* NOTE - Dipartimento di Fisica

Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Giuliana PENSA
Date of birth
Work experience
Occupation or
position held
Name and address
of employer
Main activities and
September 2013-onwards
Project manager of the EU project Marie Curie Initial Training Network
PICQUE “Photonic Integrated Compound Quantum Encoding”
FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN - GA no. 608062 (Sept 2013-Sept 2017)
Coordinator: Prof. Fabio Sciarrino
Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento di Fisica
P.le Aldo Moro n. 2, 00185 Roma
Day-to-day support to the project coordinator for:
Monitoring of the project activities (Correspondence with partners, drafting
and distribution of the Consortium Agreement among the partners, liaison
with the administration at partners’ institution, scheduling of the internal
delivery of project documents, production of standard forms for reports,
production of meeting agendas and minutes, collection and set up of filing
system of project results)
Reporting and deliverables (Financial reporting including the interaction
with the external auditors, liaison with the EC Officers for financial matters,
feedback on publications and project results, collection and collation of the
documents for the preparation of deliverables and periodic and final reports,
support to the coordinator in the drafting of the reports, data entry on the EC
Participant Portal and upload of the reports.
Organisation of PICQUE training events (Organisation of PICQUE
training events including correspondence with event organisers, speakers,
handling of participants’ registrations and abstracts, hotel booking, general
logistic assistance, preparation of printed material and questionnaires of
evaluation, onsite assistance)
Organisation of the project meetings (Organisation of the periodic
meetings, including hotel booking, general logistic assistance, onsite
assistance and preparation of handouts)
and periodic project meetings (Organisation of the periodic meetings,
Giuliana Pensa – CV
including hotel booking, general logistic assistance and preparation of
Dissemination activities (projecting of the structure of the website and
liaison with the webmaster, regular update of the website, project and content
design of brochures and other dissemination material and liaison with the
Occupation or
position held
Name and address
of employer
Main activities and
Occupation or
position held
Name and address
of employer
Type of business or
Main activities and
April 2011-August 2013
Project manager of the EU project PHORBITECH "A Toolbox for Photon
Orbital Angular Momentum Technology" (part-time collaboration)
Grant agreement no: 255914 (Oct 2010-Sept2013)
Coordinator: Prof. Lorenzo Marrucci
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento di Fisica
Complesso Monte Sant’Angelo
Via Cintia, 80131, Naples, Italy
Day-to-day support to the project coordinator for:
Monitoring of the project activities (Correspondence with partners, drafting
and distribution of the Consortium Agreement among the partners, liaison
with the administration at partners’ institution, scheduling of the internal
delivery of project documents, production of standard forms for reports,
production of meeting agendas and minutes, collection and set up of filing
system of project results)
Reporting and deliverables (Financial reporting including the interaction
with the external auditors, liaison with the EC Officers for financial matters,
feedback on publications and project results, collection and collation of the
documents for the preparation of deliverables and periodic and final reports,
support to the coordinator in the drafting of the reports, data entry on the EC
Participant Portal and upload of the reports.
Periodic meeting organisation (Organisation of the periodic meetings,
including hotel booking, general logistic assistance and preparation of
Dissemination activities (projecting of the structure of the website and
liaison with the webmaster, regular update of the website, project and content
design of brochures and other dissemination material and liaison with the
June 2002-onwards
Project manager
Scientific Communication srl (previously Jean Ann Gilder Scientific
Communication sas)
Via G. Quagliariello 35/E, 80131, Naples, Italy
Independent consultancy specialised in scientific communication and services
to the scientific community, including consultancy for grant applications to
International projects
Giuliana Pensa – CV
Management of International Doctorate Programme (June 2002-2012):
Coordination office of the International Doctorate Programme in Molecular
Oncology and Endocrinology for the Faculty of Medicine of the University of
Naples Federico II. Correspondence with the Faculty members at the partners
institutions in order to finalise bilateral exchange agreements, translation of
official documents in Italian, English and French, coordination of seminars
and visits of the foreign faculty, coordination of annual final exams with
foreign committee (including travel and hotel arrangements), collections of
the applications from foreign students to the yearly entry exam, assistance to
foreign students for VISA applications and other practical matters, set up of
the doctorate website.
