratia payments As at 30 June 2014 the VCAA had not made any ex-gratia payments (nil at 30 June 2013). Due to the State of Victoria’s investment policy and government funding arrangements, government departments and agencies generally do not hold a large cash reserve in their bank accounts. Cash received by a department or agency from the generation of revenue is generally paid into the State’s bank account, known as the public account. Similarly, any departmental or agency expenditure, including those in the form of cheques drawn by a department or agency for the payment of goods and services to its suppliers and creditors are made via the public account. The process is such that, the public account would remit to the department or agency the cash required for the amount drawn on the cheques. This remittance by the public account occurs upon the presentation of the cheques by the department or agency’s suppliers or creditors. i Financial statements 75 Note 18 – Economic dependency The VCAA is dependent on the State Government, through DEECD, for a significant volume of its operating revenue, provision of human resources, information system support, financial facilities and ongoing financial support as reported in Note 1. Note 19 – Responsible persons In accordance with the Ministerial Directions issued by the Minister for Finance under the Financial Management Act 1994, the following disclosures are made regarding responsible persons for the reporting period. Names The persons who held the positions of Responsible Minister, Members of the VCAA are as follows: Responsible Minister – Minister for Education: ‒ The Hon Martin Dixon, MP ‒ The Hon Peter Hall, MLC and The Hon Nick Wakeling MP acted whilst Minister Dixon was on leave. Responsible Minister – Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development: ‒ The Hon Wendy Lovell, MLC Responsible Minister – Minister for Higher Education and Skills: ‒ The Hon Nick Wakeling MP (from 17 March 2014) ‒ The Hon Peter Hall, MLC ‒ The Hon Martin Dixon, MP acted whilst Minister Hall was on leave. Accountable Officer – Chief Executive Officer ‒ Mr John Firth VCAA Board Members 76 Mr Chris Wardlaw, Chair Professor Adam Shoemaker Dr Esmerelda Bamblett Mr Richard Bolt (Ex Officio) Ms Suzy Chandler Professor Adrienne Clarke Professor Anne Jones Mr Tony Larkin Ms Vicki Miles Mr Peter Moore Mr Dale Pearce Mr Russell Pettis Ms Andrée Poulter Ms Debra Punton Professor Collette Tayler Annual Report 2013–14 Remuneration Remuneration received or receivable by Board members including the Accountable Officer in connection with the management of the VCAA during the reporting period was in the range: Income Band 2014 Number 2013 Number $0 7 5 $1 to $9,999 7 6 $20,000 to $29,999 1 - $30,000 to $39,999 - 1 $280,000 to $289,999 - 1 $290,000 to $299,999 1 - 16 13 Total numbers Total amount $352,786 $351,354 Amounts relating to the Ministers are reported in the Financial Statements of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Related party transactions Mr Richard Bolt is the Secretary of DEECD. According to the Education and Training Reform Act, membership of the authority must include the Secretary of the Department. Accordingly the values of transactions between the VCAA and DEECD were as follows: 2014 $ 2013 $ Revenue received 4,618,667 6,252,569 Expenditure incurred 3,011,556 2,118,209 The revenue and expenditure disclosed in this note represents transactions conducted between the parties on normal commercial terms, excluding appropriations, and includes resources received and provided free of charge. Other related transactions and loans requiring disclosure under the Directions of the Minister for Finance have been considered and there are no matters to report. Note 20 – Remuneration of executives The number of executive officers, other than Responsible Persons, and their total remuneration during the reporting period are shown in the first two columns in the table below in their relevant income bands. The base remuneration of executive officers is shown in the third and fourth columns. Base remuneration is exclusive of bonus payments, long service leave payments, redundancy payments and retirement benefits. Several factors have affected total remuneration payable to executives over the year, including contract renegotiation, new appointments, retirements and bonus payments. These bonus payments depend on the terms of the individual employment contracts. Financial statements 77 This had an impact on total remuneration due to the inclusion of annual leave, long service leave payments and retirement benefits. The executive officers receiving total remuneration exceeding $100,000 during the reporting period are shown in the table below in their relevant income bands. Total remuneration 2014 2013 Number Number Base remuneration 2014 2013 Number Number Income band $140,000–$149,999 1 - 1 - $160,000–$169,999 - - - 1 $170,000–$179,999 1 1 1 - $180,000–$189,999 - - - 1 $190,000–$199,999 - 2 2 1 $200,000–$209,999 2 1 1 1 $210,000–$219,999 1 - - - Total number of executives 5 4 5 4 Total annualised employee equivalents (AEE)i 5 4.25 5 4.25 Total amount $956,217 $779,794 $921,270 $749,332 Note 21 – Remuneration of auditors 2014 $ 2013 $ 29,300 24,049 4,200 3,900 33,500 27,949 Victorian Auditor-General’s Office Audit of the financial statements Internal audit fees Note 22 – Subsequent events There were no significant events that have occurred subsequent to 30 June 2014. i Annualised employee equivalents is based on paid working hours of 38 ordinary hours per week over the 52 weeks of a reporting period. 