September 19 - ESC-20

ESC-20 Curriculum Communiqué: September 19, 2005
Volume #4
We are continuing the Curriculum Communiqué series as requested. Please continue to share the information with your staff.
If there is additional information that you think would be helpful, please do not hesitate to let me know.
ESC Contact: Ed Vara, or (210) 370-5465
1. TEA Correspondence
New TEA Correspondence has been posted at
Date: 09/13/2005
Subject: Access to Louisiana Student Records
From: Accountability Research
Date: 09/15/2005
Subject: FEMA Reimbursement
From: Commissioner's Office
Date: 09/15/2005
Subject: Hurricane Katrina Evacuees and Statewide Testing
From: Commissioner's Office
Date: 09/16/2005
Subject: Louisiana student records: Enrollment records and transcripts now available
From: Accountability Research
Date: 09/16/2005
Subject: Updated Near Final 2004-05 Summary of Finances
From: State Funding
2. NCLB Update
NEW Constitution Day Requirement Takes Effect This Week
To mark the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, Congress in December 2004 enacted
legislation that requires all public schools receiving federal aid to teach the Constitution on September 17 of each year.
Because the 17th falls on a Saturday this year, schools will be observing Citizenship Day/Constitution Day either this week
or the following week. To assist students and teachers in their studies, the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Resources
for Educational Excellence (FREE) web site has posted an array of online resources. These resources are available at
For more information, please contact Michelle Ungurait, Director of Social Studies in the Texas Education Agency's Division
of Curriculum at (512) 463-9581. A letter on this topic also can be found on the TEA Web site at
NEW Telephone Hotlines, Web Site Provide Hurricane-Related Information
The Texas Education Agency has established two telephone hotlines to take calls related to students and schools affected by
Hurricane Katrina. At one hotline at 1-866-435-7090, TEA staff members are answering calls related to teacher staffing from
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. TEA employees also are staffing another hotline at 1-800-957-5109, which is taking general Hurricane
Katrina-related calls.
A special TEA web site also has been created to disseminate hurricane-relate information in one location. This new Web site
is located at
In addition, educators and other professionals interested in providing expertise to a local school district impacted by the
hurricane can send their information to This special e-mail address has been established to help
TEA coordinate efforts to link educators to areas in need. It is anticipated that additional educators and professionals will be
needed in virtually all areas of expertise, including areas related to administrators, classroom teachers, therapists, counselors
and diagnosticians. Individuals interested in providing their expertise should e-mail the following information: name,
address, telephone number, e-mail address, area of certification or professional expertise, and the location at which they are
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willing to work. This information will be compiled into a database and sent to the appropriate regional education service
centers for distributions to schools in need.
Those who wish to donate school supplies to hurricane evacuees can e-mail their information to In addition, the U.S. Department of Education has established a special "Hurricane Help for
Schools" web site to help schools serving students displaced by the hurricane (see the item below the NCLB National News
section of this e-mail for more information on this special USDE web site).
NCLB Issues related to Hurricane Katrina
We have developed a web page on our NCLB Web site to provide easy access to information at:
Please be aware that we are in constant contact with USDE working for additional flexibility. We are not able to answer
many questions beyond what is posted on the web site at this time, but will provide additional information as quickly as we
receive it. Commissioner of Education Shirley Neeley also has written a letter to USDE identifying federal requirements for
which TEA will be requesting waivers or other flexibility to deal with the influx of students enrolling in Texas public schools
because of Hurricane Katrina. This letter may be viewed in its entirety at
If you have questions related to NCLB that are not addressed on the web site, please e-mail those questions to and we will provide you a response as quickly as possible.
NEW One-Year Emergency Teaching Permit Approved To Help Cope With Hurricane-Related Enrollment Surge
The State Board for Educator Certification, meeting in a special session last Tuesday, September 6, created a one-year
emergency teaching certificate to help school districts cope with the enrollment surge in Texas schools because of Hurricane
Katrina evacuees. The certificate is good only for the 2005-2006 school year.
