Event Archives Document for 2008 to 2013

Event Archives / 2008-13
December 2013
How Can We Energize Our Donors to Give Again?
Susan Hoover Miller, CFRE
In fund raising, we focus a great deal of attention on developing and maintaining relationships with
our donors. What are the key elements needed to be successful with this? Join us for a fun,
interactive discussion of how we can connect to our supporters in meaningful ways. We'll place
particular emphasis on the step that offers our best relationship-building opportunity -- saying thank
you promptly and thoughtfully.
Susan Hoover Miller, CFRE, is President of a fund raising consulting firm, Susan Hoover &
Associates. During her 26 years as a development professional, Susan has specialized in major
gifts, capital campaigns and board development. Her expertise also includes strategic planning,
feasibility studies, and developing marketing plans. In 2000, she was honored as the "Outstanding
Fund Raising Professional" by AFP-OC.
Susan has led development efforts at several Orange County nonprofits including Human Options,
Segerstrom Center for the Arts, the Laguna Playhouse and the Ocean Institute. Currently, she
serves as Director of Development for the Delhi Center in Santa Ana.
Becoming a Big Idea Organization
Tim Shaw, THINK Together
Most nonprofit mission statements describe almost herculean aspirations--ending homelessness,
curing disease, stopping child abuse. Too often, however, the tactics employed to pursue these lofty
aspirations aren't nearly as grand. Big problems and big missions require big solutions. And big
solutions require big ideas. But how? How can your organization enact processes and systems that
gear the culture toward the generation, implementation and sustainability of big ideas in
programming, partnerships, revenue and results? Tim Shaw has been doing this for nearly 25 years
and will provide practical information about how you can start realizing your highest aspirations.
October 2013
Ethics Fundamentals
Viki Barie, CFRE
Ethical standards and principles are the foundation for maintaining public trust, for every AFP
member. AFP provides a self-governed process for addressing ethical concerns. Learn more about
Donor Bill of Rights, AFP professional conduct, online tools and assessments, as well as some
sticky situations that happen to fundraisers.
Viki Barie is currently Director of Development for Major Gifts at St. Joseph Hospital Foundation
in Orange, CA. Viki has extensive experience in annual giving, special events, grantwriting,
volunteer development, and non-profit management. She is a fund development trainer for the
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association of Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP),
and other professional entities. She served as co-chair of the AFP Orange County Chapter 2001
National Philanthropy Day. Viki is also a past AFP Chapter Treasurer, and Past President of the
AFP Orange County Chapter. In 2011, Viki was named Outstanding Fundraising Professional for
the AFP Orange County Chapter. She has held the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE)
credential since 1993, and is completing her Certified Specialist in Planned Giving credential in
Ethics in the Nonprofit Sector
John Scola, CFRE
Is there such a thing as “tainted” money?
What measures are in place to ensure funds are used according to a donor’s intent? Is there
anything wrong with paying a commission to fund raisers?
For many fundraising professionals, the answers to these questions may seem simple…until you
confront them head-on in a real life scenario. Come join us for a lively program addressing the real
world of ethics and fundraising. Bring your energy, your experiences, your common sense and
sense of humor for this fun and informative meeting.
Our program this month is presented by John A. Scola, CFRE
Executive Director, MUZEO Foundation
September 2013
Donor-Centered Leadership
How to Build a High-Performance Fundraising Team
In this provocative new address, Penelope tackles one of the not-for-profit sector’s most frustrating
and costly problems – the high turnover rate of fundraisers. Backed by four years of research with
more than 16,000 professional fundraisers, CEOs, Board members and donors, Donor-Centered
Leadership offers surprising statistical evidence about why good fundraisers – both professional and
volunteer – move on prematurely and what it will take to keep them on the job longer and working
productively. In plain language, Penelope shows employers how they can easily measure the real
cost of premature staff turnover and the financial benefits of bringing this pressing problem under
This address is not just for employers and decision-makers. Donor-Centered Leadership reveals
what will inspire longer tenure among young fundraisers. Penelope illustrates a compelling case for
helping them gain experience and realize their goals more quickly in order to address the coming
exodus of top fundraising managers who are already on the verge of retirement.
Highlights: why fundraisers leave; what makes a great boss; how to hire for long term loyalty;
which employee benefits and working conditions really influence staff retention and which simply
drain the budget; how to “hire” board members who will raise money; how to use your CEO more
effectively; how staff turnover affects donors; what fundraisers need to know before they move
from one job to the next.
Assume Nothing
The 2013 Cygnus Donor Survey of 25,000 donors
... where 25,000 donors said where they are taking their philanthropy this year
In a rapidly evolving world, fundraising cannot shield itself from change. But making the right
choices when resources are so limited and competition so fierce is the challenge that every notfor‐ profit faces. Luckily, your donors can point you in the right direction.
Join author, speaker and fundraising futurist, Penelope Burk, as she unveils brand new research
conducted earlier this year with thousands of American donors about what they want from their
philanthropic relationships in 2013, what it will mean for your bottom line, and how you can help
your organization get out in front of the trends.
In this session attendees will learn:
Donor Communication
how fundraisers can differentiate key messages to capture the imagination of young, middle-age and
older donors
Donor Acquisition
where new donor acquisition has vibrant potential and where fundraisers shouldn't waste their
precious resources
Not-for-Profit Websites
why the most independent donors give the most generously and how not-for-profit websites can
become better at capturing their attention
Monthly Giving
how fundraisers can inspire more monthly donors up into major and planned gifts
Fundraising Events
the surprising philanthropic potential of donors who sponsor friends and family members in "thons"
and other events
August 2013
Phoning 101
Consistent language reinforces your brand awareness and professional identity. It sets the tone of
your communications with both internal and external audiences. So, even though your overall
message may change based on your audience, repeating the same words and phrases are critical
whenever you write or talk about your products and services. Believe it or not, you can make
phoning fun. These time-tested habits will increase your appointment setting skills.
Paul Glowienke, MBA; Financial Advisor, Northwestern Mutua is a seasoned professional in
financial security with a broad understanding of business practices. Hi MBA in Finance helps him
navigate balance sheets and income statements while his multi industry experience helps him to
better understand his clients' obstacles and objectives. He believes philanthropy improves our
collective good fortune and thinks his work with charities makes a real and tangible difference in
our society. His practice at Northwestern Mutual is designed to offer value to his clients by helping
them protect their treasured families and accumulate wealth to provide for a more secure future and
leave a lasting foot print in the charitable arena.
Engaging the Next Generation
of Philanthropists
Todd Hanson, Orange County Community Foundation
This is a unique time for fundraising professionals. Never before has there been four generations
actively involved in philanthropy at the same time. We are all now working with Traditionalists,
Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y (Millenials). The good news is each generation is philanthropic,
however they each have individual preferences for how they are engaged by nonprofits, and to
engage with them effectively takes special planning and efforts. Todd will be sharing tips and
suggestions he has learned in his 12 years as VP of Donor and Community Engagement with the
Orange County Community Foundation. You will learn some practical ideas that your organization
needs to be aware of to effectively steward multiple generations of philanthropists.
July 2013
The Fundamentals of a Meaningful Relationship Network
Dave Elliott
President/CEO of the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce
Plan to attend this informative session on relationship networking, an important topic that is
inherent in every fundraiser’s toolbox. Dave Elliott will describe the nature of a relationship
network. He will also address why it is important, describe the right frame of mind that is needed
and discuss the 7 key elements that make up the relationship pyramid.
Engaging High Net Worth Donors
A Bank of America Study
Michael Wagschal, Senior Vice-President
U.S. Trust, Bank of American Corporation,
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
The most recent Bank of America study on high net worth philanthropy offers unique insights into
the giving forecasts, motivations and shifting behaviors of America’s wealthiest households.
Michael Wagschal, SVP at U.S. Trust, Bank of America Corporation, shares the results of the study,
and helps us develop deeper understanding of giving trends, strategies and traditions among
wealthy donors.
To put the importance of giving by wealthy donors into context, of the nearly $300 billion donated
last year by individuals, roughly $105 was given by the wealthiest 3% of American households.
Michael will discuss significant shifts as well as consistent trends in the attitudes and giving
priorities of the wealthy, including the nonprofit sectors they support, how they direct their largest
gifts, what motivates them to give, why they stop giving, and their family and holiday giving
June 2013 – Kay Sprinkle Grace at OneOC
May 2013
The Power of Words
What I Wish I Had Known When I First Began My Fundraising Career
Have you ever thought about the different message you send by exchanging one small word for
another? Or how the words you choose impact your professional reputation? “Think before you
speak,” are words of wisdom that we must take to heart as fundraisers. How you communicate, both
verbally and through the written word, not only paint a picture of you as a professional, but also the
image of your organization. Join us for an interactive session to discuss the power of words and
how we can present ourselves and our organizations in the best way possible.
