REPORT ON THE PRELIMINARY INVENTORIES OF THE POPS PROJECT IN TURKEY (UNIDO-Project No. GF/TUR/03/008) By Prof.Dr. Altan Acara The National Project Coordinator and The Six Task Teams 1. Research Task Team Coordinator: Dr. Alev Burçak et al 2. Contamination Task Team Coordinator: Beyhan Ballı et al 3. Emission Task Team Coordinator: Sönmez Dağlı et al 4. Institution Task Team Coordinator: Fehim İşbilir et al 5. Health Task Team Coordinator: Nur Ergin et al 6. National Chemical Profile Preparation Team Coordinator: Prof.Dr. Sahir Çörtoğlu et al March 2005 Ankara, TURKEY CONTENTS CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... ii Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ v International Implementation .............................................................................................................................................. v National Implementation .................................................................................................................................................... v Brief Summary of Inventories ........................................................................................................................................... vi Introduction (1) ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Country baseline (2) ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Country profile (2.1) ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Institutional, policy and regulatory framework (2.2) .......................................................................................................... 1 Environmental policy, sustainable development policy and general legislative framework (2.2.1) ................................... 2 Roles and responsibilities of Ministries Agencies and other governmental institutions involved in POPs life cycles (from source to disposal, environmental fate and health monitoring) (2.2.2) ..................................................................... 4 Relevant International commitments and obligations (2.2.3) ............................................................................................. 4 Description of existing legislation and regulations addressing POPs (manufactured chemicals and unintentionally produced POPs) (2.2.4)....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Key approaches and procedures for POPs chemical and pesticide management including enforcement and monitoring requirements (2.2.5) ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Assessment of the POPs issue in the country (2.3) ............................................................................................................. 5 REPORT OF THE RESEARCH TEAM ............................................................................. 6 Summary............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Assessment of the POPs Issue 2.3. .................................................................................................. 8 Inventory: POPs Pesticides (Annex A, Part I Chemicals) 2.3.1. ..................................................... 8 Past, Present and Projected Future Production and Use of POPs Pesticides .................................................................... 15 Status of pesticides placed in POPs list in Turkey ......................................................................... 18 Import and Export of POPs pesticides ........................................................................................... 19 Identified Stockpiles and Wastes of POPs Pesticides .................................................................... 20 Present Management (production, use, stockpiles and waste) of POPs Pesticides and Empty Containers ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Assignment of Responsibility and Liability................................................................................... 20 General Assessment of Inventory of POPs Pesticides ...................................................................................................... 22 Inventory: PCBs (Annex A, Part II Chemicals) 2.3.2. ................................................................... 22 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 History and place of use of PCBs ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Present Regulations Pertaining PCBs ............................................................................................................................... 24 Closed and Semi-closed Applications of PCBs ................................................................................................................ 24 Open Applications of PCBs ........................................................................................................... 27 PCBs- containing Wastes ............................................................................................................... 27 General Assessment of Inventory of PCBs .................................................................................... 28 Inventory: DDT (Annex B Chemicals) 2.3.3. ................................................................................ 29 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 29 History of DDT ................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Institutional and Regulatory Framework .......................................................................................................................... 29 Literature survey ............................................................................................................................................................... 29 Past, Present and Projected Future Production and Use of DDT ...................................................................................... 29 Import and Export of DDT............................................................................................................. 31 Identified Stockpiles of DDT and DDT Waste .............................................................................. 31 Present Management of DDT and Empty Containers .................................................................... 31 Current Capacity and Experience in the Field of DDT .................................................................. 31 Assignment of Responsibility and Liability................................................................................... 32 General Assessment of Inventory of DDT ..................................................................................... 33 Preliminary inventory of production, distribution, use, import, and export .................................. 33 References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 34 REPORT OF THE CONTAMINATION TEAM ............................................................. 35 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Preliminary inventory of stocks and contaminated sites; assessment of opportunities for disposal of obsolete stocks (2.5) ....................................................................................................................................... 37 ii Incirlik Military Base ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) ................................................................................................................................... 38 The transformers with PCBs in Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corporation. ..................................... 38 Pesticides .......................................................................................................................................................................... 39 HCB and DDT in Kocaeli ................................................................................................................................................. 39 Illegally dumped hazardous waste in barrels along the Black Sea Coast ......................................................................... 40 POPs Contamination in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea ........................................................................................ 40 Possible Contaminated and Priority Sites ......................................................................................................................... 43 Current Capacity and Experiences for identification and elimination of contamination .................................................. 44 General Assessment .......................................................................................................................................................... 45 References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 46 REPORT OF THE EMISSION TEAM ............................................................................. 47 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Inventories ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49 Preliminary Inventory of Releases to the Environment, Dioxins and Furanes (2.6.) ........................................................ 49 Category 1. Waste Incineration ........................................................................................................................................ 50 Category 2. Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production .................................................................................................... 51 Category 3. Power generation and heating/cooking ...................................................................... 57 Category 4. Production of Mineral Products ................................................................................. 59 Category 5. Transportation ............................................................................................................ 61 Category 6. Uncontrolled combustion process .............................................................................. 61 Category 7. Production of Chemicals, Consumer Goods ............................................................. 64 Category 8. Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................. 67 Category 9. Disposal/Landfilling ................................................................................................... 67 Category 10. Identification of Hot Spots ....................................................................................... 70 Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Assessment of Releases from Unintentional Production of Annex C Chemicals (2.3.4.) ............. 72 Summary of Future Production, Use and Releases of POPsrequirements for exemptions (2.3.6.) ............................................................................................. 73 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and listing of new chemicals (2.3.12.) ........... 73 References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 74 REPORT OF THE INSTITUTION TEAM ...................................................................... 75 The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-MRC ................................................. 75 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................... 76 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 77 Inventories ........................................................................................................................................................................ 77 Assessment of infrastructure capacity and institutions to manage POPs, including regulatory controls; needs and options for strengthening them (2.8) .............................................................. 81 Assessment of monitoring and R&D capacity(2.11) ..................................................................... 82 Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 85 Current level of information, awareness and education among target groups; existing systems to communicate such information to the various groups; mechanism for information exchange with other Parties to the Convention(2.3.8) ........................................................................................... 85 Relevant activities of non-governmental stakeholders (2.3.9) ....................................................... 85 Overview of technical infrastructure for POPs assessment, measurement, analysis, alternatives and prevention measures, management, research and development - linkage to international programs and projects (2.3.10) ...................................................................................................... 86 References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 90 REPORT OF THE HEALTH TEAM ................................................................................ 91 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................... 92 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 92 Existing Programmes For Monitoring Releases And Environmental And Human Health Impacts, Including Findings (2.3.7) .............................................................................................................. 92 Inventories ........................................................................................................................................................................ 93 Declaration and Reporting of Priority Pollutant Releases: ........................................................... 93 Current Monitoring Standards and Capacity for POPs: ................................................................. 93 Background on Potential Sources of POPs Impacts: ..................................................................... 94 Environmental Levels Toxicological And Ecotoxicological Characterization.............................. 94 iii Concentrations of POPs in Abiotic Compartments........................................................................ 94 Air and Precipitation ...................................................................................................................... 94 Fresh and wastewaters ................................................................................................................... 96 Seawater ....................................................................................................................................... 104 Soils and sewage sludges ............................................................................................................. 108 Concentrations of POPs in Biota Freshwater environment: fish and aquatic birds ..................... 109 POPs Levels In Humans .............................................................................................................. 109 Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs).............................................................................................. 109 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) ............................................................................................... 123 POPs Levels In Food................................................................................................................... 129 Potential Risk Groups: ................................................................................................................. 139 Identification of Impacted Populations or Environments, Estimated Scale and Magnitude of Threats to Public Health and Environmental Quality and Social Implications for Workers and Local Communities (2.3.11) ........................................................................................................ 140 Declaration and Reporting of Priority Pollutant Releases: ......................................................... 140 Current Monitoring Standards and Capacity for POPs: ............................................................... 140 Current Occupational Safety Measures of POPs Pesticides and PCBs: ..................................... 141 Potential Risk Groups .................................................................................................................. 141 General Assessments ...................................................................................................................................................... 141 References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 143 REPORT OF THE NATIONAL CHEMICAL PROFILE TEAM ............................... 147 Summary......................................................................................................................................................................... 148 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 151 Inventories ...................................................................................................................................................................... 154 Chapter 1. National background information .............................................................................. 154 Political/Geographic Structure Of The Country .......................................................................... 154 Industrial and Agricultural Sectors .............................................................................................. 155 Industrial Employment by Economic Sectors .............................................................................. 156 Chapter 2: Chemical Production, Import, Export and Use .......................................................... 157 Chemical Industry by 2002, in 1998 prices ................................................................................. 158 Chemical Waste ........................................................................................................................... 160 Chapter 3: Priority Concerns Related to Chemical Production, Import, Export and Use ............ 161 Chapter 4: Legal Instruments and Non-Regulatory Mechanisms for Managing Chemicals ....... 164 Standards Related with POPs and Chemicals that are published by Turkish Standards Institute170 Non-regulatory Mechanisms for Managing Chemicals ............................................................... 178 Chapter 5: Ministries, Agencies and Other Institutions Managing Chemicals ............................ 178 Chapter 6: Relevant Activities of Industry, Public Interest Groups and the Research Sector ..... 179 Chapter 7: Inter-ministerial Commissions and Coordinating Mechanisms ................................. 180 Chapter 8: Data Access and Use .................................................................................................. 181 Location of National Data ............................................................................................................ 182 Chapter 9: Technical Infrastructure ............................................................................................. 186 Chapter 10: International Linkage ............................................................................................... 188 Participation in Relevant Technical Assistance Projects ............................................................. 190 Chapter 11: Awareness / Understanding of Workers and the Public ........................................... 191 Chapter 12: Resources Available and Needed for Chemical Management ................................. 192 Resources Needed by Government Institutions to Fulfill Responsibilities Related to Chemical Management ................................................................................................................................. 192 Assessment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 193 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and listing of new chemicals (Existing regulatory schemes for assessing new chemicals) (2.3.12) ......................................................... 194 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and regulation of chemicals already in the market (Existing regulatory schemes for assessing chemicals already in the market) (2.3.13) .. 194 References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 196 Annex 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 197 Abbreviations.................................................................................................................................................................. 202 iv Executive Summary The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Polluters (POPs) was adopted by 125 countries including Turkey, on 22 and 23 May 2001 with the objective of protecting human health and environment, focusing on eliminating or reducing releases of 12 POPs, the so called “Dirty Dozen”. These 12 chemicals include aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex and toxaphene used principally as pesticides, two industrial chemicals polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) used in industry but also produced unintentionally together with dioxins and furans. Persistent Organic Polluters (POPs) are organo-chlorine compounds of concern to the international community because they are: Highly toxic to humans and environment, Persistent in the environment, resisting biodegradation, Taken up and bioaccumulated in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and Capable of long-range transboundary atmosphericand ground water transport and deposition. In nature these chemicals effect plant and animal development and growth. They can cause reduced reproduction success, birth defects, behavioral changes and death. They are suspected human carcinogens and disrupt the immune and endocrine systems and may also have effects on the health infants and fetuses. The Convention entered into force and became legally binding after the ratification by the fiftieth country, on 17 May 2004. International Implementation United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) has been identified as the Secretariat and Global Environmental Facility (GEF) designated as funding sources for the Stockholm Convention. Since the Stockholm Convention opened for signature in 2001 United Nations Development Organization (UNIDO) has become one of the principal agencies assisting developing and transition economy countries to meet their obligations under the Convention. Over 50 member states requested assistance and won GEF approval for proposal for about over 40 countries. National Implementation In Turkey, on 15 Jan. 2004, the POPs project started by the Ministerial approval Prof.Dr. Altan Acara was identified as the National Project Coordinator (NPC), thereafter a unit was formed by the NPC in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, under the Director General Environmental Management Mr. Musa Demirbaş, Vice Director Dr. Aydın Yıldırım, Section Head Tansu Kaynak and some staff. v During the first phase of the project, two workshops were organized, one was the Enabling activities as inception workshop to facilitate understanding the Stockholm Convention on POPs and second was the training on inventory workshop. The main objective of this project is to prepare inventories by the responsible authorities that will agree upon the information and experience gathered national environmental priorities evolve. This document produced by the preliminary inventory workshop on POPs which is the first essential requirement of the Convention that will assist the Country can address the POPs issue in the context of the requirements of the Stockholm Convention. During the first phase of the project, Six Task Teams identified with their coordinators and members that were selected from the responsible institutions and the ministries based on the requirements of the POPs to prepare national inventories. These six task teams are constituted of: Research Team to undertake inventories of trade use and distribution of POPs containing products. Contamination Team to assess contaminated sites, and make absolute stocks and disposal opportunities. Emission Team to prepare preliminary inventories of unintentionally produced inventories of unintentionally produced POPs (PCDD/PCDF, HCB and PCBs). Institution Team to assess infrastructure, enforcement, monitoring and R & D capacities. This will include POPs assessment, measurement, analyses, linkage to international programmes and projects. Health Team to assess the population’s exposure to POPs. Existing programmes for monitoring releases and environmental and human health impacts, including findings identifications of impacted populations or environments estimated scale and magnitude of treats of public health and environmental quality and social implications for workers and local communities. National Chemical Profile Preparation Team to study relevant systems for assessment and listing of new chemicals details of any relevant system for assessment and regulation of chemicals already in the market. All these Six Task Teams reports prepared in accordance with the GEF guidelines in step 2 and the recommended format by the UNEP. Obtained inventories and assessment in these task teams reports will develop a preliminary informal priority list based on their findings which can then be used as an input into developing formal national priorities for the National Implementation and Action Plans for Turkey. Brief Summary of Inventories In Turkey, according to the statistics, the total usage of pesticides which were not classified as POPs pesticides was 36.662 tons in 1985, 33.713 tons in 1997, 35.487 tons in 1998, 32.280 tons in 1999, 33.548 tons in 2000, 29.798 tons in 2001 and 30.792 tons in 2002. vi The pesticides were banned and have no country specific exemptions and will be filled for the Convention. They were subject to ban of production use, export and import, in 1979 for aldrin and chlordane, in 1971 for dieldrin, in 1979 for heptachlor and endrin, in 1989 texaphane, in 1978 DDT and mirex have never been registered. The pesticide levels were lower than the accepted level (for Turkish codex) which were 0.05 mg/kg for DDT, 0.01 mg/kg for endrin 0.02 mg/kg for aldrin and others, 0.01 mg/kg for HCB and 0.1 mg/kg for taxophen. According to the information, Turkey has 10.930 kg of DDT and 2.700 tones of HCB in stocks. It is known that since 1930, PCBs have been widely used for cooling fluid transformers and dielectric fluid in capacitors. Minor applications of PCBs in equipment were as heat transfer fluids and hydrolic fluids in industry and as cooling fluids in switches, voltage regulators and motors. After big efforts conducted by the authorities including officially circulated questionnaires the results were not satisfactory. According to the registered total numbers of transformers 6 capasitor and two hydrolic fluids 163, 29 of them were inactive transformers and 126 were active. The number of capacitors was only 6. For the partially close application, two hydrolic fluids were also identified. The total amount of PCBs in the transformers, capasitor and hydrolic fluids are around 187.736 kg and 2188 Lt. PCBs especially its open applications need further investigation and study. The total inventory of transformers and capacitors may not be representative at present and it might be at least twice as higher than estimated figures and need further monitoring. Details of PCBs containing equipments and lists of PCBs with trade names, list of DDT with trade names are given in the inventory. Certain amount of poisonous materials (about 150 tons) including POPs in barrels were illegally dumped by a foreign ship along the coast between Samsun and Sinop on the Black Sea were taken out and stored. Two major contamination sites were identified; one is the İncirlik Military base near Adana, for the PCBs and the other is the storage of Merkim Industrial Products A.Ş. in Şirintepe, Derince, Kocaeli, 2.700 tons for HCB. According to the investigation conducted in the Military Base, 100 cm deep soil in the area of 5.080 sq.m excavated the product exported to aboard to rehabilitate the area. However, the area needs further monitoring. It is considered as a priority issue to eliminate the HCB in Kocaeli in a proper way. In addition, the rivers flowing into the Black Sea, show also contaminations especially in some fish and other organisms such as mussels which are considered as the indicator of the contamination. However, the values were not obtained based on a monitoring programme. The most important POPs, dioxins and furans, introduced to atmosphere are discharged from ferrous and non-ferrous metal production, production of mineral products, waste incineration and power generation plants. None of the Annex A and Annex B POPs chemicals will be produced and used in Turkey, therefore no exemptions will be filled at the Convention. vii Turkey needs standardization of toolkit and accredited laboratories for identification and quantification of dioxin and furans. Turkey has two problems; lack of information, research and insufficient laboratory facilities. The parties are requested to strengthen the institutional infrastructures for the analysis of chemicals listed in the Convention Annex A and B. Turkey is one of the European Union (EU) candidates and the country and public awareness are considered very important and both are given necessary attentions. Some of NGO, have number of activities to take part in the management of chemicals. Significant communications among government institutions and NGOs and international foundations can also perform very important developments for the flow of information about environmental issues for POPs, NGOs can play effective roles. Greenpeace has on office in the Mediterranean region. Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI) acts as an NGO with its 1220 members and 32 employers. There are scarce other or affiliated NGOs in the big cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Kocaeli, İzmir, Adana, Denizli, Eskişehir, Konya, Gaziantep and Kayseri. In the management of chemicals, a number of ministries and governmental bodies carry responsibilities. The main parties are MoEF (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, MoH (Ministry of Health) and MARA (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)) and these ministries are responsible for regulation, inspection, monitoring and control of POPs related with environment and human health based on the national and international agreements. There are number of laboratories to conduct POPs analysis: Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute, The Ministry of Environment and Forestry National Reference Laboratories in Gölbaşı, near Ankara, TÜBİTAK-MRC (Technical Research Council of Turkey – Marmara Research Center).Gebze-Kocaeli The Laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Yenimahalle-Ankara, Aegean Science and Technology Center, Environmental Engineering Institutions in the Middle East Technical University and Laboratories in the Dokuz Eylül University. In addition, some of the Universities have laboratories, that can do analyses on POPs partly or fully. But they have no permanent monitoring programmes for POPs. Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute of The Ministry of Health is capable of carrying out all of the POPs analyses. However it has not been accredited yet the proficiency test and SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) requirements are in the stage of am el. orating laboratory conditions. The Convention contains implicit obligations with respect to the parties having developing programmes for monitoring releases and environmental and human health impacts including findings. Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute, The Ministry of Health conducted some sampling on natural spring water, natural, mineral, thermal and drinking waters without any systematic monitoring programmes. The rivers flowing into the Black Sea such as Sakarya, Kızılırmak, Yeşilırmak and others, and their drainage areas are likely to be the main source of POPs where agricultural and industrial activities are intense, especially in flat areas and in regions close to the coastal plains. However, in central Anatolia the agriculture is not as extensive as in the northwestern part of Turkey as to where the POPs values are low. viii Although the majority of pesticides have not been used in Turkey for quite a long time, the residues are still being observed in food, cereal, fatty meat and milk products. The values obtained were lower than accepted levels. According to Turkish Codex, the limit values for pesticides for canned fish which were ready to export were below 0.0005 mg/kg for fat and below 0.0001 mg/kg for meat. In addition, the available data on pesticides in fish and aquatic birds showed generally low and seldom high values. The value of aldrin was higher than of dieldrin. For blue crab, carp, grey mullet HCB were also high in aquatic birds. DDT was high in pelamid (0.5 mg/kg). However it was not a result of the monitoring programme. There is the possibility of illegal trade and use of DDT in the Southeastern of Turkey, especially in the Syrian and Iraqi borders where illegal pesticide traffic is suspected because of impaired border security since the Gulf War. For this reason high levels can be expected in this region. Briefly, during the studies, generally, values obtained on human and environment were lower than the accepted and human health and environment, monitoring programming is needed. In the National Chemical Profile “Chemicals” is used in a sense to include pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals, chemicals used in industrial processes, petroleum products, chemicals marketed for consumer use. Increasing evidence shows that chemicals can contribute to human health and environmental problems at various stages during their life cycle from production/ import through disposal. The majority of such evidence is associated with the used or misused pesticides in agricultural sector, but increasingly industrial and consumer chemicals are reported to cause severe human health and environmental problems as the country develops. The basic objectives of the National Chemicals Management Programme including POPs is to ensure that the citizens of the country and the environment are protected from detrimental impacts, while at the same time allowing society to access the benefits they provide. Five principles can be applied in establishing the Programme including POPs which are National Chemical Management Accepting a life cycle approach, meaning the management should consider all implications and aspects of environmental health and economic impacts. Precaution, meaning preventative approaches impacts of chemicals use, the prospect and detrimental effects. Polluters pay principle meaning environmental and social costs associated with the life cycle. Right to know and period informed consent principles. Integrated Multi Stakeholder Process meaning wide range of interest in chemical management including POPs. There are same public and private organizations working to raise the public awareness and understanding of workers. ix Future studies within the concept of management of chemicals are foreseen such as the development of a monitoring system for the chemical waste generation and emission inventories in relation with regional and national chemical production facilities and agricultural land. In addition, the improvement of the coordination between related institutions is required for the management of chemicals. Although the use or production of POPs has not been registered for a long time, any unregistered use and emission of POPs have to be investigated in human food, soil and rivers via different regional studies. Pesticides and industrial chemicals have different registration procedures at present, lack of good monitoring practices and insufficient research are handicaps preventing the assessment and listing of new chemicals and there’s need for additional legislations on POPs in Turkey. In Turkey, the production or imports of nearly fifty chemicals are banned in the last 25 years. Because of their toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment or adverse effects on human being. Turkey is a large country with a size of 767.604 km2 and the total population 67.8 million. The rural population account for 35 % of the total and country has very young population with and average age of 27.7. The contributions of industrial and agriculture sectors to the GDP totals to 36.7 % of which 11.8 % is agriculture and 20.2 % is manufacturing sector, the remaining is energy and is mining sectors. There are number of organizations working to raise the public awareness and understanding of workers and the public. The confederation of Turkish Labor Syndicates (TURK-İŞ) and the Ministry of Labor Social Security (MoLSS), the Directorate General for Electric Generation, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange of Turkey are the some of them. The Articles of the Stockholm Convention and the corresponding Turkish Legislations are given in the Annex, of the Report of the National Chemical Profile. x Introduction (1) The Stockholm Convention which was adopted by 125 countries, including Turkey, on 22 and 23 May 2001 focuses on reducing and where appropriate, eliminating release of 12 POPs (Persistent Organic Polluters) of international concern for their management and safety. In addition, Stockholm Convention became legally binding on 17 May 2004, as the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) announced. 12 POPs, the of them so called “Dirty Dozen” are internationally recognized as needing immediate global action. Nine are pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene and hexachlorobenzene) two are industrial chemicals; (hexachlorobenzene also a pesticide polychlorinated biphenyls) and unintended by products (dioxins and furans) POPs are organo-chlorine compounds of concern to the international community because they are highly toxic to humans and environment, persistent in the environment bioaccumulate in terrestrial and aquatic organisms, and capable in atmospheric transportation and deposition. In nature, they affect plant and animal development and growth and cause reduced reproductive success, birth defects, behavioral changes and death. They are suspected of being human carcinogens and disrupt the immune and endocrine systems and have affects on infants’ and fetuses’ health. UNEP has been identified as the secretariat and GEF designated funding sources for the Stockholm Convention. UNIDO is assisting developing and transition economy countries to prepare the National Implementation Plans (NIPs). For this, it is necessary to establish POPs inventories for Turkey. Country baseline (2) In terms of content of the Stockholm Convention, it is the first step to start with the country baseline with basic information and statistics that would characterize its geography, population, profiles of economic sectors and inventories relevant in addressing the POPs issue as well as an overview of legislative and environmental situations in the country. All these information are given in the Report of the National Chemical Profile. Country profile (2.1) In order to place the NIP strategies and action plans in a country specific context, the country profile must be identified and elaborated (See the report of the National Chemical Profile) Institutional, policy and regulatory framework (2.2) Recognizing that undertaking the POPs, NIP is inherently a state sponsored initiative, an important part of country baseline that is the present institutional, policy and regulatory framework within which NIP would be implemented (Table 1). In this document, the NIP outline contents recommended by UNEP are used and side the numbers of the term of reference are given on the right in bracket. 1 The required and accepted existing public sector documents and other information, relevant to the POPs including government policy statements have been used as inventories to serve as baseline references. Environmental policy, sustainable development policy and general legislative framework (2.2.1) Main objective of this sub-section is to describe the existing overall legal and legislative framework within which Turkey will meet its obligations under the Stockholm Convention through well identified inventories and based on it, implementation of the NIP. Over the years, significant improvements were recorded in the quality and quantity of the population of Turkey which is the basic dynamics of the economics and social development within a democratic system. Turkey is determined in its development efforts to carry its further stages inline with a target to surpass the contemporary civilization levels. Turkey shall become a world state influential at the global level in the 21st century attaining the highest level in culture and civilization, manufacturing products at world standards including the standards of environment sharing the income equitable, securing human rights and responsibilities, realizing supremacy of the law and secularism. Since Turkey is in the process of full membership to the European Union (EU) which is an important opportunity for harmonization with the international norms and standards and consequently meeting the conditions required by the information society will arise. All these will contribute greatly to the regional and world peace and wellfare by increasing the economic, social, political and cultural interactions in the region. Along with the realization of economic and social development, Turkey is aware of the importance of protecting human health, ecological balance, historical and aesthetic values for sustainable development. In Turkey, policies and strategies will be implemented for the long-term development in the medium and in order to resolve problems regarding the environment which shall be undertaken in compliance with the EU norms and international standards. Environmental management and control for the environmental / sustainable development policies are necessary to be carried out effectively based on the principles of the Turkish Constitution and Environmental Law. 2 Table 1. Inter-Ministerial Coordination for the POPs Project Ministry of Environment and Forestry - MoEF concerns with direct and indirect effects, releasing chemicals into the environments as emissions and wastes to air, water and lands. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs - MoA concerned with the use of agricultural chemicals for the food supplies. Ministry of Health - MoH concerned with short and long-term health impacts of chemicals on the public health. Ministry of Labor and Social Security - MoL concerned with occupational health and safety issues related to the handling of chemicals at the workplace. Ministry of Industry - MoI concerned in the production of chemicals and chemical products and cleaner production technologies. Ministry of Transportion– MoTr concerned with safe transportation and storage of chemicals during the distribution phase. Undersecretariat Foreign Trade - USFT is responsible for regulating the import and export of chemicals and issue relevant trade permit. Ministry of Justice - MoJ (Legal Affairs) concerned in development and enforcement of law and regulations and issues concerning public access to information and the protection of confidential business information. Undersecretariat of Customs - USC responsible for ensuring the chemicals does not enter or leave the country contrary to government regulations. Government Printing and Publication Office – GP-PO concerned in the publication and distribution of laws, regulations and other governmental documents. Ministry of Finance and Undersecretariat State Planning Organization - MoF and SPO concern in financial support to chemical management and chemical industries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs - MoFA coordinates all the international aspects of chemical management relevant to international agreements and Conventions. 3 Table 2. Available and needed personnel and financial resources for the activities of POPs in Turkey* Ministry/Agency Concerned Environment Agriculture Health Labour Industry Foreign Trade Legal Affairs Customs Finance & S.P.O Personnel Available Needed Financial Resource Available Needed * This Table will be completed during the preparation of NIP Roles and responsibilities of Ministries Agencies and other governmental institutions involved in POPs life cycles (from source to disposal, environmental fate and health monitoring) (2.2.2) At present, the roles and responsibilities of different ministries, agencies, and other governmental institutions and inter-ministerial co-ordinations are shown in Table 1. and this would sufficiently provide a point of reference for the country for meeting its obligations in respect of the POPs issue and the Stockholm Convention. In addition the information on the available and needed personnel as well as financial resources related with the activities of POPs would be completed during the preparation of NIP and this will be shown in Table 2. Relevant International commitments and obligations (2.2.3) The objective of this sub-section is to describe how the Government can organize itself to undertake the process of committing itself in international environmental Convention, protocols of other similar agreements and subsequently how it participates in them and fulfils its obligations under them. The country’s status regarding such Conventions, protocols and agreements are summarized in the Report of Task Team of the National Chemical Profile. Description of existing legislation and regulations addressing POPs (manufactured chemicals and unintentionally produced POPs) (2.2.4) One of the key areas of existing legislation and regulation that has a direct impact on the country’s regulatory capacity to respond to the POPs issue is the current legislative framework and associated regulatory controls it has in place for hazardous waste management. This is summarized in the report of the Task Team of the National Chemical Profile (Annex 1). 