refereed journal publications

Institute for Biological Sciences
National Research Council Canada
100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0R6
Tel, 613-990-0558
Fax, 613-952-9092
Chemistry, Wuhan University, China
Chemistry, Wuhan University, China
Chemistry, Wuhan University, China
Head of Glycoanalysis Facility, Institute for Biological Sciences, NRCC
Senior Research Officer, Institute for Biological Sciences, NRCC
Associate Research Officer, Institute for Biological Sciences, NRCC
Assistant Research Officer, Institute for Biological Sciences, NRCC
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Biological Sciences, NRCC
Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemistry Department, University of Montreal
Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, Wuhan University
Lecturer, Chemistry Department, Wuhan University
Assistant Lecturer, Chemistry Department, Wuhan University
Guest professorship
May. 2008-present, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Oct. 2007-present, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China
Participation in National Committees
National Executive Committee Member of Analytical Division, Chemistry Institute of
Canada (Jun. 2008 – present).
Executive Committee of Ottawa, Chemistry Institute of Canada (Oct. 2006 – present).
Chair of Executive Committee of Ottawa, Chemistry Institute of Canada (Oct. 2005 –
Sept. 2006).
Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
Member of American Society for Mass Spectrometry
President-elected, Chinese American Society of Mass Spectrometrists (CASMS)
1. Zhang J., Liu X., Bell A., To R., T Baral T. N., Azizi A., Li J., Cass B., Durocher Y., Transient
expression and purification of chimeric heavy chain antibodies, Protein Expression and Purification,
in press.
2. Zhao Y. Y., Liu X, Boyd J. M., Qin F., Li J., Li X.-F., Identification of N-nitrosamines in treated drinking
water using nanoelectrospray ionization high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry
with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. Sci., Vol. 47, January 2009.
3. Yi W., Shen J., Zhou G., Li J., Wang P. G., Bacterial homologue of human blood group A transferase,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. In press.
4. Dzieciatkowska M, Liu X, Heikema AP, Houliston RS, van Belkum A, Schweda EK, Gilbert M,
Richards JC, Li J., Rapid method for sensitive screening of oligosaccharide epitopes in the
lipooligosaccharide from Campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from Guillain-Barre syndrome and
Miller Fisher syndrome patients. J Clin Microbiol. 46, 3429-3436 (2008).
5. Liu X, Chan K, Chu I. K., Li J., Microwave-assisted nonspecific proteolytic digestion and controlled
methylation for glycomics applications. Carbohydr. Res. 343, 2870-2877 (2008).
6. Schweda E.K.H., Twelkmeyer B., Li J., Profiling structural elements of short-chain lipopolysaccharide
of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (invited review). Innate Immun. 14, 199-211 (2008).
7. Reid C.W, Stupak J., Chen M.M., Imperiali B., Li J.*, and Szymanski C.M.*, Affinity-capture tandem
mass spectrometric characterization of polyprenyl-linked oligosaccharides: a novel tool to study
protein N-glycosylation pathways. Anal. Chem. 80, 5468-5475 (2008)
8. Liu X., Afonso L., Altman E., Johnson S., Brown L., Li J., O-acetylation of sialic acids in N-glycans of
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) serum is altered by handling stress. Proteomics, 8, 2849-2857 (2008)
(feature article)
9. Lundström S.L. ¶, Li J. ¶, Månsson M., Figueira M., Leroy M., Goldstein R., Hood D.W., Moxon E.R.,
Richards J.C., Schweda E.K., Application of CE-ESI-MS and LC-ESI-MSn to profile glycoform
expression during Haemophilus influenzae pathogenesis in the chinchilla model of experimental otitis
media. Infect Immun. 76, 3255-3267 (2008) (¶ shared first author)
10. Altman E., Chandan V., Larocque S., Aubry A., Logan S.M., Vinogradov E., and Li J., Effect of the
HP0159 ORF mutation on the lipopolysaccharide structure and colonizing ability of Helicobacter
pylori, FEMS Immun. Med. Microbiol., 53, 204-213 (2008)
11. Lundström S., Li J., Deadman M., Hood D., Moxon E. R., Schweda E., Structural analysis of the
lipopolysaccharide from non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae strain R2846, Biochemistry, 47,
6025-6038 (2008).
12. Dzieciatkowska M., Hood D.W, Schweda E.K.H, Moxon E.R., Richards J.C., Li J., Characterization of
intact lipopolysaccharides from Haemophilus influenzae strain RM 118 using electrophoresis-assisted
open-tubular liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Electrophoresis, 29, 2171-2181 (2008)
13. Kanipes M.I., Tan X., Akelaitis A., Li J., Rockabrand D., Guerry P., Monteiro M.A. Genetic analysis of
lipooligosaccharide core biosynthesis in Campylobacter jejuni 81-176. J. Bacteriol. 190, 1568-74
14. Male K.B., Li J., Bun C.C., Ng S.-C., Luong J., Synthesis and stability of fluorescent gold
nanoparticles by sodium borohydride in the presence of mono-6-deoxy-6-pyridinium--cyclodextrin
Chloride. J. Phys. Chem. 112, 443 – 451 (2008).
15. Liu X., Ma L., Li J. Recent developments in the enrichment of glycopeptides for glycoproteomics.
Anal. Lett. 41, 268 - 277 (2008)
16. Wang Z, Liu X., Li J. and Altman E., Structural characterization of the O-chain polysaccharide of
Aeromonas caviae ATCC 15468 lipopolysaccharide. Carbohydr. Res. 343, 483-488 (2008)
17. Fox K. L., Li J., Schweda E. K., Vitiazeva V., Makepeace K., Jennings M. P., Moxon E. R., Hood D.
W., Duplicate copies of Lic1 direct the addition of multiple phosphocholine residues in the
lipopolysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae, Infect Immun. 76, 588-600 (2008)
18. Dzieciatkowska M., Brochu D., van Belkum A., Heikema A., Yuki, N., Houliston R. S., Richards J.C.
Gilbert M., Li J., Mass spectrometric analysis of intact lipooligosaccharide: Direct evidence for Oacetylated sialic acids and discovery of O-linked glycine expressed by Campylobacter jejuni.
Biochemistry, 46, 14704-14714 (2007).
19. Bernatchez S., Gilbert M., Blanchard M. C., Karwaski M. F., Li J., DeFrees S., Wakarchuk W. W.
Variants of the -1,3-galactosyltransferase CgtB from the bacterium Campylobacter jejuni have
distinct acceptor specificities. Glycobiology. 17, 1333-1343 (2007).
20. Lundstrom S. L., Twelkmeyer B., Sagemark M. K., Li J., Richards J. C., Hood D. W., Moxon E. R,
Schweda E. K. Novel globoside-like oligosaccharide expression patterns in nontypeable Haemophilus
influenzae lipopolysaccharide. FEBS J. 274, 4886-4903 (2007)
21. McNally D. J., Lamoureux M. P., Karlyshev A. V., Fiori L. M., Li J., Thacker G., Coleman R. A., Khieu
N. H., Wren B. W., Brisson J. R., Jarrell H. C., Szymanski C. M. Commonality and biosynthesis of the
O-methyl phosphoramidate capsule modification in Campylobacter jejuni. J Biol Chem. 282, 2856628576 (2007)
22. Houliston R.S., Koga M., Li J., Jarrell H.C., Richards J.C., Vitiazeva V., Schweda E.K.H., Yuki N.,
Michel Gilbert M., A Haemophilus influenzae strain associated with Fisher syndrome expresses a
novel disialylated ganglioside mimic. Biochemistry, 46, 8164-71 (2007).
23. Chandan V., Logan S.M., Aubry A., Hiratsuka K., Chow M., Stupak J., Li J., Altman E.,
Characterization of a waaF mutant of Helicobacter pylori strain 26695 provides evidence that an
extended lipopolysaccharide structure has a limited role in invasion of gastric cancer cells, Biochem.
Cell Biol., 85, 582-590 (2007).
24. Wang Z., Liu X., Dacanay A., Harrison B.A., Fast M., Colquhoun D.J., Lund V., Brown L.L., Li J.
Altman E. Carbohydrate analysis and serological classification of typical and atypical isolates of
Aeromonas salmonicida: a rationale for the lipopolysaccharide-based classification of A. salmonicida,
Fish Shellfish Immunol., 23,1095-1106 (2007).