Elissa Oransky
MSW, Distinguished Giving Director, American Cancer Society
Raising More Money
Lessons Fundraisers Can Learn from Apple's Steve Jobs
Stephen Christensen, ACFRE
Executive Vice President, External Relations, Concordia University Irvine and
Founder, Teen Entrepreneur Academy and Faith and Work Life
If you are looking to raise more money this year than you did last year (and who isn’t?) then there
are some fund raising insights and tips we can learn from Apple’s visionary CEO Steve
Jobs. While for-profit businesses and not-for-profit organizations have different operating systems
and exist for very different purposes, we also can appreciate what we can learn from successful
entrepreneurs who changed the world. Join is for lunch and learn insightful business principles and
best practices worthy of examination by fund raisers. We will discuss the application or
modification of business lessons from Steve Jobs such as vision casting, inspiring a team,
implementing a plan, obtaining followers and meeting customers’ needs. Let’s explore together
how these entrepreneurial practices could help us raise more money.
April 2013
Creating a Development Strategic Plan
The road map for long term success
Alan Pearson, CFRE
Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of non profit organizations, large and small, operate
without a true development strategic plan. Many simply lack the staff or expertise to create a plan.
However, the development strategic plan is the road map to long term fundraising success and no
NPO should be without one.
In this Fundamentals session you will learn the basics of creating Development Strategic Plan
The importance of creating your overall development Philosophies and Strategies.
How to create policies and procedures for gift acceptance, gift processing, donor recognition,
privacy, confidentiality, prospect/donor research and why every NPO must have them.
What should be included in a Case for Support and how to create one.
Creating or enhancing your major gift program with a systematic approach to a Donor Contact
Why you need a Monthly Giving program and how to create one.
Creating and implementing best practice principles and strategies for direct mail and email
Steps for creating a system to evaluate the success of your development efforts.
Alan V. Pearson, CFRE has two decades of experience in philanthropy and a proven history of
leadership and fundraising results.
Fundraising for a Capital Campaign
Tips from a Model Developed by The Discovery Science Center
with Celeste Signorino and Sean Fitzgerald, Discovery Science Center
Learn how Discovery Science Center (DSC) developed a capital campaign to open a new facility to
fill the gap in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education in Los
Angeles. Late last year DSC received Los Angeles City approval to open a second facility,
tentatively known as DSC-LA, in the San Fernando Valley.
Discovery Science Center (DSC) is Orange County’s nonprofit organization dedicated to educating
young minds, assisting teachers and increasing public understanding of science, math and
technology through interactive exhibits and programs.
Celeste Signorino is the Director of the Capital Campaign and Sean Fitzgerald the Director of
Strategic Development for DSC. Celeste will discuss the Center’s approach to fundraising and the
ongoing Capital Campaign. Sean will describe the Center’s history of partnerships with public
agencies on education outreach programs. And both will describe how these models will be applied
to the Center’s addition of a new facility on a site at Hansen Dam.
March 2013
Fundamentals - Submitting a Strong Nomination
for National Philanthropy Day
Victoria Collins, Ph.D., CFP
This coaching session is for Executive Directors, Development Officers and all fundraising staff on
how to submit a great nomination for National Philanthropy Day 2013. The workshop will address
how to best present your nominee, the correct category for your submission, tips to strengthen your
nomination, frequently asked questions, common mistakes and much more. Join us for this
informative session and stay for the luncheon.
Luncheon - A National Philanthropy Day Special Session
The Heart of the Donor
Personal Stories of Philanthropy
Joann Leatherby and Joe Lins, 2012 Outstanding Honorees from National Philanthropy Day share
their personal stories, providing insights on the Heart of the Donor.
Joann Leatherby has a passion for academia and has been a Chapman University supporter for
decades. She has played a key role providing comprehensive vision for Chapman’s future including
spearheading the campaign to build Leatherby Libraries. Also a supporter of disadvantaged
children, as a representative of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and an arts supporter of
South Coast Repertory Theatre and the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Leatherby has had a wideranging impact in OC.
Joe Lins has made a significant impact on nonprofits, including as co-owner of Century 21
Discovery in Fullerton through running free ads for area nonprofits on a billboard at a busy street
corner and hosting Century 21 Discovery’s Annual Charity Dinner & Auction events, which has
raised $215,000 over 17 years. On the Board of Directors for St. Jude’s Memorial Foundation,
under Lins chairmanship, St. Jude’s capital Campaign for Excellence reached its $50M goal in
February 2013
Small, But Mighty
Developing a Major Gifts Program in a Small Fundraising Shop
A small shop often has big fundraising requirements.
Your budget and resources aren’t the same as the big organizations.
Your shop may be called upon to work harder and longer than a full fundraising staff or department
– and still be asked to produce some high volume results.
How do you manage it all? How does the small shop make a big impact?
Our February Fundamentals is all about how to be Small, But Mighty.
Catherine Spear will lead you through best practices for small shops, including Smarter, Not
Harder, Seven Things Never to Do in a Small Shop and The Art of Leverage.
Luncheon MUCKENTHALER: A Non-Profit Success Story
Learn how the Muckenthaler Cultural Center in Fullerton doubled its budget and tripled its
programs in three years during the worst economy since the great depression. Zoot Velasco,
Executive Director of “The Muck”, will outline steps that paved the path to astounding growth in
lean years. He will tell the tale of his journey which has become the subject of a new book, The
First Hundred Days: Leading Nonprofits Out of The Wilderness. Speaker: Zoot Velasco
January 2013
Fundamentals - The Joy of Being Certified as a CFRE
If you’ve ever considered becoming a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), hesitate no longer.
Becoming a CFRE is an excellent personal and professional goal. Presenters Frances Rozner, CFRE
and Heather McKenzie-Densmore, CFRE, will provide the what, why and how, along with
encouragement and answers to your questions.
Our Presenters
Frances Rozner, CFRE, and Heather McKenzie-Densmore, CFRE
Storytelling for a Purpose
Julie Holdaway (substitute speaker for Tim Shaw)
Join Us on Wednesday, December 12, 2012
for the next monthly chapter meeting of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Orange County Chapter
This is a Members-Only Meeting
$35 for Members
Special Luncheon
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
2012 Year-in-Review: Join us for a Social Celebration
Have some fun and enjoy a few surprises. The Holidays are upon us. Let’s relax, take time to network
with friends, celebrate and look at our chapter’s 2012 accomplishments. From the education programs
we have provided, the number of new CFREs in our chapter, to our tremendous National Philanthropy
Day event, we have much to celebrate. As always, lunch is served with our annual December tradition
of delicious desserts – the best of any meeting in the year!
Join Us on Tuesday, October 23, 2012
for the next monthly chapter meeting of the Association of Fundraising Professionals,
Orange County Chapter
$35 for Members, $45 for Non-Members (discounted rates until Friday, October 19, 2012)
(meetings are OPEN to all)
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Is BIGGER Really Better?
For many fundraising professionals, career aspirations are aimed toward working in a large department of development or advancement. Many of
these organizations (especially large universities and hospitals) may have teams of 50 – 100 professional fundraisers, or even more. But is
“bigger” really “better”? Join us next week when a panel of veteran development officers discuss the pros and cons of the “big shop” vs “small
We have a stellar panel for this topic, including
Dr. Flynn Andrizzi
(the newly appointed) President of the Hoag Hospital Foundation
Becky Lomaka
Director of Fund Development at Age Well Senior Services
Don’t miss this discussion about exciting career options.
Join Us on Tuesday, September 25, 2012
for the next monthly chapter meeting of the Association of Fundraising Professionals,
Orange County Chapter
$35 for Members, $45 for Non-Members (discounted rates until Friday, September 21, 2012)
(meetings are OPEN to all)
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Let’s Talk about “Ethics”
The accountable fundraiser has many roles and responsibilities: We are committed to observe professional practice guidelines in cultivating,
soliciting and stewarding donors and volunteers for our nonprofit organizations. These duties also include following the ethical guidelines
embodied in the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards. So; how are we doing with “Ethics?” This session will examine ethical conduct for
our organizations, our boards, our volunteers and supporters, and for us fundraisers. And, to review real ethical issues, we’ll examine a few
“ethical dilemmas”.
Our speaker will be our own Jim Greenfield, ACFRE, FAHP, a veteran fundraiser with 40 years experience as a fund development staff member
at three colleges and universities and five hospitals and medical centers. Following retirement in 2001 from Hoag Hospital as Executive Director,
Hoag Hospital Foundation, Jim continues to serve nonprofits and the fundraising profession with speaking, teaching, volunteering, writing and
consulting services. He is the author and editor of several books including “Rights of Donors”, chapter 2 in “Fundraising Ethics: A Guide for
Nonprofit Boards and Fundraisers” (Wiley, 2008).
Fundraising Fundamentals
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
The Role of Special Events
in a Fund Development Plan
What are special event best practices, and how can you make sure your event is a success?
Are your events one part of a broad-based annual fund plan or are they your entire annual fund plan?
What are the most effective roles for volunteers, the board, and the staff? How do you find and engage
sponsors? How and where do in-kind contributions fit best? If you do not have a budget plan, how to
you manage for maximum net return? What ethical issues will you face as you sell and operate your
event? And what is different when you are involved in a major event like the Toshiba Classic golf
Join us for a lively discussion led by Jake Rohrer and Jeff Purser. Jake has 30 years of development
experience as a volunteer, board member and staff member for Hoag Hospital Foundation. He is now
retired and does consulting and coaching for clients of Executive Service Corps and The Olin Group. Jeff
Purser has 23 years of marketing and management experience with professional sporting events in
Ohio, Florida, Michigan and California. He is the Executive Director of Hoag Charity Sports Events and
has been the Executive Director of the Toshiba Classic for 15 years.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Everyone is Welcome
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Maximizing the Diversity of your Non-Profit Organization
A Stellar Panel of Non-Profit Executives and Leaders from Diverse Cultures
As Orange County continues to increase its diversity, it is more important than ever to explore ways to diversify your Board of Directors and your
Donor Base. Come and hear how to reach more of Orange County in this informative session.