4 Key approaches and procedures for POPs chemical and pesticide management including enforcement and monitoring requirements (2.2.5) This sub-section of the institutional baseline is intended to describe the status of the country’s regulatory and assessment programs for management of chemicals and pesticides. All these requirements are also shown in the Report of the Task Team of the National Chemical Profile. Assessment of the POPs issue in the country (2.3) This section would establish the scope and characteristics of POPs issues by providing the current technical knowledge base within the country, on which the NIP will be developed. The quantitative basis of the issue would typically be established by the development of inventories of the POPs covered by the Convention. This section is the concise overview of the major points as objectives, national priorities and key issues, summarized for each Task Team report based on the terms of references of the each report which are given in the UNEP and the UNIDO POPs Projects. The study of six Task Teams and their terms of references would provide assessment of POPs issues in the country and this structure addresses the specific requirements and principles of the Convention. In other words, with this assessment of the sub-section of the POPs issues, terms of references are divided into six Task Teams and given on the thirteen terms of references (Table 3) Table 3. The Terms of References Number of the UNEP document and the Task Teams Task Team 1. Research 2. Contamination 3. Emission 4. Institution 5. Health 6. National Chemical Profile Preparation UNEP Terms of References No 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.12 2.1 2.3.1 2.3.5 2.3.4 2.9 2.3.7 2.3.12 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.6 2.11 2.3.11 2.3.13 2.3.12 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.3.10 Sub-section 2.3 altogether would provide the current state of knowledge about POPs in the country. This would address each POP listed in the Annexes of the Convention and the various subject areas in the Convention articles including inventory information, current technical, and management and monitoring capacity, potential impacts and the level of public awareness and concern. In the following sections the Six Task Teams Reports are given prepared by the responsible authorities, which constitute authorization of the Report of the National Inventory for Turkey. 5 REPORT OF THE RESEARCH TEAM A.Alev BURÇAK, Ph.D. COORDINATOR Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs General Directorate of Agricultural Research MEMBERS Pelin AKSU, M.Sc. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Plant Protection Central Research Institute Beyhan BALLI Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate, Environmental Management Arzu NURAY Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate, Environmental Management Menekşe Keski DÖNMEZ, M. Sc. Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate, Environmental Management Ayten TUYGUN General Directorate of E.Ü.A.Ş. Reyhan ÇELİKER Undersecretariat of the Prime Ministry for Foreign Trade Erden TEMEL Undersecretariat of the Prime Ministry for Customs Sönmez DAĞLI TUBİTAK (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey) –MRC Taylan KIYMAZ State Planning Organization Prof.Dr. Altan ACARA National Project Coordinator DECEMBER 2004 6 Summary This part of the inventory consists of a summary of POPs pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex and toxaphene) including their production, use, import, export, stockpiles. The content of this section also involves the past, present and future management of POPs. In 1979 aldrin and cholordone, in 1971 dialdrin, in 1979 heptachlor and endrin, in 1989 toxaphane, in 1985 DDT had been used between 1957 and 1985 since then it is banned and mirex has never been registered. The production, use, import and export of POPs pesticides were also banned in Turkey. The pesticide level in agricultural product was lower than the accepted level which was 0.1 mg/kg according to Turkish Codex. According to the information, gathered during this study Turkey possesses 10.430 kg DDT and 2700 tons of HCB in stocks. It is known that PCBs have been widely used as coolant in fluid transformers and as a dielelectric fluid in capacitors since 1930. The number of transformers registered locally were 163 and 29 of them were inactive and 126 were active. The number of capacitor were 6 The total PCBs in these transformers, 6 capacitors and two hydrolic fluids estimated as around 187.736 Kg 2188 Lt (Table 21 and 22) The list of PCBs and DDT with their trade names are given in the inventory. The studies on pesticide residues in soil, water, air, food and human are carried out irregularly and data are collected. These are a number laboratories to able monitor residues. However, the personnel and equipment infrastructure has to be improved to develop the monitoring system in the whole country. The amount of the use of pesticides which were not classified as POPs pesticides are also given in the report. Introduction Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Turkish Republic signed Stockholm Convention, which has been carried out by United Nations Environment Program, Chemicals division and was opened for signature in May 22, 2001. It has been agreed that use and production of 12 chemicals, Permanent Organic Pollutants (POPs), should be stopped. These 12 chemicals, classified under 3 categories, are 9 pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene, DDT, hexachlorbenzene), 2 industrial chemicals (hexachlorobenzen, PCBs) and 2 unintentional products (dioxin, furan). An action plan is aimed to be initiated after the ratification of the Convention to prepare the inventory and destruction of such chemicals that could have been still in stockpiles. Pesticides are used for protection of agricultural products from diseases and weeds in their production, consumption, and storage phases. Pesticide residues remain inside or on the surface of the agricultural products. Pesticide use has an important role in agricultural production and used since 12th century. 7 Assessment of the POPs Issue 2.3. Inventory: POPs Pesticides (Annex A, Part I Chemicals) 2.3.1. In Turkey pesticide use started in 1950’s. In 1957, “Plant Protection and Agricultural Quarantine Law” was put into force by the parliament. “Directive Concerning the Method and Principles of Registration of Pesticides and Similar Products Used in Plant Protection” was put into effect as a part of this law, which enabled the registration of plant protection products and plant regulators. Trading of such chemicals has been regulated by “Regulation on Sales of Plant Protection Chemicals”, which was based on the mentioned law. Provisions of this regulation are constantly being amended according to developments in the use of plant protection products and plant regulators, including their retail and registration. International advancements, European Union standards or applications and scientific advice are monitored to have a dynamic and active approach for the plant protection. The authorization for the use of any pesticide is aligned with international rules. When the use of a pesticide is banned in the world, it will also be banned in Turkey. Registration Committee of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) register agricultural pesticides after studying the chemical and physical properties, biological activity, residues, toxicological and eco-toxicological properties with internationally approved analysis methods and techniques. MARA monitors registered pesticides from their production or import to their consumption. Pesticide retailers are constantly controlled by the Provincial and County Directorates of MARA responsible from market control. Unsatisfactory product standards for the samples taken during market control, necessitates punitive actions (Anon., 2002). According to 1998 statistics, a total of 3 million tons of pesticides are produced annually in the world. According to 1994 statistics, North America has the biggest share in the pesticide market with 30%. Market shares of other regions are as follows; Western Europe 25%, Asia 16%, Latin America 13%, Japan 12%, Africa 2% and Eastern Europe 2%. It has been known that, especially in the USA and the EU, intensive agriculture, and pesticide usage pollute the nature and have harmful effects on the environment. Turkish agriculture cannot be considered in the same manner. Data on pesticide use in agriculture supports this statement. Pesticide use per hectare as active ingredient is 0.63kg for Turkey, whereas it is 17.5 kg for Netherlands, 3.5 kg for USA, 4.4 kg for Germany and France, 7.6 kg for Italy and 6 kg for Greece. It is clear that when compared with developed countries, pesticide use levels are very low in Turkey. Thus, agricultural sector in Turkey is not an environment-polluting sector, rather affected by the pollution (Anon., 2004). Although pesticides were considered as lifesavers when first introduced, later studies showed the contrary. Especially organic chloride containing pesticides have persistent chemical structure in the environment. These pesticides accumulate in the organisms or atmosphere. They also cause reproductive problems, birth defects, destruction of immune and endocrine systems and may cause cancer. Fat tissue samples were taken from numerous patients and were analyzed to determine if pesticides cause leukemia or cancer. It was found that these fat tissues contain higher levels of dieldrin compared with the control group. In a study for the stability of aldrin, it was found that aldrin was still present even 9 years after the application. Aldrin, chlordane, endrin, heptachlor, HCB, toxaphene can reside in soil even after 14 years, with the residue levels 40%, 40%, 41%, 16%, 10% and 45% respectively. According to the reports of MARA, there is only an approximate of 2,700 tons of HCB (hexachlorobenzene) present in the stocks. 8 Monitoring studies were carried out for various foodstuffs after POPs pesticides were registered and after they were banned by Plant Protection Research Institute of MARA. A flour sample was searched for pesticide residue. Wheat grains used as mice poison is dyed to discriminate them from wheat to be used as food. When distributing those dyed wheat, villagers are advised to use them for seeding and in fighting for rodents. However, they have washed away the dye thinking of cleaning it from the pesticide. Eating such wheat might cause of a health problem so that one died and four villagers were seriously poisoned. Another study was done with the flour sample to find out the cause of poisoning. The pesticide that was used in wheat production and registered in 1960’s indicated the use of aldrin (Güvener and Günay, 1966). In the years of the ban of organochlorine pesticides, various monitoring studies have been conducted. 49 samples were inspected in a study, which aimed the determination of the presence and quantity of hydrocarbon residues in milk, butter, and animal fat tissue, which were suspected for contamination. The Codex tolerance values are given in Table 1 and results of this study are given in Table 2 (Güvener et al., 1978). Table 1. Tolerance levels set by Codex Alimentarius Commission (Güvener et al., 1978) Active Ingredient Aldrin-dieldrin DDT and isomers Endrin Heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide Lindane (γ - HCB) Tolerances in milk 0.15 ppm 1.25 ppm 0.02 ppm 0.15 ppm Tolerances in meat fat 0.20 ppm 7.00 ppm Nd* 0.15 ppm 0.20 ppm 2.00 ppm *Not detectable Table 2 shows the pesticide residue levels in 22 milk, 16 butter and 11 animal fat tissue samples and their minimum, maximum, and average values. Table 2. Pesticide residue concentrations on 22 milk, 16 butter, and 11 animal fat tissue samples Pesticide α – HCB γ – HCB (Lindane) Aldrin Dieldrin Total DDT Milk (ppm) Butter (ppm) min – max min – max 0.000 – 0.500 (±0.120) 0.000 – 0.270 (±0.041) 0.000 – 0.070 (±0.013) 0.000 – 0.370 (±0.150) 0.000 – 0.800 (±0.290) 0.000 – 0.000 (±0.000) 0.000 – 0.058 (±0.008) 0.000 – 0.000 (±0.000) 0.000 – 0.170 (±0.060) 0.000 – 0.230 (±0.100) Animal fat tissue (ppm) Min – max 0.020 – 0.600 (±0.090) 0.001 – 0.013 (±0.004) 0.000 – 0.000 (±0.000) 0.000 – 0.080 (±0.020) 0.060 – 0.300 (±0.170) In 14 of 22 milk samples, aldrin – dieldrin levels were merely exceeded the tolerance level of 0.15 ppm. Although application of aldrin had been forbidden, the excess levels of aldrin and dieldrin could be explained by their persistence in the soil for long years. In one of the samples, lindane level exceeded the tolerance value, where DDT levels for all samples were below the tolerance value. No residues of heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, endrin, endosulfan compounds, and organic phosphorus containing pesticides were found. 9 Dieldrin level exceeded the tolerance level of 0.15 ppm in two of the 16 butter samples, DDT and lindane levels were below the tolerance levels for all samples. Heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, endrin, endosulfan compounds and organic phosphorus containing pesticides were not found in butter. 0.435 ppm α – HCB and 0.827 ppm lindane was detected in one of the 11 samples of animal fat tissue. Yiğit (1977) studied the, residues of POPs in tobacco. Table 3 shows residue level of tobacco leaves for different Turkish cigarette blends and in different regions. Table 3. Residue levels in leaf tobacco for different Turkish cigarette blends and regions over years Cigarette blend Maltepe Maltepe Harman Harman Bahar Bahar Bafra Bafra Kıbrıs Hisar Silahlı Kuvvetler Samsun Gelincik Production year 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) 1975 (4, 5, 6 months) 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) 1975 (4, 5, 6 months) 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) 1975 (3, 4, 5 months) 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) 1975 (4, 5, 6 months) 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) HCB 2.03 3.20 0.82 1.02 3.12 0.08 2.41 0.48 - 1975 (1, 2, 3 months) - 0.42 Pesticide residue (ppm) γ - HCB DDT (total) Endosulfan 0.04 1.80 - - 1.20 1.12 Table 4 shows the residues of sun dried tobacco plant for different lots and Table 5 shows the pesticide residue concentrations for various tobacco samples from different regions. Table 6 shows residue concentrations of Turkish and US cigarettes on the market (Yiğit, 1977). Table 4. Residue concentrations in ppm for sun dried tobacco plant for different time intervals Tobacco region Bursa Leaf Tobacco Bursa Leaf Tobacco Bursa Leaf Tobacco Bursa Leaf Tobacco Lot 1. lot 3. lot 4. lot 5. lot HCB 4.80 3.20 DDT (total) 8.80 4.76 Methoxychlor - 10 Table 5. Pesticide residue concentrations for different regions and years Production region Year 1972 Samsun 1973 Bafra 1971 1971 Taşova 1972 1973 Trabzon – Akçaabat 1972 1972 Hendek 1973 1972 İzmir 1973 HCB 3.29 2.40 0.88 0.98 0.06 0.39 0.19 2.29 -0.58 2.29 0.24 0.24 0.40 0.36 0.24 0.31 Pesticide Residue (ppm) γ – HCB Total DDT Endosulfan 0.38 0.72 0.86 1.34 1.38 0.001 0.03 2.21 0.59 3.75 0.24 0.59 1.18 0.15 0.88 0.74 1.23 0.48 0.62 0.49 0.61 0.79 0.84 0.88 3.45 0.81 0.60 0.74 0.52 2.41 0.82 0.23 0.43 2.53 1.64 0.08 0.26 - Table 6. Residue levels (ppm) on cigarette samples Cigarette name Maltepe filter tipped Samsun filter tipped Samsun filter tipped Marlboro filter tipped Pallmall filter tipped Maltepe filter tipped Birinci filter tipped Bafra filter tipped Year 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 HCB 4.35 1.81 0.49 0.001 0.32 γ - HCB 0.98 2.88 0.41 0.61 0.54 0.90 Total DDT - Total Endosulfan 2.62 3.11 0.20 2.02 3.78 0.001 – 4.35 ppm for HCB, 0.90 for lindane, 0.20 – 3.78 ppm for endosulfan was found in filter tipped cigarette samples, 0.54 – 0.61 ppm for DDT and 2.02 ppm for endosulfan was found in USA cigarette samples. When residues in tobacco leave samples are compared with the data from other countries, residues of DDT, TDE, toxaphene, endosulfan and endrin was found on a USA cigarette in 1973, however a 70 % decrease could be observed compared with 1971 values. Table 7 shows the comparison of residue analysis results of Turkish, Greek and Italian tobacco leaves performed by the Federal Germany Cigarette Industry Science Research Center (Yiğit, 1977). 11 Table 7. DDT residues on Turkish, Greek, and Italian tobaccos Year Since 1969 1970 1971 1972 1971 – 1972 1972 – 1975 DDT residue (ppm) Greece Italy Turkey 14.6 0.27 1.93 11.7 16.1 1.62 7.1 0.40 1.74 0.69 1.31 1.49 1.19 - Number of Samples Greece Italy Turkey 36 4 27 78 31 16 262 135 99 166 118 43 8 25 As shown in Table 7, no DDT residues were found in tobacco leaves after 1972 in Greece, Italy and Turkey. Comparisons of residue concentrations of HCB and its isomers in tobacco leaves between 1972 – 1976 are presented in Table 8. After 1973, no HCB residues have been detected in Turkish tobacco leaves. Table 8. HCB isomer residue in Turkish, Greek, and Italian tobaccos (Yiğit, 1977) Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 HCB isomer residue (ppm) Greece Italy Turkey 0.18 0.04 0.41 0.12 0.05 - Number of Samples Greece Italy Turkey 176 128 49 63 51 9 24 16 Güvener et al. (1977) analyzed pesticide residues (lindane and other isomers, aldrin, DDT and its isomers, heptachlor, methoxychlor, toxaphene, dieldrin, endrin, endosulfan, methyl parathion, parathion, diazinon, dimethoat, some organic phosphorus, malathion) in 372 samples of various vegetables, fruits, flour variants and vegetable oils (carrot, spinach, lettuce, tomato, pepper, eggplant, broad bean, cucumber, cauliflower, orange, mandarin, strawberry, apricot, plum, grape, dry grape, dry apricot, flour, barley, wheat, rice flour, lentil, biscuit, sunflower oil, olive oil, margarine oil etc.). The number of analyses are given in Table 9. Table 9. Distribution of sample numbers that were analyzed between 1973 and 1977 (Güvener et al., 1977) Year 1973 – 1974 1975 1976 1977 Number of Analyzed Samples 79 132 122 45 Results of these studies were as follows: 13 carrots out of 23, contained aldrin – dieldrin residues exceeding 0.1 ppm (Codex tolerance); only one had high amount of residues, 0.56 ppm; remaining 12 had residue levels between 0.13 – 0.2 ppm. Aldrin was found to be 0.18 ppm in one tomato sample, 0.129 ppm in an olive oil sample and in an other tomato sample 0.93 ppm α –HCB, 1.14 ppm lindane, 1.47 ppm total DDT. These were found levels were higher than the residue levels of other tomato samples. 12 DDT levels were found to be 0.11 – 0.86 ppm in 7 carrot samples, 0.35 – 0.45 ppm in 4 grape samples, 0.16 ppm in 2 dry apricot samples, 0.14 – 0.35 ppm in 5 rice flour samples and 3 lentil samples. These levels were lower than the value of 1.7 ppm for DDT; that was within the Codex tolerance limits, but higher than the limits given for Republic of in the Federal Germany. Only 1 out of 372 samples (a strawberry sample) had 5 ppm DDT residue, which was above Codex limits. 16 flour samples (lentil and rice flour) were found to have 0.3 – 2.5 ppm of α – HCB residues. In one of the green lentils samples 1.566-ppm lindane was found and 1.131 ppm in another. These values exceed the Codex tolerance of 0.5 ppm for lindane in processed grains. Organic phosphorus compounds, that were detected in some samples were very low and usually did not exceed the Codex tolerance limits. A project was implemented in Plant Protection Chemicals and Equipment Research Institute of MARA between 1970 and 1973, for DDT tolerance limits. The aim of the project was to help the selection of an insecticide to fight Sunn-Pest (Eurygaster integriceps Put.) which has low residue levels as a replacement to DDT. Residues on straw, glumes and wheat were compared after the application of DDT, phenthion, bromophos, dichrotophos, methidathion, parathion + DDT, phenitrothion composed insecticides. In 1970, some insecticides were applied to fight Sunn-Pest in Diyarbakır Plant Protection Research Institute and residue values on straw and wheat were shown in Table 10 (Güvener and Önal, 1975). Table 10. Residues of various insecticides to fight Sunn-Pest (Güvener and Önal, 1975) Active ingredient Application date Sampling Date Bromophos, 35% Fenitrothion, 95% Fenthion, 50% DDT, 25% Dichrotophos, 24% 15.05.1970 17.05.1970 17.05.1970 30.04.1970 19.05.1970 05.06.1970 05.06.1970 05.06.1970 16.06.1970 16.06.1970 Approx. Residue (ppm) Straw Wheat grains 2.17 3.62 1.50 2.50 2.65 4.41 14.50 24.10 1.15 1.91 As shown in Table 10, organophosphorus pesticides had lower residue levels than DDT. Especially samples that were subject to phenitrothion and dichrotophos compound pesticides have lowest residue levels. With the same research, for 1971 product, pesticide application was performed with 10 % powder and 25 kg preparation per hectares via manual application and plane and with 25 % emulsion with 1000 cc dosage using plane. Following the harvest, straw samples were taken and DDT residue analyses were performed. The results are shown in Table 11. The residue levels depend on the formulation and method of application. First six samples of 10% DDT are performed via manual application, and the rest is performed by plane application. The residues are found to be higher for the plane application then the manual application and for the 25 % emulsion application. 13 Table 11. DDT residues for different preparation Preparation DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 10 % powder DDT 25 % Emulsion DDT 25 % Emulsion DDT 25 % Emulsion DDT 25 % Emulsion DDT 25 % Emulsion DDT 25 % Emulsion Control samples Dosage (product/ha) 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 25 kg 1000 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc 1000 cc ---- Sampling location Siverek, Budikhan Siverek, Budikhan Siverek, Budikhan Siverek, Budikhan Siverek, Budikhan Siverek, Budikhan Storage Storage Storage Storage Diyarbakır, Central Diyarbakır, Central Diyarbakır, Central Karabaş Ergani, Tilhum Ergani, Zengetil Agricultural Research Agricultural Research Agricultural Research ---- Application date 26.05.1971 26.05.1971 26.05.1971 26.05.1971 26.05.1971 26.05.1971 25.05.1971 28.05.1971 28.05.1971 28.05.1971 26.05.1971 26.05.1971 26.05.1971 24.05.1971 25.05.1971 10.05.1971 18.05.1971 18.05.1971 18.05.1971 ------ Sampling date 21.06.1971 21.06.1971 21.06.1971 21.06.1971 21.06.1971 21.06.1971 18.06.1971 25.06.1971 25.06.1971 25.06.1971 25.06.1971 25.06.1971 25.06.1971 18.06.1971 17.06.1971 17.06.1971 18.06.1971 18.06.1971 18.06.1971 ----- DDT residue (ppm) 0.9 1.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.7 2.0 8.0 5.5 6.0 9.0 4.5 6.7 96.0 6.1 11.0 24.0 18.0 22.0 nd. In 1973, application was done with both powder and emulsion DDT and products containing other active ingredients. Stem and spike samples were taken and their stem, glume and wheat were analyzed separately. Results of these analyses are shown in Table 12. Table 12 shows that wheat did not contain any DDT residues. Residues were lower for active ingredient except for methidathion. Table 12. Residues found on straw, glume and wheat, after application on Sunn-Pest by plane in 1973 (Güvener and Önal, 1975) Pesticide Name DDT 10 % DDT 10 % DDT 25 % Fenitrothion Fenitrothion Fenitrothion Dichrotophos Dichrotophos Methidathion Dosage (g a.s./da) 250 250 187.5 97 97 97 24 24 250 Sample location Application date Sampling date Ditüni Çınar Kağıtlı Alabal Alabal Alabal Sadi Sadi Sadi 19.05.1973 18.05.1973 19.05.1973 18.05.1973 18.05.1973 18.05.1973 09.06.1973 25.05.1973 25.05.1973 15.06.1973 15.06.1973 14.06.1973 14.06.1973 14.06.1973 14.06.1973 14.06.1973 10.06.1973 10.06.1973 Insecticide residues (avg. ppm) Straw Glume Wheat 1.5 1.3 14.0 trace trace trace 0.45 0.84 35.1 1.5 4.4 25.0 0.28 0.68 trace 0.84 1.40 9.7 -----------------3.3 In a study in 1966 and 1967, DDT residues were studied in grapes, which are still important export goods. In these years, DDT was applied on grapes to prevent bunch moth. DDT was used until very close to harvest of the grapes and 40-day preharvest interval was not usually satisfied. DDT residues were studied on the raisins that were in the market, and 0.1 – 0.2 ppm of DDT residue was found. In 1966, when 10 % DDT is used, 0.25 - 0.6 ppm of residue was found on table grapes and 1 ppm of residue found on table grapes when 50 % DDT is used. 1 ppm of residue also was found on raisins of these grapes. In 1967, 50 % DDT is used, 1.33 ppm of residue found on table grapes. 1.77 ppm of residue also found on their raisins. Values given or below the tolerance value of 1 ppm was accepted by the Federal Government of Germany (Güvener and Günay, 1968). 14 Past, Present and Projected Future Production and Use of POPs Pesticides According to the statistics, the total use of pesticides in Turkey was 36,662 tons in 1985, 33,713 tons in 1997, 35,487 tons in 1998, 32,230 tons in 1999, 33,548 tons in 2000, 29,798 tons in 2001, and 30,792 tons in 2002. It can be observed that, over the 17-year period, use of pesticides decreased. These quantities represent registered pesticides (Table 13). Table 13. Annual amounts of authorized pesticides use in Turkey Year 1985 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Amount of pesticide use (tons) 36,662 33,713 35,487 32,230 33,548 29,798 30,792 A total of 1231 commercial pesticides had been registered in 1995, though the picture changed in 2004 as 485 active ingredient and 3006 commercial pesticides were registered in Turkey. However, due to various reasons only 252 active ingredients containing registered pesticides are commercially available. POPs pesticides ban was started in Turkey by 1970’s, and their use, production, import, and export are prohibited by law. Dieldrin was banned in 1971, aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, endrin were banned in 1979 and toxaphene was banned in 1989. In addition, registrations of plant protection products containing these active ingredients were canceled. Mirex and its products have never been registered in Turkey. There is no record of production of POPs pesticides in Turkey since their ban. After registration, plant protection products were being prepared by using imported active ingredients. Production of those active substances in Turkey has never been an issue. Records from Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and Undersecretariat of Customs show the fact that POPs substances have not been imported or exported after they had been banned. Nationwide residue monitoring of chloride containing pesticides has being performed on agricultural products, soil, and streams. No illegal use of such substances has been detected. As required by the Stockholm Convention, necessary arrangements are initiated for frequent inspection by MARA. Detailed information on POPs pesticides are given below: ALDRIN Aldrin is used for combating insects in the soil. It can easily be metabolized into dieldrin in plants and animals. As a result, it is very difficult to find aldrin residues in foods and animals, if so in very small quantities. It is bound to the soil particles firmly. Due to its high volatility, it disappears in soil. Because of its persistency and hydrophobic property, aldrin and especially its transformed products become bio-concentrated. 15 Aldrin is toxic to humans. The lethal dos of Aldrin for an adult is estimated as 83 mg/kg body weight. It was observed that liver and gallbladder cancer rate increased in the professionals who were exposed to aldrin. Only evidence for aldrin causing cancer is based on animal tests. Therefore, IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) does not classify aldrin as human carcinogen. Table 14 shows some details of the aldrin use in the past. It is banned in Turkey in 1979. Table 14. Aldrin use on pests Name of pest Anisoplia spp. Anisoplia spp. Zabrus spp. Zabrus spp. Polyphylla fullo Active Ingredient Aldrin Aldrin Aldrin Aldrin Aldrin Formulation WP Powder WP Powder WP Dosage 750 g / 100 kg seed 750 g / 100 kg seed 300 g / 100 kg seed 300 g / 100 kg seed 12.5 kg / hectare * WP wet table Powder CHLORDANE Chlordane is a wide spectrum contact insecticide. It is semi–volatile, so it can be present in the atmosphere. It can be bound to sediments in the water easily and become bio-concentrated in the fat tissues of organisms. There is no relation between increase in death risk caused by cancer and Chlordane exposure. When the Chlordane exposed persons were checked up, it has been detected that significant changes had been occurred in their immune system. IARC categorizes Chlordane as a possible human carcinogen. Average half-life in soil is 1 year. Chlordane was banned in Turkey in 1979. DIELDRIN Dieldrin was used to combat harmful insects in soil and disease vector insects. Due to its harmful effects on nature and human health, many countries banned dieldrin. Dieldrin is bound to soil particles firmly. It vanishes due to its high volatility in soil. It becomes bio-concentrated because of its persistency and hydrophobic properties. Relative increase of liver and gallbladder cancer were observed at workers contacting aldrin, endrin and dieldrin in factories. IARC did not classify dieldrin as a possible human carcinogen as there was no relevant evidence of both human and animal tests. Dieldrin has a half-life of 5 years in warm soil. Dieldrin residues were found in air, soil, fish, bird, mammals, human, and mother’s milk. Dieldrin was banned in 1971. ENDRIN Endrin is an insecticide that is used on green parts of plants. It is also used as a rodenticide. It is fastly metabolized in animals and do not accumulate in fat tissues. It can reach atmosphere due to its volatile structure. It can also reach surface waters after being washed away from the soil. Statistical increase of liver and gallbladder cancers was observed at workers of aldrin, endrin, and dieldrin producing factories. IARC did not classify endrin as a possible human carcinogen because there was no relevant evidence of both human and animal tests. Endrin is very toxic for fish. Its half-life in soil can reach up to 12 years depending on the properties of the location. 16 HEPTACHLOR Heptachlor is a non-systemic, effecting through digestive system and by contact. It has a very high volatility, so it can be found in the atmosphere. It can be bound to sediments in the water easily and become bio-concentrated in the fat tissues of organisms. Heptachlor is metabolized to heptachlor epoxide in animals and this substance can be stored in animal fat tissues. It was determined that bladder cancer cases increase significantly in workers of heptachlor producing factories. Although there were no fatal cases for liver and gallbladder cancer, fatal cerebrovascular diseases were frequently observed. IARC classified Heptachlor as a possible human carcinogen. Table 15 shows former use of Heptachlor. Heptachlor was banned in 1979. Table 15. Use of Heptachlor in the past Name of pest Anisoplia spp. Zabrus spp Polyphylla fullo Active ingredient Formulation Heptachlor WP Heptachlor WP Heptachlor WP Dosage 500 g / 100 kg seed 300 g / 100 kg seed 20 kg / hectare TOXAPHENE Toxaphene is a non-systemic and contact effective insecticide. It becomes bio-concentrated in aquatic organisms. It can be carried through the atmosphere. High frequency chromosome aberration was observed on eight female workers, who had been working on a Toxaphene applied field with 2 kg/ha dosage compared with control group. IARC classified Toxaphene as possible human carcinogen. Its half-life in soil can vary from 100 days to 12 years depending on the soil type and climate. Table 16 shows former use of Toxaphene. Toxaphene was banned in Turkey in 1989. Table 16. Use of Toxaphene in the past. Name of pest Stephanitis pyri Active Substance Toxaphene Formulation EM Dosage 300 cc/ 100 l water HEXACHLOROBENZENE (GAMMA - HCB) Hexachlorobenzene is an effective insecticide by contact and in digestive and respiratory systems. It is in a colorless crystalline form. It is a wide spectrum insecticide used in animal ecoparasites, soil endemic insects, public health diseases, and predators. Along with those applications, it can also be used with fungicides in seed applications. Hexachlorobenzene was banned in 1985. Table 17 shows former use of it. 17 Table 17. Use of HCB in the past. Name of pest Locusts Schistocerca gregaria Aiolopus savignyi Thisoicetrinus pterostichus Dociostaurus maroccanus Pararcyptera labiata Calliptamus italicus Acheta deserta Locusta migratoria Platycleis intermedia Bradyporus sp. Uvarovistia satunini Isophya spp., Poecilimon spp. Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa Penthaleus major Duges. Aelia rostrata Boh. PEPPER Agrotis spp. Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa TOMATO Agrotis spp. BEAN Agrotis spp. CUCUMBER Agrotis spp. MELON Agrotis spp. CABBAGE Agrotis spp. CORN Agrotis spp. POTATO Agrotis spp. EGGPLANT Agrotis spp. ONION Phytonomus variabilis Active ingredients %6,5 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB %2,6 γ – HCB Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Feed Powder Powder Product applied to 0.1 hectare 2-2.5 kg 5-6 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 4 kg/20 kg bran 1.5 kg 2 kg γ – HCB γ – HCB Seed Seed 400 g/10 kg bran 400 g/10 kg bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg.bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg. bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg. bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg bran γ – HCB Seed 400 g/10 kg bran HCB (2,6) Powder 2500 Formulation Status of pesticides placed in POPs list in Turkey After the restriction and ban of use of POPs pesticides in some countries, necessary precautions were taken in Turkey. Starting from 1968 the use of aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, DDT, chlordane and toxaphene were restricted. Application of soil with aldrin and heptachlor was forbidden, but application on seed was allowed. There were no restrictions on HCB at those years. However, after some applications, HCB residues were found on weeds and DDT residues were found in straw (Güvener et al., 1974). In Table 18 pesticides that were banned by MARA are given: 18 Table 18. Pesticides that have been banned in Turkey Pesticides and other chemicals Dieldrin Aldrin Endrin Lindane Heptachlor Chlordane e-Parathion 2,4,5-T Leptephos Chlordimeform Mercury contaning products (methoxyethylmercury chloride, phenyl mercury acetate, phenyl mercury chloride) Arsenic containing disinfectant Chlorobenzilate DDT HCB Fluorodifen Chlorpropylate Dinoseb Daminozide Alar 85) Toxaphene Zineb Azinphos Ethyl Date of Ban 1971 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1982 1982 1982 (Restriction 1978) 1985 (Restriction 1978) 1985 1987 1987 1988 1989 1989 1991 1996 Table 19. Date and Reasons of Ban for POPs pesticides. Pesticide name Date of Ban Aldrin 1979 environment, Chlordane environment, DDT Dieldrin Heptachlor Endrin Toxaphene Mirex Reasons Harmful effects on human health and carcinogen, 1979 Harmful effects on human health and carcinogen, 1978(restricted) Harmful effects on human health and 1985 carcinogen, accumulation in fat tissue, 1971 Harmful effects on human health and carcinogen, 1979. Harmful effects on human health and carcinogen, 1979. Harmful effects on human health and carcinogen, 1989. Harmful effects on human health and carcinogen, Not authorized in Turkey. environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, Import and Export of POPs pesticides After POPs pesticides have been banned no illegal imports of such products were reported. Imports or production without considering legal obligations have severe penalties. In addition, availability of alternative pesticides to the banned ones prevents any illegal application. 19 Identified Stockpiles and Wastes of POPs Pesticides According to the records, there are only stocks of HCB and DDT. After POPs pesticides had been baned, as a precaution MARA collected the data of the stocks of retailers and firms. As a result, 2,700 tons of HCB (hexachlorobenzen) and 10,930 kg of DDT were found in the stocks in Turkey. The HCB stock is located in İzmit’s Derince County, near Şirintepe. HCB is kept in 50 kg nylon bags and barrels in the storage facility of Merkim Industrial Products Co. in the form of white powder. This material was produced by Agricultural Protection Chemicals Co. for agricultural purposes in the past. Because of harmful effects on human health and environment, HCB was banned in 1985 by Plant Protection and Agriculture Quarantine Law. The DDT stock is found in the storage of Ankara Central Service Directorate of MARA. Present Management (production, use, stockpiles and waste) of POPs Pesticides and Empty Containers Use and production of POPs pesticides are not legally possible and no incident of use or production has been recorded. As mentioned before, regular inspection of residues in food products, soil, rivers, and control of possible users should be undertaken to determine contaminated fields and any illegal use and import of POPs pesticides. Experts in Plant Protection Central Research Institute, which is under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, organizes training programs for the staff of City Directorate of Agriculture about physical and chemical properties of registered pesticides, residue problems, their safe use, the importance of proper use, and effects on human health and environment. These education programs are organized at least three times a year at the minimum. The aim of these programs is the training of technical staff and spreading this information to farmers and pesticide retailers. Assignment of Responsibility and Liability There are many regulations, communiqués, and standards that have been in force about pesticides. In accordance with the developments, needs and newly occurred situations, these regulations were amended occasionally. Chronologically these regulations are, 1. Plant Protection and Quarantine Law, Official Gazette 24th May, 1957,no: 9615 2. Directive for Pesticide and Equipment Used for Pest Management, Official Gazette: 4th Feb., 1959, no: 10126 3. Directive for the Toxicological Classification of Pesticides 4. Regulation for the National Commission of Codex Alimentarius Official Gazette: 7th Feb.,1994 no: 18152 (changed by O.G. 13th Sep.,2004 no:25582) 5. Regulation for the Control of the Pesticides Official Gazette: 22nd June,1995 no:22321 6. Directive Concerning the Method and Principles of Registration of Pesticides and Similar Products Used in Plant Protection Official Gazette: 17th Feb.,1999 no:23614 7. Regulation for the Labeling of Pesticides Official Gazette: 1st Sep.,1983 no:18152 8. Regulation for The Wholesale, Retail And Storage of Pesticides Official Gazette: 21st Aug., 1996 no: 22734 9. Regulation for the Quality Control Analysis of Pesticides done by the Private Laboratories Official Gazette: 23rd Sep.,2002 no:24885 10. Communiqué to Ban the Use and Marketing of Certain Active Substances used in the Production of Pesticides Official Gazette: 16th Dec.,2003 no:25318 Only the names of standards and regulations regarding organochlorine pesticides are presented in this section. “Communiqué to Ban the Use and Marketing of Certain Active Substances used in the Production of Pesticides” was prepared in accordance with “Directive Concerning the Method and 20 Principles of Registration of Pesticides and Similar Products Used in Plant Protection”, “Plant Protection and Quarantine Law” and “Law for Preparation and Application of Technical Legislation Regarding The Products Determined in Law No:4703”. This communiqué determines the procedure and principles of banning the use and trading of the plant protection products that contain specific active ingredients. Mentioned communiqué does not apply to plant protection products that will be used for research or used in export products. The appendix of this communiqué includes a list of active ingredients. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs foresees the prohibitive measures for the use and trading of the products containing one or more of those active ingredients. According to this communiqué, mercury compounds (mercury oxide, mercury chloride, other inorganic mercury compounds, alkaline mercury compounds, alcoxyalcyl and aryl mercury compounds), permanent organochlorine compounds (aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, DDT, endrin, less than 0 – 99.0% γ isomer containing HCH, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene), other compounds (ethylene oxide, nitrofen, 1,2 – dibromomethane, 1,2 – dichloroethane, dinoseb, its acetate and salts, binapacryl, captafol, dicofol containing DDT or other related DDT compounds more than 1g/kg or p p,1 – dicofol less than 78 %, quintozene containing pentachloro benzene more than 10 g/kg or HCB more than 1 g/kg) were banned. According to the same communiqué, if an alert concerning agricultural production was raised and there were no other ways of controlling this situation, MARA may allow the use and trade of a plant protection product containing one or more of the active substances mentioned above for a maximum of 120 days. Below, is the list of ISO standards that are corresponding Turkish standards for POPs and other pesticides. ISO Guide 34: 2000: General requirements for the competence of reference material producers (available in English only) ISO Guide 35:1989: Certification of reference materials – General and statistical principles ISO 257:1988: Pesticides and other agrochemicals – Principles for the selection of common names ISO 765:1976: Pesticides considered not to require common names ISO 1750:1981: Pesticides and other agrochemicals – Common names ISO 3890 – 1: 2000: Milk and milk products – Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides) – Part 1: General considerations and extraction methods ISO 3890 – 2: 2000: Milk and milk products – Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides) – Part 2: Test methods for crude extract purification and confirmation ISO 4389: 2000: Tobacco and tobacco products – Determination of organochlorine pesticide residues – Gas Chromatographic method ISO 6466:1983: Tobacco and tobacco products – Determination of dithiocarbamate pesticide residues – Molecular absorption spectrometric method ISO 6468: 1996: Water quality – Determination of certain organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorobenzenes – Gas chromatographic method after liquid – liquid extraction ISO 10382: 2002: Soil quality – Determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls – Gas chromatographic method with electron capture detection (standard preparation is taken into work plan) ISO 14181:2000: Animal feeding stuffs – Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides – Gas chromatographic method (available in English only) ISO 16133: 2004 Soil quality – Guidance on the establishment and maintenance of monitoring programmes (standard preparation is taken into work plan) 21 ISO/IEC 6522:1922: Information technology – Programming languages – PL/1 general purpose subset (available in English only) (standard preparation is taken into work plan) ISO /IEC ISP 12059 – 2: 1995 Information technology – International Standardized Profiles – OSI Management – Common information for management functions – Part 2: State management (available in English only) (standard preparation is taken into work plan) ISO/ TR 15916: 2004 Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems (available in English only) (standard preparation is taken into work plan) General Assessment of Inventory of POPs Pesticides Inventory of POPs pesticides in Turkey is given in relevant sections. This information is gathered from MARA. It is clear that POPs pesticides that are in stocks should be disposed of in the short run. Disposal could be done by İzaydaş Company in İzmit. Difficulties may arise due to having only one company for disposal process. As a result, disposal could not be carried out and storage is preferred to prohibit the use of those pesticides, although it is not a safe choice. To proceed for disposal, financial support is needed. Moreover, DDT in the stocks is not in a very good condition. The storage facility has broken windows and doors; the closeness of the storage facility to the civil population also creates danger. These storage facilities should be improved until the disposal of this chemical and that issue also requires funds. Studies on residue amounts on soil, water, air, food, and human are carried out from time to time and data are obtained in a number of laboratories of MARA. On the other hand, more research work are required to determine the current situation. Inventory: PCBs (Annex A, Part II Chemicals) 2.3.2. Introduction Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are organic compounds, which were used in electrical machinery insulation. They have been used as insulators in almost every transformer for years and most of the transformers in Turkey contain PCBs. PCBs also appear as by-products of organochlora productions like PVC production and waste incineration. Stockholm Convention was signed by 125 countries, including Turkey. With this Convention, participating countries jointly agreed to reduce the amount of 12 persistent organic polluters, including PCBs, in the environment, to destruct them and to restrict their sources. According to the Convention, participating countries should, - ban the use of PCB-containing equipment, perform detection, labeling and ban the use of equipments that contain 50 ppm or more PCBs, avoid the trade of PCB-containing equipments, ban the recycling of equipments that contain 50ppm or more PCBs, succeed with the environmentally safe management of PCB-based wastes until 2008. In order to create an inventory for PCB stocks and PCB-containing equipments, possible holders and users of such stocks and equipments are determined. After obtaining the information two official inquiries regarding stocks and equipments were sent on two different dates. The inventory presented here are the results obtained from the responses of those companies during inquiry. History and place of use of PCBs First synthesis of PCBs was managed in 1864. Its Commercial production started in 1929/30. PCBs; 22 Do not crystallise at low temperatures, Are resistant to fire, Steam pressure are very low (4x10-5-6.7x10-7 torr), Electrical conductivity is very low, Are resistant to thermal shortcuts, Do not have explosion risk when combined with air, even though they are heavier than air in their gas state. Have high chemical stability, (Test results show that when subjected to some active metal and oxygen chemical structures of PCBs does not change up to 1700C.) Do not dissolve in water. (They dissolve in fats and hydrocarbons) Because of these unmatched properties, PCB containing liquids have been used in many places, such as, Transformers and large capacitors, Heat transfer and hydraulic systems, Vacuum pumps, Balance capacitor of florescent lamps, Paint, adhesive, carbonless copying paper production, Lubrication and cutter grease. They were widely used in indoor transformers due to their resistance to fire. It was determined that PCBs and side products after partial burn, accumulate in human body and have toxic effects. As a result, the use of PCBs was restricted; for example, 24 OECD countries decided to restrict the use of PCBs in 1973. According to this decision, PCBs were allowed to be used in, Isolation liquid in transformers and capacitors, Heat transfer liquid (except for the production of food, medicine, feed and veterinarian products), Hydraulic liquid in mining, Small capacitors. Again, in 1973 OEDC decided, Production, import and export of PCBs should be monitored, Research should be done for safe recycling, regeneration and disposal, Research should be done for proper labeling, Settling on the properties of safe containers for PCBs and their transportation. In 1987, except for some special cases like standard preparation, OECD banned the production, import, and export of PCBs. In addition, OECD advised that wastes containing PCBs more than 100 ppm must be disposed of in high temperature waste disposal facilities. After transformer accidents in USA and France, mineral greases, silicone greases and penchlorine ethylene replaced PCBs. Due to their aromatic structure, chlorine content, and accumulative behavior in human body, it can be said that these are high-risk chemical materials. As opposed to this, when used in closed systems they have no adverse effect on humans and environment. Harmful effects appear when contaminated food and drinks are consumed; smelled, swallowed or contacted with the skin. When complete burning was not achieved Polychlorine dibenzo furan (PCDF) and Polychlorine dibenzo paradioxsine (PCDD) appear as by-products, which have more harmful effects. 