GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Objective Prevent, mitigate or minimize social and economic losses due to floods, through a combination of sustainable resource management actions and floodplains management measures, such as strategic planning, including land use planning, structural measures and strengthening institutional capacities to respond to and prepare for floods and to finance the construction of such structures that will prevent floods and minimize damage to people, settlements, and development efforts. Participating Countries Cambodia and Viet Nam for loan projects; four Lower Mekong Basin GMS countries for technical assistance. Programs and Projects Formulation of Mekong River Programme for Flood Management and Mitigation (FMM, Component A) 2. Selected activities for flood management and mitigration in the Lower Mekong Basin (FMM, Component B) 3. Integrated Flood Management and Mitigation Project (FMM) 4. Viet Nam: water resource development 5. Cambodia: water resource development 6. Human resources development on remote sensing 7. Provision of hydrometeorological equipment 8. Flood forecasting and flood mapping 9. Provision of television weather presentation system 10. Improvement of survey and forecast system 11. Erosion protection measure in Lower Mekong River Bank 12. Flood control infrastructure in Lower Mekong River Basin 1. Program/Project 1 2 Description, Scope and Status Formulation of Mekong River Commission (MRC) Programme for Flood Management and Mitigation (Component A) Formulation of programme The program is the result of a based on 12 fields of regional workshop held in intervention, clustered into October 2001 in Phnom Penh, bankable components for attended by representatives of the short-, medium- and four member countries and long-term. regional organizations, which discussed the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Flood Management and Mitigation Assessment of capacity of (FMM) strategy. A concrete MRC Secretariat (MRCS) action of the workshop is a and line agencies in GMS request for the MRC Secretariat countries. Coordination with to formulate a detailed other MRC programmes. programme for implementation. Selected Activities for Flood Management and Mitigation (FMM) in the Lower Mekong Basin (Component B) Subcomponents a Emergency response and The project provides training to recovery, capacity building emergency managers in and technology transfer forecasting information, geographic information systems (GIS) analysis, and database management–technical services available from the Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS). Through stakeholder analysis, consultative interviews and workshops, potential cooperator groups have also been identified, among them, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), CARE International, Oxfam-UK, UNDP, Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS), National Mekong Committees (NMCs) and line agencies of the government in GMS countries six months starting Feb 2002. MRCS and other potential cooperators such as ADPC, CARE International, Oxfam-UK, UNDP, UNDMT 2002 Issues and Constraints Flood management and mitigation is a comprehensive task requiring close partnerships with other organizations, including donor agencies and civil society. The alleviation of people’s suffering from floods should not stand in the way of harnessing environmental benefits from floods. While extensive regional networks exist for capacity building for emergency management, there is need to increase bridging effort to enable national emergency management teams to use technologies and enhance their roles as emergency managers. GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT page 3 Program/Project Description, Scope and Status and the UN Disaster Management Team (UN DMT). b Capacity Building for Flood This component prepares Hazard Mapping mapping activities and data collection before the 2002 flood season. Assessment of human capacity to prepare for floods and availability of data will be followed by training in data collection/ interpretation, and production of GIS-based flood hazard maps. c Annual Flood Management Three-day meeting discusses and Mitigation (FMM) lessons from previous flood meeting season, identifies gaps/ future challenges, and works to strengthen coordination among countries and international agencies. One day of the annual meeting is devoted to plenary, one day to a workshop, and the final day to presentations of workshop reports/ recommendations. d Continuing Improvement in Project includes improvement in MRC Flood Forecasting and real time data transmission Early Warning System system and rainfall forecasting, (FFEWS) staff training, development of web page, and linking flood forecasts with flood hazard mapping. MRC flood forecasting and early warning system (FFEWS) was established three decades ago. Flood experiences in 2001 reflect the growing demand for forecast information and the high expectations for accuracy. Flood forecasts were Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule Issues and Constraints MRCS Assessment, early 2002; training midyear 2002 Training program is primarily designed for the national agency; representatives, and provincial and district personnel have limited participation. MRCS Annual FMM meeting was proposed for May 2002. There was short lead time to prepare and adequately sum up and document lessons from the previous flood season. MRCS Feb 2001 to July Whether efforts to