FP7-Marie Curie ITN applications, for various coordinators (Nov 2012,
Jan 2012, Jan 2011, Dec 2009, May 2007, Sept 2005):
Assistance in the preparation of applications for an FP7-Marie Curie Initial
Training Network for the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Naples
Federico II.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme (April 2010, April 2009):
Assistance in the preparation of an application for an Erasmus Mundus Joint
Doctorate Programme for the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Naples
Federico II (shortlisted for funding).
FP7-HEALTH- Collaborative Project (Oct 2009): assistance in the
preparation of a first- and second stage-application for an FP7-HEALTHCollaborative Project for the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Naples
Federico II (passed first-stage evaluation).
FP7-HEALTH- Collaborative Project (April 2007): assistance in the
preparation of an application for an FP7-HEALTH-2007-A Collaborative
Project for the University of Chieti-Pescara G. d’Annunzio.
EU Public Health Action (May 2006): Assistance in the preparation of an
application for a Public Health Action for the European Federation of Allergy
and Airways Diseases Patients Associations (EFA).
FP6-Marie Curie Early Stage Training (Dec 2004): Assistance in the
preparation of an application for an FP6-Marie Curie Early Stage Training for
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Naples Federico II.
Management of FP5-funded project (2002-2004): Assistance in the
management of the European FP5-Project ‘Towards Healthy Air in Dwellings
in Europe’ (THADE), production of the interim and final report (including
administrative management of the project), production of the final
publication, coordination of two network meetings and final conference
(including travel and hotel arrangements) on behalf of EFA.
Management of national projects
PON project (Sept 2011-onwards): Responsible for the technical and
financial reporting for the Istituto Superiore di Oncologia in the framework of
the PON project “Nuove strategie nanotecnologiche per la messa a punto di
farmaci e presidi diagnostici diretti verso cellule cancerose circolanti” (Sept
2011-May 2015).
Organisation of international & national meetings
September 2014: Assistance in the organisation of the “VI Congresso
Giuliana Pensa – CV
Nazionale SISMES”, Naples
May 2014: Assistance in the organisation of the Meeting “I Tumori della
Tiroide – II Giornata di aggiornamento multidisciplinare”, Naples
April 2014: Assistance in the organisation of the CEINGE Ten years
Anniversary Meeting, Naples
January 2013: Assistance in the organisation of the Meeting “Epatologia:
Crocevia della Medicina Interna”, Fisciano
September 2012: Assistance in the organisation of the Workshop Online
Strategies for the Implementation of European CPGs in Pediatric
Gastroenterology, Naples
June-July 2012: On-site coordination of the Medicel Workshop The
Mediterranean Network for Celiac Diseases, Istanbul
June-July 2012: On-site coordination of the sigma-tau Symposium on
Nutraceutical use in men’s health: from theory to clinical practice, Istanbul
May 2012: Assistance in the organisation of the CEINGE International
Scientific Advisory and Evaluation Committee Meeting, Naples
March 2012: Responsible for the organisation of the Meeting “I Tumori
della Tiroide – I Giornata di aggiornamento multidisciplinare”, Naples
March 2011: Responsible for the organisation of the EAGE Post-Graduate
Course - Gut Microbiota: The Forgotten Organ, Sorrento
December 2010: Responsible for the organisation of the International
Meeting “Beyond Celiac Disease”, Naples
March 2010: Assistance in the organisation of the IJP Workshop: How to
conceive, present and evaluate research, Naples
February 2009: Assistance in the organisation of the IJP Workshop: How to
conceive, present and evaluate research, Naples
November 2008: Responsible for the organisation of the International
Symposium "From viral oncogenes to the molecular genetics of cancer”,
November 2008: Assistance in the organisation of the organisation of the
International Workshop Cardiovascular Endocrinology, Naples
October 2008: Responsible for the organisation of the 9th International
Conference on Ancient DNA and Associated Biomolecules, Pompeii
September 2008: Responsible for the organisation of the 33rd European
Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation Endocrine-Related Tumours,
Mont Sainte Odile, France
May 2008: Responsible for the organisation of ECTS Medicine Association
Annual Meeting, Naples
September 2007: Responsible for the organisation of the Nino Salvatore
Tenth Anniversary Memorial Meeting: Thyroid and Beyond, Naples
November 2006: Responsible for the organisation of the 8th European
Bridging Meeting in Gastroenterology, Naples
September 2006: Assistance in the organisation of the 31st Annual Meeting
of the European Thyroid Association, Naples
June 2004: Scientific secretariat of the Annual EFA Conference, Oslo,
June 2003: Scientific secretariat of the Annual EFA Conference, Lisbon,
Giuliana Pensa – CV
Scientific content coordinator
2004: Assistance in the collation and editing of the ‘Report of the Working
Groups of the Second World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition’.
