Perton Middle School Summer Holiday English Practice Nouns A proper noun is the name of a specific item, person or place and will always begin with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in a sentence. Examples: Paris, Tuesday and August. A common noun is a noun that refers to a person or thing and doesn’t need a capital letter. Examples: chair, friend and holiday. A collective noun is a noun used to define a group of objects, people or animals. Examples: a bouquet of flowers or a pride of lions. Abstract nouns are nouns which are the names of ideas, feelings or qualities. Examples: courage, imagination and love. Your Turn Create spidergrams showing five more examples of the noun types above. Adjectives An adjective describes the noun. Underline the adjectives in the descriptions below. The soft bear. The clever owl. The bright, shiny star. The happy child. The beautiful flowers. The angry rabbit. Find the adjectives to finish the sentences. The man is … She is a … girl. It is a van. The boy was very … I have a dog. tall hat pin clever mat big will tall small wall Look at the words you haven’t used. What type of words are they? 3. Choose 3 adjectives (be adventurous) and write a sentence for each of them. Verbs Verbs are action or doing words. The ending of a verb could change depending on whether it is referring to the past, present or future. Example: ran and running. Add exciting verbs to complete the poem. It was so quiet that I heard An ant __________ across the lawn It was so quiet that I heard A leaf ____________onto the floor It was so quiet that I heard A raindrop __________down the window pane It was so quiet that I heard A mouse ___________across the floor It was so quiet that I heard A child_________in her bedroom It was so quiet that I heard The wind ___________ down the road It was so quiet that I heard A man ____________in the street It was so quiet that I heard The trees ___________ on the window It was so quiet that I heard ________________________________________ It was so quiet that I heard ________________________________________ It was so quiet that I heard ________________________________________ It was so quiet that I heard ________________________________________ Complete the grid and add some verbs of your own. Verb Past Present future To eat ate eating eat To sleep To cry To fly To play Adverbs Adverbs are words that describe verbs in a sentence (they explain how something is done. Examples: quickly, happily, willingly. Underline the adverbs in the sentences below. When the teacher explained, the class happily got on with their work. After falling over, the boy gingerly tested his leg on the ground. He quickly jumped on his horse and bravely rode into battle. Now come up with 3 sentences of your own that use at least one adverb. Synonyms Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning to each other. Example: some synonyms for big are huge, massive, vast, colossal. How many synonyms can you come up with for the words below? Small Pretty Great Prepositions Prepositions are words that suggest place or time in a sentence and are usually are found in front of a noun. Examples: under, over, behind, since, during, until. Underline the prepositions in these sentences. We walked under the bridge. Everyone stayed quiet during assembly. The station master walked onto the platform. Since we broke up from school, I have read 5 books! We watched the Wolves win and after we went to Macdonalds. Holiday Reading Record During the holiday, record any books you read. House points will be awarded at the start of term to recognise your great efforts! Book title Date Comments