25. Liu X., Li X., Chan K., Zou W., Pribil P., Li X., Sawyer M.B., Li J., "One-pot” methylation in glycomics
application: Esterification of sialic acids and permanent charge construction. Anal. Chem., 79, 38943900 (2007)
26. Li J., Dzieciatkowska M., Hood D.W, Cox A.D., Schweda E.K.H, Moxon E.R., Richards J.C.,
Structural characterization of sialylated glycoforms of H. influenzae by electrospray mass
spectrometry: fragmentation of protonated and sodiated O-deacylated lipopolysaccharides. Rapid
Commun. Mass Spectrom. 21, 952-960 (2007)
27. Gilbert M., Mandrell R.E., Parker C.T., Li J., Vinogradov E., Structural analysis of the capsular
polysaccharide from Campylobacter jejuni RM1221. ChemBioChem, 8, 625-631 (2007)
28. Liu Q.-D., Lu J., Ding J., Day M., Tao Y., Barrios P., Stupak J., Chan K., Li J., Chi Y., Monodisperse
starburst oligofluorene-functionalized 4,4’,4’’-tris(carbazol-9-yl)-triphenylamines: Their synthesis and
deep-blue fluorescence properties for organic light-emitting diode applications. Adv. Funct. Mater.,
17, 1028-1036 (2007)
29. Liu X., Zhao Y., Chan K., Hrudey S.E., Li X.-F., Li J., Analysis of nitrosamines by capillary
electrospray-high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry with
programmed CV. Electrophoresis, 28, 1327-1334 (2007).
30. Godschalk P.C., Kuijf M.L., Li J., St Michael F., Ang C.W., Jacobs B.C., Karwaski M.F., Brochu D.,
Moterassed A., Endtz H.P., van Belkum A., Gilbert M., Structural characterization of Campylobacter
jejuni lipooligosaccharide outer cores associated with Guillain-Barre and Miller Fisher syndromes.
Infect Immun. 75, 1245-54 (2007).
31. Li J., Richards J.C., The application of capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry to the
characterization of bacterial lipopolysaccharides, Mass Spectrom. Rev. 26, 35-50 (2007).
32. Fox K.L., Cox A.D., Gilbert M., Wakarchuk W.W., Li J., Makepeace K., Richards J.C., Moxon E.R.,
Hood D.W., Identification of a bifunctional lipopolysaccharide sialyltransferase in Haemophilus
influenzae: Incorporation of disialic acid J. Bio. Chem. 281, 40024-40032 (2006).
33. Wang Z., Li J., Altman E., Structural characterization of the lipid A region of Aeromonas salmonicida
subsp. salmonicida lipopolysaccharide. Carbohydr Res. 341, 2816-25 (2006).
34. Liu X., McNally D.J., Nothaft H., Szymanski C.M., BrissonJ-R., Li J. , A mass spectrometry-based
glycomics strategy for exploring N-linked glycosylation in eukaryotes and bacteria. Anal. Chem. 78,
6081-6087 (2006)
35. Preston A, Petersen BO, Duus JO, Kubler-Kielb J, Ben-Menachem G, Li J, Vinogradov E., Complete
structures of Bordetella bronchiseptica and Bordetella parapertussis lipopolysaccharides. J Biol
Chem. 281, 18135-44 (2006).
36. Kimoto K., Koga M., Odaka M., Hirata K., Takahashi M., Li J., Gilbert M., Yuki N., Relationship of
bacterial strains to clinical syndromes of Campylobacter-associated neuropathies, Neurology 67,
37. McNally D.J., Jarrell H.C., Knieu N.H., Li J., Vinogradov E., Whitfield D.M., Szymanski C.M., Brisson
J.-R., The HS:19 serotstrain of Campylobacter jejuni has a hyaluronic acid-type capsular
polysaccharide with a nonstoichiometric sorbose branch and O-methyl phosphoramidate group.
FEBS J. 273, 3975-3989 (2006).
