For FY 2005
Department/Unit: Parking and Transportation/Auxiliary and Support Services
College/Division: Finance and Administration
Date: May 20, 2004
Mission Statement: (purpose and functional responsibilities of the department)
Parking and Transportation is committed to creating and maintaining an accessible and orderly campus
parking environment by providing a broad range of parking and transportation services with excellent
customer service. We will continuously strive to deliver services that are reliable, safe, responsive, and
Parking and Transportation consists of many different services to support access to the campus by
faculty, staff, students, and visitors, including the following:
 Parking services
 Shuttle transportation services
 MARTA media for alternative transportation
 Parking enforcement
 Citation appeals management
 Parking facilities maintenance management
Intended Outcome # 1: The University optimizes the use and allocation of
parking spaces.
Effectiveness Indicators: (What factors/variables/elements will you be measuring to gauge your
success at reaching your intended outcome?)
a) Utilization of parking facilities.
b) Number of people on waiting lists in B, C, and I Parking Lots.
c) Impact of special event parking requirements.
Success Criteria: (For each indicator described above, what minimum score, value or result will
signal success? What score, value or result will signal a need for improvement? What score,
value or result will signal a need for immediate intervention?)
a) Occupancy and turnover resulting in an average 80% or greater occupancy in University parking
facilities on a daily basis will indicate success. Occupancy and turnover resulting in an average of less
than 80% but greater than 70% occupancy on a daily basis will indicate a need for improvement.
Occupancy and turnover resulting in an average 70% or less occupancy on a daily basis will indicate a
need for immediate intervention.
b) No more than three qualified patrons are on a waiting list for B, C, and I Parking Lots will indicate
success. More than five qualified patrons but less than ten qualified patrons on a waiting list for B, C, and
I Parking Lots will indicate a need for improvement. More than ten qualified patrons on a waiting list for
B, C, and I Parking Lots will indicate a need for immediate intervention.
c) Less than five special-event parking requirements per semester resulting an assigned patron having to
find parking space in a parking facility other than the one to which they are assigned will indicate success.
More than five (but less than ten) special-event parking requirements per semester resulting an assigned
patron having to find parking space in a parking facility other than the one to which they are assigned will
indicate a need for improvement. Ten or more special-event parking requirements per semester resulting
an assigned patron having to find parking space in a parking facility other than the one to which they are
assigned will indicate a need for immediate intervention.
Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: (How, when, and by whom will data be collected?
How will it be analyzed? What will be the product of the analysis?)
a) The Parking Operations Manager will provide occupancy and turnover data on a weekly basis to the
Assistant Director of Parking and Transportation. This information will be processed into graphical format
for review with management.
b) The Parking Operations Manager will manage the waiting lists and provide reports as necessary.
c) The Parking and Transportation Specialist will monitor the special event parking requests and determine if large
events have potential impact on parking assignments. The parking attendants will report, along with system reports,
if any patron is turned away because a facility is full due to special event parking.
Utilization of Results: (How will results of the analysis be used in planning, decision making, and
continuous improvement? What type of actions will be taken based on the analysis results?)
This will assist in planning future requirements for parking facilities.
This will assist in determining how parking allocations should be changed if appropriate.
Intended Outcome # 2: Parking patrons have timely and convenient access to
off-site parking facility.
Effectiveness Indicators: (What factors/variables/elements will you be measuring to gauge your
success at reaching your intended outcome?)
a) How well shuttle buses remain on schedule.
b) Number of complaints received for excessive waiting for buses.
Success Criteria: (For each indicator described above, what minimum score, value or result will
signal success? What score, value or result will signal a need for improvement? What score,
value or result will signal a need for immediate intervention?)
a) Shuttles operating within three (3) minutes of published schedule 90% of the time will indicate success.
Shuttles operating within three (3) minutes of published schedule less than 90% of the time but greater
than 80% of the time will indicate a need for improvement. Shuttles operating within three (3) minutes of
published schedule 80% or less of the time will indicate a need for immediate intervention.
b) No more than two complaints on average per month will indicate success. An average of three
complaints or more up to an average of seven complaints per month will indicate a need for improvement.
An average of eight or more complaints per month will indicate a need for immediate intervention.
Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: (How, when, and by whom will data be collected?
How will it be analyzed? What will be the product of the analysis?)
a) A designated member of Parking and Transportation will be assigned to time shuttle arrival and
departure times once each week during the semester and record results on shuttle timing sheet. Results
will be analyzed in contrast with the effectiveness benchmarks and appropriate actions will be taken if
results indicate need for improvement or immediate intervention.
b) The Parking and Transportation Specialist will compile each monthly complaint sheet no later than the
third business day of the following month. The complaints will be summarized and given to the Assistant
Director of Parking and Transportation. Results will be analyzed in contrast with the effectiveness
benchmarks and appropriate actions will be taken if results indicate need for improvement or immediate
Utilization of Results: (How will results of the analysis be used in planning, decision making, and
continuous improvement? What type of actions will be taken based on the analysis results?)
a) Shuttle timing sheets will be used to establish effectiveness ratings for the shuttle contractor.
b) The Assistant Director of Parking and Transportation will review the complaints with the shuttle
operations manager and adjustments made.
Intended Outcome # 3: Parking patrons experience an appropriately secured
parking environment.
Effectiveness Indicators: (What factors/variables/elements will you be measuring to gauge your
success at reaching your intended outcome?)
a) Track people requesting to move out of a parking facility due to security concerns.
b) Number of incident reports on police blotter.
Success Criteria: (For each indicator described above, what minimum score, value or result will
signal success? What score, value or result will signal a need for improvement? What score,
value or result will signal a need for immediate intervention?)
a) No more than three people requesting transfer to another parking facility due to security concerns in an
academic year will indicate success. More than three people but less than ten people requesting transfer
to another parking facility due to security concerns in an academic year will indicate a need for
improvement. More than ten people requesting transfer to another parking facility due to security
concerns in an academic year will indicate a need for immediate intervention.
b) No more than five (5) incident reports per quarter will indicate success. More than five incident reports
but less than ten incident reports in a quarter will indicate a need for improvement. More than ten incident
reports in a quarter will indicate a need for immediate intervention.
Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: (How, when, and by whom will data be collected?
How will it be analyzed? What will be the product of the analysis?)
The Assistant Director of Parking and Transportation will collect the Georgia State University Police reports
that apply to Parking and Transportation operations. Results will be analyzed in contrast with the
effectiveness benchmarks and appropriate actions will be taken if results indicate need for improvement or
immediate intervention.
Utilization of Results: (How will results of the analysis be used in planning, decision making, and
continuous improvement? What type of actions will be taken based on the analysis results?)
The Assistant Director of Parking and Transportation will review each quarter and determine if
enforcement procedures can be altered to provide a greater deterrent.
More than five incidents in a quarter should result in a thorough evaluation with Georgia State University
Police for improved security in targeted parking facilities. More than ten incidents in a quarter should
result in immediate intervention with Georgia State University Police for improved security in targeted
parking facilities.