REQUIREMENTS FOR MAKING REFERENCE LIST FOR SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS IN THE TEXT: The author’s name, date of the publication, the number of the quoted pages (not necessary) should be mentioned. If the author's name occurs naturally in the sentence the year is given in parentheses. If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, both name and year are given in parentheses. When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year, these are distinguished by adding lower case letters (a,b,c, etc.) after the year and within the parentheses. If there are two authors the surnames of both should be given. If there are more than two authors the surname of the first author only should be given, followed by et al. All authors, referred to by names in the article, have to be included into the reference list. EXAMPLES OF CITATIONS IN THE TEXT: Interrelationship between indicators within one group, or those, attributed to different groups (e.g. between governance and innovations, (Tvaronavičienė, Korsakienė 2007) and many others interrelations (Tvaronavičienė, Grybaitė 2007; Tvaronavičius, Tvaronavičienė 2008; Tvaronavičienė, Tvaronavičius 2006)) is not being considered. The values may be converted to positive values by the formula (Ginevičius, Podvezko 2007a). Any scale of measurement may be used, e.g. units, percentage, fraction of unity, various scoring systems based on points, simple (0–1) pairwise comparison of criteria (Zavadskas, Kaklauskas 2007), as well as the scale of Saaty’s analytical hierarchical process (AHP) (Saaty 1980, 2005; Ginevičius et al. 2008), etc. REQUIREMENTS FOR MAKING REFERENCE LIST Reference list is presented in alphabetical order at the end of the publication (article). Firstly Latin characters are presented, followed on by Russian alphabet. Russian references have to be transliterated into the Latin alphabet and translated. MONOGRAPHS AND COLLECTED WORKS These are the main requirements for the description: Author’s surname and initial (obligatory). For a group of authors all surnames have to be given, a comma is used after the surname and before the initial, semicolon after each name. Date of the publication (obligatory) is written the same way like in the original source with a full stop at the end. If the same author has published several works that year, add a, b, c, etc. to the publication date. Title (obligatory) is written in italics and in the language of publication. Titles in other languages are translated into English. This translation is presented in square brackets after the title. Chinese, Russian or other characters are transliterated into the Latin alphabet. Capital letters are used in accordance with the punctuation rules of the language of the document presented in the reference list. Uniformity is required. In titles written in English we either capitalize all the meaningful words or use small characters. Subtitle (optional). Edition (obligatory). e.g. Fifth edition, third revised and compiled edition. Place of publication (obligatory) Give the name of the city in the original language of the publication. If more than one place is listed, give only the first-named place. Other than that, you can mention all places of publication given in the work you refer to. Write a colon before the publishing house, and a comma if the publisher is not mentioned. Publishing house (optional). Size (optional). The author can give a number of pages or units of his/her work but it is not necessary. Standard number (ISBN number) is not necessary if a part of document or a text from a periodical is referred to. ISBN number is followed by a full stop. A SAMPLE REFERENCE LIST: Andriušaitienė, D. 2007. Development of Labour Market of Depressed Regions of the Country: Summary of Doctoral Dissertation. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Vilnius: Technika. 24 p. Barney, J. B. 2007. Gaining Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 555 p. ISBN 0-13-147094-9. Cruikshank, J. L. 2005. Shaping the waves. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. 371 p. ARTICLES FROM BOOKS, CONFERENCE PAPERS These are the main requirements for the description: Author’s surname and initial is obligatory. For a group of authors all surnames are given, a comma is used after the surname and before the initial, semicolon after each name. Publication date (obligatory). Is written the same way like in the original source with a full stop at the end. If the author has published several works that year, add a, b, c, … to the publication date. Title (obligatory) is written in the original language of the paper you refer to. When referring to these titles, stick to the capitalization rules of the original language of the article, e.g. capitalize the first letter of the first word in the title. Capitalize any words which are usually capitalized (proper nouns) such as place names and names of organizations. Use normal font. Title of the publication, where the article is presented (obligatory) is presented in italics. Place of publication (obligatory). Give the name of the city in the original language of the publication. If more than one place is listed, give only the first-named place. Other than that, you can mention all places of publication given in the work you refer to. Write a colon before the publishing house, and a comma if the publisher is not mentioned. Publishing house (optional). Number of pages of the article in the book (obligatory). The author has to give a number of pages of the article he/she refers to, e.g. pp. 284–370. A SAMPLE REFERENCE LIST: Tvaronavičienė, M.; Saee, J. 