Rehabilitation Psychiatry Faculty References

Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry Faculty References to
Support the Curriculum
Psychiatric Rehabilitation textbooks ................................................................. 1
What is Rehabilitation and Recovery? ............................................................. 1
Assessment ..................................................................................................... 2
Rehabilitation Services .................................................................................. 3
Treatments and Interventions .......................................................................... 5
Work, Employment and Day Care .................................................................... 8
Housing and Residential Care ......................................................................... 8
Physical Healthcare ......................................................................................... 9
User Perspective and User Involvement ........................................................ 10
10. Care Planning and Teamwork ........................................................................ 11
11. Gender Issues ............................................................................................... 11
12. Evaluation and Outcomes .............................................................................. 12
13. Risk, and Forensic Rehabilitation ................................................................... 13
14. Rehabilitation with Special Populations .......................................................... 13
1. Psychiatric Rehabilitation textbooks
Corrigan PW, Mueser KT, Bond GR, RE Drake RE, P Solomon (2008) Principles and
Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. An Empirical Approach. Guildford
Press: New York. ISBN 1-59385-489-7
CW Pratt, KJ Gill, NM Barrett and MM Roberts (2007). Psychiatric Rehabilitation.
Academic Press: Burlington MA. ISBN 0-12-564431-0
G Roberts, S Davenport, F Holloway and T Tattan (eds) (2006) Enabling
Recovery: Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell:
London ISBN 1904671306
Anthony W, Cohen M, Farkas M and Gagne C (2002) Psychiatric Rehabilitation (2nd
edition) Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation: Boston. ISBN
2. What is Rehabilitation and Recovery?
Holloway, F. and Kalidindi, S. (2010). Rehabilitation Psychiatry in Psychiatry: An
Evidence-based text. Puri B and Treasaden I (eds). Hodder Arnold: London.
ISBN 978 034 0950050. pp1120-1133.
Davidson L, O’Connell M, Tondora J. et al (2006). The top ten concerns about
recovery encountered in mental health system transformation, Psychiatric
Services, 57, 640-645.
Roberts, G. and Wolfson, P. (2006). New directions in rehabilitation: learning
from the recovery movement. In G Roberts, S Davenport, F Holloway
and T Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery: Principles and Practice of
Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London, pp 18-37.
Rossler, W. (2006). Psychiatric rehabilitation today: an overview. World Psychiatry,
5, 151-157.
Oyebode, F. (2004). Invited Commentary on “The rediscovery of recovery”.
Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 10, 48-49
Resnick, S.G., Fontana, A., Lehman, A.F. and Rosenheck, R.A. (2004). An empirical
conceptualization of the recovery orientation. Schizophrenia Research, 75,
Roberts, G. and Wolfson, P. (2004). The rediscovery of recovery: open to all.
Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 10, 37-48
Davidson, L. (2003). Living Outside Mental Illness. Qualitative Studies of Recovery in
Schizophrenia. NYU Press: New York ISBN 0814719430
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (2003). Social Inclusion and Recovery: A Model for
Mental Health Practice. Balliere Tindall ISBN 0702026018
Warner, R. (2003). Recovery from Schizophrenia. Psychiatry and Political Economy.
Routledge: London ISBN 0415212669
Davidson, L. and Strauss, J.S. (1992). Sense of self in recovery from severe mental
illness. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 65, 131-145.
Anthony, W. A. & Liberman, R. P. (1986), The Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation:
Historical, Conceptual and Research Base. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 12, 542559.
3. Assessment
Corrigan, P.W. et al (2008). Rehabilitation Assessment. In PW Corrigan, KT Mueser,
GR Bond, RE Drake, P Solomon (eds) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric
Rehabilitation. An Empirical Approach. Guildford Press: New York, pp 79114.
Priebe, S. (2007). Social outcomes in schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry,
191, suppl 50, 15-20.
Kemp, L. (2006). Rating Scales. In G Roberts, S Davenport, F Holloway and T
Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery: Principles and Practice of Psychiatric
Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London, pp 380-384.
