SCORE CARDS Score cards are to be collected each week from the Netball Office by the first named team in each game. FIRST AID Please see office at front for First Aid help. SUBSTITUTION AND TEAM CHANGES Substitution occurs when a player leaves the court and is replaced by another player. Team changes occur when players on court rearrange playing positions. Substitution and team changes are allowed on court: a) during an interval b) when play is stopped for injury or illness c) by the opposing team, in the event of failure to give notification of substitutions and team changes to the Team Official It is the responsibility of a Team Official to notify the Scorers and opposing Team Official if substitution and/or a team changes are made. When a substitution or team change is made both teams have the right to make substitutions and/or team changes. There is no limit to the number of substitutions which can be made by a team. SUSPENDED PLAYER When a player is suspended that player cannot be replaced. After completion of the suspension period, the player may return to the game after a goal is scored or at the next interval. When a centre is suspended, that team shall move only one player to allow the play to continue and that player shall continue to play as centre until the end of the suspension period. At the end of the suspension period both players must return to their original positions. COMPLETE COPIES OF THE KALAMUNDA NETBALL CONSITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE NETBALL OFFICE. AANA RULE BOOKS ARE ON SALE AT THE NETBALL OFFICE. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL COACHES AND PLAYERS TO BE AWARE OF THE RULES AND BY-LAWS GOVERNING NETBALL. 1. EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS 1.1 Nominations for the Executive positions of PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, TREASUER, AM & PMM UMPIRE CONVENERS, GRADING CONVENER, EVENTS COORDINATOR, PROPERTY MANAGER AND MEDIA COORDINATOR may be received before the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Nominations can either be in writing or received from the floor at the Annual General Meeting. Members elected to the Executive shall assume office for a period of one year. Office commences at the Annual General Meeting and continues to the next Annual General Meeting Duties of the Executive and appointed positions of Secretary, Development Officer, Association Teams, Association Coaches, Midweek Convener and any other associated Committee Members shall be as outlined in the relevant Duty Statement of KALAMUNDA AND DISTRICTS NETBALL ASSOCIATION (Inc.) Duty statements for all positions are available to any member of the Association upon request. Jobs outlined n the Duty Statement can amended, altered or transferred to improve the running of the Association as the Executive sees fit. Club must be informed to any changes to Duty Statements as soon as practicable after they have been made. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2. EXECUTIVE RESIGNATIONS Resignations shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing. Should any member resign before the expiry of their term of Office, a replacement will be elected at the next Executive Meeting or as soon as practicable. 3. HONORARIA 3.1 Honoraria are paid to the Secretary, Treasurer, AM & PM Umpires, Conveners, Court Managers, Midweek Convener, Development Officer, Association Coaches, Grading Convener Property Manager and Summer Convener at a rate determined by the Executive. 3.2 Honoraria are not considered a wage payment but contribution towards cost incurred performing duties associated with the position. 4. MEETINGS 4.1 Chairperson The President shall be chairperson at all meetings of the Association and conduct with meetings according to the Standing Orders (see 4.4). In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall be chairperson. In the absence of both President and Vice President, the Secretary shall call for nominations for Chairperson who, once elected, shall preside over all business for that meeting in accordance with the Standing Orders. 4.2 Business of the Annual General Meeting 1. Presidents address 2. Apologies 3. Confirmation of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting 4. Adoptions of Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenditure and Audit Report 5. Reports 6. Alteration, Repeal or addition to the Constitution 7. Election of Office Bearers and Committees: OFFICER BEARERS President Vice President Treasurer AM Umpires Convener PM Umpires Convener Grading Convener Media Coordinator Property Manager Events Coordinator Trophy Coordinator COMMITTEES Management Committee Summer Convener AM Court Manager PM Court Manager GRADING COMMITTEE Grading Convener Development Officer 4 Club representatives If an elected member of the Grading Committee is unable to attend a meeting a proxy may be used. Umpires, Events and Sectors Committee: ‘The Executive to have the power to coopt’ 8. Other Appointments: Patrons Life Members Auditors 9. General Business 10. Closure 4.3 Business of Executive Meetings 1. Opening of Meeting 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of Previous Meetings 4. Matters arising from Minutes 5 Development Officers Report 6. Midweek Conveners Report 7. Correspondence 8. Matters of arising from Correspondence 9. Financial Report 10. Executive Reports 11. General Business 12. Date of Next Meeting 13. Closure 4.3.1 Special Agenda items may be added at the request of any member of the Association. 