Thousands of hurricane school-age evacuees from Louisiana have enrolled in Texas public schools, and many teachers from
Louisiana also have relocated to Texas. Applicants must provide contact information, all information about any existing
teaching certificate they hold in any state, the name of the school district in which the applicant is being hired, and must
submit fingerprints to be used for a national criminal history background check. No application fee will be charged.
Educators interested in applying for this certificate may call the Texas Education Agency's free teacher hotline at 1-866-4357090 for more information.
The sponsoring district must submit the name, social security number and current Texas address of the applicant they wish to
hire. The district must also provide the date on which the applicant was employed, their anticipated job assignment, and any
information they have about any teaching certificate the applicant already holds.
Districts that wish to hire a teacher from Louisiana can obtain information about the certificates they hold in that state by
going to
Comparability of Services Requirement for Title I, Part A Funds
Federal Law requires that campuses receiving Title I, Part A funding must receive the same level of services through state
and local funds as campuses that are not receiving Title I, Part A funding. As a result of the January 2005 monitoring visit
from the United States Department of Education (USDE), the Texas Education Agency (TEA) received a finding requiring a
change in the process used for computing Title I, Part A comparability compliance. The required action from the USDE
Finding directed TEA to modify its method of ensuring local education agencies' (LEAs') comparability compliance for Title
I, Part A schools by using current year data rather than data from TEA's Public Education Information Management System
(PEIMS), which are not available for use until more than a year after the data is first collected.
Beginning with the 2005-2006 school year, Title I, Part A participating LEAs will be required to submit current year
comparability data annually by conducting comparability testing on an electronic form provided by TEA-the Title I, Part A
Comparability Computation Form (CCF). The deadline for submitting the CCF for school year 2005-2006 is December 1,
2005. LEAs will use their latest budgeted data. Training to LEAs will be provided in October and November.
The forms and instructions for completing this Title I, Part A requirement may be accessed and downloaded at the TEA
Division of Formula Funding web site at
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Question regarding the Title I, Part A Comparability of Services requirement can be directed to Tom Manley in the Division
of Formula Funding, at 512-475-3585.
Reminder of Title I, Part A Paraprofessional Qualifications
Remember that earlier this summer; USDE extended the January 8, 2006, deadline for Title I, Part A paraprofessionals to
meet the Title I Paraprofessional qualifications to the end of the 2005-06 school year to align with the teacher requirement
This Title I paraprofessional provision only applies to Title I, Part A paraprofessionals who provide instructional assistance in
a core academic subject area on Title I campuses. On a Targeted Assistance Title I campus, this is any paraprofessional with
instructional assistance responsibilities whose salary is paid in full or in part with Title I funds. On a Schoolwide Title I
campus, this is any paraprofessional with instructional assistance responsibilities.
Registration Open for Statewide Parental Involvement Conference in Austin November 3-5
Join fellow educators, parents, community members and the TEA NCLB Staff for the 2005 NCLB Statewide Parental
Involvement Conference in Austin November 3-5, 2005. Both English and Spanish Registration Brochure's are now available
for download from the Title I Statewide School Support Initiative Web site at
2005-06 NCLB Consolidated Application Now Closed
The final deadline for submitting the 2005-06 NCLB Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (NCLBAA06) was
September 1, 2005.
Expanded Title I, Part A Guidance Available
Guidance for the Title I, Part A program has been expanded, with revised sections relating to paraprofessionals and
participation of private nonprofit schools. This expanded guidance can be found at the NCLB Program Coordination web site
Overdue 2004-05 Progress/Compliance Reports Must Be Submitted
Progress/compliance reports that were due August 15, 2005, are now past due, but still must be submitted. Program
monitoring initial compliance review (ICR) data extraction from reports began on August 18th from the databases. Any
missing data may have an adverse effect on the LEA's program monitoring and intervention levels to be announced later this
Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children Progress/Compliance Report Due
The 2004-05 Progress/Compliance Report for Title I, Part C – Education of Migratory Children was due September 15, 2005.
Questions concerning compliance reports should be directed to the Texas State University System NCLB staff for each
region, as shown below. Please note the new contact telephone numbers listed.