Meaden, A. and Farmer, A. (2006). A comprehensive approach to assessment
in rehabilitation settings. In G Roberts, S Davenport, F Holloway and T
Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery: Principles and Practice of Psychiatric
Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London, pp 64-78
Thornicroft, G. and Tansella, M. (2001). Mental Health Outcome Measures 2nd
edition. Gaskell: London
4. Rehabilitation Services and Clients
Killaspy, H., Rambarran, D., Bledin, K. (2009). Mental health needs of clients of
rehabilitation services: a survey in one Trust. Journal of Mental Health. 17,
Mountain, D., Killaspy, H. Holloway, F. (2009). Mental Health Rehabilitation Services
in the UK in 2007. Psychiatric Bulletin. 33, 215-218. DOI:
Killaspy, H., Harden, C., Holloway, F. & King, M. (2005) What do mental health
rehabilitation services do and what are they for? A national survey in
England. Journal of Mental Health. 14, 157-166.
Bhui, K., Stansfeld, S., Hull, S. et al (2003) Ethnic variations in pathways to and use
of specialist mental health services in the UK: systematic review. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 182, 105-116.
Holloway, F., Carson, J. & Davis S (2002). Rehabilitation in the United Kingdom:
Research, Policy and Practice. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 47. 628-634.
Trieman N, Leff J. (1996). The difficult-to-place patients in a psychiatric hospital
closure programme. The TAPS Project 24. Psychological Medicine, 26, 765774.
5. Assertive Outreach
Killaspy, H., Johnson, S., Pierce, B., Bebbington, P., Pilling, S., Nolan, F., King, M.
(2009). A mixed methods analysis of interventions delivered by assertive
community treatment and community mental health teams in the REACT trial.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 44, 532-540. DOI
Killaspy, H., Kingett, S., Bebbington, P., Blizard, R., Johnson, S., Nolan, F., Pilling,
S., King, M. (2009). Randomised evaluation of assertive community treatment
: 3 year outcomes. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, 81-82.
McCrone, P., Killaspy, H., Bebbington, P., Johnson, S., Nolan, F., Pilling, S., King, M.
(2009). The REACT Study: Cost-Effectiveness of Assertive Community
Treatment in North London. Psychiatric Services. 60, 908-913.
Killaspy, H., Bebbington, P., Johnson, S. and King, M (2008). Developing mental
health services in response to research evidence. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria
Sociale, 17(1), 47-56.
Killaspy, H (2007). Assertive community treatment in psychiatry. BMJ, 335: 311-312.
DOI: 10.1136/bmj.39293.687674.AD
Killaspy, H., Bebbington, P., Blizard, R. et al (2006) REACT: A Randomised
Evaluation of Assertive Community Treatment in North London. BMJ, 332,
Burns, T. and Firn, M. (2002) Assertive Outreach in Mental Health. A manual for
practitioners. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 0 19 851615 0
6. Institutions, Deinstitutionalisation, Therapeutic Environments
Killaspy, H., King, M., Wright, C., White, S., McCrone, P., Kallert, T., Cervilla, J.,
Raboch, J., Onchev, G., Mezzina, R., Kiejna, A., Ploumpidis, D., Caldas de
Almeida, J. (2009). Study protocol for the Development of a European
Measure of Best practice for people with long term mental illness in
Institutional Care (DEMoBinc). BMC Psychiatry, 9: 36
Taylor, T., Killaspy, H., Wright, C., Turton, P., White, S., Kallert, T., Schuster, M.,
Cervilla, J., Brangier, P., Raboch, J., Kalisova, L., Onchev, G., Dimitrov, H.,
Mezzina, R., Wolf, K., Wiersma, D., Visser, E., Kiejna, A., Piotrowski, P.,
Ploumpidis, D., Gonidakis, F., Caldas de Almeida, J., Cardoso, G., King, M.
(2009). A systematic review of the international published literature relating to
quality of institutional care for people with longer term mental health
problems. BMC Psychiatry, 9: 55
Wright, C., Turton, P., White, S., Killaspy, H., Taylor, T., Onchev, G., Fercheva, A.,
Raboch, J., Kališova, L., Schützwohl, M., Schuster, M., Tzavelas, E.,
Asimakopoulou, X., Mezzina, R., Ridente, P., Wiersma, D., Caro-Nienhuis,
A., Kiejna, A., Piotrowski, P., Caldas de Almeida, J., Cardoso, G., Cervilla, J.,
Brangier, P., King, M. Promoting recovery in long term mental health
institutional care: an international Delphi study of stakeholder views.
Psychiatric Services, In Press.
Campling P, Davies S and Farquharson G (eds) (2004). From Toxic Institutions to
Therapeutic Environments: Residential Settings in Mental Health Services.
Gaskell: London. ISBN-13: 9781904671077
Fakhoury, W., Priebe, S. (2002). The process of deinstitutionalisation: an
international overview. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 15, 187-192.