4.4 Business of Delegates Meetings 1. Opening of Meeting 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of previous Meetings 4. Matters arising from Minutes 5. Correspondence 6. Matters arising from Correspondence 7. Executive Reports 8. General Business 9. Date of next Meeting 10. Closure 4.4.1 Failure by a club to attend a Delegates Meeting will result in a $50.00 fine. 4.5 Standing Orders 4.5.1 Quorum is a minimum of half the current Executive at Executive meetings 4.5.2 Quorum is a minimum of one half of voting members at the Annual General Meeting, Special Meetings and Delegates Meetings. 4.5.3 The Chairperson may terminate any discussion that is not relevant to the business before the meeting. 4.5.4 Motions are to be submitted in writing and signed by the Mover and Seconder. 4.5.5 A Motion must be seconded before it is debated and shall not be withdrawn without the consent of the seconder and unanimous support of the meeting. 4.5.6 No speaker shall speak more than once to any Motion or Amendment, except in personal explanation, unless she or he is the Mover of the Motion exercising their right of reply. 4.5.7 Only one person is entitled to speak at one time. In the event that two or more people whish to speak at the same time, the Chairperson shall determine the order of speaking. 5. UNFINANCIAL CLUBS 5.1 In the event of a Club/team failing to pay necessary fees or fines on the due date the Club/team concerned shall: 5.1.1 Incur a 10% surcharge on the amount owing. 5.1.2 Not score and points in any game played by the offending team until such time as the amount is paid. 5.1.3 The Club is ultimately responsible for payment of all fines and fees. 5.2 In the event a Club/team disbands at the end of a season, each player from the Club/team is liable for their portions of the fines or fees and is considered unfinancial until such monies are paid. 6 RULES GOVERNING MATCH PLAY 6.1 All games at Kalamunda & Districts Netball Association Inc., (KDNA) are governed by the All Australian Netball Association Official Rule Book. 6.2 Netta is governed by the rules set out by WA Netball 7. ASSOCATION REGULATIONS A NEW PLAYERWHO HAS NOT PREVIOUSLY REGISTERED OR PLAYED MUST AT THE FIRST GAME PLAYED BE RECORDED AS HAVING PLAYED BY INSERTING THEIR NAME ON THE FRONT OF THE SCORECARD AND COMPLETING REGISTRATION DETAILS ON THE BACK OF THE SCCORECARD. 7.1 REGISTRATIONS 7.1.1 No player may take the court in any KDNA competition unless they are a Club player registered with KDNA and affiliated with WA Netball and the Darling Range Region. 7.1.2 A Club remains registered with KDNA from Registration Day one year to registration Day the following year. 7.1.3 Clubs wishing to register with KDNA must register a minimum of seven players on the approved Registration Form and return it to the Secretary of the Assocation by the stipulated nomination date. 7.1.4 Clubs must pay a minimum of one third of the total registration fee at the time of registration. The balance of all fees, including the night training and any other sums due is to be paid by 5pm on the third fixtured date of the winter season. 7.1.5 Individual players may register in the following ways: as part of a team at initial registration by completing registration details on the back of an official scoreboard card before or at the first game played. 7.1.6 A maximum of thirteen players may be registered for any one team. 7.1.7 New registrations, where a player nominates for a team more than one grade lower than their previous playing experience, must be approved by a minimum of two Executive prior to the player taking the court. Any player currently playing in division one at State League level or above, may only play at the highest level of competition offered within our association. 7.1.8 De-registration of any player can only occur upon written application by the club approval by the executive. 7.1.9 No new registrations will be accepted after the FINAL QUALIFYING GAME in any grade. All players in all finals must have played and been recorded on the front of the scorecard as having played THREE (3) Qualifying games with their club. The player must play on Three (3) different playing dates. 