AdaptCost Briefing Paper 5: Ecosystem Based Adaptation Costs – Africa Review Key Messages 1. Estimates of the costs of adaptation require investigation of several lines of evidence, from case studies of projects and plans through to the global scale. Each approach brings insight into a complex area, where we have relatively little experience. This note considers the costs of adaptation for ecosystems. 2. Biodiversity and ecosystems provide multiple benefits to society, which in turn have economic benefits, though these are rarely captured by markets. These benefits are known as ‘ecosystem services’ and include provision of food, supporting services such as nutrient recycling, regulatory services including flood protection and recreational and cultural services. 3. Ecosystem services are integral to the African economy and underpin large parts of GDP, foreign revenue and export earnings, as well as sustaining a very large proportion of the population. There are many stresses on these systems already and climate change will add to these pressures. The existing studies show potentially very large impacts to ecosystems in Africa, which are beyond their natural coping capacity. Planned ecosystem service adaptation is therefore a priority for the continent. 4. It is also clear that tackling these impacts requires the management of ecosystems within interlinked social-ecological systems, to enhance ecological processes and services that are essential for resilience to multiple pressures, including climate change. This is termed Ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) and integrates the management of ecosystems and biodiversity into an overall strategy to help people and ecosystems adapt to the adverse impacts of global climate change. 5. At the aggregated scale, a number of studies have estimated the short-term adaptation costs, using estimates based on extending protected areas, wider conservation and off reserve measures, though these responses are primarily targeted at addressing current vulnerability and could be more accurately described as good practice and accelerated development, rather than specific options targeted towards tackling climate change (though these measures would have the effect of enhancing future resilience). 6. The additional cost for enhancing the network of terrestrial protected areas in Africa has been estimated at $4 to $5.5 billion/year for Africa. This would improve the core reserve system in the continent but is effectively addressing current vulnerability. Some studies increase these costs by a factor of three to reflect wider conservation measures, implying annual costs of US$12 to US$17 billion, though again, these are focused on current vulnerability rather than marginal increases for future climate change. 7. These numbers only include the terrestrial protected area network. There are additional costs of adaptation outside this. Biodiversity and ecosystem conservation in the wider matrix of landscapes has also been estimated (including new assessments in the study) and these imply costs of approximately $20 billion / year for Africa. these costs address forest, agriculture and freshwater ecosystems in the wider landscape matrix, but do not include urban ecosystems. These are primarily associated with current vulnerability and immediate concerns, but these wider actions are seen as essential for addressing future climate change. 8. There are also additional costs for marine ecosystems. The recent global World Bank study has estimated the costs of adaptation for marine fishery resources for Africa at $1- 2 billion per year (in the period through to 2050), though the estimates are highly uncertain. 9. A range of bottom-up costs and country estimates have also been considered. The existing African NAPAs include around $100 million of funding for ecosystem type initiatives, implying immediate needs of over $250 million if replicated across the continent on a per capita basis. There have also been recent studies on matrix management in South Africa, and agro-forestry in Kenya, which provide national values and have the potential for replication. 10. However, this remains a fairly limited area of study, and the economics of ecosystem based adaptation for Africa is seen as a key priority for future work adaptation work following from the AdaptCost project. 1 Ecosystem services are integral to the African economy and underpin a large proportion of GDP (over 50% in some countries), as well as foreign revenue and export earnings. They also sustain a very large proportion of the population. While the definition of ecosystem services includes consideration of agriculture and water, these are included in a separate sectoral analysis, and thus omitted from this note here. The consideration of coastal ecosystems is also discussed in the coastal sector note. Introduction The AdaptCost study has reviewed the evidence on the costs of adaptation in Africa. This includes consideration of different aggregation scales and evidence, such as: Aggregated continental level studies and regional studies. Major country initiatives and national studies. Sectoral studies and case studies. Ecosystems and the services they provide will be affected by climate change and are the focus of this sectoral briefing note. As part of this work, the AdaptCost study has also commissioned specific sectoral work, notably on ecosystem based adaptation. This briefing note reports on this review work. Full details are included in a sector report (Devisscher, 2010). Given the multiple services that ecosystems provide to society and the role they play as habitats of a diverse fauna and flora, their maintenance/enhancement is critical for building resilience to future risks, including climate-related ones. The valuation of ecosystem services has progressed in recent years, but more work needs to be done to account for the range of services that ecosystems can provide and the synergies and trade-offs that could affect cost-benefit analyses. A number of studies have estimated values for protected areas in Africa and can serve as a basis to estimate the benefits of enhancing ecosystem services that facilitate adaptation. However, to date studies have focused on current pressures, rather than climate change. Ecosystem Services Africa has a highly diverse fauna and flora. It contains a fifth of all known species of plants, mammals and birds in the world, and a sixth of the amphibians and reptiles. It has over 3,000 protected areas including 198 marine protected areas, 50 biosphere reserves, and 80 wetlands of international importance. Eight of the world’s 34 international biodiversity hotspots are in Africa. Forest and woodlands occupy about 22% of the land area in Africa and the region accounts for around 17% of the global forest cover. The varied ecosystems of Africa are not only habitat to diverse species, but also provide a number of services and goods for the local population and the economies of African countries. They provide multiple benefits to society, which in turn have economic benefits, though these are rarely captured by markets. These benefits are known as ‘ecosystem services’ and can be divided into: Provisioning services fisheries, timber, water), Supporting services (soil formation, nutrient recycling), Regulating services (climate regulation, flood protection, water quality regulation) and Cultural services (recreational, educational and cultural benefits). (e.g. The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems in Africa There are many stresses on ecosystems already, such as agricultural expansion, destruction of habitat; pollution; high rates of land use change; population growth, etc. and many of the ecosystems of Africa are under threat or overexploited already. Climate change will add to these pressures. Indeed, climate change is likely to have major effects on managed and natural ecosystems and associated ecosystem services. agriculture, The impacts are complex but potentially arise from temperature increases, shifts in climatic zones, melting of snow and ice, sea level rise, droughts, floods and other extreme weather events. Particularly vulnerable areas include arid 2 Effects of Climate Change on African Ecosystems for Varying Temperature Increase lands (from water scarcity and heat stress), coastal zones due to pressure from sea level rise and mountain regions. Climate change will lead to shifts in species distributions, changes in the timing of life-history events, or phenology, the potential decoupling of coevolved interactions, such as plant–pollinator relationships; effects on demographic rates, including as survival, changes in population size; and in some cases extinction. There may also be effects from direct loss of habitat due to sea-level rise, increased fire frequency, altered weather patterns, glacial recession, and direct warming of habitats. This can be compounded by other indirect effects such as changes in the distribution or spread of wildlife diseases, parasites; changes in invasive or non-native species, including plants, animals, and pathogens. Many of these potential impacts are uncertain, and highly complex to predict. What is clear is that climate change could cause bio-climatic zones (and their ecosystems) to move, potentially by tens to hundreds of kilometres by the end of the century, though the changes will depend on the scale of climate change. The success of ecosystem movement will depend on various factors: the capacity of a species to migrate (e.g. migration will be easier for birds than for plants or especially forests), the connectivity within the landscape structure (i.e. availability of stepping stones and/or habitat networks), and the presence of receptor habitats within the new climate range of a species. This is obviously problematic in populated areas and highly fragmented agricultural landscapes. Climate change is expected to put African ecosystems and biodiversity at severe risk, with the IPCC AR4 (2007) reporting that potentially 5,000 African plant species and over 50% of bird and mammal species will be seriously affected or even lost by the end of this century. It also reports on studies that estimate that by 2100 the productivity of Africa’s lakes could decline by 20 to 30%. These changes will have large economic consequences through the ecosystem services provided, whether this is the provision of food, the tourism potential of key areas, etc. Possible effects projected by different studies are shown below. (°C) <1.5 Possible Impacts Up to 15% of Sub-Saharan species could be at risk of extinction (IPCC WGII 2007). 1.5 Widespread bleaching of up to 97% of coral reefs of East Africa (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999). 