Hinshelwood, R.E. (2001) Thinking About Institutions: Milieux and Madness. Jessica
Kingsley Publishers: London ISBN 1853029548
Byrne, C., Woodside, H., Landeen, J., et al (1994). The importance of relationships
in fostering hope. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 32, 31-34
Curson, D.A., Pantelis, C & Ward, J., et al (1992). Institutionalism and schizophrenia
30 years on. Clinical poverty and the social environment in three British
mental hospitals in 1960 compared with a fourth in 1990. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 160, 230-241.
Menzies Lyth, I. (1992) Containing Anxiety in Institutions. Free Association Books:
London. ISBN 1 85343 001 3
Wing, J.K. and Brown, G. (1970) Institutionalism and Schizophrenia. Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge ISBN 0521078822
Goffman, E. (1961: reprinted 2007) Asylums. Essays on the Social Situation of
Mental Patients and Other Inmates. Transaction Publishers: Edison NJ ISBN
7. Out of Area Treatments
Killaspy, H., Rambarran, D., Harden, C., Fearon, D., Caren, G. & McClinton, K.
(2009). A comparison of service users placed out of their local area and local
rehabilitation service users. Journal of Mental Health. 18: 111-120.
Ryan T. Hatfield, B., Sharma, I., Simpson, V., & McIntyre, A. (2007). A census study
of independent mental health sector usage across seven Strategic Health
Authorities. Journal of Mental Health, 16, 243-253.
Ryan T, Pearsall A, Hatfield B, Poole R (2004). Long term care for serious mental
illness outside the NHS: A study of out of area placements. Journal of Mental
Health, 13, 425-429.
Priebe, S. and Turner, T. (2003). Reinstitutionalisation in mental health care. British
Medical Journal, 326, 175-176.
Poole, R,. Ryan, T. and Pearsall, A. (2002). The NHS, the private sector and the
virtual asylum. BMJ 325, 349-350.
8. Treatments and Interventions
National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (2009). Schizophrenia Core
interventions in the treatment and management of schizophrenia in primary
and secondary care (update). National Clinical Practice Guideline Number
82. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Morrison A, Renton J, French P and Bentall R (2008) Think You’re Crazy? Think
Again A Resource Book for Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis. Routledge:
Great Britain ISBN 978-1-58391-837-1
Chan, J. & Sweeting, M (2007). Combination therapy with non-clozapine atypical
antipsychotic medication: a review of current evidence. Journal of
Psychopharmacology, 6, 657-64.
Beer, D. (2006) Managing Challenging Behaviours. In G Roberts, S Davenport,
F Holloway and T Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery: Principles and
Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London, pp 211- 228
Mari, J.J., Pharoah, F.M., Rathbone, J., et al (2006). Family Intervention for those
with schizophrenia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, issue 1.
Chichester: Wiley InterScience.
Sweeting, M. (2006). Management of medication when treatment is failing. In G
Roberts, S Davenport, F Holloway and T Tattan (eds) Enabling
Recovery: Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell:
London, pp 146-157.
Josiassen, R. C., Joseph, A., Kohegyi, E., et al (2005) Clozapine augmented with
risperidone in the treatment of schizophrenia: a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial. Am J Psychiatry, 162, 130-136.
Paton, C & Esop, R (2005). Managing Clozapine-induced neutropaenia with lithium.
Psychiatric bulletin, 29, 186-188
Bellack, A.S. (2004). Skills training for people with severe mental illness. Psychiatric
Rehabilitation Journal, 27,375-91.
Kingdon, D. & Turkington, D. (2004) A Treatment Manual for Cognitive Therapy of
schizophrenia. New York: Guildford.
Morrison A, Renton J, Dunn H, Williams S and Bentall R (2004) Cognitive Therapy
for Psychosis, A Formulation-Based Approach. Brunner-Routledge: Great
Britain ISBN 1-58391-9810-8
Munro, J., Matthiasson, P., Osborne, S, et al (2004). Amisulpride augmentation of
Clozapine: an open non-randomized study in patients with schizophrenia
partically responsive to Clozapine. Acta Pyschiatrica Scandinavica, 110,
Read J, Mosher L and Bentall R (2004). Models of Madness, Psychological, Social
and Biological Approaches to Schizophrenia. Brunner-Routledge: Great
Britain ISBN 1-58391-906-6
O'Donnell, C., Donohoe, G., Sharkey, L., et al (2003). Compliance therapy: a
randomised controlled trial in schizophrenia. BMJ, 327, 834-836
Small, J.G., Klapper, M.H., Mallow, F.W., et al (2003). Tolerabiilty and efficacy of
Clozapine combined with lithium in schizophrenia and schizoaffective
disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23, 223-228
Tiihonen, J., Hallikainen, T,. Ryyanen, O.P., et al (2003). Lamotrigine in treatment
resistant schizophrenia: a randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial.