7.2. CLUB COLOURS AND UNIFORMS 7.2.1 Team attire shall be uniform and display the club or team colour nominated on the official Registration Form of KDNA. 7.2.2 Club colours and uniform shall be approved by the Executive and no changes to this uniform shall be made without first obtaining permission for the executive. 7.2.3 Priority of registration shall determine the exclusive right to wear a particular uniform and colours. Suitable footwear shall be worn at all times. No studded or spiked footwear is allowed. Black soled running shoes are not permitted on the boarded courts. 7.2.4 7.2.5 Tracksuit pants may be worn only during the first quarter. The skirt must be worn over the pants. 7.2.6 Approved netball sporting gloves may be worn. Nails must be cut short. 7.2.7 At the discretion of the executive, any club playing a registered member not in uniform may be liable to a fine and suspension of the player/team concerned. This is to take effect from the THIRD fixtured date. 7.2.8 If bike pants are worn they must be under an approved netball skirt. They must not be longer than the skirt an shall be the same colour as the registered sports brief. Exceptions to the length of the bike pants will only be made on the presentation of a medical certificate at the netball office. 7.2.9 shirts do not have to be tucked in, unless the skirt covers more than one third of the netball skirt or shorts. 7.3 INTERCHANGE OF PLAYERS 7.3.1 No registered player within the current season shall play in a lower team of their club or transfer to a new team at a lower grade unless permission has been granted by the executive to ‘pass down’. This ruling does not apply of the first two playing dates of that season. 7.3.2 A club that is short for players in a team for the Semi Finals, Finals and Grand Final must bring up a player from a lower team, provided they have played THREE times with the club during the current season. 7.3.3 Any player may play up to two games in a higher grade than they are registered. On the third occasion a player in a higher grade, the club concerned must nominate which of the higher grades will be the player’s grade for the remainder of the season. It is the responsibility of the club concerned to notify the secretary of the player’s transfer to a higher grade. This rule applies from the first playing date. 7.3.4 Netta and Sub Junior players are no restricted as per 7.3.3. 7.3.5 A Sub Junior player may play up and down with the Sub Junior grades without restriction. A registered Sub Junior is not permitted to play down in a Netta grade. 7.3.6 A Netta player may play up and down within the Netta and Sub Junior grades without restriction. 7.3.7 Where there is more than one team from any club in a Senior or Junior grade, interchange of players will be permitted from the lower to the higher team only. The ranking of the teams is designated by the club by allocating numbers to each team, i.e. Team 1 is higher than Team 2. 7.4 CLEARANCES 7.4.1 No clearances are required from one season to another. 7.4.2 A player will not be permitted to transfer from one club to another once the season has commenced unless a Clearance Form signed by an office bearer of the previous club accompanies the registration details. 7.4.3 Completed Clearance forms are to be handed into the office on the day of registration. 7.4.4 Disputed clearances shall be meditated by the executive. 7.4.5 No clearances shall be allowed after the final qualifying game in any one grade. 7.5 OFFICIALS 7.5.1 The officials of the game shall be the Umpire, Scorer and Timekeeper. 7.5.2 The first named team in the fixtures shall collect the Official Scorecard and provide the Scorer. The second mentioned team in the fixtures shall provide the Timekeeper when required. The Scorer and Timekeeper shall stand or sit together at the centre of the court, on the side line and check both scores and time with each other. Only the official scorecard shall be used for each match. 7.5.3 If the Official Scorer will not stand at the centre of the court, a forfeit may be awarded against the offending team. 7.5.4 The score recorded on the scorecard can only be changed at the time of the goal recorded IF the Check Scorer brings an error to the attention of the scorer and it is agreed the error has been made. 7.5.5 Where timekeeping is done centrally, a representative from the second mentioned team is required to stand with the Scorer. The team Officials are: Coach, Manager, Captain and two Primary Care Personnel. The team Officials, in addition to five player not on court, shall Constitute the Team Bench. 7.6. SCORING 7.6.1 Two points shall be awarded for a win. One point for a draw. 7.6.2 Scorecards showing the results of the match, the first and last names of each player, the grade of the teams and the date of the match shall be returned to the office by the winning team. In the event of a draw the first mentioned team in the fixtures is responsible for submitting the scorecard. 7.6.3 After the third playing date, failure to include first and last names of players on the scorecard will result in a $50 fine for the offending team. 7.7 UMPIRING CHECK ALL GRADES CAREFULLY FOR UMPIRING COMMITMENTS (INCLUDING SUB JUNIOR). 7.7.1 Each senior and junior team will be rostered to umpire during the Winter Season at the discretion of Umpire Convener. 7.7.2 Rostered umpires are required to report to the Umpires Convener fifteen minutes before they are to umpire. 7.7.3 If a rostered umpire fails to attend, the team concerned will lose 2 points and be fined $20 per umpire. 7.7.4 If a rostered umpire arrives without a whistle, fails to umpire the whole game or is not competent and conversant with the rules of netball, the team concerned will lose two points and be fined $20 per umpire. 7.8 CLEAN UP DUTY 7.8.1 KDNA is a voluntary organisation. As such, Clubs are required to help keep the courts and surrounding area clean. 7.8.2 Each club will be rostered for clean up duty during the season. This involved picking up rubbish and emptying rubbish bins both inside the stadium and on the outside courts. Rubbish is to be placed in the waste container at the rear of the ROSC. 7.8.3 Failure to complete a designated clean up duty will result in a $20 find. Failure to pay the fine by the stipulated date will result in the club receiving no points for any games until the fine is paid in full. 7.9 SAFETY KDNA aims to provide the best possible service and facilities to its members. An important part of this service is the provision of quality facilities where the safety of players, officials, volunteers and spectators is a matter of priority. 7.9.1 If anyone becomes aware that a hazard to the safety of players of any other person using the facility exists, they should immediately notify the Court Manager or Umpires which ever is most appropriate. 7.9.2 Play should be stopped if there is any potential danger to players of Umpires, the Timekeeper shall stop the clock until the hazard is removed or the game is abandoned. 7.9.3 If the hazard can be safely removed this should be done immediately and the game recommenced as soon as possible. 7.9.4 If the hazard is unable to be removed immediately, or is likely to recur during the game the matter is to be immediately report to the Court Manager and/or Umpires Convener. 7.9.5 The Court Manager and Umpires Convener shall determine whether to abandon the game or postpone it to a further date. 7.9.6 Under no circumstances is play to continue if a hazard to players, umpires or spectators exist. 7.9.7 In the event of inclement weather, the captains of both teams shall agree whether or not to play. If the captains disagree, the match shall be played Should the match not be played, then a draw is awarded. 7.9.8 No player who is bleeding may take the court until the bleeding has been stopped and the wound covered. Clothing must be rinsed if it has blood on it. Normal injury time applies. This is in line with the blood policy of the Australian Sports Federation. 7.9.9 In the event of injury, insurance enquiries can be made at the KDNA office. Any injury must be reported immediately to the Court manager and entered in the Injuries Register. 7.9.10 Players are not permitted to wear any sharp adornment or item of jewellery except a wedding ring or Medic-Alert bracelet which, if worn but be suitably taped. For added safety, a sweat band over the bracelet would be preferred. 7.9.11 Studs or earrings must be removed before any player may take the court. Taped earrings are not permitted. 7.9.12 Fingernails must be cut short and no taped fingernails are permitted. The umpires decision is final. If gloves are worn fingernails must be cut short. 7.9.13 Long hair must be tied back. Hair combs are not permitted. 7.10 ABANDONED GAMES An abandoned game is any game which is stopped and play cannot be resumed. 7.10.1 If there is a dangerous situation (weather or otherwise) the game/s may be cancelled at the discretion of at least two (2) nominated Office Bearers of the Executive. Affected games will be a draw. 7.10.2 If an umpire cancels a game due to misconduct, the following shall apply: a) By one team – a forfeit results b) By both teams – no points will be awarded and the offending teams may face disciplinary action 7.10.3 If a game is abandoned as a result of one of the team’s decision not to continue play, then a forfeit will occur and points awarded to the opposing team. 7.10.4 If the game is abandoned by mutual decision of the teams, each team receives one point and the score will stand at the time play stopped. 7.11 FORFEITURE 7.11.1 Any team forfeiting a match shall notify the secretary of KDNA and the captain of the opposing team. In the event of a team forfeiting two consecutive matches, the team is required to show cause to the executive for such forfeiture. 7.11.2 When a team forfeits a match, two points for a win and ten goals shall be credited to the opposing team. Ten goals will also be debited against the team forfeiting. 7.11.3 If a game is forfeited before half time normal forfeiture rules apply 7.11.4 If a game is forfeited after hald time, the score will stand and the two points will be awarded to the non-forfeiting team. 7.11.5 When a team has forfeited, a club official must fill in the scorecard for that playing date. The names on the scorecard will be registered as a qualifying games. 7.11.6 At the discretion of the Executive, consideration for attention to scheduled Final matches may be given to teams in extenuating circumstances. 7.11.7 Finals matches are only open to teams who have qualified in the final four. In the event of a forfeit, finals will continue as per By-Law 8.1 7.12 POSTPONED MATCHES 7.12.1 Any team wishing to postpone a game for valid reasons must notify the Secretary of KDNA no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled playing date with full details before the rescheduled game is played. 7.12.2 Both teams must agree to the postponement of the scheduled game. The rescheduled game must be played at the fixtured venue no later than Thursday of the following week. If the nonrequesting team does not agree to a rescheduled game then the team requesting the postponement shall forfeit. 7.12.3 The winning team must phone the secretary of KDNA with the scores immediately after the game has been completed. The scorecard is to be returned to the netball office as soon as possible before the following scheduled playing date. 7.12.4 It is the responsibility of the teams concerned to arrange umpires. 7.12.5 Failure to comply with any of the above will result in a $30 fine. 7.13 WITHDRAWLS 7.13.1 When a team is withdrawn after the commencement of the season, all points and goals scored in matches involving that team in an incomplete round shall be cancelled. 7.14 INELIGIBLE PLAYERS An ineligible player is any player who does not meet the requirements of these By-Laws. 7.14.1 Any team that plays an ineligible player shall be penalised any winning points and a further two points. Any goals scored by the team offended against shall be retained and the offending team shall receive a score of zero for that game. The nonoffending team will receive the two winning points. 7.14.2 Any team that plays an ineligible player in a finals match shall forfeit that game. 7.14.3 If a team falsely records a name of the scorecard, both the player who played and the player under whose name the offence occurred, shall be deemed not to have played that game for the purpose of qualifying for finals. 7.14.4 Any person who falsely records a name on the scorecard will incur the team a forfeit of the match and a loss of two points from the teams score before the game. The team will be required to appear before the executive. 7.14.5 A player name can be added to a scorecard during the course of a game. 7.15 PROTESTS A team wishing to protest shall: a) At the conclusion of the match, notify the captain of the opposing team of the intention to protest. b) Lodge the protest in writing prior to leaving the grounds. c) Deposit a $50 fee with the secretary within 48 hours following the match. No protest shall be considered without payment of the fee. d) In the case of a junior team, such protest must be lodged by their coach or manager. 7.15.1 A meeting to deal with the protest shall be held on the Tuesday following the match at 7.30pm at the headquarters of the association. The Secretary shall ensure both teams and umpires are notified of the protest meeting. Only the players wholes names appear on the scorecard, the presiding umpires and the coach or manager that was present on the day of the protest of each team may attend. 7.15.2 The protest committee shall comprise of the Secretary, President and Umpire Conveners. The meeting shall be chaired by a non active and impartial person chosen by the association. 7.16 CONDUCT 7.16.1 All players, coaches and spectators are expected to demonstrate consideration and respect at all times and to obey the rules of Netball. 7.16.2 Failure to do so may result in a penalty determined by the Umpires or Umpires Convener. 7.16.3 A complaint by an Umpire or Umpire Convener concerning the behaviour of an individual or a team prior to, during or after a match and not covered by By-Law 7.15 may be made in writing to the Association. The complaint shall be heard by a committee comprising of the Secretary, President and Umpire Conveners. 7.16.4 In extreme cases a fine, suspension or other action may be imposed. 7.17 PLAYING DIVISIONS 7.17.1 Masters shall be 35 years and over as at December 31 of the playing year. 7.17.2 Seniors shall be open to all age groups. 