38. McNally D.J., Lamoureux M., Li J., Kelly J., Brisson J.-R., Szymanski C.M., Jarrell H.C., HR-MAS
NMR studies of 15N-labeled cells confirm the structure of the O-methyl phosphoramidate CPS
modification in Campylobacter jejuni and provide insight into its biosynthesis1 Can. J. Chem. 84,
676–684 (2006)
39. Houliston R.S., Endtz H.P., Yuki N., Li J., Jarrell J.C., Koga M., van Belkum A., Karwaski M.-F.,
Wakarchuk W.W., Gilbert M., Identification of a sialate-O-acetyltransferase from Campylobacter
jejuni: demonstration of direct transfer to the C9 position of terminal α-2,8-linked sialic acid. J. Biol.
Chem. 281,11480-11486 (2006).
40. Vinogradov E., Sadovskaya I., Li J., Jabbouri S. Structural elucidation of the extracellular and cellwall teichoic acids of Staphylococcus aureus MN8m, a biofilm forming strain. Carbohydr. Res. 341,
738-743 (2006)
41. Godschalk P.C.R., Gilbert M., Jacobs B.C., Kramers T., Tio-Gillen A.P., Anga C.W., Van den Braak
N., Li J., Verbrugh H.A., Van Belkum A., Endtz H.P., Co-infection with two different Campylobacter
jejuni strains in a patient with the Guillain–Barré syndrome, Microbes Infect. 8. 248-253 (2006)
42. Koga M., Gilbert M., Takahashi M., Li J., Koichi S., Hirata K., Yuki N., Comprehensive analysis of
bacterial risk factors for developing Guillain-Barré syndrome after Campylobacter jejuni enteritis, J.
Infect. Dis. 193, 547-555 (2006)
43. Wang Z., Li J., Vinogradov E., Altman E., Structural studies of the core region of Aeromonas
salmonicida subsp. salmonicida lipopolysaccharide. Carbohydr. Res. 341, 109-117 (2006).
44. Yildirim H. H., Li J., Richards J. C., Hood D. W., Moxon E. R., Schweda E. K. H., Complex Oacetylation in non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae lipopolysaccharide: evidence for a novel site of
O-acetylation Carbohydr. Res. 340, 2598-2611 (2005)
45. McNally D.J., Jarrell H.C., Li J., Khieu N.H., Vinogradov E, Szymanski C.M., Brisson J.-R., The HS:1
serostrain of Campylobacter jejuni has a complex teichoic acid-like capsular polysaccharide with
nonstoichiometric fructofuranose branches and O-methyl phosphoramidate groups, Eur. J.
Biochem. 272, 4407-4422 (2005)
46. Li J., Koga M., Brochu D., Yuki N., Chan K., Gilbert G., Electrophoresis-assisted open-tubular liquid
chromatography / mass spectrometry for the analysis of lipooligosaccharide expressed by
Campylobacter jejuni, Electrophoresis, 26, 3360-3368 (2005)
47. Li J., Cox A.D., Hood D.W., Schweda E.K.H., Moxon E.R., Richards J.C., Electrophoretic and mass
spectrometric strategies for profiling bacterial lipopolysaccharides, Mol. BioSyst., 1, 46-52 (2005)
48. Li J., Wang Z., Altman E., In-source fragmentation and analysis of polysaccharides by capillary
electrophoresis - mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 19, 1305-1314 (2005)
49. St. Michael F., Li J., Cox A.D., Structural analysis of the core oligosaccharide from Pasteurella
multocida strain X73, Carbohydr. Res. 340, 1253-1257 (2005)
50. Logan S.M., Altman E., Mykytczuk O., Brisson J.-R., Chandan V., St. Michael F., Masson A., Leclerc
S., Hiratsuka K., Smirnova N., Li J., Wu Y., Wakarchuk W.W., Novel biosynthetic functions of
lipopolysaccharide rfaJ homologs from Helicobacter pylori, Glycobiology 15, 721-733 (2005)
51. St. Michael F., Vinogradov E., Li J., Cox A.D., Structural analysis of the lipopolysaccharide from
Pasteurella multocida genome strain Pm70 and identification of the putative lipopolysaccharide
