WellAware GPS Pipetting System Sales Representative Pre-Training All documentation is available at this web link: http://biotxautomation.com/_Distributors.html This home study training will take several hours and will cover both the WellAware GPS Pipetting Wizards and the application of two wizards in creating a Forensic Quantitation and Sequencing Shareware application. 1 Purchase a 12 pocket presentation binder (no rings) at an Office Supply store, choose one that has a transparent pocket on the front cover. A transparent closed edge file folder is useful for the extra sheets you will print. You will use this binder to assemble a sales tool you can carry with you. 2 View the two videos at http://biotxautomation.com/_Distributors.html, one is on GPS pipetting philosophy, the second shows how WellAware is used in an application 3 View the WellAware™ GPS Pipetting Systems™ Screen Shots PowerPoint. Each slide has notes with it which gives additional explanation that you should understand. 4 View the WellAware™ Forensic Package (Beta) Screen Shots PowerPoint. Each slide has notes with it which gives additional explanation that you should understand. 5 View the Forensic Buccal Swab video, which is Experiment #11 under Info. This shows the new sample icon, from a customer suggestion. http://biotxautomation.com/movies/BuccalSwabs.swf 6 Print out these files from the Distributor page in color on high quality paper: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GPS WellAware Poster BioTX Home Page WellAware™ Brochure WellAware™ GPS Pipetting Systems™ Screen Shots PowerPoint WellAware™ Forensic Package (Beta) Screen Shots PowerPoint Broward poster 1 page version WellAware price list BioTX eLINE Pipettor Price list These printouts will be arranged in the presentation binder. 7 Read the applications and testimonials on the website, and then you can train on actual pipetting with the software download from the website. You would need Office 2003. 8 Take the test below and fax it to James Frost at +1-936-273-0551 9 For customer visits, take a supply of the postcards, a clear microplate or two, and a multiple e-pipettor from WellAware or your own brand if you sell them. 10 Call us or email us any time a new question comes up and with suggestions for improvements. BioTX WellAware GPS Pipetting System Presentation Binder *pages are printed from the WellAware™ GPS Pipetting Systems™ Screen Shot PowerPoint, **pages are printed from the WellAware™ Forensic Package (beta) Screen Shots, and others are printed from single files that are also on the BioTX Distributor Information Page Extra pages from the printing can be placed in a transparent pocket folder should customers ask to see. Front Cover Small GPS Poster printed 8x11 Introduction Section even-odd pages should compliment (2&3 brochure and 4&5 home and application page) 1 User Action Postcard (put a microplate on the source and destination lights) 2 WellAware Brochure page 1 3 WellAware Brochure page 2 4 BioTX Home Page 5 BioTX Application Page Website printed—show lab, features 6 *WellAware Main Screen—acts like index Applications Wizard Section even-odd pages should compliment. These cover the key stand-alone Wizards which can be linked with instruments for complete personal automation (see the Forensics eSOP section below) 7 *PCR Wizard--once this eSOP file is created it can be used by any researcher (Slide 9) 8 *Pipet Screen—96 to 96 well plate transfer (slide 5) 9 *Serial Dilution Wizard (slide 12) 10 *Add Plate Cherry-Picking Fighting Fish (slide 6) 11 *Oligo Calculation (Normalization Wizard)--generates a lot of customer interest (slide 16) 12 *Add Plate 96 to 384—generates a lot of interest as is difficult without WA (slide 8) 13 *Setup Screen – 96 Barcoded Buccal Swabs (slide 19) Modified eSOP Section for Forensics on ABI Instruments, these show how the WellAware PCR Setup Wizard uses a kit to prepare samples for RT-PCR quantitation using the ABI 7000 Cycler. The data results from the instrument return to the WellAware Normalization Wizard, creating a GPS instruction for pipetting each well for loading into the ABI 3100 Sequencer. All data are recorded in the labs Laboratory Information Manager System (LIMS) which meet GLP practices. Any instrument process can be similarly created in WellAware eSOP’s. 14 Broward Poster –print out the entire poster on one page, not the two page version) 15 **WellAware Forensic Package Flow Diagram (slide 3) 16 **WellAware Forensic Package How it Works 1-4 (slide 4) 17 **WellAware Forensic Package How it Works 5-8 (slide 5) 18 **WellAware Forensic Main Screen (this is user-validated shareware available from BioTX) (slide 6) 19 **Quant Worksheet (RT-PCR setup) which is Step 1 of the process (slide 7) 20 **WellAware Quant Pipetting (note this screen reverts to WellAware Wizard menu for loading a saved GPS pipetting program) (slide 9) 21 **Normalization Process (the data from RT-PCR quantification automatically calculates and provides the GPS pipetting to prepare the plates for sequencing. This data is exported to the ABI 310 or 3100) (slide 12) 22 **ABI 310/3100 Worksheet (slide 14) Recap and Miscellaneous section 23 WA Price List and eLine Price List behind it 24 Small GPS Poster printed 8x11 Carry extra brochures and User Action postcards to give to the customers. *pages are printed from the WellAware™ GPS Pipetting Systems™ Screen Shot PowerPoint, **pages are printed from the WellAware™ Forensic Package (beta) Screen Shots, and others are printed from single files that are also on the BioTX Distributor Information Page WellAware GPS Pipetting System Sales Representative Pre-Training Test Name _________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Company ______________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________ 1. How many pages did you print? ___________ 2. Rank the following according to what you think your customers’ problems are, on a scale of 1-4. Arm and wrist stress Errors in pipetting cause reagent, sample and time losses ISO or GLP documentation Pipetting time is too long Sample ID and tracking Big 1 2 3 Little 4 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 3. What are five applications available on WellAware wizards? a. ____________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________ d. ____________________________________________ e. ____________________________________________ 4. What is the strongest user benefit of the Cherry Picking Testimonial from Cogenics? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 5. What is the strongest user benefit of the Genotyping Testimonial from MIT? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 6. Could two WellAware systems be used in a lab? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________________. 7. PCR setup is simple, moving master mix and then samples into rows. How much time can one save by using WellAware? ___20% ___35% ___50% ___75% ___100% 8. Cherry picking is complex, moving one sample from a plate well or vial to a specific well in another. How much time can one save by using WellAware? ___20% ___35% ___50% ___75% ___100% 9. Can you log sample containers, such as buccal swabs? Yes ___ No ___ 10. Can you pipet into a punched well gel pattern like for radial immunodiffusion or like microbial inhibition plates? How? ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 11. How will you tell a lab needs WellAware? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12. What are three types of labs you will introduce WellAware to in your territory? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What questions do you have that we can try to answer? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________. Complete and FAX to James Frost at +1-936-273-0551