The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint

The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint Winefride
Incorporating the communities of The Cathedral, Our Lady of Pity, Harlescott and Saint Winefride, Monkmoor.
Cathedral House, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TE.
Tel: 01743 362366
Information Line: 01743 364256
Fax: 01743 341326
Very Reverend Canon Jonathan Mitchell & Reverend Father Sebastian Fonsah; Revv Mr Fred Beddow, Mr Ron Ball,
Mr Ben Tomnay; Associated Priest: Reverend Father David Mawson (Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham)
Sunday 15th February 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Day of Prayer for the Unemployed
Sat 14
Sun 15
Sixth Sunday
In Ordinary Time
Mon 16
Tue 17
Wed 18
Ash Wednesday
Thu 19
Fri 20
Sat 21
Sun 22
First Sunday
in Lent
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
St Winefride’s
After Mass
David Watkin (RIP)
Morning Prayer
Maureen and Tom McConnell (RIP)
Prayer During the Day
James Phillips (RIP)
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction
Intentions of Sisters of Mercy
David Wood (RIP)
Rosemarie Perry (Lately Deceased)
Pauline Neighbour (Sick)
Maureen McDonnell (Recently Deceased)
Private Intention
Winifred Llutwyche (RIP)
Private Intention
Harold Parker (RIP)
Alison Jones (RIP)
Intentions of Father Sebastian
Jane and Dave Horsman
Marian Devotions
Wedding of Jane Morris and Dave Horsman
Prayer Vigil
John Rivett (RIP)
Morning Prayer
In Memory of John (Denys) Butler
Prayer During the Day
Peter (RIP)
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
Rite of Election
Joe Kearney (RIP)
The Cathedral ~Town Walls, Shrewsbury SY1 1TE
Our Lady of Pity ~ Meadow Farm Drive, Harlescott SY1 4JY
Saint Winefride’s ~ Crowmere Road, Monkmoor SY2 5RA
The Cathedral Primary School ~ New Park Road SY1 2SP
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 10 – 11am
St Winefride’s
Friday 6.15 – 6.45pm
Our Lady of Pity
Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm
The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity, Number 234025
Please remember Shrewsbury Cathedral in your will.
“And though every day a man lives may rightly be a day of repentance, yet is it in these days more becoming, more
appropriate, to confess our sins, to fast, and to give alms to the poor; since in these days you may wash clean the sins of
the whole year.”
- St. John Chrysostom (preaching on Lent)
From the Dean’s desk…
Next Wednesday we begin the Season of Lent. When faced with this season there is a temptation to great
activity, to running and attending programmes and courses which last six weeks and then we return to
‘normal’. This year I propose that as a parish we simply do what we normally do week in and week out, but we
try to do these with more love, a deeper devotion and with a greater conscious participation in prayer and the
liturgy as we seek to come closer to Christ.
Instead of a Lenten Penitential Service this year, and following Pope Francis’ invitation to make it an annual
event, we will be holding ’24 Hours for the Lord’ on the 4 th Sunday of Lent (14th/15th of March); and which will
involve 24 hours of Adoration and Confessions from 8am on Saturday to 8am on Sunday at the Cathedral.
There will also be opportunities to pray the Stations of the Cross in each of our churches and extra
opportunities for Confession as well as the opportunity to attend three Holy Hours that are at the Cathedral
each week. Please see the separate flyer for details.
This Lent groups and individuals will also be invited to pray and reflect upon Marriage and Family Life using a
series of leaflets that will be made available each week. These leaflets are based on the Bishops of England
and Wales document The Call, the Journey and the Mission. You will also have the opportunity to feedback
any responses which then can be fed into Diocesan and National responses for the Synod on the family.
May this Lent be a wonderful experience of what our emeritus Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI describes when
he said: “Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental
truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life..."
Have a wonderful and holy Lent!
Money Matters:
Offertory Collections:
1 Feb
8 Feb
Priests’ Retirement
Catholic Education
Easter Offering
Thank you for your consistent generosity.
