The Methods of Anthropology: Fieldwork and Participant-Observation Working in the Field Lengthy and difficult process Site selection Gaining rapport Exchanges and gift-giving Culture shock and reverse culture shock. Factors influencing fieldwork Gender, ethnicity and age of the anthropologist. Participant Observation Living and working with the people you study Eating the same food Wearing similar clothes Following culturally appropriate behaviour. Participant-Observation Approaches Etic: Data gathering on social conditions and behaviour. Generally followed by those who think that social conditions influence behaviour and ideas. Emic: Descriptive reports about what insiders say and understand about their culture. Seen as most important by those who believe that values and ideas shape human behaviour. Fieldwork Techniques Participation and note-taking at night. Questionnaires concerning ‘etic’ factors. Collecting genealogies. Focus groups. Case studies and life histories. Participatory research: invite the people to define the questions they deem important in understanding their society. New Directions in Fieldwork With decolonization, more people want more say in cultural productions about and for themselves. Many ethnographies now are co-productions. Movement away from treating people and their societies as ‘objects’ and involving them actively in data collection. Requirement to share research with the people concerned. Ethical issues have become more important; involves assurances of Anonymity Confidentiality Mechanisms through which people can withdraw from a study. Writing About Culture 1.Realist Uses a third-person voice. Uses a more scientific approach. Focuses on etic phenomena, e.g. social behaviour. 2. Reflexive Explores the research experience itself. More personalized, often using creative narrative forms. Interpretative, does not believe that objectivity is possible and believes that anthropology is a discipline that ‘translates’ from one culture to another. .