Your Expert Panel
Ammal Elhaddad, Moderator
Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies
Dr. Miguel Gallardo
California Latino Psychological Association
Dr. Maryam Sayyedi,
OMID Multicultural Institute for Development
Gloria Reyes
Ellen Ahn
Korean Community Services
Fundraising Fundamentals
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Pie and Passion: Marketing to a Diverse Community
Linda Zimmer
Fundraising happens when people and mission connect. Making that connection is what marketing is
about. In this Fundamentals session we’ll discuss tuning into and making that connection when donors
represent an increasingly diverse community. If you feel your marketing has gone stale, isn’t
connecting with new audiences, or have innovations to share, join in this conversation.
Linda Zimmer is president and CEO of MarCom:Interactive. She is a marketing and business
strategist, specializing in reinventing business practices and marketing for the modern age. She has
been serving an international clientele of corporate, non-profit and public brands for more than 25
years. She sits on the board of directors for AccessOC and the advisory board of Web Wise Kids. She is
co-publisher of online magazine, Adoption Voices Magazine and is a trainer for the State of California’s
Cooperative Personnel Services.
Linda is also founder of the Modern Media Leadership Institute, an organizational development, training
and research institute on trends in digital media and consumer behaviors. She is a media source on
digital media topics for outlets such as US News and World Report, Forbes, Computer Weekly, and
Forrester Research. Ms. Zimmer’s clients include Johnson & Johnson, the FDA, Nike, Heinz, Hyatt,
Nokia, U.S. Forestry Services, Taco Bell, as well as a myriad of non-profits and government agencies.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Everyone is Welcome
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Creating a Culture of Philanthropy
at Your Organization
Janet Levine and Chuck Trinone
Successful organizations tend to be those where the people involved—clients, staff, volunteers—feel that they have a relationship and a stake in
the organization. Giving back via a charitable gift (of time, talent and/or treasure) is arguably the strongest way to create and strengthen this
This interactive presentation will help the non-profits present to
1) Assess their philanthropic culture
2) Find ways to create such a culture or to strengthen what exists
3) Understand the practical reasons why such a culture is important
Janet Levine started her consulting company in 2007 after almost 20 years as an advancement professional in the nonprofit sector. Her
“in the trenches” training provides a solid base from which she can help to propel her clients, helping them to increase their fundraising capacity
and build stronger boards. Because she has been there, has had much success—and made every mistake in the book-- Janet is able to use her
experiences and skills to help her clients navigate their real world challenges.
Prior to opening Janet Levine Consulting, she was Vice President of Advancement at CSU-Dominguez Hills. She also served as Dean, External
Relations for Pasadena City College and was Executive Director of the Foundation at El Camino College. She also held senior development
positions at AFI, the University of Oregon, the Reason Foundation, and at USC. In addition to her consulting, Janet regularly teaches at the
Center for Nonprofit Management and in many other places.
Chuck Trinone is a successful fundraising campaign expert. Religious, education and
community leaders rely on him to accomplish their financial goals and achieve their
dreams. Since 1995, he has raised over $227 million dollars for annual, debt reduction,
endowment, new construction, programs and services, and stewardship projects on the
West Coast. CTConsultants is his fundraising consulting service that supports, faith based,
education and social civic causes and campaigns. Prior to opening CTConsultants he was a
consultant to Development Services Group and other consulting firms.
Chuck is a former AFP-OC board member and still participates in AFP’s Orange and Los
Angeles County Chapters. He is a founding and current member of Career Renewal
Ministry, which has assisted over 700+ unemployed and underemployed find work since
2008, and a founding member of his church's stewardship board. He also volunteers with
Share Our Selves (S.O.S) and the Self Help Interfaith Program (SHIP).
Fundraising Fundamentals
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Creating and Growing Your Annual Fundraising Plan
“Preparing for Successful Fundraising”
Jill Lynn Senecal
Principal, Jill Senecal & Associates
The need to raise an ever increasing amount of funds is common to all organizations and institutions. Whether your organization is a start-up or one that is
celebrating many years of exceptional program and service delivery, the competition for financial support and donor loyalty is as fierce as ever. This
Fundamentals Sessions will address what needs to be done to develop an annual fundraising plan that works. The session will cover such topics as 1)
delineating reliable facts about the current and future conditions of the organization; 2) solicitation and gifting strategies; 3) identification of which core
elements of the organization are critical to being in place for success in fundraising; 4) key issues that must be addressed in the fundraising plan and expected
outcomes, and 5) basic elements of a fundraising plan
About Our Speaker
Jill Senecal, MA, CMP (formerly Bailin) provides professional assessment, planning, and resource development services. Jill helps clients who need to initiate
or revitalize their fundraising and revenue development solutions, often impacting their organizational culture and infrastructure. Jill has 30 years of successful
experience as an evaluator, planner, trainer, and implementer, who specializes in fundraising, grant writing, and organizational development solutions. Since
1992 she has personally consulted with over 100 nonprofits, and helped them raise over $68 million. As a skilled project manager, she takes great pride in
producing big results. Jill has a multifaceted background enabling her to take a hands-on approach and be personally involved in facilitating client needs.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Everyone is Welcome
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
The 2012 AFPOC
Outstanding Fundraising Professional Award
Every single one of us has the power for greatness,
because greatness is determined by service – to yourself and to others.
– Oprah Winfrey
The AFP Board of Directors is proud to announce an award for excellence in our fundraising profession. We have many individuals in our chapter
who exemplify a life of service to nonprofits in our community. The Outstanding Fundraising Professional Award is a way for our chapter to honor
a few of those outstanding individuals and then select one person for the Award. It was established in 1987 and 17 professionals have received
the award since that time.
You will have an opportunity to meet some of them on June 26th.
Please join us and support all honorees – past and present.
Fundraising Fundamentals
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Ethics for the New Fundraiser
Exploring the Characteristics of the Best in Our Business
Jim Greenfield. ACFRE, FAHP
The first few years present several challenges beginning with learning about the “cause” of the new employer, their current fundraising programs, meeting new
volunteers, donors and prospects, and more. Nonprofit organizations and their fundraising activities observe a strict culture, one that is based on trust. Today,
there is heightened scrutiny from governments, the media and the public about nonprofits operations that must abide by the highest ethical standards and avoid
even the appearance of impropriety. This session also will review the contents of “A Donor Bill of Rights” and the “AFP Code of Ethical Principals and
Standards” as well as the several “ratings” and scores used by various “watchdog” groups in public reports on nonprofit conduct.
Our speaker will be Jim Greenfield, ACFRE, FAHP, a veteran fundraiser with 40 years of experience as a fund development staff leader. He retired from Hoag
Memorial Presbyterian Hospital in February 2001 after 14 years as Senior Vice President, Resource Development and Executive Director, Hoag Hospital
Foundation. Jim continues to serve nonprofits and the fundraising profession with speaking, teaching, volunteering, writing and consulting/coaching services.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Everyone is Welcome
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Achieving Greatness
An Insider’s Guide to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles’ Success
Claudia Looney, FAHP, CFRE
Senior Vice President, Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Success is often situational. However, hard work, big ideas, strategy, teamwork, leadership and a little luck
go a long way towards achieving a big fundraising goal. Claudia will share an insider’s look at the
transformational campaign she led at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Her insight about how they got there
and lessons learned along the way is something you certainly will want to learn about. Discover how the
institution’s leadership, commitment to the cause and boundless enthusiasm interacted to create this 10-year,
$1 billion campaign- the largest ever for any free-standing Children’s Hospital in North America.
About Our Speaker
Claudia A. Looney manages all aspects of the fundraising activities and the capital campaign that raised more than $1
billion dollars at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Previously Claudia held leadership positions with Northwestern
Memorial Foundation in Chicago, CalArts, Saddleback Memorial Foundation, and Orthopedic Hospital. She began her
career at the YWCA and Camp Fire Girls. She is past chair of AFP Foundation and a member of its International Ethics
Committee. Her many recognition awards for 45 years of fundraising experience include: the 1994 Fundraiser of the Year
for Orange County; the 1996 Fundraiser of the Year for Los Angeles County; and YWCA’s Woman of Distinction for
Orange County in 2004. In addition, AFP presented Claudia the 2012 CCS Award for Outstanding Fundraising
Professional and the Fundraising Professional of the Year 2012 award.
Fundraising Fundamentals
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
The Five Tool Fundraiser:
Exploring the Characteristics of the Best in Our Business
Christopher Looney
Corporate Vice President and Managing Director, Community Counseling Service (CCS)
Are you one of the professionals who views closing gifts and raising money as the only skills that really matter in the
development profession? Chris Looney will explore other skills that are of equal value, especially for those responsible
for running their own shops. Development professionals who are able to raise money, manage up, manage down, work
effectively with volunteers, and be strategic are rare and tremendously valuable. They are perhaps the best and most
talented fundraisers and are what Chris considers Five-Tool Fundraisers. Join this active discussion and learn more
about the skills necessary to raise money in a positive and collegial environment. You will also learn how to do it
ethically and sustainably to maximize every opportunity for the institution to continue its own advancement
philanthropically far into the future.