78 Annual Report 2013–14 Note 23 – Glossary of terms and style conventions Actuarial gains or losses on superannuation defined benefit plans Actuarial gains or losses are changes in the present value of the superannuation defined benefit liability resulting from: (a) experience adjustments (the effects of differences between the previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually occurred) (b) the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions. Comprehensive result The net result of all items of income and expense recognised for the period. It is the aggregate of operating result and other comprehensive income. Commitments Commitments include those operating, capital and other outsourcing commitments arising from non-cancellable contractual or statutory sources. Employee benefits expenses Employee benefits expenses include all costs related to employment including wages and salaries, leave entitlements, redundancy payments and superannuation contributions. Financial asset A financial asset is any asset that is: (a) cash (b) an equity instrument of another entity (c) a contractual right ‒ to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity ‒ to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially favourable to the entity (d) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments and is: ‒ a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to receive a variable number of the entity’s own equity instruments ‒ a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity’s own equity instruments. Financial liability A financial liability is any liability that is: (a) a contractual or statutory obligation: (i) to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity (ii) to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavourable to the entity (b) a contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own equity instrument and is: (i) a non-derivative for which the entity is or may be obliged to deliver a variable number of the entity’s own equity instruments (ii) a derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity’s own equity instruments. For this purpose the entity’s own equity instruments do not include instruments that are themselves contracts for the future receipt or delivery of the entity’s own equity instruments. Financial statements 79 Financial statements A complete set of financial statements comprises: (a) a statement of financial position as at the end of the period (b) a statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period (c) a statement of changes in equity for the period (d) a statement of cashflows for the period (e) notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (f) comparative information in respect of the preceding period as specified in paragraphs 38 of AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements (g) a statement of financial position as at the beginning of the preceding period when an entity applies an accounting policy retrospectively or makes a retrospective restatement of items in its financial statements, or when it reclassifies items in its financial statements in accordance with paragraphs 41 of AASB 101. Grants and other transfers Transactions in which one unit provides goods, services, assets (or extinguishes a liability) or labour to another unit without receiving approximately equal value in return. Grants can either be operating or capital in nature. While grants to governments may result in the provision of some goods or services to the transferor, they do not give the transferor a claim to receive directly benefits of approximately equal value. Receipt and sacrifice of approximately equal value may occur, but only by coincidence. For example, governments are not obliged to provide commensurate benefits, in the form of goods or services, to particular taxpayers in return for their taxes. For this reason, grants are referred to by the AASB as involuntary transfers and are termed nonreciprocal transfers. Grants can be paid as general purpose grants which refer to grants that are not subject to conditions regarding their use. Alternatively, they may be paid as specific purpose grants which are paid for a particular purpose and/or have conditions attached regarding their use. Grants for on-passing All grants paid to one institutional sector (for example, a State general government) to be passed on to another institutional sector (for example, local government or a private non-profit institution). Intangible assets Intangible assets represent identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance. Interest expense Costs incurred in connection with the borrowing of funds. Interest expenses include interest on bank overdrafts and short-term and long-term borrowings, amortisation of discounts or premiums relating to borrowings, interest component of finance leases repayments, and the increase in financial liabilities and non-employee provisions due to the unwinding of discounts to reflect the passage of time. Interest income Interest income includes unwinding over time of discounts on financial assets and interest received on bank term deposits and other investments. 