P R O J E C T D E S I G N : O V E R V I E W Name of Project: Get up and Go Subject/Course: English page 1 Duration: Teacher(s): Hatfield Grade Level: 9- 12 Other subject areas to be included, if any: Math, physics, science, ELA Significant Content (CCRS and/or others) Students will generate ideas, gather information, keep careful records and edit written work (Writing A2 and 3 and Speaking B 2 and 3). They will analyze presentation (reading 5) of information while identifying new concepts and ideas (reading b 1). Listen for understanding and evaluate public presentation (listening A1). 21st Century Competencies Collaboration (to be taught and assessed) Communication Critical Thinking X Creativity and Innovation X X Other: Use, reflect, make, evidence of information X X Project Summary (include student role, issue, problem or challenge, action taken, and purpose/beneficiary) Students will be given old pc and laptop part and be told to make it move 24 inches without human assistance. Students will need to research propulsion systems and force verses velocity. They will meet in groups and discuss what model would be the best to use for the activity. Students will have to then make the object move by collaborating with each other in a group, designing and then their 1 pound object and make it move. They will then presnt their finished product and compare it to other models that are being presented. Driving Question How can we make a 1pound object move 24 inches without human assistance? Entry Event Show students the boxes of materials that can be used. Open discussion about what types of information we might need to gather in order to be successful. Products Individual: Look through the given materials and brainstorm potential ideas. Produce a material list and a proposal for moving the object. Specific content and competencies to be assessed: Generate ideas, gather information, keep records and analyze. Informational writing and evaluation. Team: Work together and choose the best idea and propulsion system for the product. Produce a oral and visual presentation in which each team member participates. Specific content and competencies to be assessed: Understand the presentation of ideas and evaluate public presentation. Critical thinking, speaking and listening For more PBL resources visit bie.org ©2014 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION P R O J E C T D E S I G N : O V E R V I E W page 2 Classmates, teacher and administrator. Public Audience (Experts, audiences, or product users students will engage with during/at end of project) Resources Needed On-site people, facilities: Classroom, students and teacher. Equipment: Hot glue gun, computer, table board (small white boards for brainstorming) pencils and paper. Materials: Any old computer parts, recycled materials, rubber bands, glue, and anything the students can find at home with teacher approval Community Resources: Parents may allow students to bring some materials from home; ie: paper towel rolls, empty soda bottles. Journal/Learning Log Reflection Methods (Individual, Team, and/or Whole Class) Whole-Class Discussion Survey X Focus Group X Fishbowl Discussion Other: Small Group Discussion Trial and Error Phase X X Notes: Many different pc parts so no two projects will be the same. Give the students a sense of ownership with encouragement to test ideas first. Classes will be separated by size and number. Classes could potentially complete against other classes and grade levels a For more PBL resources visit bie.org ©2014 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION PROJE C T DE SIGN: ST UD E NT LEARNING GUIDE Project: Get up and Go Driving Question: How can we make a 1pound object move 24 inches without human assistance? Final Product(s) Learning Outcomes/Targets Checkpoints/Formative Assessments Instructional Strategies for All Learners Presentations, Performances, Products and/or Services content & 21st century competencies needed by students to successfully complete products to check for learning and ensure students are on track provided by teacher, other staff, experts; includes scaffolds, materials, lessons aligned to learning outcomes and formative assessments (individual and team) Students will look at materials and brainstorm ideas to assist the team. (Reading and Writing) Individual students will brainstorm and research in order to present their ideas to their group. (Reading Students will research propulsion systems to see what types might best. Students can write a Writing ) Teacher will review the brainstorming map Teacher models use of brainstorming map and Teacher will provide a outline for a materials list materials list. Student is given a proposal outline Teacher will model proposal. proposal on the product they have designed.. (Reading and Writing Team Teams will create their product and use a trial and error method and present ideas. (Speaking and Listening) Student will present their model to their group. (Listening and speaking) Students will be observed using a Critical Friends Teacher will provide Critical Friends Protocol. Protocol Students will choose and build the product of choice in a collaborative effort. (Listening and Speaking) Students will test the product. (Writing) Materials and space for the students to work in cooperative group setting. Teacher monitors and facilitates. Space to test product for trial and error. Teacher demonstrates how to keep track of testing information. Students will present a final product along with a written and oral component. (Speaking and Writing) Outdoor space to present te final product. Teacher records distance and time of the final product. For more PBL resources visit bie.org ©2014 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION P R O J E C T C A L E N D A R Project: Get up and Go page 1 Time Frame: M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y P R O J E C T W E E K T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y O N E Notes Students should not take more than a class period for brainstorming each component. Look at materials and brain storm Research propulsion systems and Continue Research what items might be usable for the types of every day items might be of use project. P R O J E C T W E E K Make a materials list of items they Brainstorm proposal have and items they need to create the final product T W O Notes Check for understanding while students are writing proposals. Good idea to Flip this portion of the project. Contracts and team member responsibility is important to introduce here. Begin working on proposal Finish proposal Project: Get up and Go For more PBL resources visit bie.org Meet in group and each student Continued presentation of presents proposal to team members proposals and Critical Friends and use Critical Friends Team member discuss which product they will produce and assign duties. page 2 ©2014 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y P R O J E C T W E E K T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y T H R E E Notes Give students plenty of time to build and test their product but remember to place a solid dead line. Student gather materials needed and begin build the product Continue building Continue building P R O J E C T W E E K Continue building Product Testing Continue building Product Testing F O U R Notes Make sure each student takes part in the presentation Complete building and product testing and begin to refine the product Team practices oral and written presentation For more PBL resources visit bie.org Students revise and/or edit written Presentation are done. and oral presentations Exit tickets written. What would you or could you do to make the project more successful if anything. ©2014 BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION