Author Subject Dr. Mahdi Balali-Mood Pattern of Acute Poisonings in

Dr. Mahdi
Pattern of Acute Poisonings in Mashhad, Med. J., Mashhad
University, 1974
A Study of 67 Cases of Hyoscyamus Poisoning, Med. J.,
Mashhad University, 1975
Report of the First Cases of Botulism in Khorasan, Med. J.,
Mashhad University, 1976
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Problems in Acute Poisonings in
Addicts. Proc. of the 25th International Iranian Medical
Congress, 1976
Differential Diagnosis of Exogenous Toxic Coma and Metabolic
Coma. Proc. of the 26th Inter. Iran. Med. Congress, 1977
Acute Poisonings in the Elderly: A study of 3334 cases. Proc. of
the 27th Inter. Iran. Med. Congress, 1978
Acute Mercury Poisoning and Its Oral Manifestations. J. Dental
School, Mashhad University
A Survey of Self-Poisonings With Chemical Agents in Mashhad.
Med. J. Mashhad University, 1979
HPLC in Clinical Pharmacological Studies of Analgesic Drugs.
Proc. Analyst. Div. Chem. Soc. 1979
Failure of Alkaline Diuresis To Enhance Diflunisal Elimination.
Phenylbutazone Overdosage: Abnormal Metabolism Associated
with Hepatic and Renal Damage., 1980
Mefenamic Acid Overdosage. Lancet., 1981
Avoidance of mefenamic acid in epilepsy. Lancet 1981
Effects of Microsomal Enzyme Induction of Paracetamol
Metabolism in Man., 1981
Diuresis or Urinary Alkalinisation for Salicylate Poisoning., 1982
Rapid Estimation of Diflunisal in Plasma and Urine by High
Performance Liquid Chromatography and a Comparison with a
Fluorometric Method. 1982
A New H2-Receptor Antagonist. Med. J. Mashhad University,
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Iranian Fighters with
Chemical Gas Poisoning,1984
Changing Pattern of Self-Poisoning in Mashhad, Iran., 1983
Management of Snake Bites.,1984
Management of Thalium Poisoning. A report of 558 cases.
Evaluation of 614 Cases of Acute Hyoscyamus Poisoning in
Mashhad. Proc.,1986
Clinical Pharmacology of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory
Analgesics (Booklet), Ferdows Pharmaceutical Press, June,
Evaluation of Some Renal Effects of Acetylsalicylic Acid
Following Overdosage. Proc.,1986
Estimation of Acetylsalicylic Acid in Aspirin Tablets.,1986
In-Vitro Comparison of Acetaminophen Preparations Available
in the Market. Proc.,1986
Various classified reports on the Diagnosis and Management of
Biological and Chemical Warfare Agents Poisonings, 1983
Clinical and Paraclinical Findings in 233 Patients with Sulfur
Mustard Poisoning.,1986
Report of Three Fatal Cases of War Gas Poisoning.,1986
First Report of Delayed Toxic Effects of Yperite Poisoning in
Iranian Fighters
Further Ethnic Differences in the Renal Sodium-Dopamine
Krebs Als Spatfolge Der Lostvergiftung.,1988
Ethnic Differences in the Renal Sodium-Dopamine
Protective Effects of N-Acetyl Cysteine and Sodium
Thiosulphate on Sulphur Mustard Poisoning.,1989
Effects of N-Acetyl Cysteine and Sodium Thiosulphate On
Sulphur Mustard Poisoning in Mice.,1989
Sulfur Mustard Poisoning - A Problem For Life.,1989
Evaluation of Neurotoxic Complications of Arsenic
Determination of Serum theophylline concentration and its
clinical application,1990
Ethnic differences in the renal sodium dopamine
Ethnic differences in the renal dopamine response to an oral
salt load.,1990
Findings of Sulphur Mustard Poisoning in Iranian
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Iranian Combatants with
Sulphur Mustard Poisoning.,1991
Determination of Trichothecene Mycotoxin (T-2 - Toxin) in
Biological Fluids.,1992
Effects of Bee Venom in Treatment of Patients with Rheumatic
Effects of Sulphur Mustard on Hematopoietic System in 466
Iranian Combatants.,1993
An Overview of Treatment of Classical Chemical Warfare
A Retrospective Study of Therapeutic Effects of Oximes In
Acute Organophosphate Poisoning.,1995
One Year Study of Acute Poisoning in Mashhad.,1995
Collection and Standardization of Honey Bee Venom in