80 Annual Report 2013–14 Net result Net result is a measure of financial performance of the operations for the period. It is the net result of items of income, gains and expenses (including losses) recognised for the period, excluding those that are classified as ‘other economic flows – other comprehensive income’. Net result from transactions/net operating balance Net result from transactions or net operating balance is a key fiscal aggregate and is revenue from transactions minus expenses from transactions. It is a summary measure of the ongoing sustainability of operations. It excludes gains and losses resulting from changes in price levels and other changes in the volume of assets. It is the component of the change in net worth that is due to transactions and can be attributed directly to government policies. Non-financial asset Non-financial assets are all assets that are not ‘financial assets’. Other economic flows included in net result Other economic flows included in net result are changes in the volume or value of an asset or liability that do not result from transactions. It includes: (a) gains and losses from disposals, revaluations and impairments of non‑financial physical and intangible assets (b) depletion of natural assets (non‑produced) from their use or removal (c) fair value changes of financial instruments. Payables Includes short- and long-term trade debt and accounts payable, grants and interest payable. Receivables Includes short- and long-term trade credit and accounts receivable, grants, taxes and interest receivable. Sales of goods and services Refers to revenue from the direct provision of goods and services and includes fees and charges for services rendered, sales of goods and services, fees from regulatory services, work done as an agent for private enterprises. It also includes rental income under operating leases and on produced assets such as buildings and entertainment, but excludes rent income from the use of non-produced assets such as land. User charges includes sale of goods and services revenue. Supplies and services Supplies and services generally represent cost of goods sold and the day-to-day running costs, including maintenance costs, incurred in the normal operations of the VCAA. Transactions Transactions are those economic flows that are considered to arise as a result of policy decisions, usually an interaction between two entities by mutual agreement. They also include flows within an entity such as depreciation where the owner is simultaneously acting as the owner of the depreciating asset and as the consumer of the service provided by the asset. Taxation is regarded as mutually agreed interactions between Financial statements 81 the government and taxpayers. Transactions can be in kind (for example, assets provided/given free of charge or for nominal consideration) or where the final consideration is cash. In simple terms, transactions arise from the policy decisions of the government. Style conventions Figures in the tables and in the text have been rounded. Discrepancies in tables between totals and sums of components reflect rounding. Percentage variations in all tables are based on the underlying unrounded amounts. - or 0 Zero, or rounded to zero (xxx) Negative numbers 200x Year period 200x-0x Year period 82 Annual Report 2013–14 Appendices Appendix 1 – Disclosure index The annual report of the VCAA is prepared in accordance with all relevant Victorian legislation and pronouncements. This index has been prepared to facilitate identification of the VCAA’s compliance with statutory disclosure requirements. Legislation Requirement Page Ministerial Directions Report of operations – Financial Reporting Direction guidance Charter and purpose FRD 22E Manner of establishment and the relevant Ministers FRD 22E Objectives, functions, powers and duties FRD 22E Nature and range of services provided 7, 24 7 7, 7 Management and structure FRD 22E Organisational structure 33 Financial and other information FRD 8B Budget portfolio outcomes n/a FRD 10 Disclosure index 83 FRD 12A Disclosure of major contracts 90 FRD 15B Executive officer disclosures 88, 77 FRD 22E, SD 4.2(k) Operational and budgetary objectives and performance against objectives n/a FRD 22E Employment and conduct principles 87 FRD 22E Occupational health and safety policy 86 FRD 22E Summary of the financial results for the year 22 FRD 22E Significant changes in financial position during the year 22 FRD 22E Major changes or factors affecting performance 22 FRD 22E Subsequent events 78 FRD 22E Application and operation of Freedom of Information Act 1982 90 Appendices 83 Legislation Requirement Page Ministerial Directions Report of operations – Financial Reporting Direction guidance continued Financial and other information continued FRD 22E Compliance with building and maintenance provisions of