Aquatic Biomes Project

Aquatic Biomes Project (Period 2)
I am often unable to cover the aquatic biomes around the world, and so you will be enlisted to
help me! Your group will be using the Edublogs website that I use for my classroom blog to create
an informative blog on an aquatic biome! You will also create a webquest for your biomes
website that future students (and some current students) will use to learn about these biomes.
Rivers and Streams
Lakes and Ponds
Coral Reefs
Open Ocean
Please write down the biome that you are assigned to, along with your group number:
MY GROUP #:_____________________
OUR BIOME: _____________________________________________
1. You will need an email address to access the blog. If you don’t have one, you may also
use the email of another person in your group. You will also need a password to log on, so
record it below so you can log on to edublogs to edit the website.
My email is ______________________________________.Reynoldsburg@edumail.org___
My Edublogs Password is_____________________________
2. You will need to choose a role in your group.
1) Team Leader – your job is to assign jobs, make sure the other people are doing
what they are supposed to, finalize all important decisions, solve disputes, and
help students get what they need to succeed. This job may be additional to
being a contributing writer.
2) Webquest Publisher- Your job is to create the final webquest for other students to
do on your site. Decide what the important parts of your blog are so that you
know what you’d like other students to know. Then, make a webquest to guide
students in the right direction. You will need to collaborate with all the other team
members to find out what should go into the webquest, or to tell them what to
put into the website. This job may be additional to being a contributing writer.
3) Contributing Writer-You will be assigned different topics to research and then write
your piece on them. You will also need to make sure that the information is
correct, complete, and hopefully entertaining!
1. You must have an overview of the defining features of your biome
2. You must have a section about the major/important plants in your biome. This should
include some information about how the plants are adapted to that environment. 5
plants minimum.
3. You must include a section outlining some of the major animals within your biome. What
are their adaptations? What roles do they play in the environment? Must include 5
animals minimum.
4. You must have a section on the ecological threats and challenges in this ecosystem.
5. You must have a link to at least ONE outside website/resource.
6. You must include pictures one each page.
7. You must include a description of at least 2 symbiotic relationships found in your biome
somewhere in your project.
8. Spelling and grammar must be correct.
9. You must upload at least one document, power point, OR video. This does not mean
that you need to MAKE it yourself, just save it and upload it directly to your site, but give
credit where credit is due.
10. A list of sources for your information at the bottom of each page.
We will be working on this project mostly out of class. You will have checkpoints in between that
help you stay on task, and I will be checking off to see if you are doing your part, on time. If you
choose not to do your part when we have checkpoints, you will receive a lowered grade. The
final due date of our project is FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2012. If they are not finished by then, you will
receive lowered grades for each day late.
GROUP EVALUATION FACTOR_________ X ___________= FINAL SCORE_____
Aquatic Biomes GROUP Projects
In order to help us learn the aquatic biomes, you will be working in groups to create a multimedia
presentation about the biome to which you are assigned. The different biomes that your groups
can work on are:
Rivers and Streams
Lakes and Ponds
Coral Reefs
Open Ocean
Please write down the biome that you are assigned to, along with your group number:
MY GROUP #:_____________________
OUR BIOME: _____________________________________________
1. You must have an overview of the defining features of your biome
2. You must identify major/important plants in your biome. This should include some
information about how the plants are adapted to that environment.
3. You must include a section outlining some of the major animals within your biome. What
are their adaptations? What roles do they play in the environment?
4. You must have a section on the ecological threats and challenges in this ecosystem.
5. You must include some information on abiotic factors in your biome and how they
affect the plants and animals found there.
6. Include some interesting facts about your biome (3 minimum)
7. Spelling and grammar must be correct on your final turned in project.
1. Create a Powerpoint that displays all your information and present it to the class
2. Create a rap or song containing the information you’ve learned and perform it for the class
3. Create a video that displays the information you’ve learned and present it to the class
4. Create a skit/play that demonstrates the learned information and perform it for the class
5. Create your own project. See me to get the OK on anything you’d like to try.
Defining Features of the biome_______/5
Plants and their roles
Animals and their roles
Ecological interactions
Abiotic factors
Interesting facts
Grammar and spelling
FINAL SCORE= __________ x ___________=_______
total x group evaluation %
Aquatic Biomes INDIVIDUAL Projects
In order to help us learn the aquatic biomes, you will be working in groups to create a multimedia
presentation about the biome to which you are assigned. The different biomes that your groups
can work on are:
Rivers and Streams
Lakes and Ponds
Coral Reefs
Open Ocean
Please write down the biome that you are assigned to, along with your group number:
MY BIOME: _____________________________________________
1. You must have an overview of the defining features of your biome
2. You must identify major/important plants in your biome. This should include some
information about how the plants are adapted to that environment.
3. You must include a section outlining some of the major animals within your biome. What
are their adaptations? What roles do they play in the environment?
4. You must have a section on the ecological threats and challenges in this ecosystem.
5. You must include some information on abiotic factors in your biome and how they
affect the plants and animals found there.
6. Include some interesting facts about your biome (3 minimum)
7. Spelling and grammar must be correct on your final turned in project.
Write and illustrate a story that demonstrates the information you’ve researched.
Write an essay that combines all the information you’ve learned about your biome.
Create a model of your biome with some informative notecards attached
Create a board game about your biome that covers the information you’ll research
Create your own project. See me to get the OK on anything you’d like to try.
Defining Features of the biome _______/5
Plants and their roles
Animals and their roles
Ecological interactions
Abiotic factors
Interesting facts
Grammar and spelling