2 UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Technical Specification 3 Working Draft 1 4 5 DAG Chapter 6 Only [15 April 2009] UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2009 . All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 15 6 Table of Contents 7 8 1 STATUS OF THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................... 2 9 10 2 UN/CEFACT UNIFIED CONTEXT METHODOLOGY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PROJECT TEAM PARTICIPANTS ............................................. 3 11 3 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 3 12 4 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 4 13 5 OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 5 14 6 GRAPH THEORY FOUNDATION ....................................................................... 6 15 6.1 Mathematical Directed Acyclic Graph ............................................................... 6 16 6.1.1 Notations Used For DAG................................................................................ 6 17 6.1.2 Key DAG Concepts ........................................................................................ 7 18 6.2 Context Scheme Directed Acyclic Graph ........................................................... 7 19 6.2.1 Notations Used For Context Scheme DAG .................................................... 8 20 6.2.2 Context Scheme DAG Propeties ..................................................................... 8 21 6.2.3 ContextNodes and DAG Edges ...................................................................... 8 22 23 6.2.4 ContextValues within a Context Scheme DAG ........... Error! Bookmark not defined. 24 6.2.5 ContextPath ................................................................................................... 10 25 6.2.6 Context Scheme DAG Lifecycle .................................................................. 15 26 7 X................................................................................................................................ 15 27 1 Status of this Document UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2009 . All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 15 28 29 30 2 UN/CEFACT Unified Context Methodology Technical Specification Project Team Participants 31 32 3 Introduction UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2009 . All Rights Reserved. Page 3 of 15 33 4 Objectives UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2009 . All Rights Reserved. Page 4 of 15 34 5 Overview UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2009 . All Rights Reserved. Page 5 of 15 35 6 Graph Theory Foundation 36 The foundation of this specification is a mathematical graph. 37 38 39 Specifically, this specification is based on a Directed Acyclic Graph [DAG]. A DAG has many applications in event processing, expression evaluation, game theory, sorting algorithms, parser algorithms, etc. 40 41 While a DAG is a mathematical construct, it defines no semantics. This specification imposes semantics on a DAG to realize Context Schemes. 42 6.1 Mathematical Directed Acyclic Graph 43 44 45 46 This section provides a terse explanation of key DAG concepts and base terminology. For in depth discussion of graphs, much has been written. Refer to the reference section of the specification. We identify and discuss the base concepts of a DAG which are relevant to this specification, which uses a mathematical DAG as its foundation. 47 48 49 50 A Directed Acyclic Graph is a specific form of a graph. In a DAG, vertices (or nodes) are directionally connected by edges (or lines) and following any edge along its direction, from a given vertex, the same vertex can never be reached (no cycles, acyclic). Edges directionally connect two vertices. 51 6.1.1 Notations 52 53 54 While there is no best drawing of a graph, they are usually represented using dots to represent vertices and lines, or arcs, to represent edges. Arrows are usually used to show orientation of directed edges. 55 This specification uses this notation to exemplify graphs: 56 A vertex is represented by ellipse: 57 58 59 An edge is represented arrow, which identifies the direction. The end of the arrow without the arrow head is the edge source and the end with the arrow is the edge target. 60 UN/CEFACT Context Methodology Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2009 . All Rights Reserved. Page 6 of 15 Working Draft 61 62 63 2009-01-26 Technically, a DAG is purely mathematical, and vertices within a DAG do not require a value, or label, of any sort. However, a simple text label within a vertex is used to exemplify a value of a vertex and facilitate the discussion: X 64 65 66 A sequence, or path, of connected vertices is represented in textual form by combining text labels of vertices with the characters “->”, such as “X->Y->Z”. 67 6.1.2 Key DAG Concepts 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 68 69 70 71 72 A source node (or root node), is a vertex connected to zero edge sources (1, 2, 3, and 4). A sink node (or leaf node), is a vertex connected to zero edge targets (4, 6, and 8). Note that (4) is both a source node and a sink node. Vertexes, which are neither a source node nor sink node (5) have no special term beyond just ‘vertex’. 73 74 A directed path is a sequence of one or more vertices connected by edges (1, 4, 1->6, 2>5->7, 3->5->7->8, 5->7). 75 76 77 Note that there is no requirement for a vertex to be connected by edges. A DAG may have one or more source vertices and one or more sink vertices, but must have at least one Vertex. 