23 Present Regulations Pertaining PCBs There are two regulations related to PCBs in Turkey; 1. “Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals”, 11.07.1993 dated, Official Gazette No: 21637; 2. “Regulation for The Control of Hazardous Wastes”, 27.08.1995 dated, Official Gazette No: 22387 According to article 41 of “Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals”, products and equipments containing polyhalogen, biphenyl and terphenyl and their combination can not be used as of January 1, 1996. According to article 42 of same regulation use of such materials in, Closed system electrical devices (Transformer, resistor, inductor), Large densers (total weight of 1 kg and more), Small densers (whose chlorine content is not more than 43% and does not contain more than 3.5 penta and more chlorine biphenyl containing plychlorine biphenyl) Heat transfer liquid which are used in closed system heat appliances (except for processing food, medicine, feed and other veterinary products), Hydraulic liquids used with underground digging equipment and electrolyte aluminum production devices, For conversion of other products as a first step or intermediate step, are allowed until January 1, 1996. PCBs are listed using the following classification in the materials subject to monitoring list in the appendix 1 of “Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals”. There are some ISO standards related to PCBs. Detailed information about these standards was given in Section 2.2.4. Closed and Semi-closed Applications of PCBs Major sources and users of PCBs are the power generation and distribution industries. As of our knowledge, PCBs have been found only in closed applications in Turkey. There is no information about any source or any use of semi-closed applications of PCBs. In this section the inventory of PCB containing transformers and capacitors were listed in detail. At the end of this section, estimation on use of PCBs is given for an estimate number of equipment in Turkey. To have a complete PCB inventory, two official inquiries were sent to the possible PCB equipment holders and users, one on July and the other one on September. As response to those letters, some companies and foundations had reported their PCB equipment inventory, some reported that they had no PCB stocks and had no PCB- containing equipments. Still there are some companies that have not responded. In addition to the official inquiries, a table of trade names and synonyms for PCB mixtures was also sent to the companies and foundations. PCB containing products are available in many commercial brands; some well-known brands are listed in Table 20. Aroclor is coded as 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260. First two numbers represent the biphenyl content; last two numbers represent the chlorine percentage by weight. 24 Table 20. Trade Names and Synonyms for PCBs Mixtures Aceclor (t) Adkarel ALC Apirolio (t,c) Aroclor (t,c) (USA) Aroclor 1016 (t,c) Aroclor 1221 (t,c) Aroclor 1232 (t,c) Aroclor 1242 (t,c) Aroclor 1254 (t,c) Aroclor 1260 (t,c) Aroclor 1262 (t,c) Aroclor 1268 (t,c) Areclor (t) Abestol (t,c) Arubren Asbestol (t,c) ASK Askarel (t,c) (USA) Bakola Bakola 131 (t,c) Biclor (c) Chlorextol (t) Chlorinated diphenyl Chlorinol (USA) Chlorobiphenyl Clophen (t,c) (Germany) Clophen – A30 Clophen – A50 Clophen – A60 Clophen Apirorlio Cloresil Clorphen (t) Delor (Czech Rep.) Diaclor (t,c) Dialor (c) Disconon (c) Dk (t,c) Ducanol Ducanol (c) Dykanol (t,c) (USA) Dyknol EEC-18 Electrophenyl T-60 Elemex (t,c) Eucarel Fenclor (t,c) (Italy) Hexol (Russian Federation) Hivar (c) Hydrol (t,c) Hydrol Hyvol Inclor Inerteen (t, c) Kaneclor (KC) (t,c) (Japan) Kaneclor 400 Kaneclor 500 Keneclor Kennechlor Leromoll Magvar MCS 1489 Montar Nepolin Niren No-Famol No-Flamol (t,c) (USA) NoFlamol Nonflammable liquid Pheneclor Phenoclor (t,c) (France) Phenochlor Phenochlor DP6 Plastivar Pydraul (USA) Pyralene (t,c) (France)) Pyranol (t,c) (USA) Pyrochlor Pyroclor (t) (USA) Saf-T-Kuhl (t,c) Saft-Kuhl Santotherm (Japan) Santotherm FR Santoterm Santovac Santovac 1 Santovac 2 Sinclonyl (c) Solvol (t,c) (Russian Federation) Sovol Sovtol (Russian Federation) Therminol (USA) Therminol FR t: transformator c: capacitor Table 21 is prepared from the responses to the official letters; it covers PCBs and PCB containing equipments. There are only 6 capacitors still in use and 189 transformers in Turkey. 29 of the transformers were used in the past and these transformers were sent for destruction to İzaydaş Co. 25 Table 21. List of used equipments containing PCBs and some of their properties Equipment brand (power kVa) n Commercial name of isolation liquid Production Used date since Capacitor Kondaş (50 kVAR) 6 Clophen 1984 Transformers Volta Werke (960kVA) 2 Clophen 1974 AEG ETİ (1000kVA) 8 Clophen 1971 AEG ETİ (1000kVA) 4 Clophen 1975 AEG ETİ (1600kVA) 2 Clophen 1971 ESAŞ (1250 kVA) 2 Clophen 1976 ESAŞ (1250 kVA) 2 Clophen 1976 ESAŞ (630 kVA) 4 Clophen 1975 AEG ETİ (315kVA) 4 Clophen 1973 ESAŞ (230 kVA) 1 Clophen 1976 Of.Elec.Tech. (25 kVA) 2 Clophen 1971 Of.Elec.Tech. (25 kVA) 1 Clophen 1971 ACEG (25 kVA) 1 Clophen 1976 UNELEC (250 kVA) 2 Pyralene 1970 Rhone Alber Elec. (100 kVA) 2 Pyralene 1975 Marelli (900 kVA) 2 Askarel 1971 ABB (1665 kVA) 1 Askarel 1986 Mitsubishi (2000 kVA) 1 Askarel 1974 General Elect.(750 kVA) 2 Pyranol Westinghouse(750 kVA) 1 İnerteen 1968 Oy Stromberg (400 kVA) 2 Clophen 1966 General Electric (750 kVA) 2 Pyranol 1969 AEG ETİ (1600kVA) 1 Clophen 1978 AEG (500kVA) 2 Clophen 1963 AEG (1000kVA) 1 Clophen 1963 BBC (630 kVA) 2 Apirolio 1981 BBC (100 kVA) 1 Apirolio 1981 BBC (1250 kVA) 11 Askarel 1979 Alsthom (1000 kVA) 2 Askarel 1971 Alsthom (800 kVA) 2 Askarel 1980 Rectifier Transf. (2250 kVA) 4 Askarel 1978 Etitaş (400 kVA) 1 Trafo N/A Esaş (100 kVA) 1 Clophen 1985 EEG-ETİ (1250) 35 Clophen Elektromekanik (1250) 3 Clophen AEG (1250) 12 Clophen Extra PCB 120 l transformers grease present. 132 (126 transformers + TOTAL capacitors) n: quantity of equipment 6 Weight of isolation liquid per unit (kg) Total isolation liquid (kg) Total weight of equipment (kg) 1984 11 66 25 1977 1973 1977 1974 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1973 1974 1977 1973 1977 1973 1989 1977 1967 1970 1971 1970 1979 1966 1966 1988 1988 1985 1974 1982 1982 N/A 1985 1180 1386 1400 2110 1410 1540 980 375 500 100 100 102 340 200 2660 980 2430 530 Lt 716 Lt 400 1560 5000 810 1270 1040 595 1320 1675 900 2540 250 Lt 760 1450 800 1450 2360 11088 5600 4220 2820 3080 3920 1500 500 200 100 102 680 400 5320 980 2430 1060 Lt 716 Lt 800 3120 5000 1620 1270 2080 595 14520 3350 1800 10160 250 Lt 760 50750 2400 17400 3360 4090 4000 5980 4500 4890 2680 1660 1380 260 260 255 1135 750 6690 4660 9710 2766 2786 2650 3530 10350 2200 3550 2736 1097 4280 4100 3400 7600 1250 3120 4670 4100 4720 160991 + 2026 Lt Due to the size of Turkey also when limited financial human resources and time were added whole of the country could not be covered by a field search. Table 24 is prepared according to the companies’ responses to the official letters. However, an assumption can be made for the whole country based on the available data; some of the transformers that contain PCBs is going to be destructed in İzaydaş Co. It is learned that more of these equipments will be sent later for destruction to İzaydaş Co. The number of PCBs containing equipments will likely to decrease in the near future. 26 As a result, it can be stated that there were a total of 163 equipments with PCBs in Turkey, 6 of them were capacitors and 126 of them were transformers, 29 of these equipments were used in past but now they were inactive and stored in a convenient storehouse until their destruction. Detailed information of the inactive equipments was given in the following section as PCB-containing wastes. Open Applications of PCBs There is no published information and data about open applications. However, for the partially close application, the total PCB content of two hydrolic fluids are given as 162 Lt only. The open and partially open applications are need further studies. Consequently, there is no full data on PCBs in open applications. PCBs- containing Wastes There are 29 unused transformers that contain PCBs. Detailed information about these equipments is given in Table 22. The total number of active and inactive transformers is 161 and the together with two hydrolic fluids the total number is 163 and the total amount of PCBs is calculated as 187.736 kg and 2188 Lt (Table 21 and 22) Table 22. List of used equipments containing PCBs in the past and some properties of them Equipment brand (power kVa) Total weight (kg) 470 553 795 1410 533 795 1210 1390 2670 1977 1250 6250 4360 1975 1978 865 4325 4080 Pyranol 1975 1978 865 865 4080 1 Pyranol 1976 1978 497 497 1570 1 Pyranol 1975 1978 550 550 2490 1 3 1 3 2 1 Clophen Clophen Clophen Clophen Clophen Apirolio 1971 1976 1971 1980 1974 1977 1973 1981 1967 1988 2110 710 710 325 2500 595 2110 2130 770 975 5000 595 26745 5980 2000 1700 1015 4500 1097 3 1 1 Elinol Elinol Clophen 1964 1964 1974 1966 1966 1977 5 Clophen 1974 5 Pyranol 1 Alsthom Savasione (400kVA) Alsthom Savasione (800kVA) AEG ETİ (1600kVA) AEG ETİ (400kVA) AEG ETİ (630kVA) AEG ETİ (125kVA) Marelli (750 kVA) BBC (100 kVA) TOTAL 29 transformers Transformers Elin (160 kVA) Elin (200 kVA) Asea Lepper (800 kVA) Asea Lepper (1600kVA) Alsthom Savasione (1600kVA) Alsthom Savasione(1600kVA) Weight of isolation liquid per unit (kg) Total isolation liquid (kg) n Commercial name of isolation liquid Production date 1981 Used since TOTAL n: Quantity of equipment Regulation for Hazardous Wastes was put into force on August 25, 1995. This regulation defines PCBs and all liquid and equipment, which are contaminated by PCBs as “Hazardous Waste” and regulates; the production, collection, temporary storage, transportation, recycling, and disposal of such materials; the ban, restrictions and obligations for their import and exports, necessary supervisions, punitive provisions and legal obligations. 27 As regulation declares PCB or any liquid or equipment contaminated with PCB as hazardous waste, they should be stored in intermediate storage facilities until their disposal. Period of maximum immediate storage is 1 year. Same regulation also states that, equipments and systems using such materials should be labeled and be informative, warning signs must be present in the working places of those equipments and systems. It is required by the regulation that, “HAZARDOUS WASTE” sign should be presented in the area containing PCBs or PCBs wastes. Equipments using PCBs should contain warning signs and a sign with the following expression; “This equipment contains PCBs. It is a poisonous material and necessary precautions should be taken before contact”. Legitimate disposal methods for PCBs and PCB contaminated equipment are mentioned in the regulation such as, burning, using as a fuel or performing other ways of energy production, reshaping/reforming of metals and metal compounds, Regulatory states some properties for the combustion facilities to burn PCBs; A final combustion room should be present along with other combustion rooms, Minimum temperature should be 900oC in the first chamber of the combustion oven, Regular collection of temperature data, An additional burner in the final combustion chamber, Automatic operation of burner when minimum temperature threshold passed, Minimum temperature should be 1200oC at this chamber, Minimum waste storage should be 2 seconds. Best disposal method for PCB is burning. This process could be carried out in cement factories and various international cases are present. General Assessment of Inventory of PCBs Information on inventory of PCBs and PCBs containing equipments in Turkey is given in relevant section. It was prepared with the information from relevant foundations and companies. In Turkey the only company that can perform destruction is İzaydaş Co., located in İzmit. The cost of destruction in 2004 by İzaydaş is given as 2000 €/ton. In addition, there will be additional expenses for transportation and storage etc. that will increase the overall cost. This costly process could not be performed because of the economical difficulties in the country. As a solution, international financial support can be recommended. In Turkey, no maintenance has been performed on PCBs transformers, so there is no risk of contamination or contact. PCBs and PCBs containing equipment have never been produced in Turkey; they were imported from other countries. These factors should also be considered for the evaluation of PCBs contamination. The awareness rises in the companies for PCBs disposal and more efforts are made to dispose of PCBs containing equipments. 28 Inventory: DDT (Annex B Chemicals) 2.3.3. Introduction This section of the report consists of a summary of DDT inventory including its production, use, imports, exports and stockpiles and management of DDT. In this report, it can be clearly seen that DDT has been used between 1957 and 1985. Since then, no use (import, export, use, stockpiles, etc.) of this active substance has been reported; moreover, these chemicals are sufficiently managed via a great number of legislations. History of DDT Although these pesticides are not hazardous to human and animal health with standard application doses, they may cause chronic poisoning with their persistency and ability to accumulate on fat tissues in the long term. As a result, except for endosulfan, direct application of all organochlorine pesticides to plants was banned in Turkey. It was found that these compounds could pass to plants through soil and water and disinfection of soil was also banned. In parallel to all these developments, due to their durability, harmful effects on human health and environment, the use, imports and exports of DDT were also banned. Effects of DDT on environment were discussed in “Contamination Task Team Report” and effects on human health were discussed in “Report of the Health Team”. Institutional and Regulatory Framework The use of pesticides and similar products, their production, import and exports were baned by the Plant Protection and Agriculture Quarantine Law in Turkey. All pesticides discussed here except mirex was registered and used in many areas of Turkey. When the international studies on those pesticides reported harmful effects on human health and nature, possible cause of cancer and long lasting residues. According to the reports of MARA, there is only approximately 10,930 kg of DDT in the stocks. Literature survey Monitoring studies were carried out on various groups of foodstuffs after POPs pesticides had been registered and baned by Plant Protection Research Institute of MARA. The research studies on DDT presented by Güvener et al (1978), Yiğit (1977), Güvener et al. (1977) and Güvener and Önal (1975) were given in Section 2.3.1. Past, Present and Projected Future Production and Use of DDT According to the available data and records, there was no DDT production in the past. Use of DDT was restricted in 1978 and banned in 1985 in Turkey. When they were registered, plant protection products were prepared using active ingredients imported from other countries. Reports of Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and Undersecretariat of Customs support the fact that import and exports of such active ingredients have no records in the statistics. Nationwide monitoring of organochlorine pesticide residues has been performed on agricultural products, soil, and streams. No illegal use of DDT has been detected. DDT was widely used during World War II to protect soldiers and civil people from malaria, typhus and other diseases that are carried by vectors. In the post war era DDT use on agricultural products 29 and vector combat continued. Because of the belief of its harmful effects on nature, especially on wild birds, most of the developed countries banned DDT in the beginning of 1970’s. Due to its semi-volatile characteristic, it can be present in atmosphere. It can easily accumulate in the fat tissue of all living organisms; it was even detected in mother’s milk. DDT and its related products are very durable in nature, even after 10 - 15 years from its application more than 50 % of them remain in the soil. Although there is not enough evidence of DDT being carcinogenic, IARC classified it as a possible human carcinogen based on the results of the animal tests. Table 23 shows the former use areas. Table 23. Use of DDT in the past. Name Lobesia botrana Lobesia botrana Sparganotis pilleriana Theresimima ampelophaga) Theresimima ampelophaga Arctia villica Arctia villica Otiorrhynchus spp. Otiorrhynchus spp. Heliothis spp. Phyllotrata spp. Psylliodes spp. Leafhopper spp. Acanthoscelides obtectus Pieris spp. Bruchus spp. Caradrina spp. Vanessa cardui Plusia gamma Phyllotrata spp. Psylliodes spp. Stephanitis pyri Summer spring (Diaspididae, Lecanidae) Cydia pomonella Euproctis chrysorrhoea Euproctis chrysorrhoae Aporia crataegi Lymantria dispar Lymantria dispar Anthonomus pomorum Rhynchites spp Eurytoma amyqdali Aporia crataeg Hoplocampa spp. Rhagoletis cerasi Syrista parreyssi Active Ingredient DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT Formulation WP Powder WP WP Powder WP Powder WP Powder WP WP Dosage 300 g/ 100 lt water 20-30 kg/ ha 300 g/ 100 lt water 300 g/ 100 lt water 1-1.5 kg/ 100 lt water 300 g/ 100 lt water 20-30 kg/ ha 300 g/ 100 lt water 20-30 kg/ ha 450 g/ 100 lt water 300 g /100 lt water DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT WP Powder WP Powder WP WP WP Powder 230 g/ 100 lt water 25-30 kg/ ha 250 g/ 100 lt water 25-30 kg/ ha 250 g/ 100 lt water 25-30 kg/ ha 450 g /100 lt water 20 kg/ ha DDT DDT WP WP 300 g/ 100 lt water 300 g/ 100 lt water DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT DDT WP WP Powder WP WP Powder WP WP WP WP WP WP WP, EM 300 g/ 100 lt water 300 g/ 100 lt water 30 kg / ha 300 g/ 100 lt water Rhynchites hungaricus DDT WP, EM Agrilus chrysoderes DDT WP, EM 300 g/ 100 lt water 30 kg /ha 300 g/ 100 lt water 400 g/ 100 lt water 300 g/ 100 lt water 300 g/ 100 lt water 300 g/ 100 lt water 300-600 cc/ 100 lt water 300-600 cc/ 100 lt water 500-600 cc/ 100 lt water 30 Import and Export of DDT When DDT was registered, this active ingredient was exported and its products were exported and imported. After the ban, no illegal trade of such products have been reported. In addition, availability of alternative pesticides prevented any illegal use. The technical staff of MARA accomplished market surveys and custom controls periodically. There is no data about illegal use or trade of this active substance and/or product. However, as mentioned before, inspection on food products, soil and rivers for residues should be conducted to determine the contaminated fields and to determine any illegal use of POPs pesticides. Financial support is required for these activities. Identified Stockpiles of DDT and DDT Waste After the ban on POPs pesticides the stock records of retailers and firms were collected as one of the precautions taken by MARA. Turkey has 10,930 kg of DDT in the stocks. DDT stock is located in the facilities of Ankara Central Supply Directorate of MARA. Central Supply Directorate facilities are located in Yenimahalle/Ankara. DDT stocks are not stored in good conditions. The storage facility has broken windows and doors; the closeness of the storage facility to civil population may also create problems. These storage facilities should be improved until the disposal of pesticides. Detailed information on DDT stock is given in Table 24. Table 24. DDT stocks. Location Central Log. Dir. Central Log. Dir. Central Log. Dir. TOTAL Active ingredient 10% DDT Commercial Quantity Package Name (kg) weight (kg) Uviton 5,520 30 Expiration date 1989 Allocation place Warehouse Allocation date N/A 10% DDT Korside-7 4,410 30 1989 Warehouse N/A 10% DDT Gamma Trikofon 1,000 25 1983 Warehouse N/A 10,930 Present Management of DDT and Empty Containers Experts in Plant Protection Central Research Institute, which is under the jurisdiction of MARA provides training to the staff of Regional Directorate of Agriculture about physical and chemical properties of registered pesticides, residue problems, their safe use, the importance of proper use, and effects on human health and environment. Training programs are given at a minimum of three times annually. Current Capacity and Experience in the Field of DDT Monitoring studies are periodically executed by the technical staff. According to the available data in İzmir region (Muradiye, Menemen, Bursa, İzmir), DDT residue amounts were less than 0.0015 mg/ kg on tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, peach, apple, grape in 1990 (Anon., 1996). Data of monitoring activities show that there is no use of DDT. 31 Assignment of Responsibility and Liability There are many regulations, communiqués, and standards that have been accepted and formed about pesticides including DDT. Chronologically these regulations are given in Section 2.3.1. Only the names of standards and regulations concerning DDT are presented here. “Communiqué to Ban the Use and Marketing of Certain Active Substances used in the Production of Pesticides” was prepared in accordance with “Directive Concerning the Method and Principles of Registration of Pesticides and Similar Products Used in Plant Protection”, “Plant Protection and Agriculture Quarantine” and “Law for Preparation and Application of Technical Legislation Regarding The Products Determined in Law No:4703”. This communiqué determines the procedure and principles of banning of use and trading the plant protection products that contain specific active ingredients including DDT. The following is the list of ISO standards related with DDT: ISO Guide 34: 2000: General requirements for the competence of reference material producers (available in English only) ISO Guide 35:1989: Certification of reference materials – General and statistical principles ISO 1750:1981: Pesticides and other agrochemicals – Common names ISO 3890 – 1: 2000: Milk and milk products – Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides) – Part 1: General considerations and extraction methods ISO 3890 – 2: 2000: Milk and milk products – Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides) – Part 2: Test methods for crude extract purification and confirmation ISO 4389: 2000: Tobacco and tobacco products – Determination of organochlorine pesticide residues – Gas Chromatographic method ISO 5667 – 17: 2000 Water quality – Sampling – Part 17: Guidance on sampling of suspended sediments (available in English only) ISO 6468: 1996: Water quality – Determination of certain organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorobenzenes – Gas chromatographic method after liquid – liquid extraction ISO 10382: 2002: Soil quality – Determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls – Gas chromatographic method with electron capture detection (standard preparation is taken into work plan) ISO 13319: 2000 Determination of particle size distributions – Electrical sensing zone method ISO 13679: 2002 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Procedures for testing casing and tubing connections (available in English only) ISO 14181:2000: Animal feeding stuffs – Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticides – Gas chromatographic method (available in English only) ISO 15176: 2002: Soil quality – Characterization of excavated soil and other soil materials intended for re-use ISO 15473: 2002 Soil quality – Guidance on laboratory testing for biodegradation of organic chemicals in soil under anaerobic conditions ISO 16133: 2004 Soil quality – Guidance on the establishment and maintenance of monitoring programmes (standard preparation is taken into work plan) ISO/IEC 6522:1922: Information technology – Programming languages – PL/1 general purpose subset (available in English only) (standard preparation is taken into work plan) ISO /IEC ISP 12059 – 2: 1995 Information technology – International Standardized Profiles – OSI Management – Common information for management functions – Part 2: State management (available in English only) (standard preparation is taken into work plan) ISO/ TR 15916: 2004 Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems (available in English only) (standard preparation is taken into work plan) 32 General Assessment of Inventory of DDT Information on the inventory of DDT in Turkey is taken from MARA and given in relevant sections. It is obvious that DDT in MARA stocks should be disposed of as soon as possible. This disposal could only be done by İzaydaş Co. in İzmit. But firstly, the storage conditions of DDT in MARA facilities have to be improved until the disposal of this material. The disposal requires financial support. Studies on pesticide residues in soil, water, air, food, and human are carried out irregularly and data are collected. There are a number laboratories to monitor residues. However, the personnel and equipment infrastructure has to be improved to develop the monitoring system in the whole country. Preliminary inventory of production, distribution, use, import, and export Relevant information regarding the import, use, distribution, and export of POPs was given before. Table 25 shows also the estimated figures of POPs pesticides. No production or use of POPs pesticides is foreseen. Table 25. Summary Forecast of POPs Production, Use, and Unintentional Releases (Ton) Year POPS PESTICIDES Production Aldrin Chlordane Dieldrin Endrin Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene Mirex Toxaphene Use Aldrin Chlordane Dieldrin Endrin Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene Mirex Toxaphene DDT Production Use PCB Production Use Closed and semi-closed applications Open applications 2002/03 2005 (Baseline Inventory) - - - - - - - - 2010 2020 2030 187.736 kg + 2188 Lt. - 33 References 1. Anonymous, 1996. Monitoring of additive, residue and contaminants on food. MARA, Bursa Food Technology Research Institute, Bursa. 2. Anonymous, 2002. Text of Press Conference on May 6, 2002 by Prof.Dr. Hüsnü Ziya Gökalp, former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs “Hormone and disinfectant use on Agricultural Products”, 3. Anonymous, 2004. Text of Press Conference on Jun. 5, 2004 by Gökhan Günaydın “Environment Problems and Turkey”, 4. Güvener, A.; 1974. Plant Protection Bulletin, “Detection of levels of HCB used to fight for grasshopper on weeds”, Cilt: 14, No. 3, 181 – 190. 5. Güvener, A.; Çifter, F.; Türker, O.; Körtimur, G.; 1974. Plant Protection Bulletin, “Research on insecticide levels on foods”, Vol.: 14, No. 3, 229 – 235. 6. Güvener, A.; Günay, Y.; 1966. Plant Protection Bulletin, “Aldrin detection in flour that caused poisoning and death”, Vol: 6, No. 2, 43 – 48. 7. Güvener, A.; Günay, Y.; 1968. Importance and monitoring of residues of pesticides on agricultural products in the sense of human health. TUBITAK Project No. TOAG/36, 55. 8. Güvener, A.; Günay, Y.; Sevintuna, C.; 1977. Plant Protection Bulletin, “Residue levels of disinfectants on apple”, Vol. 17, No. 6, 40 – 56. 9. Güvener, A.; Önal, G.; 1975. Plant Protection Bulletin, “Residue levels of insecticides used in the fight for Sunn-Pest (Eurygaster intergriceps Put.) on straw, glumes and seeds of wheat”, Vol. 15, No: 4, 185 – 201. 10. Güvener, A.; Türker, O.; Çifter, F.; Körtimur, G.; 1978. Plant Protection Research Anniversary, “Research on residue levels of insecticides on milk, butter and animal fat tissues”, No: 172, 237 – 241. 11. Yiğit, V.; 1977. TUBITAK 6th Science Conference, Plant Protection Section, “Research on residues of organic chloride containing pesticides on Turkish tobacco”, TUBITAK press No. 407, 17 – 21 October 1977, 219 – 228. 34 REPORT OF THE CONTAMINATION TEAM Beyhan BALLI COORDINATOR Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of the Environmental Management MEMBERS Arzu NURAY Ministry of Environment and Forestry Neşe ÇEHRELİ Ministry of Environment and Forestry Gülşen DEMİRBAŞ Ministry of Environment and Forestry Ayten TUYGUN General Directorate, Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corporation Neşe ÇIRAK General Directorate, Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corporation Dr.A.Alev BURÇAK Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Protection and Control Pelin AKSU Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Protection and Control Fehim İŞBİLİR Scientific and Technical Council of Turkey , Marmara Research Centre Sönmez DAĞLI Scientific and Technical Council of Turkey , Marmara Research Centre Gülhan SAYGILI Ministry of Environment and Forestry Prof.Dr. Altan ACARA National Project Coordinator DECEMBER 2004 35 Summary Effective management of 12 Persistent Organic Pollutants – POPs- (namely, aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrine, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene, DDT, hexachlorobenzene, PCBs, dioxins, and furans) is a crucially important issue, globally. They are persistent in the environment, can travel long-distances and accumulate biologically so, these persistent organic polluters must be eliminated, if not, their use must be restricted or banned. In order for Turkey to take necessary measures about POP’s, determination of contaminated areas, the condition of POP’s stocks, the amount of used POP’s and, valid and accurate formation of the inventories, regarding to administrative and technical infrastructure must be undertaken. In this regard, surveys were made by the task team in the organizations, institutions, and industrial corporations. In addition, literature review, analysis of the data are studied and all inventories are gathered and presented in this report. In general, six different potentially contaminated areas and issues can be identified in Turkey. These are: The contaminated area in the U.S. Military Base in Incirlik, Adana; DDT storage area in Yenimahalle, Ankara; HCB and DDT storage area in Kocaeli; PCBs containing transformers area in Kahraman Maraş, Kütahya and Elazığ region (need further studies); Hazardous wastes, (including POPs) in barrels stored between Sinop and Samsun area; The contaminated or potentially contaminated areas in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea need further studies. In addition, some equipments contain PCBs are known in the private sectors. However, their inventories are difficult to obtain and not included in this report. Introduction In the last 50 years, around the world as a consequence of rapid development in modern production techniques, chemicals and products, containing these chemicals were produced widely in order to increase agricultural production and as a result of their use, they became diffused into the environment. The main course of these chemicals is pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzodioxin, and various synthetic organic halogen hydrocarbons. In the last 25 years, many of the developed countries banned especially the use of organic chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides. However, persistent properties of these compounds in the environment, without decomposing, caused not only accumulation of these pesticides in various human and animal bodies, but also encounter these compounds even in the non-exposed areas. The reason is, due to persistent character and long-range effects of organic chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides. As a result of the information above, obligation for a an international framework that is shared and accepted by many nations to eliminate the negative effects of these compounds and protect human and environment health has risen. UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) agreed upon further development of the programmes such as, reducing or eliminating release and amount of 12 POP’s, which are highly toxic both for human and environmental health. In this sense, Stockholm Convention on POP’s was prepared. The 12 POP’s, namely “The Dirty Dozen”, includes 9 organic polychlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides (DDT, aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, 36 mirex, toxaphene and hexachlorobenzene), 1 industrial chemical (Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)) and the other two by products (Dioxins and Furans). After 1940’s, especially chemicals belonging to the Organic Polychlorinated hydrocarbon, pesticide group, such as DDT, Heptachlor, Chlorade, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrine and Toxaphene were used in large amounts in our country. Today the use of these chemicals are banned in more than 70 countries around the world. They were forbidden in our country at the beginning of 1980s. In spite of disposal of the use of these chemicals through prohibition, because of their persistent character, they continue to threaten the environment and human health. Bio-monitoring studies, conducted in specific periods show that exposure of these compounds still exist, even though they aren’t used in Turkey for 25 years. The reasons of this exposure are their persistent character in the environment without completely decompose, their accumulation in fatty tissues of organisms and in the food chain. In order to limit or where possible, eliminate the negative effects of POP’s, restriction or prohibition of the production and use of these chemicals, environmentally suitable disposal of POP’s stocks and cleansing the polluted areas are needed. In this sense, the task team searched for information regarding the stocks of POPs to be able to determine both the character and the amount of the contaminated areas. The objective of this research: Determining POP’s contaminated areas and country’s priority concerns and necessary plans, regarding disposal of these chemicals. Preliminary inventory of stocks and contaminated sites; assessment of opportunities for disposal of obsolete stocks (2.5) Sites contaminated with POPs are: Incirlik Military Base Until 1988, Waste oil with PCB, that comes from other establishments in Turkey were stored in containers at the Incirlik base. It was understood that there was an oil leak during the storage period in 1988, while the containers were being transferred. As a result, the use of the stocking area was ceased at the end of 1988. There was a series of research conducted, in order to eliminate the contamination from the area between March 1990; June 1992 and November 1993 and a project was prepared, aiming at improving this area and reopening it for further use. LAW, the subcontractor company of the Environment Department in USA Air Forces Centre and Middle East Technical University Environmental Engineering Department carried out this project together. The goal of the project was to reveal the methods and alternatives in eliminating the contamination, which would be agreed by both the Governments of European Union and Turkey. It was decided to take necessary steps to excavate a 100 cm deep soil covering an area of 5080 sq.m, which was exposed to PCB contamination and appropriate wrap up, export to abroad, to be eliminated in authorized stations and following this on process, to rehabilitate this area. In 2001, all of the contaminated soil in the area, which was polluted by PCBs, was exported to abroad, aiming elimination. Landscape of the evacuated land was completed and the area was reopened as a green space. The kind and amount of waste, disposed in 2001 is shown in Table 1. 37 Table 1. Disposed wastes and their amounts WASTE Contaminated site with PCB Contaminated site with PCB Contaminated site with PCB Pressed Barrels Contamination Level 50 ppm and over 10ppm-50ppm 1ppm-10ppm ------ Containers Barrel Container Container Wooden Barrel Number of Containers 170 12 9 19 Total Volume (Yard3/m3) 45/34.35 60/45.80 45/34.35 unknown Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is used for seed disinfection as a fungicide in agriculture, as mentioned before. At the same time, they are by-products that are formed during productions of organic chloride substances, like chloride solvent and PVC. It is a product of volatile ashes, released from incinerator facilities and gases of the chlor alkaline facility, which together, form a pollution system. Their production and use are banned in 1985, by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) are organic compounds, which were used for electric machinery insulation. They have been used as insulators in almost every transformer production, for years. PCB’s also appear as by-products of organochloro productions like PVC production and waste incineration. Because of their aromatic structure, chloride content, and accumulation in the body, they are considered risky chemical substances. However, their use in completely closed systems causes no negative effects on environment and humans. The negative effects appear when food and drinks are consumed containing PCBs; it can be inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed by skin. If they are burned under inappropriate conditions, the products of the burning process do not give complete burning products but give (Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and Polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF)), which have more harmful effects to human beings and environment. The effect of PCBs on the majority of the population is based on contaminated food. The researches, conducted on humans in the industrialized countries revealed µg levels of PCBs. It has been reported that this kind of exposure level doesn’t cause any illness. It is also found that when substances with PCBs were dumped into the rivers, lakes etc, they were accumulated in fish and the people who consume these fish would show the same symptoms. According to the results of researches conducted, exposure to PCBs and gases, which are released as a consequence of burning under inappropriate conditions, affects skin, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. In the scope of this project, an official letter was prepared and sent to the institutions, which were assumed to have PCBs; obtained inventories are documented in Report of the Research Task Team. Many non-public institutions replied that they have not any PCBs containing transformers at present. The transformers with PCBs in Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corporation. Studies on transformers containing PCBs, conducted by the Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Cooperation showed that in Turkey, the total number of 187, 28 are inactive, 3 of them eliminated and 97 of them would be eliminated later date and would be replaced with new, dry 38 type transformers containing silicon oil, instead of the oil with PCBs. The proper types of transportation facilities for POPs are creating important problems in Turkey. Some of the transformers are scattered to different locations. The majority are located in Kahraman Maraş, Kütahya, and Elazığ provinces. These areas need further studies to be able to identify how many of transformers cause contamination in those areas. In addition, training is given in many places on transformers to move them from one place to another for maintenance and change their oil with PCBs. Pesticides Pesticide inventories are given in Report of the Research Task Team and some detailed information and description for of their contamination levels are shown in Table 2. Table 2. DDT Stock Conditions Location Effective Substance Trade Name Amount (Kg) Size Of Package (Kg) Expiration Date Appropriation Issue Date Of Approp. Regional Supply Directorate 10% DDT Uviton 5520 30 1989 Storehouse for preservation Unknown Regional Supply Directorate Regional Supply Directorate TOTAL 10% DDT Korside-7 4410 30 1989 Unknown 10% DDT Gamma Trikofon 1000 25 1983 Storehouse for preservation Storehouse for preservation Unknown 10930 HCB and DDT in Kocaeli There are no POPs pesticides, other than DDT and HCB in Turkey, based on the information provided on POPs pesticides and stocks. When pesticides were banned in our country, stocks of HCB and DDT, were collected, as a precautionary step by the Ministry. As long as pesticides were banned and restricted in Turkey, necessary measures were taken and use of pesticides like aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, DDT, chlordane, toxaphen have been restricted, since 1968. Soil treatment by using aldrin and heptachlor was banned, but seed treatments were permitted. Use of DDT on vegetable and fruit trees was restricted, while usage against olive moth, while the trees are in the flowering period and against prodenia in cotton were allowed. In those years, there was no decision against the use of HCH. However, as a result of using agricultural chemicals, HCH residues on plants and DDT on straws were found and so a warning has been issued to take necessary measures in 1985. Approximately, 2700 tons of HCH (Hexachlocyclohexane or -HCB) and DDT in sacks and barrels were stored in the storage house of Merkim Industrial Products A.Ş in Şirintepe, Derince, Kocaeli. Agricultural Protection Chemicals A.Ş produced the substance, which was in white powder form and preserved in 50 kg nylon bags and barrels to be used for agricultural protection in the past. In 1985, the General Directorate of Protection and Control of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, according to the (Law for Agricultural Protection, Law no. 6968) forced the products to be stored in storage house. Works, regarding the disposal of the waste, continue at different times, but still no concrete results have been achieved. TUBİTAK-MRC, Food Sciences and Technology Institute analyzed the product and DDT and HCB were identified. 39 DDT (2-4 DDE, 4-4 DDE, 2-4 DDD, 2-4 DDT, 4-4 DDD, 4-4 DDT) and - HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane or - HCB) The storage house of the Merkim Industrial Products A.