glycosyltransferases, Glycobiology, 15, 323-333 (2005)
52. Yildirim H.H., Li J., Richards J.C., Hood D.W., Moxon E.R., Schweda E.K.H., An alternate pattern for
globoside oligosaccharide expression in Haemophilus influenzae lipopolysaccharide, Structural
diversity in nontypeable strain 1124, Biochemistry, 44, 5207-5224, (2005)
53. St. Michael F., Li J., Howard M.D., A. Duncan J., Inzana T.J., Cox A.D., Structural analysis of the
oligosaccharide of Histophilus somni (Haemophilus somnus) strain 2336 and identification of several
lipooligosaccharide biosynthesis gene homologues, Carbohydr. Res. 340, 665-672 (2005)
54. Wang Z., Vinogradov E., Larocque S., Harrison B.A., Li J., Altman E., Structural and serological
characterization of the O-chain polysaccharide of Aeromonas salmonicida strains A449, 80204 and
80204-1, Carbohydr. Res. 340, 693-700 (2005)
55. Koga M., Gilbert M., Li J., Koike S., Takahashi M., Furukawa K., Hirata K., Yuki N., Antecedent
infections in Fisher syndrome, a common pathogenesis of molecular mimicry. Neurology, 64, 16051611 (2005)
56. Bernatchez S., Szymanski C.M., Ishiyama N., Li J., Jarrell H.C., Lau P.C., Berghuis A.M., Young
N.M., Wakarchuk W.W., A single bifunctional UDP-GlcNAc/Glc 4-epimerase supports the synthesis of
three cell surface glycoconjugates in Campylobacter jejuni, J. Biol. Chem. 280, 4792-4802 (2005).
57. Karlyshev A.V., Champion O.L., Churcher C., Brisson J.-R., Jarrell H.C., Gilbert M., Brochu D., St.
Michael F., Li J., Wakarchuk W.W., Goodhead I., Sanders M., Stevens K., White B., Parkhill J., Wren
B.W., Szymanski C.M., Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni capsular loci reveals multiple mechanisms
or the generation of structural diversity and the ability to form complex eptoses, Mol. Microbiol. 55,
90-103 (2005)
58. St. Michael F., Li J., Vinogradov E., Larocque S., Harper M., Cox A.D., Structural analysis of the
lipopolysaccharide of Pasteurella multocida strain VP161, identification of both Kdo-P and Kdo–Kdo
species in the lipopolysaccharide, Carbohydr. Res. 340, 59-68 (2005)
59. Vinogradov E., Paul C.J., Li J., Zhou Y., Lyle E.A., Tapping R.I., Kropinski A.M., Perry M.B., The
structure and biological characteristics of the Spirochaeta aurantia outer membrane glycolipid LGLB,
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 4685-4695 (2004)
60. Lu T.L., Chen C.S., Yang F.L., Fung J.M., Chen M.Y., Tsay S.S., Li J., Zou W., Wu S.H., Structure of
a major glycolipid from Thermus oshimai NTU-063, Carbohydr. Res. 339, 2593-2598 (2004)
61. Gilbert M., Godschalk P.C., Karwaski M.F., Ang C.W., van Belkum A., Li J., Wakarchuk W.W., Endtz
H.P., Evidence for acquisition of the lipooligosaccharide biosynthesis locus in Campylobacter jejuni
GB11, a strain isolated from a patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome, by horizontal exchange. Infect
Immun. 72, 1162-1165 (2004).
62. Wang Z., Larocque S., Vinogradov E., Brisson J.-R., Dacanay A., Greenwell M., Brown L., Li J.,
Altman E., Structural studies of the capsular polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide O-antigen of
Aeromonas salmonicida strain 80204-1 produced under in vitro and in vivo growth conditions. Eur. J.
Biochem. 271, 4507-4516 (2004)
63. Godschalk P.C., Heikema, A.P., Gilbert M., Komagamine T., Ang C.W., Glerum J., Brochu D., Li J.,
Yuki N., Jacobs B.C., van Belkum A., Endtz H.P. The crucial role of Campylobacter jejuni genes in
autoimmune antibody induction. J. Clin. Invest. 114, 1659-1665 (2004).