Building Act 1993 90 FRD 22E Statement on National Competition Policy 92 FRD 22E Application and operation of the Protected Disclosure 2012 92 FRD 22E Application and operation of the Carers Recognition Act 2012 n/a FRD 22E Details of consultancies over $10,000 90 FRD 22E Details of consultancies under $10,000 90 FRD 22E Statement of availability of other information 94 FRD 24C Reporting of office-based environmental impacts n/a FRD 25B Victorian Industry Participation Policy disclosures 90 FRD 29 Workforce Data disclosures 88 SD 4.5.5 Risk management compliance attestation 93 SD Ministerial Standing Direction compliance attestation 93 SD 4.2(g) Specific information requirements SD 4.2(j) Sign-off requirements i, 7, 8, 22 i Financial Report Financial statements required under Part 7 of the Financial Management Act SD4.2(a) Statement of changes in equity 40 SD4.2(b) Operating statement 38 SD4.2(b) Balance sheet 39 SD4.2(b) Cashflow statement 41 84 Annual Report 2013–14 Legislation Requirement Page Ministerial Directions Financial Report continued Other requirements under Standing Directions 4.2 SD4.2(c) Compliance with Australian accounting standards and other authoritative pronouncements 44 SD4.2(c) Compliance with Ministerial Directions 44 SD4.2(d) Rounding of amounts 53 SD4.2(c) Accountable officer’s declaration 35 SD4.2(f) Compliance with Model Financial Report 44 Other disclosures as required by FRDs in notes to the financial statements FRD 9A Departmental Disclosure of Administered Assets and Liabilities by Activity n/a FRD 11A Disclosure of Ex-gratia Expenses 75 FRD 13 Disclosure of Parliamentary Appropriations n/a FRD 21B Disclosures of Responsible Persons, Executive Officers and other Personnel (Contractors with Significant Management Responsibilities) in the Financial Report FRD 102 Inventories n/a FRD 103D Non-current Physical Assets 58 FRD 104 Foreign Currency n/a FRD 106 Impairment of Assets 49 FRD 109 Intangible Assets FRD 107 Investment Properties n/a FRD 110 Cashflow Statements 41 FRD 112D Defined Benefit Superannuation Obligations 64 FRD 113 Investments in Subsidiaries, Jointly Controlled Entities and Associates n/a FRD 114A Financial Instruments – General Government Entities and Public Non-financial Corporations 67 FRD 119A Transfers through Contributed Capital 40 Appendices 76, 77 51, 62 85 Legislation Requirement Page Legislation Building Act 1993 90 Carers Recognition Act 2012 n/a Disability Act 2006 n/a Financial Management Act 1994 44 Freedom of Information Act 1982 90 Protected Disclosure Act 2001 92 Victorian Industry Participation Policy Act 2003 90 Appendix 2 – Occupational health and safety The VCAA operates and abides by DEECD occupational health and safety policies and procedures. The VCAA’s occupational health and safety objectives are: to prevent injury/illness from occurring in the workplace to maintain the good health and wellbeing of all staff to comply with all statutory requirements of Acts and Regulations, codes of practice and standards. To fulfil these objectives the VCAA: is proactive in ensuring that the workplace is safe and without risk to health is continually monitoring the health and wellbeing of the employees and conducting quarterly risk assessments of the work environment is actively assisting occupational health and safety representatives to maintain their knowledge and keep abreast of any legislative changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 developed and applied occupational health and safety policies, procedures and practices in accordance with statutory requirements and accepted health and safety standards. Major initiatives in 2013–14 included: supporting management representatives and occupational health and safety representatives to maintain the skills and knowledge required for their roles actively encouraging staff to report all occupational health and safety and first aid issues continuing to review and upgrade the first aid skills, including automatic external defibrillator training, of all first aid officers maintaining the knowledge level of all building wardens through practical drills appointments of additional wardens appointments of additional first aid officers. 86 Annual Report 2013–14 Performance targets Occupational health and safety performance met or exceeded VCAA targets in 2013– 14. During the reporting period, the VCAA received no standard claim, and no Improvement or Prohibition Notices were issued to the VCAA. The target for 2014–15 is to maintain this standard. Workplace Consultative Committee The VCAA Workplace Consultative Committee is an employee representative committee whose membership was decided following an employee nomination and consultation process. It is also the VCAA’s Occupational Health and Safety Committee. The role of the committee is to foster an ethical, positive and healthy workplace culture. It is a consultation forum to identify and resolve matters related to accommodation, building safety and security, professional development and training, staff health and wellbeing, and matters related to human resources. The committee met once a month throughout the 2013–14 year. Merit training Eleven VCAA staff completed accreditation