LESSON 10 – Sequences STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE ACTS SEQUENCE AND PLOT POINTS Sequence A – Set Up STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE Luke lives on Tattooine, whilst Princess Leia sends out robot droid R2D2 with a plea to be rescued – the droids are nearly captured by the Empire Luke buys R2D2 and hears the rescue plea Catalyst Act 1 Sequence B – Debate Luke heads to wise old Obi Wan Kenobi, who offers Luke instruction – but Luke refuses, on account of his Aunt and Uncle – they are killed. Luke agrees to accompany Obi Wan to join rebels on the planet Alderaan. Cross the Threshold Sequence C – New World Trying to get to Alderaan, Luke and Obi Wan head to spaceport Mos Eisley, where they convince mercenary Han Solo and Chewbacca to get them off the planet – but Han owes money to Jabba the Hutt, and the Empire searc for the droids Escape Tattooine on the Millennium Falcon and head for Alderaan. Early Gain / Early Setback Act 2a Sequence D – Gain Midpoint Sequence E – Intensification Jump into hyperspace, Obi Wan trains Luke in the ways of the force, and they get closer to the rebel base on Alderaan – but Alderaan is destroyed, meaning their original plan is thrown into disarray. Millennium Falcon is sucked into the tractor beam of Darth Vader’s Death Star spaceship. Aboard the enemy ship, Princess Leia is set to be killed, but Luke manages to rescue her in time – though they go through a perilous close call in a trash compactor. Finding Princess Leia. Major Gain / Major Setback Act 2b Sequence F – Crisis Princess Leia and our heroes now need to get off the ship – but are opposed by stormtroopers and Darth Vader himself – Obi Wan sacrifices himself in confrontation. Break into Act Three Obi Wan dies, but they manage to escape and get the plans to the Death Star to the rebels. Sequence G – Sprint The Death Star is tracking the protagonists to the Rebel base – the rebels plan their attack, and ready for battle. One Final Test Luke and the rebels fly out on the assault mission to take on the Death Star head on (no more running, proactive attack) Sequence H - Denouement The grand assault which sees Darth Vader join the fight, and Luke blow up the Death Star. Act 3 Luke is rewarded for his bravery, the rebels celebrate. Epilogue Ending