CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS 2014 NATIONAL CONFERENCE DISNEYLAND, ANAHEIM CA JUNE 7 – 11, 2014 SUBMISSION DEADLINE OCTOBER 31, 2013 Company (please print clearly) First Name Last Name Title Address City Phone State Zip Email DETAILS OF REQUIREMENTS: Educational Session Proposals must be 60-90 minutes in duration Title of Program: (Program must be designed for the Nurse Administrator or Administrator in the Long Term Care Continuum) (Please check the appropriate category for your program) Will program fit a tract for: 1) “New” Nurse Administrator _____ 2) “Seasoned” Nurse Administrator _____ 3) Assisted Living Nurse Administrator _____ 4) ALL _____ Examples of past presenting experience must be submitted (dates and titles of programs presented in the last 2 years) Attach separate page please. All sessions must be commercial free Each selected speaker MUST submit a speaker packet as required for accreditation of continuing education hours and NAB credits or your Call for Presentation will not be considered. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION WITH APPLICATION You will receive one complimentary conference registration per session if your proposal is selected. NADONA/LTC reserves the right to accept or deny application Mail to: NADONA/LTC, Reed Hartman Tower, 11353 Reed Hartman Highway, Suite 210, Cincinnati, OH 45241 or email to: Questions? Call NADONA/LTC at 1-800-222-0539 or email NADONA/LTC Biographical and Conflict of Interest Form 2014 Criteria Title of Educational Activity: AP-BIO/COI Education Activity Date: Role in Educational Activity: (Check all that apply) Must include Bibliography as separate attachment w/ references (List name of Article and URL location) for consideration Planning Committee Member Faculty/Presenter/Author Content Reviewer Other – Describe: Section 1: Demographic Data Name with Credentials/Degrees: ________________________________________________________ If RN, Nursing Degree(s): AD Diploma BSN Masters Doctorate Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________ Email Address: ________________________ Current Employer and Position/Title: _____________________________________________________ Section 2: Expertise - Planning Committee If a planning committee member, select area of expertise specific to the educational activity listed above: Nurse Planner (responsible for ensuring adherence to ANCC Accreditation criteria) Content Expert Other Please describe expertise and years of training specific to the educational activity listed above. (If the description of expertise does not provide adequate information, the Nurse Planner may request additional documentation.) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Section 3: Expertise - Presenter/Faculty/Author/Content Reviewer An "X" on this line identifies the expertise information the same as listed above. Please describe expertise and years of training specific to the educational activity listed above. (If the description of expertise does not provide adequate information, the Nurse Planner may request additional documentation.) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Section 4: Conflict of Interest The potential for conflicts of interest exists when an individual has the ability to control or influence the content of an educational activity and has a financial relationship with a commercial interest,* the products or services of which are pertinent to the content of the educational activity (see Figure 6). The Nurse Planner is responsible for evaluating the presence or absence of conflicts of interest and resolving any identified actual or potential conflicts of interest during the planning and implementation phases of an educational activity. If the Nurse Planner has an actual or potential conflict of interest, he or she should recuse himself or herself from the role as Nurse Planner for the educational activity. *Commercial interest, as defined by ANCC, is any entity producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients, or an entity that is owned or controlled by an entity that produces, markets, resells, or distributes healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients. Commercial Interest Organizations are ineligible for accreditation. An organization is NOT a Commercial Interest Organization* if it is: A government entity; A non-profit (503(c)) organization; A provider of clinical services directly to patients, including but not limited to hospitals, health care agencies and independent health care practitioners; An entity the sole purpose of which is to improve or support the delivery of health care to patients, including but not limited to providers or developers of electronic health information systems, database systems, and quality improvement systems; A non-healthcare related entity whose primary mission is not producing, marketing or selling or distributing health care goods or services consumed by or used on patients. Liability insurance providers Health insurance providers Group medical practices Acute care hospitals (for profit and not for profit) Rehabilitation centers (for profit and not for profit) Nursing homes (for profit and not for profit) Blood banks Diagnostic laboratories (*Reference: Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards of Commercial Support, August 2007 ( - ANCC’s definition is intended to ensure compliance with Food and Drug Administration Guidance on Industry-Supported Scientific and Educational Activities and consistency with the ACCME definition) All individuals who have the ability to control or influence the content of an educational activity must disclose all relevant relationships** with any commercial interest, including but not limited to members of the Planning Committee, speakers, presenters, authors, and/or content reviewers. Relevant relationships must be disclosed to the learners during the time when the relationship is in effect and for 12 months afterward. All information disclosed must be shared with the participants/learners prior to the start of the educational activity. **Relevant relationships, as defined by ANCC, are relationships with a commercial interest if the products or services of the commercial interest are related to the content of the educational activity. Relationships with any commercial interest of the individual’s spouse/partner may be relevant relationships and must be reported, evaluated, and resolved. Evidence of a relevant relationship with a commercial interest may include but is not limited to receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (stock and stock options, excluding diversified mutual funds), grants, contracts, or other financial benefit directly or indirectly from the commercial interest. Financial benefits may be associated with employment, management positions, independent contractor relationships, other contractual relationships, consulting, speaking, teaching, membership on an advisory committee or review panel, board membership, and other activities from which remuneration is received or expected from the commercial interest. Is there an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest for yourself or spouse/partner? Yes No If yes, please complete the table below for all actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest**: Check all that apply Category Description Salary Royalty Stock Speakers Bureau Consultant Other * *All conflicts of interest, including potential ones, must be resolved prior to the planning, evaluation of the continuing nursing education activity. implementation, or