1.5 Flora and fauna disappear in the Sahel due to possible drought / shifting sands (ECF 2004). <1.5 Glaciers on Mount Kilamanjaro, Mount Kenya could be lost by 2015 (Thompson et al. 2002) <1.5 Severe loss in extent of the Karoo threatening 2,800 plants (Rutherford et al. 1999). 1.5 Five south African parks could lose more than 40% of their animals (Rutherford et al. 1999). 1.5 10-15% of sub-Saharan species could be at risk of extinction (IPCC WGII 2007). 2.0 41-51% loss in plant endemic richness in S. Africa and Namibia (Broennimann et al. 2006). 1.7 – 3.2 8-12% of 277 med/large mammals in 141 national parks at risk (Thuiller et al. 2006). 1.2 – 2.7 51-65% loss of Fynbos; Succulent Karoo area reduced by 80% (2,800 plant species); 5 parks lose > 40% of plant species in S. Africa (Thomas et al. 2004, Rutherford et al. 2000, Midgley et al. 2002, Hannah et al. 2002). 2.4 Bio-climatic range of 25-57% (full dispersal) or 34-76% (no dispersal) of 5,200 plant species exceeded in Sub-Saharan Africa (McClean et al. 2005). >2.0 Erosion likely to outpace growth of tropical coral reefs (University of Copenhagen 2009). >2.0 At least 40% of sub-Saharan species at risk of extinction (IPCC WGII 2007). 2.5 – 3.0 24-59% of mammals, 28-40% of birds, 13-70% of butterflies, 18-80% other invertebrates, 2145% of reptiles possible extinction; 66% of animal species potentially lost from Kruger in S. Africa (Thomas et al. 2004, Erasmus et al. 2002). 2.3 – 4.6 Cloud forests lose hundred of meters of elevational extent, potential extinctions at 2.5 °C for Africa (Still et al. 1999). 2.63.7 30-40% of 277 mammals in 141 parks critically endangered (Thuiller et al. 2006). Sources: IPCC AR4, PA 2009. T above pre-industrial. 3 Examples of Current and Possible Future Impacts of Climate Change on African Ecosystems Source: Devisscher, 2010. The figure above summarises possible future effects of climate change on ecosystems / species in each sub-region of Africa. A number of potential adaptation (planned) measures are available, which include: Of course, while these future effects are influenced by climate change, they are also heavily affected by socio-economic factors, including the growth and movement of people and goods, changes in land use and economic development. The consideration of future baselines and the potential for economic development to reduce future burdens is therefore a key consideration. To maintain and increase ecosystem resilience: enhancing the ability of ecosystems to absorb and recover from change whilst maintaining and increasing biodiversity. To accommodate the potential impacts of climate change: considering both gradual change and extreme weather events. To facilitate knowledge transfer and action between partners, sectors and countries: successful adaptation requires that ecosystem and biodiversity conservation is integrated with other sectoral management activities. To develop the knowledge/evidence base and plan strategically: to effectively plan for an uncertain future, the best available evidence is needed to develop techniques that allow socio-ecological systems to adapt. Ecosystem Based Adaptation Climate change presents a major threat to ecosystems, their functions and services. Autonomous adaptation of natural ecosystems will not be enough to withstand the future combined impacts and climate change, and human planned adaptation is essential for adaptation of socioecological systems. 4 To use adaptive management: relates to the use of a flexible approach for effective conservation and adaptation planning. To enhance vulnerability assessments and monitoring systems: to allow evidence to be collated, existing schemes to be strengthened and new requirements incorporated. dispersal schemes; e.g. through agri-environment Increasing and maintaining monitoring programs to study response of species to climate change (physiological, behavioral, demographic) and socio-ecological dynamics; Integrating climate change into planning exercises and programmes; Assessing, modelling, and experimenting at different spatial scales for improved predictive capacity and outcomes; Improving inter-agency, regional coordination; Conducting restoration and rehabilitation of habitats and ecosystems with high adaptation value; Intensive conservation management to secure populations, including for threatened and endangered species; For some of the provisioning services, notably forestry, there is a range of specific planned adaptation options available. For general unmanaged or semi-managed ecosystems, there is a range of potential adaptation response, many of which build on addressing existing risks or extending existing conservation. They include: Translocation or reintroduction of species at risk of extinction to new areas that are climatically suitable for their existence; Ex situ conservation e.g. seed banks, zoos, botanic gardens, captive breeding for release into wild. Reducing and managing existing stresses, such as fragmentation, pollution, overharvesting, population encroachment, habitat conversion and invasive species; Maintaining ecosystem structure and function as a means to ensure healthy and genetically diverse populations able to adapt to climate change; Increasing reserves; These options also need to be considered alongside other options for enhancing