Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Digital data is available only under licence, with specified terms and conditions of use. Seismic Data Packages Data licence charges given below include data preparation but exclude the cost of media or data transfer. The data is only for use by the Licensee unless otherwise agreed in writing by GSNI. Only complete surveys may be purchased in digital format. All prices below exclude any taxes that may be applicable such as VAT. Paper prints of individual seismic lines are available for £60 each, plus £100 per order (this standing charge may be reduced if the lines can be reproduced in-house by GSNI staff). S1.0 DED: S E Antrim 1981 (48km) Line Location Map Line NI 81/A Line NI 81/B (North) & Line NI 81/B (South) Line NI 81/C Presentation: Final stack, Satan stack - all lines Wave Equation Migration ) Squash Plot (Final Stack) ) except line NI 81/C Time and Depth Overlays ) South Antrim and East Tyrone seismic survey report by T J Papworth of Geoconsulting Ltd., June 1982. 33 pages, 3 Appendices. Includes 4 figures in text and 6 dyeline enclosures. Vibroseis survey in Northern Ireland, Nov-Dec 1981: A geological assessment of its significance in the exploration for petroleum. by L V Illing of V C Illing and partners, June 1982. 10 pages. Package Price: S1.1 £600 (paper) Field Data for the S.E. Antrim (1981) Seismic data. Field data in SEG-Y format. Observers’ field sheets. Price: £1400 S1.2 Processed data for the S. E. Antrim (1981) seismic data Processed data in SEG-Y format. CDP location data. Price: £700 S1.3 Field Data for the East Tyrone (1981) Seismic data (32km) Field data in SEG-Y format. Observers’ field sheets. Price: £1000 S1.4 Processed data for the East Tyrone (1981) Seismic data (32km) Processed data in SEG-Y format. CDP location data. Price: £400 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 1 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland S1.5 Processed data for the S. E. Antrim (1981) seismic survey – 2008 SIP Re-processing Processed data in SEG-Y format. CDP location data. Filtered stacks, Kirchhoff PSTM, Finite Difference PSTM Processing report Price: £700 S2.0 DED: E. Tyrone, N. Armagh and S. Londonderry 1983 Data. (139km) Lines DED 83-01 to 11, including 06A. Presentation: Final Stack Coherency Filter Stack (Except 83-10, 83-11) Time overlay (Except 83-11) Depth overlay (Except 83-11) East Tyrone seismic (acquisition 1981) reprocessed 1984 (36km) Line NI 81/D Line NI 81/E Line NI 81/F Presentation: Final stack with and without coherency enhancement East Tyrone and North Armagh Seismic Survey by T J Papworth, Geominerals Exploration Inc. October 1983. 50 pages, 2 appendices, 8 enclosures. Package Price: S2.1 £550 (paper) DED 83 Field Tapes Set of field data for the 1983 seismic survey E. Tyrone, N. Armagh, S. Londonderry. Observers’ field sheets. Price: £3700 S2.2 DED 83 Processed Data (1983 original processing) Processed data in SEG-Y format (excluding part of Line 83-05). CDP location data. Price: £1400 S2.3 DED81 & DED83 Processed Data (2009 SIP Processing) Lines NI 81/D, 81/E & 81/F Lines 83-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 (part), 06, 06a, 07, 08, 09 Migrated, PSTM, LVL data Price: £1400 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 2 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA S3.0 Energy Sources (NI) Inc.: Rathlin Trough 1981 (430km) Shotpoint Location Map Lines ESI81 - 1 to 27, 29 Presentation: Final Stack (5cm/sec) Migrated (5cm/sec) Price: £450 (paper) £250 (grey scale tiff scans) This price also includes Regional Reports RR3.0, RR3.1 & RR3.2 S4.0 North Sea Petroleums: Offshore Antrim 1981 Presentation: Final Stack Price: £250 (paper) This package also includes Regional Report RR5.0. S4.1 Anvil Exploration: North Antrim 1982 (40km) Lines AP/82-01 to 08 Presentation: Stack (CGG) Shotpoint Location Map Price: £300 (paper) This package also includes geochemistry report SM5.0 and Regional Report RR5.1. Scanned images are also available S4.2 Anvil Exploration