Recent Advances in Treatment of OP Poisoning.1996
Effects of Oximes in Organophosphate Pesticide Poisonings – A
Retrospective Study.,1996
Delayed Toxic Effects of Sulfur Mustard in 1428 Patients.1996
Air Pollutants and Their Unfavorable Human Health
Severe esophayeal and Stomach burns du to ingestion of
caustic substances
Pattern of Acute Drug Overdosages in Mashhad.,1997
Treatment of Organophosphate poisoning.,1998
Opium Body Packing in Mashhad, Iran.,2000
Distribution of Poisonous Spacies of
Latrodectus in North East of Iran and its Medical
Urinary Mercury Excretion Following Amalgam Filling in
Daneshmand H. Effects of Oximes and Sodium Bicarbonate in
Human organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning.,2001
Preventive effect of selenium on T-2 toxin membrane
Effects of High Doses of Sodium Bicarbonate in Acute
Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning.,2003
Diagnosis of Opium Body Packing by Plain X-ray and CT
Pattern of Acute Poisoning in Mashhad, Iran.,2004
Toxicological Studies on an Anticancer Drug (HESA-A) with
Marin Origin.,2004
Evaluation of Delayed Toxic Effects of Sulfur Mustard Poisoning
in Iranian Veterans.,2004
Effects of High Doses of Sodium Bicarbonate in
Organophosphorous Poisoning.,2005
Sulphur Mustard – The Pharmacology, toxicology and medical
treatment of sulphur mustard poisoning.,2005
Evaluation of Delayed Toxic Effects of Sulfur Mustard Poisoning
in Severely Intoxicated Iranian Veterans.,2005
The Clinical Toxicology of Sulphur Mustard, Arch Iranian
Long-Term Complications of Sulphur Mustard Poisoning in
Severely Intoxicated Iranian Veterans.,2005
Late Respiratory Complications of Mustard Gas Poisoning in
Iranian Veterans.,2005
Late Hematological and Immunological Complications of Sulfur
Mustard Poisoning in Iranian Veterans.,2005
Early Toxic Effects of Sulfur Mustard.,2005
Comparison of Blood Lead Level in 1-7 Years Old Children With
and Without Seizure, Referred to Emergency Ward and
Pediatric Clinics of Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad, Iran.,2005
Toxicity Evaluation of an Antitumor Marine Compound (HESAA) in Mice and Rats.,2006
Delayed ocular complications of mustard gas poisoning and the
relationship with respiratory and cutaneous complications.,2006
Delayed Complications of Sulfur Musatrd Poisoning in the Skin
and the Immune System of Iranian Veterans 16 to 20 Years
After Exposure.,2006
Delayed Complications of Sulfur Mustard.,2006
Recent Advances in Treatment of Acute
Organophosphorous Nerve Agents Poisoning.,2006
Mustard Lung: Lon Term Respiratory Effects of Mustard Gas
Comparison of the Early and Late Toxic Effects of Sulphur
Mustard in Iranian Veterans.,2006
Recent Advances in Treatment of Chemical Warfare Nerve
Metal Mercury Vapour Exposure in a Fluoroscent Bulb
Organophosphorous Nerve Agents.,2006
Effects of sodium bicarbonate in acute organophosphorous
poisoning is advancing.,2007
Neurologic Complications of Lead Poisoning in Workers of
Traditioal Tile Factories.,2007
Blood Lead Level in One to Seven Year Old Children in
Mashhad, Iran.,2007
Comparison of blood lead levels of mothers and cord blood in
intrauterine growth retarded neonates and normal term
Neurotoxic Disorders of Organophosphorous Compounds and
their Managements.,2008
Impact of scientific developments on the Chemical Weapons
Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Restorations after
Exposure to Microwave Radiation Emitted from Mobile
Narcotic Drug Abuse and other risk factors in 100 Operated
Patients for Acute Cholecystitis in Birjand.,2008
. Long Term Health Effects of Sulfur Mustard Poisoning With
Special Reference to Iranian Veterans.,2008
Evaluation of Allicin for the
Treatment of
Experimentally Induced Subacute Lead Poisoning in
Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Restorations after
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Following Mobile Phone