build new 2002 and powerful user-oriented forecasting models can be sustained is an issue. GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT page 4 Program/Project Description, Scope and Status Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources 1.0 ADB bilateral sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule Issues and Constraints broadcast for the first time in the MRC website in 2001. Improvement in the accuracy of forecast has been noted with inclusion of data from the US Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 3 Integrated Flood Management and Mitigation Project (FMM) Components a Project Preparatory The Integrated Flood Technical Assistance Management and Mitigation (PPTA) (FMM) project aims to build capacity for flood management and control through land use planning and development control, flood emergency management and construction of flood mitigation structures. Project preparatory technical assistance will form the basis for project design for a possible investment loan for flood mitigation and control. This is included in ADB’s technical assistance pipeline to the GMS in 2004, as well as in its Country Strategy Program (CSP) technical assistance pipeline to Viet Nam, also in 2004. MRC 2004-2005 The GMS Program addresses protection of the environment and sustainable use of shared natural resources as areas of assistance. The Country Strategy Program for Viet Nam echoes natural resources management as a subregional priority concern. GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT page 5 Program/Project b Flood Management and Mitigation Loan Project. Potential project components include: land use planning in GMS countries, to ensure that people and valuable activities are kept out of hazardous floodplains; flood control and mitigation structures in urban and settlement areas; institutional capacity building for flood preparedness and emergency management. 4 Description, Scope and Status Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule The project is not yet included in 30.0 ADB/ MRC, disaster the ADB loan pipeline to the (15.0 each bilateral sources coordination GMS in 2003-2005. Scope of the for Cambodia agencies in project will be determined by the and Viet GMS countries FMM program. Nam) Viet Nam: Water Resource Sector Development a Phuc Hoa Water Resources The project aims to: Loan Project a) develop the water resources of Song Be River for Project components and increased agricultural outputs: production; b) safeguard bulk water for Ho basin transfer; Chi Minh City, control saline irrigation development; intrusion and provide social, institutional support for economic and environmental system management, benefits. agricultural extension, resettlement; The project is included in ADB’s social support for Country Strategy Program firm disadvantaged groups, loan pipeline to Viet Nam in and 2003. environmental management. 2005-2007 Issues and Constraints Over the long term the project faces the issue of sustainability of efforts in flood mapping, GIS, remote sensing, land use and other data requirements to ensure continuity of flood control and management efforts. Low levels of development serve as obstacles to effective enforcement of land use plan for flood-prone areas. Large investments are needed to cover wide areas for forecasting and warning, since communication and technological infrastructure are largely undeveloped in most affected areas. 155.0 (ADB ADF85.0) ADB/ government cofinancing Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2003-2007 Proper design and implementation of the resettlement action plan must consider the concerns of disadvantaged groups. There is need to ensure that downstream releases are adequate to mitigate the environmental impact of basin transfer. GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT page 6 Program/Project Description, Scope and Status Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule Water resource development and management is regarded by the government as key to growth in Viet Nam. Poverty reduction Components include: through water resources development is thus a high irrigation and priority of the Viet Nam development, government, particularly for the institutional support for system management and rural areas of Viet Nam’s Central Region. agricultural extension, 170.0 ADB ADF 90.0 ADB, Government of Viet Nam and cofinanciers Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development b Central Region Water Resource Sector Loan Project. Other possible components will be decided upon by the findings of project preparatory technical assistance. The project will develop water resources and promote improved management practices to increase and protect incomes and livelihoods of people in the poorest provinces of Viet Nam’s Central Region. The project is included in ADB’s Country Strategy Program standby loan pipeline to Viet Nam in 2003, and in firm ADB loan pipeline to Viet Nam in 2004. 