Ltd.: North Antrim 1982 Reprocessing Lines AP/82-01 and AP/82-02 Presentation: Coherency filtered Filtered stack Filtered stack Dip filtered stack Price: S4.3 (DPTS) (DPTS) (GSI) (GSI) £150 (paper) Anvil Petroleum: North Antrim 1984 (102km) Lines ANI84-01 to 11 (no line 08) Presentation: Filtered stack with crooked line Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 3 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA (CONTINUED) Dip filtered stack Multivels CDP Location Map Price: £400 (paper) Scanned images are also available S5.0 Marinex Petroleum: Fermanagh and Tyrone 1982 (379km) Lines 1-8, 8A, 9-17, 24-34 Final stack Squash plots Location maps Price: £2500 (paper) S5.1 Marinex 1982 Seismic Survey Digital Processed Data Processed data in SEG-Y format. Price: £3750 S5.1.1 Marinex 1982 Seismic Survey Digital Field Data Field data in SEG-Y format. Observers’ logs on paper. Price: S5.2 £11000 Marinex 1982 Seismic Survey (Re-processed 1999-2000) Lines 1, 3, 5, 24, 26, 34 Stack & migrated data in SEG-Y format. Price: £1000 S6.0 Fynegold FG88 Seismic Survey: East Antrim (14 lines - 100km) Presentation: Final stack (without weathering corrections) Final stack (weathering corrections included in statics model) Migrated stack (without weathering corrections) Migrated stack (weathering corrections included in statics model) CDP location map. Price: £750 (paper) £280 (pdfs from scan) Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 4 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA (CONTINUED) S6.1 Fynegold FG88 Seismic Survey Digital Field Data Field data in SEG-Y format. Observers logs. Price: £3000 S6.1.1 Fynegold FG88 Seismic Survey Digital Processed Data (original 1988 processing) Processed stack data in SEG-Y format. CDP location data. Price: £1000 S6.1.2 Fynegold FG88 Seismic Survey Digital Processed Data (SIP 2008 re-processing for GSNI) Processed stack data in SEG-Y format. CDP location data. Price: S7.0 £1000 Ulster Natural Resources UNR91 Seismic Survey (9 lines - 71km) Filtered stack Migration CDP location map Price: S7.1 £400 (paper) £150 (pdf) Ulster Natural Resources UNR91 Seismic Survey: Digital processed data Processed data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. Format Filtered stack, migration Price: S7.2 £710 Ulster Natural Resources UNR91 Seismic Survey: Digital field data Field data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. Format Observers’ logs Price: S7.3 £2,100 Ulster Natural Resources UNR91 Seismic Survey: 2009 WesternGeco re-processing Unfiltered structural stack, filtered structural stack, unfiltered PSTM, filtered PSTM Velocity analyses Processing report Price: £710 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 5 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA (CONTINUED) S8.0 Rigel B95 Seismic Survey: Ballymoney (5 lines - 74km) D.M.O. Stack Migration CDP location map Price: S8.1 £400 (paper) Rigel B95 Seismic Survey (Ballymoney): Digital processed data Processed data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Lines 95-01, 95-02, 95-05 only. Filtered structure, filtered migration, unfiltered structure, unfiltered migration. April 16 1996. Price: £1000 S8.1.1 Rigel B95 Seismic Survey (Ballymoney): Digital field data Field data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Lines 95-01 to 95-05. Observers’ logs Price: S8.2 £2200 Rigel B96 Seismic Survey: Ballymoney (5 lines - 56km) D.M.O. Stack Migration CDP location map Price: S8.3 £300 (paper) Rigel B96 Seismic Survey: Digital processed data Processed data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Lines 95-06 – 96-10. Filtered structure, filtered migration, unfiltered structure, unfiltered migration. Price: £560 S8.3.1 Rigel B96 Seismic Survey: Digital field data Field data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Lines 95-06 – 96-10. Price: £1800 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 6 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA (CONTINUED) S9.0 Rigel L95 Seismic Survey: Larne (7 lines – 71 