ST. ALOYSIUS PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES June 18, 2012 Present: C. Ayoub S. Goetz L. Karl J. Otis Deacon Pond NEW: M. Barnard P. Green R. Mantilia R. Petronella Deacon Santulli J. P. Berliet J. Eckrich J. Holec T. Marino R. Phelan Msgr. Scheyd I. Herde M.B. Fessler C. Hussey E. Millette M. Pierce S. Staudt R. Segura Absent: J. Buongiorno M. Pascale Fr. Carey B. Redman Dr. Howard Fr. Jeremiah PRE MEETING CELEBRATION DINNER: I Opening Prayer: Outstanding job by Rich Phelan 7:50 pm Meeting opened with prayer from Msgr. Scheyd. II Welcome New Board/Old Board and Introductions: Jean-Pierre Berliet Isabelle Herde Philip Arlis (absent, studying for exams) Margaret Doran (absent – prior commitment) Ralph Segura (new staff, soon to be Transitional Deacon prior to ordination) III Approval of January Minutes, Parish Reports, Agenda: The May Minutes were approved as written. The Parish Council Reports were approved as part of the minutes after the following clarification: The header should have read June not May The Agenda was approved as presented. IV Business Manager’s Report: The FYE will be positive, thanks to several bequeaths at Christmas time. New roof is needed on the church. The present one is 19 years old. Preliminary cost is estimated to be around $30,000. Windows are needed throughout the rectory building to result in saved energy expense. Estimate is $30,000. The school AC project is moving forward. The Parish contribution is $25,000. We will consider a capital collection or some other fundraising. The Parish recently signed two year leases with the tenants at the Rectory building. V Update from Fr. Carey and Fr Ian: Fr. Carey: No Report – absent – rehabbing at St. Camillus Nursing facility. He will move to Waveny Care Center. Visitors are welcome. Fr. Ian: No Report – absent – on retreat School: No Report - absent VI New Business: 1) Octoberfest: Secheduled for Saturday, September 29, 2012 2) Introduction to the Parish Council Board Goals of 2012-2013 – see attached. A good discussion took place. Several ideas will be pursued. 3) Slate of Officers: approved Christine Ayoub Maggie Pierce Shannon Goetz Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary VII Old Business: Parish Feast this past weekend was outstanding. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters for contributing so much to the event success. A brief discussion took place to discuss the location of the Octoberfest on the St. Aloysius campus. Flexibility is key and based upon the weather forecast the event may take advantage of the outside and patio. VIII Pastor’s Report: Msgr. Scheyd thanked everyone for helping with the Parish Feast. All new members were welcomed. IX Input and Comments: Nothing to report XI Closing Prayer: A lovely closing prayer ended the meeting by Deacon (effective, next week) Ralph Segura. Next meeting is scheduled: Respectfully submitted, Robert Mantilia, Secretary Monday, September 17th at 7:30 pm in Stapleton Hall. St Aloysius Church Parish Council May 2012 Meeting Committee Reports BUSINESS MANAGER’S REPORT: No Report CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS: No Report CLERGY REPORTS : Fr. Bill – No Report- Recuperating and healing at St. Camillus Care Facility – He reports no complaints (At least that’s how I interpreted it) Fr. Ian – No Report Msgr. Scheyd – No Report EMMAUS : - An Emmaus one-day retreat for adults will be held at Stapleton Hall on Saturday, June 23, 2011. The retreat is led by young adults of our parish. This year Peter Ayoub and Katie Verhaegen will lead the retreat day. Msgr. Scheyd will be the Spiritual Director. The day will begin at 7 AM. The cost is $25 per person and open to all 18 years of age or older. Applications will be available in the racks in Church and on the parish website and from Chris Ayoub. For information, contact Carrie Sindelar, - The fall Emmaus weekend retreat for sophomores, juniors and seniors in high school will be held at All Saints School on November 16th, 17th and 18th. Mary Karen and Bill Keneally will lead that weekend. To date, over 3300 individuals have participated in an Emmaus retreat at St. Aloysius. GRADE CONFIRMATION PREPARATION PROGRAM: - Planning for the 2012-2013 Confirmation Preparation Program is in process. Catechists were surveyed on all aspects of the program and we are now in the process of planning events and securing speakers for our special events. Level I (7th Grade) We are in need of a few more catechists to teach our Level I (7th grade) students. All classes are team - taught by two virtus trained catechists on days and at times that are chosen by those teaching. We are especially looking for catechists who may be available to teach 2:30-4:00 pm. Classes are held every other week. We welcome those without children in the program to step up and share their knowledge of and passion for our Catholic faith with our young people. Those who may be interested in teaching in the Confirmation Preparation program are asked to contact Chris Otis for more information on our needs. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: - The knights held their last regular meeting before the summer break in early June. The next regular meeting will be in September. - Upcoming for the Knights is the parish feast where our members will set up and have organized the caterer, beverages and of course the ice cream truck. - On June 21st we shall hold our annual BBQ and Smoker to celebrate a successful year. All are members are invited. - The Knights will be awarding the Kevin Johnson Memorial scholarship as well as additional Council scholarships this week. The scholarships go to men and women graduating high school and moving on to college. We expect to award up to $5,000 this year to winners. - The Knights also sponsored an essay contest for the 8th grade St. Aloysius School. The winners will be announced this week. - Charitable donations for the spring were approved. We will be making them public next week. - Officers were elected, Peter Greene was re-elected as Grand Knight for a third term MARTHA & MARY MINISTRIES: Martha & Mary reports: - Martha & Mary continues to expand and also join ministries together. - The Friendly Visitor Ministry, which meets regularly, has already planned events for seniors through Fall of 2012. In addition to special events, the growing membership also responds to requests for home visits to parishioners in need of a kind word or touch - truly "friendly visitors". - Newcomers Ministry is also planning to expand to welcome new parishioners, but also offer opportunities for fellowship with each other. - Parish Nurses continue to offer monthly Blood Pressures - a very important and successful mission - Moms and Tots will once again begin weekly meetings in the Fall - All of these ministries aim to work together and network to facilitate and improve all services and offerings to all of St. Aloysius Parish. - Going forward, Jeanne Eckrich and Linda Weber will alternate and together represent Martha & Mary Ministries to the Parish Council for 2012-2013. MUSIC AND LITURGY: No Report OUR LADY’S GUILD: - Our Lady’s Guild held the final meeting of the 2011-2012 year on Friday, May 18. Following Mass and the rosary, the Guild had their annual potluck brunch in Stapleton Hall. The speaker, Dr. Dianne Traflet, J.D., S.T.D. is an Associate Dean and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, and Founder and Co-Director of the Institute for Christian Spirituality at Seton Hall University. Dr. Traflet led the group in a beautiful and inspirational scriptural meditation on the ten evangelical virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and their meaning in our daily spiritual lives. - On Friday, June 8 Our Lady’s Guild sponsored a pilgrimage to The Basilica of St. John the Evangelist in Stamford. Forty members and guests enjoyed a wonderful tour of the recently renovated basilica, conducted by Msgr. Stephen DiGiovanni. The group attended the 12:10 Mass at the basiica and then walked to nearby Main Street for a delicious lunch at Columbus Park Trattoria. - On Sunday, June 10 members of the Guild participated in St. Aloysius Parish’s Corpus Christi Procession. - The next meeting of Our Lady’s Guild will be in September. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: - We are currently preparing our program for the upcoming year. Enrollment for the 2012-2013 year is ongoing. The deadline to enroll is June 26. All families receive an e-mail confirmation by the time our office closes on June 28. - We are also recruiting catechists at this time. For our program to serve 1,200 children we need 155 catechists. - Religious Ed also offers a Refresh and Renew program that welcomes students back after a long period away from religious education. - Our book orders will be placed next week for delivery in August. - Our office closes on June 28. We will reopen on August 15. The staff does come in periodically to bring registrations, etc. up to date. - Religious Education classes will begin the week of September 9. - A new parent meeting will be held on September 5 hosted by the staff and Msgr. Scheyd for all those new to the program and all incoming first grade families. This is done so that they can learn what religious education expects from parents and what they can expect from us. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report USHERS : No Report