KEY Archetypes in Star Wars Fill in the blanks with the correct information. Color Archetypes Character Name Color(s) Meaning White Gold/yellow/brown Brown Youth, innocence, untouched by world Comfortable in his universe/world Identify with the land Luke’s Uncle Brown Luke’s Aunt Brown Blue Brown Luke Skywalker Jawas, sandpeople C3PO Gold, brass, yellow R2D2 Darth Vadar Blue stripes Red light Black Princess Leia White Belongs to the land; comfortable with it. Part of the land; comfortable on it Peacemaker between Luke and Uncle In harmony with the universe; in touch with the land Protocol, purpose; seems pessimistic, but always hopes for the best Peaceful Passionate about his duty Evil, sinister, intelligent, knowledge of The Force Innocence, purity of purpose, goodness storm troopers White Black black vest, white shirt blue pants/red stripe Blue (looks much like Earth) Not completely evil-following orders Death, destruction, terror Smuggler(bad), but helps Luke(good) Secure in self; passionate about beliefs Peaceful planet; they have no weapons Darth Vadar’s light sabre Red Obi Won’s light sabre Blue War, aggression, violence, death, blood Peace; “For 1000 generations…Jedis guardians of peace before the Empire.” Obi Won Kenobi Han Solo Alderon (planet) Number Archetypes Number 7 3 Explanation Lead characters-Luke, Obi Won, Han, Leia, Chewbaka, C3PO, R2D2-represent order and good Usual number of Imperial fighters attacking at one time KEY Situational Archetypes Situation Movie Reference The Quest Deliver the secret plans of the Death Star to the rebel base to destroy it; thereby bringing peace/fertility to the universe. The Task Luke must destroy the Death Star (superhuman feat) to show himself a true Jedi. Luke must acquire “the Force” to be a Jedi knight; steps to that goal-meeting Obi Won and Han, rescuing Leia, etc. Darth Vadar turned to the dark side; lives in isolation both physically and emotionally; has few allies or confidantes Aunt and uncle’s death give Luke motivation to seek the Force; Obi Won’s death gives “birth” to the Jedi in Luke The Initiation The Fall Death and Rebirth Symbolic Archetypes Symbol Light v. Darkness Water v. Desert Haven v. Wilderness Innate Wisdom v. Educated Stupidity Nature v. Mechanistic World Good v. Evil Movie Reference Light in Han’s/Leia’s ships=hope illumination; Death Star darkness = despair, fear, ignorance Luke’s home-desert; spiritual and physical starvation and loneliness for Luke Han’s ship/rebel camp-safety, a chance to regain peace Death Star/desert – a wilderness, places of danger Obi Won = instinctive wisdom (peace will prevail). Death Star commander, General Tak = educated stupidity(force,fear) Death Star/DarthVadar-cold, mechanical; Vadar is kept alive through technology Luke, Han, Leia-no protective gear; rely on nature(force) Good forces of rebels/Leia; evil forces of the Empire Unhealable Wound Luke’s desire to be like his father and avenge aunt and uncle’s death; gives him the desire to be a Jedi . Ritual Ceremony to become a Jedi; the awards ceremony completes the initiation and makes him officially a Jedi The light saber-those who don’t believe in the Force can’t use it effectively Magic Weapon KEY Character Archetypes Archetype The Hero The Young Man from the Provinces The Initiate Mentor Mentor-Pupil Relationship Father/Son Conflict Character Name Luke Obi Won (not exact) Luke Luke Obi Won Kenobi Obi Won Kenobi and Luke Luke and his uncle Explanation Classic definition; saves the day Die for another; simply disappears Raised by aunt and uncle, not real parents; leaves; creates new solutions from old life Must endure the training of a Jedi; wears white until its complete Teacher to Luke; also a father figure Learns the secrets and powers of the Force by watching Obi Won Tension between Luke and his uncle; conflict of desires Face perils as a group Hunting Group of Companions Friendly Beast R2D2. C3PO, Han Solo, Leia, Chewbaka, Luke Chewbaka Loyal to Han Solo The Devil Figure General Tak Darth Vadar Darth Vadar (later films) Persuades Darth Vadar to work for evil; evil figure of the movie Redeems himself; realizes his mistakes through his son’s love. Obi Won Kenobi Death in front of Luke makes him more powerful; shows Darth’s sin Banished from goodness when he betrays the Jedi for the dark side Goodness; works for good; inspires others to help; Luke and Han attracted to her strength Fearless, uses a weapon, knowledgeable; conflict with Han Must be rescued from Darth Vadar, the garbage heap; allows Han and Luke to save her Create fear in other characters The Evil figure with the Ultimately Good Heart The Scapegoat The Outcast Darth Vadar The Platonic Ideal Princess Leia The Amazon Warrior Princess Leia The Damsel in Distress Princess Leia Creatures of Nightmare Monsters in the bar, in the desert, in the trash heap Other archetypes – names: Luke – comes from Lucas and Lucien meaning light Han – gift from God, the first money taken at the beginning of a business day Solo – alone, independent Darth – death, dark Vadar – invader, similar to “Vater”, father in German