REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Describe the Hydrologic cycle. Explain briefly the man’s interference in various parts of this cycle. Discuss the hydrological water budget with the aid of examples. What are the significant features of global water balance studies? List the major activities in which hydrological studies are important. Describe briefly the sources of hydrological data in India. REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Describe the different methods of recording of rainfall. Discuss the current practice and status of rainfall recording in India. Describe the salient characteristics of precipitation on India. Explain the different methods of determining the average rainfall over a catchment due to a storm. Discuss the relative merits and demerits of the various methods. Explain a procedure for checking a rainfall data for consistency. Explain a procedure for supplementing the missing rainfall data. Explain briefly the following relationships relating to the precipitation over a basin: (a) Depth-Area Relationship (b) Maximum Depth-Area-Duration Curves (c) Intensity Duration Frequency Relationship. What is meant by Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) over a basin? Explain how PMP is estimated. Consider the statement: The 50 year-24 hour maximum rainfall at Bangalore is 160 mm. What do you understand by this statement? REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Discuss briefly the various abstractions from precipitation. Explain briefly the evaporation process. Discuss the factors that affect the evaporation from a water body. Describe a commonly used evaporimeter. Explain the energy budget method of estimating evaporation from a lake. Discuss the importance of evaporation control of reservoirs and possible methods of achieving the same. Describe the factors affecting evapotranspiration process. List the various data needed to use Penman’s equation for estimating the potential evapotranspiration from a given area. Describe briefly (a) Reference crop evapotranspiration and (b) Actual evapotrans-piration. Explain briefly the infiltration process and the resulting soil moisture zones in the soil. Discuss the factors affecting the infiltration capacity of an area. Describe the commonly used procedures for determining the infiltration characteristics of a plot of land. Explain clearly the relative advantages and disadvantages of the enumerated methods. Describe various models adopted to represent the variation of infiltration capacity with time. Explain a procedure for fitting Horton’s infiltration equation for experimental data from a given plot. Distinguish between (a)Infiltration capacity and infiltration rate (b) Actual and potential evapotranspiration (c)Field capacity and permanent wilting point (d) Depression storage and interception REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 4 4.1 Explain the various commonly used methods of measurement of stage of a river. Indicate for each method its specific advantage and the conditions under which one would use it. 4.2 What factors should be considered in selecting a site for a stream gauging station? 4.3 Explain the salient features of a current meter. Describe briefly the procedure of using a current meter for measuring velocity in a stream. 4.4 List the qualities of a good tracer for use in dilution technique of flow measurement. 4.5 Explain briefly the dilution method of flow measurement. 4.6 Explain the streamflow measurement by area-velocity method. 4.7 Describe briefly the moving boat method of stream flow measurement. 4.8 Describe the slope-area method of measurement of flood discharge in a stream. 4.9 Explain the procedure for obtaining the stage-discharge relationship of a stream by using the stage-discharge data from a site with permanent control. 4.10 Describe briefly: (a) Backwater effect on a rating curve. (b) Unsteady flow effect on a rating curve 4.11 Describe a procedure for extrapolating a rating curve of a stream. 4.12 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following relative to the flow measurement by using current meters: (a) Electromagnetic method (b) Ultrasound method 4.13 Explain briefly the important aspects relating to the following instruments (a) Float-gauge recorder (b) Bubble gauge (c) Echo-depth recorder (d) Current meter REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 5 5.1 List the factors affecting the seasonal and annual runoff (Yield) of a catchment. Describe briefly the interactions of factors listed by you. 5.2 With the help of typical hydrographs describe the salient features of (i) Perennial, (ii) intermittent, and (iii) ephemeral steams. 