Stephen E. Schlickman

Stephen E. Schlickman
Curriculum Vitae
Mr. Stephen E. Schlickman has over 30 years of transportation experience. On October 1, 2005 he
became the Executive Director of the Chicago metropolitan Regional Transportation Authority with
financial assistance, oversight and planning coordination authority over the operating transit agencies,
CTA, Metra, and Pace which together comprise one the largest transit systems in the United States. In
this position, Mr. Schlickman was one of the key leaders in achieving the largest financial assistance
package from the Illinois State Legislature since the creation of the RTA in 1974. He also led the
development of the first comprehensive regional strategic plan since the late 1980s. Through Mr.
Schlickman’s direction, the RTA has improved its overall financial, operation and safety oversight
function. He has also overseen the implementation of comprehensive RTA legislative reforms. On the
federal level, Mr. Schlickman organized a coalition of the largest transit systems in the country and leads
that group in seeking consensus federal legislative objectives. In addition to his duties at the RTA, Mr.
Schlickman has served on the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Board of Directors since its
inception in 2005.
Prior to that post, Mr. Schlickman had his own consulting practice providing financial, project policy, and
legislative advice to clients involved in every mode of surface transportation as well as for water and park
infrastructure activities. In 2005 he advised Macquarie Bank in their $1.8 billion successful bid with
Cintra to win the concession for the Chicago Skyway bridge toll facility. In 1998 and 1999, he led the
Chicago area Business Leaders for Transportation coalition and their support for the Illinois FIRST
legislation, which provided $5.7 billion in new funding for Illinois highway and transit needs. He has been
involved in every federal and Illinois highway and transit program reauthorization since 1982.
In the 1980s, he managed Chicago area transit legislative programs, and was actively involved in the
1983 RTA funding and reform legislation. Mr. Schlickman was the administrator for the Administrative
Joint Commission, which oversaw the management of CTA’s financial crisis of 1982 and 1983.
From 1989 to 1991 he was the Director of the City of Chicago Washington Office where he was
responsible for the City’s transportation legislative agenda, as well other municipal agenda objectives.
He was part of the lead lobbying effort to enact the Passenger Facility Charge that has provided billions
of funding for Chicago’s aviation system.
Mr. Schlickman managed a major light rail transit development project for the Central Area of Chicago in
the early 1990s.
During his career, he has been involved in acquiring billions of dollars of government grant assistance for
the Chicago region.
Mr. Schlickman has been a member of the Illinois Public Transportation Association, serving as its
President in 1988 and 1989. He has been active with the American Public Transportation Association,
serving on its legislative committee for many years and is currently part of APTA’s legislative steering
leadership. He was the founding Chairman of the New Start Working Group, a national coalition of New
Start transit projects. Mr. Schlickman began his transportation experience in 1975 as a bus driver for the
Georgetown University transit system, later serving as the system’s safety director.
Mr. Schlickman is an adjunct lecturer with the University of Illinois Chicago's Urban Transportation
Center teaching a course in transportation project funding and finance.
Mr. Schlickman has a law degree from DePaul University and an undergraduate degree in government
from Georgetown University. He lives with his wife Alison in Wilmette, Illinois and has two adult children,
Patrick and Christy.
Stephen E. Schlickman
10/1/05 -Present
Executive Director, Regional Transportation Authority: CEO for the Chicago metropolitan
transit agency with financial assistance and oversight and planning coordination authority
over the operating transit agencies, CTA, Metra, and Pace.
4/11/98 –
Owner, Schlickman & Associates: Financial, public and government affairs consulting
practice that specialized in public infrastructure policy, finance and advocacy.
8/15/99 Current
Adjunct Lecturer, University of Illinois Chicago, Urban Transportation Center: Teaches a
graduate level course in the funding and financing of transportation projects
Vice President and Special Assistant for Corporate Development, Parsons
Brinckerhoff, Inc.: For the leading transportation infrastructure services company,
managed nationwide state and local government relations support, developed urban
market opportunities, managed special corporate development assignments.
