Policy #<insert number here> X-ray Operator Services Policy Policy Statement Queensland Health will maintain the provision of a high quality, limited x-ray service throughout rural and remote Queensland. Intent of this policy To ensure a standardised approach to the provision of a safe and effective x-ray operator service throughout rural and remote Queensland. Scope This policy applies to all Queensland Health employees involved in the provision of medical imaging services delivered by x-ray operators (XOs) in Queensland Health. Principles The following principles shall guide the implementation of the X-ray Operator Services Policy: Appointment of XOs shall occur only in rural and remote facilities Maintain and improve the x-ray operator services through appropriate support and training processes Ensure the equal access to safe, timely and sustainable x-ray services Maximise employee morale Promote continuous quality improvement of x-ray operator services Provide clear governance surrounding x-ray operator services Legislative or other Authority Radiation Safety Act 1999 Radiation Safety Regulation 2010 Related Policy or Documents On Call Practices – Rural and Remote Medical Imaging Radiographers policy B63 (2010) Radiation Safety Act 1999 – Application and Licence Fees – ‘Use’ Licences policy C33 (2009) Allowances Policy C15 (2010) Facility specific Radiation Safety and Protection Plan Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in the Medical Applications of Ionizing Radiation (2008) Safety Guide for Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (2008) Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme (DIAS) for practices providing radiology and nonradiology services under Medicare – Stage II Standards Version No.: 12.0; Effective From: <date> <insert information security classification> Page 1 of 5 Printed copies are uncontrolled Queensland Health: X-ray Operator Services Policy Supporting Documents Queensland Statewide Health Services Plan 2007–2012 Queensland Health X-ray Operator Services Implementation Standard (2012) Queensland Health X-ray Operator Services Staffing Guideline (2012) Clinical Services Capability Framework for public and licensed private health facilities version 3.0 (CSCF v3) Review This policy will be reviewed at least every three years. Date of Last Review: Nil Supersedes: Guidelines for Licensed Operators – Employment, Education and Support policy G20 (2010) Approval and implementation Policy Custodian Mr Paul Carroll, Senior Director, Radiology Support Responsible Executive Management Team member Ms Kathy Byrne, CEO, Clinical and Statewide Services Approving Officer: Approval Date: Effective from: Definitions of terms used in this policy and supporting documents Term Definition/Explanation/Details Source Authorised persons The person in the position which has the authority to request a diagnostic procedure stated within schedule 6 of the Radiation Safety Act 1999. Queensland parliament http://www.legislation.ql d.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CU RRENT/R/RadiatSafyR 10.pdf Certificate of Competency Document required for licence application. It provides evidence of the certification of practical skill competence. Clinical Services Capability Framework (CSCF v3) The Clinical Services Capability Framework for public and licensed private health facilities (or CSCF) serves to provide a standard set of capability requirements for most acute and sub-acute health facility services provided in Queensland by public and private health facilities. Also it provides a consistent language for health care providers and planners to use when describing health services and planning service developments. Version No.: 12.0; Effective From: <date> <insert information security classification> Radiation Health Queensland Health Clinical Services Capability Framework for Public and Licensed Private Health Facilities version 3.0 – Medical Imaging Services http://qheps.health.qld.g Page 2 of 5 Printed copies are uncontrolled Queensland Health: X-ray Operator Services Policy Term Definition/Explanation/Details Source ov.au/pcb/docs/cscf_v3/ 6_medicalimaging.pdf Competency Is a knowledge or skill which is performed to a specific standard under specific conditions. In terms of x-ray operators: Competency is the specific standard in which radiographic knowledge or skill is demonstrated to meet the requirements for a use licence issued under the Radiation Safety Act. Designated radiographer A licensed diagnostic radiographer who provides support, training or advice to an XO on behalf of their regular radiographic advisor. District Director of Medical Imaging (DDMI) Director responsible for the medical imaging services within the health service district. In the absence of a DDMI, the senior radiographer assumes the DDMI responsibilities for the purposes of this policy. Endorsed course A course which has been assessed and approved by the Radiation Health Unit. Endorsed radiographer A licensed diagnostic radiographer approved by the Director of Radiation Health to assess knowledge or practical skill competencies. To become endorsed the radiographer must be licensed, registered and hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and apply directly to the Director of Radiation Health. Richard S. Sullivan http://www.reproline.jhu. edu/english/6read/6train ing/cbt/sp601web.pdf Radiation Health Unit correspondence Radiation Health Image assessment form Form used by radiographic advisor to provide feedback on XO imaging performance. Facility manager The person in the position responsible for the management of operational and clinical services at the QH facility. Frequency of practice A term used to describe the number of times and the time lapsed between when a task is performed. It directly relates to the competence level at which that task will be performed. Mentorship A less formal relationship between mentor and mentee which commonly occurs as part of formal supervision. It involves a radiographic advisor as mentor and x-ray operator as mentee. This long term working relationship is for the exchange of ideas, advice, and