This form is due next class!!!

Overview: The purpose of this project is to provide students with a broad overview of the Civil War through
the creation of a newspaper. Students will research and write about specific assigned topics dealing with the
Civil War (ie, abolition, battles, key individuals, etc.) and report their findings through articles, political
cartoons, editorials, and other stories.
You may work by yourself, with a partner, or in a small group of 3 to create a newspaper that will be on the
Civil War era. You will be reporting as if the paper was written in the 1860’s and place the information into a
newspaper format using Publisher or some similar computer program. The work should be distributed
equally among members of the group. The project will require research from not only the text, but other
sources as well.
1. Title for your newspaper- will reflect whether your newspaper was written in the North or
the South. However, it will have articles that reflect opinions of BOTH abolitionists and those
that are pro-slavery.
2. Front page story- has more detail; is usually found on the front page in the newspaper, and
continued on another page in the front section.
Write 1 front page newspaper article about 1 of the following events of the Civil War and
include 1 graphic with captions. (Extra articles written=extra credit for author!)
The Emancipation Proclamation
Women in the Civil War
54th Regiment of Massachusetts
Civil War Prison Camps
(Andersonville, GA.)
The Assassination of Abraham
The Surrender of Robert E. Lee
3. Feature Articles- special or prominent articles in a newspaper.
National News Story- A news article covering information about events around the
United States.
o Write 2 feature articles covering information on all of the following battles of the
Civil War. (Suggestion: One article will be about Union victories and one article
will be about Confederate victories). Include 1 graphic with caption for each
Battles of the Civil War:
Ft. Sumter
Bull Run/Manassas (First!)
State News Story- A news article covering information about events in your state.
o Write 1 state news article covering the following battles in North Carolina in the
Civil War. Include 1 graphic with caption.
Bentonville (N.C.)
Ft. Fisher (N.C.)
4. Editorials- an opinion article. Must do both!
Write 1 article from an abolitionist’s perspective explaining the reasons why slavery
should be abolished. Include a thesis statement!!!!!!
Write 1 article from a slave owner’s perspective defending the need for and use of
slaves. Include a thesis statement!!!!!!
5. Political Cartoons- a drawing representing current public figures or issues symbolically and
often satirically. Are often humorous and accompanied by a caption. Color optional.
Select 2 people from the list below and draw 2 original political cartoons involving
these people. (So, 1 cartoon for each person! Don’t forget the captions!! ).
People of the Civil War:
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Zebulon Vance
Dred Scott
Mary Todd Lincoln
Jefferson Davis
Ulysses S. Grant
Frederick Douglas
John Brown
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Braxton Bragg
Robert F. Hoke
William J. Hardee
J.J. Pettigrew
Clement A. Evans
Jubal Early
A.P. Hill
William Lloyd Garrison
William T. Sherman
Harriet Tubman
John Wilkes Booth
George A. Custer
Lewis Armistead
Belle Boyd
Matthew Brady
Rose O’Neal Greenhow
Dorothea Dix
Clara Barton
John C. Fremont
George Pickett
John C. Calhoun
Henry Clay
Andrew Johnson
Winfield Scott Hancock
6. Obituaries- a published notice of a death, with a brief biography of the deceased.
Select 3 people from the list above and write 1 obituary for each. Make sure you
explain the role they played in the Civil War.
7. Crossword Puzzle- Select 15 people from the list above and create a crossword puzzle for
your newspaper. Crossword puzzle clues must directly relate to Civil War. Include answers.
8. Advertisements- Create an advertisement for 2 specific weapons and/or technological
advances that were made or used during the Civil War. Tell about each in detail and include
a graphic for each!
Last minute tips: Don’t forget to include the following for all articles: headline, byline, and dateline.
Also, your newspaper will largely be created on the computer AFTER your research has been
gathered. You will have access to the computer program Microsoft Publisher in school to create your
newspaper. However, you may also have to spend some time of your own on a school computer to
work on this (this means before school, during lunch, and after school). I will be available to supervise
you after school in the media center at least 1 morning and 1 afternoon.