Effect of Corandrum Sativum L. Extract on Lead Excretion in 37 Year Old Children.,2008
Correlation Between Iron Deficiency and Lead Intoxication in
the Workers of a Car Battery Manufacturer.,2009
Sulfur Mustard Poisoning and its complication in Iranian
Delayed head and neck complications of sulfur mustard
poisoning in Iranian veterans.,2009
The therapeutic potential of thiamine for treatment of
experimentally induced sub-acute lead poisoning in
Comparison of Maternal and Umbilical Cord Blood Selenium
Levels in Term and Preterm Infants . 2009
Highly Sensitive C-reactive Protein Levels in Iranian Patients
With Pulmonary Complication of Sulfur Mustard Poisoning and
its Correlation With Severity of Airway Diseases .2009
Ethnicity has overtaken race in medical science:MEDLINE-based
comparison of trends in the USA and the rest of the world,1956-
Short communication:case report on adulterated opium-induced
sever lead toxicity.2010
Spider Bite (Latrodectism) in Mashhad, Iran,2009
Morphine is an arteriolar vasodilator in man,. 2009
Tramadol overdose induced seizure, dramatic rise of CPK and acute
renal failure; A case report. 2009
A new illicit opioid dependence outbreak, evidence for a combination
of opioids and steroids. 2009
Epidemiologic determinants of the Medical theses in Mashhad
University of Medical Sciences in the past 50 years,2007
Normal ranges of Hbg, Hct and MCV in Khorasan province,
report of 5337 Cases, 2000 [Persian].
Smoking, a dilemma for policy makers, 2000[Persian].
CO poisoning, Behvarz Health Journal, 2007, [Persian].
Improvement of health statistics in health system, 2001
Morphine is an arteriolar vasodilator in man.2009
Tramadol overdose induced seizure, dramatic rise of CPK and
acute renal failure; A case report.2009
New illicit opioid dependence outbreak, evidence for a
combination of opioids and steroids,2009
Use of high doses of sodium bicarbonate in acute
organophosphorous pesticide poisoning is advancing,2007
Co-proxamol overdose is associated with a 10-fold excess in
mortality compared with other paracetamol combination
ECG abnormalities in co-proxamol
(paracetamol/dextropropoxyphene) poisoning,2005
Co-proxamol and suicide: License needs to be changed.2003
Haemodynamic effects of methadone and dihydrocodeine in
Effects of licence changes on prescribing and poisons enquiries
for antipsychotic agents in England and Scotland,2003
Pattern of acute poisoning in Mashhad, Iran 1993-2000.2002
Changing pattern of use of 'ethnicity' and 'race' in scientific
A fixed comment of experts could be under question, Online
Abolishing prescription charges should first be considered for
legal and ethical reasons, Online Publication,2006
Training based on public expectations rather than expertise
views, Online Publication,2006
Licensing a drug for children should include the evaluation of
the potential increased toxicological risk in overdose as well as
the risk of suicide itself, Online Publication,2006
Reattribution of all findings to race rather than racism is also
misleading ,2006
Co-proxamol and suicide: Licence needs to be changed,2003
Tramadol overdose induced CPK rise, haemodynamic, and
electrocardiographic changes, and seizure,2008
Spider bite induced clinical, paraclinical& electrocardiographic
Blood and Urine Lead Concentration Association in 506 Cases
Referred to Toxicology Laboratory from 2000 to 2005,
Mashhad, Iran,2007
Comparison of psychological profiles between intentional and
accidental Opioid overdose patients in Mashhad, Iran, Clinical
The Impact of Menstrual Period of Women in Committing
Intentional Poisoning,2007
Clinical, paraclinical, and electrocardiographic changes of spider
bite in north east Iran, 2005-2006,2007
Comparison of Pesticide Poisoning in Mashhad (Iran) from 1997
to 2005,2007
Pesticide exposure in the Czech Republic from 1997 to
A butolish outbreak following a wedding in a rural area in north
east Iran, 2006,2007.
Pattern of acute opioid poisonings in North East Iran, 19932000.2006
An epidemiologic study of opioid dependent subjects who were
volunteered for opioid detoxification in Iran in 2005,2006
Indices to assess fatality and morbidity of poisoning
Application to opioid overdose,2005
Arterial stiffness in dihydrocodeine overdose,2004
ECG Abnormalities in co-proxamol (paracetamol /
dextropropoxyphene) poisoning compared with co-codamol &
Arterial stiffness in dihydrocodeine overdose compared with
minor paracetamol overdose,2004
Dr.Seyed Adel
Induction of apoptosis and cathepsin D in limbs exposed in
vitro to an activated analog of cyclophosphamide.,1995
Transglutaminase and clusterin induction during normal and
abnormal limb development.,1996
The role of p53 and cell death by apoptosis and necrosis in
4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide-induced limb
The teratogenecity of Ginger officinale in mice.,2003
Effect of ginger capsules on nausea and vomiting during
Detection of the soluble form of the Fas/Apo-1 receptor in
patients with human T-lymphotropic virus type 1-associated
Evaluation of fetal toxicity of HESA-A, a natural anticancer
agent, in mice.,2007
On the track of mesothelial progenitor cells from the peritoneal
cavity transplanted to immunocompetent mice.,2007
Characterization and transdifferentiation of human mesothelial
stem/progenitor cells of the peritoneum cavity.,2007
Evaluation of antidepressant effects of aerial parts of Echium
vulgare in mice.,2007
Study of metamphetamine effects on rat sperm
Evaluation of teratogenecity of Salvia leriifolia in mice.,2008
A Study of acute and chronic antinociceptive and antiinflammatory effects of thiamine in mice.,2008
Evaluation of effects of Methamphetamine repeated dosing on
proliferation and apoptosis of rat germ cells.,2008
Study of embryotoxicity of Perovskia abrotanoides, an
adulterant in folk-medicine, during organogenesis in mice.,2008
Eye malformations induced by carbamazepine in mice.,2008
Synthesis and immunomodulation of human lymphocyte
proliferation and cytokine (INF-gamma) production of four
novel malonitrilamides.,2009
Antiemetic activity of different extracts from the aerial parts of
Thymus transcaspicus KLOKOV.,2009
The evaluation of single dose effects of methamphetamine on
proliferation and apoptosis of sperm germ cells in mature
Teratogenic effects of gabapentin on the skeletal system of
Balb/C mice fetuses.,2009
Comparison of teratogenic effects of oral and intraperitoneal
administrations of gabapentin on the skeletal system of Balb/c
A Nili-Ahmadabadi, F Nazari.Exposure assessment for mercury
from consumption of marine fish in Iran.,2009
Teratogenic effects of carbamazepine on embryonic eye
development in pregnant mice.,2009
Dr. Gholamreza
‫بررسي اثر اسانس اندامهاي هوايي گياه اكليل كوهي روي حافظه سالم و تخريب‬
3131.‫شده با هيوسين بر يادگيري فضايي در موش صحرايي‬
‫بررسي سميت تحت حاد عصاره آبي كالله و گلبرگ زعفران در موش‬
‫ كروسين و‬،‫اثرات مقايسهاي ضد افسردگي عصارههاي زعفران و مواد مؤثر آن‬
3131.‫سافرانال در موش‬
3131.‫بررسي سميت تحت حاد عصاره آبي هسته سنجد در موش صحرايي‬
‫بررسي اثر ضد تشنجي عصاره هيدروالكلي سنبلالطيب در موش كوچك و ارتباط‬
3131.‫آن با نيتريك اكسايد‬
3131.P450 ‫بيوترانسفورماسيون داروها به وسيله سيستم آنزيمي سيتوكروم‬
3133.‫مروري بر داروهاي مؤثر بر سيستم ايمني‬
3131.‫مروري بر داروشناسي و سمشناسي ماري جوانا‬
3133.‫مسموميت با داروهاي مهار كننده كانال كلسيم‬
Auraptene from Ferula szowitsiana Protects Human Peripheral
Lymphocytes Against Oxidative Stress. 2010
Effects of Atorvastatin on Nitrate Tolerance in Diabetic
Inhibition of Xanthine oxidase by some Iranian Plant Remedies
Used for Gout.2009
Review of cases of Laed PoisoningFrom Opium Abuse In Iran.