km) D.M.O. Stack Migration CDP location map Price: S9.1 £400 (paper) Rigel L95 Seismic Survey (Larne): Digital processed data Processed data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Lines L95-01 to L95 - 07 Filtered structure, filtered migration, unfiltered structure, unfiltered migration. April 16 1996. Price: S9.2 £710 Rigel L95 Seismic Survey (Larne): Digital field data Field data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Observers’ logs Price: S9.3 £2200 Rigel L96 Seismic Survey: Larne (5 lines - 29km) D.M.O. Stack Migration CDP location map Price: S9.4 £300 (paper) Rigel L96 Seismic Survey (Larne): Digital processed data Processed data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Lines L96-15 – 96-19. Filtered structure, filtered migration, unfiltered structure, unfiltered migration. Price: S9.5 £290 Rigel L96 Seismic Survey (Larne): Digital field data Field data in SEG-Y, IBM flt. pt. format. Observers’ logs Price: £950 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 7 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Well Data W1.0 Langford Lodge No 1 (GSNI) 1958 Log data: Gamma ray Microlog Laterolog 3 Caliper Temperature Electrical (Detailed description of borehole in Belfast memoir, available separately) Price: £300 (paper) £50 (depth, Laterolog & sonic logs only, digitised at 0.5ft interval) W1.1 Magilligan No 1 (GSNI) 1963 Log data: SP-resistivity Gamma (Detailed description of borehole in Limavady technical report, available separately) Price: £100 (paper) £50 (digital data: depth & gamma logs digitised at 0.5ft interval, ASCII format) W1.2 Port More No 1 (GSNI) 1965-7 Log data: Sonic Gamma ray-neutron Microlog Laterolog Formation density Temperature Electrical (Detailed description of borehole in Ballycastle memoir, available separately) Price: W1.3 £500 (paper) £100 (digital data: depth, sonic, resistivity, gamma, density, neutron, electrical, caliper logs only digitised at 0.5ft interval, ASCII format) Killary Glebe No 1 (GSNI) 1978-9 Log data: Sonic Neutron-neutron SP-resistivity Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 8 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Focused electric Lithology Temperature Dipmeter Coal Quality Coal Lithology Seam thickness Seismic reference survey (no log) Preliminary report Price: £500 £50 (paper) (depth, neutron & sonic logs only, digitised at 0.5 ft interval) W1.4 Ballymacilroy No 1 (GSNI) 1979 Log data: ISF-sonic MSFL Density-neutron Caliper Temperature Coal lithology Dipmeter Seismic calibration Preliminary report Price: W1.5 £500 £100 (paper) (selected digital logs only, in LAS format) Larne No 2 (IGS) 1982 An extensive suite of hard copy logs is available from the British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG. Price: W1.6 £100 (selected digital logs) Larne No. 1 (GSNI) 1959 Log data: Gamma Resistivity Lithology Price: £50 (jpeg; gamma & resistivity digitised from scanned logs, LAS format) Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 9 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE WELL DATA Prices for paper copies include reports, prices for digital logs exclude pdf versions of reports, except where specifically included. For prices of pdf reports please refer to PPA Report Listing. W2.1 Big Dog No 1 (Marathon) 1965 Log Data: Lithology Gamma ray-neutron Induction-gamma ray Well Completion report (PPA245) Price: £250 (paper) £100 (selected digitised logs only, in LAS format) W2.2 Owengarr No 1 (Marathon) Log Data: Lithology Gamma ray-neutron Induction Densilog Dipmeter Inclinometer Well Completion report (PPA243) Palaeontology report (PPA244) Price: W2.3 £300 (paper) £100 (selected digitised logs only, in LAS format) Glenoo No 1 (Marathon) Log Data: Lithology Gamma ray-neutron Induction-gamma ray Temperature Well Completion report (PPA241) Palaeontology report (PPA242) Price: W3.1 £300 £100 (paper) (selected digitised only logs, in LIS format) Newmill No 1 (Marathon/Shell) 1971 Log data: Sample description Mud log Gamma ray-sonic Velocity