Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Asset-Based Missional Youth Development Project Pilot Project Final Evaluation Interview with: Interviewer: Date: Mary Carol Anderson Sandy Longfellow November 18, 2009 1., 2. Overall how would you rate your satisfaction with the pilot project? Would you say you are: Very satisfied / Somewhat satisfied /Somewhat dissatisfied/ Very dissatisfied? What leads you to feel that way? Somewhat satisfied; being a first year minister she has had challenges that the other ministers who have been serving congregations longer did not face; had to build up parent base and gain support from the congregation from the ground up 3. What has been most inspiring about this journey for you and your congregation? They were already doing intergenerational projects and this pilot encouraged them to focus even more on intergenerational opportunities. 4. What, if anything, has been your greatest disappointment about this journey for you and your congregation? Faced challenges related to being a first year pastor; senior pastor supported the project, but did not embrace it as his own, so there wasn’t the possibility of having it preached on on Sunday morning or brought to the front with the congregation. Struggled a good bit with building congregational support 5.,6. This pilot has run on a calendar year, from January to December. How did this timing work or not work for you? Given your choice, what timing would you find optimal for a program like this? would work better on the program year; used asset building material in the summer program, but in youth ministry things tend to go haywire in the summer 7. As a result of being part of this pilot what changes, if any, have you seen: in yourself/ your youth & young adults/ your congregation? Intergenerational work flourished, with intergenerational Wednesday night projects and a mission project with youth and adults together 8. Please tell me a bit about your congregation and how asset building equipped you to do more…or work in a more intentional way. [interviewer skipped question] 9. Did this pilot affect your ability to talk with your youth about difficult issues?(Yes/No/Not Sure) If yes, please tell me a bit about how it affected your ability to talk with youth about these issues? not at all 1 10. How, if at all, has participating in circle calls affected the communication between you and your colleagues? For example, have you supported and/or networked with each other about your personal life and/or ministry? Circle calls were great–opportunity to gain insight from colleagues. Others have been in a position to do sermons and retreats as part of the project, and this was not an option for her, but she learned and gained ideas from the other ministers. 11. Do you have a story or two that illustrate an asset building moment in your congregation? During a series of 3 Wednesday nights led an intergenerational quilt project in which everyone took quilt squares and everybody wrote on them names of meaningful people in their lives (children drew pictures of the people). They sewed them together into a quilt and it now hangs in the center of the fellowship area. 12., 13. How would you rate the support you received from Search Institute during this pilot? (Excellent/Good/Fair/Poor) What is it that leads you to feel this way? Excellent; whenever questions arose they responded quickly and helpfully; didn’t use formal technical assistance 14. Based on your experiences with the CBF Missional Youth Ministry project, what would be your advice to your colleagues who are interested in introducing asset-building to their congregations? It is important to have the senior pastor take it on with them, and it is important to have a network of people in the congregation to support the project–in the process herself of developing a youth council, which will be very beneficial in doing an asset based program. Important that there be a group of people spreading the word, not just the youth minister alone. 15. What kinds of resources and support materials are most needed to make the program more effective and actionable? Resources purchased with the stipend very helpful; would like to see some sort of curriculum that could be used on a weekly basis–it could go through all the Developmental Assets week by week, and have scripture matched up with assets. There wasn’t enough time for her to develop her own lessons during the pilot. 16. Where, in your work, do you see the most future potential for the CBF Missional Youth Ministry project? Good potential in churches where the youth minister has support from the senior pastor and congregation; would like to see the focus expand from just focusing on youth ministry to focusing on asset-building in the whole congregation 17. What are your hopes for the day that you gather together for the final retreat? To find that her situation isn’t too different from the other ministers’ experiences; to exchange stories about how they did the project, knowing that it works differently in different systems and probably played out differently in each of the 9 systems 2 18., 19. What else would you like us to know about your experiences with the CBF Missional Youth Ministry project? Is there anything I didn’t ask you that you wished that I had asked? If so what do you wish that I had asked? That the project helped her focus and benefited her as she developed the youth ministry in her congregation 3