Report on Seismic Refraction Survey in Ty Cerrig, North Wales BY AYENI, Gboyega O. March, 2006 CHAPTER 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION A seismic refraction survey was carried out in the Ty Cerrig Farm to investigate the geometry of the Cambrian rocks which underlie the quaternary and tertiary sediments in the area. The seismic refraction line which runs approximately N-S from the foot of the hill towards the valley was designed in order to allow for interpretation with the Generalized Reciprocal Method (GRM). Results from previous geophysical surveys in the area - which formed the basis for the survey design - were compared with results from this survey. A summary of the acquisition parameters, processing, interpretation and results of the seismic refraction survey are given in this report. Discussion of the results obtained from other geophysical techniques (including ERT and GPR) are also briefly discussed. A comparison of results from the refraction and ERT surveys is also given since they were run on traverses that were fairly parallel. 1.1 LOCATION The survey area is located in the flat-lying field at Ty Cerrig Farm (grid reference SH 587 344), Morfa Harlech approximately 3Km North of the Harlech Castle. Figure 1.1 shows the location of the survey area. A detailed map of the Ty Cerrig area is given in Appendix A.1. Figure 1.1: Maps showing location of the survey area: Ty Cerrig Farm in N. Wales. (From 1.2 GEOLOGICAL SETTING Ty Cerrig Farm is located east of the Mesozoic Tremadoc Bay Basin border fault (Mochras fault) which runs approx. N-S dividing the Morfa Harlec region into two parts. The Cambrian basement rock (known as Ynys Llanfihangel-y-traethau) is bounded by several faults (see Appendices A.2 and A.3 for detailed geologic map showing the geologic sequences and location of faults in the area). Tertiary and Quaternary sediments onlap onto the basement outcrop in the study area. A section through the Mochras Farm borehole (GR 255330 325940) gives a complete overview of the geologic successions in the Harlec region. A detailed description of the borehole log (after Woodland 1971) is given in Appendix A.4. Sediments encountered by the borehole range from Triassic to Recent. A succinct description (after Allen and Jackson, 1985) of the geologic sequence encountered in the Mochras borehole is given below: Upper Triassic: Sequence of sediments deposited in playa environment subject to flash floods Lower Jurassic: ~1305m thick marine sediments (alternations of mudstones and siltstones) suggesting the existence of a major Jurassic basin in the area Tertiary: Mid-Oligocene to Early Miocene fining upward cycles related to meandering river channels and flood associated with a southward flowing river, east of the fault and parallel to subdue fault-scarp. Quaternary: Two tills of boulder clays (glacial deposits) separated by interglacial sand and gravels (river deposits) and varved clays (lake deposits). The Quaternary succession in the Mochras Farm borehole is given in Figure 1.2. During the late Quaternary, channels were cut in the area (e.g. Figure 1.4). The sea level was estimated to have been about 90m below the present OD to cut some of these channels which are filled with argillaceous sediments (Blundell et al, 1964). As an example, oxbows from a recent channel of the Dwyryd River have been infilled with marine and estuarine sediments (mainly grey clay and sandy clay) and peat. The peat occurs towards the present shoreline (e.g. around Ty Cerrig) with fauna suggesting an estuarine and lagoonal environment. Aeolian sands which occur as a thick layer in the west of Morfa Harlech cover parts of these deposits (Allen and Jackson 1985). The isostatic sea-level rise that followed the de-glaciation reached a peak at 5000ma BP, and is expressed in the region by drowned river valleys (e.g. Traceth Bach to the north of Ty-Cerrig Farm). Allen and Jackson (1985) also described a succession of Paleozoic rocks which have been subjected to gentle metamorphism during the Caledonian orogeny in the eastern of the Mochras fault. A detailed geology of the Harlech region is given by Allen and Jackson (1985). A Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Harlech district and surrounding areas is given in Figure 1.3. This clearly shows the contact between the Mesozoic sediments and the high density Cambrian rocks. A buried river channel (see Figure 1.4) west of Ty-Cerrig (approx. N-S negative anomaly) had been identified along the traverse Y-Y by Blundell (1969). An interpretation of an aeromagnetic map of the Harlech district is given in Appendix A1.5. The results of a Geological Survey seismic reflection survey in the Tremadoc Bay described by Bullerwell and McQuillin (1969) is given in Appendix A1.6. Figure 1.3: Bouguer anomaly map of Harlech region showing the contact between the Mesozoic-Tertiary sediments and the high density Cambrian rocks; and a buried river channel (negative anomaly) west of Ty-Cerrig. (after Allen and Jackson 1985) Figure 1.4: Interpretation of the seismic refraction survey (marked as Y-Y’ on Figure 1.3 and Appendix A1.2) by Blundell et al. (1969) showing Tertiary infill of a buried river channel overlain by Quaternary sediments. 1.3 GLACIATION The regional glacial history of the Harlech district forms a major part of the geologic evolution of the area. Woodcock and Strachan (2000) described three major glaciations within the last 0.5Ma. These are Anglian, Wolstonian and the Devensian which were separated by temperate interglacial periods (GPR Girl, 2005). Table 1.1 is a summary of these glacial events. Epoch Beginning Time (Ma) Holocene 0.01 Late 0.11 Pleistocene 0.15 0.35 0.43 Mid 0.48 Pleistocene Marine Oxygen isotope stage 1 2-5d 5e 6-10 11 12 Sequence Climate Flandrian Devensian Ipswichian Wolstonian Hoxnian Anglian Interglacial Glacial Interglacial Glacial Interglacial Glacial Table 1.1: Summary of the Mid to Late Quaternary Stratigraphy for the British Isles. (Bowen, Rose et al. 1986; Lowe and Walker 1997; Woodcock and Strachan 2000). [After GPR girl, 2005) The most recent glaciation (Anglian) was the most extensive in Britain and Ireland, though the Late Devensian Glaciation has generally removed the effects of previous glaciations in Wales (Whittow 1992). The limits of the Anglian and Late Devensian ice sheets as described by Bowen et al (1986) are shown in Appendix A1.7. Various studies showed that several channels acted as drainage conduits for the local ice caps of Scotland, Northern England, Wales and Ireland during theses major events (GPR Girl, 2005). Early research established that there are two Welsh glacial drifts visible on the coast of Tremadoc Bay. GPR girl (2005) chronicled these researches and the various concepts on the glacial advances as interpreted by early and recent researchers. The movements of local Welsh piedmont glaciers into Tremadoc and Cardigan Bays and of the Irish Sea ice across the Lleyn peninsula as interpreted by Garrard 1977 are shown in Appendix A1.8. Some recent contributions to the understanding of glacial studies in the region as described by GPR Girl (2005) include the following: uncoupling of the Irish Sea ice and local Welsh ice (Thomas et al, 1998) around 16ka leaving individual piedmont glaciers to retreat back into the Irish and Snowdonia valleys respectively; and the fact that most of North Wales was unglaciated by 13.6 – 12ka (Evans, Clark et al. 2005) with evidence of the Loch Lomond stadial period in the cirques of Snowdonia (Bowen, Rose et al. 1986) approximately 10-11ka (Shotton 1986). An overview of the isostatic and eustatic effects on the distribution and re-distribution of sediments in the Harlech region is also given by GPR Girl (2005). 1.4 Previous Geophysical Investigations The results of regional gravity, aeromagnetic and seismic studies carried out by Blundell, et al (1969), Allen and Jackson (1985) and various studies by the British Geological Survey suggest that a buried river channel runs west of the survey area, with the Mochras fault as the eastern plane of the valley (GPR Girl, 2005). (See figures 1.3 and 1.4). Several shallow geophysical studies have been carried out on fields in the Ty Cerrig farm by researchers and students from the University of Leeds. As shown in Appendix A1.9, the majority of the surveys have been located on the western and central part of the upper field (GPR Girl 2005). A summary of some of these studies is given below: Survey type Name Shallow seismic and gravity Year completed 1993 Ground penetrating radar 1993 Mark Johnson Oliver Lambert Colour key Blue Red Seismic reflection 1995 unknown Green Seismic refraction 2004 Master’s class purple Resistivity 2004 Master’s class yellow Table 1.2: Summary of the previous surveys mentioned in the text (After GPR Girl 2005) Oliver Lambert 1993 Oliver Lambert conducted a series of profiles using shallow reflection, seismic refraction and gravity methods. The seismic reflection surveys (shown in blue on Figure 1.11) were completed using a hammer and plate source and a buffalo gun source (for line ty93-01 only), with geophone and shot spacing of 2m and a near offset of 4m. One of the gravity profiles was conducted along the line ty93-01 using LaCoste & Romberg gravimeters with a station spacing of 10m and 20m. Lamberts interpretation from the depth converted reflection line ty93-01 indicates that the Cambrian basement dips underneath Quaternary sediments in a southerly direction reaching a depth of around 80m in the lower field where it appears to level out. Figure 1.12 displays the results from modelling the gravity anomaly using the depths found in the reflection survey. Line ty93-03 (the closest to the eastern side of the field) also shows this southerly dip within the upper field, but a depth section was not provided (see Figure 1.13). Seismic survey 1995 In 1995 a seismic reflection survey was conducted along the south end of the upper field (shown as the green line, ty95-21 on Figure 1.11). Unfortunately the only information available on the acquisition of this data set is the location of the profile