Sponsorship Form 2009 International Highway Engineering Exchange Program (IHEEP) San Antonio, Texas - September 27 – October 1, 2009 http://www.dot.state.tx.us/iheep2009/ Company Name: Point of Contact: Address: City, State, Zip Code: E-mail Address: (REQUIRED) Business Phone: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Our company would like to sponsor the conference at the following level: Diamond ($15,000) 2 Conference Registrations Registrant Name 1: E-Mail: Registrant Name 2: E-Mail: Our company would like to include the following marketing materials in the conference bags: Platinum ($10,000) 2 Conference Registrations Registrant Name 1: E-Mail: Registrant Name 2: E-Mail: Our company would like to include the following marketing materials in the conference bags: Gold ($7,500) 1 Conference Registration Registrant Name: E-Mail: Our company would like to include the following marketing materials in the conference bags: Silver ($5,000) 1 Conference Registration Registrant Name: E-Mail: Our company would like to include the following marketing materials in the conference bags: Bronze ($2,500) 1 Conference Registration Registrant Name: E-Mail: Our company would like to include the following marketing materials in the conference bags: Our company would like to sponsor the following Conference Memorabilia*: Conference Bags ($2,000) Conference Badge Holders ($2,000) Conference Key Cards ($2,000) ½ Page Agenda Ad ($1,500) Conference Sponsorship $ Conference Memorabilia $ TOTAL PAYMENT $ Return Registration Form & Payment to: Texas Department of Transportation Technology Services Division 125 E. 11th Street Austin, TX 78701-2483 ATTN: Carolyn Veselka Send electronic logo (.jpeg, .gif, or .tif format) and Conference Agenda Ad copy to: Email: jskeen@dot.state.tx.us Make Checks Payable to: IHEEP 2009 Questions? Carolyn Veselka PHONE: 512-465-7743 Email: cveselka@dot.state.tx.us Judy Skeen PHONE: 512-465-7491 Email: jskeen@dot.state.tx.us Registration Deadline: August 31, 2009