2006. The role of Russia in Lithuanian Oil Business: A Case of Mažeikių nafta, in Liuhto, K. (Ed.) Expansion or Exodus: Why do Russian Corporations Invest Abroad, The Haworth Press, Inc. 75–85. Tvaronavičienė, M.; Kalašinskaitė, K. 2007. Impact of foreign direct investments on Lithuanian banking sector, in The 4th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management“. The 14th international Scientific Conference „Enterprise Management: Diagnosis, Strategy, Efficiency“. Vilnius, Lithuania 5–6 October 2006. Selected papers. Vilnius: Technika, 2007, 81–89. ISBN 978-9955-28-114-6. NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES These are the main requirements for the description: Author’s surname and initial (obligatory). For a group of authors, all their surnames should be given. A comma is used after the surname and before the initial, semicolon after each name. Date of the publication (obligatory). Is written the same way like in the original source concluded by a full stop. If the same author has published several works that year, add a, b, c, etc. to the publication date. Title (obligatory) is written in the original language of the paper you refer to. When referring to these titles, stick to the capitalization rules of the original language of the article. Uniformity is required. In the titles written in English we either capitalize all the meaningful words or use small characters. Title of the magazine where the article is presented (obligatory). These titles should always be in italics. Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the title and every other word, except for definite articles, prepositions and conjunctions. Titles in other languages are translated into English. This translation is presented in square brackets after the title Volume number of the magazine (obligatory). It is followed by colon. Number of pages of the article in the magazine (compulsory). The author has to give a number of pages of the article he/she refers to, e.g. 284–370. A SAMPLE REFERENCE LIST: Ginevičius, R.; Podvezko, V. 2007a. Some problems of evaluating multicriteria decision methods, International Journal of Management and Decision Making 8(5/6): 527–539. Ginevičius, R.; Tvaronavičienė, M. 2003. Čo privádza priame zahraničné Investicie do pobaltských krajin? Pripad Litvy, Lotyšska a Estónska, Ekonomický Časopis [Journal of Economics] 51(8): 963–981. Petkus, T.; Filatovas, E.; Kurasova, O. 2009. Investigation of human factors while solving multiple criteria optimization problems in computer network, Technological and Economic Development of Economy 15(3): 464– 479. doi: 10.3846/1392-8619.2009.15.464-479 Rostamy, A. A. A. 2009. Toward Understanding Conflicts Between Customers and Employees' Perceptions and Expectations; Evidence of Iranian Bank, Journal of Business Economics and Management 10(3): 241–254. doi: 10.3846/1611-1699.2009.10.241-254 Sabonienė, A. 2003. Lithuanian Industrial Policy by the Aspects of International Competitiveness, Inzinerine Ekonomika – Engineering Economics 4(35): 41–46. Stankevičienė, A.; Liučvaitienė, A.; Volungevičienė, D. 2008. Ugdymo principo taikymo galimybės personalui mokyti, Verslas: teorija ir praktika [Business: Theory and Practice], 9(3): 199–209. doi: 10.3846/16480627.2008.9.199-209 ONLINE PUBLICATIONS These are the main requirements for the description: Author’s surname and initial is obligatory. For a group of authors, all their surnames should be given; a comma is used after the surname and before the initial, semicolon after each name. Date of the publication (obligatory) is written the same way like in the original source concluded by a full stop. If the same author has published several works that year, add a, b, c, etc. to the publication date. Title (obligatory) is written in italics and in the language of the publication. Russian or other language titles translated into English. This translation is presented in square brackets after the title. Chinese or other characters are transliterated into the Latin alphabet. Capital letters are used in accordance with the punctuation rules of the language of the document presented in the reference. Uniformity is required. In the titles written in English we either capitalize all the meaningful words or use small characters. Subtitle (optional) CD-ROM number (obligatory) is presented in square brackets, e.g. [online]. [CD-ROM]. [magnetic tape]. [disk]. Place of issue (city) is necessary to present. Publisher (optional) Edition other than the first (for online documents only) Standard number (ISBN number) is not necessary if a part of document or a text from periodical is referred to. ISBN number is followed by a full stop. A SAMPLE REFERENCE LIST: CEPI. Annual Report 2006. European Council of Real Estate Professions (CEPI) [online] [accessed 6 May 2008]. Available from Internet: <>. Eling, M.; Toplek, D. 2007. Modeling and Management of Nonlinear Dependencies – Copulas in Dynamic Financial Analysis. Available from Internet: <>. Rabah, A.; Stepanova, A. 2002. Second-Mover Advantage and Price Leadership in Bertrand Duopoly [online] [cited 17 November 2007]. Available from Internet: <>. Zhang, X.F. 2007. Accruals, Investment, and the Accrual Anomaly. Working paper (SSRN-id87376[1]). Available from Internet: <>. Organising committee recommends to consider the following VGTU journals as the useful sources of information on conference topics: Inzinerine Ekonomika – Engineering Economics Verslas: teorija ir praktika [Business: Theory and Practice] Technological and Economic Development of Economy Journal of Business Economics and Management