5.3 Explain briefly: (a) Water year (b) Natural (Virgin) flow 5.4 What is meant by 75% dependable yield of a catchment? Indicate a procedure to estimate the same by using annual runoff volume time series. 5.5 Describe briefly the SCS-CN method of estimation yield of a catchment through use of daily rainfall record. 5.6 Indicate a procedure to estimate the annual yield of a catchment by using Strange’s tables. 5.7 Explain clearly the procedure for calculating 75% dependable yield of a basin at a flow gauging station. List the essential data series required for this analysis. 5.8 Distinguish between yield and surface water resources potential of a basin having substantial water resources development for meeting irrigation, domestic and industrial needs within the basin. 5.9 What is watershed simulation? Explain briefly the various stages in the simulation study. 5.10 What is a flow-duration curve? What information can be gathered from a study of the flow duration curve of a stream at a site? 5.11 Sketch a typical flow mass curve and explain how it could be used for the determination of (a) the minimum storage needed to meet a constant demand (b) the maximum constant maintainable demand from a given storage. 5.12 Describe the use of flow mass curve to estimate the storage requirement of a reservoir to meet a specific demand pattern. What are the limitations of flow mass curve? 5.13 What is a residual mass curve? Explain the sequent peak algorithm for the calculation of minimum storage required to meet a demand. 5.14 What is a hydrological drought? What are its components and their possible effects? 5.15 List the measures that can be adopted to lessen the effects of drought in a region. 5.16 Describe briefly the surface water resources of India. REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 List the factors affecting a flood hydrograph. Discuss the role of these factors. Describe the analysis of the recession limb of a flood hydrograph. Explain the term Rainfall Excess (ER). How is ERH of a storm obtained? Why is base flow separated from the flood hydrograph in the process of developing a unit hydrograph? What is a unit hydrograph? List the assumptions involved in the unit hydrograph theory. Describe briefly the procedure of preparing a D-hour unit hydrograph for a catchment. Explain the procedure of using a unit hydrograph to develop the flood hydrograph due to a storm in a catchment. Describe the S-curve method of developing a 6-h UH by using 12-h UH of the catchment. Explain a procedure of deriving a synthetic unit hydrograph for a catchment by using Snyder’s method. What is an IUH? What are its characteristics? Explain a procedure of deriving a D-h unit hydrograph from the IUH of the catchment. Distinguish between (a) Hyetograph and hydrograph (b) D-h UH and IUH REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 7 7.1 Explain the rational method of computing the peak discharge of a small catchment. Where is this method commonly used and what are its merits and demerits? 7.2 Discuss the factors affecting the runoff coefficient C in rational formula. 7.3 What do you understand by time of concentration of a catchment? Describe briefly methods of estimation of the time of concentration. 7.4 What is the importance of time of concentration of a catchment in the estimation of flood by rational formula? 7.5 Annual flood series having N consecutive entries are available for a catchment. Describe a procedure to verify whether the data follow Gumbel’s distribution. 7.6 Write a brief note on frequency factor and its estimation in Gumbel’s method. 7.7 If the annual flood series data for a catchment are available for N consecutive years, explain a procedure to determine a flood discharge with a return period of T, (where T > N ), by using (a) Log-Pearson type III distribution, and (b) Log-normal distribution. 7.8 What are the limitations of flood frequency studies? 7.9 Explain briefly the following terms: (a) Design flood (b) Standard project flood (c) Probable maximum flood (d) Design storm 7.10 What are the recommended design floods for (a) Spillways of dams (b) Terrace outlets and vegetated waterways (c) Field diversions (d) Permanent barrages (e) Waterway for aqueducts 7.11 Explain briefly the following terms: (a) Risk (b) Reliability (c) Safety margin REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 8 8.1 Distinguish between: (a) Hydraulic and hydrologic method of flood routing (b) Hydrologic storage routing and hydrologic channel routing (c) Prism storage and wedge storage 8.2 What are the basic equations used for flood routing by (a) Hydrologic method, and (b) Hydraulic method 8.3 Define the problem of level pool routing. Describe a commonly used method of reservoir routing. 8.4 Describe a numerical method of hydrologic reservoir routing. 