Persicasulphide c,a new sulphur-contaning derivative from
Ferula persica.2009
Vasodilator effect Of Olive Leaf Aqueous Extract And
Involvment Of Cyclooxygenase In The Rat Aorta.2009
Mashhad Drug And Poison Information Center:Annual Reporter
2008. 2009
Evalution of antigenotoxicity effects of umbelliprenin on
humanperipheral Iymphocytes exposed tooxidative stress.2009
Antigenotoxic Effects of the Disulfide Compound Persicasulfide
A (PSA) on Rate Lymphocytes Exposed to Oxidative
Effect of portulaca oleraceae L. extracts on the Morphine
Dependence in Mice.2008
Concentrations and Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Tea
Samples Marketed in IRAN.2008
Concentrations of Patulin in Apple juice in Mashhad,Iran.2008
Aflatoxin M1 Contamination in Pasteurized Milk in Mashhad,
Protective Effects of Silymarin against Free Radical-Induced
Erythrocyte Lysis.2006
The Role of Nitric Oxide and Protein Kinase C in
Lipopolysaccharide-mediated Vascular Hyporeactivity. J Pharm
Pharmaceut SCI. 2006
Antigenotic Effects of Satureja Hortensis L. on Rat
Lymphocytes Exposed to Oxidative Stress. Arch Pham Ress.
Protective effect of lycopene and tomato extract against
doxorubicin induced cordiotoxicity in mice.2005
Cisplatin Nephrotoxicity and Protection by Milk Thistle Extract
in Rats.2005
Anticonvulsant effect of Hypericum pertoratum: role of nitric
Evaluation of the gastric antiulcerogenic effects of portulaca
oleracea extracts in mice.2004
Effects of anethum graveolens seed extracts on experimental
gastric irritation models in mice.2002
Effects of subacute lead acetate administration on nitric oxide
and cyclooxygenase pathways in rat isolated aortic ring.2002
Study of antidepressant effect of aqueous and ethanolic extract
of Crocus sativus in mice.2001
The relationship between chronic lead acetate exposure and
hypertension in rat.1991
Attempted suicide by insulin injection treated with hypertonic
glucose solution.1998
Dr. Seyed Hadi
Study of interaction between nitric oxide and ACE activity in
STZ-induced diabetic rats.,2004
Study of correlation between lead-induced cytotoxicity and
nitric oxide production in PC12 cells.,2005
Study of correlation between systolic blood pressure and
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity in STZ induced
diabetic rats.,2005
Effect of insulin on serum and tissue ACE activity in diabetic
Effect of different glucose concentration on PC12 cells
apoptosis: role of Bax and Bcl-2 proteins.,2005
Comparison the efficacy of griseofulvin and miconazole (alone
and together) on 100 patients suffering from dermatophytosis
in Mashhad.,2001
Study of Rose Bengal-Induced Cell Death in Melanoma Cells in
the Absence of Light.,2006
Efficacy of Clotrimazole, Nystatin and Povidone Iodine in
Traetment of Patients Suffering from Vaginal Candidiasis.,2007
Study of high glucose-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells: role of
bax protein.,2007
Role of caspases and reactive oxygen species in rose bengalinduced toxicity in melanoma cells.,2007
Study of Lead-Induced Toxicity in PC12 Cells: Role of
Chronic health effects of sulfur mustard exposure with special
reference to Iranian veterans' Emerging Health Threats.,2008
as a proposed target for rose bengal in inducing cell death in
melanoma cells,.2008
Study of Admission Rate of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Positive
Patients in 50 Dentistry Centers in Tehran (Spring 2003).,2007
Study of cytotoxic and apoptogenic properties of saffron extract
in human cancer cell lines.,2008
Apoptosis: from Signalling Pathways to Therapeutic Tools.,2008
Direct toxicity of rose bengal in MCF-7 cell line: Role of
Role of caspases and Bax protein in saffron-induced apoptosis
in MCF-7 cells.,2009
Study of cytotoxic effects of saffron in MCF-7 cells: role of
Protective effect of saffron extract and crocin on reactive
oxygen species-mediated high glucose-induced toxicity in PC12
Growth inhibitory effect of Scutellaria Lindbergii in human
cancer cell lines.2009