ecosystem services. These include flexible mechanisms such as: Regulation Economic Instruments Integration, Market-based Mechanisms, Green Investment Increasing habitat heterogeneity within reserves and between reserves by including gradients of latitude, altitude and soil moisture and by including different successional states; A key feature of these adaptation measures is the need to build in flexibility, i.e. adaptive management based on iterative processes of learning by doing, reviewing, and refining, because the future effects on ecosystems are particularly uncertain. However, the uncertainties of the precise nature of future climate change and its impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity must not delay practical action. the size and/or number of Building in buffer zones to existing reserves; Increasing connectivity, for example with the use of biological corridors or stepping stones to link areas, removal barriers for dispersal, linking of reserves and refugia; And means and adaptive processes: Research Capacity, Knowledge Sharing, Technology and Innovation, Adaptive Governance, Socio-institutional Change The combination of the principles of adaptation and the consideration of ecosystem services are being brought together under the concept of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), shown in the figure below. Increasing landscape permeability through reduction in unfavourable management practices and increasing area for biodiversity 5 Ecosystem Based Adaptation To facilitate the adjustment of human societies and ecological systems to changing conditions and multiple stressors, the dynamic landscape of EbA Pathways combines EbA strategies (active core, in blue), with flexible enabling mechanisms and adaptive processes (supportive milieu, in green). Source: Devisscher, 2010. Aggregate Costs of Ecosystembased Adaptation for Africa Ecosystem based adaptation relates to the management of ecosystems within interlinked social-ecological systems. The aim is to enhance ecological processes and services that are essential for resilience to multiple pressures, including climate change. A number of recent studies have estimated the costs of adaptation for Africa focusing on ecosystems. These include some estimates of forestry and fisheries, and some estimates in relation to conservation-based adaptation. Most of the existing estimates focus on the costs of increasing protected areas, the wider conservation costs, and off reserve measures. These are summarised below. EbA therefore integrates the management of ecosystems and biodiversity into an overall strategy to help people and ecosystems adapt to the adverse impacts of global change, such as changing climate conditions. 1) James et al 2001 An optimal overall ecosystem-based strategy will seek to maintain ecological functions at the landscape scale in combination with multifunctional land uses and multi-scale benefits. James et al. (2001i) examined the goal of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) to increase protected areas by 10 per cent. They examined 6 two options, one of which was more ambitious aiming at a stronger overall level of protection. Their estimate is that to expand the current network in line with IUCN guidelines, and meeting the opportunity costs of local communities could be achieved with an annual increase in expenditures of USD 12 – 22 billion. The estimates include survey and purchase costs of new land, recurrent management costs, and compensation costs for lost opportunities – however the higher value has a higher increase in the percentage of higher protection levels of IUCN categories (categories I, II, and IIIii). millions and for Sub-Saharan Africa up to US$3.1 billion (1996 dollars), a total annual increase of US$3.8 billion for Africa-wide, assuming current proportions of protected areas in each IUCN category being maintained. Under the stricter protection scenario, annual funding requirements would increase reaching up to US$1.5 billion for Middle East and North Africa, and US$4 billion for Sub-Saharan Africa, a total annual increase of US$5.5 billion to improve the core reserve system in the entire continent. Considering that enhancing and protecting a core reserve system may be insufficient to ensure long-term conservation and ecological processes given climate change, James et al. (2001) estimated costs for conservation within a wider matrix (i.e. within the wider landscape). The study estimated an additional $290 billion for conservation based on extrapolation of figures for conservation within the agriculture sector and global estimates from Agenda 21 for conservation outside the agriculture sector (urban ecosystems were not included). These estimates are really the level of investment needed to address the current protection shortfall, i.e. they are essentially a cost for improving current protection levels to achieve a goal set for 2010 and could be classified as accelerated development – though they would be expected to increase the resilience of ecosystems to future climate change. Similarly, as they are not specific to current climate, they cannot be classified as addressing an adaptation deficit (although again, they would be likely to enhance current resilience). James et al. (2001) assumed that global agriculture remediation costs around US$240 