Executive Director, Central Area Circulator Project, City of Chicago, Mayor’s Office:
Oversaw the planning and engineering of a $775 million light rail transit system to improve
the distribution and circulation of people in the City’s greater downtown.
Director, Washington DC Office, City of Chicago, Mayor’s Office of Intergovernmental
Affairs: Managed City of Chicago’s federal program and specialized in transportation
legislation as the City’s lead congressional lobbyist and representative to the federal
Director, Intergovernmental Relations, Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation
Authority: Managed RTA’s intergovernmental relations program including federal and state
legislative agendas. In 1988, as acting public affairs director also managed RTA’s public
relations, consumer information and marketing activities.
Government Affairs and Legislative Counsel (’83-87), Administrator of the
Administrative Joint Commission (82-83), Special Assistant to the Manager of
External Affairs Division (80-81) Chicago Transit Authority: From 1980 to 1987 managed
CTA’s intergovernmental relations program including federal and state legislative agendas.
In 1982 and 1983 managed activities of an oversight body for CTA finances and
operations. Served as staff to the CTA Board Budget Committee. In 1980 and 1981
provided administrative support to the External Affairs Manager as CTA spokesperson and
manager of consumer, public affairs and marketing programs.
Other Transportation Experience: Part time bus driver for the Village of Wilmette, IL
(1979); Summer Intern for the US DOT Office of Facilitation (1976); Safety Director and
bus Driver for the Georgetown University Transportation Society (1975-76)
DePaul University, School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, 1976-1979
Degree: Juris Doctor
Georgetown University, Washington, DC, 1971-1975
Degree: AB Government (Cum Laude)
St. Viator High School, Arlington Heights, Illinois, 1967-1971
City of Chicago Intergovernmental Executive Development Program 1986
Illinois Licensed Attorney since 1979 Inactive
Stephen E. Schlickman
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Professional Awards & Recognition:
2010 UIC College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs Alumni Appreciation Award Recipient
2005 Lambda Alpha International – Ely Chapter (In recognition of his contribution and exceptional technical
knowledge in advancing sound transportation system development in the Chicago region.)
2004 Village of Wilmette Recognition of Service to the Wilmette Transportation Commission
1992 Crain's Chicago Business 40 Under 40 List of Young Business Professionals
1992 St. Viator High School Outstanding Alumnus Award for Public Service Contributions
1989 Regional Transportation Authority Dedicated Service Award
1989 Illinois Public Transit Association Outstanding Contribution Award
Current and Past Professional and Civic Activities
American Public Transit Association (Legislative Committee, Vice Chair of Intergovernmental Issues Subcommittee)
Chicago Business Leaders for Transportation Inactive
Chicago Area Regional Planning Board Member Inactive
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Policy Committee (the designated MPO)
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Board of Directors
Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce (Transportation & Legislative Committees) Inactive
City Club of Chicago (presenter and member)
City of Chicago Central Area Plan Transportation Committee Inactive
Coalition to Save Safe Harbor Leasing for Transit (Chairman) Inactive
Greater North Michigan Avenue Association (Transportation Committee) Inactive
Illinois Public Transit Association (Past President) Inactive
Lambda Alpha International – Ely Chapter (An Honorary Land and Economics Society) Inactive
Metropolitan Planning Council (Transportation Committee) Inactive
Metropolitan Rail Discussion Group (large transit system coalition) (founder and chair)
National Alliance of Public Transportation Advocates Advisory Committee Inactive
National League of Cities Inactive
New Start Working Group (Past Chair) Inactive
Rail-Volution Conference (Meeting Attendee & Presenter) Inactive
Urban Transportation Conference (Past Vice-Chair) Inactive
United States Conference of Mayors (Meeting Attendee & Presenter) Inactive
Village of Wilmette Transportation Commission Inactive
Contact Information
Regional Transportation Authority: 312-913-3220;
Home: 847-256-7701
Personal Cell: 312-961-4373
Personal Email: