1 THE BEIT TRUST APPLICATION FORM FOR POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS 2016 (ZIMBABWE) 1. Surname .................................................................................................................................... 2. First name(s) .............................................................................................................................. 3. (Title) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr.................................................Male/Female ................................. 4. Date of Birth................................................... Age by 31 December 2015 ............................. (see note A) 5. Nationality and Place of Birth ................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 6. Languages spoken ...................................................................................................................... 7. Marital Status: Single/Engaged/Married/Divorced ................................................................... 8. Age and profession of spouse .................................................................................................... 9. Age & sex of dependent children .............................................................................................. 10. Length of residence in Zimbabwe (give dates) .......................................................................... 11. Address for correspondence: Postal Address ........................................................................................................................... Street Address ............................................................................................................................ Email Address ............................................................................................................................ Tel. No. / Cell No. ..................................................................................................................... (If above information changes, please inform us immediately) 12. Have you applied for a Beit Postgraduate Scholarship before? ................................................ To study in which year? ............................................................................................................. Were you shortlisted for an interview? ...................................................................................... 13. Secondary school attended: .................................................................................................... A-level grades by subject: .................................................................. ............................................................................ .................................................................. ............................................................................ 2 14. Name of university/ies where your undergraduate degree/s was taken: .................................................................................................................................................... Detail the degree i.e. B.Com: ........................................................................................ Grade achieved: ........................................................................................ Date Graduated: ........................................................................................ 15. Present Occupation (if appropriate, name of employer, position held and length of service) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 16. Previous Work Experience (if appropriate, name of employer/s and position/s held) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 17. a) Are you contracted or bonded in any way to your employer through receipt of any previous grant or assistance or employment contract? .................................................................................................................................................... b) Will you be paid by your employer whilst studying? .................................................................................................................................................... 18. Postgraduate studies to be pursued if Scholarship awarded (See note C). This section is NOT for the joint-funded scholarships i.e. Beit-Leeds, Beit-Rhodes, etc. a) Description of Course and Qualification sought: .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) State the university/ies which you would like to attend: i).................................................................................................... Provisional Place: Yes/No or).................................................................................................. Provisional Place: Yes/No or)................................................................................................... Provisional Place: Yes/No 3 BEIT JOINT PARTNERSHIPS 19. A Beit-Cambridge (BC) Scholarship is a one-year taught Masters Degree at Cambridge University and is jointly funded by the Beit Trust and Cambridge University. (See note D under “Instructions” and for further information refer to Notes 11.a) a) Description of Course and Scholarship sought: ........................................................................................................................................ b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) Provisional Place Offered: Yes/No 20. A Beit-Imperial (BI) Scholarship is a one-year taught Masters Degree at Imperial College, London and is jointly funded by the Beit Trust and Imperial College. (See note D under “Instructions” and for further information refer to Notes 11.b) a) Description of Course and Scholarship sought: ........................................................................................................................................ b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) Provisional Place Offered: Yes/No 21. Beit-Leeds (BL) Scholarships are one-year taught Masters Degrees at the University of Leeds and are jointly funded by the Beit Trust and University of Leeds. (See note D under “Instructions” and for further information refer to Notes 11.c) a) Description of Course and Scholarship sought: ........................................................................................................................................ b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) Provisional Place Offered: Yes/No 22. Beit-University of Cape Town (BCT) Scholarships is a one-year taught Masters Degrees at the University of Cape Town and is jointly funded by the Beit Trust and University of Cape Town. (See note D under “Instructions” and for further information refer to Notes 11.d) a) Description of Course and Scholarship sought: ........................................................................................................................................ b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) Provisional Place Offered: Yes/No 4 23. A Beit-Rhodes University (BR) Scholarship is a taught Masters Degree at Rhodes University and is jointly funded by the Beit Trust and Rhodes University. (See note D under “Instructions” and for further information refer to Notes 11.e) a) Description of Course and Scholarship sought: ........................................................................................................................................ b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) Provisional Place Offered: Yes/No 24. A Beit-Stellenbosch University (BS) Scholarship is a taught Masters Degree at Stellenbosch University and is jointly funded by the Beit Trust and Stellenbosch. (See note D under “Instructions” and for further information refer to Notes 11.f) a) Description of Course and Scholarship sought: ........................................................................................................................................ b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) Provisional Place Offered: Yes/No 25. A Beit-Witwatersrand University (BW) Scholarship is a taught Masters Degree at Wits University and is jointly funded by the Beit Trust and Witwatersrand University. (See note D under “Instructions” and for further information refer to Notes 11.g) a) Description of Course and Scholarship sought: ........................................................................................................................................ b) Starting Date: ................................................................................................................ c) Duration of Course: ....................................................................................................... d) Provisional Place Offered: Yes/No 26. Sponsorship obtained for earlier degree courses: .................................................................................................................................................... 27. Have you applied to any other sponsors in connection with other awards for a Postgraduate course? YES/NO If yes, to whom and for what course? ........................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................... 5 28. Interests & achievements (past and present) (See note E) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 29. Preferred reading matter (including the titles of 3 or 4 books that have most influenced you excluding text books) ................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 30. Intentions on completion of the Scholarship (See note F) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 31. Is it your intention to return to Zimbabwe after your postgraduate studies? (See note G) YES/NO 32. What opportunity have you had in the past 18 months to exhibit leadership qualities and how did you react? .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 33. Personal statement to explain why you are seeking this Scholarship (See note H) 34. Miscellaneous information (please add any further information you would wish the Board to take into account when considering your application) (See note I) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 35. Enclose a recent Health Certificate (see note J). 36. Character Reference - Nominate only the Name, Postal Address, and Email Address of a distinguished person who has known you for some time, who will provide a reference, to whom the Trust can write (N.B. This must NOT be a relative, tutor or superior at work.) The Trust will correspond directly with the referee. (See Note 12) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 37. 6 Employer Reference - Nominate only the Name, Postal Address, Email Address of your employer (if applicable). If you are not working, enter “N/A” and note that we will then require two Academic Referees. The Trust will correspond directly with the referees. (See Note 12) .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 38. Academic Reference - Nominate only the Name, Postal Address, Email Address of TWO tutors who will provide you with academic testimonials UNLESS you are working, in which case we will require a testimonial from your employer (as above), PLUS One academic testimonial. The Trust will correspond directly with the referees. (See Note 12) a)............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... b) (if not employed) ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................. I hereby confirm that if shortlisted I shall be available for interview in Harare in November 2015. Signature .............................................................................. Date .............................................. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT SUBMISSIONS BY EMAIL OR FAX DO NOT STAPLE DOCUMENTS, HOWEVER PAPER CLIPS ARE ACCEPTABLE If insufficient space is provided on the form, complete your answer(s) on a separate sheet of paper, referring to the question concerned. A computer/typewriter may be used in completing the form. Handwriting should be legible and in ink. When you have completed the form, send a HARD COPY together with all necessary papers (allowing 2 weeks if posting from outside Harare) or by Courier to The Beit Trust Representative: THE BEIT TRUST 5 Ludlow Road, Newlands Harare, Zimbabwe P.O. Box CH 76 Chisipite, Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: +263 4 788202/3 Email: beitrust@africaonline.co.zw TO REACH HIM NO LATER THAN 31 AUGUST 2015 All applications received will be acknowledged by email. Please contact us if you have not heard from this Office. 7 INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: Every year, several promising applicants fail to achieve sponsorship because they do not respond in time, or they do not provide all the information requested (e.g. email addresses omitted), or their applications are poorly presented or illegible. Please take care to read the guide notes below: NOTE A: Candidates must be under the age of 30 (or 35 in the case of medical doctors or veterinary surgeons) on the 31st December in the year in which application is made. Medical doctors should have completed 18 months of internship and preferably a one year rural posting in Zimbabwe. Enclose a certified copy of your birth certificate. NOTE B: State degree(s) held and date(s) acquired or for which studies are at present in progress; the name(s) of the university(ies) concerned; grade of degree(s) conferred. Enclose copies of relevant, CERTIFIED certificates including CERTIFIED academic transcript of grades. State any academic work done before or after graduating and since leaving school (work experience is a decided advantage). Applicants will not to be considered unless their first degree is of at least good secondclass honours (Merit). Consideration will not be given to those presently in their Honours year, the results for which will not be known by the closing date for application. NOTE C: Under (a) state what you hope to achieve; e.g. MSc in Computer Science; MA in History. Under (d) you must decide which university(ies) you wish to attend. It is not necessary to have a confirmed place, but a provisional place can be an advantage. Ensure any university(ies) selected offers the course of study you want to pursue. For the joint-funded scholarships, complete one or more of Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. Once again a provisional place can be an advantage. NOTE D: The BC/BI/BL/BCT/BR/BS/BW Scholarships are joint-funded and are administered by the Beit Trust and the relevant University and different Scholarship terms apply. (See the website www.beittrust.org.uk.) NOTE E: Give your interests, hobbies, sports, social, church, club commitments, charitable work, etc. Mention any responsible positions held and include any achievements of special merit at secondary school, university or elsewhere, and any voluntary social work. NOTE F: State the type of work you hope to do, or for which arrangements have already been made, and your long-term aspirations. NOTE G: Only those candidates who indicate their intention to return to Zimbabwe upon completion of their studies will be considered. NOTE H: Your Personal Statement should say briefly (one paragraph) how you think your further training will benefit Zimbabwe and its development. Personal Statements should not exceed one typed page. NOTE I: You may also give, if you wish, additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Beit Trust Scholarship Selection Advisory Board. This statement should be signed and attached to the application form. Please identify any specific or major challenge you have experienced in the past 2 years to exhibit leadership qualities and how you rose to it. NOTE J: doctor. Completion and return of the attached Medical Certificate signed by a fully qualified N.B. There is no provision for travel or accommodation for a spouse. 8 2016 DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS These instructions should be read very carefully before formal application is made for a Beit Trust Scholarship. Failure to submit any documents as listed in Section 7, or comply with any other condition as laid down may result in the application becoming void. 1. PURPOSE OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS A small number of Scholarships will be awarded annually to enable persons domiciled in Zimbabwe to undertake postgraduate study (not first or honours degrees), normally in the UK, Ireland or South Africa. The Trust cannot assist with degrees that are already under way. 2. QUALIFICATIONS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS (a) Domicile in Zimbabwe means that the applicant must be living in that country as a “permanent resident” and not as a “visitor” and that he or she has had the status of “permanent resident” for at least two years prior to the date of application. Decision in cases of doubt about country of domicile will be at the absolute discretion of the Advisory Board for Beit Trust Postgraduate Scholarships. (b) Preference will be given to applicants whose field of study and future work are considered most likely to be of benefit to Zimbabwe. 3. PLACE OF STUDY The Scholarships may be held at universities or institutions approved by the Beit Trustees in the United Kingdom, Ireland or South Africa. It is important that persons who have been advised they have been short-listed for an interview, should try to obtain a provisional place at a university before they appear for interview. 4. SCHOLARSHIPS AT UNIVERSITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA Applicants are warned that the South African Government apply strict controls to the attendance of foreign students at South African universities. Medical places are often highly competitive and the process is sometimes cumbersome. It is therefore advantageous to have an offer of a place. The student is required to pay a repatriation fee of about US$500 at the South African Consulate before he/she can be granted a visa. This is intended as a guarantee that he/she will return to his/her parent country at the conclusion of his/her studies. 5. TENURE OF SCHOLARSHIPS The Scholarships are normally to study for Masters Degrees but outstanding PhD candidates may be considered. The Scholarships will be tenable for one year, and a maximum of four years for medical, veterinary or PhD applicants. The Scholarships are held on the approval of the Beit Trustees who may suspend or terminate a Scholarship at their discretion. Only under very exceptional circumstances will the Trustees agree to an extension of a Scholarship beyond the agreed maximum period. 6. VALUE OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS The Trust will pay (all sums to be confirmed and therefore are only indicative):a) Cost of tuition and college fees. b) A personal allowance of not less than £13,060 per annum in the UK (which is adjusted annually to the cost of living in accordance with recommendations from an independent review authority). No extra allowance is paid for the spouse or children of a Scholar. c) A personal allowance in South Africa of not less that £8,500 (which is adjusted annually to the cost of living). No extra allowance is paid for the spouse or children of a Scholar. 9 d) An arrival allowance of £750 in the UK or £200 in South Africa. e) An allowance of £450 for a laptop. f) An allowance of £100 for printing of thesis. g) A departure allowance of £250 in the UK or £200 in South Africa paid on return to Zimbabwe. h) An allowance for approved travel within the UK when necessary, as recommended by the Scholar’s tutor. i) NB 7. In addition, the cost of economy air passage for outward journey will be paid for the successful applicant, also return passage if returning to work in Zimbabwe. Airfares are not paid for spouses or dependants. (1) No allowance is paid for excess baggage (this is covered by the departure allowance). (2) Since the cost of living in South Africa is less than in the UK, South African rates are lower but compare favourably to those paid in the UK. APPLICATIONS and CHECK LIST The following information is required:(a) Evidence of age and nationality (certified copy of birth certificate OR relevant pages of your passport). (b) Evidence of domicile in Zimbabwe (certified copy of I.D. – National Registration Card) (c) Provide your (legible) personal email address and cell number. (d) i) Certified evidence of first degree awarded by a university or institution. ii) Certified copy of academic transcript of grades ii) Certified copies of O and A Level certificates (e) Completion and return of attached medical certificate signed by a fully qualified doctor (f) Provide email addresses for ALL referees. (g) A Curriculum Vitae, only if you have worked or are currently employed. Do not include a C.V. if you have not worked. (h) For bonded candidates, a letter from your employer stating that leave of absence will be granted (i) Personal statement (j) Applications, with all the above information, must reach the Beit Trustees’ Representative by 31st August 2015. We will not accept submissions by email or fax (Hard Copies Only). Please do not staple documents. 8. REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOLARS Each Scholar will be required to submit to the Secretary of The Beit Trust, at least once a year and as often as may be requested, a report on his/her work signed by a responsible officer of the institution at which he/she is studying. Scholars are expected to pursue their studies diligently, to keep full terms and to take research degrees where applicable. They will not be permitted to read for degrees or diplomas other than those sanctioned, except with the specific, written permission of the Secretary. At the end of the course, each Scholar is expected to provide a hard-bound, presentation copy of his/her thesis (i.e. not a plastic file) to the Secretary of the Beit Trust. 10 9. PUBLICATIONS BY SCHOLARS Any Scholar who, during his/her tenure of the Scholarship, wishes to publish a book, or work on the subject connected with his/her course of study shall first obtain the sanction of the Secretary to the Beit Trustees and shall cause the words “Beit Scholar” to follow his/her name in the title of the book or work. 10. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR BONDED STUDENTS Applicants, who have been in receipt of grants for their studies from the Government of Zimbabwe and/or are contracted or bonded in any way, should obtain certificates of eligibility and permission to apply for a scholarship, in writing from their employer. This should be attached to their application. 