8.5 What is the basic premise in the Muskingum method of flood routing? Describe a procedure for estimating the values of the Muskingum coefficients K and x for a stream reach. 8.6 Describe the Muskingum method of routing an inflow hydrograph through a channel reach. Assume the values of the coefficients K and x for the reach are known. 8.7 Explain briefly (a) Isochrone (b) Time of concentration (c) Linear reservoir (d) Linear channel 8.8 Explain briefly the basic principles involved in the development of IUH by (a) Clark’s method, and (b) Nash’s model. 8.9 Describe the various structural methods adopted for management of floods. 8.10 Describe the various non-structural measures of flood management. 8.11 Describe the problem of floods and their management with special reference to Indian scene. REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 9 9.1 Explain briefly the following terms as used in groundwater flow studies (a) Specific yield (b) Storage coefficient (c) Specific capacity (d) Barometric efficiency 9.2 Distinguish between (a) Aquifer and aquitard(b)Unconfined aquifer and a leaky aquifer (c) Influent and effluent streams (d) Water table and piezometric surface (e) Specific capacity of a well and the specific yield of an aquifer 9.3 Explain the following (a) Perched water table (b) Intrinsic permeability (c) Bulk pore velocity (d) Well loss (e) Recharge 9.4 Discuss the geological formations in India which have potential as aquifers. 9.5 Explain the behaviour of water level in wells in confined aquifers due to changes in the atmospheric pressure. 9.6 Develop the equation relating the steady state discharge from a well in an unconfined aquifer and depths of water table at two known positions from the well. State clearly all the assumptions involved in your derivation. 9.7 What are Dupit’s assumptions? Starting from an elementary prism of fluid bounded by a water table, show that for the steady one-dimensional unconfined groundwater flow with a recharge rate R, the basic differential equation is = where K = permeability of the porous medium. 9.8 Sketch a typical infiltration gallery. Calculate the discharge per unit length of the infiltration gallery by making suitable assumptions. State clearly the assumptions made. 9.9 Derive the basic differential equation of unsteady groundwater flow in a confined aquifer. State clearly the assumptions involved. 9.10 Describe a procedure by using Jacob’s method to calculate the aquifer parameters of a confined aquifer by using the well pumping test data. 9.11 Describe the recovery test to estimate the transmissivity of a confined aquifer. 9.12 The aquifer properties S and T of a confined aquifer in which a well is driven are known. Explain a procedure to calculate the drawdown at a location away from the well at any instant of time after the pump has started. 9.13 Explain briefly (a) Safe yield of an aquifer (b) Mining of water (c) Recharge estimation (d) Groundwater estimation 9.14 Discuss the principle of recuperation test of an open well. 9.15 What are the commonly used methods to assess the recharge of groundwater in an area? Explain briefly any one of the methods. 9.16 Describe the groundwater resources of india and its utilization. REVISION QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 10 10.1 Describe different forms of land erosion by water. 10.2 Describe the flow-duration and sediment rating curve procedure of estimating the sediment yield of a watershed. 10.3 Explain briefly the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). 10.4 What is Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE)? What is its chief advantage over USLE? 10.5 Briefly explain: (a) Erosion Index (b) Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) (c) Bed Load (d) Suspended Load (e) Reservoir Delta 10.6 What is meant by Trap Efficiency of a reservoir? What factors influence its value? 10.7 Describe a commonly used method of estimating the trap efficiency of a reservoir. 10.8 Describe the procedure of conducting a Reservoir survey. 10.9 List the factors affecting the density of sediment deposited in a reservoir. What is the commonly used method of estimating the average density of sediment deposited over a period of T years in a reservoir? 10.10 How are reservoirs classified for purposes of estimating the deposition pattern? 10.11 Explain the empirical–area–reduction method of determining the sediment distribution in a reservoir. 10.12 Explain the area–increment method of determining the sediment distribution in a reservoir. 10.13 Explain a procedure to estimate the time taken for a reservoir to lose x% of its initial volume. 10.14 List different methods available for reservoir sediment control. 10.15 Write a brief note on procedures to be adopted towards reduction of sediment yield of a catchment.