About Our Speaker Chris Looney joined CCS in 1998 and has the responsibility for overseeing the company’s operations
in southern California. He has more than 16 years of experience working with some of the most well-known non-profit
organizations on major fund-raising initiatives and has assisted more than 100 organizations with audits, studies and
campaigns. Chris’ clients have included hospitals, schools, churches, international and regional social service agencies,
and civic institutions. He is a member of the CCS Training Institute faculty and remains actively involved in the
Association of Fundraising Professionals throughout southern California. He currently serves on the boards of the AFP
Orange County chapter and the AFP International Foundation. Chris earned his B.A. from Princeton University.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Everyone is Welcome
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Transforming You and Your Organization:
Tapping into AFP Resources
Larry Hostetler, CFRE
Director, Chapter Services, Western U.S., Pennsylvania, North & South Carolina
Have you ever needed help with a certain fundraising topic? What about the latest information on current
salaries to take into your annual review? Or perhaps you need statistics for a research project. Maybe you
need help in finding a new job. You might just need someone to talk to, someone who will let you ask that
stupid question.
Become a better fundraiser by joining us this month to learn from Larry Hostetler- a fundraiser with three
decades of experience. Larry will present an informative, fun, and fact-filled review of the benefits and
resources available to you through AFP whether you are an AFP member or not. Learning how to advance
both your organization and your career is especially critical in this economic climate.
Fundraising Fundamentals
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Larry Hostetler, CFRE
Director, Chapter Services, Western U.S., Pennsylvania, North & South Carolina
Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About AFP
Misconceptions will be dispelled, rumors confirmed and debunked.
Attend this session to get the surprising inside scoop that every fundraiser should know about AFP.
About Our Speaker
As the Chapter Services Director for the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Larry Hostetler's territory
includes the western U.S., Pennsylvania, and North and South Carolina, providing services and visits to 67
chapters in five time zones. His career includes both fundraising and executive director positions and spans
over three decades and communities from coast-to-coast. His service to AFP includes Chapter Boards in
medium, large, and small chapters. He has also served on AFP International committees, most recently
chairing the Chapter Support Subcommittee in the Membership Division. Larry enjoys sports (particularly
baseball, where he is a fan of his hometown Cincinnati Reds), reading, and travel.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
The Great Paradox: The Board and its Fundraising
It’s one of the worst-kept secrets around, and yet it’s very common.
While most everyone agrees that the board needs to play some kind of role in the bottom line, the harsh truth is that doesn’t mean board
members will automatically enjoy fundraising – or even be very good at it. Deirdre Maloney will provide a practical framework and real-life tips
on how to create and execute a fundraising strategy for the board – one that creates energy and eases the tension for all involved. She will
address some vital questions: How to use the passion of board members to raise money for the organization? What’s the best way to establish
and monitor board giving policies? How can staff and board members work together for the overall fiscal health of the organization?
About our Speaker
Deidre Maloney
Deirdre Maloney proudly runs Momentum, LLC, which helps nonprofit organizations meet their
missions through better business. Through presentations and corporate trainings, as well as customized
services like strategic planning, board development, and marketing services that improve the bottom
line, Deirdre helps organizations meet their goals…and helps their leaders sleep better at night. In
addition to her work through Momentum, Deirdre teaches marketing for the University of San Diego’s
School of Leadership and Education Sciences. Her writings and articles have appeared in a number of
print publications and her blog on leadership is a hit.
Her book, The Mission Myth, was released in November 2011.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Effective Donor Relations Strategies
Retaining donors is a challenge for many nonprofits and a surprisingly high percentage of donors don’t
make a second gift. That’s unfortunate since it is easier and cheaper to retain donors and even upgrade
them gradually to a higher giving than to find and cultivate new ones. The best strategy is to know how
to keep the donors you have. In this session Todd will be sharing successful donor relations (and
foundation relations) tips and strategies that produce great retention results and can be easily
About our Speaker
Todd Hanson
Orange County Community Foundation
Todd Hanson is vice president of donor relations and programs at the Orange County Community
Foundation. He visits more than 100 local nonprofit organizations each year to stay informed on the
latest programs, services and results. This past year he helped to facilitate nearly $30 million in granting
for OCCF. Todd has more than 20 years of experience in nonprofits, including 10 years at OCCF, and is
the former executive director of Camp Fire USA in Orange County. He is a graduate of California State
University, Fullerton.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Luncheon Presentation
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Chewing Gum and Walking
Communicating, Connecting, and Creatively
Jon M. Wagner, CFRE
We never do just one thing at a time. In fact, the extent to which we optimize positive
results from multiple activities is a good measure of our leadership. Adapted from a
presentation created by Sherry Schiller, Ph.D., Jon will host a “game” that will help you
achieve your goals by learning strategies to help create trust, improve communications,
build constructive relationships, galvanize commitment, and inspire focused action.
Fundraising Fundamentals
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Why Join?
Getting the Most Out of Your AFP Membership
Jon M. Wagner, CFRE
Jon will lead a discussion around the benefits of membership in the Association of
Fundraising Professionals. Many aspiring fundraisers know of the networking and
education opportunities provided by attending monthly chapter meetings. There are other
significant benefits as well. Come find out about what you’re missing. Even current AFP
members may discover some hidden treasures.
About Our Speaker
Jon M. Wagner, CFRE, is AFP OC’s 2012 President. Jon is the Senior Major Gifts
Officer for St. Jude Memorial Foundation in Fullerton, California. Jon’s past associations
include Arts Orange County, Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation, Laguna Playhouse,
The Wooden Floor, and Segerstrom Center for the Arts. He and his wife, Nancy, reside in
Yorba Linda, California where they raised three daughters.
December 6, 2011
Key Tasks for Fundraisers at Year-End
Tuesday, December 6 - Orange County Chapter Meeting
(Members - Register by Friday at Noon to Receive Your Discount)
Luncheon Session Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Were you planning to simply cruise into 2012? Fly by the seat of your pants? In this session, Larry Buck, ACFRE will
outline the key tasks you must accomplish before year-end to finish 2011 strong and the plans you must put in place to
kick off 2012 aggressively.
About Larry Buck
The Jesus Film Project and Campus Crusade for Christ has been the beneficiary of the work of Larry Buck, ACFRE, for
the past 34 years. Larry's innovation and leadership have not only helped the organization but have blazed a trail for
other non-profits both nationally and internationally to raise funds and enhance their profiles. Larry was the#43 ACFRE
in 2000. Larry's innovation has been instrumental in the areas of gift catalogs,donor analysis and segmentation,
compliance, stewardship and cultivation. In his tenure at the Jesus Film Project, Larry and his team have increased
donations tenfold.
Fundamentals Session: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Enhance Your Career in 2012
What are you doing in 2012 to further your career? Consider becoming a credentialed fundraiser and earn your CFRE
designation. Join the discussion and learn how to do it but more importantly, why to do it. Plus, for non-members a
discussion of the benefits of becoming a member of AFP.
About Gary Good
Gary Good, CFRE has nearly three decades of experience with nationally recognized arts organizations and has created
programs that have improved both their local and national reputations. For the past three years, Gary has spearheaded
the Pacific Symphony's annual and capital campaigns, increasing donations by 26% while decreasing fundraising
expenses by 15%. Gary serves as the Chair of the AFP International Foundation and is very involved in fundraising
activities throughout the country.
October 25, 2011
Measuring Fundraising
A Two-Part Presentation by Jim Greenfield
Fundamentals Session: 10:30 – 11:45 a.m.
Part I: Fundraising Cost Effectiveness and Performance Measurement Demands for financial
accountability by board members, volunteers, donors and others continue to focus on the cost of
fundraising. This workshop will offer sample gift reports, worksheets and performance guidelines to
illustrate how to assess results and measure performance for effectiveness and efficiency as well as how
to budget and forecast future gift revenues.
Luncheon Session: 12:45 – 1:30 p.m.
Part II: Evaluating Fundraising Effectiveness Accountability for fundraising is about measurements and
performance benchmarks others believe nonprofits should meet. This session will address criteria for
fundraising efficiency and effectiveness along with how fundraisers are evaluated and by whom. A review
of performance standards and guidelines used by Charity Navigator, Better Business Bureau and other
“watchdogs” also will be discussed.
About Our Speaker
James M. Greenfield, ACFRE, FAHP has served since 1962 as a fundraising executive to three
Universities and five hospitals on the East and West Coasts and in between. He retired from Hoag
Memorial Presbyterian Hospital in February 2001 after 14 years as Senior Vice President, Resource
Development and Executive Director, Hoag Hospital Foundation where more than $120 million was raised
during his tenure. The author and editor of 10 books on fundraising management topics, he is among the
first to explore the complex issues of fundraising cost-benefit analysis and public accountability of
fundraising results. Now in semi-retirement, Jim continues to serve nonprofits and the fundraising
profession with speaking, teaching, volunteering, and fundraising consulting services.