training during the reporting period. Ninety current staff have trained in merit-based selection procedures. A merit protection-accredited person is required to be included on all selection panels and in many other situations where personnel decisions are made. Appendices 87 Appendix 3 – Workforce data Table 3 – Full-time equivalent of staff in the VCAA on pay by sex and classification year ending June 2014 Victorian Public Service 2013–14 Classification Males 2012–13 Females Total Males Females Total FTE Per cent FTE Per cent FTE FTE Per cent FTE Per cent FTE EO2 3.0 75.0 1.0 25.0 4.0 3.0 75.0 1.0 25.0 4.0 EO3 1.0 50.0 1.0 50.0 2.0 1.0 50.0 1.0 50.0 2.0 Victorian Public Service Technical Specialist 1.0 100.0 - - 1.0 1.0 100.0 - - 1.0 Victorian Public Service Grades 6 16.0 48.5 17.0 51.5 33.0 15.0 48.4 16.0 51.6 31.0 Victorian Public Service Grades 5 19.6 33.4 39.1 66.6 58.7 18.6 33.3 37.3 65.8 55.9 Victorian Public Service Grades 4 12.6 44.1 16.0 55.9 28.6 8.0 32.5 16.6 67.5 24.6 Victorian Public Service Grades 3 12.0 31.3 26.4 68.8 38.4 17.5 42.2 24.0 57.8 41.5 Victorian Public Service Grades 2 8.0 41.7 11.2 58.3 19.2 3.0 24.2 9.4 75.8 12.4 Victorian Public Service Casual 0.2 100.0 - - 0.2 0.2 100.0 - - 0.2 Total 73.4 39.7 111.7 60.3 185.1 67.3 40.0 105.3 60.0 172.6 Table 4 – Number of staff in the VCAA on pay by sex and classification year ending June 2014 Victorian Public Service 2013–14 Classification Males 2012–13 Females Total Males Females Total FTE Per cent FTE Per cent FTE FTE Per cent FTE Per cent FTE EO2 3 75.0 1 25.0 4 3 75.0 1 33.3 4 EO3 1 50.0 1 50.0 2 1 50.0 1 50.0 2 Victorian Public Service Technical Specialist 1 100.0 - - 1 1 100.0 - - 1 Victorian Public Service Grades 6 16 48.5 17 51.5 33 15 48.4 16 51.6 31 Victorian Public Service Grades 5 20 32.9 40 67.1 60 20 33.9 39 66.6 59 Victorian Public Service Grades 4 13 40.6 19 59.4 32 10 37.0 17 63.0 27 Victorian Public Service Grades 3 12 28.6 30 71.4 42 17 38.6 27 61.4 44 Victorian Public Service Grades 2 8 40.0 12 60.0 20 4 26.7 11 73.3 15 Victorian Public Service Casual 1 100.0 - - 1 1 100.0 - - 1 Total 75 38.3 120 61.7 195 72 39.1 112 60.9 184 VCAA staff are also included in DEECD workforce data. Appendix 4 – Other disclosures and attestations Victorian Industry Participation Policy The Victorian Industry Participation Policy Act 2003 requires departments and public sector bodies to report on the implementation of the Victorian Industry Participation Policy. Departments and public sector bodies are required to apply the Victorian Industry Participation Policy in all procurement activities valued at $3 million or more in metropolitan Melbourne and for statewide projects, or $1 million or more for procurement activities in regional Victoria. During the 2013–14 reporting period, the VCAA recorded two contractual engagements requiring application of the Victorian Industry Participation Policy provisions. The provision of Online Marking of the General Achievement Test (GAT) and selected VCE Examinations had a total value of approximately $7 million over five years. The Delivery of the NAPLAN for Victorian Schools had a total value of approximately $9.7 million over two years. Both engagements were in metropolitan Melbourne. Consultancy expenditure In 2013–14 there were three consultancies where the total fees payable to the consultants were $10,000 or greater. The total expenditure incurred during 2013–14 in relation to these consultancies is $57,800 excluding GST. Details of individual consultancies can be viewed at the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s website. In 2013–14 there were three consultancies where the total fees payable to the consultants were less than $10,000. The total expenditure incurred during 2013–14 in relation to these consultancies is $5615 excluding GST. Freedom of Information The Freedom of Information Act 1982 allows the public a right of access to documents held by the VCAA. During 2013–14, the VCAA received one application from a Member of Parliament. Categories of documents The following are the general categories of documents maintained by the VCAA: correspondence, administrative and policy documents paper records on registered files minutes, agendas and papers. Paper records of agendas, agenda papers and confirmed minutes of meetings are maintained in registered files. An index of outcomes is also maintained. Personnel documents Paper records on remuneration and appointments to the VCAA are maintained in registered files. Accounting records Accounting records are maintained on a computerised accounting system. The records deal with general ledger entries, accounts payable, payroll and other accounting functions. Paper records are also kept as registered files. Student records Personal, enrolment and assessment information for VCE and VCAL students is maintained using the Victorian Assessment Software System, a web-based system that provides direct communication between the VCAA and VCE and VCAL provider schools. 