Ş in Şirintepe, Derince. Kocaeli does not have the proper conditions for storing HCB, the entire building needs repair against rain. At present, this storage house is a potential contamination area in Kocaeli. Illegally dumped hazardous waste in barrels along the Black Sea Coast Extensive quantities of hazardous waste, including POPs in barrels, which were dumped illegally has been found by the Turkish Authorities in the area between Sinop and Rize, along the Black Sea coast in 1988 and about 80 percent of them were in the area between Sinop and Samsun. Turkey became a party to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their disposal in 1994. Turkey has a national regulation on Hazardous Waste Management and it became in to force in 1995. At present, the storage conditions are very poor. Most of the metal drums have became heavily corroded and waste materials are contaminating the concrete and soil around the area. In order to protect human health and environment, disposal of the absolete stocks and the contamination studies are urgently needed (ÜNLÜ K. and AVCI B. 2004). POPs Contamination in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea The Black Sea, which is located at the north of Turkey, has an area of 422.189 km2 and a depth of 2200 m. watershed area carries the water from important industrial and agricultural regions where 80-100 million people from 9 countries live. In the past years, Black Sea has been highly contaminated sea transportation without any restrictions, mineral processing, dumping of toxic wastes, discharging domestic waste and toxic substances, carried by rivers. The rivers, contaminating the Black Sea are Danube (203 km3/yr), Dnepr (54 km3/yr), Dniesta (9.3 km3/yr), Don (28 km3/yr) and Kuban (13 km3/yr). Pesticide residues were also found in the sea water. Samples, gathered from the coasts of Black Sea were analyzed and 11 types of pesticides are found and shown in Fig.1. (TUNCER G. 1998) Figure 1 Pesticide discharge into the Black Sea 1000000 10000 1000 100 10 T E D D o, p' D D ,p ' En d rin O ep t H H ep t ac h lo r c. Ep ox y T D D D D D p, p' E o, p' D D p, p' ld rin ie D Al dr in nd an e 1 Li Flux kg y-1 100000 Industries Rivers Domestic discharges 40 The most important sources of contamination in the Black Sea are the discharge of pesticides which is shown in Table 3 (KURT PB and ÖZKOÇ HB 2004). Table 3. Discharge of pesticides to the Black Sea coasts of Turkey Sakarya River Guluc Stream Neyren Stream Kilimli Stream Catalagzi Stream Filyos River Bartın Stream Kızılırmak River Yeşilırmak River Milic Stream Civil Stream Melet Stream K.Gure Stream Aksu Stream Tabakhane Stream Değirmendere Stream Heptachlor <11.200 2.200 90 9.6 90 2.400 740 <23.000 92 310 30 500 3.9 6.100 50 11 Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin p.p’DDE o.p’DDE o.p’DDD o.p’DDT 8.400 25.300 112.000 21.000 296.000 105.000 29.0 00 110 680 500 50 610 340 750 22 55 75 13 90 95 90 <1 3.7 <3 0.1 7.1 4.1 9.7 41 <30 27 <24 <24 <30 <30 <1.700 310 200 670 1 .200 210 420 18 70 42 29 95 24 52 920 3.500 53.000 840 14.000 7.800 23.300 330 410 8.700 170 3.400 860 1.400 43 13 <12 <2 <3 <2 <3 1.7 <4 <24 200 <4 <5 <5 170 131 940 420 700 340 940 1.1 1.7 3.2 8.6 1.7 1.3 2.9 740 110 220 35 170 270 330 2.3 12 15 4.6 16 21 18 <500 20 620 4 230 90 290 Significant amounts of chloride pesticides and PCBs were found in the sea water and mussel samples are taken from the Black Sea, by Kurt and his team. Chlorade pesticides and PCBs concentrations determined in mussel samples, taken from Turkish coasts of Central Black Sea Region are indicated in Table 4 and Chlorade pesticides and PCBs concentrations, determined in the sea water are also shown in Table 5. Table 4. Chlorinated pesticides and PCBs concentrations determined in mussel samples (Average concentrations of chlorinated pesticides and PCBs in mussels from the Mid-Black Sea Coast of Turkey in 1999 and 2000) Compound Baruthane (1), Yeşil Fener (2), Kırmızı Fener (3), Belediye Evleri (4), Sinop (5), Yalıköy (6), -BHC -BHC -BHC -BHC P,p’-DDT P,p’-DDE P,p’-DDD Dieldrin Endosulfan-I Endosulfan sulphate Endrin Endrin aldehite Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide HCB Lindane Aldrin Endosulfan-II PCBs Pg/g ww¶ 5 12 3 2 290 2800 950 780 4000 5700 180 1300 110 Nd 270 130 590 270 Nd Pg/g ww¶ Nd 13 18 1 400 300 850 180 Nd Nd 310 140 20 Nd 170 160 Nd 2100 Nd Pg/g ww¶ 8 70 8 200 240 70 2200 130 600 790 180 420 14 Nd Nd Nd 70 Nd Nd Pg/g ww¶ 50 140 Nd 30 Nd 120 5400 360 20 7 20 3 8 Nd Nd Nd Nd 2 Nd Pg/g ww¶ 600 3900 Nd Nd 1800 2400 1000 600 16,000 3400 1500 1200 1600 Nd Nd Nd Nd 11,000 Nd Pg/g ww¶ 190 22 nd nd 1100 230 240 380 80 nd 190 nd 40 nd 180 120 nd 12 nd Yeşil Fener (2) and Kırmızı Fener (3) sampling points are in the harbor along Samsun Coast, Baruthane (1) is on the west part of Samsun coast and Belediye Evleri (4) are on the east part of Samsun Coast. nd= Not detected ¶ Bolded numbers are below detection limit. Pg/g ww= Pollutant in terms of average concentration per g of wet weight 41 Table 5. Chlorinated pesticides and PCBs concentrations determined in the Black Sea water (Average concentration of chlorinated pesticides and PCBs in seawater from the Mid-Black Sea Coast of Turkey in 1999 and 2000) Compound a-BHC b-BHC g-BHC d-BHC P,p’-DDT P,p’-DDE P,p’-DDD Endosulfan-I Endosulfan sulphate Endrin Endrin aldehite Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide HCB Lindane Aldrin Endosulfan-II PCBs Baruthane (1), Yeşil Fener (2), Kırmızı Fener (3), Belediye Evleri (4), Sinop (5), Yalıköy (6), Pg/ml¶ Pg/ml¶ Pg/ml¶ Pg/ml¶ Pg/ml¶ 0,6 7 Nd 3 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd 0,7 Nd Nd Nd Nd 6 Nd Nd Nd 0,3 Nd Nd Nd Nd 0,1 Nd Nd 0,5 0,2 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd 1 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd 1 Nd Nd Nd 30 Nd 8 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd nd nd 15 nd nd nd 1 nd 2 nd nd 2 nd nd nd nd nd nd 1 105 nd nd nd 15 1 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Pg/ml¶ Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd 1 Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Yeşil Fener (2) and Kırmızı Fener (3) sampling points are in the harbor along Samsun Coast, Baruthane (1) is on the west part of Samsun coast and Belediye Evleri (4) are on the east part of Samsun Coast. ¶ Bolded nd= Not detected. numbers are below detection limit. DDT, DDE, and PCB were detected in the samples of fish and residues, taken from the coasts of Mediterranean Sea (Research done by Baştürk and his team). The amount of PCB in living organisms and residues were observed to be under detection levels. Concentration of organic chlorinated compounds in residue samples, taken from Mediterranean Sea are shown in Table 6, concentration of organic chlorinated compounds in homogenized fish samples are indicated in Table 7 and concentration of organic chlorinated compounds in living organism samples are shown in Table 8 (BAŞTÜRK Ö. 1980). Table 6. Concentration of organic chlorinated compounds in residue samples Residue Concentration (mg/g) Ng g-1 dry weight á-BHC 1.8 0.1 â-BHC 0.2 0.7 pp’- DDE 1.9 2.7-+0.7 pp’- DDD pp’- DDT 9.2 16.1 7-+4 13-+5.3 PCB-1260 208.6 180-+39 Table 7. Concentration of organic chlorinated compounds in homogenized fish samples Residue Concentration (mg/g) Ng g-1 dry weight Á-BHC 7.8 16-+7.4 B-BHC 37.7 41.3-+17.4 Aldrin 11.1 17.2-+4.1 pp’- DDE 56.4 296.0-+214 pp’- DDD 30.7 293.0-+227 pp’- DDT 40.0 370.0-+270 PCB-1254 1645.0 3220.0-+2830 42 Table 8. Concentration of organic chlorinated compounds in living organism samples Species analyzed Mugil auratus (golden grey mullet Mullus barbatus(striped mullet) Mullus surmeletus(red mullet) Upeneus mollucensis(gold band goat fish)) Parapenaus kerathurus(shrimp) Organ chlorine residue (ng g-1F.W.) No. of individuals analyzed %EOMa 20 1.8 26 6 26 26 16.0 2.6 16.0 16.0 Patella caerulea) 26 16.0 t-DDEd t-DDT t-PCBb min 5 8 Tc Max. 173 324 10 Mean 48 89 - min 2 9 T Max. 122 257 2 Mean 62 130 - min 7 20 - Max. 35 49 T Mean 21 34 - min 31 49 T Max. 69 94 T Mean 47 74 - min 3 4 T Max. 61 65 T Mean 28 34 T min 1 2 2 Max. 4 7 39 Mean 2 5 15 a% extractable organic material, based on fresh weight of living organism. PCB calculations were based on the Aroclor 1254 cTrace indicates less than 2 ng g-1 dt-DDE is the sum of op- and pp-DDE bThe Some organic chloride polluters were found in the samples of fish taken from Marmara and Mediterranean Sea Research done by Coelhan and his team. According to this, considerable amounts of DDT were detected in the fish samples taken from Marmara Sea. It seems to be a very little difference between the amounts of 6 PCB congeners in the samples, taken from both Mediterranean and Marmara Sea (Table 9) (M. COELHAN and BARLAS H.1998). Possible Contaminated and Priority Sites Possible contaminated sites need further study and sampling to identify the contaminated areas accurately. Priority contaminated sites are: HCB and DDT storage area in Kocaeli; DDT storage area in Yenimahalle, Ankara; PCBs containing transformers area in Kahraman Maraş, Kütahya and Elazığ regions need further studies. Hazardous waste, including POPs in barrels stored between Sinop and Samsun area. Contaminated or possible contaminated areas in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea needed further studies. The Contaminated area studies on the Military Base in Incirlik, Adana. 43 Table 9. Amounts of 6 PCB congeners in the samples, taken from both Mediterranean and Marmara Sea Compound Marmara Sea Mediterranean Sea 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 á- HCH â- HCH ã – HCH PCB 28 PCB 52 PCB 101 PCB 138 PCB 153 PCB 180 o.p´-DDE p.p´-DDE o.p´-DDD p.p´-DDD o.p´-DDT p.p´-DDT Toxaphene Parlar No 26 34 97 n.d n.d. n.d 51 129 94 51 22 341 312 523 116 165 4 6 3 8 7 31 52 41 30 n.d. 280 4 35 18 36 20 49 15 7 n.d 54 169 138 119 n.d. 730 42 204 38 228 12 57 8 n.d 44 122 241 195 53 20 2448 118 750 260 494 3 6 2 n.d 28 39 105 116 96 24 372 892 551 95 110 1 1,7 1,2 7,6 17,3 88 15 29 10 69 230 3,7 26 31 16 2 1 4 71 44 561 65 8,3 16,5 623 576 n.d. 5 48 42 1 1 n.d n.d n.d 206 9 13 n.d. n.d. 115 n.d. 8 n.d. 2,6 1 2 1 4 n.d 18 37 29 14 n.d. 231 n.d. 19 7 43 24 n.d. 32 47 13 5 n.d. n.d. 4 Toxaphene Parlar No 50 31 17 64 31 10 19 40 n.d. 11 5 Toxaphene Parlar No 62 11 31 n.d. n.d. 9 11 341 23 60 131 4 2 2 n.d. 3 5 8 11 43 13 72 26 25 n.d. n.d. 15,4 27 54 n.d. 84 36 32 n.d. n.d. 22 56 33 66 n.d. 78,6 6 24 6 n.d. 6 39 5 1 8 11 7 2,4 4 8,6 n.d. 21 115 n.d. 16 3,9 116 15 26 32 n.d. n.d. 17 32 1 7 35 7 n.d. 9 131 n.d. 50 n.d. 22 2 10 7 n.d. n.d. 2 4 2 14 n.d. 4 325 169 487 652 384 166,9 914,3 228 102 5 6 n.d. n.d. 2 3 3 14 n.d. 4 90 3- Ó DDT 4- Ó Toxaphene 3 Congeners 1479 371 1242 4162 2050 375,4 1294 149 300 391 66 21 168 114 29 31 156 35 25 12 5- Ó Chlordane Ó 1-5 361 2362 16 590 42,4 2023 111 5126 50 2524 144,6 721,8 49 2420 190 605 8 439 8 505 HCB Heptachlor á- Chlordene cis-Chlordane Trans-Chlordane Trans-Nanochlor Mirex OCS 1- Ó HCHs 2- Ó PCBs 6 Congeners 1 2 1 2 n.d 4 38 30 16 n.d. 305 25 13 4 44 2 Current Capacity and Experiences for identification and elimination of contamination Turkey has a certain capacity and experience for identification and elimination of contaminated areas. İZAYDAŞ is the only licensed facility by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, which has a yearly capacity of 35.000 ton\year. Table 10 shows the amount and type of waste, which was disposed of in İZAYDAŞ Hazardous and Medical Waste Incineration Station, between 1997 – 2003. 44 Table 10. Amount and type of waste, which was disposed in İZAYDAŞ Hazardous and Medical Waste Incineration Facility, between 1997 – 2003 Waste Type 1997-98-99 2000 2001 2002 2003 Sub-Total Bunker 10,289,380 10,435,519 10,797,753 6,989,034 13,415,548 54,680,539 Barrel 1.087.780 722.129 1.508.685 485.058 552.944 4.564.419 Flammable Liquid 2.434.643 2.542.414 1.141.597 1.923.147 1.815.919 10.634.665 Mixed With Water 412.745 142.091 253.940 283.969 181.939 1.476.680 Special Liquid 21.356 59.073 211.109 135.833 192.015 680.295 Medical 62.459 2.401 89.499 207.566 290.722 717.533 TOTAL 14.308.363 13.903.627 14.002.583 10.024.607 16.449.087 72.754.131 Other medical waste incineration facilities in Turkey: Istanbul Principality Medical Waste Incineration Facilities (Capacity: 5.760 ton/year) GATA Medical Waste Incineration Facilities (Capacity: 96 ton/year) Meditteranean University Medical Waste Incineration Facilities (Capacity: 288 ton/year) Fethiye State Hospital Medical Waste Incineration Facilities (Capacity: 96 ton/year) Sivas Suşehri State Hospital Medical Waste Incineration Facilities (Capacity: 96 ton/year) Kırıkkale Regional Hospital Medical Waste Incineration Facilities (Capacity: 288 ton/year) Ankara University Hospital Medical Waste Incineration Facilities (Used very rarely) Assignment of Responsibility and Liability The Environmental Law No. 2872 manages identification, responsibilities, and rehabilitation of the contaminated areas. Details of it are in the Report of the National Chemical Profile Task Team. General Assessment For Turkey in order to take necessary measures about POPs, determination of contaminated areas, condition of POPs stocks, amount of used POPs, accurate and reliable formation of the inventories, regarding to administrative and technical infrastructure must be undertaken. In this regard, surveys that were prepared by the task team are sent to the organizations, institutions, and industrial corporations, in addition to literature review. Analyses of the data gathered were presented in this report. Educational studies should become available for releasing information to the public in order to maintain public consciousness on POPs. Sampling is necessary in order to decide on the most suitable method for determining the amount of contamination in POPs and contaminated areas, POPs and contaminated waste oil and their disposal. Country priorities regarding determination of contaminated areas by Persistent Organic Polluters and their disposal should be identified and plans and programs should be formed. 45 In this report, some equipment containing PCBs are known by the private sectors. However, their inventories are difficult to obtain and therefore not included in this report and their locations need further studies for contamination. References Özden BAŞTÜRK et al;1980. Marine Pollution Bulletin.Vol.11, pp.191-195.; “Land-based Sources of Pollution along the Black Sea Coast of Turkey: Concentrations and Annual Loads to the Black Sea” Gaye TUNCER et al; 1998. Marine Pollution Bulletin.Vol.36, pp.409- 423; P.B. KURT, H.B.ÖZKOÇ; 2004. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48, 1076-1083; Prof. Dr.Kahraman ÜNLÜ, METU, Environment Engineering Department & Prof.Dr. Cem B.AVCI; March 2004. Bosporus University, Merkim Industry A.Ş. Preliminary Feasibility Study at the store in İzmit for Elimination of Duration Time Ended Pesticides, M. Coelhan and H.Barlas; 1998. Environ. Bull 7:388-395; Exchange of information between the members of POPs Task Teams was maintained. 46 REPORT OF THE EMISSION TEAM Sönmez Dağlı COORDINATOR The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-MRC MEMBERS Taylan Kıymaz, State Planning Organization Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey State Institute Statistics Ayten Tuygun, Turkish Electricity Production Corp. Ministry of Environment and Forestry Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Health IZAYDAŞ A.Ş. Turkish Cement Manufacturer Association Çevko Organization Donkasan Corp. Kocaeli Chambers of Industry Prof.Dr. Altan Acara, National Project Coordinator DECEMBER 2004 47 Summary The Stockholm Convention requires all Parties endeavor to collect information and based on this information to develop a National Implementation Plan for meeting its obligations under the Convention. Related with this requirement this section intends to summarize the inventories of the emission of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) Hexachlorbenzene (HCB) and polychlorinated biphenils (PCBs) which are unintentionally formed in a wide range of thermal and industrial chemical processes. These are the chemical substances covered by Annex C of the Stockholm Convention. Potential sources are: Thermal processes: waste incineration, uncontrolled waste burning, metal smelting, and refining processes, thermal power generation, cement kilns, wood and other biomass burning and transportation fuel combustion. Industrial chemical processes: production of pulp and paper when bleaching with elemental chlorine is used. Development of national inventory made by the Toolkit prepared by UNEP Chemicals, which is an effective methodology for identifying the relevant industrial and non-industrial processes releasing PCDD and PCDF. It detailed database of emission factors, which provides suitable default data were applied as representative of the class into which the processes are grouped. The main source categories for PCDDs/PCDFs emissions in the Toolkit are identified as: Waste incineration Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production Power generation and heating Production of mineral products Transport Uncontrolled combustion processes Production of chemicals and consumer goods Miscellaneous Disposal Hot points In Turkey, according to the results obtained among the emission into air, water and land, the most important POP’s producer sectors into air, amount in order are ferrous and non-ferrous metal production (113,854 g TEQ/year or gram toxic equivalent of dioxins per year), production of mineral products (25,088 g TEQ/year), waste incineration (19,883 g TEQ/year), power generation on heating (15,772 g TEQ/year), uncontrolled combustion process (5,000 g TEQ/year) and transport (3,063 g TEQ/year). Since the POPs pesticides were baned, other hazardous chemical were controlled and managed by law. In Turkey, there are no recently identified chemicals at present. This needs further studies by the responsible authorities in Turkey. In addition, Turkey needs a database for the POPs inventory and sufficient information, technical and financial supports for the analyses of dioxins and furans and BAT (Best Available Techniques) and BEP (Best Environmental Practices). 48 Introduction Persistent Organic Pollutants which may have similar effects, are found in all environmental compartments, are persistent and, being fat soluble, tend to accumulate in higher animals, including humans. Their resistance to degradation and semi-volatility means that they may be transported over long distances and give rise to trans-national exchanges of pollutants. In addition, POPs released into the environment many years ago continue to contribute to contemporary exposure. Due to high persistence of POPs, concentrations in soils and sediments decrease very slowly, following any reduction in releases to air and water. Concentrations in air are more responsive to emission reductions, so the POPs emissions can be decreased rapidly in air than in soil or water (20). It is possible to say that once released into the environment, all POPs follow a range of similar routes. In the atmosphere they exist in both the gaseous phase and bound to particles, depending upon the environmental conditions, and are deposited on soil, vegetation and water bodies by wet and dry deposition or in mist. Dioxins have been measured in areas with no local sources and it can, thus, be deduced that they are available for long-range transport over a scale of thousands of kilometers (3). This section was prepared by the cooperative use of official and private sector database for different production sectors. The data obtained from official sources such as SIS or SPO are evaluated and compared with some private sector data, so sometimes only official data are used or sometimes they are used together (i.e. For smoke information, official data explain only governmental sales, so public sector sales are evaluated separately). The other information used in the report was obtained from the most reliable private sector companies or NGOs. Inventories Preliminary Inventory of Releases to the Environment, Dioxins and Furanes (2.6.) Besides being formed as unintentional by-products of manufacturing or disposal processes, PCDD/PCDF may also be introduced into processes as contaminants in raw materials. PCDD and PCDF releases arise from four types of sources. Three are considered three processes: •Chemical production processes – for example the production of chlorinated phenols and the oxychlorination of mixed feeds to make certain chlorinated solvents, or the production of pulp and paper using elemental chlorine for chemical bleaching; •Thermal and combustion processes – including incineration of wastes, the combustion of solid and liquid fuels and the thermal processing of metals; •Biogenic processes, which may form PCDD/PCDF from precursors such as pentachlorophenol. The last one is related to previous contamination: •Reservoir sources such as historic dumps of contaminated wastes and soils and sediments, which have accumulated PCDD/PCDF over extended periods. In January 2001, UNEP Chemicals within the framework of the IOMC (Inter-Organization Program for the Sound Management of Chemicals) released the “Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases” as a draft. This Toolkit is for the preparation of a release inventory for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) as requested in subparagraph (a) of the Article 5 in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent 49 Organic Pollutants. It is aimed to cover all release vectors (air, water, land, products, residues) from industrial and domestic activities by identifying the sources and quantifying the releases for two classes of unintentionally generated POPs. Other chemicals’ related conventions typically cover more chemicals but are limited in scope, address one release vector only, target special industrial sectors or only address potential problems within one country. The main dioxin and furan sources for Turkey defined by UNEP Toolkit are considered to be basic for this inventory and prepared inventory using by UNEP Toolkit is given below in Table 1. Table 1. UNEP PCDD/F Source Categories Cat 1 2 Source Categories Air Water Land Products Residue Waste Incineration X X Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal X X Production 3 Power Generation and Heating X X 4 Production of Mineral Products X X 5 Transportation X 6 Uncontrolled Combustion X X X X Processes 7 Production of Chemicals and X X X X Consumer Goods 8 Miscellaneous X X X X X 9 Disposal/Landfilling X X X X 10 Identification of potential hot Probably registration only to be spots followed by site-specific evaluation X indicates a main release route for each category on a relative basis although some of these releases may not be well characterized. Category 1. Waste Incineration The main hazardous and medical waste incinerator (İzaydaş) licensed by Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry is located in İzmit. The incineration capacity of this plant is 35,000 ton/year and the plant operated by around half capacity. The quantity of disposed waste in the facility since the starting date is given in Table 2. Emissions of dioxins and furans are also monitored in this facility and sludge's and ashes are land filled. Table 2. Total disposed waste in İzaydaş Incinerator Waste Type Bunker 1997-98-99 2000 2001 2002 (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) 10,289,380 10,435,519 10,797,753 6,989,034 2003 Sub-Total (kg) (kg) 13,415,548 54,680,539 Tubes 1.087.780 722.129 1.508.685 485.058 552.944 4.564.419 Flammable Liquid Liquid with water Special liquid Medical 2.434.643 2.542.414 1.141.597 1.923.147 1.815.919 10.634.665 412.745 142.091 253.940 283.969 181.939 1.476.680 21.356 59.073 211.109 135.833 192.015 680.295 62.459 2.401 89.499 207.566 290.722 717.533 TOTAL 14.308.363 13.903.627 14.002.583 10.024.607 16.449.087 72.754.131 50 Source: Izaydaş A.Ş. web page The other incinerators in Turkey which consist of medical waste incinerators are as follows (1): Istanbul Municipality Medical Waste Incinerator (5760 ton/year capacity) GATA Medical Waste Incinerator (96 ton/year capacity) Akdeniz University Medical Waste Incinerator (288 ton/year capacity) Fethiye State Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator (96 ton/year capacity) Sivas Suşehri Sate Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator (96 ton/year capacity) Kırıkkale Regional Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator (288 ton/year capacity) Ankara University Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator (it is rarely used) On the other hand, Cement Kilns are allowed to burn hazardous wastes in December 2001 together with the other alternative materials such as waste textile parts, waste automobile tires, etc… but untis recently 3 kiln operating companies have applied to MoEF for certification for disposal of such substances. The reasons for that are the high cost of the testing operation and laboratory analysis, which proves respectful emission limits and lack of continuous supply for hazardous wastes. These operators have been testing hazardous wastes for the burning process during 2004. A dioxin/furan emission limit value of 0.1 ng/m3 was set by the regulation on the Hazardous Waste Control Bulletin (25th September 1999, 23287) for hazardous waste, municipal waste, clinical waste incinerators and for all the facilities, which use halogenated chemicals as a fuel source. This limit value is also same for medical waste incinerators according to Medical Waste Control Regulation. PCDD/F inventory information is given in Table 3 according to information indicated: Category 2. Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production Production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals is now the largest source of PCDD/PCDF in many European countries and also for Turkey. This source was not recognized until relatively recently, and many countries still ignore it. There are many different processes in this category and many different release points; both determining the classification and quantification of releases are difficult. Especially for this sector, detailed database should be prepared for POPs inventory as soon as possible. Turkey has three main iron and steel producer, which are equipped with well process control technology. Production processes at these plants utilize coke-sinter-blast furnace-BOF-continuous casting-hot rolling-continuous cold rolling technology. On the other hand, Turkey has hundreds of steel and iron production plants and foundries that have no proper process control, also most of which use waste iron in the production process. The total number of this small and medium enterprises are around 500 (8). There are no sufficient and reliable process information about these enterprises especially for foundries for to calculate POPs emission factors. Coke in Turkey has mostly produced by government owned plants in generally north regions. The production process mostly uses old technology and coke plants don’t have gas or particulate matter control systems. Copper production is very common in Turkey, in 2002, 3,765,795 tons of copper were produced in Turkey (4). Copper production using waste aluminum is accomplished by different plants located in İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara, Balıkesir, Eskişehir and Mersin. Because of lack of information, all the plants in this sector are considered to have basic technology for emission factors. 51 Aluminum is mainly produced as a primer aluminum plant in Konya, all the others in this sector are the primer aluminum in Turkey. Aluminum production from waste aluminum scraps is mainly accomplished by bigger plants located in İstanbul, İzmir, Ankara and Mersin. Some of these firms have good process control technologies and some of them have only simple dust removal systems. Lead and zinc are mainly produced by small and medium enterprises in Turkey. The total lead production in Turkey is about 500,000 tons and 69.000 tons for zinc in 2002 and there is only one plant in Ankara which produces lead from waste lead. There are 15 zinc recovery plants in Turkey which produce zinc from waste materials. Magnesium production is very limited in Turkey, there are 3 registered magnesium producers in Turkey that are located in İstanbul, Tekirdağ and Balıkesir but no production information are available. PCCD/F inventory data obtained from above information are given on Table 4. 52 Table 3. PCDD/F Inventory for Waste Incineration in Turkey, year 2003 Source Categories Cat. Subcat. Class 1 Air a Waste incineration Municipal solid waste incineration b Low technol. combustion, no APC system Controlled comb., minimal APC Controlled comb., good APC High tech. combustion, sophisticated APCS Hazardous waste incineration 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 c 0 0,000 Annual release g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Water 0 Land 0 g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Products Fly ash Bottom Ash 0 0,000 0,000 3.500 NA NA 0 75 0,000 0,000 0,000 350 30 NA NA NA NA 500 200 15 7 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,5 NA NA 15 1,5 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,450 0,000 15.000 0,011 0 0 0 35.000 NA NA 9.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 350 10 NA NA NA NA 900 450 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,75 NA NA 30 15.000 0,0113 0,450 0,000 6.624 19,872 0,000 0,132 0,000 0,000 0,000 19,872 0,000 0,132 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 1 Uncontrolled batch combustion, no 40.000 APCS NA NA 200 2 Controlled, batch, no or minimal APCS NA NA 20 3 Controlled, batch comb., good APC 525 NA NA 920 NA NA 150 4 d Low technol. combustion, no APC system Controlled comb., minimal APC Controlled comb., good APC High tech. combustion, sophisticated APCS Medical/hospital waste incineration Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/t) Production g TEQ/a Residues t/a Water Land Products Fly Ash Bottom Ash Air 3.000 High tech, continuous, sophisticated 1 APCS Light fraction shredder waste incineration 6.624 ND 0 0,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 1 Uncontrolled batch comb., no APCS 1.000 NA NA ND ND 0,000 2 Controlled, batch, no or minimal APC NA NA ND ND 0,000 NA NA 150 3 e High tech, continuous, sophisticated 1 APCS Sewage sludge incineration 0,000 0 0,000 0 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 1 Old furnaces, batch, no/little APCS 50 NA NA 23 0,000 0,000 0,000 2 Updated, continuously, some APCS 4 NA NA 0,5 0,000 0,000 0,000 3 State-of-the-art, full APCS 0,4 Waste wood and waste biomass incineration NA NA 0,5 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 1 Old furnaces, batch, no/little APCS 100 NA NA 1.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 2 Updated, continuously, some APCS 10 NA NA 10 0,000 0,000 0,000 3 State-of-the-art, full APCS Animal carcasses burning NA NA 0,2 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 f g 1 50 1 0 0 0,000 0,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Old furnaces, batch, no/little APCS 500 NA NA ND 0,000 0,000 2 Updated, continuously, some APCS 50 NA NA ND 0,000 0,000 3 State-of-the-art, full APCS NA NA ND 0,000 0,000 Waste Incineration 5 19,883 0 0 0 0,450 0,132 Source: SIS, 2003 54 Table 4. PCDD/F Inventory for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Production in Turkey, year 2002 Source Categories Cat,. 2 Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/t) Subcat. Class Air Water Land Production Products Residues t/a Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Production a Iron ore sintering 5.151.531 1 High waste recycling, incl. oil contamin. materials 20 ND ND ND 0,003 2 Low waste use, well controlled plant 5 ND ND ND 0,003 3 High technology, emission reduction 0,3 ND ND ND 0,003 b 5.151.531 No gas cleaning 3 0,06 ND ND ND 2 Afterburner/ dust removal 0,3 0,06 ND ND ND c Iron and steel production plants and foundries g TEQ/a Air 25,758 g TEQ/a Water 0 g TEQ/a Land 0 g TEQ/a Products 0 4.421.196 g TEQ/a Residues 0,015 0,000 0,000 25,758 0,015 0,000 Coke production 1 Annual release 0,000 13,264 7,9582E-07 0 13,264 7,9582E-07 0,000 0 11.321.000 56,363 0,0 0,0 0 0 0,0 169,815 Iron and steel plants 1 Dirty scrap, scrap preheating, limited controls 10 ND ND NA 15 3.200.000 32,000 48,000 2 Clean scrap/virgin iron, afterburner, fabric filter 3 ND ND NA 15 8.121.000 24,363 121,815 3 Clean scrap/virgin iron, BOS furnaces 0,1 ND ND NA 1,5 0,000 0,000 4 Blast furnaces with APC 0,01 ND ND NA ND 0,000 Foundries 800 0,002 0 0 0 0,000 1 Cold air cupola or rotary drum, no APCS 10 ND ND ND ND 2 Rotary Drum - fabric filter 4,3 ND ND ND 0,2 400 0,002 0,000 3 4 Cold air cupola, fabric filter Hot air cupola or induction furnace, fabric filter 1 0,03 ND ND ND ND ND ND 8 0,5 400 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 9.300 7,440 9.300 d Copper production 0,000 0,0 0,0 0,0 5,9 1 Sec. Cu - Basic technology 800 ND ND ND 630 7,440 5,859 2 3 Sec. Cu - Well controlled Sec. Cu - Optimized for PCDD/PCDF control 50 5 ND ND ND ND ND ND 630 300 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 4 Smelting and casting of Cu/Cu alloys 0,03 ND NA NA ND 0,000 5 Prim. Cu – including thermal steps 0,01 ND ND ND ND 1 Aluminum production (all sec.) Processing scrap Al, minimal treatment of inputs, simple dust removal 150 ND ND ND 2 Scrap treatment, well controlled, good APCS 35 ND ND ND e 0,000 400 50.000 30.000 5,200 4,500 400 20.000 0,700 0 0 0 20,000 12,000 8,000 55 3 4 5 f Scrap treatment, well-controlled, fabric filter, lime injection Optimized process, optimized APCS 5 4 NA ND NA ND NA ND NA 100 0,5 ND ND ND 400 Lead production 1 Sec. lead from scrap, PVC battery separators 80 ND ND ND ND 2 3 Sec. from PVC/Cl2 free scrap, filters Sec. Lead, PVC/Cl2 free scrap in modern furnaces, with scrubber 8 ND ND ND ND 0,5 ND ND ND ND g Zinc production 1 2 Kiln with no dust control Hot briquetting/rotarry furnaces, basic control 1.000 100 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 3 Comprehensive control 5 ND ND ND ND 4 Melting (only) 0,3 ND ND ND ND h Brass and bronze production 20.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 3.000 0,240 3.000 0,240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,000 0,000 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0 5,588 5.080 5.080 5,080 0,508 0,000 0,000 0 0,000 1 Simple melting furnaces 10 ND ND ND ND 0,000 2 Sophisticated equipment, e.g. induction ovens with APCS 0,1 ND ND ND ND 0,000 I Magnesium production 1 Using MgO/C thermal treatment in Cl2, no effluent treatment, poor APCS 2 3 j 0 250 9.000 NA ND 0 0,000 0,000 Using MgO/C thermal treatment in Cl2, comprehensive pollution control 50 24 NA ND 9.000 0,000 0,000 Thermal reduction process 3 ND NA NA ND 0,000 Thermal Non-ferrous metal production (e.g., Ni) 0 1 Contaminated scrap, simple or no dust control 100 ND ND ND ND 2 Clean scrap, good APCS 2 ND ND ND ND l Shredders 1 m 2 Shavings/turning drying Metal shredding plants 0,2 NA NA ND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 195,690 0,000 ND 0,000 0,000 0 0,000 1 Open burning of cable 5.000 ND ND ND ND 0,000 2 Basic furnace with after burner, wet scrubber 40 ND NA ND ND 0,000 3 Burning electric motors, brake shoes, etc., afterburner 3,3 ND NA ND ND 0,000 Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Production Source: Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, 2003 and SIS,2003. 0 0,000 0 Thermal wire reclamation 0,000 0,000 113,854 56 Category 3. Power generation and heating/cooking In Turkey energy is produced mainly from natural gas, hydraulic and fossil fuels such as lignite, coal and fuel-oil. The distribution of Turkish energy production amon the other energy sources for 2002 is given in Figure 1. Figure 1. Gross production of electric power by power sources (Source: EUAS) Other (biomass etc) 0% Hydraulic 26% Hardcoal 3% Lignite 22% Geothermal 0% LPG 0% Wind 0% Fuel-oil 8% Naphta 1% Diesel oil 0% Natural gas 40% As for the year 2002, 47% of total energy is produced by EUAS, Governmental Electricity Generation Corporation; of which are composed of 15% of auto producers; 3,5% of concessionary companies; 15% of production companies; 3,5% of mobile power plants and 16% produced by affiliated partnerships of EUAS. One of the important progress about Turkish Energy sector is the increase of clean energy sources such as wind, solar and geothermal. For example, wind energy use in 1990 was 0.3% and this value has increased two fold to 0.6% in the year 2001. Solar energy use was 0.1% in 1990 and this value has also risen to 1.1% in the year 2001 (18). An other important improvement related with POPs formation, was that some of municipalities has started to use landfill gas for energy production. The first project was realized for the first time in Turkey in Kemerburgaz Garbage Dump that was used as a wild emptying area before 1995. After rehabilitation of unused landfill area (Photo 1 and Photo 2), the Company produced 15.000.000 kWh electricity per year. (21). PCDD/F inventory for this sector is given in Table 5. Photo 1,2. Landfill gas production facility, İstanbul 57 Table 5. PCDD/F Inventory for Power Generation and Heating/Cooking in Turkey, year 2002 Source Categories Cat. Subcat. 3 a Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/TJ) Class 1 2 3 4 b 1 2 c 1 d 1 2 e Air Power Generation and Heating/Cooking Fossil fuel power plants Fossil fuel/waste co-fired power boilers Coal fired power boilers Heavy fuel fired power boilers Light fuel oil/natural gas fired power boilers Biomass Power Plants 1. Other biomass fired power boilers 2. Wood fired power boilers Landfill and biogas combustion Biogas-fired boilers, motors/turbines and flaring Household heating and cooking Biomass Contaminated wood/biomass fired stoves Virgin wood/biomass fired stoves Water Land Products 3 Source: SIS, 2003. Coal fired stoves Oil fired stoves Natural gas fired stoves Power Generation and Heating/Cooking Annual release TJ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Air Water Land Products Residues 3,548 0 0 0 4,7 0,000 3,391 4,7 0,098 498.066 35 10 2,5 ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA ND 14 ND 0,5 ND NA NA ND 500 50 ND ND NA NA NA NA ND 15 8 ND NA NA NA 1.500 100 ND ND NA NA NA NA 2.000 20 ng TEQ/kg Ash Domesting heating - Fossil fuels 1 2 3 Residues Production 70 10 1,5 ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.000 ND ND 339.066 39.000 120.000 12.000 12.000 18.000 0,060 6,000 6,000 0,000 0,144 18.000 0,144 25.000 0 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25.000 2,500 0,000 2,500 0,5 0,0 0,5 103.000 3,580 0 0 0 250,0 50.000 3,500 0,000 0,080 15,772 53.000 250,0 0 0 0 255,2 58 Category 4. Production of Mineral Products Turkey has a well developed cement industry, the total number of registered cement factories are 40 and 80% of these factories are members of the Turkish Cement Producers Association (TCMA). TCMA controls, regulates and inspects the members’ facilities in the aspect of process, quality and environment. Most of the cement facilities in Turkey has equipped with modern process control technology, which limits the release of POPs for this sector. Lime is produced by different techniques in different regions of Turkey, commonly by small and medium enterprises. There are only 2-3 big facilities in this sector, which control 50% of the market and generally have good dust removal mechanisms in the process. Most of the other half of the firms produce sufficient lime by general techniques have no process control. Turkey is one of the biggest brick and ceramic producer in the world. A lot of types of bricks are produced such as hot brick, cold brick, block brick, silica brick, isolation brick, magnetite brick, tile etc. in Turkey. According to Turkish statistics, only tile production capacity is more than 100.000 ton per year and most of the facilities in this sector have no proper process control systems (4). Most of the ceramic is produced by big enterprises in Turkey and they have generally sufficient dust abatement systems. Glass is produced mainly by big enterprises and they have good process control systems, especially for dust. Glass production from waste glass is also performed by four SMEs in Istanbul, Izmir, Konya and Adana. 100.000 tons of glass per year are recovered by this SMEs in Turkey, which means 10% of total glass production is recovered. Total registered lime, brick, glass and ceramic producers in Turkey is 937 (8). Asphalt is produced mostly by municipalities in Turkey. The raw material for asphalt is only produced by TUPRAS, Turkish Petroleum Refineries Inc. Although most of the producers use natural gas or LPG in the process, there is none or insufficient process control systems in this sector (Photo 3). Total number of asphalt producers in Turkey is 41 as for the year 2003 (4). PCCD/F inventory data for mineral production process obtained from above information is given on Table 6. Photo 3. Asphalt production in Turkey 59 Table 6. PCDD/F Inventory for Production of Mineral Products in Turkey, year 2002 Source Categories Cat. Subcat. 4 a Class 1 2 3 b 1 2 c 1 2 d 1 2 e 1 2 f 1 2 Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/t) Air Production of Mineral Products Cement kilns Wet kilns, ESP temperature >300 °C 5 Wet kilns, ESP/FF temperature 200 to 300 °C 0,6 Wet kilns, ESP/FF temperature <200 °C and 0,05 all types of dry kilns Lime Cyclone/no dust control 10 Good dust abatement 0,07 Brick Cyclone/no dust control 0,2 Good dust abatement 0,02 Glass Cyclone/no dust control 0,2 Good dust abatement 0,015 Ceramics Cyclone/no dust control 0,2 Good dust abatement 0,02 Asphalt mixing Mixing plant with no gas cleaning 0,07 Mixing plant with fabric filter, wet scrubber 0,007 4 Production of Mineral Products Source: Turkish Chambers of Unions, 2003 and SIS, 2003. Water Land Products Residues NA ND ND 1 NA ND ND 0,1 NA ND ND 0,003 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA ND ND ND ND ND 0,06 Production Annual release t/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Air Water Land Products 33.000.000 19,800 0 0 0 33.000.000 19,800 4,532 4,500 0,032 0,027 0,027 0,001 0,035 0,020 0,015 0,023 0,011 0,012 0,672 0,672 0,000 44.936.500 25,088 3,300 3,300 3,300 0,000 450.000 450.000 450.000 132.500 132.500 32.500 1.100.000 100.000 1.000.000 654.000 54.000 600.000 9.600.000 9.600.000 g TEQ/a Residues 0,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,000 0 0 0 0,000 3,300 60 Category 5. Transportation Information on motor vehicles entered in or deleted from registers circulated by the General Directorate of Public Security since 1987, the data collected and published by State Institute of Statistics (SIS) are given in Figure 2. Figure 2. Road motor vehicles by type 133003 58790 1046907 Automobile Minibus 399025 Bus Small truck Truck 875381 4600141 120097 241700 Motorbike Special purpose vehicles Road machines On the other hand, all types of fuels are produced by governmental petroleum corporation, so these data supported by TUPRAS (Turkish Petroleum Refineries Inc.) are used for calculation of emission parameters for transportation. TUPRAS has stopped the production normal gasoline with low octane in 2002, now produces only gasoline and unleaded gasoline for vehicles. The fuels are produced in 4 refineries located in Izmit, Izmir, Kırıkkale and Batman (13). PCCD/F inventory data for transportation obtained from above information is given in Table 7. Category 6. Uncontrolled combustion process Forestry areas cover 26% of total surface area of Turkey (2). According to Turkish Forestation General Directorate, total forestation area is considered to be 2.4 million hectares. Every year 5000 to 10.000 hectares are damaged by fire. In 2002, 4562 hectares are damaged by fire. On the hand, burning of agricultural residues are still common in some regions although with a decreasing rate, some authors consider the total area is around 14,000,000 hectares (İhsan Bulut, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fak Coğrafya Bölümü). Landfill fires are one of the ecological problems of Turkey. However, most of the solid wastes dumped by some metropolitan municipalities like İstanbul, İzmir and Bursa which causes anaerobic conditions therefore landfill fires are frequent in this areas. Because of lack of information, research projects should be started for this matter. The other important issue for this topic is accidental fires in the industrial facilities. In the past 10 years, vast industrial fires occurred in Turkey; - 1997 Kırıkkale Machine and Chemical Industry Association Explosion 1997 Istanbul Tuzla Shipyard Fire 61 Table 7. PCDD/F Inventory for Transportation in Turkey, year 2003 Source Categories Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/t) Cat. Subcat. Class Air Water 5 Transport a 4-Stroke engines 1 Leaded fuel 2,2 NA 2 Unleaded fuel without catalyst 0,1 NA 3 Unleaded fuel with catalyst 0,00 NA b 2-Stroke engines 1 Leaded fuel 3,5 NA 2 Unleaded fuel without catalyst 2,5 NA c Diesel engines 1 Diesel engines 0,1 NA d Heavy oil fired engines 1 All types 4 NA 5 Transport Source:TUPRAŞ, Turkish Petroleum Refineries Inc.,2003 and SPO. * Assuming that consumption equals sales Conversion factors: volume --> mass L Gasoline 1 Diesel 1 Consumption Land Products Residues NA NA NA NA NA NA ND ND NA NA NA NA NA ND ND NA NA ND NA NA ND t/a * 3.374.000 821.000 2.553.000 0 7.219.000 7.219.000 69.900 69.900 Annual release g TEQ/a Air 2,062 1,806 0,255 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,722 0,722 0,280 0,280 3,063 g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Water Land Products Residues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 kg 0,74 0,85 62 Table 8. PCDD/F Inventory for Uncontrolled Combustion Process in Turkey, year 2002 Source Categories Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/t) Cat. Subcat. Class 6 6 a 1 2 3 4 b 1 2 3 4 Air Water Uncontrolled Combustion Processes Fires/burnings - biomass Forest fires Grassland and moor fires Agricultural residue burning (in field), not impacted Accidental fires in houses, factories (per event) Uncontrolled domestic waste burning Accidental fires in vehicles (per vehicle) t/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Air Water Land Products Residues 1.000.000 5,000 0 4,000 0 0 1.000.000 5,000 4,000 0,000 0,000 ND ND 4 4 NA NA ND ND 0,5 ND 10 NA ND 0,000 0,000 ND 10 NA ND 0,000 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 0 0,000 1.000 ND NA NA ND 0,000 400 ND See residues NA 400 0,000 0,000 300 94 ND ND See residues NA See residues NA 600 18 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 ND ND 10 0,000 0,000 Open burning of wood 60 (construction/demolition) 6 6 Uncontrolled Combustion Processes Source: Ministry of Environment and Forestry,2002 and SPO, 2002. 