word - McGill University

Mohammad N. Khan
Centre for Research on Children and Families
School of Social Work, McGill University
3506 University St., Suite 106
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2A7
Phone: 514-651-3669
Email: mohammad.khan7@mail.mcgill.ca
Research Interests
Poverty and social development broadly, and family economic stress, financial capability,
and economic interventions specifically
Teaching Interests
Research methods; social policy; community practice and development
PhD in Social Work, McGill School of Social Work, McGill University, Canada, CGPA
3.92/4.00, Expected in 2018.
Key Modules:
 Development of Social Work Theory and Perspectives;
 Advanced Seminar in Social Policy;
 Advanced Research Methods and Analysis: Quantitative Data;
 Advanced Seminar in Qualitative Methods
MSW (Child, Youth and Family), Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), USA.
CGPA: 4.00/4.00, 2011-2013.
Key Modules:
 Human behavior in the social environment: Multidimensional perspective.
 Families, groups and organizational systems.
 Social work generalist practice.
 Ethnic Diversity and Social Services.
 Social work research, Evaluation Research.
 Psychosocial disorders, Health and mental health practice.
 Child, youth and families practice.
Masters of Business Administration (MBA), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008-2010
CGPA: 3.81/4.00
Key Modules:
 Introduction to Business, Business Economics,
 Business Research, Business Statistics.
 Principal of Accounting, Principle of Management, Principle of Marketing.
 Financial Management, Investment Analysis, Banking and Insurance.
 Financial risk management, Microfinance and Rural credit.
MSS, Social Welfare, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1998-1999
First Class securing 61.33 percent marks (Top score compared to GPA system)
Key Modules:
Social Work: Strategies and Approaches.
Advanced Social Research,
Statistics in Social work.
Concept and Theories of Social Administration,
Personnel and Financial Management.
Thesis: Attitude of the family towards disabled children in Bangladesh: A qualitative study
using Case Study and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as research methods.
BSS (Honors), Social Welfare, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1994-1997
Second Class securing 59.33 percent marks (Top score compared to GPA system)
Key Modules:
 History and Philosophy of Social Welfare, Methods of Social Work: Social Case
Work, Social Group Work, Community Social Work.
 Social Development, Social Problem Analysis.
 Principles of Economics, Public Finance and Bangladesh Economics.
 Principles of Psychology, Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology.
 Principles of Sociology, Population Dynamics and Family Planning.
 Social Research and Statistics.
Current positions
Research Coordinator, Social Development Research Group (SDRG), Centre for Research
on Children and Families, McGill School of Social Work, September, 2013- present
Key responsibilities:
 Reviewing literature, processing and analyzing data, running statistical analysis,
writing scholarly papers and reports;
 Editing and maintenance of SDRG website;
 Preparing financial expense reports of the project
Work Experience
Research Assistant (RA), School of Social Work (SSW), SIUC, Carbondale, IL, August,
2011- May, 2013
Key responsibilities:
 Reviewing literature on Microcredit, social business, and Social Development
Branch Manager & Senior Principal Officer, Southeast Bank Limited, Bangladesh,
December 2010- July 2011.
Key responsibilities:
 Supervision, monitoring and administration of Madanpur Small and Medium
Enterprises & Agriculture Branch.
Principal Officer, Mercantile Bank Limited, Bangladesh, May, 2003-December 2010.
Key responsibilities:
 Managing and supervising a good volume of loan portfolio diversified in trade and
industrial finance, SME finance, consumer and retail finance
Working Paper
Rothwell, D. W. & Khan, M. N. (2014). Measuring perceived financial capability.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Khan, M. N. & Rothwell, D. W. (2014). Perceived Financial Capability, Financial
Knowledge and Financial Behaviors of Canadian Low-Income Households. Society for
Social Work and Research 19th Annual Conference. New Orleans, USA. January 2015.
Rothwell, D. W., Khan, M. N. & Cherney, K. (2014). Perceived financial capability and
savings practices across low-income family types. A Convening on Financial Capability and
Asset Building: Advancing Education, Research and Practice in Social Work. St. Louis.
Missouri. USA. April 2015.
Miah, M. R & Khan, M. N. (2012). Grameen Bank and Microfinance Programs: An effective
strategy to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in South Asia. International
Consortium for Social Development, 18th International Symposium. Kampala, Uganda, July,
Conference Attendance
 National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Illinois Chapter, Chicago, Illinois,
from November 09-11, 2011.
Honors, Financial Assistance, Awards, Fellowships, Scholarships and Assistantships
 Graduate Excellence Fellowship, McGill School of Social Work, McGill University,
 WYNG Trust fellowship, McGill School of Social Work, McGill University,
 Graduate Student of the Year, 2013, School of Social Work, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale, USA
 Chancellor’s Award for standing first in the combined merit list in Higher
Secondary School Certificate Examination in 1994
 Chancellor’s Award for standing 18th in the combined merit list in Secondary
School Certificate Examination in 1992
Software Skills
Statistical software: SPSS; Stata; MLwiN;
Web editing and maintenance
Organizational Activities and Volunteering
Representative to the Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC), School of
Social Work, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA. 2011-2012;
Executive member, Bangladesh Students’ Association (BSA), Southern Illinois
University Carbondale, USA. 2011-2012;
Founding Vice President, Bandhan, a voluntary blood donating organization,
Salimullah Hall Unit, Dhaka University, 1998-1999;
Vice President, Salimullah Hall Debating Club, Dhaka University, 1997-1998.