Our Lady of Pity:
St Winefride’s: £730.07
£ 95.40
£ 3.00
£ 10.00
Please pray for the Repose of the soul of Walenti (‘Valenti’) Gromadzki who died last Saturday. Walenti was a
parishioner at the Cathedral for many years, until he suffered ill health and went to live with his sons about five years
ago. His funeral will be celebrated at the Cathedral when arrangements have been made.
The Holy Father’s Mission Intention for February 2015 That married people who are separated may find welcome and
support in the Christian community.
Parishioners and friends of Maureen and Tom McConnell will recall many years of their attendance at the Cathedral,
usually at Sunday early morning Mass. Maureen sadly died in May last year. Their daughter Christina has informed us
that Tom has died recently. They supported many activities at our Church; Tom a Reader of the Liturgy amongst other
duties. They had moved to Surrey to be cared for by Christina, who says "they are together again". The 8.30am Mass
today, Sunday 15th February, at the Cathedral will be celebrated for Maureen and Tom. May they rest in peace.
Please note there will be no Holy Hours in the Cathedral between Monday 16th February and Sunday 22nd February.
Food Bank donations. Very many thanks to all who are supporting our collections for the Food Bank. Please note that
for storage reasons all items must be non-perishable (i.e tinned or dried groceries or long life milk) .
Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom (Saturday 21st February): Please join Bishop Mark, the clergy of Shrewsbury
Cathedral and the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in a Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom at the
Cathedral on Saturday 21st February at 3.00pm. The vigil will last no more than ninety minutes and will give us all the
chance to learn about, reflect on and pray for all of those Christians around the world who are currently suffering
terrible hardships because of their Faith.
Car Parking next weekend. Please note that from Friday the 20th February until Monday the 23rd the Chapter House car
park will not be available as there will be a Marquee in situ for the Rite of Election which will take place on the Sunday
afternoon. [The marquee customarily is delivered and erected on the Friday and dismantled and removed on the
Monday.] Apologies for the inconvenience this will cause.
Formal Farewell for Canon Stephen & Fr Chris Canon Stephen & Fr Chris will be coming back on Sunday 22nd February
for a presentation. They will be celebrating the 6.00pm Mass followed by a glass of wine & nibbles at the back of the
Cathedral. It would be wonderful to see you there.
During Lent, the Rosary will be said with Sister Dorothy at 3.30pm every Tuesday in the Convent. Starts on Tuesday 24th
February. Everyone welcome.
There will be a Taize style service of music, prayer and silence to mark the season of Lent on Tuesday February 24th at
7.30pm at the United Reformed Church in the Lecture Hall. All are welcome.
Meditation – a 5 week introductory course 25th February – 25th March at St Winefride's Convent on Wednesday
evenings only from 6pm – 7.30pm. To reserve a place on a first come basis, contact: Margaret tel: 01743 240401 or
Linda tel: 01743 243132 email: See poster at the back of church.
Friends of the Holy Land: Because of poor support over the twelve weeks it has been running, the Friday Soup Lunches
in aid of the Holy Land will cease on the 27th February 2015. Further donations for the Friends of the Holy Land can be
handed in to the Cathedral Office .
The Diocesan J&P Election Planning Meeting will be held on Saturday 28th February at St Columba’s in Chester from
10.30am to 12.30pm. Members of the Commission will be available after the meeting to speak to if anybody is
interested. Please bring along a packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. To register for the day please contact
Pauline McCulloch at the Curial Offices tel 0151 652 9855 or email
See poster at back of Church.
A Day of Reflection led by Barbara Davies has been organised by 'A.C.T.S’ ('ADULT CATHOLICS TOGETHER SPIRITUALLY').
If you are aged 18 – 35 you are more than welcome to join us. The theme of the day is, 'The Tale in the Sting' - a look at
the parables. This will take place on Saturday 28th February at Wistaston Hall, Crewe CW2 8JS. The day will start
approximately at 9.30am until approx 5pm (exact times to be confirmed nearer the date). Cost £20 (£15 for
unemployed/students). If you would like to join us or wish to know more about it please contact Siobhan at or tel: 0161 477 2783 / 07761 138947 .