5 Products Residues Annual release 5 5 Agricultural residue burning (in field), 30 impacted, poor combustion conditions Fires, waste burning, landfill fires, industrial fires, accidental fires Landfill fires Land Production NA 5,000 0 4,000 0 0,000 63 - 1999 Izmit, Turkish Petroleum Industry Inc. Fire (Occurred after the earthquake) 1999 Yalova Aksa Acrylic Chemistry Industry Inc. Fire (Occurred after the earthquake) 2000 Izmit Dilovası Industrial Region Fire Together with accidental fires in SMEs, there is no clear information about POPs emissions released to the environment. In 2004, a project is started about accidental fires titled with ‘’Harmonization of SEVESO-2 Directive in Turkey’’ PCCD/F inventory data for uncontrolled combustion process obtained from above information is given in Table 8. Category 7. Production of Chemicals, Consumer Goods Pulp and paper in Turkey are mainly produced by private sector, following the privatization in paper sector, the governmental facilities are privatized and production statistics started to change. According to 2002 values, about 33% (444.600 ton) of total paper production (1.718.500 ton) is performed by the governmental sector (4). Most of the produced paper comes from recycled waste paper (Photo 4). Pesticides are produced by 22 facilities which are, located in Istanbul, Izmir, Lüleburgaz and Izmit. According to emission factors prepared by UNEP, only 2,4-D are produced, by 4 facilities is around 7375 ton per year. 2,4,5-T are banned in 1979 and chlorbenzene is not produced in Turkey (2). PVC is mainly produced by the governmental company, PETKIM. Increasing demand to PVC construction materials caused, a lot of SMEs to start to produce PVC in the recent years. As for the textile, Turkey is one the biggest textile producers in the World. Most of the textile producers are situated in Marmara region (Istanbul, Bursa, Tekirdağ), but in the recent years an significant progress is observed at the other regions, such as Agean region (Denizli, Aydın). The total producer numbers in the textile sector are more than 10000 in 2002. Leather industry is one of the "stimulating" sectors of the Turkish economy in terms of export potential. With an annual capacity of 400,000 tons, and 1200 companies operating in the industry; the leather sector ranked as the 10th biggest industry branch. Nevertheless, the sector's rate of using capacity is gradually decreasing due to its dependence on one single market, and unstable market movements. In 1998, the rate of capacity use was 5060 percent. PCCD/F inventory data for production of chemicals, consumer goods obtained from above information are given in Table 9. Photo 4. Paper production from waste paper 64 Table 9. PCDD/F Inventory for Production of Chemicals, Consumer Goods in Turkey, year 2002 Source Categories Subc Cat. at. Class 7 Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/t) Air Water Land Production Products Residue t/a Annual release g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Air Water Land Products Production of Chemicals, Consumer Goods a g TEQ/a Residue Pulp and paper mills Boilers (per ton of pulp) 1 Black liquor boilers, burning of sludges, wood 2 2. Bark boilers only Sludges 1 Kraft process, old technology (Cl2 ) 2 Kraft process, modern technology (ClO2) 3 4 0 0,07 1000 0,4 Residue 0 0 0 0,000 1000 Water µg TEQ/ADt pg TEQ/L µg TEQ/ADt 0,000 0,000 0,000 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 µg TEQ/t sludge 4,5 70 4,5 100 0,000 0,000 0,06 2 0,2 10 0,000 0,000 TMP pulp 0,000 0,000 Recycling pulp 0,000 0,000 Pulp and paper Air Water Land Products 1 Kraft pulps/papers from primary fibers, Cl2 8 2 3 Sulfite papers, old technology (Cl2) Kraft papers, new technology (ClO2, TCF), unbleached papers 1 0,5 4 Sulfite papers, new technology (ClO2, TCF) 0,1 5 Recycling paper Residues 1.043.602 0 0 0 43.602 10,349 0 0,349 0,000 0,000 b Chemical industry 0,000 10 Air Water Land Products 1.000.000 10,000 Residues 1 PCP European, American production (chlorination of phenol with Cl2) 2.000.000 0,000 0,000 2 Chinese production (thermolysis of HCH) 800.000 0,000 3 PCP-Na PCB 0 0 0 0 500 Air Water Land Products 1 Low chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A30, Aroclor 1242 15.000 2 Medium chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A40, Aroclor 1248 70.000 0 0,000 Residues 0 0 0 0 0,000 0 0,000 65 3 Medium chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A50, Aroclor 1254 4 High chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A60, Aroclor 1260 300.000 0,000 1.500.000 Chlorinated Pesticides Air Water Land 0,000 Products Residues 7.375 0 0 0 5,163 1 Pure 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4,5-T) 7.000 0,000 2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2,4,6-PCPh) 700 0,000 3 Dichlorprop 1.000 0,000 4 5 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenyl-4’-nitrophenyl ether (CNP = chloronitrofen ) 700 7.375 0 0 0 0 5,163 0,000 Old technology 300.000 0,000 New technology 400 0,000 6 Chlorobenzens ND ND 7 Chlorine production with graphite anodes NA ND Chloranil Air Water Land Products Residues 0 0 0 0 0,000 1 p-chloranil via chlorination of phenol 400.000 0,000 2 p-chloranil via hydrochinone 100 0,000 3 Dyestuffs on chloranil basis (old process, Class 1) 1.200 0,000 4 o-chloranil via chlorination of phenol 60.000 ECD/VCM/PVC 1 Old technology, EDC/VCM, PVC 2 Modern plants c Air 1 0,95 0,015 PVC only 0,0003 0,03 Air ND Textile plants 1 Upper limit NA 2 Lower limit NA e Water NA Air Leather plants Land NA Water ND Residues NA Water 0,03 2 0,1 0,2 Products Land Products Residues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,000 0,000 0 0,000 0,000 0 0 0,000 0 0 0,000 0,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 800.000 0 0 0 2,078 0 ND Residues 100 ND 20.000 0,1 ND 780.000 Products Residues 1 Upper limit NA ND NA 1.000 ND 2 Lower limit NA ND NA 10 ND 7 All Main Sectors Source: Dönkasan Ltd.Şti, 2002; State Planning Organization, 2002; Petkim, 2002. 0 0,000 Products NA Land NA ND Air 0 0 EDC/VCM and/or EDC/VCM/PVC All types Land 1 Petroleum refineries d Water 0 400.000 2 0,078 0 0 0 4 0 0 400.000 4 0,000 0,000 0 21,589 0,000 66 Category 8. Miscellaneous Dry cleaning is one of the dioxin/furan sources for this category, but there is no sufficient information on the use of chlorine base solvents (such as perchlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene etc.) in Turkey. The other important dioxin source is tobacco smoking. According to Turkish Tobacco Corporation, the total of cigarette sales in Turkey is 67.321.000.000 for the year 2002, and this value do not represent the private sector sales (12). Private sector market share is considered to be about 30%, so they add around cigarettes for private sector. According to the information given above, the total PCDD/Fs emissions produced by miscellaneous activities are given in Table 10. Category 9. Disposal/Landfilling Except for some landfill studies, most of the municipalities have no landfill areas in Turkey. Because of limited research on landfill leachate, there is no reliable data. For sewage treatment, Turkey has a lot of wastewater treatment plants, which use chlorine for disinfection. According to Water Pollution Control Regulation dated 1988, Hazardous Waste control Regulation dated 1995 and Soil Pollution Control Regulation dated 2001; wastewater treatment is strictly regulated and controlled by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (1). So, there is only some problems for wastewater treatment sector in the aspect of dioxin. Composting of some garden wastes and some animal wastes is very limited in Turkey because of high investment costs of composting process. Some SMEs in Istanbul and Izmir (Photo 5) produce compost from garden wastes. According to the information given above, the total PCDD/Fs emissions produced by Disposal/Landfilling are given in Table 11. Photo 5. Compost production in Izmir, Turkey 67 Table 10. Total PCDD/Fs emissions produced by miscellaneous activities Cat. Subcat. Class 8 Miscellaneous a Drying of biomass 1 Clean wood 2 Green fodder Air Water Land Products Residues ND ND 0,1 0,1 ND ND g TEQ/a g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Air Water Land 0,000 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0 0,007 NA 0,1 NA 3 PCP- or otherwise treated biomass 10 NA ND 0,5 ND 1 2 3 Crematoria No control Medium control Optimal control Smoke houses NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ND 2,5 2,5 b c 1 2 3 d 1 2 e 1 2 Treated wood, waste fuels used as fuel Clean fuel, no afterburner Clean fuel, afterburner Dry cleaning residues Heavy textiles, PCP-treated, etc. Normal textiles Tobacco smoking * Cigar (per item) Cigarette (per item) t/a 0 90 10 0,4 0,000 0 0 0 0,000 0,000 0 0 0 0 104.856.000.000 0,0105 0 0,0000 104.856.000.000 0,0105 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0 104.856.000.000 0,010 0 0,000 0,000 50 NA ND ND see wood 0,000 6 0,6 NA NA ND ND ND ND combustion 0,000 0,000 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.000 50 0,3 0,1 NA Na NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 8 Miscellaneous Source: Tekel Genel Müdürlüğü, 2002 and SIS, 2000 (Private sector cigarette sales). 0 0,000 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Products Residues 0,000 0 0,000 0,000 0 68 Table 11. Total PCDD/Fs emissions produced by Disposal/Landfilling Source Categories Cat. Subcat. Class 9 Potential Release Route (µg TEQ/t) Air Land Products Production t/a Residues Annual release g TEQ/a Disposal/Landfill a 1 2 b 1 Landfill leachate Hazardous waste * Non-hazardous waste * Sewage/sewage treatment 2 3 c g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Air 0 NA 200 NA NA NA 30 NA NA Industrial, mixed domestic with chlorine relevance No sludge removal Water 0 Land 0,000 0,000 0 0 0,000 0,000 0 0 0,000 g TEQ/a g TEQ/a Products Residues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,000 0 0 0,000 5 NA NA 1.000 0 0,000 With sludge removal Urban environments 0,5 NA NA 1.000 0 0 0,000 0,000 No sludge removal With sludge removal 2 0,5 NA NA NA NA 100 100 0 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,1 NA NA 10 0 0,000 0,000 0 0 Remote and residential or modern treatment plant Open water dumping 0 NA 5 NA NA NA 0,5 0,1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0,000 0,000 1 Urban environments Remote environments or input control Composting All organic fraction NA NA NA ND NA 100 NA 0,001 0,000 2 3 Garden, kitchen wastes Green materials,not impacted environments NA NA ND ND NA NA 15 5 NA NA 0,000 0,001 1 Waste oil disposal All fractions d e Disposal/Landfill 100 0 ND ND ND 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 ND 0 0 0,000 0,000 0 Mixed domestic and industrial inputs 2 3 0 0,000 0,000 0,000 1 9 Water 0 0 0 0 ND 100 0,000 0,000 0 0,001 0 Source: KTS Kompost Ürünleri Tic.Ltd.Şti.,İzmir 69 Category 10. Identification of Hot Spots Polychlorinated biphenyls are subject to the Part II of Annex A of Convention, where following obligations are anticipated: Each party: (a) With regard to the elimination of the use of polychlorinated biphenyls in equipment (e.g. transformers, capacitors, or other receptacles containing liquid stocks) by 2025, subject to review by the Conference of the Parties, take action in accordance with the following priorities: (i) Make determined efforts to identify, label and remove from use equipment containing greater than 10 per cent polychlorinated biphenyls and volumes greater than 5 liters; (ii) Make determined efforts to identify, label, and remove from use equipment containing greater than 0.05 per cents polychlorinated biphenyls and volumes greater than 5 liters; (iii) Endeavor to identify and remove from use equipment containing greater than 0.005 per cent polychlorinated biphenyls and volumes greater than 0.05 liters; (c) Notwithstanding paragraph 2 of Article 3, ensure that equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls, as described in subparagraph (a), shall not be exported or imported except for the purpose of environmentally sound waste management; (d) Except for maintenance and servicing operations, not allow recovery for the purpose of reuse in other equipment of liquids with polychlorinated biphenyls content above 0.005 per cent; (e) Make determined efforts designed to lead to environmentally sound waste management of liquids containing polychlorinated biphenyls and equipment contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls having a polychlorinated biphenyls content above 0.005 per cent in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 as soon as possible but not later than 2028, subject to review by the Conference of the Parties. Because of lack of information, it is not possible to evaluate the release and importance of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and equipment containing PCBs for Turkey. Because of manual registration procedure, the total number of transformators or other equipments entered Turkey is not known. According to Turkish Electricity Production Corporation, Turkey has 163 transformers and others (126 of active and 29 of passive transformers, 2 hydrolic fluids and 6 capacitors), which contain PCBs as an insulator in different cities and the total amount of PCBs in these equipments are around 187.736 kg and 2188 Lt (17). The total emissions of PCBs containing equipment are given in Table 12. 70 Table 12. Total PCB Emissions for Hot Spots Product (µg TEQ/t) Class 1 2 1 2 1 2 Identification of Hot Spots Production sites of chlorinated organics Chlorophenols and derivatives or PCB Other chlorinated organics Production sites of chlorine with graphite electrodes without graphite electrodes Formulation of chlorinated phenols/pesticides Application sites of dioxin-contaminated pesticides Timber manufacture Using pentachlorophenol, other dioxin-containing preservatives Occurrence g TEQ identified (t) Air Water Land Product Residue x indicates need for site-specific evaluation No use of PCP, not open to the environment PCB containing equipment 53 Low chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A30, Aroclor 1242 15.000 20 Medium chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A40, Aroclor 1248 70.000 15 Medium chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A50, Aroclor 1254 300.000 15 High chlorinated, e.g., Clophen A60, Aroclor 1260 1.500.000 3 1 Leaching 2 Not leaching Dumps of waste/residues from categories 1-9 Sites of relevant accidents Dredging of sediments Note: Due to lack of information on chlorine level of PCB in the equipments, chlorine content is estimated. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 10 0 1 5 5 x x x x x x x x x x 71 Assessment Assessment of Releases from Unintentional Production of Annex C Chemicals (2.3.4.) The total emissions (air, water, soil, product) of unintentionally produced POPs (dioxin and furane) in Turkey are given in Table 13. According to this table, the most important POPs producer sectors are ferrous and non-ferrous metal production, production of mineral products, waste incineration and power generation. Ferrous and non-ferrous metal production values are not surprising for Turkey, as most of the European Union Candidate Countries (such as Poland and Romania) have same emission values for metallurgical sector (3). But for the validation of these results, detailed research and investigation are needed for this sector in Turkey. For PCBs emissions, Turkey has two main problems; lack of information and research on PCBs production and insufficient laboratory facilities for PCBs analysis at different matrices, except for some governmental laboratories. First of all, capacity building efforts for existing laboratories should be supported and later, joint-research projects on contamination and disposal of PCBs should be started in Turkey. Table 13. Dioxin and furan emissions (g TEQ/year) in Turkey Source Categories Cat. Air 1 Waste Incineration 19,883 2 Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Production 113,854 3 Power Generation and Heating 15,772 4 Production of Mineral Products 25,088 5 Transportation 3,063 6 Uncontrolled Combustion Processes 5,000 7 Production of Chemicals and Consumer Goods 0,000 8 Miscellaneous 0,010 9 Disposal/Landfilling 0,000 10 Identification of Potential Hot-Spots 1-9 Total 182,7 Annual Water 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 Releases (g TEQ/a) Land Products 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 4,000 0,000 0,000 21,589 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001 Residue 0,6 195,7 0,0 3,3 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 4,0 199,6 21,6 Need for adoption and control for regulations, published by different Ministries will be performed by this way (5,6,7). For example, although Turkey has published Waste Oil Control Regulation in the 2004 for adopting EU Directive on Waste Oil Control , it is necessary to consider in the action plan also requirements resulting for Turkey from the legislation of the European Union (Regulation 96/59/EC on Disposal of PCBs and PCT and Directive of the European Council and Parliament on Implementation of the Stockholm Convention), so for implementation of this Directive, national laboratories should be supported for infrastructure and also for analysis experience. Actions for Turkey Capacity building of National Laboratories on POPs Analysis Dioxin and Furan inventories for selected sectors in Turkey Detailed inventory on PCB Containing Equipments and Environmentally Sound Management HCB inventory (history, use, storage etc.) Risk assessment for POPs emissions in Turkey 72 Summary of Future Production, Use and Releases of POPs- requirements for exemptions (2.3.6.) Because of Turkey’s Candidature Process, future releases (production) of POPs will be started to decrease after 2005. Most of the regulations has been renewed and/or changed and a lot of new regulations are also produced in this process. For example, Ministry of Environment and Forestry has performed Turkish side necessities together with Dutch Coordinator, for the implementation of IPPC Directive in Turkey. So, it is possible to say that the legislation in Turkey is in compliance with EU Legislation. But, implementation of this legislation should need a long transition period to achieve compliance because of Turkey’s local conditions. For example, IPPC Directive requires BAT and BEP implementation, but there is not sufficient knowledge and experience on BAT and BEP for POPs controlling. Future release from unintentional production of POPs is given in Table 14. On the other hand, none of the Annex A and B POPs chemicals will be produced and used in Turkey, therefore no exemptions will be filed at the Convention. Table 14. Future release of POPs chemicals Year Releases from Unintentional Production Pesticides Production Use PCB-HCB Production Use PCDD/Fs 2002/03 Baseline Inventory g I-TEQ 0 0 0 10 407,9 2005 2010 2020 2030 g I-TEQ g I-TEQ g I-TEQ g I-TEQ 9 367 7,2 293,6 5,8 234,9 4,6 188 Details of any relevant system for the assessment and listing of new chemicals (2.3.12.) Pesticides and other hazardous chemicals are controlled in Turkey by regulations. For example, POPs pesticides are banned in Turkey, as detailed in the previous chapter. Directive concerning the method and principles of registration of pesticides and similar products used in plant protection dated 1999 is directly related with the control of pesticides. This directive is managed by MARA, so plant protection products that contain some active ingredients are controlled and inspected by MARA. Regulation for the toxic chemicals and their products (1993) is also related with the control of the current chemicals. MoEF manage this regulation, but for assessment and listing of new chemicals is not sufficiently performed as for today in Turkey. The new training program should be started for development of a relevant systems for the assessment and listing of new chemicals. 73 References 1- 8th Five Year Development Plan, Environment Chapter, 2000, SPO, Ankara 2- 8th Five Year Development Plan, Agricultural Development Chapter, 2000, SPO, Ankara 3- Dioxin Emissions in Candidate Countries, Interim Report, 2004, TNO, Holland 4- DİE, Statistical Yearbook of Turkey, 2003, Ankara 5- Ministry of Environment and Forestry Web Page, 6- Ministry of Agriculture Web page, 7- Ministry of Health Web Page, 8- Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges Industrial Database, 2003, Ankara 9- Turkish Petrochemical Industry Corp. Web Page, 10- Turkish Recycle Paper Production Corp.Web Page, 11- Turkish Incinerator Facility Web Page, 12- Governmental Tobacco Company Web Page, 13- Turkish Petroleum Production Corp. Web Page, 14- Kocaeli Chambers of Industry Web Page, 15- Turkish Cement Manufacturers Assocciation Web Page, 16- KTS Corp. Web Page, 17- Turkish Electricity Production Corp. Web Page, 18- Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Web Page, 19- European Union Web Page, 20- EPA, Workshop on the use of available data and methods for assessing the ecological risks of 2,3,7,8-TCDD to aquatic life and associated wildlife 21- Source, ISTAC, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection and Evaluation of Waste Materials Industrial and Trade Inc. 74 REPORT OF THE INSTITUTION TEAM Fehim İŞBİLİR COORDINATOR The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-MRC MEMBERS Mr.Taylan Kıymaz, State Planning Organization Ministry of Environment and Forestry Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey State Institute Statistics The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey Ass.Prof. İpek İmamoğlu, Middle East Technical University Ege University, Ege Science and Technology Centre, EBILTEM Unions of Agricultural Cooperatives for the Sale of Figs, Raisins, Cotton, Olive and Olive Oil, TARİŞ Kocaeli Chamber of Industry Prof.Dr. Altan Acara, National Project Coordinator DECEMBER 2004 75 Summary The major element of Turkey’s efforts to address the POPs issue and meet its obligations under the Stockholm Convention will be ensuring that it has appropriate institutional capacity with having effective and legally enforceable regulatory instruments. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate current capacity and instruments and make provision for their modifications and/or additional measures in this area. Overall objective is to ensure that the country has appropriate institutional capacity and a regulatory system that effectively supports the reduction and elimination of POPs as defined in the Stockholm Convention which is an integral part of the overall natural environmental management framework. There are mainly three stakeholders that are responsible for the management of POPs and related issues; they are the MoEF, MoH, and MARA. Turkey needs standardization of toolkit and accredited laboratories for identification and quantification of dioxin and furan, Turkey has two problems; lack of information, research and sufficient laboratories, The Parties are requested to strengthen their institutional infrastructure for the analysis of chemicals, listed in the Convention Annex A and B, Turkey is one of the EU Candidates and the country and public awareness are very important and both are given necessary attentions, Internet communications with government institutions and NGOs and international foundations also perform very important development for accessing information about environmental issues. For POPs, NGOs play effective roles Greenpeace has an office in the Mediterranean Region. Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI) acts as an NGO. There are few other NGOs in the big cities, like Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Kocaeli, Izmir and Adana. There are a number of laboratories to conduct POP’s analysis; Refik Saydam Hygienic Institute, Ankara; National Reference Laboratories, Ankara; TUBITAK-MRC, Kocaeli; the laboratories of MARA, Ankara; Aegean Science and Technology Center, Izmir; METU-Environmental Engineering Institute, Ankara and Dokuz Eylül University, Environmental Engineering Institute, Izmir. In addition, a number of universities have laboratories that can do analyses on POPs partly or fully. However, they have no on-going monitoring program for POPs. There are a number of enough legislations and regulations, related to POPs. The details of these are given in the Report of the National Chemical Profile Task Team. 76 Introduction This chapter was prepared by data collection from main stakeholders on POPs managements in Turkey such as ministries, a Governmental institutions, universities and NGOs. Official reports or handbooks, national plans were used in the report preparation process. For obtaining actual information, e-mail messages were sent to the laboratories or research institutions. There is considerable public, scientific and regulatory concern over the possible adverse health effects of exposure to trace levels of persistent organic pollutants. Toxic compounds or general term POPs, have received widespread attention and attracted a great deal of research following the accidental release of the dioxins at Seveso in 1976. Today, most of countries try to prohibit the use and release of these compounds as collective effort (4). Persistent Organic Pollutants have not been sufficiently monitored except for pesticides in Turkey and there are not enough emission or pollution standards, available in this field except for dioxins and furans. Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs have some regulations on dioxins and pesticides, but due to less public awareness on POPs, this subject could not gain a great importance in Turkey. Inventories The regulation on Environmental Audits, which entered into force in 2002, aims to set up the legal instrument for regular environmental monitoring and inspections, accept the toolkit metodology there is no laboratory that is capable of analyzing all the POPs in Turkey, due to high investment costs of such laboratory. But for pesticides and PCBs, there are some research and testing laboratories capable for this type of analysis. For POPs related regulations; it is possible to say that many of Turkey’s environmental policies, laws and regulations are based on European and International legislation. Furthermore, Turkey is one of the European Union Candidate Countries and many of environmental legislations are also adopting by MoEF together with other legislations. Before then National Program for the Adoption of the Acquis was published in the Official Gazette No: 25178 dated 24 July 2003, several regulations on POPs pollution control were put into action such as Solid Waste Control Regulation (1991), Medical Waste Control Regulation (1993), Toxic Chemicals and Their Products Regulation (1993) and Hazardous Waste Control Regulation (1995). POPs related amendments necessary for this harmonization process and amended/harmonized regulations are given in Table 1. (3,6) 77 Table 1. Turkish Legislation Changes for EU Policy Adoption No Title and number of EU legislation Title of Draft Turkish Legislation Responsible Institution Proposed/ Entry into force Date Council Directive 76/ 464/ EEC of 4 Revision of the Implementing Ministry of May 1976 on pollution caused by Regulation on Water Pollution Environment and certain dangerous substances Control Forestry discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community 2005, IV. Quarter Council Directive 86/ 280/ EEC of 12 June 1986 on limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous substances included in List I of the Annex to Directive 76/ 464/ EEC Directive 2000/ 76/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste Revision of the Implementing Ministry of Regulation on Water Pollution Environment and Control Forestry 2005, IV. Quarter Implementing Regulation on Incineration of Waste Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2005, IV. Quarter 4 Council Directive 1999/ 31/ EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste Implementing Regulation on Landfill Ministry of of Waste Environment and Forestry 2005, IV. Quarter 5 Council Directive 91/ 689/ EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous waste Revision of the Implementing Regulation on Hazardous Waste 2005, IV. Quarter 1 2 3 Ministry of Environment and Forestry Comments Identification of the equipment requirements of the laboratories required for water pollution analysis, and strengthening of the infrastructure. Strengthening infrastructure of the licensing system of the waste recovery and disposal facilities, recruitment of personnel and training of the personnel via training of trainers. Financial and technical strengthening of the local authorities (municipalities) is needed. Hazardous waste inventory for priority sectors should be prepared and network for technology transfer should be established. 78 Responsible Institution Proposed/ Entry into force Date No Title and number of EU legislation Title of Draft Turkish Legislation 6 Council Directive 75/ 439/ EEC of 16 June 1975 on the disposal of waste oils (Council Directive 87/ 101/ EEC of 22 December 1986 amending Directive 75/ 439/ EEC on the disposal of waste oils) Council Directive 91/ 157/ EEC of 18 March 1991 on batteries and accumulators containing certain dangerous substances (will be evaluated together with the Directive 98/ 101/ EC) Council Directive 96/ 61/ EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control Waste Oil Control Regulation Ministry of Environment and Forestry 21.01.2004 Waste Batteries and Accumulators Control Regulation Ministry of Environment and Forestry 31.08.2004 New legislation will be prepared Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2006, IV. Quarter 9 Council Directive 84/ 360/ EEC of 28 June 1984 on the combating of air pollution from industrial plants New legislation will be prepared Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2006, IV. Quarter 10 Directive 2001/ 80/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants New legislation will be prepared Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2006, IV. Quarter 7 8 Comments The national laboratories should be supported for PCB analysis in the scope of this regulation. 79 No Title and number of EU legislation Title of Draft Turkish Legislation 11 Directive 98/ 8/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998 concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market Implementing Regulation on the Pesticides and Pseudo- pesticide Substances Used in the Field of Public Health Implementing Regulation Concerning the Placing of Biocidal Products in the Market Responsible Institution Proposed/ Entry into force Date Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs 2004, IV. Quarter Comments The personnel of the Ministry, central office staff, staff of the Refik Saydam Hygiene Centre (RSHM), Marmara Research Center and Provincial Health Directorates should be trained , who will be working in the field of pesticides used in the public health area, on harmonization and implementation of the legislation. 80 Assessment of infrastructure capacity and institutions to manage POPs, including regulatory controls; needs and options for strengthening them (2.8) Article 11 of Stockholm Convention-Research, development and monitoring, paragraph (e) requires ‘’Make the results of their research, development and monitoring activities referred to in this paragraph accessible to the public on a timely and regular basis’’, paragraph (f) requires ‘’Encourage and/or undertake cooperation with regard to storage and maintenance of information generated from research, development and monitoring’’. (10) The Turkish environmental management system was created as a consequence of the Third Fiveyear Development Plan (1973-1977) of State Planning Organization (1). It was published in the Constitution of 1982 and the Environmental Law of 1983, among others. The constitution system and the institutional base were established before the Declaration of Rio in 1992 and Agenda 21 that advocate important changes in the protection of policies and environmental management systems. To this and, amendments are now being considered that could strengthen inspections, broaden public participation, promote more efficient collection of revenues that support the Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund, and better drinking water resources. National environmental policy was first mentioned in the Third Five Year Development Plan. The process of preparing the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) for the country started in 1995, under the coordination of the SPO and with the technical assistance of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) and the financial support of the World Bank (2). NEAP has completed in 1999 and the MoEF plays the most critical role in the implementation of the Action Plan by preparing yearly ‘’Performance Reports’’ for implementation of this plan. SPO also publishes Five-Year Development Plans for the management of the environmental investments. In order to establish the legitimacy of NEAP, the proposed implementation strategy includes three phases: initial implementation; monitoring and evaluation; and updating and revision. The State Planning Organization is proposed to take the lead in coordinating implementation because of its role in coordinating, preparation and implementation of the Five Year plans. The steps for initial implementation of NEAP are: 1) formally adopt NEAP within the Government; 2) integrate NEAP actions in the annual programs, prepared by the SPO; and 3) include NEAP actions in the programs of relevant agencies and organizations (2). Monitoring based on a set of indicators to be assembled by the State Institute of Statistics that report whether the NEAP’s strategic objectives are being achieved; a set of such indicators is presented in Annex 8 of NEAP ( Other important sources of monitoring information include: (a) mid- and end-of-project reviews for all NEAP-related programs and investments which would be the responsibility of the relevant implementing agency; (b) regular NEAP performance reviews published in every two years; and (c) periodic Government reviews such as the preparation period for the Five Year Development Plans and meetings of the Environment High Council. Dissemination of monitoring information is recommended, as public feedback is a useful resource to improve the performance of NEAP implementation. Within this framework, the national environmental action plan of Turkey has been completed with the intensive contributions from of related national institutions. In addition, national Agenda 81 21, which is about to be finalized, initiates the consensus among all related actors, private sector, central and local administrations, NGO’s and outlines the targets for sustainable development including also POPs related management activities. The governmental sector that manages POPs in Turkey started to progress on POPs related issues after Internet accessibility in Turkey. Because accession to information, all Ministries harmonized the international literature and a lot of the regulation published by different Ministries in Turkey. Published legislations are broadcast on Internet pages of the Ministries for public awareness and accession. Assessment of monitoring and R&D capacity(2.11) Pesticides are routinely analysed by different governmental research and testing laboratories and some universities in Turkey. But for PCBs and Dioxin, there have not been sufficiently monitored in Turkey, except for some research projects and there are not enough emission or pollution standards for all sectors. Some of regulations for PCB (Waste Oil Regulation) and Dioxin (Hazardous Waste Control Regulation) have been published but these regulations are not specific sector. For example dioxin and furans are only limited for incineration plants and cement factories, which use wastes as a fuel. The regulation on Environmental Audits, which entered into force in 2002, aims to set up the legal instrument for regular environmental monitoring and inspection. There are mainly 3 stakeholders responsible for assessment of POPs related issues: Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is responsible for regulation, inspection, monitoring and control of POPs sources according to national and international agreements. MoEF has published numerous regulations for preventing POPs pollution and POPs control. The LIFE Project, Strengthening Environmental Control in Turkey-Reinforcing the National Reference Laboratory of Gölbaşı, Ankara, has been made to strengthen the capacity of laboratory to function as Environmental Reference Laboratory. The Environmental Reference Laboratory affiliated with the Ministry of Environment started to function in 1998. The laboratory has been carrying out the conventional analyse of the items and/or pollutants specified in the Environmental Law and Regulations of Turkey. The capacity for dioxin and furan analysis is insufficient and laboratory needs detailed training on POPs analysis on different matrices. The Ministry of Health is responsible for controlling the production, marketing, registration and control of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food additives, and household pesticides. The Refik Saydam Hygiene Centre is a government research institute affiliated directly by the Ministry of Health. The mandates of the center are controlling, diagnostics, production, training and research. The Centre has many laboratories for different fields and they have also some other laboratories related with POPs monitoring and analysis. Poison Research Department ( was established under Refik Saydam Central Hygiene Institute to carry out laboratory analysis and provide consultancy and expertise to the Ministry of Health and other related institutions and interested counterparts in the fields of chemical safety and poisoning cases. Pesticide formulation laboratory canducts formulation analysis of household pesticides that form the basis for production and import permits given by the Ministry of Health. Entomology laboratory, conducts biological efficiency tests of household 82 pesticides. Residual analysis laboratory carries out analyses of pesticide and PCBs residues in food, water and environmental samples. PCBs (28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180)*; organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides are routinely analyzed in these laboratories of Poison Research Department. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is responsible for the production, marketing, registration, and control of agrochemicals. The Central Plant Protection Research Institute is affiliated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. The Institute has been working on quality control of agrochemical formulation and resistance/efficacy of agrochemicals. Marmara Research Center (MRC) ( in Gebze near Istanbul is the oldest and largest research organization under Tubitak founded in 1972. MRC is the first multidisciplinary research center of Turkey which bridged universities and the industry. The aim of MRC is to conduct applied research projects integrated with national and international industrial entities in a customer focused policy. There are 5 research institutes under the frame of TUBITAK Marmara Research Center. They are: Institute (ITRI) Science and Technology Research Institute (FSTRI) Research Institute (MCTRI) . Energy Systems and Environmental Research Institute (ESERI) was established in 1996 through the merge of the Energy Systems and Environmental Research Departments. ESERI works as a contract based R&D organization. ESERI provides and develops technological knowledge into practical applications in energy and environmental technologies areas. Its clients are mostly governmental agents, municipalities, industrial plants and international organizations. The ESERI has laboratories for routine analyses of wastewater, sludge, air and soil quality. In addition, there are many sophisticated analytical equipment in the Institute such as ion chromatograph, gas chromatograph, atomic absorbsion spectrometry, FTIR etc.. ESERI established a dioxin laboratory in 2003 and the laboratory started dioxin analysis at the beginning of 2004 and participated an EU DG-ENV funded international project ‘’Dioxin emissions in Candidate Countries’’ as a sub-contractor. The routine dioxin analysis is being performed in this laboratory especially for stationary source emission samples. For food or other environmental matrices, the laboratory needs an infrastructure (automatic solvent extractor, rotary evaporators, auto sampler for gas chromatograph etc..), personnel and training support. Dioxin laboratory is also planning to start PCB analysis for waste oils according to Turkish Waste Oil Control Regulation published in 2004, but a Gas Chromatograph coupled with Electron Capture Detector is needed for this analysis. TUBITAK-MRC Dioxin Laboratory needs also technical support in the aspect of personnel’s health and safety. This laboratory has negative atmospheric pressure against technical accidents and personnel wear protective clothing, but this system should be checked by experienced personnel according to ISO 17025 principles. The technical training and/or advisory fee for this type of subject is also very expensive. FSTRI was established in 1971 as a department of the MRC under the name of "Nutrition and Food Technology Department" Following its establishment of the department, research and * These are the most important congeners of PCBs according to European or EPA Legislations 83 development activities in the field of food science and technology gained momentum in Turkey. The principle in choosing R&D studies is the applicability of the R&D outputs in the industry. FSTRI has a high expertise and experience in conducting R&D projects. There are two types of projects carried out; The in-house projects, aiming at accumulation of knowledge needed today and in the future by the industrial research that will be made in order to form research potential. External contractual projects demanded and supported by customers, to make research on the new products, materials, methods, technologies that are needed by the industry to develop existing ones. Instrumental analysis laboratory of FSTRI is capable for organophosphorus * (Bromophos-ethyl, Bromophos methyl, Dichlorvos, Ethion, Methamidophos, Methidathion, Parathion methyl, Diazinon, Chlorpyrifos, Dimethoate, Enitrothion, Malathion, Mevinphos, Rimiphos methyl) and organochlorine pesticide (Hexachlorobenzen, alpha-HCH, gamma-HCH, heptachlor, aldrin, heptachlorendoepoxide, trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, 2.4 DDE, alpha-endosulphan, 4.4 DDE, dieldrin, 2.4 DDD, 2.4 DDT, 4.4 DDD, 4.4 DDT) analysis in foodstuff and water samples. TUBITAK-ATAL (Ankara Testing and Analysis Laboratory) Instrumental Analysis Laboratory, EAL, started to provide service in June 1995. ATAL is providing testing, analyses, consulting and education with, HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography), GPC (Gel Permeation Chromatography), ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer), GC (Gas Chromatography), GC/MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry), LC/MS (Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer). TUBITAK-ATAL is capable of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide analysis. TUBITAK-BUTAL (Bursa Testing and Analysis Laboratory) is another testing and analysis unit of TUBITAK that is located in Bursa, an industrialized region of Turkey. BUTAL is also capable of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide analysis. The Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara is canducting out researches on air, water and also hazardous wastes. The Department of Environmental Engineering was established in January 1973, in response to growing concern over the environment and need for fully qualified engineers capable, of undertaking professional responsibilities for optimum development and prudent management of water, air and land resources. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is responsible for export, import, control, regulation and monitoring of POPs in Turkey. Ministry has verious research institutes on different research and agricultural control studies located in different cities of Turkey. Ankara Agricultural Control Laboratory has Residue Department and organochlorine, organophosphorus pesticides and PCB analysis are routinely conducted in this laboratory for food samples. Izmir Agricultural Control Laboratory is also capable to analyse organochlorine, organophosphorus pesticides and PCB for food samples. Ankara Plant Protection Central Research Institute, Mersin Agricultural Control Laboratory, Bornova Plant Protection Research Institute, Adana Plant Protection Research Institute are also capable to analyse pesticides. The Agean Science and Technology Centre (EBİLTEM) was officially established at Agean University in 1994 to provide an institutional structure for the organisation and co-ordination of research and development activities at the Agean University, encouraging and developing integrated, multidisciplinary research projects through industrial and international * These pesticides are not considered as POPs in the Stockholm Convention 84 liaisons. There are nineteen Research Laboratories equipped with standard facilities. In addition, there are a number of specialized equipments, such as electrophoresis, thermal cycler, atomic absorption, microscopes, amino acid and elemental analysers, nitrogen determination, HPLC, Gas Chromatography and reverse osmosis units which are actively used. Pesticide analyses in water samples are routinely performed in EBİLTEM. Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Department of Environmental Engineering is also capable of analyse of organochlorine pesticides (but there are no POPs pesticides) by Gas Chromatography. TARİŞ (Unions of Agricultural Cooperatives for the Sale of Figs, Raisins, Cotton, Olive and Olive Oil), (, has a Research and Development Unit the Residue Laboratory of this unit is capable of the analysing the pesticides on food matrices. Most of the Turkish Universities and some governmental institutions (ISKI-Istanbul Water Works and Sewage Administration, DSI-Governmental Water Works Administration) have analytical devices such as GC, GC-MS, HPLC, but they don’t analyse POPs because of the sophisticated, time consuming and high investment conditions. Assessment Current level of information, awareness and education among target groups; existing systems to communicate such information to the various groups; mechanism for information exchange with other Parties to the Convention(2.3.8) Turkey is one of the European Union Candidate Countries and public awareness is increasing about environmental issues, like in the other technical and social ones. Also, media sector informs the public on environmental problems, following destructive environmental accidents. After the privatization in Telecommunication sector, public participation, information exchange and access to information increased in Turkey. Internet pages of governmental institutions, NGOs and international foundations also performing successfuly for the accessing of information about environmental issues. Relevant activities of non-governmental stakeholders (2.3.9) In order to increase public awareness on POPs, only a few NGOs play small roles in Turkey. Greenpeace Mediterranean Office, Turkey publish some hand notes about international transport of POPs, source and global transport of POPs ..etc Kocaeli Chamber of Industry (KCI) today serves with its 1220 members and has 32 employees. In addition to duties determined by the Law, such as company registration, certification and advising to the government, the Chamber has been developed new projects and services for the benefit of both industry and society. The Chamber has been selected as a main contractor agency by UNEP for APELL (Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level) program in 1993. The Chamber has connected more than 70 critical companies to the main communication network, against effective environmental accidents since 1990. Media sector is very interested in environmental issues in Turkey; they prepare special environmental programmes on different subjects including POPs related subjects. This is a big advantage of Turkey for public awareness on hazards of POPs. 85 Because of the strict environmental controls and punishments in Turkey, waste exchange studies are increasing relatively fast in Turkey. In the last 5 years, a lot of stock exchange was structured in industrialized cities of Turkey such as Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Kocaeli, Adana and most of these exchanges are controlled by Chamber’s of Industries in these cities. Although an increase is observed in operations, there are some problems, encountering for these exchanges, such as unregistered operations, incorrect information on waste or amount of waste. Main NGOs that are related with POPs issues in Turkey are given in Table 2. Table 2. Main NGOs related with POPs in Turkey Name POPs Interest Address Kocaeli Chambers of Industry Buğday Ecological Life Services Waste and hazardous waste management Waste and hazardous waste management Waste and hazardous waste management General Pollution Greenpeace Türkiye General Kocaeli Chambers of Industry-Kocaeli Istanbul Chambers of Industry-Istanbul Ankara Chambers of Industry-Ankara Kalçın Sok. No:15 Kitapçı Han Kat:2 Eminönü İSTANBUL MBE 105-109 Salıpazarı 80040 İSTANBUL Istanbul Chambers of Industry Ankara Chambers of Industry TV Channels (TRT2, Discovery General Turkey, NTV, CNN Turk etc..) Overview of technical infrastructure for POPs assessment, measurement, analysis, alternatives and prevention measures, management, research and development - linkage to international programs and projects (2.3.10) There is no corresponding Turkish legislation for Directive 2000/ 60/ EC under the EU water management. Implementation of subjects covered by the aforementioned directive is under the authority and responsibility of various administrative institutions, therefore, a MATRA project, “Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Turkey” has been designed and initiated. The project will identify how the current administrative structure needs to be transformed, in order to implement Directive 2000/ 60/ EC. Following the completion of the MATRA project, another project comprising training of central and provincial units on the alignment and implementation of Directive 2000/ 60/ EC, strengthening of administrative structures, and investment needs for implementation purposes, will be proposed to the Pre- accession Financial Assistance Program. The Implementing Regulation on Soil Pollution Control published in the Official Gazette No. 24609, on 10 December 2001 is largely compatible with corresponding EU legislation. However, there are difficulties with respect to implementation. Alignment with EU legislation on treatment plant sludge is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Refik Saydam Hygiene Centre of the Ministry of Health carries out analyses on treatment plant sludge, subject to the Implementing Regulation for Soil Pollution Control. Studies with respect to 86 treatment plant sludge in Turkey are carried out by only a few local administrations, including Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. One of the most important problems associated with this issue is the elimination of treatment plant sludge. A limited number of analyse have been carried out, the results of which display typical domestic waste properties. Although existing Turkish legislation is, to a large extent, harmonized with relevant EU legislation, studies have been initiated to prepare draft regulations and proposals for amendments in order to fully complete alignment with the EU directives listed below. Turkey’s major problems related to waste management are the elimination of hazardous waste from industry, and the combination of industrial and domestic waste, domestic waste, specific waste, and construction waste all together, without separate collection. However, in the framework of regulations prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the metropolis in particular initiated integrated solid waste management studies, and collection and elimination of waste following categorization is being realized to a certain extent. In Turkey, there are plants for the elimination of hazardous and domestic waste, albeit few in number. Implementing Regulation on Hazardous Waste Control published in the Official Gazette No. 22387 on 27 August 1995, corresponds to, definitions and provisions of Council Directive 75/ 442/ EEC on waste. However, provisions relating to waste management principles are not clear and there is a need to strengthen provisions regarding record keeping, monitoring and enforcement. Studies to change relevant Turkish legislation were initiated, and in the light of the results of the Project on Hazardous Waste Management financed out of the national budget, harmonization strategies are being prepared. Turkey has been a party to the Basel Convention, since 1994. Provisions of the convention are strictly implemented within the scope of the Implementing Regulation on Hazardous Waste Control. In the accession process, preparation of separate implementing regulation concerning the shipment of waste is envisaged. The Implementing Regulation on Solid Waste Control contains certain provisions regarding the management of packaging waste management. Waste oils, disposal of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) and PCT (polychlorinated terphenyls), spent batteries and accumulators are within the scope of the Implementing Regulation on Hazardous Waste Control. However, there is no corresponding Turkish legislation reflecting the provisions of the Directive on end- of- life vehicles. Even though, parts of the existing Turkish legislation are in harmony with certain provisions of directives on waste management, there are legal gaps and specific issues that need clear identification. In this context, studies have been initiated to prepare draft regulations in full harmony with the EU directives listed below. Industrial pollution and risk management are assigned as priorities, considering that beginning to transpose and implement the acquis is a short term priority, and completing the transposition of the acquis is a medium term priority in the 2003 Accession Partnership Document. The project entitled “Institutional strengthening for the adoption and implementation of integrated pollution prevention and control directive (IPPC - 96/ 61/ EC)”, supported by the bilateral cooperation with the Government of Netherlands, MATRA Program, was initiated in 2003. As a result of the dissolution of the centralist, communist regimes since 1989, the Dutch authorities have been supporting the creation of a new society in Central and Eastern Europe in 87 the framework of its so-called MATRA Programme, since 1994. 'MATRA' is the Dutch acronym for 'Societal Transformation'. The programme concentrates on supporting the transition toward pluriform, democratic constitutional states in the Central and Eastern European countries. A number of these countries acceded to the European Union in May 2004, others (Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania) are still candidates for accession. In July 2000, the Government of the Netherlands decided to include Turkey in the list of countries that can make use of the MATRA Programme. This decision had been taken in view of the decision by the European Council of December 1999 in Helsinki on Turkey's candidature for membership of the European Union. In addition, the Support to Turkey in the Field of Air Quality, Chemicals and Waste Management Project (TR- 362.03), which has been submitted to the 2003 Pre- accession Financial Assistance Program, involves strengthening administrative capacity for harmonizing and implementing Directive 2001/ 80/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants. The Seveso I Directive was translated into Turkish, in 1996 and The Circular on Local Emergency Plans for Major Industrial Accidents was prepared and distributed to all provinces. In the frame of the Seveso II Directive (96/ 82/ EC), the Draft Implementing Regulation on Functions of Environment Emergency Centres and Principles of Emergency Intervention is being prepared. Since implementation of the Seveso II Directive requires heavy cost investment for both public and private sector, the Seveso II Directive could not be elaborated in this National Program. The Life Project titled Harmonization of SEVESO II Directive in Turkey started in 2004, March and coordinated by Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Turkey’s environmental legislation doesn’t contain direct provisions for the promotion of best available technologies and/or cleaner technologies. An important practical consequence is that the numerical definition of effluent and/or emission standards don’t relate or reflect these technologies. For the harmonization and implementation of Directives on industrial pollution and risk management, particularly integrated pollution prevention control and the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants, heavy cost investments and strengthening technical capacity are required. For the implementation of legislation under this priority, transition periods will be required depending on whether the investment needs are met. For this purpose, the project ‘’Capacity Building (Human Resources Aspect) on the adoption of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive (IPPC-96/61/EC) ‘’ started in 2003. IPPC Directive has been understood within Turkey last year. An inter-institutional platform has been formed in order to carry out the discussion on legal and institutional issues. At present, Turkey is at the stage of deciding the institutional base for implementing the Directive. Prepared options will be presented to the decision makers for selection and then, strategy on the selected option will be designated. Pilot study is through its end; it is about to conclude on the findings of the PETKİM study. A group of people equipped with the key information on IPPC and permission were formed. This will constitute the basis of the capacity required in Turkey for the implementation of the Directive. Regarding the Voluntary Regulation Mechanisms on Cleaner Production Issues, there is a Responsible Care program run by the Turkish Chemical Manufacturer’s Association to promote 88 the voluntary adoption of Cleaner Production criteria in which almost all the chemical manufacturing plants in Turkey are participating. Istanbul Chamber of Industry and the Chemical Manufacturer’s Association are acting together on environmental affairs. There are some important approved and ongoing research projects performed in Turkey by governmental research centers and universities. POPs related projects are listed in Table 3. Table 3. POPs related projects in Turkey Project Name POPs residues in selected environment (water, soil, air) and biota in Turkey Dioxin Emissions in Candidate Countries (EU DG Environment Funded Project) Development of a risk screening system for contaminated sites (National) Soil remediation using solid and slurryphase reactors (National) Determinations of some organophosphorus pesticides in wheat and wheat products (National) Investigation of some pesticides are used tomatoes production in greenhouses in Ege Region and extraction methodologies (National Project) Reduction of pesticide residues in environment and processed products (NATO Project) Determination of pesticide pollution in Istanbul Drinking Water Resources Some Organochlorine Pesticide Residues and Their Toxic Effects on Waterbirds in Göksu Delta Determination of organochlorine pesticide pollution in Manyas Lake Study on accumulation of pollutants in the environment and organisms and effect to fish in Sakarya Basin, Türkiye Year(s) POPs Relation Institution 200220032004 2003200220042004- Dioxin/Furan TUBITAK-MRC (Partner) General POPs Middle East Tech. relation Univ. General POPs Middle East Tech. relation Univ. Pesticides MARA, Plant Protection Central Research Institute MARA Bornova Plant Protection Research Institution 20022001 Pesticide 19911993 Pesticide 1998 Pesticide 19961999 Pesticide MARA Bornova Plant Protection Research Institution Istanbul Technical University Hacettepe University, Dep. Of Biology Hacettepe University, Dep. Of Biology Hacettepe University, Dep. Of Biology 89 References 1- 8th Five Year Development Plan, Environment Chapter, 2000, SPO, Ankara 2- The National Environmental Action Plan of Turkey, 1999, SPO & MoEF, Ankara 3- DİE, Statistical Yearbook of Turkey, 2003, Ankara 4- European Union Web Page, 5- Turkish Official Newspaper web page, 6- Turkish General Secreteriat of European Union, 7- The Ministry of Environment and Forestry web page, 8- The Ministry of Agriculture web page, 9- Science Direct Database web page, 10- Stockholm Convention 90 REPORT OF THE HEALTH TEAM Pharm. Nur ERGİN M.Sc. COORDINATOR Refik Saydam Hygiene Center, Poison Research Department MEMBERS Prof. Dr. Dürdane KOLANKAYA Hacettepe Unıversity Faculty of Science Department of Biology Deniz TÜRKOĞLU MD. Refik Saydam Hygiene Center Poison Research Department Chem. Eng. Meral YENİOVA Ph.D. Refik Saydam Hygiene Center Poison Research Department Ekmel OLCAY MD. Ph.D. Refik Saydam Hygiene Center Poison Research Director Prof.Dr. Altan ACARA National Project Coordinator DECEMBER 2004 91 Summary As the health task team of POPs Project in Turkey we undertook to determine the effects of POPs on three different levels namely environmental levels,levels in food and that in human. A literature survey was made for the assessment of POPs levels performed during the years 19772004.The survey provided 56 references.The analysis of the regional database showed that among the twelve POPs included in the Stockholm Convention.DDT,aldrin and HCB are those which were accumulated to a higher number of references. Pesticide usage in Turkey has started by the usage of DDT basically against all kinds of pests in the 1950’s.Turkey is a land of agriculture,therefore,agricultural pest control is compulsory and the most effective method for agricultural pest and malaria vector control is to use chemicals particularly DDT. If we have a look under the light of scientific studies we can say something about contaminated areas.The Sakarya river is the most important source for almost all of the organochlorinated pesticides,because the Sakarya river lies to the western part of the Black Sea and its drainage area includes fertile plains in North western Turkey.The Sakarya river is followed by the Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak rivers,both of which have high flow but are located on the eastern Black Sea coast and their drainage area includes regions in the Central Anatolia where agriculture is not as extensive as in the North western parts of Turkey. In Turkey,OCP residues have been studied in breast milk and adipose tissue in Turkish populations by carrying our regional surveys at given time intervals since 1976. Experimental and epidemiological studies show that DDE/DDT ratio increases with time after exposure or after the limitation or restriction of DDT usage.When we consider DDE/DDT ratios,it is seen that the limitation and legislation for OCPs in Turkey has been effective and the exposure to these compounds tends to decrease in time. Although the majority of organochlorine pesticides have not been used in Turkey for a long time, the residues of organochlorine pesticides are being detected in food,especially in cereals,fatty meat and milk products but all of the results are below acceptable limits of Turkish Food Codex 1997 (November 16 th 1997/23172 official letter). All of the scientific studies in Turkey are done individually and have no common systematic procedure. Introduction Existing Programmes For Monitoring Releases And Environmental And Human Health Impacts, Including Findings (2.3.7) POP’s are organic chemical compounds that are highly toxic, persist in the environment, bioaccumulate in fatty tissues of living organisms, travel long distances, and naturally migrate toward colder climates. 92 The twelve POPs designated as targets for early global action are all chlorine-containing organic compounds. They are aldrin and dieldrin, endrin, chlordane, DDT, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene, hexachlorobenzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, and polychlorinated dibenzofurans. POPs residues have been found in the fat of fish and animals, as well as in human breast milk, on a global scale. Some of the highest levels have been recorded in the arctic areas of both hemispheres. Reproductive failures, deformities, malfunctions in fish and wildlife are linked by a growing body of evidence to these persistent pollutants.Often the true extent of the wildlife effects are subtle, and can be triggered at extraordinarily low concentrations. Humans are generally exposed to POPs through their food supply. A growing body of scientific evidence associates human exposure to individual POPs with cancer, neurobehavioural impairment, immune system biochemical alterations and possibly disfunction, reproductive dysfunction, shortened period of lactation, and diabetes. The mechanism for many of these effects appears to be through disruption of the human endocrine system, often, during fetal development. Pesticide usage in Turkey has started with the use of DDT basically against all kinds of pests in the 1950’s. Turkey is a land of agriculture, therefore, agricultural pest control is compulsory and the most effective method for agricultural pest and malaria vector control is to use chemicals particularly DDT. A considerable number of synthetic organochlorine pesticides have been produced and offered for usage against pests since the 1940’s. Among these, aldrin, DDT and heptachlor have been used until the 1980’s, when their usage was prohibited. In Turkey, especially after 1980, primarily the items consumed by humans including fish, mussels and milk have been analysed for organochlorine insecticide residues and the results have either been published or reported . Inventories Declaration and Reporting of Priority Pollutant Releases: DDT was the most commonly used POPs chemical. Therefore it ranks first in the priority list. Aldrin, dieldrin and endrin together formed the second biggest group of POPs chemicals that have been analyzed. Hexachlorobenzene is also one of the most widely used POPs pesticide in Turkey. We can say it takes the third position. Current Monitoring Standards and Capacity for POPs: There is no previously performed or currently ongoing monitoring study for POPs in Turkey. In Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute, the laboratories of Poison Research Directorate are fully equipped and suitable for carrying out future monitoring for POPs. Already, drinking waters are 93 being analyzed in these laboratories for PCBs on a routine basis. The only drawback is that the laboratory is not accredited as yet. Since there are no monitoring studies, it is not possible to assess the weaknesses or to compare the practices with the obligations of the Convention. Background on Potential Sources of POPs Impacts: There are no current sources of POPs in Turkey besides approximately 10 tonnes of DDT in stockpiles. There are also some electrical transformers with PCBs which are not in use. Evidence of Presence of POPs in the Environment, Food, Feed and Humans: Literature survey as background material for the assessment a literature survey was used, performed for the candidate involved in the study, and covering the years 1977-2004. The survey provided 56 references, which were organised in a database Manager programme for an easy retrieving. The analysis of the regional database (Table 1) showed that among the twelve POPs included in the Stockholm Convention. DDT, aldrin and HCB were those accumulating to a higher number of references. Table 1. Literature survey (1977-2004) Regions Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Chlordane Heptachlor DDT Toxaphene Mirex HCB PCBs PCDD /F Marmara 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 2 Aegean 2 1 1 0 1 4 0 0 2 0 0 Blacksea 3 3 3 2 2 5 1 0 2 2 0 Central Anatolia 3 3 1 0 4 10 0 0 5 3 0 Mediterran. East and Southeastern Anatolia 2 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Total 12 10 8 3 8 24 2 0 12 8 2 Environmental Levels Toxicological And Ecotoxicological Characterization A considerable amount of data is available on the occurrence of POPs in Turkey although with a very uneven distribution in terms of compartmental, geographical and temporal coverages, as well as analytical quality, particularly for the older ones. The data reported here is not intended to be exhaustive, but comprehensive enough for providing information about current levels of POPs in the different matrices. Data basically refer to the last decade and where possible the temporal variability is also assessed. Concentrations of POPs in Abiotic Compartments Air and Precipitation The atmospheric compartment is one of the less studied subjects in Turkey, probably due to the methodological difficulties. Data are basically restricted to organochlorinated compounds such as HCB, BHC and PCBs, except for the latter ones, which have been determined in a large number 94 of regions, mostly in urban and agricultural areas, the other measurements are not really representative for a global assessment. Concentrations of heavy metals and organic contaminants in ash collected from the İzmit hazardous/clinical waste incinerator are as follows: In April 2000,samples of furnace bottom ash, and fly ash from economiser and electrostatic precipitator, were collected from the İzaydaş (İzmit Waste and Residue Treatment, Incineration and Recycling Co.Inc.) incinerator and conveyed to the Greenpeace research laboratories for analysis. Two of the samples (ESP and economiser ash) were forwarded to an accredited laboratory in the UK for determination of the concentrations of chlorinated dioxins and furans. Ash collected from the electrostatic precipitator (MI0065) yielded the results shown in Table 2 the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were identified in all of the ash samples analysed, including the bottom ash. In addition, chlorinated dioxins were identified in the two samples of fly ash, with higher levels in the ESP sample than in the economiser ash. Table 3 The summary of results from the analyses of ash samples for organic contaminants. “No.identified” indicates the number of the compounds isolated in each case which could be identified to match qualities greater than 90%. Table 2. Summary of results from analyses of ash samples for organic contaminants Sample M 10064 M 10065 M 10067 Description Bottom ash ESP ash Economiser ash No. Compound Isolated 60 13 12 No. No. Identified Chlorinated No. PCBs 32 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 The presence of chlorinated contaminants in the ESP ash was further confirmed by the results of the dioxin analysis for this sample (0.28 ng I-TEQ/g,ppb).This value is not among the highest recorded, but nevertheless fall within the broad range reported from some other incinerators. There is a recent unpublished study carried out by Karademir et. al. from Kocaeli University, Faculty of Environmental Engineering in collaboration with İzaydaş and University of Newcastle upon Thyne, Faculty of Environmental Engineering for the estimation of PCDD/F levels in an industrialized area in Turkey. Air, soil, grass and milk samples for this study were collected in the İzaydaş incineration area in Kocaeli. 95 Table 3. The concentrations of PCDD/F in air, soil grass and milk Concentration range Average Air 23-563 fg TEQ/m3 176 fg TEQ/ m3 Soil 0.5-4.1 ng TEQ/kg 1.2 ng TEQ/ kg Grass 0.3-5.0 ng TEQ/kg 1.8 ng TEQ/ kg Milk 33-308 pg TEQ/kg 105 pg TEQ/ kg fg : 1 x 10 –15 gram ng :1 x 10 –9 gram pg :1 x 10 –12 gram TEQ : international toxicity equivalencies. The exposure routes taken into consideration in this study were inhalation and oral exposure via food consumption. For this, concentration in air and concentration in grass were used for food of vegetable origin. Similarly, figures measured for milk were also used in the study. For subterranean vegetables ( onion, potatoe) and meat, poultry and eggs, estimated dioxin levels through interpolation were employed. An exposure pattern was established for the inhabitants of the area. According to the study, the exposure rates estimated for PCDD/F for urban habitants were 4 pg TEQ/body weight/day, and 10pgTEQ/body weight/day for rural population. The accepted limit is 2 pg TEQ/body weight/day. As a result, it can be seen that the estimated levels are very high for our country. However, as the scope of the study and the number of samples were not big enough, there is need for further studies to reach more precise results. Since the exposure source is mainly of food origin, more studies need to be performed on foodstuff. Fresh and wastewaters İstanbul, is a metropolis with almost twelve million inhabitants and is the largest urban settlement in Turkey. The average water demand for public and industrial use is around 18 million cubic meters per day. The water demand of the city is mainly supplied from surface water sources, which have been in use for a thousand years. The water sources of İstanbul have encountered serious pollution problems. Besides the new settlements and some industries, agricultural activities around the water sources include growing of cereal, corn and sunflower corps and raising of cattle and chickens. Consequently, the control of pesticide application along with the fertilizing is important in the water entrapment areas. Although the use of some chlorinated 96 pesticides has been prohibited in Turkey, their persistence against degradation leads to a potential risk for the water sources. (Yurdun et al., 1999) Table 4. Organochlorine pesticide contents and other properties of raw and treated waters of İstanbul Treatment plant Sampling Raw Water α-BHC (ppb) y-BHC (ppb) Aldrin (ppb) Clarifier outlets α-BHC (ppb) у-BHC (ppb) Aldrin (ppb) Filter outlese α-BHC (ppb) y-BHC (ppb) Aldrin (ppb) Pumping stationse,f α-BHC (ppb) y-BHC (ppb) Aldrin (ppb) European side Kağıthane T.P. B. Çekmece T.P.b LOCATION Alibey Dam Terkos Dam Ömerli Dam T.P. Anatolian side Elmalı T.P. 0.662 ± 0.060 <0.001 ndd 0.908 ± 0.025 nd nd 0.679 ± 0.036 0.067 ± 0.004 nd 0.335 ± 0.019 0.077 ± 0.006 0.029 ± 0.004 1.724 ± 0.025 nd nd vspace5pt 0.586 ± 0.013 <0.001 nd 0.829 ± 0.008 nd nd 0.516 ± 0.009 0.062 ± 0.006 nd 0.308 ± 0.008 0.064 ± 0.006 0.058 ± 0.004 0.934 ± 0.014 nd nd 0.886 ± 0.013 (0.326 ±0.006) <0.001 (nd) nd (nd) 0.879 ± 0.007 (0.419 ± 0.004) nd (nd) nd (nd) 0.769 ± 0.003 (0.255 ± 0.005) 0.057 ± 0.003 (0.005 ± 0.001) nd (nd) 0.517 ± 0.005 (0.262±0.004) 0.018 ± 0.002 (0.002±0.001) 0.081 ± 0.009 (nd) 0.620 ± 0.006 (0.490 ± 0.006) nd (nd) nd (nd) 0.145 ± 0.005 (0.062 ± 0.009) <0.001 (nd) nd (nd) 0.544 ± 0.004 (0.151 ± 0.010) nd (nd) nd (nd) 0.158 ± 0.004 (0.070 ± 0.008) 0.033 ± 0.002 (0.004 ± 0.001) nd (nd) 0.423 ± 0.012 (0.158±0.015) 0.018 ± 0.003 (0.002±0.001) 0.071 ± 0.004 (nd) 0.142 ± 0.003 (0.103 ± 0.007) nd (nd) nd (nd) aAverage of five data sets of α, y-BHC and Aldrin (95 % confiderce) dependent corrected values. cNTU : Nephelometric turbidity unit. Formazin suspansions were used to prepare calibration curves. d nd : not detected e Outlets from regular back- washing are in parenthesis. f Mixed water samples from filter sets. bCholorinity Several raw and potable water samples from the drinking water supplies of İstanbul were analyzed for the 9 organochlorine pesticides. Only α and βBHC and aldrin were dedected in GC and TLC analyses. Since they are persistent enough and degrade very slowly they easily accumulate in the soil. The pesticide concentration in the reservoir water is related to the partition coefficient at kinetic equilibria involving sorption and desorption processes. Water samples from the distribution area were also analyzed and only αBHC residues were found in the tap waters of several districts (Yurdun et. Al. 1999).Results are given in Table 5. 97 Table 5. Organochlorine pesticide contents of tap water in several districts of İstanbul Treatment Plant European side A.Kağıthane T.P. B.Büyükçekmece Anatolian side A.Ömerli T.P. B.Elmalı T.P. District Approx.distance From treatment plant (km) α-BHCa (ppb) Treatment outlet 0 Mecidiyeköy Beşiktaş Maçka Beyoğlu Esenler 6.5 8.5 8.8 9.3 13.50 0.145 ± 0.005 and 0.544 ± 0.004 0.699 ± 0.100 0.191 ± 0.046 0.041 ± 0.025 0.143 ± 0.017 0.143 ± 0.017 Treatment outlet Bahçelievler Zeytinburnu 0 30.0 36.0 0.158 ± 0.004b 0.090 ± 0.016b 0.089 ± 0.011b Treatment outlet Göztepe Kartal Maltepe Suadiye Üsküdar Kadıköy İncirli Bakırköy Ataköy (3 rd Div.) 0 27.0 29.0 31.0 33.1 35.0 35.1 48.8c 50.8c 51.0c 0.423 ± 0.012 0.228 ± 0.011 0.062 ± 0.017 0.560 ± 0.012 0.627 ± 0.018 0.034 ± 0.021 0.281 ± 0.024 0.328 ± 0.003 0.126 ± 0.013 0.097 ± 0.004 Treatment outlet 0 Beykoz 17.0 a Any other organochlorine pesticides were not detected. b Corrected values. c Relatively new lines. 0.142 ± 0.003 0.163 ± 0.005 The elimination of γBHC and aldrin which are more toxic than α BHC possibly occurred on the inner walls of the distribution lines and ın the intermediate storage tanks via adsorption and sedimentation processes. The residue levels in drinking water of İstanbul were found to be under the maximum permissible levels of 1 ppb for aldrin and 4 ppb for γ BHC. The residue levels are also in conformity with the Turkish regulations in which water qualification is made on the basis of the total pesticide residue, permitting a maximum 1 ppb total concentration in high quality water. Regarding the Turkish regulations and WHO standarts, organochlorine pesticide concentrations in all water samples are under the limits. However, tap waters flowing through older lines have higher concentrations of organochlorines than EC standarts for single compounds. 98 Petroleum hydrocarbon pollution of surface soil and groundwater caused by production activities in Beykan Oil Field is of concern. The Beykan Oil Field is enclosed by the watershed of a medium size dam constructed during early-sixties for irrigation purposes. A total of 38 oil producing wells are placed within the various protection zones surrounding the dam’s reservoir; 13 of them being in the immediate vicinity, within the first 300m of the reservoir shore called the ‘’absolute protection zone’’. Oil spills at these wells and along pipelines connecting wells and other facilities are considered as potential pollution sources effecting the reservoir water quality. Existing spill records revealed that, during the peak oil production years, an annual average spill volume of 95 tons for the entire field, resulting in an average TPH concentration of 20.300 ppm in contaminated soils (NATO report,1998). BHC and alfa, beta, gamma and delta isomers of BHC were determinated 16 samples of surface and ground water in the Middle Black Sea Region. The residue of BHC and isomers were found 6 samples. Residue value was 0.0003-0.2505 ug/l in surface water, and 0.00010.5720ug/I in ground water in different isomers ( Geyikçi and Büyükgüngör, 2002). Therefore, it is not possible to assess the environmental significance of the reported values. Manyas Lake is contaminated by different types of pesticides. Organochlorine (OC) pesticides were detected in sediment and water samples taken from 9 different stations in Manyas LakeBalikesir (known as the “bird paradise”) and its basin during November 1996 and May 1997. According to the results of residue analysis, ecosystems were found to be contaminated by OC pesticide residues. The residues consisted mainly of heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, BHC, aldrin, op’DDT, op’DDE, endrin, and dieldrin. Contamination level of the water is above the threshold toxic level for the aquatic fauna and flora, when compared to Turkish regulations (Kolankaya et al., 1997). The contamination level was higher in the lake than in the surrounding freshwaters. Table 6. Some Organochlorine residues in sediment samples of Manyas Bird Lake, May, 1996-1997 Sığırcık Entrance Creek of Sığırcık α-BHC 0.448 1.186 β-BHC 0.226 2.024 Lindane 0 0.942 Heptaclor 5.463 3.403 Heptaclorepoxide 8.332 10.306 Aldrin 0 2.400 Dieldrin 0.156 0.630 Endrin 0.225 0.061 pp’DDD 0.169 0.448 pp’DDE 0.050 0.284 op’DDD 0.266 0.231 op’DDT 0.186 0.034 pp’DDT 0.228 0.489 Pecticides (ppb) Karadere Kocaçay Entrance of Kocaçay 0.814 1.421 0.959 1.548 1.337 0.935 0.175 2.078 0 3.460 8.442 0.101 9.530 15.230 1.130 1.092 1.229 1.154 0.378 1.572 0.208 0.414 3.402 0.304 0.385 0.439 0.025 0.345 1.245 0.045 0.039 1.199 0.108 0.177 0 0.089 0.288 0.350 4.546 Dutluk Bereketli Creek 1.752 1.784 0.472 9.100 13.315 0.713 0.620 0.163 0.371 0.157 0.184 0 0.292 0.394 1.780 0.542 5.827 12.808 0.915 1.152 0.260 0.310 0.015 0.024 0.915 0.282 99 These pesticides were not found in toxic levels in water samples, but heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide in sediments may be toxic for waterbirds and for organisms living in the deep. Manyas Lake is contaminated by different types of pesticides These pesticides obviously affect waterbirds too. The results include a decrease in the egg production and hatching success, an increase in hatchling mortality and malformations in hatchlings. Five different OC pesticides and their degradation products were detected in sediment, water and fish in the upper Sakarya basin (Barlas, 1998). Table 7. Seasonal organochlorine residues (µg /gr wet weight) in water samples from upper Sakarya river basin, between October 1995 to September 1996. Pecticides October 1995 mean n: n:8 α-BHC 0.226 β-BHC 0.298 Lindane 0.183 Aldrin 0.239 Dieldrin 1.346 Endrin 2.738 Heptaclor 2.555 Heptaclorepoxide 0.441 op’DDT 1.013 pp’DDT 1.879 op’DDD 1.765 pp’DDD 1.676 pp’DDE 0.825 February 1996 mean n: 8 0.158 ND ND ND ND 0.092 ND ND 0.068 0.069 0.093 0.071 ND May. 1996 mean n:8 August 1996 mean n: 8 1.878 ND ND 0.093 0.045 0.162 0.325 0.112 0.096 0.175 0.168 0.04 0.382 1.877 ND ND ND 0.117 0.063 ND ND 0.001 0.086 ND 0.042 1.117 ND : Not detectable n: number of samples Water, sampled at different localities in Sarıyar Dam Lake (SDL) were analysed for the determination of OCP levels. OCP concentrations in water and sediment of running water systems and lake environment. 11 different pesticides and their residues were detected in water samples from selected stations of Sarıyar Dam Lake (ranging from 0.011 ppm pp’DDT in Sarıyar Station and 0.069 ppm pp’DDT in Çayırhan station) (Ekmekçi et al., 2000). OCP residues identified (with respect to types) and measured (with respect to amount ) in Aladağ Creek were the lowest (only alpha- BHC: 0.048 ppm) among the stations studied, where the highest levels were detected in Uşakbükü Station (10 different OCP residues, with a maximum of 0.061 ppm alpha-BHC). The findings of the water analyses revealed that OCPs were transported to SDL mainly by Sakarya River and Kirmir Creek. In addition, it can be said that pollution load of Aladağ Creek with respect to OCP were much lower than that of the other two rivers flowing into SDL. The OCP residues and levels determined in the sediment samples taken from all seven sampling stations are together with the results obtained for water samples in a comparative form. OCP residues in sediments are much higher than waters of SDL with respect to both variety and 100 concentration. The level of residues in the sediments, is even higher than the levels observed in fish species. The highest amount of OCP residues in sediments, among seven stations, were determined in Uşakbükü station (11 different types of OCP residue; maximum concentration 0.708 ppm) and, as in the case of water, levels observed in Aladağ Creek were the lowest. Another analysis was carried out in samples of water and sediment in Göksu Delta. As a result of the study, 13 OC pesticides and their residues were detected in water samples of Göksu Delta (residues ranging from 0.007 ppm lindane to 1.377ppm heptachlor). Data shown in Table 8. (Ayaş, Barlas, and Kolankaya, 1997). Table 8. Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides in water and sediment from Göksu Delta Pecticides Water Mean ppm N: 24 Sediment Mean ppm N: 24 α-BHC β-BHC Lindane Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Heptaclor Heptaclorepoxide op’DDT pp’DDT op’DDD pp’DDD pp’DDE 0.058 0.006 0.007 0.049 0.036 0.021 0.015 0.019 0.050 0.024 0.046 0.057 0.025 0.687 0.63 0.164 0.690 0.044 0.033 1.377 0.244 0.041 0.553 0.220 0.195 0.579 ND : Not detectable N: number of samples Pesticides and PCBs were measured in 42 sources including rivers streams in industrial and domestic discharge points along the Turkish Black Sea coast in three seasons of the year 1993 (Tuncer et al., 1998). Concentrations of 11 pesticides and PCBs including lindan, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxy, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, pp’DDE, op’DDE, op’DDD, op’DDT and pp’DDT were also measured. Concentrations of measured chlorinated compounds in some of the rivers and streams were below the detection limits. However, concentrations of heptachlor and aldrin were below the detection limit in one or more of the major rivers. Fluxes of pesticides by each river and stream are given in Table 9. The Sakarya River is by far the most important source for almost all of the pesticides included in this work. This is expected because the Sakarya River lies to the western part of the Black Sea and its drainage area includes fertile plains in the north western Turkey. The Sakarya River is followed by the Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak Rivers, both of which have high flow but are located on the eastern Black Sea coast and their drainage area includes regions in the Central Anatolia where agriculture is not as 101 extensive as in the north western part of the Turkey. The other streams do not contribute much to the fluxes of pesticides and PCBs into the Black Sea due to the lack of extensive agriculture and industrial activity in the region. Table 9. Pesticide discharges from rivers and streams located along the Black Sea coast of Turkey (kg yr –1) Heptachl. <11200 Aldrin 8400 Dieldrin 25300 Endrin 112000 pp’DDE 21000 op’DDE 296000 op’DDD 105000 op’DDT 29000 2200 110 680 500 50 610 340 750 Neyren s. 90 22 55 75 13 90 95 90 Kilimli s. 9.6 <1 3.7 <3 0.1 7.1 4.1 9.7 Çatalağzı s. 90 41 <30 27 <24 <24 <30 <30 Filyos r. 2400 <1700 310 200 670 1200 210 420 Bartın s. 740 18 70 42 29 95 24 52 Kızılırmak r. <23000 920 3500 53000 840 14000 7800 23300 Yeşilırmak r. 92 330 420 8700 170 3400 860 1400 Miliç s. 310 43 13 <12 <2 <3 <2 <3 Civil s. 30 1.7 <4 <24 200 <4 <5 <5 Melet s. 500 170 131 940 420 700 340 940 K. Güre s. 3.9 1.1 1.7 3.2 8.6 1.7 1.3 2.9 6100 740 110 220 35 170 270 330 Tabakhane s. 50 2.3 12 15 4.6 16 21 18 Değirmendere s. 11 <500 20 <620 4 230 90 290 Sakarya r. Guluc s. Aksu s. r: River s: Stream 12 tons of heptachlor, 11 tons of aldrin, 31 tons of dieldrin, 180 tons of endrin and 500 tons of DDT are discharged from Turkish sources into the Black Sea. Pesticides and PCBs were detected in most of the sources included in the study indicating their illegal use in agriculture. The Sakarya river was the most important source of pesticides. (Tuncer et al., 1998). 102 Table 10. Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides (µg/g) in water and sediment samples, collected from Central Anatolia in Turkey, during 1999-2000 Hirfanlı Dam Lake Sediment (Min-Max) n:10 Water (Min-Max) n:10 Sediment (Min-Max) n:10 Water (Min-Max) n:10 Sediment (Min-Max) n:10 Water (Min-Max) n:10 Water (Min-Max) n:10 Bolluk Lake Water (Min-Max) n:10 Tersakan Lake Sediment (Min-Max) n:10 Organochlorine compounds Eşmekaya Lake Water (Min- Max) n:10 Tuz Lake ND1.069 0.525 ND-1.519 0.797 ND ND ND1.036 0.345 0.6522.13 1.246 ND 0.041.857 ND-0.785 0.246 ND-2.719 1.386 ND ND-3.04 1.674 ND ND-3.23 2.328 ND0,688 0.229 0.3973.97 1.678 ND 0.91-2.44 1.476 ND 1.1483.87 1.958 ND0.163 0.02 ND-3.84 1.79 ND ND ND 2.3113.156 2.586 ND 1.52-2.68 1.672 ND ND ND ND-2.324 0.524 ND0.148 0.123 ND2.42 2.218 ND 0.7654.426 2.298 ND ND ND ND-1.589 1.459 ND-1.17 0.562 ND-1.329 0.710 ND ND 0.0370.746 0.398 ND ND0.47 0.36 ND ND-0.027 0.11 ND ND0.403 0.188 ND-1.46 0.640 ND ND0.373 0.05 ND 0.2030.662 0.451 ND ND-0.559 0.366 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND-0.49 0.215 ND 0.94-1.25 1.031 ND ND ND0.273 0.25 ND-1.677 1.144 ND ND-2.55 1.385 ND 0.3620.993 0.617 ND 0.271.423 0.961 ND ND-1.171 0.95 ND 1.01-3.54 2.244 ND ND ND0.415 0.284 ND-0.554 0.251 ND ND ND-0.312 0.026 ND 0.1811.955 0.831 0.0422.93 1.307 ND0.224 0.098 ND0.375 0.254 0.1481.184 0.633 0.1471.224 0.55 ND0.425 0.226 ND-0.385 0.37 ND-0.198 0.08 ND-0.616 0.384 ND-2.12 1.236 ND-1.798 0.527 ND1.446 0.793 0.0883.99 1.389 0.2130.47 0.391 ND ND0.487 0.193 ND ND ND-0.06 0.007 0.3011.169 0.682 0.1532.66 0.969 ND0.311 0.132 ND0.567 0.296 ND-311 0.273 ND-0741 0.47 ND0.402 0.29 ND-0.294 0.152 ND ND-0.542 0.36 ND0.429 0.283 ND-2.309 1.421 ND0.784 0.212 ND1.443 0.667 0.1281.115 0.881 0.0060.278 0.11 ND0.35 0.265 ND ND ND α-BHC β-BHC Lindane Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Heptaclor Heptachlorepoxide op’DDT pp’DDT op’DDD pp’DDD pp’DDE ND: Not Detectable n: Number of Samples 103 Organochlorine pesticide residues of the more commonly used compounds were detected in natural fresh water bodies in Central Anatolia. A total of 13 organochlorine pesticides and their residues have been determined in water and sediment in Tuz Lake Hirfanlı Dam Lake, Eşmekaya Lake, Tersakan Lake and Bolluk Lake. In the table OC pesticide residues in sediment sample were generally higher than residue levels in water samples. Alpha BHC, beta BHC, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, op’DDT, op’DDD, pp’DDT were detected in high levels in sediment samples. In Tuz Lake, Hirfanlı Dam Lake, Eşmekaya lake, Tersakan Lake, Kozanlı Llake and Kulu Lake OC pesticide residues (especially alpha BHC, beta BHC, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide and DDT metabolites op’DDT , pp’DDT, pp’DDD) in water and sediment samples were generally higher than in other lakes, because they are located in wide agricultural areas. The highest amount of extractable alpha BHC was 1,38 µg/g (range ND – 2,719 µg/g mean) which was found in the sediment sample of Bolluk Lake. The highest residue levels of heptachlor epoxide was 1,398 µg/g which was found in sediment samples of Kozanlı Lake. Also the highest average amount of extractable beta BHC (2,328 µg/g mean of Hirfanlı Dam Lake) were detected in sediment samples. DDT and its metabolites pp’DDE, op’DDD, op’DDT, pp’DDD, pp’DDT (mean concentrations 1,421, 1,389, 2,244, 0,969 µg/g in Tuz Lake, Hirfanlı Dam Lake, Tuz Lake Tuz Lake respectively) were detected at high levels in sediment samples. This high residue levels of pesticides may be due to continuous usage of OC pesticides (Barlas, 2002). Seawater Most of the first data published 25 years ago on organic pollutants in sea water lied below the analytical sensitivity of the method used, so the significance of the data sets is limited. More recently, the use of large water volume sampling devices has provided accurate data on levels and budgets of POP’s in the marine environment. The toxic compouns of pollutans were detected throughout Izmit bay as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Sea of Marmara sampling stations in the Izmit bay 104 Table 11. The congeners of PCBs concentrations in coastal water of İzmit Bay (pg/l) Naphthalene 2 n.d 3.90 n.d n.d n.d Tüpraş ± SE 2.53 ± 0.9 Acenaphthylene 3 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d Acenaphthene 3 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d Fluorene 3 n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.59 ± 0.03 Phenanthrene 3 0.28 ± 0.05 0.47 ± 0.04 0.19 ± 0.10 1.09 ± 0.10 2.47 ± 0.9 Anthracene 3 n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.09 ± 0.01 Fluoranthene 4 n.d n.d 0.37 ± 0.05 n.d n.d Pyrene 4 n.d 1.38 ± 0.06 n.d n.d 0.80 ± 0.02 Benz[a]anthracene 4 n.d 0.89 ± 0.01 0.29 ± 0.03 n.d 1.57 ± 0.03 Chrysene 4 n.d 0.68 ± 0.02 0.37 ± 0.02 0.82 ± 0.02 Benzo[e]pyrene 5 n.d n.d n.d Benzo[b]fluoranthene 5 n.d n.d n.d Benzo[k]fluoranthene 5 n.d n.d Benzo[a]pyrene 5 n.d n.d Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 5 n.d Benzo[g,h,i]perylene Indeno[1,2,3cd]pyrene 6 6 Compounds (ng / l) No. of ring TÜBİTAK ± SE Dil Deresi ± SE Solventaş ± SE Hereke ± SE Petkim ± SE Petrol Ofisi ± SE SEKA ± Doğu Kanalı ± SE SE D.L. n.d n.d 0.14 ± 0.01 0.1 n.d n.d n.d 0.55 n.d n.d 0.03 0.16 ± 0.02 1.90 ± 0.02 0.03 n.d 0.04 ± 0.01 n.d n.d 0.82 ± 0.03 1.31 ± 0.02 0.29 ± 0.03 n.d 1.17 ± 0.03 0.01 0.32 ± 0.01 0.004 n.d 1.26 ± 0.06 0.08 n.d 0.02 0.35 ± 0.04 0.02 0.29 ± 0.03 n.d 0.92 ± 0.05 2.28 ± 0.3 1.14 ± 0.2 n.d n.d 0.74 ± 0.02 2.64 ± 0.1 0.48 ± 0.02 1.17 ± 0.3 1.07 ± 0.07 0.01 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.09 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.02 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.18 ± 0.01 0.005 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.72 ± 0.01 0.007 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.01 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.02 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d 0.15 Total HPLC (ng/l) 0.28 ± 0.05 7.32 ± 0.08 1.22 ± 0.06 1.91 ± 0.1 5.81 ± 0.90 Total Spectro (μg/l) 2.5 ± 1.0 18.5 ± 3.0 1.16 ± 0.6 2.93 ± 0.5 2.75 ± 0.3 6.91 ± 0.97 3.69 ± 1.0 n.d n.d n.d 0.16 ± 0.02 3.12 ± 1.1 7.16 ± 0.32 1.81 ± 0.9 7.40 ± 0.11 13.68 ± 3.5 n.d. Below the detection limits; D.L., Detection Limitsfor the HPLC measurments; SE, Standard Error. PCB105 from PCBs were detected at all the stations. PCBs were classified and represented as non-ortho PCBs, mono-ortho PCBs and total PCBs in Table 11. The concentration of total PCBs in sea water range from 2.32 to 26.33 ng/l. In general, non-ortho PCB concentration were between below the detection limit and 118.66 pg/l in İzmit Bay sea water. The concentration of mono-ortho PCB were much higher than the non-ortho. The total PCB concentrations were much higher at Dil Deresi than at the other stations (Telli-Karakoç, 2002). PCBs are artificial pollutants and total PCB concentrations in sea water are1000 times lower than in mussel samples. Many high total PAH and PCB concentrations were found at the pulp and paper factory sites. The highest pollution occurred in Doğu Kanalı and Dil Deresi where were the main rivers containing wastes flow into the İzmit Bay. The concentration of organochlorine pesticide residues in the Eastern Aegean Sea waters were detected. Sample location is shown in Figure 2. (Küçüksezgin et al, 2001). 