which as CMP points 100 on the west end of the profile and 400 on the east end. Figure 1.14 displays the migrated seismic section that had a 60% velocity field applied to it. The orange line indicates a possible interpretation for the location of the basement reflector that shows the reflector dipping upwards at the edges. At the west end this due to being closer to the Cambrian outcrop. Figure 1.12: Oliver Lambert’s gravity modelling using the depths from the seismic line ty93-01b (depths are relative to sea level). Figure 1.13: Non migrated seismic section of line ty93-03 which is the closest seismic line to survey area. The orange line represents Lambert’s interpretation of the basement reflector and the red line indicating a possible fault location. Figure 1.14: Migrated seismic line ty95-21 collected by the Masters Class in 1995. The orange line shows a possible interpretation of the basement interface. (Vertical axis is time in msec). Depth Profile 0 10 20 30 Offset (m) 40 50 60 70 0 5 Depth (m) 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 1.15: Results from the seismic refraction survey conducted in 2004 using General Reciprocal Method to calculate depths to the basement. The black line represents calculated loci depths with the associated errors marked as crosses (Williamson 2004). Master’s class 2004 1) A seismic refraction survey was conducted on the north-west part of the upper field (see purple lines in Figure 1.11) using a combination of a hammer and plate source and a buffalo gun source. This consisted of an 89m north-south line which was the combination of four 1m geophone spacing profiles (starting from grid reference SH 58565 34432) with a perpendicular line (crossing at 45m) which was 115m long and a 5m geophone spacing. The data was processed using a planer interface model for the top layers and an undulating model (via the General Reciprocal Method) for the basement interface. The results of the north-south line indicate that the basement dips underneath Quaternary sediments (Figure 1.15 shows the resultant geological section completed by Williamson 2004) with no indications of Tertiary sediments (Figure 1.15 shows the resultant geological section completed by Williamson 2004). 2) On the south-east area of the upper field a resistivity tomography survey was performed, which consisted of two parallel lines, 180m long with a bearing of 264 o from true North (line 1 started at grid reference 58845 34284 and line 2 was 20m north, parallel to line1; see yellow lines on Figure 1.11). The data was acquired using an initial electrode spacing of 3m with a Wenner Array set up (See appendix C for basic theory behind resistivity acquisition). Figures 1.16 and 1.17 show the inversion results from using finite element modelling and logarithmic apparent resistivity. Both sections show high resistivity values at the surface representing dry sandy soil, then below the water table there is large mass of relatively constant resistivity that represents the sand and gravels of the Quaternary and Recent sediments. Below the Quaternary sediments there is another resistivity boundary that could represent the top of the basement rocks (see appendix C for a table of resistivity values for common geological material). Figure 1.16: Least squares inversion of resistivity line 1 with vertical scale as Depth (m) verses distance (m). Figure 1.17: Least squares inversion of resistivity line 2, 20m north of line 1. Mark Johnson 1993 Mark Johnson conducted a ground penetrating radar survey in conjunction with Oliver Lambert’s seismic survey, using 70 MHz antennae at a constant offset of 1m spacing, in a continuous survey mode (shown as the red lines on Figure 1.11). Data was collected in a course grid of 20m spacing with dip and strike lines (see Figure 1.18). Figure 1.18: Layout of the GPR grid conducted by Mark Johnson. Once simple processing of the data had been conducted, depth conversion was attempted using a constant overburden velocity of 0.06 m/ns which is typical of saturated sands (see Section 2.1). Figure 1.19 presents Johnson’s interpretations from his GPR data which indicate that the basement dips southwards to depths of around 22m, about 50m along the line DIP1. Figure 1.20 shows a depth to basement contour map. Figure 1.19: Interpretations of Johnson’s GPR lines. The top picture is of the line DIP 1 that runs along Lambert’s seismic line ty93-01. The picture on the left shows the interpretations for the strike lines and the picture on the right shows the interpretations of the dip lines 2-4. Figure 1.20: Depth to basement contour map. Appendix A1.9 : Diagram showing the locations of the surveys conducted by previous students. The yellow and purple lines represent the resistivity and seismic refraction surveys conducted by Masters Class 2004/2005, the green represent the seismic reflection survey conducted in 1995, the blue represent the seismic reflection survey conducted by Oliver Lambert 1993 and the red represent the 75 MHz GPR survey conducted by Mark Johnson 1993. (After GPR girl 2005)