Laterolog Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 1 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE WELL DATA (CONTINUED) Microlaterolog Density Dipmeter Final Well report Price: W4.1 (PPA247) £600 (paper) £100 (digitised logs only, in LIS format: depth, caliper, sonic, gamma, laterolog, density, SP) Slisgarrow No 1 (Aran Energy) 1984 Log data: Composite Wellsite Litholog Mud log Gamma ray-sonic Dual laterolog-MSFL Density-neutron Dipmeter Seismic reference survey (incl. velocity log, synthetic seismograms) Well Completion report Well velocity calibration report DST report Price: £600 £100 W4.2 (PPA252) (PPA253) (PPA252) (paper) (selected digitised logs only, in LIS format:) Kilcoo Cross No 1 (Aran Energy) 1984-5 Log data: Composite Wellsite litholog Mud log Gamma ray-sonic Dual laterolog-MSFL Density-neutron Dipmeter Formation evaluation Laserlog Seismic reference survey (incl. velocity log, synthetic seismograms) Well Completion report Well velocity calibration report Core Analysis report Price: £600 £100 (PPA250) (PPA251) (PPA250) (paper) (selected digitised logs only, in LIS format:) Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 2 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE WELL DATA (CONTINUED) W13.0 Petrophysical analyses of Big Dog, Owengarr, Glenoo, Slisgarrow No. 1 & Kilcoo Cross wells (digital data in .emf format, for use with Metaview viewing software) by Digital Formation, Inc., November 2000. Price: £100 (digital) W6.1 Ballytober No. 1 (Fynegold Petroleum Ltd.) 1990 Log data: Composite Wellsite geology Dual Laterolog – MSFL – BHC – GR LDL – CNL – GR WSS – D Seismic Checkshot SHDT – GR dipmeter RFT – GR All logs run from TD to 95/8” casing shoe (1282m – 520m BRT) except gamma ray which was run to surface Well Completion report (PPA59) Price: £600 £100 W9.1 (paper) (selected digital logs only, in LAS format:) Annaghmore No. 1 (Torch Energy) 1993 Log data: DIS – MSFL – GR LDL – CNL – AS – GR Mud log Various well reports available in pdf format (see PPA report listing) Price: £600 £100 W9.2 (paper) (digital logs in LAS format:) Ballynamullan No. 1 (Torch Energy) 1994 Log data: DIS – MSFL – GR LDL – CNL – AS – GR Mud log Various well reports available in pdf format (see PPA report listing) Price: £600 £100 (paper) (digital logs in LAS format:) Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 3 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE WELL DATA (CONTINUED) W1/00.1 Slisgarrow No. 2 (Evergreen Resources Inc.) 2001 Log data: Lithologic Log Array Induction Compensated Neutron Photo Density Spectral Gamma G R Combination Acoustic Scanner Verticality Analysis Well Report (PPA126) Price: £500 (paper) £150 (digital logs in LAS format, report and acoustic scanner log in pdf format; £100 (well report and lithologic log only) W2/00.1 Knock Beg No. 1 (Evergreen Resources Inc.) 2001 Log data: Lithologic Log Array Induction Compensated Neutron Photo Density Spectral Gamma G R Combination Acoustic Scanner Verticality Analysis Well Report (PPA120) Price: £500 (paper) £150 (digital logs in LAS format, report and acoustic scanner log in pdf format) £100 (well report and lithologic log only) W2/00.2 Mullanawinna No. 1 (Evergreen Resources Inc.) 2001 Log data: Lithologic Log Array Induction Compensated Neutron Photo Density Spectral Gamma G R Combination Acoustic Scanner Verticality Analysis Well Report (PPA117) Price: £500 (paper) £150 (digital logs in LAS format, report and acoustic scanner log in pdf format) £100 (well report and lithologic log only) Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 4 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE WELL DATA (CONTINUED) W3/00.1 Wind Farm No.1 (Evergreen Resources Inc.) 2001 Log data: Lithologic Log Array Induction Compensated Neutron Photo Density Spectral Gamma G R Combination Verticality Analysis Price: £500 (paper) £150 (digital logs in LAS format) There is no well report for this well, which was not tested. Petrophysical well report A report covering the four wells drilled in licences PL1/00 to 3/00 in 2001 (Slisgarrow No. 2, Knock Beg No. 1, Mullanawinna No. 1 & Wind Farm No. 1) Price: £200 (pdf version) Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 5 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Source rock and maturation studies SM1.0 Specified Analyses on Samples from Northern Ireland. (PPA259) by Geochemical Laboratories (UK) Limited 5 pages (coal pyrolysis traces). Price: £10 SM2.0 Partial Geochemical Evaluation of a suite of Carboniferous outcrop and Core Samples from Northern Ireland.