64. St. Michael F., Brisson J.-R., Larocque S., Monteiro M., Li J., Jacques M., Perry M. B., Cox A. D.,
Structural analysis of the lipopolysaccharide derived core oligosaccharides of Actinobacillus
pleuropneumoniae serotypes 1, 2, 5a and the genome strain 5b, Carbohydr. Res. 339, 1973-1984
65. Li J., Purves R. W., Richards J. C., Coupling capillary electrophoresis and high field asymmetric
waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) mass spectrometry for the analysis of complex
lipopolysaccharides, Anal. Chem. 76, 4676-4683 (2004)
66. Kaniuk N. A., Vinogradov E., Li J., Monteiro M. A., Whitfield C., Chromosomal and plasmid-encoded
enzymes are required for assembly of the R3-type core oligosaccharide in the lipopolysaccharide of
Escherichia coli O157,H7, J. Biol. Chem. 279, 31237-31250 (2004)
67. Li J., Cox A.D., Hood D.W., Moxon E.R., Richards J.C., Application of capillary electrophoresiselectrospray mass spectrometry to the separation and characterization of isomeric
lipopolysaccharides of Neisseria meningitides. Electrophoresis, 25, 2017-2025 (2004)
68. Wright J.C., Hood D.W., Randle G.A., Makepeace K., Cox A.D., Li J, Chalmers R., Richards J.C.,
Moxon E.R., lpt6, a gene required for addition of phosphoethanolamine to inner-core
lipopolysaccharide of Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae. J. Bacteriol. 186, 69706982 (2004).
69. Hood D.W., Randle G., Cox A.D., Makepeace K., Li, J., Schweda, E.K.H., Richard, J.C., Moxo, E.R.,
Biosynthesis of cryptic lipopolysaccharide glycoforms in Haemophilus influenzae involves a
mechanism similar to that required for O-antigen synthesis. J. Bacteriol. 186, 7429-7439 (2004).
70. Vinogradov E., Li J., Sadovskaya I., Jabbouri S., Helander I.M., The structure of the carbohydrate
backbone of the lipopolysaccharide of Pectinatus frisingensis strain VTT E-79104, Carbohydr. Res.
339, 1637-1642 (2004)
71. Wakarchuk W.W., Schur M.J., St Michael F., Li J., Eichler E., Whitfield D., Characterization of the 1,2-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a key control point in
lipooligosaccharride biosynthesis. Glycobiology. 14, 537-546 (2004)
72. Sadovskaya I., Vinogradov E., Li J., Jabbouri S., Structural elucidation of the extracellular and cellwall teichoic acids of Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A, a reference biofilm-positive strain,
Carbohydr. Res. 339, 1467-1473 (2004)
73. St Michael F., Vinogradov,E., Li J., Cox A. D., Structural analysis of the lipopolysaccharide from
Pasteurella multocida genome strain Pm70 and identification of the putative lipopolysaccharide
glycosyltransferases. Glycobiology. 15, 323-333 (2004)
74. St Michael F., Howard M.D., Li J., Duncan A.J., Inzana T.J., Cox, A.D., Structural analysis of the
lipooligosaccharide from the commensal Haemophilus somnus genome strain 129Pt. Carbohydr.
Res. 339, 529-35 (2004).
75. Landerholm M.K., Li J., Richards J.C., Hood D.W., Moxon E.R., Schweda E. K. H., Characterization
of novel structural features in the lipopolysaccharide of nondisease associated nontypeable
Haemophilus influenzae, Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 941–953 (2004)
76. Altman E., Smirnova N., Li J., Aubry A., Logan S.M., Occurrence of a nontypable Helicobacter pylori
strain lacking Lewis blood group O-antigens and DD-heptoglycan, Evidence for the role of the core
1,6-glucan chain in colonization. Glycobiology. 13, 777-783 (2003)
77. Schweda E.K.H., Landerholm M.K., Li J., Moxon E.R., Richards J.C., Structural profiling of
lipopolysaccharide glycoforms expressed by non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae, phenotypic
similarities between NTHi strain 162 and the genome strain Rd. Carbohydr. Res. 338, 2731-2744
78. Ram S., Cox A.D., Wright J.C., Vogel U., Getzlaff S., Boden R., Li J., Plested J.S., Meri S., Gulati S.,
Stein D.C., Richards J.C., Moxon E.R., Rice P.A., Neisserial lipooligosaccharide is a target for
complement component C4b. Inner core phosphoethanolamine residues define C4b linkage
specificity. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 50853-50862. (2003).