90 Annual Report 2013–14 Other categories of documents maintained internally include records associated with curriculum and examinations. Some records are protected from public release on the grounds of personal privacy, others by the restrictions placed on examination materials. Previous examination papers are published on the VCAA website. Information provided by the VCAA about its operations covers VCE and VCAL areas of study, school assessment, examinations, curriculum and standards for Foundation–10, the VELS, NAPLAN, GAT and other more general information. Making a request Access to documents may be obtained through written request to the relevant Freedom of Information officer as detailed in section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act. In summary, a request must: be in writing identify as clearly as possible which document is being requested be accompanied by the appropriate application fee (the fee may be waived in certain circumstances). Requests for documents should be addressed to: The FOI Officer Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Telephone: (03) 9032 1662 Email: Requests can also be lodged online at Access charges may also apply once documents have been processed and a decision on access is made; for example, photocopying and search and retrieval charges. Freedom of Information arrangements Access to records Access to some records held by the VCAA, such as for VCE students wishing to obtain replacement statements and/or certificates, can be organised via established routine procedures. The VCAA’s Information Services staff can provide initial information to people regarding such protocols. Applicants seeking access to documents that are not the subject of VCAA access procedures must address their request to the authorised officer. Review of decisions Applicants may request review of a decision made in response to requests for access to documents, for the amendments of records or against the cost levied for searching for, copying or providing copies of documents. Information about the appropriate avenue of review will be conveyed to the applicant in the letter advising of the initial decision. Applicants are advised to consult Part VI, Review of Decisions, in the FOI Act for further information about review rights. Correction of personal information A request for correction or amendment of personal information in a document held by the VCAA must be made in writing. It should specify particulars of how and why the person making the request believes the information to be incorrect, incomplete, misleading or out of date. It should also specify the amendments they wish to make. Further information regarding Freedom of Information can be found at Appendices 91 Compliance with the Building Act 1993 The VCAA does not own or control any government buildings and consequently is exempt from notifying its compliance with the building and maintenance provisions of the Building Act. National Competition Policy In 1995, the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments agreed to implement the National Competition Policy to promote greater competition and encourage economic growth. Three requirements of the policy are: legislative reviews to eliminate restrictions on competition assessment of new legislation and regulation to ensure continued compliance with the policy competitive neutrality to ensure consistency in pricing of goods and services. Legislative reviews The VCAA did not undertake any reviews of legislation under the National Competition Policy in 2013–14. Assessment of new legislation and regulations No new acts or regulations relating to the VCAA were enacted during 2013–14. Competitive neutrality Competitive neutrality requires government businesses to ensure, where services may compete with the private sector, that any advantages arising from their government ownership are removed if they are not in the public interest. The VCAA does not conduct any businesses. The VCAA was not involved in any complaints for the year 2013–14. Compliance with the Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (formerly Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001) The VCAA does not tolerate improper conduct by its employees or officers nor the taking of detrimental action against a person in reprisal for the disclosure of such conduct. The VCAA recognises the value of transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices and supports the making of disclosures that reveal corrupt conduct, conduct involving a substantial mismanagement of public resources or a substantial risk to public health and safety or the environment. The Protected Disclosure Act came into force on 10 February 2013, replacing the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 as the legislation under which disclosures about improper conduct by Board members or employees of the VCAA could be made, and protection provided to both the discloser and others involved. The VCAA will take all reasonable steps to protect people who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure. It will also afford natural justice to the person who is the subject of the disclosure to the extent that it is legally possible. Under the Protected Disclosure Act, the VCAA is not able to receive protected disclosures. All protected disclosures about the VCAA, its Board members, officers, employees and staff must be made