Section 5: Conflict Resolution (to be completed by Nurse Planner) A. Procedures used to resolve conflict of interest or potential bias if applicable for this activity: Not applicable since no conflict of interest. Removed individual, with conflict of interest, from participating in all parts of the educational activity. Revised the role of the individual with conflict of interest so that the relationship is no longer educational activity. Not awarding contact hours for a portion or all of the educational activity. relevant to the Undertaking review of the educational activity by a content reviewer to evaluate for potential bias, balance in presentation, evidence-based content or other indicators of integrity, and absence of bias, AND monitoring the educational activity to evaluate for commercial bias in the presentation. Undertaking review of the educational activity by a content reviewer to evaluate for potential bias, balance in presentation, evidence-based content or other indicators of integrity, and absence of bias, AND reviewing participant feedback to evaluate for commercial bias in the activity. Other - Describe: Section 6: Statement of Understanding An “X” in the box below serves as the electronic signature of the individual completing this Biographical/Conflict of Interest Form and attests to the accuracy of the information given above. Electronic Signature (Required) Date ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Completed By: Name and Credentials Nurse Planner Signature (*If form is for the activity Nurse Planner, an individual other than the Nurse Planner must review and sign). An “X” in the box below serves as the electronic signature of the Nurse Planner reviewing the content of this Biographical/Conflict of Interest Form. Electronic Signature (Required) ______________________________________________ Completed By: Name and Credentials _______________ Date Speaker Travel and Onsite Profile In order to get in touch with you prior to your workshop please make the following information available to us: Name/Title: ______________________________________________________________________ Cell phone number: ________________ E-mail address: _________________________________ Presentation title: __________________________________________________________________ Date Arriving: _____________________ Airline/Flight Number: ___________________ Emergency Contact Person: _________________________________ Number: ________________ Please come to the convention center to NADONA registration area, to sign-in at least two hours prior to the start of your workshop. There will be a speaker- ready room available for your convenience. Please let us know if you intend to use the ready room so that we may reserve the time for your use. When you check in the staff at speaker registration will assist you with your room location. Our emergency contact information in case of flight delay or other unforeseen emergency: Layne Oliff 908-403-6035 cell Dan Raimonda 732-241-6729 cell Sherrie Dornberger 856-449-1636 cell APPENDIX A Continuing Education Review Committee Suggested Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives Clear and measurable behavioral learning objectives are a frequent stumbling block for program planners. You may find these suggested guidelines helpful in writing learning objectives for your CE activity. Learning objectives: specify what the learner will do to demonstrate the information learned (indicated by specific verb), address one specific area of learning and should be stated in measurable terms. An example of a clear and measurable learning objective: At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to: "List two non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory agents used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis". A learning objective is measurable when the learner can perform a task (list) identified in the learning objective. Include only one measurable/action verb per objective. An example of an immeasurable objective: At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to: "Increase his/her knowledge of anti-inflammatory agents used in the treatment of arthritis." "Increase knowledge" cannot be directly demonstrated, therefore is not a measurable objective. Likewise “understand” is not a measurable verb – do not use this verb!!! It may help to ask: 1) What do you want the learners to accomplish/learn?; 2) How will the learners demonstrate that the desired information has been learned?; and, 3) What verb (see samples listed below) will you use in the objective to indicate what the learner will do to demonstrate information learned? Use an action verb. The verb should correspond with what opportunities are given for the learners to demonstrate the newly learned information. For example, if your objective contains the verb discuss, then there must be opportunities for the learner to discuss (one of your teaching methods must include "discussion"). Specific verbs correspond with the six levels of learning identified by Bloom. The table below contains a list of the six levels of learning with some of their accompanying verbs—used when writing learning objectives. We hope this list is helpful to you. Knowledge (to recall facts) Cite Count Define Identify Label List Name Outline Read Recall Recite Recognize Relate Repeat Select State Tell Write Comprehension Application (to understand) (to apply concepts/ demo skills) Associate Apply Classify Complete Contrast Demonstrate Describe Illustrate Discuss Manipulate Distinguish Operate Explain Perform Give examples Practice Interpret Predict Locate Relate Predict Report Report Restate Restate Review Review Translate Use Utilize Analysis (use info/make connections) Synthesis (formulation) Evaluation (judgment) Analyze Appraise Compare Contrast Criticize Debate Detect Diagram Differentiate Distinguish Examine Infer Inspect Question Separate Summarize Arrange Collect Compose Construct Create Design Detect Formulate Generalize Integrate Manage Organize Plan Prepare Propose Provide Appraise Assess Choose Critique Determine Differentiate Estimate Evaluate Judge Measure Rate Recommend Revise Select NADONA/LTC Educational Planning Table – Live (2014 criteria) Title of Activity: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Identified Gap(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of current state:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of desired/achievable state: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Gap to be addressed by this activity: Knowledge Skills Practice Other: Describe_________________________________________________ Purpose: (write as an outcome statement, e.g. "The purpose of this activity is to enable the learner to…..” CONTENT OBJECTIVES List learner’s objectives in behavioral terms (Topics) Provide an outline of the content for each objective. It must be more than a restatement of the objective. TIME FRAME PRESENTER State the time frame for each objective List the Faculty for each objective. TEACHING METHODS Describe the teaching methods, strategies, materials & resources for each objective 1. 2. 3. List the evidence-based references used for developing this educational activity: Note: Time spent evaluating the learning activity may be included in the total time when calculating contact hours. Total Minutes ____ divided by 60 = _____ contact hour(s) ______________________________________________________ Completed By: Name and Credentials Rev. 07/31/2013 2014 - Live __________________________________ Date NADONA/LTC Educational Planning Table