METRO SCHOOL LESSON PLAN NAME: Bethany Falls DATE: Ongoing TIME: Daily-see times on schedule CONTENT AREA: Circle Time-Literacy, Math, Science NCSCOS GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: (From the NC Curriculum Extensions Document; include the actual numeric grade level) MA Competency Goal 1-The learner will recognize, model, and write whole numbers through 999. Grade level: K-2. MA Competency Goal 2- The learner will explore concepts of measurement. Grade level: K2. MA Competency Goal 4-The learner will collect, organize and display data. Grade level: K-2. MA Competency Goal 5- The learner will model simple patterns and sort objects. Grade level: K-2. LA Competency Goal 2- The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed. Grade level: K-2. LA Competency Goal 5- The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively. Grade level: K-2. GRADE LEVEL EXTENSION: (From the NC Curriculum Extensions Document) MA- Develop number sense for whole numbers. Represent numbers in different forms. Develop fluency with adding to, taking away from and equal grouping. Identify and compare attributes. Time: understand order of events. Gather and display data using concrete graphs, pictorial graphs, line plots or tallies. Recognize and copy simple patterns made with actions, words, and/or objects. Sort and classify objects. LA- The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed. Demonstrate sense and sequence of story. Connect own experience to text. Anticipate event in text. Fantasy in text. Explore and respond to different forms of text. Follow oral-graphic directions. The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively. Practice strategies to create a product. OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to… Symbolic: Student will identify the day of the week with a word and picture symbol. Student will place day of the week on a sentence strip. Student will read the sentence, “The day is ___”. The student will identify the special class that his/her class will attend that day from words and picture symbols. The student will place the correct picture symbol on the sentence strip and read “Today we have ____”. The student will identify a weather picture symbol that corresponds to that day’s weather. The student will place the word and picture symbol on a sentence strip and read “The weather is ___”. The student will identify his/her name and picture and place it on a sentence strip and read, “My name is ___”. Early Symbolic: Student will identify the day of the week with a word and picture symbol from a choice of 2 pictures. Student will place day of the week on a sentence strip. Student will read the sentence, “The day is ___”. The student will identify the special class that his/her class will be attending that day from words and picture symbols from a choice of 2 pictures. The student will place the correct picture symbol on the sentence strip and read “Today we have ____”. The student will identify a weather picture symbol that corresponds to that day’s weather from a choice of 2 pictures. The student will place the word and picture symbol on a sentence strip and read “The weather is ___”. The student will identify his/her name and picture from a choice of 2 and place it on a sentence strip and read, “My name is ___”. Pre-Symbolic: Student will identify the day of the week with a word and picture symbol from a choice of 2 pictures. Student will place day of the week on a sentence strip. Student will read and/or follow along with the sentence, “The day is ___”. The student will identify the special class that his/her class is attending that day from words and picture symbols from a choice of 2 pictures. The student will place the correct picture symbol on the sentence strip and read and/or follow along “Today we have ____”. The student will identify the weather picture symbol that corresponds to that day’s weather from a choice of 2 pictures. The student will place the word and picture symbol on a sentence strip and read “The weather is ___”. The student will identify his/her name and picture from a choice of 2 and place it on a sentence strip and read, “My name is ___”. The student will attend to the alpha-chant and story based lesson the teacher presents. LINKS TO PRIOR LEARNING: Students will review the days of the week, schedule specials, weather words, and their name identification with their picture attached. MATERIALS/TECHNOLOGIES NEEDED: picture symbols, sentence strips, name cards with picture, big mac, alpha-chant materials, story based lesson materials such as adapted books, stuffed animals etc corresponding to the story LESSON PROCEDURES: (What the teacher will do) Symbolic: The teacher will ask students to identify the day of the week, special for the day, weather choice and his/her name. The teacher will assist in students placing each picture symbol on sentence strip and assist in reading the sentence. The teacher will ask comprehension questions through filling in missing words, completing sentence strips with the students, etc. Early Symbolic: The teacher will ask students to identify the day of the week, special for the day, weather choice and his/her name from a choice of 2. The teacher will assist in students placing each picture symbol on sentence strip and assist in reading the sentence. The teacher will use hand or hand, and verbal prompting to encourage the student to read and/or follow along on the sentence strip. The teacher will ask comprehension questions through filling in missing pictures, completing sentence strips with the students (giving 2 choices), providing information from an informational source with verbal/visual cues. Pre-Symbolic: The teacher will ask students to identify the day of the week, special for the day, weather choice and his/her name from a choice of 2. The teacher will assist in students placing each picture symbol on sentence strip and assist in reading the sentence. The teacher will use hand or hand, and verbal prompting to encourage the student to read and/or follow along on the sentence strip. The teacher will ask comprehension questions by manipulating missing pictures, completing sentence strips with the students (giving 2 choices), and providing information from an informational source with visual cues. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Students will review the days of the week, specials from their schedules, weather picture symbols and name identification daily. SUMMARY/CLOSURE/ASSESSMENT: Teacher will monitor student progress daily during group activities and circle time. Students will also be assessed per IEP goals related to Circle Time.