CLARION COUNTY VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVE IN DISASTER (C.C.V.O.A.D.) Article I NAME AND RELATIONSHIP Section 1. The name of the organization is Clarion County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (C.C.V.O.A.D.). Section 2. The chief place of business is: Clarion County OES 421 Madison Road Clarion, PA 16214 (814) 226-6631 Article II PURPOSE Section 1. With the increasing frequency of disasters, there is a need for organizations active in disaster planning, response and recovery to join their skills to meet the emergencies that occur. Section 2. Objective of the C.C.V.O.A.D. are: (a). To coordinate the activities of various organizations active in providing needed assistance to disaster clients. (b). To make the best use of the facilities, supplies, and equipment for bringing relief to disaster victims. (c) To make the delivery of disaster assistance as efficient and prompt as possible. (d) To coordinate the distribution of materials so that overlapping and duplicating of services will be avoided. (e). To create a climate of cooperation at the local level and to provide information about assistance. (f). To assist in coordination of volunteer agencies with local, state and federal governments. (g). To provide training, and to increase awareness and preparedness in all participating groups. (h). To serve as a liaison, advocate and county voice to improve services and support appropriate legislation. C.C.V.O.A.D. seeks to ensure the availability of needed services and to encourage uniform and impartial provision of those services. Article III MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Article IV. Service organizations or agencies with a mission to provide assistance to people who are affected by a disaster. Local, State and Federal agencies who are active in disaster planning and provide services to those families affected by disaster will be a voting member of the Clarion County Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster. MEETINGS AND MEMBERSHIP Section 1. (a). The Annual meetings shall take place coincident with a regular meeting in January of each year, date to be set by the Executive Committee. (b) There shall be a minimum of four (4) regular business meetings of the C.C.V.O.A.D. per year. An annual meeting shall be held in January of each year for the purpose of nomination and election of officers. Section 2. Members participating and voting at any stated annual or regular meeting shall be a representative of each member organization or their designee. Each member organization shall have one vote. Section 3. A mailed notice or emailed notice of no less than two weeks in advance to all member organizations shall constitute proper notice for the conducting of business at any regular meeting. Section 4. A quorum for doing business shall consist of ¼ of the organizations or agencies who are voting members. Section 5. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the general rules for conducting business. Article V. NOMINATIONS Section 1. A Nomination Committee shall consist of three (3) persons appointed by the Chairperson at the regular meeting prior to the Annual Meeting in January. Section 2. The Nomination Committee shall serve only until election takes place in January. Article VI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. There shall be a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Executive Secretary elected each year at the annual meeting of the C.C.V.O.A.D. Officers elected shall be from different member organizations. Section 2. The C.C.V.O.A.D. Executive Committee shall meet as required and they shall have the authority to conduct and transact the day-to-day business activities of the C.C.V.O.A.D. Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings shall be prepared and distributed to all member organizations by the Executive Secretary. Section 3. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to form committees as needed. Section 4. Position, Election, Term: The officers of the C.C.V.O.A.D shall be chosen by the Member Organizations present at the annual meeting and shall include a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Executive Secretary, all of whom must be members of the C.C.V.O.A.D., and such other officers and assistant officers whose authority and positions shall be created from time to time by the members. A person may hold more than one office. The Chairperson or Executive Secretary may not serve as an officer on any subcommittee. All officers shall be 18 years of age or older. The officers shall be elected by the members at the annual meeting of the member organizations and shall serve for a term of one (1) year and until their successors are elected at the next annual meeting. Section 5. Officers may be elected for consecutive terms. Section 6. Duties. The duties of the officers shall include the following: a. Chairperson: (1) shall preside at all meetings of the C.C.V.O.A.D. and Executive Committee, (2) in general, perform all duties incident to the office of the Chairperson and other such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the affirmative vote, consent or action of the majority of members in office. b. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson, and when so acting, shall have all the powers and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall also have such powers and perform such duties as the C.C.V.O.A.D. may prescribe. c. The Executive Secretary shall insure that (1) accurate minutes are prepared and maintained for all meetings of the C.C.V.O.A.D.; and (2) appropriate notice is given for the meetings of the C.C.V.O.A.D. and in case of his/her absence, refusal or neglect to do so, any such notice may be given by any person directed by the Chairperson of the C.C.V.O.A.D. The Executive Secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the C.C.V.O.A.D. and have general charge of the books of the C.C.V.O.A.D. and keep a register of the names and addresses of all member organizations. The Secretary shall keep on file at the offices of the C.C.V.O.A.D. a complete copy of the By-laws of the C.C.V.O.A.D. containing all amendments thereto and at the expense of the C.C.V.O.A.D. forward a copy of the Bylaws and all amendments thereto to each member after the election of such member. In general, the executive secretary shall perform all duties incident to the office of executive secretary and such other duties as may be prescribed by the C.C.V.O.A.D. or the Chairperson. If the need for a Treasurer should arise, the Executive Secretary shall act as the treasurer until the next executive meeting. At that meeting, a temporary treasurer will be appointed. Section 7. Article VII. Removal of Officers. Any officer or agent may be removed by the C.C.V.O.A.D. with a majority vote of member organizations present whenever in its judgment the best interests of the C.C.V.O.A.D. may be served thereby, but such removal shall be without prejudice to the valid contract rights, if any, of any person so removed. The organization or person shall be notified by registered mail. BUDGET AND FINANCE Section 1. C.C.V.O.A.D. is not a fund-raising or disbursing organization. Any funds collected will be used to meet the administrative expenses of the organization. Section 2. C.C.V.O.A.D. funds can be withdrawn by proper signature of any two of the officers, with approval of the Executive Committee. Section 3. In the event of the dissolution of the C.C.V.O.A.D. any remaining funds shall be disbursed to the Pennsylvania VOAD. Article VIII. BY LAWS Section 1. The C.C.V.O.A.D. Executive Committee is authorized to initiate and present by-laws as are necessary. The Executive Committee shall report such by-laws to the member organizations in writing within fourteen (14) working days. In the event, of objection to any such by-laws by any member organization, it shall be held in abeyance until adoption (formal action) at the next meeting. This is a variance of Robert’s Rules of Order. Article IX AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments to these by-laws may be made by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote at any meeting upon due notification with the announcement of the meeting. Formally adopted and approved this ____ day of _________, 2011. Chairperson, Clarion County VOAD Vice Chairperson, Clarion County VOAD Executive Secretary/Treasurer Clarion County VOAD