billion per year. This number was obtained by extrapolating costs in the UK ($2.4 billion per year) for the entire world based on the UK’s percentage of global cereal production (1%). Using FAO estimates (2010), Africa was responsible for 5% of the global cereal production in 2008 and thus using similar assumptions, introducing conservation practices into agriculture in Africa would cost around US$12 billion per year. There are some estimates in the study for Africa. Africa has about 26% of the terrestrial protected areas with a total extent equivalent to 1.1 million km2 for Middle East and North Africa, and 2.5 million km2 for Sub-Saharan Africa, or around 3.67 million km2 for Africa-wide. Using the values from James et al. (1999) estimated that expenditures for protected areas for Middle East and North Africa at US$41/km2 and for SubSaharan Africa at US$118/km2 (in 1996 dollars), Africa is estimated to invest a total of US$ 346.5 million in protected areas. In addition, James et al. (2001) used figures from Agenda 21 that assessed global conservation needs at US$34 billion for forests, and US$1 billion for freshwater ecosystems. According to the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FAO 2005), Africa contains 16% of the total forest area worldwide and 17% of the global area of inland water bodies. On this basis and using Agenda 21 figures, it could be assumed that conservation needs in Africa require US$5.4 billion for forests, and US$0.2 billion for freshwater ecosystems. This suggests a total of US$17.6 billion per year for the management of the wider matrix in Africa. However, as above, these costs are associated The additional costs of achieving the IUCN’s 10% conservation goal in Africa was estimated by James et al. (2001) (over 30 years) to an area of 0.88 million km2 to 2.72 million km 2 for the range of options. The costs for enhancing the network of protected areas (i.e. enhancing management of existing reserves, survey and purchase costs for an ecologically representative expansion, management budgets for new reserves, and compensation for opportunity costs) was estimated at additional annual expenditures for Middle East and North Africa of up to US$676 7 with current protection and are not specific to future climate change. et al study and reporting global costs of $290 billion for conservation based on extrapolation of figures for conservation within the agriculture sector and global estimates from Agenda 21 for conservation outside the agriculture sector. 2) UNFCCC (2007) The UNFCCC (2007iii) estimated global adaptation costs at $50 to $170 billion/year by 2030, of which $28 to $67 billion/year was anticipated in developing countries (Non-Annex1 parties). The analysis was based on investment and financial flow analysis. The study assessed the potential costs of adaptation for ecosystems (Berry, 2007). 3) IIED and Grantham Institute (2009): Assessing the Costs of Adaptation to Climate Change The IIED/Grantham Institute study on assessing the costs of adaptation (Parry et aliv) provides a review of the UNFCCC (2007) study (above). The analysis mostly re-states the UNFCCC method, and the values of 12 to 21 billion above. The analysis cited the estimates from James et al. (2001) above, thus it cites the numbers of 12 -22 billion in the main report - but not in the main global headline figures – as the figures are not specific to additional investment to address climate change. It also states that using a similar methodology to James et al. (2001), Balmford et al. (2002 v) calculated that to cover 30% of the total area of the seas with marine protected areas would cost at most about $23 billion a year, with about $6 billion a year in starting costs for 30 years (global). The study also cites that current annual spending to ensure natural ecosystem protection is of the order of USD 7 billion from public domestic and external funding. 4) World Bank EACC Based on the assumption that only one third of the global conservation budget is spent on reserves and that this will continue into the future (based on UNEP 1992 and James et al. 2001 figures), the ecosystems technical annex (Berry, 2007) estimated that additional expenditure of $36 billion (mitigation) to $64.5 billion (BAU) might be needed for adaptation to climate change – this was derived simply by multiplying the original values of 12 to 21 billion by three. Again this number relates really to a level of investment for addressing current conservation funding up to satisfactory levels, rather than specifically addressing climate change. The Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) Studyvi. This estimates the costs of adaptation per year over future decades in developing countries through to 2050. It has some similarities to the previous global studies, but also marks a significant advance forward because it works with a more explicit economic framework and uses country specific data sets as well as climate model output, using a range of climate projections reflecting the range of model projections for temperature and precipitation. It also accounts for future socio-economic development. The study defines and assessed adaptation costs as the costs of initiatives needed to restore welfare to levels prevailing before climate change along the projected development baseline (note that this assumption