September 27, 2011
Morning Session
Working with Older Donors: Opportunities and Obstacles
Many of our best and most loyal major donors are senior adults. They may be cognitively aware and
independent one day - and confused and vulnerable the next. Health circumstances may change
suddenly without our knowledge. Successful development officers have the insights, skills and abilities to
assess donor circumstances and to determine whether a gift is in the best interest of the donor. This
session will explore the practical, moral, and ethical issues in working with older adult donors, their
advisors, and family members.
Luncheon Session
Changing the World: Social Impact Begins With Us
Most of the major social movements and important international changes over the past century have had
a philanthropic motivation. Charities and fundraising have been drivers of these changes throughout the
modern era and will continue to be so as our governments are overwhelmed by the scope of problems locally, regionally and around the world - and fraught with political infighting. The pressure will grow on the
charitable community to deliver what governments can't or won't do.
In today's philanthropic environment, fundraisers hold the key to ensuring continued impact in causes
dear to us all. AFP plays a pivotal role in uniting practitioners from the broad spectrum of the fundraising
community and helping them understand the challenges charities face. Andrea McManus, CFRE, AFP's
chair, and Andrew Watt, FInstF, AFP’s new president and CEO, will discuss the immediate future of
fundraising and philanthropy and how AFP helps practitioners address the pressing issues that are
affecting the profession, as well as inspire members about the transformational change they can bring
about every day.
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Andrew Watt, FlnstF, is president and CEO of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, having been
appointed to that position in March, 2011.
Andrew joined AFP as vice president for international development in 2006 and was promoted to chief
programs officer in 2008, where he led the Membership and Professional Advancement Divisions of
AFP. From 1993-2005, Andrew was employed by the Institute of Fundraising in the United Kingdom. In
2006, he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Fundraising in recognition of his extraordinary
service to the profession.
Andrew has been a strong proponent of the value of the nonprofit community and fundraising throughout
his career. Viewing nonprofits as a critical interface between the public and government, he has long
emphasized the importance of forging strong consensus-based coalitions both within the philanthropic
community and between the public and private sectors that demonstrate the value and impact of charities
and their work. Andrew is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh and is married with two children.
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Andrea McManus, CFRE, is the first fundraiser outside of the United States to lead the Association of
Fundraising Professionals as chair. She is a former president of the Calgary Chapter, a founding chair of
the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy-Canada, chair of the AFP Canadian Presidents’ Council and has
served on numerous association committees. She has also served as vice chair of external relations and
vice chair of professional advancement for AFP.
Andrea is president of The Development Group, a full-service, strategic philanthropic consulting firm
based in Calgary, Alberta. She has over 26 years of experience in fundraising, marketing, and
communications. Her firm has helped build the fundraising capacity of many clients throughout Canada
and the Bahamas. She was one of the first fundraising professionals in Calgary to receive the CFRE
accreditation and has recertified four times.
Andrea is an AFP Master Teacher and speaks frequently as conferences and workshops throughout
Canada and the United States.
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Robbe Healey, MBA, NHA, ACFRE, has more than thirty years in non-profit organization management
and development. She is an accom plished fund raising generalist with a successful track record of
establishing new development offices, and board and volunteer training. She is Vice President for
Philanthropy of Simpson Senior Services as well as the Founding Member of Aurora Philanthropic
Consulting LLC.
Robbe chaired the Board of Directors of AFP in 2009-10, and currently serves as Immediate Past
Chair. She served as a founding member of the AAHSA (American Association of Homes and Services
for the Aging) Philanthropy Network.
In 2001 the Greater Philadelphia Chapter/AFP named her Fundraising Executive of the Year. An AFP
Master Teacher, Robbe earned the designation in 2000, the first year it was awarded and has been
designated a Faculty Star by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).
July 26, 2011
How Fund Raisers Can Tell a Nonprofit's Financial Story
Karla V. Salazar
Director, Nonprofit Finance Fund
Every organization has financial needs that must be incorporated into fundraising goals. Having a deep
understanding of your nonprofit's financials, and telling that story effectively, is a key component of
successful fundraising. Join us for a presentation by Karla V. Salazar, Director, Nonprofit Finance Fund
(NFF) about how to present your financial story in a clear and transparent manner, address any red flags,
and make a strong case for various types of funding, including core support.
About the Speaker: Karla V. Salazar
Ms. Salazar's responsibilities include overseeing the expansion of NFF in the Los Angeles and Southern
California region, managing NFF's advisory and new business development. Karla brings with her
tremendous financial, operations management and consulting experience in the public and private sector.
She was most recently the Assistant Manager for the Los Angeles Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco. She has a Masters in Public Policy from Claremont Graduate University and a Bachelor of
Arts in Political Science from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). In 2008, Ms. Salazar also
completed the Executive Program in General Management at the John E. Anderson School of
Management in UCLA.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Show Me Your Moves!
Increasing Major Gifts Through Effective Moves Management
Shannon D. Barnes
Senior Advisor, The EDGE Group
You've heard it before. Maybe you've even said it before. "I wish we had someone like (add name) as a
donor." But in a fundraising environment as challenging, crowded and competitive as this one, how are
you going get (add name) to know about your organization and its programs, let alone give substantially to
your cause? With a system called Moves Management. Come learn the ideas behind this effective system
as well as tips and ideas for putting it to work in your organization. You'll be showing your moves in no
About the Speaker: Shannon D. Barnes
Whether working as an executive in a multi-national manufacturer, and manager for a start-up financial
services company or a pastoral leader in two growing churches, Shannon has consistently demonstrated
the ability to organize complex relationships and work environments into highly productive boards and
teams. Shannon is now a Senior Advisor with The EDGE Group, a firm that helps charities, churches and
private schools increase the depth and scope of their mission impact - strengthening leaders and boards,
developing innovative strategies, and raising the funds needed to act. Since 2004, EDGE has coached
hundreds of organizations and raised over $250 million to fuel mission-driven efforts.
May 24, 2011
Luncheon Presentation - Noon
Does Your Thinking Limit Your Success?Lindon A. Crow and Sarah Agee
The goal of this interactive session is to have people see the correlation between their "thoughts"
and the limited results they see in their life. This presentation focuses on the premise that you can
either have the things you want in life or have your reasons/excuses for why you don't have
them. To be able to make better choices, we have to start with better premises or paradigms. In this
presentation, we use experiential exercises that demonstrate how people's perspectives are limited
and in some cases pre-programmed. Breaking out of these limitations is a key to improving both the
results they are able to achieve as well as the quality of their lives.
Presented by:Lindon A. CrowSpeaker and Program Counselor Productive Learning & Leisure, LLC
Sarah Agee, Sterling Search, will join Lindon in this presentation to provide additional insight
regarding the fund development job market via her experiences as a premiere placement executive.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
10 Tips to Bullet Proof Your ResumeSarah Agee
Employers and recruiters make snap judgments when glancing at your resume. If they see unrelated
job titles or skills, lack of relevant accomplishments, the likelihood is very high that they will make
an immediate assumption that you are not qualified for the job you want.
Presented by:Sarah Agee, Sterling SearchSarah has been a professional in the executive
search/staffing industry for nearly 20 years. At Sterling Search, which she founded in 2002, Sarah
has conducted various national and local searches for Executive Directors, CEO/Presidents, and
Vice Presidents, Directors and Managers of Fundraising/ Annual Fund/ Capital Campaign/ Planned
Giving/ Major Gifts/Finance/ Programs as well as many other roles within nonprofit, higher
education and healthcare foundations.
April 26, 2011
Luncheon Presentation - Noon
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the SameKris Elftmann
New Media or Old Media. All or None. Good Versus Bad. You make the call.
But whatever you decide, remember that there are a few basics, which haven't changed much
through the years, when we roll up our sleeves to raise money for the organizations we respect and
love. Remember too that the effort invariably starts with a story - and almost always thrives or dives
based on the donor experience.
Join us for a discussion of some simple, long-standing and irrefutable principles that are as
important today as they have ever been.
About the Speaker:
Kris Elftmann is president of Noelle Marketing Group, a creative resources firm that produces sales
and marketing materials for corporate and nonprofit clients throughout the United States. Since
1980, Noelle has specialized in developing and manufacturing printed collateral materials and
branded specialty products. Through the years Noelle Marketing Group has received numerous
awards for its community involvement and philanthropy, including: Outstanding Corporation by the
Orange County Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and four Distinguished
Achievement Awards from the Orange County Business Committee for the Arts. Kris and his wife
Linda have also been honored as Art Patrons of the Year by Arts Orange County.
Kris serves on boards of many non-profit organizations including: The Center for the National
Interest, a non-partisan public policy think tank in Washington DC, MIND Research Institute and
Cystinosis Research Foundation. He also serves on the campaign cabinet for the Dodge College of
Film and Media Arts at Chapman University and Discovery Science Center. He retired last year as
chair of the Board of Directors of the Richard Nixon Library Foundation and as a trustee of the
University of California, Irvine Foundation, where he served as a member of the Executive
Committee and chaired the Foundation’s Stewardship Committee.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Telling Your Story Through Social MediaKelly Dylla - Pacific Symphony
How do you tell your organization's story through social media? In this workshop, we will explore
two key social media tools - Facebook and Twitter - and what functions they can serve to deepen
organizations' relationships to selected audiences. Workshop participants will share their own
success stories and uncover best practices for developing a strong social media strategy.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------March 22, 2011
Luncheon Presentation - Noon
Reframing The Work Of The Board For High Level PerformanceDaniel J. McQuaid, CEO &
President, OneOC
The role of Boards of Directors in non-profit organizational leadership is a vital one. As
professional leadership, what tools and best practices can we employ as we work with our
institutional Boards to continuously increase their capacity and success to ensure mission
Questions to be addressed:
How can boards use board assessment tools to build capacity and mission impact?
How can boards energize themselves through planned revitalization?
How can boards institutionalize a culture of inquiry that leads to sound and shared decision making?
We invite non-profit Chief Executive Officers and Executive Directors to attend the presentation.
About the Speaker:
Dan McQuaid was named OneOC's President/CEO in November 2005. Through his tenure, OneOC
has grown in total revenue from three to over $12 million, expanding its capacity to help build
stronger nonprofits and stronger communities in Orange County. Dan has more than 25 years of
leadership experience as a chief executive officer, community leader, board chairperson,
organization consultant and trainer. Since 2000, Mr. McQuaid has been retained as a consultant to
more than 125 Southern California nonprofits, providing growth planning, evaluation and training
services. In addition to his work in the nonprofit sector, Daniel is an inactive licensed child, adult,
and family psychotherapist. He holds a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from the University of
California, Riverside and a M.S. in Social Work with distinction from Columbia University.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Increase Your Organization's Fundraising ResultsThrough Board Engagement
Engaging your board members in fundraising can dramatically expand your organization’s fund
development team. Two seasoned professionals, Viki Barie, CFRE, St. Joseph Hospital
Foundation, and Heather McKenzie-Densmore, CFRE, Habitat For Humanity, will share their
experiences and effective techniques for engaging board members and volunteers in
fundraising. This session will also include a group discussion to facilitate sharing experiences and
hard won positive results.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------February 22, 2011
Luncheon Presentation - Noon
Our February luncheon speaker will be Eron Jacobson, AFP's new Vice President for Strategic
Partnerships. Eron joined the AFP management team in December, after serving as the Director of
Strategic Partnerships at UCLA where developed the universities first cross campus corporate
partners program outside the realm of Athletics. Prior to UCLA, he served at the Sponsorship
Director for the Los Angeles Times where he oversaw the papers portfolio of sponsors for consumer
and B2B events.
At AFP, Eron is responsible for the new Strategic Partners Program. His goal is to step outside of
the traditional sponsorship model previously found at the AFP International Conference on
Fundraising by incorporating previously untapped AFP benefits into a far more holistic program
that provides new opportunities and levels of visibility for AFP's partners on a year round basis.
Eron will talk with us about increasing sponsorship opportunities for organizations large and small,
how he is approaching his new responsibilities at AFP and provide examples of successful
programs he has developed over the past 10 years. He will also share insights about professional
development opportunities for members interested in expanding their own sponsorship programs
and how to take those to market.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Lessons Learned the Hard Way
A panel of veteran grant writers share their experiences and the lessons they have learned in
soliciting funding from foundations and corporations.
Moderator: Carol Geisbauer
Panel Members: Kay Vickery, Joan Hansen, Theresa Lu and Marc Eilenberg.
January 25, 2011
Luncheon Presentation - Noon
The Nonprofit Leader of the New DecadeJeffrey R. Wilcox, CFRE
Join us as Jeffrey R. Wilcox, CFRE, challenges non-profit leaders and fundraisers to rethink the
future with an overview of his new book, "The Nonprofit Leader of the New Decade." Jeff will
share his thoughts on the necessary leadership qualities to forge community-based organizations
towards 2020. Are current nonprofit business practices and models antiquated? How do they impact
succession planning? Do we need to rethink our assumptions about organized community service as
Generations X and Y prepare to take on non-profit leadership roles over the next ten years?
Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase "The Nonprofit Leader of the New Decade" and
Jeff has graciously agreed to be available to sign books following the luncheon.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Bridging The Generations:Leading Communities and Developing Resources Jeffrey R. Wilcox,
Jeff will lead a discussion around the generational differences between Baby Boomers, Gen X and
Gen Y and the philanthropic behaviors that are emerging. The session will also explore bridging the
generations in our nonprofit organizations from leadership development and fundraising points-ofview.
About the Speaker:
Jeffrey R. Wilcox, CFRE, is the President and Chief Executive Officer of The Third Sector
Company, Inc, which provides a wide spectrum of philanthropic consulting services to
organizations in the United States and Canada. A former president of AFP OC, Jeff has served in a
leadership role with nonprofit organizations for over 25 years. He is a frequent conference speaker
and authors a column on the nonprofit sector for the Long Beach Business Journal.
December 7, 2010Luncheon PresentationA Diverse Approach to Diversity in Non-Profits Sahar
Andrade leads a discussion of increasing the diversity of your Board of Directors - and how it can
help your organization better accomplish its mission.
Fundamentals - 10:30StewardshipIt is perhaps the important component of your organization's
future fundraising success. How are you doing it? Learn how Goodwill of Orange County utilizes
best practices in its stewardship process.
October 26, 2010
Luncheon PresentationCollaboration in the Non-Profit SectorHow can your organization work best
with others to accomplish your mission and meet the desires of your donors? Learn how some of
the most successful are doing and join the discussion of our All-Star panel.
Fundamentals - 10:30CFRE – What’s the Big Deal? Should you or shouldn't you? Come and learn
the great benefits of becoming a Certified Fundraising Executive.
September 28, 2010Luncheon PresentationAdvancement Committees – Create or Abolish?Should
you have one? If so, how best to use your volunteer advancement or fund development
committee? We'll be led in the discussion by CFRE William Heaton from the Southern College
College of Optometry.“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.
August 24, 2010
Luncheon PresentationUsing Incentives to Motivate Donors
Come and learn how some of the most successful non-profits are using incentives in their overall
giving program to motivate donors to give at higher levels. Our speaker is Michelle Cohen of
Mitch Stuart, Inc., a leading motivational company.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.“Getting the Most from your AFP Membership”
You and your agency invest a lot in your membership. Learn about all the benefits you can glean
from the organization and how to maximize your organization’s investment of time and money into
it. Gary Good, Pacific Symphony
June 22, 2010
Luncheon PresentationAFP-OC Fundraiser of the Year Awards
Come and be inspired by the achievements of your fellow AFP members. Eight very successful
fundraisers have been nominated. Who will win?
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.“Secrets of the Stars”
Learn from the best in our business. We’ll have a panel comprised of the nominees for “2010
Fundraiser of the Year” and learn how they have accomplished their great feats. The panel will be
led by Claudia Looney, VP of Development for Childrens Hospital Los Angeles and a former AFPOC Fundraiser of the Year.
May 25, 2010
Luncheon PresentationAn Optomist’s ViewOf Life After the Great Recession
Our speaker is Shannon Barnes from The Edge Group. You’ll hear a presentation with
encouraging stories and be inspired to lead and confront your organization’s challenges.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.“Fundraising Ethics, Donor’s Rights, and Institutional Policies”.
Come learn from the best of the best. Your conversation leaders will be Frank Hall and Jim
April 27, 2010
Luncheon PresentationThe Great AFPOC Film FestivalSee the best in video from Orange County
non-profits and learn how you can stimulate your donors through film.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Tip from the Video ProsVideo Pros Bill Ennis and John Brown will
teach you how to incorporate video into your fundraising efforts.
March 23, 2010
Luncheon PresentationThe New Normalfrom the vantage point of WeingartOur speaker is Fred Ali,
President of the Weingart Foundation.Come and hear his views about the state of our industry and
how various forces will be changing it in the future. One of the clearest thinkers in our industry,
Mr. Ali’s comments will be helpful in steering your organization’s next steps.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Starting and Maintaining an Annual FundCome learn how the key
ingredients in a successful annual fund program. You’ll be led by Alan Pearson, CFRE, a recent
addition to the Southern California non-profit scene at Living Waters, a Christian ministry in
Bellflower. Alan was certified as a CFRE in 2006 and is actively pursuing the AFCRE credential.
December 1, 2009Luncheon PresentationMaximizing individual Productivity- or - Increasing
Organizational EffectivenessOur speaker is Nathan Rosenberg from Insigniam. He’s a wellrespected speaker on helping individuals and organizations to maximize their impact. A winner of
the Boy Scouts of America’s highest award, he knows and appreciates the nonprofit
community. Come, vote for your topic and enjoy.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Social Networking to Improve Your Lot in LifeCome learn how to
improve your networking skills both online and offline in this upbeat seminar delivered by three
social networking pros. How to behave yourself properly at a dinner party, how to best use
LinkedIn and MySpace and everything in between. Delivered by Breakthrough Networking.
December 1, 2009Luncheon PresentationMaximizing individual Productivity- or - Increasing
Organizational EffectivenessOur speaker is Nathan Rosenberg from Insigniam. He’s a wellrespected speaker on helping individuals and organizations to maximize their impact. A winner of
the Boy Scouts of America’s highest award, he knows and appreciates the nonprofit
community. Come, vote for your topic and enjoy.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Social Networking to Improve Your Lot in LifeCome learn how to
improve your networking skills both online and offline in this upbeat seminar delivered by three
social networking pros. How to behave yourself properly at a dinner party, how to best use
LinkedIn and MySpace and everything in between. Delivered by Breakthrough Networking.
