Additional file 2. List of subcellular localization prediction methods Name of the predictor or author PA-SUB EpiLoc Sequence feature Sequence similarity and text annotation ProLoc-GO Gene Ontology term PSLT InterPro domains and specific membrane domains Predotar TargetP iPSORT Targeting peptide Protein prowler pSLIP Physicochemical properties Subloc Computational methods Naïve Bayes Support Vector Machine Genetic algorithm based method combined with SVM Likelihood calculated by Bayes' rule Neural network Neural network Alphabet indexing and pattern rule Neural network Support Vector Machine Support Vector Machine Amino acid composition NNPSL LOCSVMPSI ESLpred Cai et al LOCtree Yuan PSORTII WoLF PSORT Gao, et al MITOPRED pTARGET MitoProt SherLoc MultiLoc PSLDoc KnowPred YLoc Neural network Position-specific scoring matrix and amino acid composition of four segments Amino acid composition, 33 physicochemical properties, dipeptide composition, PSI-blast result, and combined feature of the above Amino acid composition, quasi-sequence-order (up to 13 gaps), and physicochemical properties (hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity, side-chain volume) Evolutionary profiles, global amino acid composition, 50N-terminal amino acid composition, amino acid composition in three secondary structure states, and the output of signalP Amino acid composition and paired amino acid composition A set of sequence-derived features Features from iPSORT and PSORTII, together with amino acid content Amino acid composition, dipeptide composition, and physicochemical properties Pfam domains occurrence, amino acid composition, and PI value Pfam domains occurrence and amino acid composition Targeting sequence and hydrophobicity characteristics Amino acid composition, targeting signals, motif, and text search Amino acid composition, targeting signals, phylogenetic profiles, motif, and GO term Gapped dipeptide and position specific scoring matrix Sequence similarity Amino acid composition, normalized amino acid composition, pseudo-amino acid composition, grouped amino acid composition, PROSITE patterns and GO terms Support Vector Machine Support Vector Machine Support Vector Machine Support Vector Machine Hidden Markov Model K Nearest Neighbors Weighted K Nearest Neighbors K Nearest Neighbors Score of different features Score of different features Multivariate analysis Support Vector Machine Support Vector Machine Support Vector Machine Similarity score Naïve Bayes * As new tools emerge each year, this list is not exhaustive and includes the representative tools