(PPA260) by P Walko. Geochem. Laboratories (UK) Ltd October 1982. 7 pages, 3 figures and description of analyses appended. Price: £10 SM3.0 Organic Geochemical Analyses of Lower Palaeozoic Mudrocks From Northern Ireland. (PPA261) by Palaeochem Ltd (March 1983) 28 pages, 1 addendum. Price: £10 SM4.0 Organic Geochemistry of 12 Carboniferous Field Samples from Northern Ireland.(PPA262) by A G Collins, Robertson Research International Ltd. (October 1983). 6 pages, 2 tables, 3 appendices. Price: £10 SM5.0 Partial Geochemical Evaluation of Core Material from the Magilligan and Port More boreholes, Northern Ireland (PPA263). by Geochem Laboratories (UK) Ltd. September 1981. 3 pages, 2 tables. Price: £10 Note: This report also included in Report RR5.1, available as part of package S4.1. SM6.0 Results of Geochemical Studies of the Hydrocarbon Generative Potential of the Carboniferous Sediments in the North West Carboniferous Basin in Eire and Northern Ireland. by Robertson Research International Ltd., 1982. Price: £25 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 6 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Potential field studies Gravity G1.0 1:250000 Bouguer gravity anomaly map of Northern Ireland. British Geological Survey, 1984 Price: £16.50 + VAT (film) £11 + VAT (paper) G1.1 Interpretation of the Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Data for Northern Ireland. Report RG87/5 by R M Carruthers et al. Regional Geophysics Research Group, British Geological Survey. 36 pages, 20 figures, 2 maps, 6 plates. Price: £50 G1.2 Antrim Plateau Resources Project: An Assessment of the Regional Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data Report WK/95/5/C by R M Carruthers and A S D Walker, Regional Geophysics Group, British Geological Survey. 16 pages, 31 figures. Price: £50 G1.3 Regional Interpretation of Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data from Northern Ireland Report WK/96/05/C by R M Carruthers et al. Regional Geophysics Group, British Geological Survey and Geological Survey of Northern Ireland. 61 pages, 11 maps. This report is accompanied by a suite of 31 maps at 1:250,000 scale, published under the title: Geophysical Image Atlas of Northern Ireland (Based on gravity and aeromagnetic data) Price: £4000 Atlas and report £2000 Gridded data used in production of geophysical images Digital copies of geophysical atlas and images. £500 excluding media Individual gravity and magnetic images, plotted at 1:250,000 scale or in digital image format, may be available on request. NOTE: DIGITAL LICENCE CONDITIONS APPLY TO GRIDDED DATA AND DIGITAL IMAGES Additional infill gravity data was acquired in 2009 on behalf of GSNI in the Lough Neagh Basin, north of Lough Neagh, and around the Mourne Mountains. Please contact GSNI for further details. Tellus project data: The Tellus project (2004-06) comprised a high-resolution airborne geophysical survey and ground geochemistry surveys of the whole of Northern Ireland. The airborne survey was flown along flight lines 200 metres apart and nominal ground clearance of approximately 60 metres in non-urban areas. Magnetic, radiometric and EM data was collected. Further details are available on the Tellus webpages. Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 7 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA G2.0 Gravity Survey, Ulster 1983 by Scotpet Ltd., Dec 1983. 52 pages. Includes 135 new gravity measurements. G2.1 Anvil Exploration Ltd., Northern Ireland Licence PL5/82 Gravity Modelling by Scotpet Ltd., Dec 1983. 