Due Date: _________________________________________ No Exceptions!!!!
1. Front page story- __________________________________________________________________________________
Any extra credit=________________________________________________________________________
2. Feature Articles
National News Story-____________________________________________________________________
State News Story- _______________________________________________________________________
3. Editorials- abolitionist’s perspective _________________________________________________________________
pro-slavery perspective __________________________________________________________________
4. Political Cartoons- _________________________________________________________________________________
5. Obituaries- _________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Crossword Puzzle- __________________________________________________________________________________
7. Advertisements-____________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature:___________________________________________
1. Front page story- __________________________________________________________________________________
Any extra credit=________________________________________________________________________
2. Feature Articles
National News Story-____________________________________________________________________
State News Story- _______________________________________________________________________
3. Editorials- abolitionist’s perspective _________________________________________________________________
pro-slavery perspective __________________________________________________________________
4. Political Cartoons- _________________________________________________________________________________
5. Obituaries- _________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Crossword Puzzle- __________________________________________________________________________________
7. Advertisements-____________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature:___________________________________________
***This form needs to be filled out completely by each PERSON planning on completing the Civil
War Newspaper project and must be SIGNED by a parent/guardian before turning it in to the
This form is due next class!!! ______________________________
Overview: The purpose of this project is to provide students with a broad overview of the Civil War through
the creation of a newspaper. Students will research and write about specific assigned topics dealing with
the Civil War (ie, abolition, battles, key individuals, etc.) and report their findings through articles, political
cartoons, editorials, and other stories.
You may work by yourself, with a partner, or in a small group of 3 to create a newspaper that will be on the
Civil War era. Project grades will be shared; you have been encouraged to choose wisely! You will be
reporting as if the paper was written in the 1860’s and place the information into a newspaper format
using Publisher or some similar computer program. The work should be distributed equally among
members of the group. The project will require research from not only the text, but other sources as well.
You will have access to the computer program Microsoft Publisher in school to create your newspaper.
However, you may also have to spend some time of your own on a school computer to work on this (this
means before school, during lunch, and after school). I will be available to supervise you after school in the
media center at least 1 morning and 1 afternoon.
CLASS PERIOD:_________ GROUP MEMBERS (OPTIONAL):_____________________________________________
Distribution of project REQUIREMENTS ON THE BACK! (needs to be filled out + signed by a parent!!)
PROJECT DUE DATE:____________________________(No late projects accepted; always welcomed early!)
Parent/guardian signature:___________________________________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***This form needs to be filled out completely by each PERSON planning on completing the Civil
War Newspaper project and must be SIGNED by a parent/guardian before turning it in to the
This form is due next class!!! ______________________________
Overview: The purpose of this project is to provide students with a broad overview of the Civil War through
the creation of a newspaper. Students will research and write about specific assigned topics dealing with
the Civil War (ie, abolition, battles, key individuals, etc.) and report their findings through articles, political
cartoons, editorials, and other stories.
You may work by yourself, with a partner, or in a small group of 3 to create a newspaper that will be on the
Civil War era. Project grades will be shared; you have been encouraged to choose wisely! You will be
reporting as if the paper was written in the 1860’s and place the information into a newspaper format
using Publisher or some similar computer program. The work should be distributed equally among
members of the group. The project will require research from not only the text, but other sources as well.
You will have access to the computer program Microsoft Publisher in school to create your newspaper.
However, you may also have to spend some time of your own on a school computer to work on this (this
means before school, during lunch, and after school). I will be available to supervise you after school in the
media center at least 1 morning and 1 afternoon.
CLASS PERIOD:_________ GROUP MEMBERS (OPTIONAL):______________________________________________
Distribution of project REQUIREMENTS ON THE BACK! (needs to be filled out + signed by a parent!!)
PROJECT DUE DATE:____________________________(No late projects accepted; always welcomed early!)
Parent/guardian signature:___________________________________________