October 27, 2009
Luncheon PresentationEverything You Need to KnowAbout the Volunteer CenterThe Volunteer
Center of Orange County is the fifth largest and most comprehensive of the 350 national volunteer
centers. They provide a myriad of services to non-profits and the philanthropic community. Come
find out how your organization can benefit from one the most successful enterprises in fundraising
today. Our speaker is the CEO of the Volunteer Center, Dan McQuaid.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Are You Missing out with Social Media?Is your agency really taking
advantage of the social media revolution? Are you connecting with your donors and supporters as
well as you could be? Are your donors wandering off after being enticed by other more
“technologically advanced” causes? Come find the cure for your social media woes. Our speaker
will be social media guru David Jacobs.
September 22, 2009?
Luncheon PresentationGetting DODs to work “well” with Financial ProfessionalsHow best to work
with financial planners and other allied professionals? Learn how profitable relationships are being
built and sustained from a financial services pro and a non-profit exec who has a track record in
building mutually beneficial relationships.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Adding Diversity to your Board and Volunteer Base In today’s world
it’s a best practice to have a diverse board and volunteer base that can add vitality to your
fundraising and your organization. You’ll learn some of the many benefits and how to attract a
more diverse group.
August 25, 2009Luncheon PresentationExecutive Directors vs. Directors of DevelopmentCan’t We
All Just Get Along?A Panel of Experts, moderated by Gary Good, CFRE, Pacific Symphony
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Google Grants – How to Get YoursJoin Bart Jennriches in this
informative discussion of Google and their innovative grant program.
June 23, 2009?
Luncheon PresentationFundraiser of the Year AwardsAFP-OC Honors the Best
You won’t want to miss this memorable event as the AFP-Orange County selects the “Fundraiser of
the Year” for 2009. You’ll be inspired by the nominees and appreciate the presentation by former
award winners. Don’t miss it!
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Best and Worst Resumes and Interview Stories In today’s market it is
important to make the best first impression on paper and in person. What are the biggest blunders
and what do you need to know about standing out from the crowd?
Sarah Agee formed Sterling Search, Inc. in early 2002. In the last seven years Sarah, and her team,
has placed CEOs/ Executive Directors and all levels of Fundraising Professionals for the nonprofit,
higher education, and healthcare sectors.
May 26, 2009?
Luncheon SpeakerJohn Moorlach, OC Board of SupervisorsThe Vital Role Non-Profits Fill in
Orange County”
You’ll want to bring your Board Members and Executive Director to this event featuring the
Honorable John Moorlach of the OC Board of Supervisors. John will address the critical roles that
non-profits play in making Orange County the effective and livable community it is.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Beyond the Mainstream: Reaching Ethnic Leaders Through Media and
Community Relations
One of the fastest growing segments of Orange County is the Vietnamese community. In this
session, you’ll learn about reaching out to this vibrant group through public relations, donor
relations and communication.
April 28, 2009
The AFPOC Film FestivalCome and see what your fellow fundraisers are doing to stir their donors'
support. You'll not only see the best in our business but get critical comments from two film pros
about what you should include in your next video.Should You be a CFRE?Certified Fund Raising
Executives (CFRE) earn 17% more than non-certified fundraisers. Should you consider making the
move to become certified in our profession? Join Gary Good and learn all about it. 10:30 a.m. on
Tuesday, April 28
March 24, 2009Luncheon SpeakerCast your NET, Catch More FishAllen Pressel; CEO of Charity
This seminar shows how you can use the internet for further your mission. We’ll examine how
nonprofits are using the Internet, how they’d like to be using the Internet, and how they should be
using the Internet (but may be unaware of) – and how to bridge that significant gap easily and
quickly. Learn how to drive more traffic and fundraising thru your site and get specific
suggestions on how you can improve your website.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Telephone Strategies for Current and Lapsed DonorsLarry Buck, The
Jesus Film Project
How best to use one of your oldest tools – the telephone? In-house staff? Outside
vendors? Combination? Larry Buck has done them all and knows how to help you in determining
the best strategy for your organization.
February 24, 2009How to Get Your Share of theExploding Social Capital MarketsMark Van Ness;
Founder, Social Enterprise Institute
There is a new breed of investors that is interested in the bottom line AND the social impact of their
investments. Learn how to position your organization to take advantage of this emerging
Mark Van Ness is the founder of the Social Enterprise Institute and the SELFund, a syndicate of
donor-advised funds providing credit enhancements and financing to social enterprises.
“Fundamentals” – 10:30 a.m.Moves ManagementRon Mirenda, Mirenda & Associates
A look at how you can incorporate best practices into your development operations to incubate
more major gifts.
January 25, 2009Luncheon SpeakerPat Everett, Chief Economist of Northern TrustTopic: State of
the Economy and the Impact it will have on Non-Profits
FundamentalsCarol GeisbauerGrantwriting for Non Profits
December 2, 2008
Luncheon Session - Noon
“Stop in the Name of Love”, i.e. Reconsidering GovernanceLiz Shear
You’ll be singing the praises of great governance after you hear our December luncheon speaker,
Liz Shear. The mother of an award-winning rock musician and a music lover herself, Liz brings an
excitement that you wouldn’t expect about nonprofit governance.
From Liz..."How do we reclaim the concept of governance and make the word resonate in our
hearts and minds? First, we need a more complete definition of governance. Our current definition
reads “The use of authority to set organizational purpose and to ensure that the organization serves
those purposes.” Somehow, it forgets to mention three essential elements of governance: why, for
whom and how we do the work. Substitute “an organized group of people, who, together, advance
a mission for the common good, on behalf of the community. Now governance is about working
together in an organized and passionate way to improve our mutual lives. It becomes a sacred
community trust."
You’ll see governance in a whole different light. You may even begin singing “I’m beginning to
see the light . . .” Lyrics provided on request.About The Speaker:
Liz Shear is the founder and program director for the University of San Diego’s Fifth Annual
NonProfit Governance Symposium that will be held January 9-10 on the USD campus. Fun loving
and upbeat, here are just a few of her other credentials:
Executive Director, San Diego Youth and Community Services
Founding Staff Member for YMCA Project Oz, crisis intervention for runaway youths(Don’t you
just love that name?)
Consultant to a Major national music promotion company
Consultant to Urban Corps of San Diego, Alzheimer’s Association, Native American Nursing
Scholars, San Diego Grantmakers and more.
Liz may break out in song at any time but you’ll go back to your nonprofit with a greater
appreciation of the harmony good governance can bring.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Major Gift and Planned Gift Fundraising in these “Challenging” Economic TimesAmanda J.
Ferrari, JD, CFRE and Robert Sheldon, JDFerrari Philanthropic Consultants, Inc.
What do we do in these “challenging” economic times?
What should your charitable organization be doing?
Assessing your donors – How are they affected?
Does your organization stay the course with major and planned gifts or chart a different
Revisiting Planned Giving Strategies - Do we put planned giving activities on hold and shift
primary focus on major gifts to see us through this storm?
Does your organization communicate a message of stability to your donors?
What is the role of the Board and the staff during these economic times?
On December 2, 2008 Robert Sheldon and Amanda Ferrari, with over 30 years of combined
experience in major gift and planned gift fundraising, will have an interactive session discussing
these issues. You don’t want to miss it!About the Speakers:
Amanda J. Ferrari, JD, CFRE and Robert Sheldon, JD are the principals of Ferrari Philanthropic
Consultants, Inc., a full service Consulting Firm with over 30 years of combined fundraising and
philanthropic expertise providing counsel to Nonprofit Organizations in Estate and Gift Planning,
Bequests, Major Gifts, Feasibility Studies, Capital Campaigns, Endowment Campaigns, Executive
Coaching, Fundraising and Business Plans, Board and Staff Leadership Development, Strategic
Planning, Nonprofit Management, Leadership Retreats, and Marketing.
Among their many clients are St. Joseph Hospital of Orange, Mission Hospital, St. Jude Medical
Center, St. Mary Medical Center, Orange County Performing Arts Center, the California Science
Center, and the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor UCLA.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Boom Generation Women Create New Horizons for Fundraisers Margaret May Damen, CFP, CLU,
Boom generation women have the emotional literacy, financial confidence and control the
economic means to make major lifetime and legacy gifts that mirror their core values and beliefs,
and fulfill their number one issue - a desire to make a difference. Organizations that understand how
to create a sustainable environment for gender and generational synergy will attract and maintain
the trust, loyalty and commitment of the nation's largest cohort of women impatient for and
receptive to advice and counsel as to how to direct their philanthropic dollars. This session will
identify the key psychosocial peer-personality traits of this generation, discuss how to implement
effective communication, marketing and gender receptive programs and provide you with the tools
to align your organization's mission more closely with donor's values and interests.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
Deepen their understanding of the "culture" of boom-generation women and their extraordinary
potential to impact and influence philanthropic methodology.
Gain powerful techniques for marketing, communicating and connecting with affluent women.
Become confident in their ability as a trusted advisor to identify, solicit and retain boom-generation
women's wealth, power and influence.