to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission. The VCAA’s Protected Disclosure procedures The VCAA’s Protected Disclosure procedures can be accessed by the public, its Board members, officers, employees and staff on its Corporate Policies webpage at 92 Annual Report 2013–14 A hard copy of these procedures can also be obtained by requesting a copy by mail from the VCAA’s Protected Disclosure Coordinator: Ms Lea Saddington Executive Director Planning, Strategy and Corporate Support Level 1, 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Industrial disputes and time lost due to injury Industrial disputes There were no staff hours lost as a result of industrial disputes during the 2013–14 financial year. Industrial accidents There were no new or existing claims in the 2013–14 financial year. As such there were no staff hours lost. Attestation for compliance with the Australian/New Zealand Risk Management Standard We, Chris Wardlaw and John Firth, certify that the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority has risk management processes in place consistent with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 (or its successor) and an internal control system in place that enables the executive to understand, manage and satisfactorily control risk exposures. The Audit Committee verifies this assurance and that the risk profile of the VCAA has been critically reviewed within the last 12 months. Chris Wardlaw Chair John Firth Chief Executive Officer Attestation for compliance with the Ministerial Standing Direction – Insurance I, John Firth, certify that the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority has complied with Ministerial Direction – Insurance. John Firth Chief Executive Officer Appendices 93 Appendix 5 – Additional VCAA information available on request In compliance with the requirements of the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance, details in respect of the items listed below have been retained by the VCAA and are available on request, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. a statement that declarations of pecuniary interests have been duly completed by all relevant officers details of shares held by a senior officer as nominee or held beneficially in a statutory authority or subsidiary details of publications produced by the entity about itself, and how these can be obtained details of changes in prices, fees, charges, rates and levies charged by the entity details of any major external reviews carried out on the entity details of major research and development activities undertaken by the entity details of overseas visits undertaken including a summary of the objectives and outcomes of each visit details of major promotional, public relations and marketing activities undertaken by the entity to develop community awareness of the entity and its services details of assessments and measures undertaken to improve the occupational health and safety of employees a general statement on industrial relations within the entity and details of time lost through industrial accidents and disputes a list of major committees sponsored by the entity, the purposes of each committee and the extent to which the purposes have been achieved details of all consultancies and contractors including: ‒ consultants/contractors engaged ‒ services provided ‒ expenditure committed to for each engagement. The information is available on request from: Chief Executive Officer Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000 94 Annual Report 2013–14 Appendix 6 – Board meeting attendance Board member 17 July 2013 14 August 2013 30 October 2013 11 December 2013 26 February 2014 30 April 2014 Attendance yes no yes no yes yes 4/6 Delegated Delegated Delegated Delegated Delegated Delegated 6/6 Ms Suzy Chandler yes yes yes yes yes yes 6/6 Professor Adrienne Clarke no no yes yes yes yes 4/6 Professor Anne Jones no yes yes no yes yes 4/6 Mr Tony Larkin yes yes yes yes yes yes 6/6 Ms Vicki Miles yes yes yes yes yes no 5/6 Mr Peter Moore yes yes yes no yes yes 5/6 Mr Dale Pearce yes yes yes no yes yes 5/6 Mr Russell Pettis yes yes yes yes yes yes 6/6 Ms Andrѐe Poulter yes yes yes yes yes yes 6/6 Ms Debra Punton1 yes yes yes yes yes yes 6/6 Professor Adam Shoemaker2 yes yes yes yes n/a n/a 4/4 Professor Collette Tayler3 yes yes n/a n/a n/a n/a 2/2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a yes 1/1 Dr Esmeralda Bamblett Mr Richard Bolt (ex-officio) Mr Chris Wardlaw 1 4 Ms Punton was appointed as Chair from 1 February to 29 April 2014. Professor Shoemaker resigned as Chair on 31 January 2014. Professor Collette Tayler took leave of absence from October 2013 to April 2014. 4 Mr Wardlaw was appointed as Chair from 29 April 2014 for a period of three years. 2 3 Appendix 7 – Acronyms and abbreviations GST Goods and services tax NAPLAN National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy VCAA Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority VCAL Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VCE Victorian Certificate of Education FTE Full-time equivalent TAFE Technical and further education VELS Victorian Essential Learning Standards VET Vocational education and training