has been the subject of considerable comment). This reduction of impacts is the benefit of adaptation. It is possible to extrapolate the equivalent numbers for Africa. Using a similar assumption that approximately a third of the spend on conservation is on reserves, then the total additional annual expenditure for Africa would rise to US$11.4 billion to US$16.6 billion for conservation of terrestrial ecosystems in Africa. The study focused on planned (public sector) adaptation costs. It primarily considered “hard” options involving engineering solutions (except The underlying consultant report (Berry) also cites the costs associated with biodiversity protection in the wider landscape again considering the James 8 extreme events, where the costs of adaptation where based on education). It also considered different aggregation rules in accounting for the positive as well as negative effects of climate change and adaptation costs. Note that adaptation costs are lower under the overexploitation future scenario, as there are less fish to be affected by climate change. Annual cost of adaptation for fisheries—loss in landed catch values, by region, 2010–50 ($ billions at 2005 prices, no discounting) Under the drier scenario, the global costs of adaptation for developing countries over the period 2010 – 2050 were estimated at US$78 billion per year. Under the wetter scenario, the costs were higher at US$90 billion. Scenarios The study did assess fisheries and forestry, in addition to agriculture. For marine fisheries, the study assessed the likely impact of climate change on the productivity of marine fisheries and on landed catch values and household incomes (under different scenarios of future resource exploitation). Adaptation costs were then estimated as the costs of restoring these revenue indicators to levels that would have prevailed in the absence of climate change. Middle East and North Africa SubSaharan Africa Total Africa Less intensive 0.08 0.08 0.16 More intensive 0.13 0.15 0.28 Overexploitation 0.10 0.10 0.20 Source World Bank. The study highlights that possible adaptation measures could include buybacks, transferable quotas, and investments in alternative sources of employment and income. Climate change is predicted to lead to losses in landed catch values or gross fisheries revenues of $10–31 billion globally by 2050 and $7–19 billion for developing countries. The values for Africa are shown below. The study also considered forestry and ecosystem services, including fuel wood (particularly important for Africa). However the study highlights that most studies of the effects of climate change on forests show an increase in biological productivity, with forest areas roughly unchanged, over the period to 2050. Loss in landed values of fish catches under three scenarios, 2050 ($ billions at 2005 prices, no discounting) 6) Grantham Institute (2009) Scenarios Middle East and North Africa SubSaharan Africa The Grantham Institute for Climate Change produced a fact-base on climate change in Africa, including impacts, required actions and adaptation costs, presented at the CAHOSCCvii. Total Africa Less intensive 0.61 0.44 1.05 More intensive 0.84 0.96 1.8 Overexploitation 0.43 0.21 0.64 It concluded that if Africa can set up its institutional capabilities and land use management programmes, long-term financial flows could be generated by avoided deforestation (REDD) and afforestation/ reforestation (A/R). The costs of these initiatives in forestry are estimated at $4.5–6.9 billion per year for 2015, rising to $14.5–20.5 billion per year by 2030. Source World Bank. Less intensive scenario assumes 10 per%cent reduction by 2050 in annual catches compared with the baseline, the more intensive assumes a 30 % reduction, and overexploitation assumes a 40 % reduction. Because of the paucity of data, adaptation costs were estimated as the damages caused by climate change or reductions in landed catch values induced by climate change. The study also highlights that developing a sustainable biofuels industry – respecting the food production and avoided deforestation objectives – is another opportunity that African countries are 9 already exploring, in which better access to global markets and technology could help build a large industry, though it concludes that when developing such an industry, land and water constraints will have to be considered. Costs associated to local initiatives that are relevant to EbA in Africa are presented below (note these exclude the costs of reserve protection, as this is included in the aggregate studies above). Bottom-up and Country/ Sector Studies Some of the estimates related to restoration costs above have been compiled by the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB 2009) study. The TEEB estimated cost ranges for different restoration efforts from an analysis of 96 studies that estimate restoration costs. This analysis considered the degree of degradation, the goals and specific circumstances in which restoration is carried out, and the methods used. The figure below illustrates the cost ranges for restoring different ecosystems obtained by the TEEB (2009). While the estimates above provide some headline context, there is a need to progress to more detailed assessment of adaptation, i.e. to help identify where actions are needed and to assess specific