Biological Psychiatry. 54, 1241-1248
Twamley, E. W., Jeste, D. V., & Bellack, A. S. (2003) A review of cognitive training in
schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 29, pp. 359-382.
Daley, A.J. (2002) Exercise therapy and mental health in clinical populations: is
exercise therapy a worthwhile intervention? Advances in Psychiatric
Treatment, 8, 262-270.
Edwards, J., Wade, D., Hermmann-Doig, T. et al. (2002). Psychological treatment of
persistent positive symptoms in young people with first-episode psychosis. In
Psychological Interventions in Early Psychosis: A Practical Treatment
Handbook (Eating Disorder Service at Cheadle Royal J. Gleeson & P.D.
McGorry), pp 191-208. London: John Wiley and Sons
Freudenreich, O. & Goff, D.C. (2002). Antipsychotic combination therapy in
schizophrenia. A review of effecacy and risks of current combinations. Acta
Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 106, 323-330.
Pilling, S., Bebbington, P., Kuipers, E., et al (2002). Psychological treatments in
schizophrenia I: Meta-analyses of family intervention and cognitive behaviour
therapy. Psychological Medicine, 32, 763-782.
Pilling, S., Bebbington, P., Kuipers, E., et al (2002). Psychological treatments in
schizophrenia: II. Meta analyses of randomized controlled trials of social skills
training and cognitive remediation. Psychological Medicine, 32, 783-791.
Smith, G. & Velleman, R. (2002). Maintaining a family work for psychosis service by
recognising and addressing the barriers to implementation. Journal of Mental
Health, 11, 471-179.
Cree, A., Shameem, M. & Fahy, T. (2001). A review of the treatment options for
clozapine-induced hypersalivation. Psychiatric Bulletin, 25, 114-116.
Jackson, M. (2001) Psychoanalysis and the treatment of psychosis. In The
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McKenzie, B.M. (2001) Psychological Approaches to Longer-Term Patients
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challenging behaviour. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 7 109-116
Davies, W. (1993) The RAID programme for challenging behaviour. Leicester:
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people with schizophrenia partially response to Clozapine. A double-blind
placebo controlled study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 171, 569-573
9. Work, Employment and Day Care
Rinaldi M, Perkins R, Glynn E et al (2008). Individual placement and support: from
research to practice. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 13, 50-60.
Boardman, J. and Robinson, B. (2006). Working to Recovery: Meaningful
Occupation and Vocational Rehabilitation. In G Roberts, S Davenport, F
Holloway and T Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery: Principles and
Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London, pp 271-285.
Twamley, E.W., Jeste, D.V. and Lehman, A.F. (2003). Vocational rehabilitation in
schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders: A literature review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. The Journal of Nervous and Mental
Disease, 191, 515-523.
Crowther, R.E, Marshall, M., Bond, G.R. & Huxley, P. (2001). Helping people with
Severe Mental Illness to obtain work: systematic review. British Medical
Journal 322 204-208.
Cook, J. A. & Razzano, L. (2000). Vocational rehabilitation for persons with
schizophrenia: recent research and implications for practice. Schizophrenia
Bulletin, 26, 87-103.
Wing, J. and Freudenberger, R. (1961). The response of severely ill chronic
schizophrenic patients to social stimulation. American Journal of Psychiatry,
118, 311-321.
10. Housing and Residential Care
Priebe S., Saidi, M., Want, A., Mangalore, R., Knapp, M. (2009). Housing services
for people with mental disorders in England: patient characteristics, care
provision and costs. Social Psychiary and Psychiatric Epidemiology 44:805–
814. DOI 10.1007/s00127-009-0001-0
MacPherson, R., Shepherd, G. and Edwards, T. (2004) Supported accommodation
for people with severe mental illness: a review. Advances in Psychiatric
Treatment, 10, 180-188.
LR Mosher, V Hendrix and D Fort (2004) Soteria: Through Madness to Deliverance.
