Chart 1: Sixth Grade Interim Assessment in Literacy “Planning backwards” using performance assessment: Wiggins, Grant and McTighe, Jay. Understanding by Design, (2000) IA 1 Diagnostic IA 2 Written character study based on short story or book: Series of reading and writing experiences that include at least three (3) of the following: Essay or Response journal or Monologue IA 3 IA 4 --Original creative writing (coordinated with reading in same genre): IA 5 Literary response that includes a judgment and extends understanding: Poetry Essay, Scene, monologue or dialogue Reader’s Fables, myths or fairy tales letters, or Reader response writing: Journals or Narratives Journals --Nonfiction writing (coordinated with reading in same genre: --Advertising or public relations writing (precursors of persuasive writing) --Journalistic articles (newspaper or magazine) --Media writing (web site) Publication One of the above genres will be developed and expanded further to create a significant “publication” of student work that will be shared Oral Component One of the above genres will be presented to fulfill the oral component (either IA 2,3, 4, or 5) * Skills related to performance indicators may include: content knowledge; ability to write using a variety of genres; expressiveness and invention; sustained writing; use of quotations, evidence, and transitions; correct usage. Chart 2: Seventh Grade Interim Assessment in Literacy “Planning backwards” using performance assessment: Wiggins, Grant and McTighe, Jay. Understanding by Design, (2000) IA 1 Character Study based on short story or book: IA 2 IA 3 IA 4 Series of reading and writing experiences that include at least three of the following: IA 5 Character study based on short story or book: --Original creative writing (coordinated with reading in same genre) Short story Essay or Poetry Response Essay or Response Scene, monologue or dialogue journal or journal or --Reader response writing Monologue Monologue Journals Narratives --Non-fiction writing (coordinated with reading in same genre): Autobiographical writing Biography Journalistic articles (newspaper or magazine) Publication One of the above genres will be developed and expanded further to create a significant “publication” of student work that will be shared Oral Component One of the above genres will be presented to fulfill the oral component (either IA 2,3, 4, or 5) * Skills related to performance indicators may include: content knowledge; ability to write using a variety of genres; expressiveness and invention; sustained writing; use of quotations, evidence, and transitions; correct usage. Chart 3: Eighth Grade Interim Assessment in Literacy “Planning backwards” using performance assessment: Wiggins, Grant and McTighe, Jay. Understanding by Design, (2000) IA 1 IA 2 IA 3 IA 4 Character study based on novel: Series of reading and writing experiences that include at least three (3) of the following (coordinated with reading in same genre): Essay using evidence and text details --Original creative writing IA 5 Graduation PerformanceBased Assessment Task Character study based on novel: Essay using evidence and text details Short story (particular genre, e.g., mystery story) Poetry Oral component: Dramatic writing --Reader response writing: Oral component: Performance Monologue Journals Monologue Narratives Defense or Fictional point of view Presentation or Defense --Non-fiction writing (coordinated with reading in same genre): Persuasive essay Publication One of the above genres will be developed and expanded further to create a significant “publication” of student work that will be shared Oral Component One of the above genres will be presented to fulfill the oral component (either IA 2,3, 4, or 5) * Skills related to performance indicators may include: content knowledge; ability to write using a variety of genres; expressiveness and invention; sustained writing; use of quotations, evidence, and transitions; correct usage. Consortium DYO for Middle Schools Interim Assessment in Math—6th Grade “Planning backwards” from graduation requirement: Wiggins, Grant and McTighe, Jay. Understanding by Design, (2000) IA 1 Diagnostic Perf. Task Problem solving task that: IA 2 IA 3 IA4 Performance tasks selected from choices below: IA 5 Problem solving task --Is open-ended --Problem solving task applying geometry and similar in content to --Has multiple entry points measurements in a project or to obtain specific prod. diagnostic (IA 1), only at --Includes a writing component --Problem solving applying fractions a more challenging level. --Problem solving applying decimals and percents --Problem solving using data and analysis Content choices based on Each of the following should be included in one or more 6th grade standards: of interim assessments 2-4: --Number sense or --Oral component (exhibition, roundtable, presentation, --Patterns or defense) --Group problem solving --Writing component Interim Assessment in Math—7th Grade IA 2 IA 1 IA 3 IA 5 IA4 Performance task using a story problem based on: Performance tasks selected from choices below: Problem solving task --Problem solving task applying geometry similar in content to --Statistics and/or --Problem solving applying probability IA 1, only at --Patterns --Problem solving applying measurement a more challenging level. --Problem solving using algebra Task must: --Be open-ended Each of the following should be included in one or more of interim assessments 2-4: --Have multiple entry points --Project or product --Include a writing component --Oral component (exhibition, roundtable, presentation, or defense) --Group problem solving --Series of quizzes/tests on content Interim Assessment in Math—8th Grade IA 5 IA 1 IA 2 IA 4 IA 3 Problem solving task based on patterns using algebra. PBAT Required for Graduation Performance tasks selected from choices below: Performance Performance --Problem solving task applying coordinate geometry assessment task similar in assessment task based on original diagnostic --Problem solving applying transformations --Problem solving applying algebra content to IA 1. (see IA1, 6th grade), only at a more challenging level. Task must: --Be open-ended --Have multiple Two of the following should be included in one or both of interim assessments 2 and 3: Content based on algebraic patterns and entry points. --Oral component (exhibition, roundtable, involving graphic presentation, or defense) calculator. --Group problem solving --Writing component