and feasible actions. The main issue with a bottom-up approach is that although a number of options exist that could be applied individually or in combination in a dynamic landscape of EbA pathways, they have not been tested for effectiveness in practice. Moreover, many of these options overlap in practice and this complicates costing exercises due to doublecounting issues. Cost Ranges of Restoring Different Ecosystems (Eur/ha) based on a Series of Case Studies Source: TEEB 2009 10 Relevant Costs Estimates for Ecosystem-based Adaptation Strategies Effort and context Type of action Ecosystem Restoration of Masoala Corridors in Madagascar Restoration of rainforest corridors, Andasibe area, Madagascar Conservation of migration corridors by the Wildlife Foundation in Kenya Catchment rehabilitation, Working for Water, South Africa Tree and plant nurseries, plantation, and forest maintenance Sourcing and planting trees Securing migration corridors on private land through conservation leases Clearing of invasive species in catchment areas Restoration of wetlands, Denmark Restoration through hydrological manipulation Establishment of a riparian buffer with and without fencing cost Restoration of little Tennessee River, North Carolina Mangrove restoration Gene banking, South Africa Nature tourism maintenance in South Africa Maintenance of Gorilla tourism in Rwanda Payment for ecosystem services from forest conservation Study Tropical forests Costs US$ / hectare / year 60 - 1700 Tropical forests 770 - 1690 Holloway and Tingle 2009 Rainforest 10 Ferraro and Kiss 2002 Woodland and shrub-land in mountain catchments and riparian zones Freshwater wetlands 270 - 950 Turpie et al. 2008 1,300 Hoffman 2007 Riparian zones 3,100 US$/km without, 9,900 US$/km with fencing 8,240 – 12,550 Holmes et al. 2004 Scholes 2006 Replanting mangrove trees and other restoration measures Collection, DNA extraction and genetic fingerprinting, capital and operational costs for gene baking Mangroves Fees to cover management costs --- US$180/species for collection US$22/specimen for DNA extraction US$30/fingerprint, US$ 26,600 capital and operational costs. 7.5 Permits for Gorilla viewing to cover management PES to conserve multiple ecosystem services provided by forests Rainforest 86 Cloud forests 40 Various Source: Velarde 2004, Scholes 2006, TEEB 2009 11 Holloway et al. 2009 Barbier 2007 Turpie and Siegfried 1996 Djoh and van der Whal 2001 Muñoz-Piña et al. 2007 Other sources of information are reviewed below. patch edges that enable ecological processes and species flux at multiple scales (Scholes 2006). Initiatives based on Terrestrial Ecosystems in the African NAPAs Scholes (2006) estimated matrix management costs in South Africa based on a opportunity costs approach that considers: net margins from common farming practices on high, medium and low valued land, administration costs (management and monitoring), alien species removal, and fire management. Of the 31 African National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs), almost all identify projects based on terrestrial ecosystems as priority projects for climate adaptation. These projects relate to land management, enhancement of forest ecosystems, management and/or restoration of wetlands/lakes, protection of natural sites, buffer zones, capacity building and knowledge generation on ecosystem management, among others. Deriving Africa estimates Based on figures calculated by Scholes (2006), it is possible to extrapolate estimates for Africa. The Scholes study uses an average of the net margins from three land uses. Two of them are wheat production in lowland (44 $/ha) and grazing in mountain area (6 US$/ha). These net margins adopt a “worst case” scenario, as they assume that conservation practices require total noncropping. This category does not include water resources management, sustainable agriculture practices, coastal zones and marine ecosystems. A list of NAPA projects based on terrestrial ecosystems is provided in the main report. The total costs of these projects sum up to a total of US$ 86.3 million over the next five years for 23 African countries. Based on per capita cost estimates based on cu In practice, however, many matrix management options do not need total non-cropping and instead can have benefits from conservationbased land use (e.g. for ecotourism). For this case however, it is assumed that part of the farmland becomes a private reserve area managed by the farmer. Although ecosystem-based adaptation projects and costs differ from country to country, these results could indicate an average cost of US$3.8 million per country for priority EbA projects (around 20 to 70% of costs identified in NAPAs correspond to EbA options). In addition to net margins, administration costs used by Scholes (2006) are based on figures that estimate management costs at 18$/ha. As part of the Global Land Cover Characteristics (GLCC) project, Loveland et al. (2000) estimated that the total area comprised of cropland/natural vegetation mosaics in Africa is around 231.5 million hectares and the total cropland area is 214 million hectares. If this total sum is used to estimate costs per capita and per capita costs are extrapolated to the continental level (including non least developed countries, LDCs), a total of $266.9 million would be required only to