Regions 1, 2, 13, 20
Dr. Ruth Kane, Texas State University, (512) 716-4534, e-mail:
Please note that this is national information and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Education Agency.
USDE Establishes 'Hurricane Help for Schools' Web Site
President Bush announced September 6 that the U.S. Department of Education has established a new "Hurricane Help for
Schools" web page aimed at getting additional supplies to schools serving students who were displaced by the hurricane. This
special web page can be accessed at, and will serve as a clearinghouse of resources for Americans
who want to help the students displaced by the hurricane.
The web page is a forum where schools, companies and organizations across the country can come together and work to help
students displaced by the hurricane. Companies and organizations can respond to the needs of students and send resources
directly to them, and schools will be able to directly contact the companies and organizations offering help.
On one part of the web page, schools will be able to post their contact information and the supplies the students need.
Companies and organizations will be able to view these needs and contact the schools to meet them, or they can click on a
different part of the web page to post what supplies and resources they can offer.
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Spellings Announces New 'Teachers Ask the Secretary' Web Site
Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings announced August 24 the launch of a new feature of the U.S. Department of
Education's web site Internet called "Teachers Ask the Secretary."
The purpose of the feature is to help teachers learn answers on a wide range of subjects, such as teacher quality, professional
development, state academic standards and more. Using the site, teachers will be able to submit education-related questions.
Although written answers may not be provided for every question submitted, Spellings said every question submitted will be
Best practices and success stories under the No Child Left Behind Act also will be available at the site. Answers to previously
submitted questions also are posted there. For more information, please visit the Teachers Ask the Secretary web site at
Education News Program Offers Parents Tips on High School Learning
The U.S. Department of Education's monthly television program "Education News Parents Can Use," begins the 2004-05
season from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Central Daylight Time on Tuesday, September 20, with a special "Back-to-School" edition that
focuses on high school learning. The September show of Education News Parents Can Use will offer parents of middle and
high school-aged students tips on course selection; questions to ask teachers and principals; and advice for keeping students
on track.
The broadcast will showcase teachers and administrators from schools that are successfully applying the No Child Left
Behind principles of high standards for all students and evidence-based approaches to learning. It will also highlight such
programs as State Scholars, Advanced Placement, Community College Access/Dual Enrollment, International Baccalaureate
and other promising initiatives designed to increase the rigor and relevance of the high school years.
Each month, "Education News Parents Can Use" showcases schools and school districts from across the country.
Conversations with school officials, parents and education experts, and advice and free resources for parents and educators
are all part of this publication.
To learn about viewing options, including web casts, visit and click on "Press Room," then "Audio &
Video," or call toll-free (800) USA-LEARN.
USDE Seeks Trainers for Teacher-to-Teacher Training Corps
The U.S. Department of Education has announced the formation of the Teacher-to-Teacher Training Corps. The corps will
consist of effective teachers and practitioners who will provide on-site technical assistance and regional workshops for
teachers and districts over the next 12 months. This team is an expansion of the Teacher-to-Teacher Workshops that have
been offered in cities across the nation for the past two summers.
USDE is looking for teachers and school leaders who are using scientifically based research strategies and have data to
demonstrate effectiveness to serve as trainers for the Teacher-to-Teacher Training Corps. Trainers will share the research
underlying these practices and their experience with implementing them in classrooms and schools. The goal of the Teacherto-Teacher Training Corps is to support district level professional development efforts by providing demonstrations by expert
teacher and administrators of ways to improve academic performance through increased content knowledge and improved
pedagogical skill.
Members of the Teacher-to-Teacher Training Corps will be eligible to participate in workshops for teachers during 2005 and
2006. They will also be eligible to make presentations at USDE's summer workshops in 2006 and work with interested
districts in ways that align with and support continuing district efforts during the school year and summer. Sessions in each
site will be aligned to districts' academic goals and student data.