16 pages. G2.2 Gravity Survey 1983. Report following gravity acquisition PL5/82 (Autumn 1983) by D McPhater and Scotpet Ltd., Jan 1984. 18 pages. Package Price for G2.0, G2.1 & G2.2: £100 Note: These reports include data from 244 gravity stations previously surveyed by the Geological Survey of Great Britain. This underlying data must be licensed from GSNI, at the time of purchase of the above package. (@20p per point plus VAT) G2.3 Gravity survey, Northern Ireland 1984 PL5/82 by Scotpet Ltd., 2 vols., Jan 1985. 285 pages. Price: £300 (includes 1007 new gravity measurements) Note: This report includes data from 1442 gravity stations previously surveyed by the Geological Survey of Great Britain. This underlying data must be licensed from GSNI, at the time of purchase of the above package. (@20p per point plus VAT) G2.4 Northern Ireland Gravity Modelling PL5/82 by Petroscot Ltd, July 1986. 15 pages. 7 enclosures. Price: £30 Note: Underlying gravity survey data must be licensed at the time of purchase of this report. G2.5 Analysis of gravity reworking PL5/82 by Petroscot Ltd., Sept. 1986. 10 pages. 1 enclosure. Price: £10 Note: Underlying gravity survey data must be licensed at the time of purchase of this report. Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 8 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Regional and Licence Reports RR1.0 A Review of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Northern Ireland: A Fresh Approach. by Robertson Research International Limited 1987. 80pp, 2 appendices, 39 figs., 8 enclosures. Price: £100 RR2.0 The sedimentary basins in Northern Ireland. by JRP Bennett, 1983. 35pp. Institute of Geological Sciences. Price: £10 RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA RR3.0 Summary and Status of Oil and Gas Exploration by Energy Sources (NI) Ltd in the Rathlin Basin, Northern Ireland PL3/80 by Exploration Consultants Ltd., Oct. 1982. Price: Included with seismic data package S3.0 RR3.1 Final Report Marine Seismic Survey for Energy Sources (NI) Ltd, Rathlin Ireland by Western Geophysical, 1981. Price: Included with seismic data package S3.0 RR3.2 Seismic Interpretation and Assessment of Hydrocarbon Potential of the Rathlin Basin, Northern Ireland by Exploration Consultants Ltd., February 1982. Price: Included with seismic data package S3.0 RR4.0 Regional Tectonics and Deep Hydrocarbon Potential of the PL4/81 North West Carboniferous Basin of Ireland. by Chadderdon Price, Jan 1983. Price on application RR5.0 Interim Report Antrim Project PL5/82 by McKinley Smith International Ltd, Jan 1982. 30 pages, 5 enclosures. Price: Included with seismic package S4.0 RR5.1 Report following interpretation of onshore seismic (Spring 1982) by D.J. McPhater, July 1982. 34 pages, 13 enclosures. Price: Included with seismic package S4.1 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 9 . Seismic, well and potential field data available from the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland RELEASED PPA LICENCE DATA (CONTINUED) RR5.2 Review of the PL2/81 Licence, Rathlin Basin (for Berkeley Resources Ltd) by Petroscot Ltd., Dec. 1985. 41 pages, 8 enclosures. Price: £36 Note: Only available to companies who purchase at least one of the underlying S4. or G2. data packages that underpin this report. Miscellaneous Reports M1.0 Geothermal aspects of the Larne No 2 Borehole. by R A Downing et al., 1982. 67pp. Institute of Geological Sciences. Price: £9.70 GSNI/95/5 Stratigraphy, fluid flow, and reservoir characteristics of the Carboniferous at Ballycastle. by R. Evans, Queen’s University, Belfast, 1995. Price: £100 (pdf) GSNI/95/7 The Permian, Triassic and Jurassic in Northern Ireland: a palynological study with special reference to the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Larne - Lough Neagh Basin by G. Warrington, British Geological Survey, 1995. Price: £100 Availability and price of data may be subject to variation - please contact GSNI for current information Date printed:2/16/2016 10 .