XLibris Corporation: Philadelphia ISBN 1 4134 6523 4
Chilvers, R., Macdonald, G,M, and Hayes, A.A. (2002). Supported housing for
people with severe mental disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2002, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD000453. DOI:
Reid Y and Garety P (1996) A hostel ward for new long stay patients: sixteen years
progress. Journal of Mental Health, 5, 77-89
11. Physical Healthcare
Osborn, D.P., Wright, C.A., Levy, G., King, M.B., Deo, R., Nazareth, I. (2008).
Relative risk of diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and the metabolic
syndrome in people with severe mental illnesses: systematic review and
meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 8:84.
Osborn DP, Levy G, Nazareth I, Petersen I, Islam A, King MB (2007). Relative risk of
cardiovascular and cancer mortality in people with severe mental illness from
the United Kingdom's General Practice Research Database. Arch Gen
Psychiatry.(2):242-9. Erratum in: Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007 Jun;64(6):736.
Osborn, D.P., Nazareth, I., King, M.B. (2007). Physical activity, dietary habits and
Coronary Heart Disease risk factor knowledge amongst people with severe
mental illness: a cross sectional comparative study in primary care. Soc
Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 42(10):787-93. Epub 2007 Aug 24.
Cormac, I., Martin, D. and Ferriter, M. (2006). The physical healthcare of
patients in rehabilitation services. In G Roberts, S Davenport, F
Holloway and T Tattan (eds) (2006) Enabling Recovery: Principles and
Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London pp 48-63
Osborn, D.P., Nazareth, I., King, M.B. (2006). Risk for coronary heart disease in
people with severe mental illness: cross-sectional comparative study in
primary care. Br J Psychiatry.188:271-7.
Wright, C.A., Osborn, D.P., Nazareth, I., King, M.B. (2006). Prevention of coronary
heart disease in people with severe mental illnesses: a qualitative study of
patient and professionals' preferences for care. BMC Psychiatry, 6:16.
Cormac, I., Ferriter, M., Benning, R., and Saul, C. (2005). Physical health and
health risk factors in a population of long-stay psychiatric in-patients.
Psychiatric Bulletin, 29, 18-20.
Garden, G. (2005). Physical examination in psychiatric practice. Advances in
Psychiatric Treatment, 11, 142-149
Marder, S., Essock, S.M., Buchananm, R.W., et al (2004) Physical health monitoring
of patients with schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 13341349.
Wieck, A. & Haddad, P.M. (2003) Antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinaemia in
women: pathophysiology, severity and consequences. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 182, 199-24.
Joukamaa, M., Heliovaara, M,. Kneckt, P., et al (2001). Mental disorders and causespecific mortality. British Journal of Psychiatry, 179, 498-502.
Brown, S,. Barraclough, B & Inskip, H. (2000). Causes of the excess mortality of
schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 177, 212-217.
Allison, D.B,. Mentore, J.L., Heo, M., et al (1999). Antipsychotic-induced weight
gain: a comprehensive research synthesis. American Journal of Psychiatry,
156, 974-975.
Cormac, I & Jenkins, P. (1999). Understanding the importance of oral health in
psychiatric patients. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 5, 53-60
12. User Perspective and User Involvement
Corrigan, P.W. et al (2008). Peer Services and Supports. In PW Corrigan, KT
Mueser, GR Bond, RE Drake, P Solomon (eds) Principles and Practice of
Psychiatric Rehabilitation. An Empirical Approach. Guildford Press: New
York, pp 359-378..
Hirschfield, R., Smith, J., Trower, P., et al (2005). What do psychotic experiences
mean for young men? A qualitative investigation. Psychology and
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 78, 249-270.
Lecomte, T, Wallace, C.J., Perreault, M. and Caron, J. (2005). Consumer goals in
psychiatric rehabilitation and their concordance with existing services.
Psychiatric Services, 56, 209-211.
Quirk, A. & Lelliott, P. (2004). Users’ experience of in-patient services. In From
Toxic Institutions to Therapeutic Environments: Residential Settings in Mental
Health Services eds. P. Campling, S. Davies and G. Farquarson, pp 45-54.
London: Gaskell.
Davidson, L. (2003). Living Outside Mental Illness. Qualitative Studies of Recovery
in Schizophrenia. NYU Press: New York ISBN 0814719430
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (2003). Social Inclusion and Recovery: A Model for
Mental Health Practice. Balliere Tindall ISBN 0702026018
Corrigan, P.W. and Watson, A.C. (2002). Understanding the impact of stigma on
people with mental illness. World Psychiatry, 1, 16-20.
Kirkpatrick, H., Landeen, J., Woodside, H., et al (2001). How people with
schizophrenia build their hope. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental
Health Services, 39, 46-53.