2004: Assistance in the collation and editing of the Supplement Current Drug
Targets – Cardiovascular & Haematological Disorders – Peripheral Arterial
Disease, uniformisation of the material, including correspondence with the
authors, with the printer and proof-reading.
2002-2004: collaboration in the production of the EFA newsletter; the
collection and selection of the material, and interaction with the graphics,
including proof-reading, handling of the mailing list.
2002-2004: collaboration in the production of the European Academy of
Asthma and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Newsletter; collection and
uniformisation of the material, including correspondence with the authors,
with the graphics and proof-reading.
2003: Collaboration in the production of the Proceedings of the 2002 EAACI
Meeting; collection and uniformisation of the material for the publication,
including correspondence with the authors and the graphics and proofreading.
Other activities
2004-2009 Assistance in the preparation of the courses on “How to write for
the biomedical journals”, “How to present scientific data at meetings” in the
framework of doctorate programmes and international workshops.
2002-2009 Administrative accounts of the company.
Previous work/lab
Occupation or
position held
Main activities and
Name and address
of employer
Occupation or
position held
Main activities and
Name and address
of employer
January 2001-December 2001
Undergraduate fellowship
Post graduate training on a molecular study on parassitoid insects
Cardiochiles nigriceps and Aphidius aervi.
Dipartimento di Biologia, Difesa e Biotecnologie Agro-Forestali at Facolta di
Agraria of the University of Basilicata (Potenza, Italy) in the lab directed by
Prof. Franco Pennacchio
November 1999-February 2001
Undergraduate student
Research work for the experimental thesis in molecular biology "Isolation
and identification of two mutations which affect follicular cells in Drosophila
melanogaster oogenesis"
International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics (IIGB) of the Italian CNR,
Naples, under the guidance of Dr. Franco Graziani
Giuliana Pensa – CV
Occupation or
position held
Main activities and
Name and address
of employer
May 1999-November 1999
Undergraduate student
Research work as undergraduate student
Dipartimento "L.Califano" at Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia of the
University of Naples "Federico II", under the guidance of Prof. Vittorio
Enrico Avvedimento
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Thesis discussed
1995- February 2001
Degree in Biological Sciences, division Molecular Biology , vote
110/110 cum laude
University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Experimental thesis in molecular biology "Isolation and
identification of two mutations which affect follicular cells in
Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis"
Training courses on project
Title of the training course
Name of organisation providing the
training course
Title of the training course
Name of organisation providing the
training course
Title of the training course
Name of organisation providing the
training course
Title of the training course
Name of organisation providing the
training course
Course on “Administrative and contractual aspects of the
VII Framework Programme”
APRE-Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea,
Rome, Italy
Course on “Intellectual Property Strategies for Advanced
Material Patents”
In the framework of the MAMA project at CNR-SPIN, Univ
Salerno, Fisciano
Course on “How to manage an FP7 project”
APRE-Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea,
Rome, Italy
Course on “Administrative and contractual aspects of the VI
Framework Programme”
APRE-Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea,
Rome, Italy
Giuliana Pensa – CV
Mother tongue
Certificate of Proficiency in English awarded by the University of Cambridge (December
French Primary and Secondary schools at the Grenoble French School in Naples
Diplome National du Brevet awarded by the Académie de Grenoble (June 1991)
Erasmus student at the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) in Biological Sciences
(February 1998-June 1998)
Personal skills
Very good management and co-ordination skills
Very good team-working skills
Good communication skills
Able to work under deadline pressure
Giuliana Pensa – CV