A Study on the Hydraulic Characteristics of the Drainage System through the Interaction between the Tidal Surge and the River's Flood J.F. Yen Department of Civil Engineering, Kao Yuan Institute of Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. C.H. Lin Hydraulic Planning and Research Institute, WCA, MOEA, Taiwan, R.O.C. C.T. Tsai Department of Hydraulic and Ocean, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. ABSTRACT : The flooding phenomenon of torrential rains occurs mainly due to the river's overflow and poor drainage. A local area's drainage depends on the storm sewer system. Due to the flat terrain of Taiwan's western coastal area, the drainage systems are often blocked by the estuary tidal upsurges. In particular, during the tidal period of typhoons, if the river's upstream flood peak also arrives at the same time, it would raise the water level downstream, thereby causing poor drainage or flooding. This research studies the drainage behavior by examining the interaction between the tidal surge and river's flood peak, in order to provide a basis for the improvement of the drainage system design. This study used the Sinbow drainage system (Fig. 1) in Chang-Hwa County as an illustration. From the tidal surges by Typhoon Herb, July 31 ~ August 1, 1996, the design flood hydrographs of the drainage system's boundary (Fig. 3), and the application of the unsteady flow model of drainage networks, this research investigates the drainage behavior through the interaction between the tidal surge and river's flood peak (Fig. 7). In addition to the case of upstream flood peak and downstream tidal upsurge happening at the same time (Case 1), this study also simulates the cases which the flood peak arrives at two hours earlier than the tidal upsurge (Case 2), or two hours later (Case 3), in order to compare the river's water levels at several sections in different upstream and downstream boundary conditions. The results show that the tidal surge travels upstream apparently, and the river's maximum water level occurs when the upstream flood peak and downstream tidal upsurge converge at the same time. Since the propagation of the flood relates to river's length, this study shows that the unsteady flow model of drainage networks can be used for the application and understanding of estuary drainage system's hydraulic characteristics and behaviors, and provide the basis for planning and design of the coastal drainage system. 1 INTRODUCTION Taiwan is situated in the subtropics, and the torrential rains during the typhoon season resulted in floods to bring on tremendous flows and high stages. Furthermore, the tidal surges induced by the typhoons could block drainage in collision with the river's floods. However, the steady backwater algorithm, which calculates the water profiles of channels by use of the water level of downstream estuary and the designed flow of channels as the initial conditions, is inadequate to simulate such case. There have been studies on the above-mentioned surges of estuaries. The research on the exact solutions of the propagation of the tides only in the ideal rectangular cross-section channels have been extensive. For the actual rivers, the analysis of tidal surges uses harmonic analysis or numerical analysis, for example, the finite difference or the characteristic curve method. When there are interactions between the tidal surges and the river's floods, the studies on the combined wave speed and related experiments also have been carried out. However, the flood conditions, the astronomical and the meteorological tides, and the geometry of estuaries are so sophisticated and vary with time and space, thus numerical models become the main method to simulate the interactions between the tidal surges and the river's floods. This study used Sinbow drainage system in Chang-Hwa County of western Taiwan, as an illustration. By use of the storm tides, caused by Typhoon Herb, July 31 ~ August 1, 1996, and the designed flood hydrographs of channels as the downstream and upstream boundary conditions, together with the actual surveyed cross-sections, the unsteady flow model of drainage networks is used to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of the estuaries. Since the slope of the coastal drainage system is relatively flat, the flow can be simplified as gradually varied flow. Thus, the continuity and momentum equations of the channels are expressed as follows, Q y B q l qo x t (1) Q Q y 2V V 2 B V 2 Axy t x x y z gA S f q lV l qoV x x (2) which Q : discharge, y : water depth, ql : lateral inflow per unit channel's length, qo : overbank outflow per unit channel's length, z : bottom elevation of river, Sf : friction slope, Vl : velocity component of lateral inflow along main flow direction, V : average velocity of flow section, =Q/A, A : flow area when water depth equals to y, x : distance along main flow direction, t : time, B : flow width when water depth equals to y, Axy : change in cross-section area along x direction for non-prismatic channel at water depth y. The drainage system is a network composed of converging channels, with some nodes, at which the channels intersect. Suppose L(m) denotes the number of channels intersect at node m, each converging channel can be seen as a link between node m and another neighboring node. The continuity equation at node m will be Lm Q m t j 1 Q m , l 0 (3) l 1 which Qm(tj+1) : the external inflow of node m at time tj+1, Qm,l : the inflow or outflow of node m from link l at time tj+1. The non-linear partial differential equations (1) and (2), through linear fully implicit scheme, are transformed into the difference equations, with discharge and water depth as the dependent variables. In this network model, the flow area of a link converging at node m, depending upon its flow direction, will be set as inflow or outflow, and substituted into the node continuity equation (3). Due to the flat slope of the coastal plains, assume the water level of converging channels at each node is equal, in order to derive the node water depth equations, thus the water depth at each node can be solved. Once the water depths at nodes are known, the discharge and water depth at each channel section can be obtained, through double scan calculation method, to complete the calculation of drainage system at the specified time interval. Then continuing on to the next time interval, the model simulation of the overall time duration will be accomplished. 2 ILLUSTRATION OF APPLICATION sections for calculation, the main channel from estuary to the intersecting point, 0 to 1,104 meters, the tributary channel from 1,104 to 1,800 meters, and the main channel from 1,104 to 1,920 meters, as shown in Fig. 2. St ra it s The Sinbow drainage system, as shown in Fig. 1, including the main and tributary channels, is situated at the southern Chang-Hwa County of Taiwan. The main channel is 1,800 meters long, and the tributary channel converges at 1,104 meters away from estuary of main channel. This system is divided into three an Chang-Hwa iw D.B.S Ta h t Q Sta.