fulfill urgent EbA needs established through NAPAs which respond to current priorities, but not necessarily future threats. Assuming both areas are going to be part of the matrix and using above figures provided by Scholes (2006), it could be argued that a total of US$19.2 billion per year would be needed to manage the wider matrix in Africa. Matrix Management Costs based on Study in South Africa (Scholes, 2006) This matrix does not include urban ecosystems. However, giving urbanization processes in Africa, these ecosystems will need to be accounted for in further analysis. Conservation practices in land-uses such as agriculture, forest, and freshwater ecosystems are essential to create the conditions within the wider matrix, that allow for a dynamic landscape with 12 Agroforestry based on Study in Kenya (SSA, 2009) NEEDS project, and from the UNDP Investment and Financial Flow Studies in Africa. Agroforestry systems have the potential to bring not only economic and environmental benefits to farmers, but also to increase resilience to climate variability and extremes. This can be achieved through a combination of mechanisms and processes that enable improving farming systems and adopting sustainable agriculture land use (SALM), such as capacity building, networking, partnerships, payment for ecosystem services, and enterprise development. The AdaptCost Project The AdaptCost Africa project, funded by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) under the Climate Change – Norway Partnership, is producing a range of estimates of the financial needs for climate adaptation in Africa using different evidence lines. This briefing note was prepared by Tahia Devisscher and Paul Watkiss. Based on the experience gained from recent projects, SCC-Vi Agroforestry (2009) estimated that the total costs to provide advisory services for agroforestry interventions in terms of administration, capacity building, logistics, and provision of resources is around US$17 per farm household per year. These estimates were scaled up for Kenya, as part of the SEI East Africa economics of climate change study (SEI, 2009viii). For Kenya, cost estimates have been scaled up to suitable agro-ecological zones (humid-semi arid) to estimate the next step on the adaptation signature. The study has also looked at the potential for carbon finance revenues. The budget needed to cover those AEZ is $ 58.8 million annually during the intensive period (3 years) and $ 21.6 million annually during the extensive period (3 years) giving a total of $ 241 million. Based on figures provided by SCC-Vi Agroforestry (2009), an analysis was undertaken to scale up for Sub-Saharan Africa. Considering the different AEZ of the region, costs for advisory services are estimated at around US$ 869.4 million annually during the intensive period. The total funds needed to up-scale agroforestry and SALM in Sub-Saharan Africa could reach up to US$ 3.6 billion over a period of six years (average time to ensure sustainability according to SCC). Future Studies Additional information will emerge later in 2010 from the World Bank country studies on the economics of adaptation, from the UNFCCC 13 Footnotes and References i James A, Gaston K and Balmford A. 2001. Can we afford to conserve biodiversity? BioScience. 51: pp. 43 – 52. ii The reason why scenario 2 costs more is because in order to expand the PA network to reach the IUCN goal using only categories I, II and III more land will have to be set aside and incorporated into the reserve system. In the African context this is the same. Expanding the PA network in scenario 1 will require an additional area of 0.88 million km2 for Africa, and scenario 2 would need an additional area of 2.72 million km2 for Africa. iii UNFCCC (2007). Investment and financial flows relevant to the development of an effective and appropriate international response to Climate Change (2007). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change iv Martin Parry, Nigel Arnell, Pam Berry, David Dodman, Samuel Fankhauser, Chris Hope, Sari Kovats, Robert Nicholls, David Satterthwaite, Richard Tiffin, Tim Wheeler (2009) Assessing the Costs of Adaptation to Climate Change: A Review of the UNFCCC and Other Recent Estimates, International Institute for Environment and Development and Grantham Institute for Climate Change, London. v Balmford, A., Bruner, A., Cooper, P., Costanza, R., Farber, S., Green, R.E., Jenkins, M., Jefferiss, P., Jessamy, V., Madden, J., Munro, K., Myers, N., Naeem, S., Paavola, J., Rayment, M., Rosendo, S., Roughgarden, J., Trumper, K. and Turner, R.K. (2002) ‘Economic reasons for conserving wild nature’, Science 297, pp950–953. vi World Bank (2009). The Costs to Developing Countries of Adapting to Climate Change: New Methods and Estimates. The Global Report of the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change Study. Consultation Draft. September 2009. vii African Partnership Forum and Conference of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC), at the special session on climate change. September 3rd 2009, Addis Ababa. Grantham Institute (2009). Possibilities for Africa in global action on climate change. Executive Summary. July 2009 viii SEI (2009). The Economics of Climate Change in East Africa. Downing, T., et al. Report for DFID and DANIDA. Available at (Accessed January 2010). 14