ANNUNCIATION CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION 2015 SPRING PLAYER REGISTRATION FORM PLAYER INFORMATION: PLAYER NAME_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY _____________________________________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP CODE_______________ HOME TELEPHONE: (________)________________________________ CELL PHONE (_________)______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE (MM/DD/YY) _____/_____/_____ GRADE ATTENDING IN SPRING 2015 ________ SPRING SPORT(S): Please select all sports player is registering for Spring 2015 (cost is per player) VARSITY BASEBALL (grades 7-8) $110 __________ JV BASEBALL (grades 5 -6) $110 ___________ TRACK (grades 4-8) $75_____________ VARSITY GIRLS SOFTBALL (grades 7 -8) $85 ______ JV GIRLS SOFTBALL (grades 5-6) $85 ______________ PEE WEE TRACK (grades 1st-3rd) $40_____________ * THERE IS A FAMILY LIMIT OF $225 FOR THE SPRING 2015 SEASON* PARENTS INFORMATION: Parents Name ____________________________________________ Parent CELL PHONE (_______)________________ Parent WORK PHONE (______ )______________________________________ Parent ___________________________________________ Parent CELL PHONE (_______ )________________ Parent WORK PHONE (______ )_______________________________________ INSURANCE/EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Is the above named child covered by health insurance: Yes No POLICY HOLDER’S (PH) NAME _______________________________________________ PH’s DATE OF BIRTH (MM/DD/YY)___________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PH’s EMPLOYER________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EMPLOYER’S ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSURANCE CARRIER__________________________________________________________________________________________________ POLICY #_____________________________________________________________ GROUP #______________________________________ LIST ANY MEDICAL CONDITION OR PROHIBITION OF REGISTRANT _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL EMERGENCY CONTACT ________________________TELEPHONE (_____)___________________________________________ DOCTOR NAME _______________________________________________TELEPHONE(_____)_______________________________________ CONSENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT (MINOR) – As the parent or legal guardian of the above named registrant, I hereby give consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a duly licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry. Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________________________________________ Date___________ GENERAL INFORMATION: CURRENT SCHOOL ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ GRADE __________ I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that I and the registrant will abide by the rules of the ABVM CYO, its affiliated organizations, and sponsors. Recognizing the possibility of physical injury associated with and in consideration for the ABVM CYO accepting the registrant for its games and activities, I hereby release, discharge , and /or otherwise indemnify the ABVM CYO, its affiliated organizations and sponsors, their members and associated volunteers, including the owners of fields and facilities utilized for the programs, against any claims by or on behalf of the registrant as a result of the registrant’s participation in the Programs, and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation I hereby authorize. In addition, I grant the ABVM CYO, and its affiliated organizations, and sponsors, the right to use the registrant’s name, picture and/or likeness in printed, broadcast and other material concerning the games and activities, provided such use is related to the registrant’s status as a participant in the games and activities. Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (Please Print) __________________________________________________ Signature X________________________________________________________________ Date:___________ Please make check payable to: Annunciation Athletics. ( Payment must be made at the time of Registration.) Mail form and payment to: Kathy Martin, Treasurer 212 Pineridge Road, Havertown PA 19083