Perkins, R. (2001). What constitutes success?: The relative priority of service users'
and clinicians' views of mental health services. British Journal of Psychiatry
179(1): 9-10.
Deegan, P. (1996). Recovery as a journey of the heart. Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Journal, 19, 91-97.
13. Care Planning and Teamwork
Holloway, F. (2006). Pulling it all together: the care programme approach at its
best. In G Roberts, S Davenport, F Holloway and T Tattan (eds)
Enabling Recovery: Principles and Practice of Psychiatric
Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London, pp 127-145,
Davenport, S. (2002). Acute wards: problems and solutions: A rehabilitation
approach to in-patient care. Psychiatr Bull 26(10): 385-388.
Liberman, R., Hilty, D., Drake, R. and Tsuang, H. (2001). Requirements for
multidisciplinary teamwork in psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychiatric Services,
52, 1331-1342.
Watts, D. and Morgan, G. (1994). Malignant alienation. Dangers for people who are
hard to like. British Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 697-698.
14. Gender Issues
Davenport, S. (2006). Gender-sensitive services. In G Roberts, S Davenport, F
Holloway and T Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery: Principles and
Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London, pp 258-270,
Mowbray, C. T., J. Nicholson, et al. (2003). Psychosocial rehabilitation service needs
of women. Psychiatr Rehabil J 27(2): 104-13.
Department of Health (2002). Women’s Mental Health: Into the Mainstream.
London: Department of Health.
Castle, D.J. & Murray, R.M. (1991). The neurodevelopmental basis of sex
differences in schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 21, 565-575.
Perkins, R.E. & Rowland, L.A. (1991). Sex differences in service usage in long-term
psychiatric care. Are women adequately served? British Journal of
Psychiatry, 158 (suppl 10), S75-S79.
Repper, J., Perkins, R. & Owen, S (1998). I wanted to be a nurse .. but I didn’t get
that far: women with serious ongoing mental health problems speak about
their lives. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 5, 503-513.
15. Evaluation and Outcomes
Tyrer, P. (2006). Evaluation of Rehabilitation Services. In G Roberts, S
Davenport, F Holloway and T Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery:
Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London,
pp 310-321.
Trieman, N. & Leff, J. (2002). Long term outcome of long-stay psychiatric inpatients
considered unsuitable to live in the community TAPS project 44. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 181, 428-432.
Harrison, G., Hopper, K., Craig, T., et al (2001) Recovery from psychotic illness: a
15-and 25-year international follow-up study. British Journal of Psychiatry,
178, 506-517.
MacQueen, G. M., L. T. Young, et al. (2001). A review of psychosocial outcome in
patients with bipolar disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 103(3): 16370.
Leff, J. and Treiman, N. (2000). Long-stay patients discharged from hospitals. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 176, 319-323.
Leff, L &Trieman, N. (2000). Long-stay patients discharged from psychiatric
hospitals. Social and clinical outcomes after five years in the community.
The TAPS Project 46. British Journal of Psychiatry 176, 217-223.
Wiersma, D., Nienhuis, F,. Sloof, C., et al (1998). Natural course of schizophrenic
disorders: a 15 year follow-up of a Dutch incidence cohort. Schizophrenia
Bulletin 24, 75-85
Reid Y and Garety P (1996). A hostel ward for new long stay patients: sixteen years
progress. Journal of Mental Health, 5, 77-89
Strauss, J.S. (1986). What does rehabilitation accomplish? Schizophrenia Bulletin,
12, 720-723.
Harding, CM., Brooks, G.W., Asolaga, T, et al (1987) The Vermont longitudinal
study of persons with severe mental illness. 1: Methodological study sample
and overall status 32 years later. American Journal of psychiatry, 144, 718726
16. Risk, and Forensic Rehabilitation
Corrigan, P.W. et al (2008). Managing Criminal Justice Involvement. In PW
Corrigan, KT Mueser, GR Bond, RE Drake, P Solomon (eds) Principles and
Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. An Empirical Approach. Guildford
Press: New York, pp 286-308.
Davies, S. and Abbott, P. (2006). Forensic Rehabilitation. In G Roberts, S
Davenport, F Holloway and T Tattan (eds) Enabling Recovery:
Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Gaskell: London,
pp 351-366.
17. Rehabilitation with Special Populations
Corrigan P.W. et al (2008). Dual Diagnosis. In PW Corrigan, KT Mueser, GR Bond,
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Draft 01/02/10