Template 3: UC Regulation Changes

(21) UC/09-BForSc/1
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Template 3: UC Regulation Changes
Proposal Description
Purpose of the proposal
To propose changes to the First and Second Forestry Examination Regulations in the degree of Bachelor of Forestry
As part of the restructuring of papers to a common 15-point course size within the Bachelor of Forestry Science the
degree regulations require alteration. This proposal covers changes to the First and Second Forestry Examinations (Years
1 and 2) effective from 2010. Changes to the Third and Fourth Forestry Examinations are intended for implementation in
2011 and as such will be put forward to the University and CUAP in 2010. The split implementation will allow a phased
transition of those students currently enrolled in the degree.
Proposed new regulations and prescriptions
The course outlines for the new courses are available on request.
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Calendar Form
New Regulations
2009 Calendar Page 205
Forestry Examinations
2. First Forestry Examination
The courses of the First Forestry Examination shall normally be as follows:
(1) BIOL 112 Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
(2) BIOL 113 Diversity of Life
(3) FORE 111 Trees, Forests and the Environment
(4) FORE 131 Trees in the Landscape
(5) FORE 141 Forest Growth and Measurements
(6) FORE 151 Commercial Aspects of Forestry
(7) STAT 101 Statistics 1
(8) CHEMISTRY any 15 points at 100-level
Students enrolling in the First Forestry Examination at Canterbury must complete FORE 111. Students completing
the First Forestry Examination at another university should complete FORE 102 as part of their examination, in
lieu of FORE 111. FORE 102 is also available for students who are not intending to do Forestry and who are
unable to attend FORE 111 on campus.
A candidate who has failed to gain a pass in all the courses of the First Forestry Examination or a pass in the
Examination as a Whole may, with the approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry, be permitted to repeat
the course or courses failed or enrol for approved substitutes concurrently with course of the Second Forestry
(21) UC/09-BForSc/1
The Chair, Forestry Board of Studies, in consultation with the Dean of Engineering and Forestry, may modify the
First Forestry Examination based on prior learning.
3. Second Forestry Examination
The courses of the Second Forestry Examination shall normally be as follows:
(1) FORE 205 Forest Engineering
(2) FORE 215 Introduction to Forest Economics
(3) FORE 218 Forest Biology
(4) FORE 219 Introduction to Silviculture
(5) FORE 222 Biometry 1A
(6) FORE 224 Biometry 1B
(7) SOIL 203 Soil Fertility
A candidate who has failed to gain a pass in all the courses of the Second Forestry Examination or a pass in the
Examination as a Whole may, with the approval of the Dean of Engineering and Forestry, be permitted to repeat
the course or courses failed or enrol for approved substitutes concurrently with courses of the Third Forestry
Candidates for the Second Forestry Examination who have already passed either FORE 202 or FORE 218 prior to
2010 will be required to enrol in either FORE 243 Special Topic: Forest Ecology or FORE 270 Special Topic:
Forest Health.
The regulations from Regulation 4. Third Forestry Examination remain unchanged.
BIOL 112 Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
An integrated course embracing the principles of ecology, behaviour, genetics, evolution
and conservation biology.
Domestic Fee: $642 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
BIOL112-10S2 (C) Semester 2
Lect: Tu, Wed, Thu 11am-12pm
(Q) Tu 2pm-5pm or
(R) Wed 2pm-5pm or
(S) Thu 2pm-5pm or
(T) Fri 2pm-5pm
Fieldwork is required.
BIOL 113 Diversity of Life
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
An overview of the diversity, evolution, structure and function of animals, plants and
Domestic Fee: $621 (2009)
International Fee: $3,000 (2010)
BIOL113-10S1 (C) Semester 1
Lect: Mon 10am-11am, Tu 9am-10am, Wed 12pm-1pm
(Q) Tu 2pm-5pm or
(R) Wed 2pm-5pm or
(S) Thu 2pm-5pm or
(T) Fri 2pm-5pm
FORE 111 Trees, Forests and the Environment
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Forests and their relationships with people from the beginning of human history to the
present day. Community and urban forestry. Tree classification and identification. The
nature and location of the world’s forests. Forests as communities of plants, animals and
micro-organisms. The role of forests in the conservation of soil, water and biodiversity,
(21) UC/09-BForSc/1
and in the provision of recreation and other forest products. Sustainable forest
management. Climate change and carbon credits. Forest certification. Forests in New
Zealand. Treaty obligations
R: FORE 101, FORE 102, FORE 103, FORE 104, FORE 105, FORE 121
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE111-10S1 (C) Semester 1
Lect: Tu, Thu 12pm-1pm, Fri 11am-12pm
Lab: Mon 12pm-2pm
FORE 131 Trees in the Landscape
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Species characteristics and selection. An introduction to nursery techniques and methods
of establishment, including weed and pest control. An introduction to agroforestry and
trees in the urban and rural environments. Role of trees in soil stabilization, amenity
and recreation.
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE131-10S2 (C) Semester 2
Lect: Mon, Tu 6pm-8pm (Term 3)
FORE 141 Forest Growth and Measurements
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Tree measurement. Stand variables. Growth and yield modelling. Sampling. Forest
Inventory. Log measurement. Surveying and area measurement. Mapping and aerial
photography. Introduction to global positioning systems (GPS) and geographic information
systems (GIS).