Sunday Lenten Soup Lunches will be served during Lent starting on the 2nd Sunday of Lent (1st March), following on from
the Coffee Mornings in the Chapter House. A take-away service is available, just bring a suitable container. For more
information please contact Christine or Tony on 01743 246916 or Booking Forms, for next year’s
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, are available via the Pilgrimage Website: or from
Christine or Tony, details as above.
The Ark AGM will be on Thursday 19th March at 7pm at The Ark.
Marriage Preparation: The next classes will be held on Saturday 21st March (already full) and Saturday 27th June 2015 at
the Cathedral. For more information/to book a place, please email Jayne Mott at or
contact the Cathedral Office on 01743 362366 or email
CAFOD 20-week draw Week 2 £10 prize No. 83 A. Crean
The Cathedral Lamps: The Cathedral Marian Lamp burns this week for Mr and Mrs Jarvis and the Cathedral
Saint Winefride’s Lamp burns for Victims of Trafficking and those who work to combat it. If you would like either of the
lamps to burn for a particular intention, please contact The Cathedral Office. A £5 donation is suggested.
Cathedral Coffee: Cathedral coffee will be served in the Chapter House after 10.45am Mass this week by the Children’s
Liturgy Group and next week by the Lourdes Group. All are welcome.
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
First Reading:
Leviticus (13:1-2. 44-46)
The leper must live apart: he must live outside the camp.
Response to the
(Psalm 31:1-2.5.11)
You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me with the joy of
Second Reading:
1 Cor. (10:31-11:1)
Take me for your model, as I take Christ.
Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what
hope his call holds for us. Alleluia.
Mark (1:40-45)
The leprosy left him at once and he was cured.
What’s On this week and coming soon
Sat 21
Sun 22
Tue 24
Prayer Vigil for Religious Freedom - see n/letter item
Farewell Mass and ‘do’ for Frs Stephen & Chris – see n/letter item
Taize style service at United Reform Church Hall 7.30pm
...... and What’s On every week
Meditation Group meets 10.45am, Convent, College Hill. Term-time only. Tel: 240401
Rosary Group meets at 2.30pm at St Winefride’s Parish Centre
SVP meets in Chapter House 8 – 9pm.
Thank you Mrs Watkins. With sadness yesterday, the pupils, staff, parents and governors said ‘good-bye’ to Mrs Jackie
Watkins our Headteacher at Shrewsbury Cathedral Primary School on the announcement of her retirement. Jackie has
been with the school for the last fourteen years as a Class Teacher, Deputy Head and Headteacher and leaves us with
our love, thanks and prayers for all that she has done for our school, and also for her future. I am not sure how many
young lives Jackie has touched in her career as a teacher. Teaching is one of the most important vocations in the world
as the quote in
‘text speak’ reminds us. In choosing the word ‘good-bye’ (although it
2 Teach is
and final) I wanted to express the true meaning of the word which is
blessing coming from a contraction of the phrase ‘God be with ye’
4 Ever
(God be with
you). I am sure in the next half term the school community will have
~Author Unknown
an opportunity
for a celebration and formal farewell, and that Jackie will attend
events at the
school from time to time.
Canon Jonathan
Gift Aid Donors: The Parish will soon begin the process of Gift Aid Tax Refunds on donations made during 2014/15. If
your circumstances have changed (relating to tax status) or you no longer wish to participate, please contact one of the
following: Lyn Tivenan 367112 (Cathedral), Angela Pym 354209 (St Winefride’s) or Elizabeth Holles 357668 (Our Lady of
Pity). Any queries relating to Gift Aid please contact the above or Cathedral House.
Confirmation: The Confirmation preparation will start shortly before Easter, with Confirmation taking place with Bishop
Mark on Pentecost Sunday. If you are in year 8 or above and would like to be confirmed this year, please write to Canon
Jonathan at Cathedral House (or email him ) and include your full name,
address, date of birth and the school you attend. More details will follow.
“We must never undervalue any person. The workman loves not that his work should be despised in his
presence. Now God is present everywhere, and every person is His work.”
St Francis de Sales
Have you picked up Wednesday Word?