(-700)m Bed EL.-0.50m Dr ai Ch an ne l Si nb ow na ge t U.B.C.1 Sta.1800m Main Sta.1104m Si nb ow Drain a 0 350 700m Q ge Tributary Channel U.B.C.2 t (Sta.1920m) Figure 1 : Map of Sinbow drainage system, with estuary as origin Reach 1 h2 ac e R Re ach 3 Figure 2 : Sketch of channel divisions for simulation DOWNSTREAM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS In 1996, Typhoon Herb brought on torrential rains in Taiwan, and caused storm surges in the western coastal area. This paper used the storm surges by Typhoon Herb, from July 31 to August 1, and the record of seawater level, 700 meters away from estuary, as the downstream boundary conditions, the solid line D.B.C. as shown in Fig. 3. UPSTREAM BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Since there are no flow gauge station in this drainage system, the upstream boundary conditions are set to be the flood hydrographs, derived from 24-hours rainfall for five years' RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The upstream designed flood hydrograph of channels and the downstream water level hydrograph of storm surge are used for the unsteady flow simulation. The time step for calculation is three minutes, and the overall time duration is 24 hours. The results are shown in Fig. 4 ~ Fig. 9, with conclusions summarized as follows : 1. When seawater level of estuary rises, the discharge of drainage system decreases to induce the inundation of seawater. If the upstream flood arrives at the same time, the seawater inundation and the flood will collide to fluctuate the discharge of drainage system. 2. In the estuarine section of Sinbow main channel, 0 ~ 600 meters, the closer the channel approaches to the downstream estuary, the more seawater inundation gets. If the upstream flood becomes larger, along with the release of the flood storage in the channels, the peak discharge will also be bigger, as it approaches to the downstream. 3. The influence of tides is more apparent as the drainage channels approach to the estuary. The pushing impacts of tides and floods become less when the distance away from the estuary increases. 4. When compared to the discharge fluctuations in the estuarine section due to the collision of the tides and floods, the water level hydrographs vary uniformly. In general, the water level hydrographs in the estuarine section is similar, in outline, to the tidal water level hydrographs. 5. The peak water level of the drainage system is very close to the peak water level of the downstream tidal hydrograph. This implies when the tides go upstream to meet with the floods, the water level in the estuarine section does not rise dramatically. The main influence on the downstream channels is the tides, and 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 U.B.C.1 U.B.C.2 D.B.C. Tidal level (m) 3 the discharge has no obvious relationship with the water level. However, the main influence on the upstream channels, far away from the estuary, is the floods, and the discharge relates positively with the water level. Since the timing of tidal surges may not be the same as that of floods, in addition to the simulation of the simultaneous happening of the downstream tidal surge and the upstream flood, this paper also simulates case 2 - the downstream tidal surge arrives at two hours earlier than the upstream flood, and case 3 two hours later, in order to compare the differences of the peak water level of downstream channels under combinations of upstream and downstream boundary conditions. The result shows that the highest peak water level occurs when the downstream tidal surge and the upstream river's flood happens at the same time, as shown in Fig. 10. If the length of drainage channels varies, the results will be different. Thus, the arrival time of the storm tidal surge and flood will influence the water level in the estuarine section, and is related to the length of drainage channels. The unsteady flow model of drainage network can be used for safe design. Discharge (cms) frequency coming from the recorded rainfall data, through the modified triangular unit hydrograph design model, which is often used by Taiwan Water Resources Bureau, the U.B.C.1 and U.B.C.2 as shown in Fig. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Time (hr) Figure 3 : Graph of upstream boundary condition, U.B.C.1 and U.B.C.2, and downstream boundary condition, D.B.C. 4.00 Stage (m) 400m 3.00 200m 2.50 0m 2.00 1.50 1.00 Discharge (cms) 600m 3.50 0.50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 Time (hr) 1800m 1104m 600m 0m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Time (hr) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 Figure 7 : Graph of simulated discharge hydrographs of main channel, with distance from the estuary 5.00 4.50 4.00 600m 400m Stage (m) Discharge (cms) Figure 4 : Graph of simulated water level hydrographs of the estuarine section, with distance from the estuary 200m 3.50 3.00 1920m 2.50 1400m 2.00 0m 760m 1.50 0m 1.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Time (hr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Time (hr) Figure 5 : Graph of simulated discharge hydrographs of the estuarine section, with distance from the estuary Figure 8 : Graph of simulated water level hydrographs of tributary channel, with distance from the estuary 4.50 4.00 3.00 1800m 2.50 2.00 1104m 1.50 600m 1.00 0m 0.50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Time (hr) Discharge (cms) Stage (m) 3.50 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 1920m 1400m 760m 0m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Time (hr) Figure 6 : Graph of simulated water level hydrographs of main channel, with distance from the estuary Figure 9 : Graph of simulated discharge hydrographs of tributary channel, with distance from the estuary 3.74 installation of tide-proof gates and the consideration of terrain along the drainage channels, are recommended. Peak Stage (m) Case 1 3.73 Case 2 3.72 Case 3 REFERENCES 3.71 3.70 3.69 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Distance (m) Figure 10 : Graph of comparison of simulated peak water level of three cases, with distance from the estuary 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS During the typhoon season, the flooding of drainage system in Taiwan's coastal areas was aggravated by seawater inundation. This study applied the unsteady flow model to simulate the flow conditions in the estuarine section of Sinbow drainage system in Chang-Hwa County. Since there is interaction between the tidal surge and the river's flood in the estuarine section, the steady backwater calculation is inadequate, but instead the unsteady flow model of drainage network can reasonably investigate the hydraulic characteristics of the estuarine section and reflect the collision between the tidal surge and the river's flood. 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