11. BEIT CAMBRIDGE/IMPERIAL/LEEDS/CAPE TOWN/RHODES/STELLENBOSCH/WITS UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS In addition to the normal Beit Scholarships, places for a taught Masters degree are offered as follows: a) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY: A one-year taught Masters degree is offered at Cambridge University. This single scholarship, known as the BC, will be competed for between all 3 beneficial territories (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) and is therefore not reserved specifically for any one country. Those applicants interested in applying for a BC Scholarship should contact the Cambridge University website: www.cam.ac.uk to ascertain what areas of study are available before completing their application form. b) IMPERIAL COLLEGE: A one-year taught Masters degree is offered at Imperial College. This single scholarship, known as the BI, will be competed for between all 3 beneficial territories (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) and is therefore not reserved specifically for any one country. Those applicants interested in applying for a BI Scholarship should contact the Imperial College website: www.imperial.ac.uk to ascertain what areas of study are available before completing their application form. c) UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS: One-year taught Masters degrees at the University of Leeds are offered to students from Zimbabwe each year. The Scholarships are known as the Beit-Leeds (BL) Scholarships and are jointly funded by The Beit Trust and the University of Leeds. Airfares are not paid for spouses. Those applicants interested in applying for BL Scholarships should contact the University of Leeds website: www.leeds.ac.uk to ascertain what areas of study are available before completing their application form. d) UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN: A taught Masters degree is offered at University of Cape Town in South Africa. The scholarship is known as the Beit-Cape Town University Scholarship (BCT) and is jointly funded by the Beit Trust and University of Cape Town. Those applicants interested in applying for a BCT Scholarship should contact the University of Cape Town website: www.uct.ac.za to ascertain what areas of study are available before completing their application form. e) UNIVERSITY OF RHODES: Taught Masters degrees are offered at Rhodes University in South Africa. The scholarships are known as the Beit-Rhodes University Scholarship (BR) and are jointly funded by the Beit Trust and Rhodes University. Those applicants interested in applying for a BR Scholarship should contact the University of Rhodes website: www.ru.ac.za to ascertain what areas of study are available before completing their application form. f) UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH: Taught Masters degrees are offered at the University of Stellenbosch. The scholarships are known as the Beit-Stellenbosch University Scholarship (BS) and are jointly funded by the Beit Trust and Stellenbosch University. Those applicants interested in applying for a BS Scholarship should contact the University of Stellenbosch website: www.sun.ac.za to ascertain what areas of study are available before completing their application form. 11 g) UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND: Taught Masters degrees are offered at the University of Wits. The scholarships are known as the Beit-Wits University Scholarship (BW) and are jointly funded by the Beit Trust and University of Witwatersrand. Those applicants interested in applying for a BW Scholarship should contact the University of Wits website: www.wits.ac.za to ascertain what areas of study are available before completing their application form. 12. Applicants must check with each nominated referee that s/he is willing to provide a reference. Applicants must confirm the referee’s email address is current. The email addresses must be written clearly and legibly as all correspondence is done through email. If a reference is requested by the Scholarship Board, the referee must be able to submit this by the end of September. 13. Personal data collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of student and course administration as required by the Beit Trust and will only be disclosed to the Scholarship Selection Board in the event that you are short-listed for interview. 14. Applications that are incomplete will be ineligible for short-listing for interview. 15. Applicants who are short-listed will be expected to make themselves available for interview by the Board in-country. Such interviews usually take place in Harare in November. Reasonable expenses incurred by applicants attending for interview from their places of residence in Zimbabwe will be reimbursed by The Beit Trust. Such expenses should be claimed for bus, not air travel. 16. Lobbying either Beit Trustees or Members of the Advisory Board is not permitted, and if attempted, may disqualify the candidate. NO STAPLES ALLOWED 12 THE BEIT TRUST Postal Address: P O Box CH 76, Chisipite, Harare Telephone: +263 4 788202/3 email: beitrust@africaonline.co.zw 5 Ludlow Road Newlands Harare Zimbabwe BEIT TRUST POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS MEDICAL CERTIFICATE Date: ..................................................................... Doctor’s Name: ........................................................................................................................... Professional Qualifications: ........................................................................................................ Doctor’s Address: ........................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................... I have examined ........................................................................................................................... an applicant for a Beit Trust postgraduate scholarship. From my knowledge of the applicant’s history and as a result of my examination, it is my opinion that the applicant is in good health mentally, emotionally and physically and is free from all communicable diseases. Nor has the applicant suffered during the past ten years from any disorder likely to recur and impair activities in postgraduate work. Doctor’s Signature: .................................................................................. If you think it necessary to explain or qualify any of the statements in this certificate, please add your comments below ........................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................