To apply for this corps, individuals must submit a complete proposal, which should include a PowerPoint presentation and
handouts. Individuals may be asked to modify the presentation content or format for particular audiences (teachers,
administrators or trainers) and district goals. In order to be considered for the Teacher-to-Teacher Training Corps, proposals
must be received by Oct. 10, 2005. For additional information, visit the Teacher Initiative web site at
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Individuals selected as trainers by the U.S. Department of Education will provide travel, accommodations, and a $1,000
honorarium for planning, preparation and participation for each training event. They also will have the flexibility to
determine the level of your participation in workshops scheduled around the country during 2005 and 2006.
TEA Source: Cory Green
3. Subject: Annual AP/IB Report 2003-04 Released
The Division of Accountability Research has recently issued a new report, Advanced Placement and International
Baccalaureate Examination Results in Texas, 2003-04. Published on an annual basis, the report presents an update on AP and
IB participation, examination performance, and advanced courses taken by Texas high school students through the 2003-04
school year.
The report is available on the Accountability Research website at A limited number of
paper copies are available in Room 3-107. Additional information about the report may be obtained by contacting the
Division of Accountability Research at (512) 475-3523.
4. Funding for Dinosaurus Tex Visit
The San Antonio Botanical Society has received funding from the Brackenridge Foundation to pay for transportation for
school groups visiting the San Antonio Botanical Garden. The funding is available on a first come, first served basis.
Interested schools can call (210) 207-3270 or e-mail for more information or to request funding.
The Botanical Garden is currently featuring the exhibit Dinosaurus Tex: A Giant Adventure presented by the SBC
Foundation through December 4, 2005.
5. Student Assessment Web Site Update
The ARD committee decision-making process for the Texas assessment program reference manual for the 2005-2006 testing
year has been posted online and can be viewed here:
Also, a letter to the districts dated 09/07/05 concerning Student Assessment updates for the 2005-2006 school year (includes
the 2005-2006 revised testing calendar) has been sent and posted online. It can be viewed here:
6. ESC-20 ELA Listserv - September
The September issue of the ELA listserv is now available at
The complete listing of all our Fall offerings is available at
ESC Contact: Cara Wyly,
7. Student Technology Fair at Region 20
Education Service Center, Region 20 is pleased to announce the first annual netVision20 Student Technology Fair. The event
will take place at the ESC-20 Conference Center on Saturday, October 29, 2005 from 12:00 to 3:00 PM.
K-12 students (individuals or in teams) throughout the region are invited to participate and showcase their technologyenriched projects. All projects need to address the theme "How Has Human Ingenuity Enhanced Our World?" in one of the
following four categories:
1. Environment
2. Past, Present and Future
3. Community
4. Exploration
We ask that you submit a maximum of two projects per campus. A rubric (PDF) is provided to help judges in the selection of
the best two projects. Entries are due to Susanna Garza by fax (210-370-5754) or e-mail ( by
October 7.
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ESC Contact: Susanna Garza,
8. Virtual Wednesday
The first Virtual Wednesday is scheduled for September 21st. The workshop is now open for registration in iLearning:
September 21, 2005
Join us for a brief overview of PowerMediaPlus, ESC-20's new streaming media source. PowerMediaPlus is replacing Digital
To register in iLearning:
9. Important Dates…
September 15 – Appeals deadline – Last day for LEAs to appeal 2005 AYP status Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
September 30 – Deadline to Submit the 2004-2005 ARI/AMI Funding Expenditure Report
Early October – Appeals panel reviews staff recommendations on appeals State Accountability
Late October – Final ratings released after resolution of appeals (available via TEASE only) State Accountability
Late October – Gold Performance Acknowledgements (GPA) for all districts and campuses released State Accountability
Late November – Early December – Appeals notifications; AYP / SIP Status update on TEA website based on appeals.
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Early December – AEIS Release; release of 2004-2005 AEIS reports on public website (District Superintendents will receive
previews in November) State Accountability
Early December – Public Education Grant (PEG) program notification; TEA notifies districts of campuses identified under
PEG program criteria. This will apply to the 2006-07 school year. State Accountability
Mid December - School Report Card - TEA provides the 2004-05 School Report Card for all campuses State Accountability
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