79. Cox A.D., Wright J.C., Li J., Hood D.W., Moxon E.R., Richards J.C., Phosphorylation of the lipid A
region of meningococcal lipopolysaccharide, identification of a family of transferases that add
phosphoethanolamine to lipopolysaccharide. J. Bacteriol. 185, 3270-3277 (2003).
80. Szymanski C.M., St. Michael F., Jarrell H.C., Li J., Gilbert M., Larocque S., Brisson J.-R. Detection of
conserved N-linked glycans and phase variable lipooligosaccharides and capsules from
campylobacter cells by mass spectrometry and high resolution magic angle spinning NMR
spectroscopy. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 24509-24520 (2003)
81. Bouchet V.¶, Hood D.W.¶, Li J.¶, Brisson J.-R., Randle G.A., Martin A., Li Z., Goldstein R., Schweda
E.K.H., Pelton S.I., Richards J.C., Moxon E.R., Host-derived sialic acid is incorporated into
Haemophilus influenzae lipopolysaccharide and is a major virulence factor in experimental otitis
media. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100, 8898-8903 (2003) (¶ shared first author)
82. Kneidinger B., O’Riordan K., Li J., Brisson J.-R., Lee J.C., Lam J.S., Three highly conserved proteins
catalyze the conversion of UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine to precursors for the biosynthesis of Oantigen in Pseudomonas aeruginosa O11 and Capsule in Staphylococcus aureus Type 5.
Implications for the UDP-N-acetyl-L-fucosamine biosynthetic pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 36153627 (2003)
83. St. Michael F., Szymanski C.M., Li J., Chan K.H., Khieu N.H., Larocque S., Wakarchuk W.W.,
Brisson J.-R., Monteiro M.A., The structures of the lipooligosaccharide and capsule polysaccharide of
Campylobacter jejuni genome sequenced strain NCTC 11168, Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 5119-5136
84. Bonneil E., Li J., Tremblay T.-L., Bergeron J.J., Thibault P., Integration of solid-phase extraction
membranes for sample multiplexing, Application to rapid protein identification from gel-isolated
protein extract, Electrophoresis, 23, 3589-3598 (2002)
85. Cox A. D., Li J., Brisson J.-R., Moxon E.R., Richards J.C., Structural analysis of the
lipopolysaccharide from Neisseria meningitidis strain BZ157 galE, localisation of two
phosphoethanolamine residues in inner core oliosaccharide, Carbohydr. Res., 337, 1435-1444
86. Cox A.D., Li J., Richards J.C., Identification and localisation of glycine in the inner core
lipopolysaccharide of Neisseria meningitidis. Eur. J. Biochem., 269, 4169 - 4175 (2002)
87. Cox A.D., Hood D.W., Martin A., Makepeace K., Deadman M.E., Li J., Brisson J.-R., Moxon E.R.,
Richards J.C., Identification and structural characterization of a sialylated lacto-N-neotetraose
structure in the lipopolysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae. Eur. J. Biochem., 269, 4009 - 4019
88. Mansson M., Hood D.W., Li J., Richards J.C., Moxon E.R., Schweda E.K.H., Structural analysis of
the lipopolysaccharide from nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae strain 1003, Eur. J. Biochem., 269,
808-818 (2002)
89. Li J., LeRiche T., Tremblay T.-L., Wang C., Bonneil E., Harrison D.J., Thibault P., Application of
microfluidic devices in proteomics research, Identification of trace-level protein digests and affinity
capture of target peptides. Mol. Cell. Proteomics, 1, 157-168 (2002)
90. Schweda E.K.H., Li J., Moxon E.R., Richards J.C., Structural analysis of lipopolysaccharide
oligosaccharide epitopes expressed by non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae strain 176. Carbohydr.
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