78 6.2 Context Directed Acyclic Graph 79 80 81 Industry has utilized graphs, in general, for approaches to knowledge and semantics for years as a semantic network [SEMANTICNET]. This section specifies the terminology and approach for leveraging the special form of a mathematical graph, a DAG, as the UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 of 15 Working Draft 2009-01-26 82 83 foundation for semantics to facilitate Context Schemes. Since a DAG is both acyclic and directed, this dictates the approach at the semantic layer also. 84 85 We refer to the use of a mathematical DAG for the foundation of Context Schemes as a Contextual DAG, or CDAG. 86 6.2.1 Notations 87 CDAG Notation 88 89 Notations for a CDAG utilize the notations for a mathematical DAG and is the primary notation used in this section. 90 UML 91 92 This section utilizes UML as sketch where useful to facilitate the discussion. The following UML packages are utilized: un::unece::uncefact::ucm::dag DAG classifiers un::unece::uncefact::ucm::cdag CDAG classifiers 93 The CDAG package has dependency on the DAG package. 94 6.2.2 CDAG Propeties 95 <versioning, etc> 96 6.2.3 ContextNode and ContextEdge as Node and Edge 97 DAG nodes and edges have consistent entities in a CDAG. 98 99 100 A ContextNode is a vertex in a mathematical DAG, while a ContextEdge is an edge in a mathematical DAG. A CDAG contains one or more ContextNodes, and contains zero or more ContextEdges. UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 of 15 Working Draft 2009-01-26 101 102 103 104 105 Further following a mathematical DAG, a source node (or root node), is referred to as a RootContextNode and a sink node (or leaf node) is referred to as a LeafContextNode. A ContextNode which is neither a RootContextNode nor LeafContextNode has no special term beyond just ‘ContextNode’. 106 6.2.4 ContextValue 107 A CDAG introduces a ContextValue. A ContextNode contains one ContextValue. 108 109 110 111 112 A ContextValue is abstract, and may be realized as either a code (in a code list) or some form of identifier. Either way, the ContextValue has optional metadata for indicating information about the code or identifier, such as the owning agency, version of the code list, etc. This section does not elaborate on these realizations. 113 114 115 We provide the following UML sketch depicting the core structural concepts of a CDAG. Note that these relationships to not explicitly depict the base constraints of a DAG, such as acyclicness. Key points about this sketch: 116 117 ContextNode is not abstract since a given ContextNode is concrete as with RootContextNode or a LeafContextNode 118 119 ContextValue is abstract with concrete classifiers for code or identifier. Metadata for these, such as the owning agency, are not shown for simplicity. UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 of 15 Working Draft 2009-01-26 1 1 Source ContextEdge Target 1 * 1 ContextDAG 1 * 1 ContextNode 1 1..* RootContextNode ContextValue 1 LeafContextNode 1 Code Identifier 120 121 6.2.5 ContextPath and Contextualizable 122 123 124 A ContextPath is a directed path in a mathematical DAG. A ContextPath is a sequence of one or more ContextNodes. A ContextNode may participate in more than one ContextPaths. 125 126 127 It is important to note that a CDAG by itself has no ContextPaths. A ContextPath is part of a Contextualizable. 128 129 Contextualizables and PathScope 130 A Contextualizable is abstract, and is an entity that has one or more ContextPaths. 131 132 A ContextPath identifies semantic relevancy of a Contexualizable. A CCTS BIE is a Contextualizable. UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 of 15 Working Draft 2009-01-26 133 134 135 136 137 For example, a Customer Information CCTS ABIE (which is a Contextualizable) may be defined specifically for the OrderToCash business process. To formally indicate this relevancy, a BusinessProcesses->OrderToCash ContextPath must be defined and be part of the CCTS ABIE Contextualizable. 138 139 PathScope indicates the relevancy of an Contextualizable for a given ContextPath. There are two kinds of PathScope: 140 Implied 141 Explicit 142 143 144 145 146 Explicit indicates that the Contextualizable is relevant only as far as the sequence of ContextValues defined in the ContextPath. It indicates nothing is being said about any further children of the last ContextNode in the ContextPath. Implied indicates that the Contextualizable is relevant to all ContextValues defined in the ContextPath and downward to all children and subchildren within the CDAG. 147 148 149 150 (Note that while a ContextPath does not have to include a SinkContextNode, if one is included the PathScope has no meaning (and is actually not required). Note also that a ContextPath must include one RootContextNode, so there are no PathScope values to characterize relevancy “upward” in the graph.) 151 152 153 154 155 156 In the following example there are 5 different ABIE definitions, which are identified with a uuid attribute, all representing Customer Information. The ABIE 791 has been associated to the CDAG by declaring a BusinessProcesses->OrderToCash ContextPath (in red) with a PathScope “Explicit”, indicating this CustomerInfo ABIE is relevant to the OrderToCash business process and nothing more. It is not necessarily indicating it has semantic relevance to the Execution History, etc. UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 11 of 15 Working Draft 2009-01-26 «ACC» CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 789 +firstName +lastName +middleName +customerNumber «Based On» «Based On» «Based On» «Based On» «ABIE» CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 790 +firstName : String +middleName : String +lastName : String +customerNumber : String DesignToRelease «ABIE»CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 791 +firstName : String +lastName : String +customerNumber : String «ABIE» CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 792 +customerNumber : String «ABIE»CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 793 +customerNumber : Integer PathScope= Explicit CreateOrderForCustomer BusinessProcesses OrderToCash Steps GetAllCutomerOders UpdateOrder ExecutionHistory 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 Adjusting the association and PathScope to the following example indicates that the CustomerInfo ABIE has been associated to the CDAG by delaring a BusinessProcesses>OrderToCash->Steps ContextPath and “Implied” path scope, indicating that this CustomerInfo ABIE is now relevant to all steps in the OrderToCash business process. The Implied PathScope is essentially a convenience indicator which eliminates listing all possible paths beyond a specific ContextNode. UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 12 of 15 Working Draft 2009-01-26 «ACC» CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 789 +firstName +lastName +middleName +customerNumber «Based On» «Based On» «Based On» «Based On» «ABIE» CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 790 +firstName : String +middleName : String +lastName : String +customerNumber : String DesignToRelease «ABIE»CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 791 +firstName : String +lastName : String +customerNumber : String «ABIE» CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 792 +customerNumber : String «ABIE»CustomerInfo -uuid : Integer = 793 +customerNumber : Integer PathScope= Implied CreateOrderForCustomer BusinessProcesses OrderToCash Steps GetAllCutomerOders UpdateOrder ExecutionHistory 164 165 ContextPath and Semantic Precision via ContextValues 166 167 168 A ContextPath represents variation semantic precision. By altering the ContextValues (via their ContextNodes) within a ContextPath, a change in understanding granularity is realized. 169 170 171 172 173 174 Increasing ContextValues within a ContextPath in the direction of a ContextEdge (extending the path) increases semantic precision, while decreasing ContextValues (reducing the path) in the opposite direction of a ContextEdge decreases semantic precision. Therefore, a RootContextNode within a ContextPath provides the most imprecise point of understanding within the path, while the ‘ending’ ContextNode provides the most precise understanding within the path. 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 In the above CDAG examples, the BusinessProcesses RootContextNode is the most imprecise point of understanding. It provides a general point of understanding for nothing more than business processes. Taking into account the OrderToCash ContextNode as part of a ContextPath, a more comprehensive and increase in precision of understanding is achieved by realizing which specific business process is under consideration. Further, the CDAG organizes steps and execution history in this process. Also taking into account within a ContextPath the Steps and CreateOrderForCustomer ContextNodes, a significant increase in precision of understanding realized as to the relevancy of the ABIE. 183 184 In order to declare maximum semantic within a CDAG, a ContextPath must include one SouceContextNode. This has the desirable, and required, side effect of avoiding UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 13 of 15 Working Draft 185 186 187 2009-01-26 ambiguity which would be imposed by including ContextNodes associated with multiple ContextEdge targets. There is, however, no requirement to include a SinkContextNode. Valid ContextPaths using the above example are: 188 BusinessProcesses 189 BusinessProcesses->OrderToCash 190 BusinessProcesses->OrderToCash->ExecutionHistory 191 BusinessProcesses->OrderToCash->Steps 192 BusinessProcesses->OrderToCash->Steps->CreateOrderForCustomer 193 However, the following ContextPaths using the above example are invalid: 194 Steps 195 OrderToCash->Steps->CreateOrderForCustomer 196 ExecutionHistory 197 UpdateOrder 198 ContextPaths within Contexualizables 199 200 201 A Contextualizable contains one or more ContextPaths representing union of its complete semantic relevancy. ContextPaths may contain the same intersecting ContextValue representing different semantics as in the following example CDAG: US Tax Rates North Carolina Texas Travis County Austin US State Capitals Raleigh Mecklenburg County 202 203 204 205 206 In this example, a Population ABIE has been defined by restricting a Population ACC to only include, and provide the typing for, the men and women property terms (no children) which has the following two ContextPaths declared as shown, indicating semantic relevance to Austin both for the context of state capitals via an Explict UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 of 15 Working Draft 207 208 2009-01-26 ContextPath, and also for semantic relevancy to Austin and Travis County for the context of US Tax rates via an Implied ContextPath. Contextualizable +ContextPath : String «ACC» Population -uuid : Integer = 789 +men +women +children «Based On» «ABIE» Population +ContextPath : String = US Tax Rate ->Texas ->Austin [Impled] +ContextPath : String = US State Capitals ->Austin [Explicit] -uuid : Integer = 792 +men : Integer +women : Integer 209 210 211 This example does not indicate that the ABIE is semantically relevant to Raleigh for any context. 212 6.2.6 CDAG Lifecycle 213 X 214 7 X 215 216 REFERENCES FOR SECTION 6 217 DAG 218 Directed Acyclic Graph, WikiPedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph 219 [SEMANTICNET] 220 Semantic Network / Semantic Nets, WikiPedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_network UN/CEFACT – XXXX Technical Specification Copyright © UN/CEFACT 2002. All Rights Reserved. Page 15 of 15