Sanbornton Municipal Budget Committee Present: Earl Leighton, Chairperson, Jeff Jenkins, Vice-Chairperson, Marsha Martel, Jim Wells, Tom Salatiello Not Present: Jody Slack, Selectman Andrew Livernois July 17, 2007 The meeting was called to order at 6:38p.m. By Earl Leighton Old Business: Minutes of 6/25/07 were reviewed. Motion by Jeff Jenkins and seconded by Earl Leighton. Corrections to minutes are as follows: page 1 paragraph 6, “Jim Wells asked if we are reviewing an 18 month budget and Jeff Jenkins said no the reports are only for the last six months.” The minutes should read “Jeff Jenkins said no the reports are formulated for a 12 month portion.” On page 2 paragraph 7, “Signa” should read “Cigna” spelling change. The minutes were passed unanimously with corrections made. New Business: Income and Expenditure reports for the six months ending June 30, 2007 were passed out and reviewed by all present. Revenue is approx. 33%. Town roads, FEMA money also in the 44%. Mr. Wells raised question if we are looking at 12 or 18 month budget. Earl explained we are looking at 6 month of a 12 month budget. Earl Leighton wrote the DRA for May town meeting timeline and he was told they do not have one yet to use the same timeline as before. Earl and Jeff will set up timeline based on previous timeline. Jeff Jenkins requested we now have a subject of “Unfinished Business in our meetings for future use so as not to forget or shuffle aside topics still being discussed. Bruce Kneuer, Town Administrator sent memo in response to questions asked by Budget committee from meeting of 6/25/07. Copies made and passed out to all present. No significant info provided. We are still awaiting further info from Bruce. Issue of Bulletproof glass being installed at Town offices was seen in the newspaper; Tom Salatiello will look into this matter and report back to committee. 2008 Town Meeting will be held May 13 but election must be held 2nd Tuesday of the month of May. Again, timeline was discussed, and Jeff and Earl will draft timeline. Tom Salatiello questioned health insurance costs. Possibly look into something like the Winnisquam School District Association has. Jeff explained the Town is viewing one option where they put deductible in to a saving account. He also said the Town already has purchased a 6 month plan for now and other options will be revisited next year. Liaisons were assigned as follows: Library-Tom Salatiello Police-Marsha Martel Highway Dept.-Earl Leighton Fire Dept-Jeff Jenkins CIP committee-Jeff Jenkins Transfer Station-Earl Leighton Recreation-Jim Wells Letters will be sent to Departments to notify them of their Liaison. Pg. 2 July 17, 2007 Issue brought up by Earl that the Selectmen’s representative to the budget committee had changed. Jeff Jenkins made motion to send a letter to the selectmen to inquire if they have voted on this change and to notify us in writing ASAP. Seconded by Tom Salatiello. Open discussion: request our secretary to write letter to Selectmen. All unanimously and passed. Jim Wells started a discussion on Selectmen meetings regarding the budget. Should the Town Administrator be presenting the budget to the budget committee or should the Selectmen’s representative? Discussion took place. Nothing resolved. Discussion was held on if we need to have a Town Clerk Liaison. Nothing resolved. Jim Wells questioned if we need a Liaison where a Department head is in place as it is their responsibility to manage their budget. Discussion held on secretary’s responsibilities for Budget Committee. Jim Wells request the monies be looked at in depth that is being used for the Health and Community Organizations. After some discussion, it was decided to have a Liaison for this. Jim Wells volunteered. List of Budget committee meeting dates passed out to all present. Meeting adjourned by Earl Leighton, seconded by Marsha Martel at 8:35p.m. Next Meeting August 21, 2007 6:30p.m., at the Town Office Building. Respectfully submitted by, Marla Davis The minutes are subject to the approval of the Budget Committee-Draft