feedback. The mentor imparts knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for radiography, as well as assisting the mentee to assess their own strengths and weaknesses in medical imaging activities. Further reading: http://www.mhcc.org.au/ documents/Staff%20De velopment%20Guide/C h%208%20Supervision.pdf Primary employment XO staff have another role within QH other than their imaging role. This other role is deemed to be their primary employment as it is performed more regularly than their XO duties. LO framework report http://qheps.health.qld.g ov.au/cass_radiology/ab out_us/projects/licensed _ops/documents/lo_final _report.pdf Radiation safety and protection plan (RSPP) A Health Service District plan for the practice for which a possession licensee is allowed to possess a radiation source under the licence. Radiation safety officer (RSO) Under the Radiation Safety Act 1999 a possession licensee must ensure, whenever a practice is being carried out, that a person has been appointed as, and is performing the functions of, a radiation safety officer for the practice. A radiation safety officer is an individual who has: Version No.: 12.0; Effective From: <date> <insert information security classification> http://www.sla.org/pdfs/ mentorsh.pdf Queensland Parliament http://www.legislation.ql d.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CU RRENT/R/RadiatSafA9 9.pdf Radiation Health http://www.health.qld.go v.au/radiationhealth/doc uments/29471.pdf Page 3 of 5 Printed copies are uncontrolled Queensland Health: X-ray Operator Services Policy Term Definition/Explanation/Details a working knowledge of the legislation, guidelines, codes of practice and standards knowledge and skills in measuring and monitoring radiation and interpreting radiation measurements knowledge and skills in applying radiation safety and protection principles knowledge of the biological effects of radiation possession of a radiation safety officer certificate Source Radiographic advisor (RA) A diagnostic radiographer (usually from within the District) who is appointed as the main point of contact for each XO. Their duties include the overseeing of XO services at the nominated sites, including the facilitation of relevant training and support as well as assisting in the annual competency assessment of XOs at those sites. Clinical and Statewide Services http://qis.health.qld.gov. au/DocumentManagem ent/Default.aspx?Docu mentID=26884 Statement of Attainment Document required for trainee licence application. It provides evidence of theoretical knowledge attainment. Radiation Health Statewide Medical Imaging Support Services (SMISS) Statewide Medical Imaging Support Services is one of the services supported by Radiology Support. Radiology support is one of the seven branches of Clinical and Statewide Services. SMISS provides medical imaging support services to all Queensland public hospitals. Radiology Support http://qheps.health.qld.g ov.au/cass_radiology/ab out_us/smiss/smiss.htm Supervision It is broadly defined as a working alliance between two staff members where the primary intention of the interaction is to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of at least one staff member. In this instance it focuses primarily on practice issues, rather than broader supervision, staff development and/or line management issues. Face-to-face supervision is the preferred method of delivery wherever possible and a component of supervision should remain face-to-face. However the geographical dispersion of staff throughout the state implies that supervision by e-mail, videoconferencing or teleconferencing has an important place in ensuring access to supervisors, especially in providing urgent access in crises. Supervision agreement Trainee use licence A written agreed statement of mutual understanding about the schedule of XO supervision and training that shall be provided. The contents are to be agreed on by the XO, RA and XO’s facility manager. Agreements are subject to unforeseen circumstances (eg changes in workload, duties or workplace location) and are to be renegotiated annually. A licence type issued under the Radiation Safety Act on demonstration to the chief executive that the applicant has the knowledge of diagnostic radiography applicable to their licence scope. This licence allows the licensee to partake in practical training without the need for the presence, and personal supervision, of a use licensee. Version No.: 12.0; Effective From: <date> <insert information security classification> Practice Supervision in Allied Mental Health Policy HR policy G5 http://www.health.qld.go v.au/qhpolicy/docs/pol/q h-pol-192.pdf Practice Supervision in Allied Mental Health Policy HR policy G5 http://www.health.qld.go v.au/qhpolicy/docs/pol/q h-pol-192.pdf Radiation Health http://www.health.qld.go v.au/radiationhealth/doc uments/c_ecompetenci es.pdf Page 4 of 5 Printed copies are uncontrolled Queensland Health: X-ray Operator Services Policy Term Definition/Explanation/Details Source Use licence A licence, issued under section 62 of the Radiation Safety Act 1999, to use a radiation source to carry out a radiation practice. Queensland Parliament http://www.legislation.ql d.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CU RRENT/R/RadiatSafA9 9.pdf The following licence types are available: X-ray operator (XO) (previously known as licensed operator or LO) Chest and extremities Chest and extremities (rural and remote - extended) Chest and extremities (rural and remote - medical practitioner) Persons who are permitted to use plain film diagnostic x-ray equipment to perform a limited range of plain film diagnostic radiography, but who do not have formal qualifications in diagnostic radiography. Also known as licensed operator Version No.: 12.0; Effective From: <date> <insert information security classification> Radiation Health http://www.health.qld.go v.au/radiationhealth/doc uments/c_ecompetenci es.pdf http://www.health.qld.go v.au/radiationhealth/xra y/default.asp Radiation Health http://www.health.qld.go v.au/radiationhealth/xra y/default.asp Page 5 of 5 Printed copies are uncontrolled