7.17.3 Juniors are 17 years and under as at December 31 of the playing year 7.17.4 Sub Juniors are players in Years 5, 6 and 7 at school irrespective of age. 7.17.5 Netta players are in Year 3 or 4 at school irrespective of age. 7.17.6 Fun Net are players in Year 1 or 2 at school irrespective of their age. 7.17.7 Upon written application in special case, the Executive may allow players to play outside their designated age group. 7.18 GRADING 7.18.1 Grading of teams must be completed by the Clubs concerning prior to submitting Registration Forms. No alteration/s shall be made to the original registration form unless permission is received from the Grading Committee. 7.18.2 If a team won the Grand Final in the previous season of that competition registers with five players who played in that winning team, the said team is automatically graded at a higher level. 7.18.3 If a team finished at the bottom of a grade in the previous season registers with five players who played in that team, they have the right to be graded lower that the previous season, provided no age restriction apply at the lower level. 7.19 RE-GRADING 7.19.1 Final grading for Sub Junior and Netta teams will be determined prior to the fourth fixtured date. Senior and Junior teams will not be re-graded. 7.19.2 The grading committee will meet to review the competition and Grading Policy. 7.19.3 If, in extreme circumstances a Senior or Junior team is regraded, any team participating in a game involving a team which has been re-graded, the match is declared a draw with both teams receiving ten (10) goals and one (1) point. 7.19.4 Any Netta or Sub Junior team wishing to be considered for regrading must submit their request in writing to the Grading Convener no later than the Wednesday prior to the third round of fixtures. 8. FINALS MATCHES 8.1 AT the conclusion of the qualifying rounds, finals shall be played as follows: SEMI FINALS 1v2 and 3v4 FINALS Loser of 1v2 plays winner of 3v4 GRAND FINAL Winner of 1v2 plays winner of Final 8.2 No team has the right to challenge the above method of finals. 8.3 Where teams finish with an equal number of premiership point, the relative position on the premiership table are determined by calculating the percentage of goals. This is done by dividing the total goals scored by each team during the season by the total of goals scored against them during the season. This figure is multiplied by 100 to determine the percentage. 8.4 In the event of a draw in the Semi Final, Finals or Grand Final match, teams shall change ends and play an extra seven minutes each end with a two minute interval. Should the result remain a draw, play will continue until one team ha a lead of two goals. 9. FINES Fines are included in these regulations. The Executive shall set any other fines. 10. MIDWEEK COMPETITIONS Midweek competitions are an integral part of the Kalamunda & Districts Netball Association. Midweek competitions are to be held at times et by the Executive and are open to any member of the community. 10.1 The Midweek Convener is appointed by the Executive to run all aspects of the Midweek Competition. 10.2 The Midweek Convener is required to report to each Executive meeting on the status of the competitions, financial matters and any other matters relating to Midweek Competitions. 10.3 The Executive has the right to run all other netball competitions under the umbrella of KDNA as the need or interests arises. 10.4 The Midweek Convener, with the approval of the Executive shall have the right to vary the By-Laws to suit the Midweek competition. 11. ASSOCATION TEAMS KDNA shall select teams to represent the Association in Carnivals as determined by the Executive. 11.1 Trials for Association teams are to be held at least annually and any registered and affiliated player of the Association is entitled to trial. Players are selected by the Development Officer and Selectors Committee. 11.2 Coaches for Association teams are appointed on an annual basis by the Executive. These positions are to be advertised to all clubs and applications are to be submitted in writing to the Development Officer who shall make appropriate recommendations to the Executive. 12. DEVELOPMENT KDNA is committed to the ongoing development of players, umpires and coaches involved in the Association. Development is, therefore, seen as an important role at Association level. 12.1 To promote the development of players, a Development Officer shall be appointed by the Executive on an annual basis. 12.2 The Development Officer shall report to the Executive meeting as required on all matters pertaining to the development at KDNA. 13. COACH AND UMPIRE OF THE MONTH 13.1 Clubs may nominate a coach of the month by the last Saturday of each month. 13.2 The Umpires Convener may nominate an umpire of the month by the last Saturday of each month. 13.3 These awards shall be determined by the Executive and presented as soon as practicable after the decision has been made.