2004-2010 Issues and Constraints There is need to ensure adequate social assessment of the project, including sensitive consideration for the ethnic minorities of the Central Region. Design and management of the project should therefore ensure adequate ethnic minority participation. GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT page 7 Program/Project Description, Scope and Status c Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) –Second Central Region Water Resources Sector Project Project will follow and build upon the 2003 Central Region Water Resource Sector Project to develop and manage the water resources of Viet Nam’s Central Region. While small-scale waterComponents may include: related investment can be provided under community irrigation schemes, livelihood projects, larger scale flood control structures, interventions are better planned and power generation through and implemented using a sector perspective. This PPTA cofinancing. addresses these large-scale needs, complementing investment in the other sectors supported by ADB in the Central Region. 5 6 This is included in ADB’s CSP firm technical assistance pipeline to Viet Nam in 2005. Cambodia: Water Resources Sector Development Project Preparatory PPTA will study mechanisms to Technical Assistance improve water resource (PPTA) management practices and determine the viability of irrigation and flood control structures and schemes. This assistance is included in ADB’s Country Strategy Program firm technical assistance pipeline to Cambodia in 2004. Human Resources Development on Remote Sensing The project aims to improve staff knowledge in the field of remote sensing (R/S) and geographic information systems (GIS) and share and exchange Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule 1.0 ADB-Japan Special Fund (JSF) Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2005-2006 Issues and Constraints While no major social and environmental concerns have thus far been identified, social and environmental assessments will be conducted in the course of project preparation, and if necessary, addressed in project design. Special attention will be given to ethnic minority issues. The project is expected to produce synergies with other investments planned in region. 0.8 0.2 ADB TBD Grants Department of Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture 2004-2005 one year There is need to carefully study resettlement issues, fish spawning cycles, and other biodiversity impacts of the project. GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT page 8 Program/Project 7 Description, Scope and Status Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule 0.1 Grants Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) one year 0.2 Grants Department of Meteorology and Hydrology one year 0.1 Grants Department of Meteorology and Hydrology six months 1.3 Project type: Technical Cooperation, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Department of Meteorology, Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology three years 2.0 Project seeks donors Departments of Engineering and Hydrology and River Works, Ministry 2003 experiences on R/S and GIS with ASEAN member countries. Project was initially designed for Lao PDR, but staff of the Mekong riparian countries may participate in project activities. Provision of Hydrometeorological Equipment The project will improve the hydrometeorological network and is in the financial sourcing phase. 8 Flood Forecasting and Flood Mapping The project will improve quality of forecasts and flood mapping. Project is in the financial sourcing phase. 9 Provision of Television Weather Presentation System Project will improve the technical capability of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology to disseminate information on weather and flood forecasts on time. Project is in the financial sourcing phase. 1 0 Improvement of Survey and Forecast System Components: improvement The project’s first phase is of existing meteorological ongoing. Improvement of central facilities, equipment, and meteorology involves selection capacity to provide weather of important stations in terms of information and forecasting. improvement of capacity and installation of new equipment. 1 1 Erosion Protection Measure in Lower Mekong River Bank Construction of major river- PPTA includes a pure advisory bank protection, and component designed to build on stabilization in important the work of the current towns and cities of the Emergency Flood Rehabilitation Lower Mekong River Bank Project consultant team, and Issues and Constraints GMS Flagship Initiative FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT page 9 Program/Project Description, Scope and Status technical assistance as part of the North-West Irrigation Sector Project. Project is in financial sourcing phase. 1 2 Flood Control Infrastructure in Lower Mekong River Basin PPTA will include a pure The project will construct flood advisory component control projects and rehabilitate designed to build on the existing ones and, where work of the current necessary, build additional emergency rehabilitation dikes to protect rural agricultural project consultant team of communities and population in both ADB and the World the Lower Mekong River Basin Bank. from floods, which almost annually cause loss of lives and social disruption. Project is in financial sourcing phase. Estimated Cost (US$M) Financing Plan/Sources or Potential Sources Implementing Implementation Agencies Schedule Issues and Constraints of Water Resources and Meteorology 2.0 Project seeks donors. Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology 2003 Assessment is needed of flood river and channel capacity across the borders of Cambodia and Viet Nam. Over the short-term, the project may need to look at strengthening existing infrastructure; and in the medium term, plan for new construction of flood control dikes for areas generally affected by wet season flooding–mainly in Prey Veng, Kandal, Takeo Kompong Speu and Svay Rieng Province.