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE141-10S2 (C) Semester 2
Lect: Mon 9am-10am, Tu, Thu 12pm-1pm
Lab: Mon 1pm-3pm, Wed 1pm-5pm
FORE 151 Commercial Aspects of Forestry
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Evaluating forestry sector performance at the business and industry level. An
introduction to the key commercial disciplines as they are applied to forestry.
Understanding methods to assess the value of forests in providing timber and non-timber
benefits. Identifying the strategic choices and issues facing the commercial forestry
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE151-10S1 (C) Semester 1
Lect: Tu, Wed, Thu 10am-11am
Lab: Mon 3pm-5pm
STAT 101 Statistics 1
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
An introduction to the ideas, techniques and applications of statistics and probability.
R: STAT 111, STAT 112
Domestic Fee: $551 (2009)
International Fee: $2,813 (2010)
STAT101-10S1 (C) Semester 1
(A) Wed 12pm-1pm, Thu 1pm-2pm or
(B) Wed 1pm-2pm, Thu 3pm-4pm
(A) Fri 10am-11am or
(B) Fri 1pm-2pm
STAT101-10S2 (C) Semester 2
(A) Tu, Wed 11am-12pm or
(B) Tu, Wed 9am-10am
(A) Thu 11am-12pm or
(21) UC/09-BForSc/1
(B) Thu 9am-10am
FORE 205 Introduction to Forest Engineering
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
P: Subject to approval Chair Board of Studies
R: FORE 305, ENFO 343, FORE 578
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE205-10S1 (C) Semester 1
Lect: Tu, Wed, Fri 11am-12pm
Lab: Wed 2pm-5pm
FORE 215 Introduction to Forest Economics
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Forestry in the national economy. Forest industries and forest accounting. Taxation and
forestry. Forest valuation. Project appraisal, design and budgeting. Social economics.
P: FORE 151 or by approval Chair Forestry Board of Studies
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE215-10S2 (C) Semester 2
Lect: Tu, Wed 10am-11am
Lab: Thu 12pm-2pm
FORE 218 Forest Biology
30 Points 0.2500 EFTS
Systematic botany of forest trees and biology of New Zealand indigenous forest species.
Principles of ecology with an emphasis on population, community and ecosystem factors
affecting New Zealand’s forests. Science and management of forest pests, disease, wind,
fire, biosecurity and risk.
P: 30 points from FORE 111, FORE 121, BIOL 112, or BIOL 113, or Subject to approval Chair
Board of Studies
R: BIOL 270, FORE 202, FORE 218
Domestic Fee: $1,339 (2009)
International Fee: $6,800 (2010)
FORE218-10S1 (C) Semester 1
Lect: Tu, Wed, Thu, Fri 10am-11am
Lab: Tu 2pm-5pm
FORE 219 Introduction to Silviculture
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Classical silviculture systems: autecology; stand development and stand dynamics.
Applications of tree physiology to silviculture; environmental ecophysiology; tree/soil
relationships. Propagation; tree breeding systems; seed orchards; clonal forestry;
molecular techniques in tree breeding.
P: BIOL 112 and BIOL 113, or FORE 111, 131 and 141.
R: PAMS 202, BIOL 252, FORE 214
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE219-10S2 (C) Semester 2
Lect: Mon 10am-11am, Thu 3pm-4pm, Fri 10am-11am
Lab: Mon 2pm-4pm
FORE 222 Biometry 1a
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
A practical introduction to commonly used statistical methods, designed to increase the
breadth of statistical skills. The emphasis is the application of statistical techniques
to solve problems involving real data.
P: STAT 101 or STAT 111 or STAT 112 or STAT 131
R: STAT 201, FORE 210, STAT 220, STAT 222
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE222-10S1 (C) Semester 1
Lect: Tu, Wed 1pm-2pm, Thu 11am-12pm
(A) Mon 11am-12pm or
(21) UC/09-BForSc/1
(B) Mon 12pm-1pm or
(C) Mon 1pm-2pm
FORE 224 Biometry 1b
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
To provide a practical introduction to the fundamentals of linear regression modelling,
with emphasis on application to real data and problems.
P: STAT 101 or STAT 111 or STAT 112 or STAT 131
R: STAT 202, FORE 210, STAT 220, STAT 224
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
FORE224-10S2 (C) Semester 2
Lect: Tu, Wed 1pm-2pm, Thu 11am-12pm
(A) Mon 11am-12pm or
(B) Mon 12pm-1pm or
(C) Mon 1pm-2pm
SOIL 203 Soil Fertility
15 Points 0.1250 EFTS
Basic soil properties; soil formation and soils in the New Zealand landscape; soil
chemical and physical properties which are important to sustainable land use and
environmental protection; assessment of soil nutrient availability, particularly with
respect to forests.
P: 30 points from CHEM, GEOL, BIOL, or by approval Chair Forestry Board of Studies
R: SOIL 201
Domestic Fee: $669 (2009)
International Fee: $3,400 (2010)
SOIL203-10S2 (C) Semester 2
Lect: Mon, Wed, Thu 9am-10am
Lab: Tu 2pm-5pm
Limited entry. See limitation of entry regulations.