Learn strategic ways to align donor's interest and values with organization's mission.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Luncheon Session - Noon
Fund Raising Secrets of a Political Junkie
Guest Speaker: Adam D. Probolsky
In this season of great political activity, find out what nonprofits can learn from political
fundraisers. Are there methods that cross over from one spectrum to the other? Could it be that
there are even ethical strategies of political fundraising that fit into the nonprofit world?
How do the best in the political arena cultivate contacts and convert them to donors? How do
political pros take the best advantage of the popularity and positions of like-minded friends?
About The Speaker:
Adam D. Probolsky is one of Orange County’s most connected and most prolific fundraisers. As
chairman and CEO of Probolsky Research, he’s conducted research, developed strategy and helped
in the fundraising efforts for many corporate, government and special interest groups throughout
OC and California. He has consulted on local, county and statewide initiatives and has advised
many candidates for positions ranging from the school board to the office of governor.
But for even longer than raising money for political causes and candidates, Adam has been helping
and supporting nonprofits. He learned at a very young age the value and potential of
philanthropy. Mr. Probolsky serves as development committee chairman for Jewish Family Service
of Orange County, a non-profit organization that serves families of all faiths that are in of
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Loosen ‘Em Up, Make Them Cry, Give Them Hope, Accept the Check (We do accept all major
credit cards)
Guest Speaker: Donna Heller Mogilski
How to do a great program for your gala in under 20 minutes.The Components of a great gala
“presentation and program.” About The Speaker:
Donna Heller Mogilski, MBA, honed her nonprofit “pitch” skills with the first box of Girl Scout
Cookies she sold as a Brownie. Since then she has worked at BBDO on Madison Avenue, owned
her own Advertising and Marketing Firm and since 1990 has been working with a variety of
nonprofits. She currently is the Associate Executive Director of Juvenile Diabetes Research
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Luncheon Session - Noon
Five Irrefutable Laws of Marketing in 2008 (or Any Other Year)or The More Things Change, the
More They Stay the Same Guest Speaker: Kris Elftmann
If you’re wondering about this presentation, think about Robert Fulghum’s classic book All I Really
Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Just as Fulghum gave us sage, but straightforward advice
like “Share everything, play fair, don't hit people, and put things back where you found them,” we’ll
cover equally simple laws of marketing.
There won’t be any big words or fancy talk, just five simple ideas that work. More to the point,
they’ll be ideas you’ve heard before but they bear repeating. In fact, at a time when your marketing
budget is stretched beyond the breaking point – or even worse, seemingly non-existent - marketing
basics are more critical they’ve ever been.About The Speaker:
Mr. Elftmann is the president of Noelle Marketing Group, a creative resources firm that produces
sales and marketing materials for corporate and nonprofit clients throughout the United States.
Since 1980, Noelle Marketing Group has specialized in developing and manufacturing printed
collateral materials and branded specialty products.
He is trustee of the University of California, Irvine Foundation, chair of the Foundation’s
Stewardship Committee, and a member of the Executive Committee. He is past chair of the
University’s Claire Trevor School of the Arts Dean’s Leadership Council and a member of the
Dean’s Leadership Council of the School of Social Sciences.
He also serves as chair of the Board of Directors of the Richard Nixon Library Foundation, and on
boards of The Nixon Center Board, a non-partisan public policy think tank in Washington DC,
MIND Research Institute, Cystinosis Research Foundation, and Great Park Conservancy.
Through the years, he has served on boards for other organizations including DePauw University,
Pacific Symphony, The Bowers Museum, Catholic Charities, Saint Joseph Ballet, and Orange
County United Way.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, blah, and blah, blah”: Are your thank-you letters really getting
read and truly showing appreciation?
Guest Speaker: Janece Smoot
On July 22, Janece Smoot will be discussing how you can stop looking at acknowledgement letters
as mundane weekly (or do I even say monthly tasks) and uncover what may be one of the most
underrated stewardship opportunities that we have. About The Speaker:
Janece Smoot is the Development Manager for Goodwill of Orange County where she oversees the
Annual Giving and Planned Giving programs. She is on the Board of Directors of AFP-Orange
County, Chair of its Diversity Committee, and a member of the Planned Giving Roundtable of
Orange County. She is in the process of obtaining her CFRE and CSPG designations.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Luncheon Session - NoonA Golden Opportunity Overlooked by Most Nonprofit
Organizations Jeffrey R. Wilcox, CFRE You may have missed a great connection for corporate
fundraising and corporate volunteers that is right under your nose – trade association groups. These
organizations are collections of corporate leaders grouped by industry and can serve as a link from
nonprofits to the corporate world for generating revenues and volunteers.
You’ll learn about the size and scope of trade organizations, how to tap this great potential and how
to develop partnerships with these groups to gain a better foothold in corporate giving and
You’ll also learn of the Philanthropy Builders Program, an initiative that seeks to be an outreach of
the OC AFP to train and mentor trade associations to create philanthropic committees, projects and
programs as a part of their mission statements of service to their members and the communities in
which their members live and work.
Join us for this program which promises to stretch your imagination and enlarge the potential for
your organization.About The Speaker:
With 22 years of United Way, philanthropic, health care and communications experiences, Jeff
Wilcox has held executive staff and board positions in nonprofit management throughout the West
including Seattle, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Orange County, California. He has also been
responsible for leading nonprofits as an experienced board chairman and executive director,
managing staff teams and volunteer processes.
Jeff is a past president of AFP-OC and has served on many boards including Orange County Head
Start, Long Beach Symphony Orchestra, Arizona AIDS Foundation, Cal State Los Angeles and
many others. Jeff has served as Executive Director of the CHOC Foundation as well as Executive
VP of United Way of Los Angeles.
In 2002, Jeff formed Executive Consulting for the Nonprofit Sector, Inc. It is the largest private
consulting firm specializing in transitional management services, coaching, training and executive
mentoring exclusively for nonprofits in Southern California.
Fundraising Fundamentals - 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.Is It Time To Rethink How Your Non-Profit Makes
Money? Carol Geisbauer, M.ASometimes, it is a good idea to go through a process of thinking,
(and rethinking) about all possible types of funding for a nonprofit organization, what types of
funding your nonprofit agency currently has, what types of funding could be expanded, what types
of funding you may be in danger of losing, and what new types of funding should be explored. In
this process, new funding ideas emerge; some old ideas can be discarded; and a more thoughtful
approach to fundraising can be implemented. You will be given a tool to take back to your Board
of Directors, volunteers and staff to engage their thinking in this process.
About The Speaker:
Carol Geisbauer, M.A. served as Executive Director for two nonprofit organizations for 16 years
and then served as the Director of the Nonprofit Resource Center in Orange County for two years.
She worked as a freelance grant writer for 12 years. She recently retired and now devotes her time
to teaching workshops related to achieving success in grant writing throughout Southern California.
Tuesday, May 27
Luncheon SessionLanding the Big One! Major Gift Strategies that Work! Christopher K.
Looney About The Speaker:
Christopher K. Looney, Regional Vice President with CCS, has more than twelve years of
experience working with nonprofit organizations on major fund-raising initiatives. Today, Chris
manages operations in Southern California for CCS, an international fund raising consulting firm
that serves more than 300 clients a year with campaign goals under management of more than $5
billion. Over the years Chris has assisted more than 50 organizations with audits, studies and
campaigns, and has helped his clients raise hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of a broad base
of charitable organizations including: hospitals, schools, churches, international and regional social
service agencies, and civic institutions. Chris has assisted some of the nation’s most sophisticated
and well-known nonprofit institutions, including Habitat for Humanity International and Lions
Clubs International Foundation, and is particularly proud of his association with Orange County’s
own Goodwill and Orangewood Children’s Foundation. Chris is a member of the CCS Training
Institute faculty and remains actively involved in the Association of Fundraising Professionals
throughout southern California. Chris earned a B.A. from Princeton University and currently
resides in Irvine, California with his wife, Anisha and their son Gavin.
Fundraising Fundamentals“Patience, Tenacity, & Diplomacy-The Art of Prospect Research”Monica
McDade To be a successful fundraiser, you have to be part super-sleuth, part mind-reader, part
cheerleader, and a full-time forager. Being a Super-Fundraising-Sleuth means doing your
Doing your homework & “tuning the radar”
Targeted vs. Shotgun blast approach
Aligning values & goals
Patience, Tenacity & Diplomacy
The menu of opportunities
Asking for the referrals after they say “yes” My favorite word – Leverage
Mining your existing database for hidden gold
About The Speaker:
AFP member, Monica McDade has been a professional fundraiser since 1995 in Orange and San
Diego Counties. Her previous background was 17 years in product sales and marketing, when she
had a calling to “sell” nonprofit causes that she was truly passionate about. You name it, she’s done
it: grants, corporate & individual giving, major gifts, matching gifts, planned gifts, events too
numerous to mention, media and in-kind gifts, and helped build a children’s zoo with the
completion of a capital campaign.
A native of Southern California, she has consulted with numerous nonprofits and has held staff
positions with United Way, The Volunteer Center, AIDS Services Foundation, The Komen
Foundation, Friends of the Santa Ana Zoo, Alzheimer’s Association and is currently Director of
Income Development with the American Cancer Society. She is proud to have raised more than $15
million in the past 13 years