105 Figure 2 Location of stations in the Aegean Sea Concentrations of DDE and DDD range between 10-18 and 0.86 - 4.5 ug/Kg (Wet wt) respectively in Mullus baratus in Aegean Sea. The level of aldrin varied between 0.10 and 0.61ug/Kg in samples in Aegean Sea. The composition of DDT and its metabolites were generally in the order of p,p’-DDD (34%),p,p’DDT (16%) and o,p’-DDT (4%) Table 12. Table 12. Organochlorine residues in Aegean Sea. Concentrations are expressed in ug/Kg wet weight. No. of sample Min. Max. Mean Aldrin 18 0.10 0.61 0.26 ± 0.14 P,p’-DDE 18 0.86 4.5 1.94 ± 0.97 P,p’DDD 18 10 18 14.44 ± 2.48 PCB was not detected in this study. But in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, evaporation also exceeds precipitation and co-distillation of PCBs also take place in the Agean Sea. Kurt and Özkoç (2004) determined levels of OC pesticides and PCBs in seawater from the Mid-Black Sea Coast of Turkey. Sea water monitoring survey was conducted at six sampling points between Yaliköy (Ordu) and Sinop in 1999-2000 along the Mid-Black Sea Coast (Fig. 2). Many chlorinated pesticides were measured in seawater. The concentrations of p,p’ DDE and p,p’ DDD were higher than DDT. This result is not very surprising and it also suggests the bioaccumulation of DDT in the organism. There were differences in sampling points which are shown in Table 13. PCBs were determined in none of the seawater samples and PCB pollution was not observed in any of the sampling points. 106 Figure 3. Study and location of sampling points. Table 13. Average concentration of chlorinated pesticides and PCB in seawater from the Mid – Black Sea Coast of Turkey in 1999 and 2000. The persistent half life of DDT in aquatic environment has been suggested to be approximately 5 years and 10-20 years (estimated from studies) on bivalves. DDT can be transformed to DDE and DDD slowly in this process. Considering the prohibition of use of DDT in Turkey to be in the late 1980’s, it is not surprising to find very high concentrations of DDT in biota samples. On the other hand, it is thought that there is still continuous input of this compound into marine 107 environment from atmospheric deposition of DDT and DDT probably leaches from highly DDT contaminated areas and agricultural soils as well as illegal usage in the region and other countries. Additionally, there may be input from illegal usage of these compounds in the region. DDE, which is the most often recognized metabolite of DDT is a very slowly degradable compound. Soils and sewage sludges Soil contamination by PCB oil leaking from storage drums at a military reutilization yard occurred during the operation of the reutilization yard between the years of 1970 and 1988 in Incirlik/Adana. An excavation of 0.5 meters deep was made in October 1991, leaving the excavated soil stored in approximately 300 drums and in a pile. Estimated PCB-contaminated soil volume was 1.600m3 . Site characterisation investigations revealed that site soils are high in clay content (65%) and potential for groundwater contamination is low. PCBs concentrations measured in composite contaminated soil samples range up to 750 ppm. For remediation of contaminated soils, various alternatives are being evaluated including incineration and in situ/ex situ solidification/stabilization (S/S). The analyses were carried out in samples of various soil from different parts in Göksu Delta. As a result of the study, 13 OC pesticides and their residues were detected in various parts of Göksu Delta (residues ranging from 0.013 ppm lindane in non-agricultural soils to 5.416 ppm pp’DDE in agricultural soils). OC concentrations in soil samples from agricultural areas were generally higher than in water and sediment (Table 14). -BHC, aldrin, heptachlor, op’-DDT, op’-DDD, and pp’-DDE were detected at high levels in soil samples (Ayaş, Barlas, and Kolankaya, 1997). Table 14. Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides in various soil samples from Göksu Delta, 1991-1993 Organochlorinated Soil Agricultural area compounds Mean ppm N: 16 α-BHC 0.656 β-BHC 0.093 Lindan 0.256 Aldrin 1.044 Dieldrin 0.933 Heptachlor 4.777 Heptachlor epoxide 0.174 o,p’-DDT 3.365 p,p’-DDT 0.537 o,p’-DDD 2.713 p,p’-DDD 2.624 p,p’-DDE 5.416 Endrin 0.121 ND: Non- detectable, N: Number of samples Soil Non-Agricultural area Mean ppm N:16 0.048 0.013 0.115 0.224 0.014 0.735 0.180 0.320 0.444 0.572 0.090 0.174 0.020 Dune area Mean ppm N: 16 0.166 0.092 0.087 0.023 0.082 0.474 0.032 0.203 0.148 0.279 0.070 0.048 ND 108 Concentrations of POPs in Biota Freshwater environment: fish and aquatic birds In fish samples, DDT and its metabolites pp’DDE, op’DDT, pp’DDT, pp’DDD, and op’DDD (mean concentrations ranging from 2.454, 1.74, 1.474, 1.262 and 1.199 g/g, respectively) were detected at high levels in October. Heptachlor epoxide, which is the degradation product, was found in greater concentrations in adipose tissue during the same month (mean concentration 3.635 g/g). The bioconcentration factors of these pesticides have also been estimated. In the study, all OC pesticide residues were detected at higher degrees at stations, which are exposed to various pollutants including effluent discharge from factories, agricultural and industrial wastes. Dieldrin levels were higher than aldrin, and heptachlor epoxide levels were higher than heptachlor (Barlas, 1998). In fish, the OCP concentrations were detected at varying amounts in different species and tissues. There was a difference in the OCP concentrations in carp and grey mullet. In carp, 6 different OCP residues in liver and 13 different OCP residues in adipose tissue were detected mean concentrations ranging from 1.072 ppm endrin to 4.217 ppm op’DDT. In grey mullet, however, 6 different OCP residues in liver and 11 different OCP residues in adipose tissue were detected mean concentrations ranging from 0.066 ppm pp’-DDE to 0.912 ppm op’DDT. Aldrin was found in greater concentrations than dieldrin in blue crab, carp and grey mullet adipose tissues. Also, heptachlor was found in greater concentrations than heptachlor epoxide in carp adipose tissue and grey mullet liver. OCP accumulation in carp was higher than in grey mullet. Chosen species of waterbirds and their eggs were contaminated by OC pesticide residues. OCP concentrations varied among bird species and their eggs. OCP concentrations were higher in adipose tissue than in the liver of waterbirds. In coots, 4, 13 and 9 different OCP residues were detected in liver, adipose tissue and eggs respectively mean concentrations ranging from 0.075 ppm op’-DDT in eggs to 2.147 ppm -BHC in adipose tissues. In mallards, 5, 12 and 5 different OCP residues were detected in liver, adipose tissue and eggs, respectively mean concentrations ranging from 0.046 ppm pp’-DDE in adipose tissue to 2.775 ppm -BHC in adipose tissues. 13 different OCP residues were detected in little egret eggs mean concentrations ranging from 0.045 ppm endrin to 1.789 pp’-DDE in little egrets (Ayaş, Barlas, and Kolankaya, 1997). POPs Levels In Humans Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) The level of organochlorine pesticides in human milk has been investigated in several countries during the last decade. Refik Saydam Hygiene Center’s Poison Research Department Pesticide Residue Laboratory (PRL) had participated in one of the UNEP/WHO project on the assessment of organochlorine pesticides in human milk.This investigation was prepared by the coordinated UNEP/WHO pilot project on assessment of human exposure to organochlorine compounds in Ankara city.The project was divided into two main phases. The first was Quality Assurance phase, the second was monitoring.PRL had achieved satisfactory results in the Analytical Quality Assurance phase.For the monitoring phase , samples of human milk were collected during 1984 and 1985 from 52 donors, and analysed for organochlorine pesticides, using electron capture gas chromatography. ( Yeniova,1992) 109 All the analytical results are given in Table 15. for OCPs. Table 15. Pesticide residue levels in human milk Pesticide Residue HCB α BHC β BHC γ BHC pp’ DDE pp’ DDT Fat % x + s 3.48 + 0.31 3.48 + 0.31 3.48 + 0.31 3.48 + 0.31 3.48 + 0.31 3.48 + 0.31 ppm (mg/kg fat)x + s 0.079 + 0.025 0.027 + 0.006 1.166 + 0.212 0.084 + 0.050 3.12 + 0.404 0.515 + 0.077 Compared data for all mothers and primiparea are in Table 16. From the comparison of the OCP data for all mothers and primiparea, it can clearly be seen that the concentrations are higher in the breast milk fat of primiparea than in the breast milk fat of all mothers. This result seems reasonable since OCPs are accumulated in the human organism during life span and breast milk of primiparea is consumed by the first baby. Table 16. Levels of OCP in the fat of human milk for all mothers and primiparea in Turkey mg/kg fat Data for all mothers Data for primiparea Fat * 3.48 3.40 HCB 0.079 0.081 α BHC 0.027 0.025 β BHC 1.166 1.413 γ BHC 0.084 0.167 pp’ DDE 3.12 4.49 pp’ DDT 0.515 0.83 DDT 3.635 5.32 (*) % The monitoring data reported for OCPs are summarized in Tables 17 and 18 together with compared data for all countries . 110 Table 17. Mean levels of HCBand BHC isomers in the fat of human milk Mother’s age Belgium 26 China 27 Germany 25 India 24 Israel 26 Japan 27 Mexico 21 Sweden 27 Turkey 26 USA 28 Yugoslavia 26 Country Number Of sample 47 100 81 50 52 107 48 58 52 50 50 % fat 2.7 2.5 3.1 4.8 3.4 3.1 3.1 2.8 3.48 2.6 3.7 HCB 0.3 1.1 0.06 0.063 0.084 0.079 0.21 mg/kg fat β BHC 0.2 6.6 0.28 4.6 0.29 1.9 0.4 0.085 1.166 <0.05* 0.28 γ BHC <0.01* 0.03 0.062 0.037 <0.02* 0.011 0.003 0.084 - (*) Limits of detection It can be seen that the levels of β - BHC reported in the breast milk fat in China, India, Japan and Turkey are much higher than those reported in the other participating countries. As it is known, βBHC is a minor but biologically persistent component in technical BHC. Table 18. Mean levels of OCP in the fat of human milk. Country Mother’s /Area age years Belgium 26 China 27 Germany 25 India 24 Israel 26 Japan 27 Mexico 21 Sweden 27 Turkey 26 USA 28 Yugoslavia 26 (*) Limits of detection Number of sample 47 100 81 50 52 107 48 58 52 50 50 % fat 2.7 2.5 3.1 4.8 3.4 3.1 3.1 2.8 3.48 2.6 3.7 pp’ DDE 0.94 4.4 1.2 4.8 2.2 1.5 3.7 0.81 3.12 1.6 1.9 mg/kg fat pp’ DDT 0.13 1.8 0.25 1.1 0.23 0.21 0.71 0.09 0.515 <0.1* 0.18 Σ DDT 1.07 6.2 1.45 5.9 2.43 1.71 4.41 0.9 3.635 1.60 2.08 It can also be seen that that the levels of pp’-DDT and pp’ DDE ( the major metabolite of pp’-DDT ) reported in human milk fat in China, India, Mexico and Turkey are higher than those reported from other participating countries. The ratios between the median levels of pp’-DDE and pp’-DDT are shown in Table 19. The ratio is lower for countries where pp’-DDT is still being used in agricultural vector control, etc. ( China and India) than in countries where its use has been severely restricted since 1970’s. 111 Table 19. Median levels of pp’ DDE and pp’DDT in the fat of human milk and the ratios of these substances. Country/ Area BELGIUM (Brussels) CHINA (Beijing) GERMANY (Hanau) INDIA (Ahmedabad) ISRAEL (Jerusalem) JAPAN (Osaka) MEXICO SWEDEN (Uppsala) TURKEY (2 cities) USA (22 cities) Yugoslavia pp’ DDE mg/kg fat pp’ DDT mg/kg fat pp’DDE /pp’DDT 0.94 0.13 7.8 4.4 1.8 2.3 1.2 0.25 4.2 4.8 1.1 3.5 2.2 0.23 11 1.5 3.7 0.21 0.71 7.4 4.7 0.81 0.09 9.4 3.120 0.515 6.06 1.6 <0.10* 11 1.9 0.18 8.9 Table 20 shows calculated daily intake of OCPs by breast-fed child. Acceptable daily intake (ADI ) of OCPs are given below. Table 20. Calculated daily intake COUNTRY HCB Belgium 1.4 China NR Germany 5.0 India NR Israel 0.27 Japan 0.28 Mexico NR Sweden 0.38 Türkiye 0.36 USA NR Yugoslavia 0.95 (*) Below the detection limit (NR) No data Calculated daily intake, mg/kg body wt Median β BHC γ BHC pp’ DDE pp’DDT 0.90 30 1.30 21 1.30 8.6 1.8 0.38 5.3 <0.23* 1.3 0.59 8.1 1.1 5.0 1.0 0.95 3.2 0.41 2.34 <0.45* 0.81 <0.05* 0.14 0.28 0.17 <0.09* 0.05 NR 0.01 0.38 NR NR 4.2 20 5.4 22 9.9 6.8 17 3.6 14.2 7.2 8.6 112 DDT HCB γ BHC = = = ADI 5 mg/kg body weight 0.6 mg/kg body weight 10 mg/kg body weight The intake of DDT complex by some or most breast-fed infants in the participating countries exceeds the ADI. In the developing countries the ADI is exceeded by several fold by most infants. However the ADI is developed on the basis of lifetime exposure, while intake of contaminants via human milk is usually limited to a few months of a lifetime. Organochlorine pesticides(OCP)have been used intensively in agriculture in Turkey for a relatively long period of time.The occurance of OCPs in the environment and subsequently in parts of the food chain,resulting in the intake of these compounds by man and animal already been noted since the early sixties. Breast milk is at the top of the food chain and one of the good markers for the determination of environmental pollution created by OCPs. The measurement of the levels of OCPs in adipose tissue of human populations are good markers in determining the extent of exposure and in the evaluating the hazards.The levels of OCPs in human adipose tissues have been the subject of a number of studies reporting the last two decades.Most interest has centered on DDT and its metabolites and BHC isomers. In Turkey OCP residues have been monitored among Turkish population in human adipose tissue samples by carrying out regional survey at given time intervals since 1976 (Kayaalp 1979; Karakaya and Ozalp 1987; Burgaz One of the latest studies in human milk was done (Çok, 1997)in agricultural regions of Turkey. In this study 104 human milk samples were collected from healthy donors living in two different regions of Turkey for at least 5 years.The age of mothers ranged from 17 to 44. The regions were selected on the basis of similarities and differences in their environmental and socioeconomic characters:Manisa is in an industrialized and agricultural area, located in the west of Turkey, Van is an agricultural and stockbreeding region, located in east of Turkey (EPA). Residues of -BHC,-BHC, HCB,Heptachlorepoxide,and pp’DDE were found to be the major contaminants in milk samples of Manisa and Van residences.A detectable amount of -BHC was found in 93%,-BHC in 100%,-BHC in 45%,HCB in 96%,heptachlor epoxide in 96%,pp’DDT in 44% of the samples.Results are given in Table 21. 113 Table 21. Levels of OCP in human milk in Van and Manisa provinces. (MeanSD) Compound 0.058± 0.029 Manisa H C 0.044± B0.027 α 0.050± 0.020 0.067± 0.037 0.060± 0.032 - BHC 0.417± 0.140 0.355± 0.137 0.380± 0.141 BHC 0.016± 0.023 0.017± 0.028 0.017± 0.026 -BHCa 0.483± 0.152 0.441± 0.220 0.457± 0.167 HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE 0.078± 0 028 0.069± 0.037 0.072± 0.034 P.P:DDE 2.263± 1.188 1.851± 0.700 2.013± 0.939 P.P:DDT 0.141± 0.168 0.072± 0.130 0.100± 0.149 2.670± 1.470 2.153± 0.906 2.357± 1.182 Van b Average 0.050± 0.030 α 1.115 x p.p'.DDE + p.p'.DDT a b HCB is one of the most persistent and toxic organochlorine contaminants.This compound has not been used since 1959 in Turkey. In this study it was found that 96% of all the milk samples contained HCB residues (Table 22). The reason of HCB residues are shown as in various industrial activities. HCB residues are produced as a by - product, presence in other pesticides as an impurity and the biological transformation of BHC to HCB. Table 22. Average levels of OCPs in milk from mothers in different regions of Turkey (mg/kg fat basis) - BHC HCB HE** pp DDE pp DDT City Year n α Sivas 1983 18 0.26 0.94 0.3 0.08 - - - Ankara 84-85 61 <0.01 0.92 <0.01 - - 2.71* Adana 84-85 52 <0.01 1.43 <0.01 - - 8.55* Kocaeli 84-85 50 <0.01 0.72 <0.01 - - Kayseri 0.096 0.522 0.156 0.084 0.011 95-96 41 0.05 0.417 0.016 Manisa 95-96 63 0.067 0.355 0.017 Van 1989 51 b DDE DDT Ref 13.97 - 1 0.42* 3.66 6.45 2 1.17* 10.57 7.31 2 2.56* 0.37* 3.30 6.92 2 2.39 0.41 3.07 5.61 3 0.058 0.078 2.26 0.141 2.67 14.74 *** 0.044 0.069 1.85 0.072 2.15 17.45 *** * Median; **Heptachlor epoxide; ***Present study; References; 1) Çetinkaya et al. 1983; 2) Karakaya et al. 1987; 3) Üstünbaş et al. 1994 The ratio of DDE/DDT in this study is as high as that found in most developed and developing countries where DDT use has been prohibited since 1970s. 114 Table 23. Average OCP residues in human milk from various countries (g/kg whole milk) Country Israel Italy Canada France Spain Egypt Turkey Year 1985 1985 1987 1990-1991 1991 1993 1995-1996 p.p'DDE 79.0 1.4 29.22 21.83 18.7 21.37 20.13 p.p'DDT 8.46 0.25 2.45 0.79 0.4 2.93 1.0 DDE/DDT 9.33 5.6 11.92 7.3 46.75 7.3 16.04 Reference Weisenberg et al. 1985 Dommorco et al. 1987 Dewailly et al. 1989 Bordet et al. 1993 Hemandez et al. 1993 Saleh et al. 1996 Present study As shown in Table 23. DDT ratio in milk tends to decrease gradually in our country.A significant difference has been found in DDT levels between this study and a 1987 study (Karakaya 1987) (p<0.001). When the results of this study are considered it could be argued that due to the prevention, OCP residues tend to decrease in Turkey in terms of exposure to HCB both in industry and in agriculture more but strict preventions are needed. In the second study by Çok,1996, organochlorine pesticide residue levels in human adipose tissue of residents of Manisa (Turkey) were determined between the years 19951996.For this purpose 56 human adipose tissue samples(35 female and 21 male) were taken during surgical operations in Manisa State Hospital from different donors living in Manisa province for at least 5 years.The region is an urban city with agriculture among main activities. Fifty-six adipose tissue samples were analysed by gas chromatography and the results of the subjects are shown in Table 24. Table 24. Chlorinated hydrocarbon residues in adipose tissue in Manisa residents (The mean levels are expressed as mg/kg extracted fat basis) COMPOUND HCB α - BHC -BHC HEPTACHLOR EPOXIDE p.p':DDE p.p':DDT Mean 0.033± 0.036 0.102± 0.067 0.374± 0.311 0.043± 0.095 0.519± 0.339 0.121± 0 063 1.832± 0.889 0.088± 0.212 2.130± 1.026 N.D. : under the detection limit αBHC+ - BHC+ 1.115 x p.p'.DDE + p.p'.DDT Range N.D.- 0.177 N.D.- 0.339 N.D.- 1.581 N.D.- 0.479 0.129- 1.694 0.030- 0.316 0.305- 3.938 N.D.- 1.039 0.305- 4.325 115 Residues of -BHC, -BHC, HCB, heptachlor epoxide and pp’DDE were found to be major contaminants in the adipose tissue samples of Manisa residents. A detectable amount of -BHC was found in 93%, -BHC in 96%, -BHC in 36%, HCB in 84%, heptachlor epoxide in 100%, pp’DDE in 100%, pp’DDT in 25% of the samples. These results indicated that the donors’obesity index did not correlate with the residue levels of OCP compounds in human adipose tissue. The increase of level of OCPs with the increasing age is an expected finding, because it is well known that these chemicals accumulate in the body during life course and their metabolisms and elimination take place at a slow pace. In a previously performed study on inhabitants of Ankara using adipose tissue it was found that HCB level was 0.164 ppm while in this study it is found as 0.033 ppm.This is a relatively lower value than those found in other studies which are held in Turkey (Burgaz 1995). The presence of heptachlor epoxide in Turkish adipose tissues has been reported as 0.021 ppm by Burgaz (1994).In this study the amount of the heptachlor epoxide is found as 0.121 ppm which is significantly different than the previous one(p<0.01).This result might be attributed to the fact that the collected samples from Manisa where agriculture is predominant and before prohibition of the use of heptachlor which is the source of heptachlor epoxide was common. In Table 25, results of various studies performed in the Ankara region during 1976-1996 for the assessment of OCPs in adipose tissue are summarized. Table 25. OCP levels in adipose tissue in different regions of Turkey (mg/kg fat basis) Year Region n pp'- DDE pp'- DDT 76-77 ANKARA 41 4.20± 0.73 10.2± 0.64 3.20± 0.63 84-85 ANKARA 48 1.72± 0.83 5.83± 3.31 0.62± 0.50 91-92 ANKARA 60 1.54± 1.04 3.72± 3.59 95-96 ANKARA 56 0.59± 0.39 1.83± 0.89 DDE/ DDT Ref 14.6± 1.38 3.19 1 7.12± 4.10 9.40 2 0.27± 0.32 4.42± 4.16 13.77 3 0.09± 0.21 2.13± 1.03 20.82 ** (1) Kayaalp et al. 1979, (2) Kayaalp&Ozalp 1987, (3) Burgaz et al, 1994, * as Mean levels of pp’DDE and pp’DDT in human adipose tissue from different countries are summarized in Table 26. Since the year 1976 the increase in DDE/DDT ratio and decrease in DDT and BHC levels in adipose tissue demonstrate that the influence of limitations and inhibitions for OCPs and the decrease of utilisation of these compounds in time. 116 Table 26. Mean levels(mg/kg extracted fat basis)of pp’DDE and pp’DDT residue levels in human adipose tissues from various countries. Country Spain India Kenya Mexico Germany Poland Iran Turkey Year pp'DDE 1991 3.93 88-89 0.71 1992 3.26 1991 10.00 1990 0.44 89-92 5.75 91-92 2.45 95-96 1.83 pp'DDT 0.40 0.88 2.49 4.02 0.09 0.54 0.19 0.09 DDE/DDT 10.70 0.81 1.31 2.49 4.69 10.70 12.89 20.82 Reference Gomez- Catalan et al. 1995 Nair et al. 1992 Kanja et al. 1992 Waliszewski et al. 1996 Teufel et al. 1990 Ludwicki & Goralezyk. 1994 Burgaz et al. 1995 Present study In one of the latest studies done by Işcan in 2001 association between the organochlorine pesticide residues and antioxidant enzyme activities in human breast tumors was investigated. Although its etiology remains unknown ,environmental,genetic,nutritional and hormonal factors are established risk factors.The majority of breast cancers have been proposed to be of environmental origin.Among the environmental factors organochlorine pesticides as xenoestrogens have been suggested to play a causative role in breast cancer etiology although there are reports against it. One of the risk factors for breast cancer is considered to stem from exposure to OCPs is because of their potential estrogenic activity and immunosupressive and tumor promoting properties. Breast tumor and surrounding tumor-free (normal,taken as control;up to 3 cm.from the tumor)were obtained from 24 female breast cancer patients with infiltrating ductal carcinoma aged between 28 and 72 who had undergone mastectomy in Oncology Hospital, Demetevler, Ankara, Turkey. In Table 27, the number and percentage of tumors and control breast tissues that had measurable OCP, GSH and LP levels and antioxidant and GST activities in 24 breast cancer patients are given. 117 Table 27. The number and percentage of tumors and control breast tissues that had measurable OCP, GSH and LP levels antioxidant and GST activities in 24 breast cancer patients. α - BHC HCB HE p.p’:DDE p.p’:DDT SOD CAT Se-GSH-Px T-GSH-Px GSH-Px II GRd GSH CDNB DCNB EAA ENPP LP N 22 23 11 16 17 24 19 24 24 18 19 19 11 24 20 22 12 20 19 24 Control Percentage 92 96 46 67 71 100 79 100 100 75 79 79 46 100 83 92 50 83 79 100 N 22 22 20 10 23 22 12 22 24 18 21 21 13 24 24 23 18 19 19 24 Tumor Percentage 92 92 83 42 96 92 50 92 100 75 88 88 54 100 100 96 75 79 79 100 42% to 100 % of the samples had detectable OCP residues. Table 28. The OCP levels in tumors and surrounding tumor free(control) breast tissues of 24 breast cancer patients. - BHC β- BHC - BHC HCB HE pp':DDE pp':DDT -DDT f Control 0.27± 0.06 (ND- 1.72)b 3.43± 0.63 (ND- 14.43) 0.26± 0.11 (ND- 2.00) 0.64± 0.46 (ND- 2.03) 0.40± 0.20 (ND- 4.34) 5.37± 1.06 (0.11-22.73) 1.89± 0.59 (ND-13.74) 7.87± 1.60 (1.52-39.09) Tumor 1.20± 0.37c (ND- 5.61) 4.19± 1.07 (ND- 25.77) 0.69± 0.20d (ND- 3.53) 0.23± 0.11 (ND- 2.43) 1.54± 0.47e (ND- 7.34) 5.18± 0.88 (ND- 15.83) 2.02± 1.10 (ND-24.31) 7.80± 1.40 (ND- 27.06) 118 a-mg/kg fat,meanSE b-min and max range. c-Significantly different from respective control (p<0.02). d-Significantly different from respective control (p<0.01) e-Significantly different from respective control (p<0.001) f--DDT=1.115p.p’DDE+p.p’DDT ND.not detected. No significant differences were found between -BHC, HCB, pp’DDE, pp’DDT and -DDT levels of tumors and control breast tissues. In conclusion the elevation of certain OCPs and antioxidant capacity in tumors and correlation between some of them are likely to show that free-radical mediated oxidative stress is,at least partly, associated with these OCPs in human breast tumors (Table 28). In another study done between April 2002 and December 2002, 101 human milk samples were taken at the Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, from different donors which had been living in the Ankara area for at least 5 years ( Çok et al., 2004). Table 29. presents the mean concentrations of OCPs in human milk samples from 101 women. Residues of -BHC, HCB, p.p’. DDT, and p.p’ DDE were found to be the major contaminants in milk samples of Ankara residents. Frequency of OCPs , mean of the obtained values and ranges are also listed in Table 29. Results show that the Ankara population still has detectable OCP levels. Table 29. OCP Residues (mg/kg fat basis) in human milk samples of Ankara residents Pesticide Mean(+ S.D.) HCB 0.15 +0,24 0.05+ 0.15 - BHC 0.49+ 0.65 - BHC 0.01+ 0.05 - BHC 0.55+0.69 - BHC HEPTACHLOR 0.06+0.19 EPOXIDE pp.’ DDE 2.28+2.86 pp.’DDT 0.13+0.30 2.66+3.40 - DDT N.D. : Under the detection limit - BHC = - BHC + - BHC + - BHC - DDT = 1.115 x p.p.’ DDE + p.p.’ DDT Range N.D - 1.024 N.D - 0.881 N.D - 2.975 N.D - 0.342 N.D – 2.975 N.D – 1.200 Frequency (%) 50.49 14.85 62.37 11.88 N.D – 12.220 N.D – 2.734 N.D – 14.090 95.05 82.17 17.82 Table 30. compares earlier results of Karakaya et al. (1987) to the results obtained in this study. As seen in Table 30., OCP levels in human milk samples from subjects who live in Ankara have decreased by time. 119 Table 30. Mean levels of OCP residues in human milk from residents of Ankara over period 1984-2002 - BHC - BHC 61 BHC 0.14 1.30 0.02 - 101 0.05 0.49 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Year n 19841985* 20012002* P*** Heptachlor epoxide - p.p.’DDE p.p’.DDT DDT BHC 3.28 0.73 4.15 4.39 DDE /DDT 4.50 0.15 0.06 2.28 0.13 2.66 0.55 17.67 - - <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 HCB (The mean levels expressed as mg/kg extracted fat basis) , * Karakaya et al (1987). ** Present study. *** Table 31. shows the levels and trends of the main residues of OCPs in adipose tissue samples over the 15 years that surveys were carried out in Ankara. Table 31. OCP residue levels in adipose tissue in Ankara residents. p.p.’DDE p.p’.DDT DDT 10.2 3.20 14.60 DDE /DDT 3.19 - 5.83 0.62 7.12 9.40 0.062 3.72 0.27 4.42 13.53 Year N - BHC - BHC - BHC 19761977* 19841985** 19911992*** 41 - - - - Heptachlor epoxide - 48 0.19 1.52 - - 60 0.16 1.52 0.017 0.16 HCB (The mean levels expressed as mg/kg extracted fat basis) , * Kayaalp et al 1979** Karakaya and Özalp 1987.*** Burgaz et al.. 1994 Heptachlor epoxide was clearly detected in some samples (17.82%) . The presence of heptachlor epoxide in different regions of Turkey included in Ankara have been reported earlier ( Burgaz et al., 1994; Çok et al., 1998). The level of heptachlor epoxide in human adipose tissue samples of Ankara residents has been reported as 0.021 ppm by Burgaz et al., 1994. In this study, the amount of heptachlor epoxide was found to be 0.06 ppm which is significantly different than the previous one (p<0.05). The heptachlor epoxide levels in human body might have originated from heptachlor as an oxidation product, given that it was used as a pesticide in Turkey until 1985. HCB is a widespread contaminant that has entered the environment through its past manufacture and use as a pesticide and its formation as a by-product during the production of a variety of chlorinated compounds. Average HCB residue levels in adipose tissue of Ankara residents have been reported as 0.164 ppm (Burgaz et al., 1994). In this study the level of HCB was found as 0.152 ppm. Indeed , HCB is the most striking one among the OCPs that have been analysed. The values tend to be consistent over the years, even though expected to decrease. Concentration of HCB was found to be lower in other parts of Turkey (Çok et al., 1998; Çok et al., 1999). The presence of HCB in human milk can be attributed to various activities and other pesticides (PCNB, PCP, DCPA etc) (Tobin, 1986). Although the agricultural usage of pesticides and industrial activities such as waste by - products in specific manufacturing processes have created considerable amounts of HCB impurities. The need for more comprehensive studies on the causes and sources of HCB exposure, is indicated by this research. 120 Experimental and epidemiological studies show that DDE/DDT ratio increases with time after exposure or after the limitation or restriction of DDT usage. In this study, DDE/DDT ratio was found as 17.67 which is quite higher than that obtained in the 1987 study by Karakaya et al. which was 4.50 ( p<0.001) . On the other hand, in the studies that have been performed on adipose tissue samples, this value was calculated as 3.19 an 1976 ( Kayaalp et al., 1979 ), 9.4 an 1984 ( Karakaya & Özalp 1987 ) and 13.53 in 1991 ( Burgaz et al., 1994). When we consider DDE/DDT ratios, it is seen that the limitation and legislation for OCPs in Turkey has been effective and the exposure to these compounds tends to decrease in time. The most recent study was conducted by Erdoğrul et. al., 2004 in Kahramanmaraş region. Human milk samples were obtained by the Kahramanmaraş Sütçü imam University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Chemistry, Division of Biochemistry, between March and July 2003 from 37 healthy mothers living in the Kahramanmaraş area for at least 7 years. The concentrations of organochlorine pesticides found are shown in Table 32. The sum of DDTs in human milk samples varied between 0.52 and 315.8 ng/g wet weight. The mean ratio between pp’DDE and pp’ DDT was 31.1. The pp’ DDD isomer could be measured only in a lower number of samples ( 14%). β-BHC was the most prevalent BHC isomer with a mean value of 2.08 ng/g ww (Table 32). The mean concentration of γ-BHC was 0.38ng/g ww, while α-BHC was not detected in any sample. HCB is found in 35 of human milk samples (94.6%) with a mean concentration of 0.30 ng/g ww. PCBs could be measured only in 8 out of 37 samples, while in the other samples the concentration for the sum of PCBs was below the detection limit of 0.15 ng/g ww ( Table 32). The range of the sum of the PCBs was 0.21-1.92 ng/g ww. The most frequently detected PCB congeners were PCB 118, PCB 138, PCB 153, PCB 170, and PCB 180 .The concentrations of detected PCB congeners were lower than those found by Çok et. al. (2003 ). This can be due to a lesser degree of industrialization of the Kahramanmaraş region compared to Ankara. Considering an average diet of 750 g for breast fed infants and the mean Σ DDT concentrations presented in Table 32, the estimated daily intake (EDIs) was 24 μg for total DDT. Considering an average infant of 7.5 kg (up to 6 months), these EDIs were only 16% of the WHO acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 20 μg/kg body/ day for total DDT. Therefore, the consumption of milk with mean levels of DDTs does not pose a risk to the infant’s health, but can be problematic for subjects fed with milk containing DDTs at the higher end of the observed range of concentrations ( Table 32) 121 Table 32. Mean, median, standard deviation and range of concentrations (ng/g wet weight) for individual organochlorine pesticides and selected PCB and PBDE congeners measured in 37 individual human milk samples from Kahramanmaraş, Turkey Compound Mean S.D. ng/g wet weight Median Range Lod α-BHC γ- BHC β- BHC ΣBHCs ND 0.38 2.08 2.20 ND 0.28 3.55 3.55 ND 0.27 0.69 1.02 ND ND-1.12 ND-13.5 ND-14.0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 HCB 0.30 0.28 0.18 ND-1.13 0.05 Oxychlordane Trans-chlordane Trans-nonachlor Cis-chlordane ΣCHLs 0.28 ND 0.17 ND 0.39 0.23 ND 0.12 ND 0.35 0.20 ND 0.11 ND 0.28 ND-0.74 ND ND-0.36 ND ND-1.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.20 pp'-DDE pp'-DDT pp'-DDD pp'-DDT ΣDDTs 31.3 0.16 0.07 0.95 32.4 53.8 0.13 0.03 1.09 54.2 13.9 0.11 0.06 0.70 14.9 0.44-313.5 ND-0.48 ND-0.11 0.07-6.52 0.52-315.8 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.20 PCB 28 PCB 74 PCB 99 PCB 118 PCB 138 PCB 153 PCB 170 PCB 180 ΣPCBs 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.16 0.19 0.34 0.07 0.15 1.08 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.09 0.19 0.04 0.08 0.61 ND 0.06 0.06 0.16 0.19 0.33 0.06 0.15 1.10 ND-0.07 ND-0.10 ND-0.12 0.03-0.29 0.04-0.32 0.08-0.66 0.04-0.32 0.04-0.27 0.21-1.92 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.15 BDE 47 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003-0.012 0.001 BDE 99 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 ΣPBDEs 0.008 0.004 0.006 0.005-0.014 0.003 Mean and median concentrations for PCBs and PBDEs were calculated for samples above the limit of detection. Values below the limit of detection were set to zero. ND: not detected. 122 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)are a mixture of 209 possible congeners with different chlorine substitutions and they are potentially hazardous compounds in the environment for human beings.The high liphophilic character and the resistance to biodegradation of PCBs allow the bioaccumulation of these chemicals in the fatty tissues of organisms. PCBs are known to cause chronic reproductive effects, gastric disorders,and skin lesions in laboratory animals.In addition,the US Environment Agency(1996)suspects that PCBs are probable human carcinogens.Because of the bioaccumulation and toxicity,usage of the PCBs for different purposes has been restricted or banned in most countries,since the early1970s. A study was completed in 2001 in Ankara by Çok based on polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) concentrations in human milk and adipose tissue of women in Ankara,Turkey. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been used worldwide since 1929 and despite restrictions on their production, usage and disposal which have been in force for many years,they continue to persist in the environment. PCBs have been used in exchange and dielectric fluids;as stabilizers in paints,polymers and adhesives; and as lubricants in various industrial processes. In this study human milk and adipose tissue samples were obtained between April 1999 and February 2000 from 32 mothers who had been living in Ankara for at least 5 years. In this study, seven PCBs congeners (IUPAC Nos. 21, 52, 101, 118, 138, 152, 180) were selected, as many European governments and regulatory bodies use them as marker compounds to monitor occurence and distribution. Table 33 presents the mean concentrations of PCBs in breast milk fat samples from 32 women. Human milk samples were taken from women who lived in Ankara,.which is an industrial city located in the central part of Turkey, quite far from the seas and big lakes. Nevertheless all subjects had a mixed diet including fish. PCBs IUPAC No.153 was a high contributor of the congener occupying 41% of the total PCBs content, and together with No.180 of 23% and No.138 of 20% were the most prevalent members,which seem to be parallel to studies conducted in other countries.Because of the very long biological half-lives of these chemicals, concentrations of PCBs congeners 138,153 and 180 in body fat are expected to increase with age. In Table 34, the levels of seven PCBs in human milk found in the present study are compared with that of those of some other countries. 123 Table 33. Mean concentration of 7 PCBs Congeners in Human Milk of Residents of Ankara (ng/g on a lipid wt. basis) Structure IUPEC Mean SD Range % 2,4,4'Triclorobiphenyl 28 5,7± 16,8 0,0-35,4 18,8 2,2,5,5'Tetrachlorobiphenyl 52 10,3± 21,3 0,0-55,7 25 2,2',4,5,5'Pentachlorobiphenyl 101 6,6± 25,2 0,0-71 9,4 2,3,3'4,4'Pentachlorobiphenyl 118 18,9± 48,4 0,0-313,3 18,8 2,2',3,3',4',5Hexachlorobiphenyl 138 54,3± 124,4 0,0-329 46,9 2,2'4,4'5,5'Hexachlorobiphenyl 153 110± 141,1 0,0-416,5 56,3 2,2'3,4,4',5,5' Heptachlorobiphenyl 180 59,8± 101,5 0,0-266 46,8 Table 34. Comparison of level of indicator PCBs in human milk from Turkey (Ankara) with the similar studies from various other countries Country 28 52 101 118 138 153 180 Ref Great Britian (1991) (n=32) 31,25 26,2 15 28,6 68,1 85,9 74,9 1 Czech Rep. (1996) (n=17) Nd Nd Nd 28,5 289 379 240,2 2 Germany (1995) (n=68) 17 13 14 * 168 240 173 3 France (1993) (n=20) 31 68 30 37 99 80 103 4 Norway (1994) (n=28) 7,8 * 1,1 26.2 86.8 114.4 50.6 5 Canada (1995) (n=497) 4,75 0,87 * 16,6 28 38,3 20,9 6 Ukraine (1999) (n=197) 14# 18# 23# 93# 134# 149# 55# 7 Turkey (2001) (n=32) 5,7 10,3 6,6 18.9 54,3 110 59.8 ** (1) Duarte- Davitson et al. 1991; (2) Schoula et al. 1996; (3) Georgii al. 1995; (4) Bordet et al. 1993; (5) Jahansen et al.1994; (6) Newsome et al. 1995; (7) Gladen et al.1999 Nd: below the limit of quantification, *not analysed, # Median, **Present study, ng/g fat bs The high liphophilic character and the resistance to biodegradation of PCBs allow the bioaccumulation of these chemicals in fatty tissues of organisms and their biomagnification through food chains.Because humans are located at the top of the most food chains,relatively high levels of these compounds have been found in human adipose tissues and breast milk fat.Because of the bioaccumulation and toxicity, usage of the PCBs for different purpose have been restricted or banned since the begining of the 70’s in most countries. In Turkey, organochlorine pesticide residues have been monitored in the Turkish population by carrying out regional surveys at given time intervals since 1976 (Karakaya et al.1987; Burgaz et al.1994;Cok et al.1997; Cok there have been no national documentation for PCB contamination for several environmental compartments (air,drinking water,sediment, food, fish, 124 human milk, adipose tissue) except one study (Cetinkaya et al.1983) which has very limited information on PCBs contamination.Because of this reason,the results of this study are very important to provide baseline data on the concentrations of PCB contaminants in Turkey. In a study conducted in Germany by Çetinkaya et al.(1983), in human milk samples, provided from Turkish mothers who had lıved in Germany,total PCBs has been found as 1.28 mg/kg.On the other hand, in samples of five human milk samples provided from Ankara region, no PCB congener has been found.These results indicate the role of industrialization. Since 1983 there have been a variety of uses of PCBs as a result of industrialization. PCBs were used as coolant/dielectrics in electrical transformers capacitors and other electrical equipment in several countries including Turkey.However no statistical data on use of PCBs in our country is available.After 1977 PCBs are almost entirely restricted for use in closed systems in most countries.In Turkey, after 1993 PCBs are restricted for use in closed systems and banned after 1996 according to the Toxic Substances Control Act. Because PCBs are used in nominally closed applications such as in heat transfer and hydraulic fluids,exposure can still occur through refilling and repairment activities. Another study was done by Çok (2000) on adipose tissue in the same period as the previous study.Between April 1999 and February 2000,29 human adipose tissue samples were taken during surgical operations from the Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from different donors which had been living in Ankara area for at least 5 years. All subjects participating in the study were female and primiparous women. PCBs may be divided into several subgroups according to various criteria.For the purpose of regulation and to have a mean for comparison data from various laboratories,seven PCB congeners (IUPAC Nos. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 180) were selected as indicator compounds to monitor occurance and distribution. Table 35. presents the mean concentrations of PCBs in adipose tissue samples from 29 women.In this study, subjects that donated adipose tissue were composed of primiparous women. It is known that excretion of organochlorine compounds which accumulate in the adipose tissue increases with births. More than 90% of the total daily human exposure to PCBs is made up of oral intake from food such as dairy products, meat and fish, whereas other routes, e.g., water, air and soil contribute to less than 10% of total exposure .Human adipose tissue was collected from women living in Ankara which is an industrial city in central part of Turkey, quite far away from the seas and big lakes. Nevertheless, all subjects reported having a mixed diet including meat and fish, PCBs sources for people living in Ankara were careless disposal practices, accidents, leakage from various industrial facilities and from chemical waste disposal sites . 125 Table 35. Concentration of 7 PCBs Congeners in Human Adipose Tissues of Residents of Ankara (ng/g on a lipid wt. basis) Structure IUPEC Mean + SD Range % Positive Samples 2,4,4' Triclorobiphenyl 28 5.0 ± 8.8 ND-35.4 34.5 2,2’,5,5' Tetrachlorobiphenyl 52 11.4± 18.9 ND-55.7 31.0 2,2',4,5,5' Pentachlorobiphenyl 101 10.4± 22.6 ND-79.8 78.8 2,3’,4,4' Pentachlorobiphenyl 118 40.7± 89.5 ND-313.3 24.1 2,2',3,4,4',5 Hexachlorobiphenyl 138 82.3± 88.5 ND-329 2,2',4,4'5,5' Hexachlorobiphenyl 153 141.7± 132.3 ND-416.4 69.0 2,2',3,4,4',5,5' Heptachlorobiphenyl 180 91.8± 122.8 Σ PCB ND: Under the detection limit. 65.5 ND-505.8 58.6 383.3 Table 36. PCBs Residue levels in human milk and adipose tissue in Ankara residents (ng/g on a lipid wt. basis.) Human Milk Adipose tissue Year 19992000 19992000 28 5.7 52 10.3 101 6.6 118 18.9 138 54.3 153 110.0 180 59.8 Σ PCB 265.6 5.0 11.4 10.4 40.7 82.3 141.7 91.8 383.3 Ref. Çok et all. (2003) Present study Congeners PCB 153, PCB 180 and PCB 138 contain six to seven chlorine atoms that are components of commercial PCB mixtures. These congeners have high persistency capacity in living organisms and they are commonly detected in human adipose tissue as major PCBs compounds. The age- related increase in adipose tissue levels of PCBs might be attributed to their long persistence in the environment and their bioaccumulation. Because of their very long biological half-lives of these chemicals, concentrations of PCB congeners 138, 153 and 180 in body fat are expected to increase with age .As mentioned before 3 PCBs congeners were dominating ( PCB 153, PCB 180 and PCB 138). The higher level of these three compounds compared to other PCB compounds detected in this study seems to be similar to results obtained in other countries. In Table 36. previous results of Çok et. al. (2003) on the analysis of human milk samples are compared with the results from the present study. The subjects in the two studies had been living in Ankara during the same period. The 3 PCBs compounds (IUPAC Nos. 138, 153 and 180) were also major components in the milk samples collected in the Ankara region. In Table 37, the levels of seven PCBs in human adipose tissue found in the present study are compared with levels obtained in some other countries.The concentrations of PCB 28, PCB 52 and PCB 101 were found to be higher than those found in industrialized countries. The reason 126 could be attributed to the fact that exposure of these compounds continues in Turkey. On the other hand, the concencentrations of higher chlorinated PCBs (nos. 138, 153 and 180 ) are much lower than in Spain, Poland and Sweden. These results indicate the role of industrialization and increased number of chemicals used in industry, agriculture and home. Table 37. Comparison of levels of indicator PCBs in adipose tissue from Turkey (Ankara) with similar studies from various other countries (ng/g fat basis) No. Of Congener 28 52 101 118 138 153 180 Ref Poland (1994) (n=20) 55 13.0 1.7 4.2 71.0 230.0 290.0 175.0 1 Belgium (2000) (n=46) 7 2.8 2.7 3.0 57.1 68.3 145.3 93.7 2 Italy (2000) (n=10) 37 * * 3.0 20.7 58.0 112.0 85.5 3 Spain (2000) (n=35) 33 4.9 0.9 2.0 47.0 220.0 300.0 280.0 4 Sweden (2000) (n=28) 33 4.1 1.4 2.3 40.0 230.0 300.0 200.0 5 Chile (2000) (n=10) 37 * * * 3.2 6.2 11.0 7.8 6 Turkey (2001) (n=29) 7 5.7 10.3 6.6 18.9 54.3 110.0 59.8 7 Country *:Not analyzed 1- Falandysz et al. (1994) 2- Pauwels et al (2000). 3- Mariottini et al (2000). 4- Wingfors et al (2000). 5- Wingfors et al (2000). 6- Mariottini et all (2000). 7- Present st. Another Ph.D. thesis was completed in 1999 on assessment of both human and environmental exposure to PCBs and human exposure to OCPs in the Ankara region in Ankara University Forensic Medicine Institute (Yeniova and Vural, 1999). This research was prepared on the assessment of human and environmental exposure to PCBs in Ankara. For the monitoring phase, samples of postmortem adipose tissue were obtained from autopsies in Ankara Bureau of Medical Jurisprudence from 50 donors. Human milk samples were collected in Ankara region from 50 mothers. 15 samples of soil were collected from the vicinity of the laboratories of TEDAŞ, and 20 samples of sediment were collected from the canal between Mogan and Eymir Lakes. All samples were analyzed for PCBs and organochlorine pesticides with gas-liquid chromatography with electron capture detector and filled column. These results are shown in Tables: 38., 39., 40. 50 samples of of postmortem adipose tissue collected from the Ankara region, obtained from the Bureau of Jurisprudence in Ankara which were analyzed for OCPs were tabulated according to concentration in an decreasing order: PP’-DDE, β-BHC, PCB, HCB, PP’-DDT, γ-BHC, α-BHC. 127 Table 38. OCP and PCB levels in postmortem adipose tissue (mg/kg fat basis) Residue Mean(+ S.D.) Median Range PCB’s HCB - BHC - BHC - BHC - BHCa p.p.’ DDE p.p.’DDT - DDTb 0.180 +0.163 0.064+0,074 0.004+ 0.010 0.310+ 0.286 0.031+ 0.085 0.346+0.304 1.74+1.69 0.070+ 0.120 2.039+1.972 0.134 0.042 0.002 0.220 0.004 0.244 1.235 0.026 1.461 N.D - 0.780 0.0006-0.426 N.D - 0.067 0.008-1.341 N.D - 0.540 0.046-1.345 0.190-7.819 N.D – 0.619 0.267- 9.336 Percentage of Frequency 96 100 42 100 66 100 70 N.D. : Under the detection limit. a: - BHC = - BHC+ - BHC+- BHC b: - DDT= 1.115x p.p.’ DDE+ p.p.’DDT Table 39. OCP and PCB levels in human milk (mg/kg fat basis) Residue Mean(+ S.D.) Median Range PCB’s HCB - BHC - BHC - BHC - BHCa p.p.’ DDE p.p.’DDT - DDTb 0.0469 +0.0447 0.0308+ 0.0475 0.3410+ 0.3308 0.0326+ 0.0273 0.4243+0.3613 1.5486+1.8567 0.1457+ 0.2234 1.8789+2.1695 0.0334 0.0051 0.2115 0.0318 0.3236 0.7749 0.0273 1.0211 N.D.- 0.1904 N.D - 0.1807 N.D.- 1.2583 N.D - 0.0946 0.0201-1.2595 0.0868-9.2981 N.D – 0.7769 0.096810.4161 Percentage of Frequency 92 60 96 76 100 66 N.D : Under the detection limit a: - BHC = - BHC+ - BHC+- BHC b: - DDT= 1.115x p.p.’ DDE+ p.p.’DDT In the milk samples collected from mothers in the Ankara region, the order of concentration was as follows: PP’-DDE, β-BHC, HCB, γ-BHC, PP’-DDT, α-BHC. The concentrations of analyzed OCPs and PCBs showed similarity in adipose tissue and human milk. However, the PCBs residue level in human milk was below detection limits. This result might be attributable to the fact that the mean age of human milk donors was lower than that of the adipose tissue donors. 128 Table 40. PCB levels in soil and sediment Material Median Range Soil Sediment 50.0030 0.0029 0.527-464.4 N.D.- 0.01962 Percentage of Frequency 100 55 As far as soil analysis is concerned, the samples collected from the vicinity of the TEDAŞ laboratory in Ankara where electrical transformer oils containing PCBs were changed and the results revealed that all samples contained high concentrations of PCBs, namely Aroklor 1260. Sediment samples which were collected from the canal between Mogan and Eymir Lakes, a region chosen bearing in mind that PCBs are transported via natural means and go through biotransportation were also found to contain the same type of PCBs. Also, PCBs level in adipose tissues of donors in Turkey are quite lower than in the industrialized countries such as Japan or were slighly lower when compared to Finland, Canada and USA. But differences in analytical methodology, time of collection of samples, living area of donors and other parameters make it difficult to compare our results with other surveys. The other and this survey indicate the nonocupational exposure to PCBs in Turkey. Use of PCBs has been recently restricted and due to their extreme persistence in the environment, the survey must be expanded as a national survey at some intervals. In addition, PCBs, are still found in soil and sediments. POPs Levels In Food Humans are generally exposed to POPs through their food supply. POPs residues have been found in the fat of fish and other animals, as well as in cereals, milk and milk products. In a former study, study carried out at Ankara University Veterinary Faculty between April 1976April 1977, the period before the ban on DDT, contamination levels of organochlorine pesticides were determined using electron capture detection gas-liquid chromatographic and thin layer chromatographic methods in various fish species and in shrimps obtained from the Turkish Coast of the Meditteranean Sea ( Akman et. al., 1978). In this research, the residues of organic chlorinated pesticides were determined in total of 234 fish samples comprising Mugil Spp., Mullus Spp., Chrysophrys. Spp., Pagrus and Pagellus Spp., Epinephelus Spp., and shrimps (Upeneus trisulcatus) obtained from the Mediterranean Sea between Antalya Bay and Iskenderun Bay. The ratio of incidence of residue types in all samples was found to be for DDT derivatives 100 %, BHC isomers 99.1%, aldrin 86.7%, dieldrin 74.7 %, and endrin 65.3%. It was concluded from the results that the mean total concentrations of the organochlorine insecticides were 0.339 p.p.m ( 0.339 mg/kg) based on the wet tissue and 21.650 p.p.m (21.650 mg/kg) based on the fat. The results are given in Tables, 41., 42., 43. 129 Table 41. OPC residue levels in Meditteranean Sea fish species according to general contamination levels of different catch sites ( ppm). FISHING SITES Antalya Alanya Silifke Mersin İskenderun Σ DDT 0.121 ± 0.0227 0.142 ± 0,0235 0.100 ± 0.0179 0.147 ± 0.0279 0.141 ± 0.0214 Σ BHC 0.137 ± 0.0276 0.150 ± 0.0223 0.117 ± 0.0169 0.104 ± 0.0126 0.119 ± 0.0087 Aldrin 0.022 ± 0.029 0.029 ± 0.0044 0.039 ± 0.0130 0.033 ± 0.0076 0.032 ± 0.0084 Endrin 0.024 ± 0.0058 0.018 ± 0.0047 0.021 ± 0.0100 0.015 ± 0.0033 0.017 ± 0.0038 Dieldrin 0,.032 ±0.0080 0.040 ± 0.0121 0.013 ± 0.0025 0.029 ± 0.0057 0.048 ± 0.0079 Total 0.336 0.379 0.290 0..328 0.375 Table 42. OCP residue levels in Meditteranean Sea fish meat according to general contamination levels of fish species (ppm) PESTICIDES FISH SPECIES DDT derivatives BHC isomers Aldrin Endrin Dieldrin Mugil sp 0.231 ± 0.0382 0.145 ± 0.0151 0.025 ± 0.0029 0.018 ± 0.0039 0.048 ± 0.0112 Epinephelus sp 0.114 ± 0.0290 0.081 ± 0.0091 0.029 ± 0.100 0.017 ± 0.0060 0.018 ± 0.0029 Chrysophiys sp 0.108 ± 0.0303 0.223 ± 0.0364 0.060 ± 0.0184 0.017 ± 0.0060 0.032 ± 0.0095 Pagrus and Pagellus sp 0.140 ± 0.0280 0.114 ± 0.280 0.047 ± 0.0105 0.35 ± 0.0113 0.043 ± 0.0118 Mullus sp 0.119 ± 0135 0.106 ± 0.0147 0.023 ± 0.0026 0.013 ± 0.0040 0.040 ± 0.0066 Diplodus sp 0.068 ± 0.0117 0.101 ± 0.0310 0.015 ± 0.0059 0.029 ± 0.0120 0.06 ± 0.0034 Upeneus trisulcatus sp 0.067 ± 0.0130 0.150 ± 0.0240 0.021 ± 0.0039 0.006 ± 0.0023 0.007 ± 0.0014 Table 43. Residues of OCPs in Meditteranean Sea fish meat and fat. Residue Levels PESTICIDES Σ DDT Σ BHC Aldrin Endrin Dieldrin Meat Fat 0.131 & 0.0128 0.123 & 0.0111 0.029 & 0.0046 0.023 & 0.0031 0.033 & 0.0049 8.269 ± 0.7016 8.344 ± 0.6209 2.200 ± 0.3161 1.262 ± 0.1827 1.575 ± 0.6290 130 The region selected for fish samples was the area between Antalya and Iskenderun Bay particularly because this was an area where intensive fishing was performed along with industrial and agricultural activities. Furthermore, the specified area was subject to soil pollution and the presence of various streams in the East Meditteranean were also taken into account. In 1981, a similar study was carried out by the same group at the Ankara University Veterinary Faculty , using the same analytical methods with the aim of determining chlorinated insecticide residue levels in fish species of economic value in the Aegean Sea (Akman et. al.,1981) The results are shown in Tables: 44. and 45. Table 44. The OCP residues determined in fish meat in different fish species of Aegean Sea (ppm or mg/kg). FISH SPECIES FISHING SITES DDT Derivatives BHC Isomers Aldrin Endrin Dieldrin Mugil Sp 43 0.0043 ± 0.0062 0.022 ± 0.0038 0.007 ± 0.0019 0.008 ± 0.00274 0.004 ± 0.0080 Mullus Sp 52 0.040 ± 0.0064 0.018 ± 0.0037 0.004 ± 0.0011 0.007 ± 0.0027 0.004 ± 0.0007 Pagellus, Diplodus, Dentex, Cantharus, Boopps, Chrysohyrs Sp Smaris Trachurus Maena Coruihoi Sp Epinephelus Pracentropristis Serranus Sp Sardina Sp 123 0.031 ± 0.0046 0.021 ± 0.0026 0.008 ± 0.0015 0.008 ± 0.0016 0.003 ± 0.0004 15 0.0015 ± 0.0049 0.025 ± 0.0058 0.006 ± 0.0028 0.004 ± 0.0020 0.003 ± 0.0009 6 0.031 ± 0.1094 0.010 ± 0.0028 0.002 ± 0.007 0.002 ± 0.0015 0.003 ± 0.0009 27 0.054 ± 0.0226 0.026 ± 0.0041 0.003 ± 0.0002 0.0011 ± 0.0037 0.003 ± 0.0006 Table 45. The mean contamination levels of OCPs residues in different fishing sites in the Aegean Sea. (ppm or mg/kg) Güllük Bay 0.033 ± 0.0036 Kuşadası Bay 0.026 ± 0.0040 FISHING SITES Izmir Bay 0.026 ± 0.0057 0.030 ± 0.0047 0.012 ± 0.0036 0.015 ± 0.0030 0.023 ± 0.0029 0.023 ± 0.0034 Aldrin 0.010 ± 0.0023 0.004 ± 0.0013 0.008 ± 0.0037 0.007 ± 0.0002 0.005 ± 0.0011 Endrin 0.005 ± 0.0011 0.005 ± 0.0017 0.003 ± 0.0010 0.015 ± 0.0032 0.010 ± 0.0031 Dieldrin 0.005 ± 0.0006 0.002 ± 0.0002 0.004 ± 0.0011 0.004 ± 0.0005 0.003 ± 0.0006 PESTICIDES DDT derivatives BHC derivatives Ayvalık Bay 0.059± 0.0112 Saros Bay 0.027 ± 0.0061 131 In another residue determination study, performed by the same group in fish in the Black Sea region in 1975, OCP residue levels were found as mean 0.281 ppm for DDT isomers, 0.074 ppm BHC isomers, 0.013 ppm aldrin, 0.009 ppm endrin and 0.032 ppm for dieldrin. The total insecticide level was calculated to be 0.409 ppm. When the results of the three similar studies are evaluated, it can be seen that OPC residue levels were the highest in the Meditteranean Sea, Black Sea ranked second and Aegean Sea fish were the least contaminated in terms of OPC residue. In the light of these three studies, among the three seas the residue concentrations reflected in fish body mass in terms of organochlorine pesticides was the lowest in the Aegean Sea. A recent study was done by Özden et. al., 2001 on residues of organochlorine pesticides, nitromusks and chlorobiphenyls in Turkish canned fish products. In the study, an overview on the contamination grade of fish from Turkish waters by selected organochlorine pesticides, nitromusks and chlorobiphenyl congeners was presented.. Sardines, sardelles, pelamide and trout were the canned fish. These fish were caught in Black Sea and Marmara Sea, except the trout. The residues of organochlorine pesticides were examined on the flesh and fatty parts of the fish. In Table 46., 47., 48., 49., and 50. all the residues are shown in detail. According to Turkish codex the limit values for organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in canned fish and the exported must be below 0,0005 mg/kg for fat and below 0.0001 mg/kg for flesh. The residue values found in this study were ¼ of the limit values in codex. Table 46. Isomers of HCB, 4 BHC and total amount of BHC HCB Mg / kg -BHC Mg / kg - BHC Mg / kg -BHC Mg / kg -BHC Mg / kg (except ) BHC mg/kg Sardine A B C Sardelles A B C Pelamide D Trout C Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat 0,0069 0,0004 0,0024 0,0001 - 0,0030 0,0003 0,0016 0,0002 0,0016 0,014 0,0011 0,0004 - 0,0069 0,0011 0,0043 0,0007 0,0211 0,0033 0,0034 0,0005 0,0254 0,0187 0,0008 0,0098 0,0004 0,0389 0,0017 0,0033 0,0001 0,0487 0,0026 0,0004 0,0018 0,0003 0,0070 0,0010 0,0005 0,0001 0,0088 0,0020 0,0002 0,0011 0,0001 0,0014 0,0002 0,0011 0,0164 0,0027 0,0058 0,0010 0,0463 0,0077 0,0007 0,0001 0,0520 Flesh - 0,0002 - 0,0040 0,0021 0,0012 0,0001 0,0087 : Fat < 0,0005; Flesh< 0,0001 132 Table 47. Amounts of selected PCBs. PCB 28 Mg / kg PCB 31 Mg / kg PCB 52 Mg / kg PCB 101 Mg / kg PCB 118 Mg / kg PCB 138 Mg / kg PCB 153 Mg / kg PCB 180 Mg / kg PCB 194 Mg / kg Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Sardine A 0,0027 0,0002 0,0115 0,0006 0,0019 0,0003 0,0055 0,0003 0,0106 0,0011 0,0238 0,0013 0,0315 0,0018 0,0106 0,0006 - B 0,0029 0,0015 0,0048 0,0005 0,0037 0,0003 - C 0,0066 0,0006 0,0030 0,0003 0,0034 0,0003 0,0039 0,0102 0,001 0,0063 0,0006 - Sardelles A 0,0052 0,0008 0,0059 0,0009 0,0059 0,0079 0,0113 0,0018 0,0111 0,0017 0,0123 0,0019 0,0163 0,0025 0,0047 0,0010 - B 0,0077 0,0003 0,0321 0,0014 0,0055 0,0002 0,0116 0,0005 0,0096 0,0004 0,0109 0,0005 0,0268 0,0011 0,0112 0,0005 - C 0,0043 0,0006 0,0008 0,0001 0,0009 0,0001 0,0033 0,0005 0,0073 0,0010 0,0041 0,0006 - Pelamide D 0,0018 0,0003 0,0127 0,0021 0,0180 0,0030 0,0280 0,0047 0,0249 0,0042 0,0351 0,0059 0,0104 0,0018 - Trout C 0,0005 0,0001 0,0015 0,0002 0,0037 0,0004 0,0030 0,0028 0,0003 0,0016 0,0002 - - : Fat < 0,0005; Flesh< 0,0001 Table 48. DDT, their polimers, 2,4 isomers and total DDT amounts 4,4’ DDT Mg / kg 4,4’ DDE Mg / kg 4,4’ DDD Mg / kg 2,4’ DDT Mg / kg 2,4’ DDE Mg / kg 2,4’ DDD Mg / kg DDT mg/kg Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Sardine A 0,0022 0,0001 0,2008 0,0111 0,0735 0,0041 0,0031 0,0002 0,0008 0,3086 B 0,0669 0,0062 0,0103 0,0010 0,0029 0,0003 0,0770 C 0,0031 0,0003 0,1081 0,0105 0,0221 0,0021 0,0021 0,0002 0,1393 Sardelles A 0,0118 0,0018 0,0875 0,0136 0,0624 0,0097 0,0044 0,0007 0,1812 B 0,3187 0,0136 0,2182 0,0093 0,0046 0,0002 0,5757 C 0,0122 0,0017 0,0538 0,0075 0,0289 0,0040 0,0016 0,0002 0,0989 Pelamide D 0,0088 0,0014 0,3983 0,0069 0,4327 0,0723 0,8767 Trout C 0,0135 0,0015 0,0330 0,0037 0,0212 0,0024 0,0011 0,0001 0,0733 Flesh 0,0171 0,0076 0,0135 0,0282 0,0246 0,0138 0,1466 0,0083 - : Fat < 0,0005; Flesh< 0,0001 133 Table 49. Levels of chlordane (individually and total) and toxaphen. Sardine A B C Sardelles A B C Pelamide D Trout C Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Fat Flesh 0,0014 0,0001 0,0014 0,0001 0,0009 0,0009 - 0,0071 0,0007 0,0071 0,0007 0,0010 0,0002 0,0010 0,0002 0,0042 0,0002 0,0042 0,0002 0,0006 0,0001 0,0007 0,0001 0,0031 0,0005 0,0009 0,0002 0,0040 0,0007 - Fat Flesh - - - - - - - - Fat Flesh - - - 0,0001 - - 0,0007 0,0001 - Fat Flesh Toxaphen Fat Mg / kg Flesh - - - 0,0001 - - 0,0007 0,0001 - -Chlordan Mg / kg Oxichlordan Mg / kg -Chlordan Mg / kg -Chlordan Mg / kg P 26 Mg / kg P 50 Mg / kg P 62 Mg / kg - : Fat < 0,0005; Flesh< 0,0001 Some points of relevance drawn from the results are given below: HCB residues in fish fat ıs (maximum) 0.0187 mg/kg (sardelle), minimum 0.0020 mg/kg (pelamide), in fish flesh maximum 0.0027 mg/kg (trout), minimum 0.0002 mg/kg (pelamide) values are detected BHC rates in fat is max. 0.0034 mg/kg (sardelle), minimum below 0.0005 mg/kg and for flesh max. 0.0005 mg/kg (sardelles), min. 0.0001 mg/kg (sardine) values are detected. High values of DDT residues are detected for pelamide neverthless they are 1/3 of TLV. Chlordane residue values are between 0.0001 mg/kg – 0.0007 mg/kg in flesh. It is demonstrated that the analyzed fish species, prior to being processed to be canned and brought to the market, contained particularly unmistakable amounts on the above mentioned analytes. Sardines, sardelles and trout gave results generally far below the German regulatory limits. However total DDT in pelamides reached an order of magnitude near the German limit of 0.5 mg/kg (based on wet weight). In a study conducted at the Ankara University Veterinary Faculty, Department of Toxicology, organochlorine pesticide residues were determined in milk, butter, cheese and fat samples using chromatographic methods (Ceylan-Akman, 1977). This research aimed to detect and determine the organochlorine residues in milk, butter, cheese and renal fat samples of cattle obtained from Ankara market. A total of 80 samples were collected between June 1973-September 1974 and analyzed simultaneously by column chromatography, gas-liquid and thin layer chromatography. 134 Table 50. Levels of other organochlorine pesticides. Sardine Sardelles Pelamide Trout A B C A B C D C - - - - - - - - 0,0079 0,0004 - - 0,0054 0,0005 - 0,0087 0,0014 - 0,0132 0,0006 - 0,0024 0,0003 - 0,0130 0,0021 0,0014 0,0002 - 0,0020 0,0002 - 0,0060 0,0003 - - - 0,0030 0,0005 - 0,0026 0,0001 - - - - 0,0029 0,0002 - - 0,0032 0,0005 - - - - - 0,0016 0,0001 0,0012 0,0009 0,0017 0,0003 0,0039 0,0002 0,0013 0,0002 0,0021 0,0002 0,0062 0,0010 0,0048 0,0003 - 0,0155 0,0015 0,0026 0,0004 - 0,0081 0,0011 - - Fat Flesh - : Fat < 0,0005; Flesh< 0,0001 - - - - - - Heptachlor Mg / kg Dieldrin Mg / kg Fat Flesh Fat Flesh Octachlorstyrol Fat Mg / kg Flesh Cis Heptachlor Fat Mg / kg Flesh Bromocylen Mg / kg Fat Flesh Moschusxylol Fat Mg / kg Flesh Moschusketon Fat Mg / kg Flesh Endrin-Keton Fat Mg / kg Flesh Endrin Mg / kg Fat Flesh - Endosulfan Mg / kg Fat Flesh - Endosulfan Mg / kg Fat Flesh Endosulfansulf at Mg / kg The most common residues found in the samples were pp’-DDT, pp’-DDE, op’-DDT, α -BHC and lindane. They were observed to be at high levels. Aldrin methoxychlor had not been detected in any of the 80 samples. The results are given in Tables 51, 52, 53, 54. Table 51. The mean values of residues in cattle kidney fat. α –BHC...........................1.241 ± 0.801 γ- BHC............................0.805 ± 0.649 pp’-DDE.........................0.780 ± 0.550 pp’-DDT.........................0.398 ± 0.296 op’-DDT..........................0.394 ± 0.279 135 Table 52. The mean values of residues in milk. pp’-DDE.........................0.043 ± 0.018 γ- BHC............................0.032 ± 0.019 α –BHC............................0.027 ± 0.018 pp’-DDT.........................0.018 ± 0.008 op’-DDT.........................0.009 ± 0.006 Table 53. The mean values of residues in butter. α –BHC...........................1.531 ± 0.932 γ- BHC............................0.697 ± 0.332 pp’-DDE.........................0.647 ± 0.298 pp’-DDT.........................0.350 ± 0.161 op’-DDT........................0.171 ± 0.110 Table 54. The mean values of residues in cheese. pp’-DDE.........................0.377 ± 0.185 γ- BHC............................0.286 ± 0.079 α –BHC...........................0.0194 ± 0.082 pp’-DDT.........................0.122 ± 0.085 op’-DDT........................0.044 ± 0.030 These results show that the food samples analyzed had a high content of residues for organochlorine pesticides (Before the ban). Although the majority of organochlorine pesticides has not been used in Turkey for a long time, the residues of organochlorine pesticides are being observed in foods, especially in cereals, fatty meat and milk products on the grounds that these pesticides have a persistent character to prevail in the environment for a long time without being spoiled. A recent study has been carried out in 2001 in Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute’s Poison Research Depertmant’s laboratories to examine the level of organochlorine pesticide residues existing in butter and cracked wheat sold in Ankara local markets. The analyses were performed on a total of 150 samples which were gathered from various local markets of Ankara and they were composed of 70 butter samples produced by 7 different producers (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) as well as 30 unpacked butter samples and 50 unpacked cracked wheat samples. The standards of PCNB, Lindane, pp’-DDT, pp’-DDE and pp’-DDD were obtained from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The levels of organochlorine pesticide residues existed in the samples (butter and cracked wheat) were determined by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) The levels of organochlorine pesticide residues were calculated as average recoveries from the fortified samples were found as 97.0 % for PCNB, 98.6 % for lindane, 98 % for pp’-DDT, 99 % for pp’-DDE and 98 % for pp’-DDD, as shown in Table 55. 136 In the course of this study, no organochlorine pesticide residues were traced in the butter samples while PCNB and lindane had been traced in the samples of cracked wheat and also pp’-DDT, pp’-DDE residues had been traced in few samples. Table 55. The levels of organochlorine pesticide residues existing in cracked wheat samples (ppm) Organochlorine pesticide n X ± SD Min. PCNB Lindane p.p’-DDT p.p’-DDE Total-DDT 32 10 2 2 2 0.0223 ± 0.015 0.0210 ± 0.010 0.0309 ± 0.005 0.0260 ± 0.007 0.0569 ± 0.001 Max. 0.0070 0.0570 0.0080 0.0392 0.0269 0.0349 0.0208 0.0312 0.0557 0.0582 According to the percentages of residues observed in the cracked wheat samples it was determined that the 64 % of samples contained PCNB residue, 20 % contained lindane residue and 4 % contained DDT residue, while the remaining 12 % did not contain any organochlorine pesticide residue at all. According to the Codex Alimentarius, the maximum limit (FAO tolerence limit) of residue to be contained in cracked wheat is 0.2 ppm for PCNB, 0.5 ppm for lindane and 0.1 ppm for total DDT. Accordingly the average amount of PCNB and lindane residues and total amount of DDT (the average of the summed amounts of pp’ DDT and pp’-DDE) residues which are all traced in the cracked wheat samples, are well below the maximum residue limits. The organochlorine pesticide residue levels were not above the maximum residue limits in all samples. From the viewpoint of human health it is pleasant to observe that the amount of DDT residue traced in two samples is well below the maximum residue limit (0.1 mg/kg) recommended by the codex Alimentarius. Furthermore, this fact also presents great importance by demonstrating that the banning decision has been thoroughly observed and the level of environmental pollution caused by DDT has decreased. In another study done by Kolankaya et al., 2002, residused of organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides such as malathion, perizin and amitraz on honey and pollen for the control of varroa were analyzed. Also, the residues of two insecticides that are used for the control of hazelnut pests were determined. Honey and pollen samples were taken from beehives, which were exposed to chemical application in September 2000. Dead honeybees were collected from Akcakoca / Sakarya Region on May 2001. Extracts obtained for organochlorine insecticides were analysed for 13 organochlorine residues including and β-BHC, lindane, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, DDT and its derivatives pp’ DDT, op’ DDD, op’ DDT, op’ DDE and pp’ DDE heptachlor, and heptachlor epoxide via gas chromatography analysis conducted by using Ni, electron capture detector. Residues of DDT and its derivatives, as well as their residues of aldrin and its metabolites endrin and dieldrin were detected in 6 of the 16 honey samples, and in 2 of the 8 pollen samples. Results are given in Table 56 and 57. 137 10 out of 13 organochlorine pesticides were found at detectable levels in different honey and pollen samples, but the same pesticides were not detectable in propolis samples. Detected residues were in ppb’s and below the level of toxicity Table 56. Maximum Residue limits in honey according to T.C.,Amer.Chem.Sec., FAO/WHO limits (mg/kg) Pesticides Turkish Codex Max. Residue Limits Amer.Chem.Soc.Max. Residue Limits FAO/WHO Daily Intake Dose Coumaphos - 0,01 0,0005 Amitraz 0,2 1,0 0,003 Malathion - 0,5 0,005 Aldicarb 0,01 - <0,0001 Bromopropylate 0,1 0,05 <0,0001 Dichlorobenyl 0,05 - <0,0001 Dichlorvos 0,01 0,5 - Endosulfan 0,01 0,001 <0,0001 Fluvalinate - 0,001 - Lindane 0,01 0,001 <0,0001 Chlordane 0,01 0,001 <0,0001 DDT 0,05 0,001 <0,0001 Heptachlor 0,01 0,001 <0,0001 According to the data obtained, one pollen sample was found to have more kinds of pesticides than the honey. This indicates that the OC pesticides, before being used during the blooming season of the areas where the honeybees wander about, had contaminated pollens and plants and as a result, these pesticides and their metabolites are still present in honey and pollens due to their persistence, although they have not been used recently. Malathion, perizin and amitraz residues were detected at very low levels (0.007, 0.001 and 0.003 ppb respectively) in one of the 16 pollen samples. Malathion, perizin and amitraz residues were not detected in any of the honey or propolis samples. Carbosulfan 25 and carbaryl 85 were detected in dead honeybees, which had been collected from 7 different stations in Akçakoca / Sakarya region. Having observed no insecticide residues, in the laboratory, on bees coming from combs collected from the same localities, it can be concluded that the insecticides have affected the bees and killed them. 138 Table 57. Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides in honey and pollen samples Samples Heptachlor (ng/ul) Aldrin Endrin Dieldrin Epoxide p,p’DDT o,p’DDE p,p’DDD o,p’DDT p,p’DDE Lindane 1 Honey 5,92 1,165 11,18 12,90 14,00 31,666 - - 9,672 - 6 Honey 9,280 - 6,044 3,07 - 5,050 - - - 2,532 7 Honey 2,452 0,370 10,10 2,074 - 9,024 0,388 2,752 - - 11 Honey 4,202 - 2,44 2,079 - 6,171 - - 1,272 - 12 Honey 43,05 0,958 5,838 7,122 - 2,514 - - 2,823 4,906 14 Honey 12,20 7,961 7,66 37,34 1,112 20,877 0,916 - 19,844 - 2 Pollen - 6,826 3,619 0,999 - 2,853 - - 1,05 - 14 Pollen 18,68 18,25 12,588 4,187 1,12 25,729 - 24,662 6,125 1,685 12,51 In Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute Poison Research Department’s laboratories, samples of natural spring water, natural mineral water, thermal water and drinking water have been analyzed for OCP’s starting from the year 1997 up to present date. The number of samples analyzed each year is shown in Table 58. As far as OCP’s are concerned, all results were found to be below the 0.00001 mg/L detection limit. Table 58. Organochlorine Pesticides (HCB, Heptochloroepoxide, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Σ-DDT) No. of samples α-BHC, γ–BHC, Heptachlor, 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Natural Spring Water 4 24 10 28 26 10 26 2004 9 months 10 Natural Mineral Water Termal Water 2 4 1 3 8 3 20 - - - - - 9 6 10 11 Driking Water - - - 2 7 6 8 2 Potential Risk Groups: Regarding the references of the scientific studies done in Turkey we can say that there is no study that is including the entire of country. The majority of the studies are carried out in the following 139 regions: Black Sea region, Çukurova region, South-eastern part of Anatolia, Marmara region, Central Anatolia(mainly Ankara, Kayseri, Konya, Sivas). All the studies mentioned above revealed levels well below the accepted limits. There are some exceptions for PCBs, eg: soil samples collected from TEDAŞ vicinity where PCB containing electrical transformer oils were exchanged ( ref 55).Another example can be given from the Greenpeace analysis in Izaydaş (ref 28). It can be concluded that there is no imminent risk for these populations. Since there are many regions where no studies have been performed as yet it is not possible to estimate whether the populations in these regions would be potential risk groups. On the other hand these populations do not face new exposures to POPs chemicals. They will face no future risk. In Turkey, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) is the authorized body to establish standards and guidelines, to formulate policies, to develop cooperation with other ministries, to monitor the trends, to enforce the current legislation and to disseminate information related to the environment and is best suited for undertaking the key activities described in the project. MoE is also the POP focal point. Identification of Impacted Populations or Environments, Estimated Scale and Magnitude of Threats to Public Health and Environmental Quality and Social Implications for Workers and Local Communities (2.3.11) Declaration and Reporting of Priority Pollutant Releases: DDT was the most commonly used POPs chemical. Therefore it ranks first in the priority list. Aldrin, dieldrin and endrin together formed the second biggest group of POPs chemicals that have been analyzed. Hexachlorobenzene is also one of the most widely used POPs pesticide in Turkey. We can say it takes the third position. Current Monitoring Standards and Capacity for POPs: There is no previously performed or currently ongoing monitoring study for POPs in Turkey. In Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute, the laboratories of Poison Research Directorate are fully equipped and suitable for carrying out monitoring the POPs. Already, drinking waters are being analyzed in these laboratories for PCBs on a routine basis. The only drawback is that the laboratory is not accredited as yet. However, actually meet the proficiency test and SOP (Standard Seperating Procedure) requirements it is in the stage of ameliorating laboratory conditions. Since there are no monitoring studies, it is impossible to assess the weaknesses or to compare the practices with the obligations of the Convention. 140 Current Occupational Safety Measures of POPs Pesticides and PCBs: The POPs chemicals have long been banned in Turkey and since they are no longer in use, there are no current occupational safety measures for these chemicals. For the period in which POPs chemicals were used in the country, the ILO guidelines for occupational safety were taken into consideration. Potential Risk Groups The scientific studies carried out up to date were not done as a systematic monitoring study but were carried out on individual level as masters and doctorate theses and as Project studies. There is a serious need for global monitoring studies to be carried out throughout the country to assess the actual levels and those where no previous analyses were performed. It has to be noted that the people living in the regions where wet agriculture is done may be the potentially risk group. Monitoring studies must be performed especially in Sakarya river and South-eastern Anatolia regions. General Assessments In Turkey, OCPs were started being used against pests in 1945, large quantities of these chemicals were used during the 1960s and 1970s, and since 1983 usage of these chemicals have been severly restricted. Endosulphan derivatives were put in use instead,which are not as persistent as OCPs and have metobolites less toxic than OCPs. DDT and its metabolites, BHC and its isomers, aldrin, dieldrin and endrin derivatives are not in use anymore but they are still detected in sediment, human milk and adipose tissues. However, there is a clear decrease in residue levels in recent years. This indicates that these OCPs have completed their biological half-life. Furthermore, there is the possibility of illegal trading and use of DDT in Southeastern Turkey, especially in the Syrian and Iraq borders where illegal pesticides traffic is suspected because of impared border security since the Gulf War. For this the reason high level of DDT be expected in this region. The Sakarya River is the most important source for almost all of the organochlorinated pesticides, because the Sakarya River lies to the western part of the Black Sea and its drainage area includes fertile plains in the north western Turkey. The Sakarya River is followed by the Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak Rivers, both of which have high flow but are located on the eastern Black Sea coast and their drainage area includes regions in the Central Anatolia where agriculture is not as extensive as in the north western part of the Turkey. In Turkey, OCP residues have been monitored in breast milk and adipose tissue in Turkish populations by carrying out regional surveys at given time intervals since 1976., 141 Heptachlor epoxide was clearly detected in some samples ( 17.82%) . The presence of heptachlor epoxide in different regions of Turkey including Ankara have been reported earlier ( Burgaz et al., 1994; Çok et al., 1998). The level of heptachlor epoxide in human adipose tissue samples of Ankara residents has been reported as 0.021 ppm by Burgaz et al., 1994. In a later study, (Çok. et al., 2002) the amount of heptachlor epoxide was found to be 0.06 ppm which is significantly different than the previous one ( p<0.05). The heptachlor epoxide levels in human body might have originated from heptachlor as an oxidation product, given that it was used as a pesticide in Turkey until 1985. HCB is a widespread contaminant that has entered the environment through its past manufacture and use as a pesticide and its formation as a by-product during the production of a variety of chlorinated compounds. Average HCB residue levels in adipose tissue of Ankara residents have been reported as 0.164 ppm (Burgaz et al., 1994). In a late study, the level of HCB was found as 0.152 ppm (Çok. et al., 2002). Indeed, HCB is the most striking one among the OCPs that have been analysed. The values tend to be consistent over the years, even though expected to decrease. Concentration of HCB was found to be lower in other parts of Turkey ( Çok et al., 1998; Çok et al., 1999). The presence of HCB in human milk can be attributed to various activities and other pesticides (PCNB, PCP, DCPA etc). Although the agricultural usage of pesticides and industrial activities such as waste by-products in specific manufacturing processes have created considerable amounts of HCB impurities. The need for more comprehensive studies on the causes and sources of HCB exposure, is indicated by this research. Experimental and epidemiological studies show that DDE/DDT ratio increases with time after exposure or after the limitation or restriction of DDT usage. In a late study, (Çok. et al., 2002) DDE/DDT ratio was found as 17.67 which was quite higher than that obtained in the 1987 study by Karakaya et al. which was 4.50 ( p<0.001). On the other hand, in the studies that have been performed on adipose tissue samples, this value was calculated as 3.19 an 1976 ( Kayaalp et al., 1979 ), 9.4 an 1984 ( Karakaya & Özalp 1987 ) and 13.53 in 1991 ( Burgaz et al., 1994). When we consider DDE/DDT ratios, it is seen that the limitation and legislation for OCPs in Turkey has been effective and the exposure to these compounds tends to decrease in time. Although the majority of organochlorine pesticides have not been used in Turkey for a long time, the residues of organochlorine pesticides are being observed in food, especially in cereals, fatty meat and milk products on the grounds that these pesticides have a persistent character to prevail in the environment for a long time without spoilage. The amount of organochlorine pesticide residues existed in the samples (butter and cracked wheat) were determined and no organochlorine pesticide residues were traced in the butter samples while PCNB and lindane has been traced in the samples of cracked wheat and also pp’DDT, pp’-DDE residues has been traced in few samples. Sardines, sardelles, and pelamide are the canned fish. These fish are caught in The Black Sea and The Sea of Marmara, except the trout. The residues of organochlorine pesticides are examined on meat and fatty parts of these fish. According to Turkish codex the limit values for organochlorine pesticides and OCPs for canned fish and the exported ones are below 0,0005 mg/kg for fat and below 0.0001 mg/kg for meat. The residue values found in the study was ¼ of the limit values in codex. 142 It is demonstrated that the analyzed fish species, prior to being processed and canned and brought to the market, contained particularly unmistakable amounts of the above mentioned analytes. Sardines, sardelles and trout gave results generally far below the German regulatory limits. However total DDT in pelamides reached an order of magnitude near the German limit of 0.5 mg/kg (based on wet weight). The OCP residue studies carried out in human milk and adipose tissue were restricted to a limited number of areas of the country, namely. Ankara, Sivas, Adana, Kayseri, Kocaeli and Kahramanmaraş. Since Turkey is an agricultural country with vast agricultural lands, more studies need to be performed to make more accurate assessments for the entire of the country. Besides OCP residue analysis, the assessment of the toxic effects of OCPs in aquatic and terrestrial organisms including humans need to be performed on a much bigger scale. Soil and sediment studies up to day are very few and insufficient in number. In addition, transfer from soil to vegetation is another relevant area for further studies. References 1. Akay M.T., Kolankaya D., Özgüç K.Ç.: Histological changes in The Adrenal Glands of Female Mice Treated by Heptacholor. Hacettepe Bull. Natur. Scien. and Eng. Vol. 11, Say. 1-7, 1982 2. Akman M.Ş., Ceylan S., Şanlı Y., Şener S., Akşiray F.:Determination level of organochlorine insecticides in the various fish species and in shrimps obtained from the Turkish Coast of Mediterranean Sea.A.Ü. Vet.Fak.Derg.25:121-134,1978. 3. 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Sahir ÇÖRTOĞLU COORDINATOR Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) MEMBERS Taylan KIYMAZ State Planning Organization (SPO) Şenol ATAMAN TTGV Ayşe Kaya DÜNDAR TTGV Prof.Dr. Altan ACARA National Project Coordinator Ayten TUYGUN Directory General for Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corp. Beyhan BALLI Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) Dr. A. Alev BURÇAK Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) Emine AYGÖREN SPO Emra ŞATIROĞLU Food and Agriculture Org. (FAO) Representation in Turkey Fehim İŞBİLİR TUBITAK-MRC (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey Marmara Research Center) Prof.Dr. Gürol OKAY Turkish Standards Institute (TSI) Gülfem DEMİR SPO Mehmet KONTAŞ World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office Neşe ÇEHRELİ MoEF Dr. Nur ERGİN Ministry of Health (MoH) -Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute Pelin AKSU MARA Sönmez DAĞLI TUBITAK-MRC Ünsal ERDEM Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MOLSS) DECEMER 2004 147 Summary In the National Chemical Profile “chemicals” is used in a sense to include pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals, chemicals used in industrial processes, petroleum products, chemicals marketed for consumer use. Increasing evidence suggests that chemicals can contribute to health and environmental problems at various stages during their life cycle from production/import through disposal. The majority of such evidence is associated with the use (or misuse) of pesticides in the agricultural sector, but increasingly industrial and consumer chemicals are reported to cause severe health and environmental problems as countries develop. Preparing the national chemical profile, it is also intended to put emphasis on persistent organic pollutants (POPs). POPs possess toxic properties, resist degradation, bioaccumulate, and are transported, through air, water, and migratory species, across international boundaries and deposited far from their place of release, where they accumulate in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Five principles can be applied in establishing the National Chemical Management Programme including POPs, which are; accepting a life-cycle approach, precautional use, their impacts and prospects, polluters’ pay, right to know, and integrated multi-stakeholder process. In this concern, an international policy framework is formed for the sound management of chemicals that is shared and accepted by many nations. With an objective to meet the obligations of the Stockholm Convention, Turkey intend to formulate a National Implementation Plan (NIP). As a first step to develop an NIP, a National Profile is prepared to assess national infrastructure for the management of chemicals. This profile is prepared following the guidance document of United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In response to the recommendation adopted by the IFCS on National Profiles, UNITAR initiated a programme in 1995 to assist countries to prepare National Profiles to assess the national infrastructure for the sound management of chemicals. The UNITAR National Profile Programme is conducted within the framework of the IOMC and in close co-operation with the Secretariat of the IFCS. Almost all of the interested and relevant governmental parties are involved in the preparation of the National Chemical Profile and studies of non-governmental organizations and universities are also considered as valuable contributions. The economic values of chemicals production and use are significant in Turkey. The number of chemicals that are produced in the country and the weight of agricultural production in Turkish economy with the abundant agricultural land make chemical use to be environmentally concerned. Turkey is a large country with a size of 769,604 km2 and total population 67.8 million. The rural population accounts for 35 % of the total and country has a very young generation with an average age of 27.7. The contribution of industrial and agriculture sectors to the GDP totals to 36.7 %, of which 11.8 % is agriculture and 20.2 % is manufacturing sector, the remaining is energy and mining sectors. 148 The number of manufacturing facilities and agricultural farms are high comparing developed economies and their average size are so small to work efficiently. In the manufacturing sector there are almost 247,000 facilities employing 2 million people. The major emissions of manufacturing, energy generation and mining and extraction sectors can be given as; waste water, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, metal particles, ozone (O3), hydrocarbons, ash. Air pollution, marine pollution, groundwater pollution, soil contamination, chemical residues in food, public health, and POPs can be mentioned as the major problem issues. Insufficient statistical data is the significant handicap monitoring these problem areas although none of them forms most severe problem. In Turkey, the production or imports of nearly fifty chemicals are banned in the last 25 years because of their toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment or adverse effects on human beings. As a non-regulatory mechanism to manage chemicals, in some of the City Chambers affiliated with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, waste exchanges are working in different extents. In waste exchanges, waste trade takes place between industrial facilities aiming recycling of wastes by using them in the production of other industrial materials. In the management of chemicals, a number of ministries and governmental bodies have responsibilities. The main parties are; MOEF, responsible from general legislative work for chemical management and registration of industrial chemicals, Ministry of Health (MoH), responsible from legislative work to manage consumer chemicals and public health issues, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), responsible from legislative work to manage pesticides. Several non-governmental institutions have limited number of activities to take part in the management of chemicals. The most active parties can be given as universities, research institutes, and environment groups. As advisory inter-ministerial bodies, MARA coordinates Commission of Chemical Security, Commission of Hazardous Wastes and Commission of Recycling work under the coordination of MOEF and National Commission of Codex Alimentarius. All of the commissions have a mission to contribute the execution of the current legislation via coordination between responsible bodies. It should be stated that two technical assistance projects continue with the contribution of international donor agencies concerning pesticide residues and dioxin emissions. There are a number of organizations working to raise the public awareness and understanding of workers and the public. Confederation of Turkish Labor Syndicates (TURK-IS) work for determination of the risky jobs, organize vocational training, on-work vocational studies, activities like, workshops, symposiums and publish brochures, booklets. As an affiliated body of Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MOLSS) Social Security Training and Research Center is the only public vocational training organization. In the Directorate General for Electric 149 Generation, vocational training programs especially for the workers working in the powerhouses with a possible exposition to PCBs have been organized. Booklets to increase awareness and understanding of workers have been published. Additionally, in some of the City Chambers affiliated with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, there are departments of environment working on the environmental issues. Environmental test laboratory facilities are planned to be established in a number of these chambers. There are also a number of regional NGOs organizing seminars, publish books and brochures to raise public awareness or focusing on natural and cultural education in the country. At this point, it seems to be helpful to summarize the assessments of the study. First, the legal basis is seen to be sufficient to manage chemicals. The adoption to the EU acquis helps the country to complete the lacking legislation. However, the necessary data collection and monitoring activities cannot sufficiently be implemented by the relevant institutions. The difficulties in preparing the national profile for the management of chemicals can be set as; obtaining regional data and relevant data on chemical wastes, description of problem areas, priority concerns related to chemicals, inventory of technical infrastructure and available resources in related institutions. On the other hand, it can be stated that there is satisfactory linkage to international database and scientific literature. With a good coordination between ministries and universities, research centers and NGOs, there is a potential of training more staff or scientists as well as project design and implementation. It is believed that in the activities to raise public and worker awareness for environmental management and their understanding of risks of chemicals, POPs have to be considered more in order to enforce the public institutions for policy-formation and POPs prevention. Future studies within the concept of management of chemicals are foreseen as the development of a monitoring system for the chemical waste generation and emission inventories in relation with regional and national chemical production facilities and agricultural land. Second, the coordination between related institutions has to be improved in order to monitor or easily change the current policies of chemical management. A general inter-ministerial committee may help to improve the current situation of management of chemicals. Furthermore, the priority concerns related to chemicals has to be transparently determined officially in order to see the problem areas and to create a procedure of chemical management. The technical requirements of related institutions have to be specified. Although the use or production of POPs has not been registered for a long time, any unregistered use and emission of POPs have to be investigated in human beings, food, soil, and rivers via different regional studies in selected districts. At the end of this study, the existing regulatory schemes for assessing new chemicals and chemicals already in the market are revealed briefly. 150 Introduction Chemicals are used in a broad sense to include; pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals, chemicals used in industrial processes, petroleum products, chemicals marketed for consumer use. These chemicals have become indispensable in many economic activities and are increasingly used in the industrial, agricultural and consumer sectors. However, increasing evidence suggests that chemicals can contribute to health and environmental problems at various stages during their life cycle from production/import through disposal. Such problems include pollution generated during production processes, improper handling, storage and transport accidents, occupational accidents and diseases, and environmental contamination due to unsound disposal methods. The majority of such evidence is associated with the use (or misuse) of pesticides in the agricultural sector, but increasingly industrial and consumer chemicals are reported to cause severe health and environmental problems as countries develop. It is widely recognized that chemicals need to be managed properly in order to achieve a sustainable level of agricultural and industrial development and a high level of environmental and human health protection. Thus, it is important to strengthen national systems for the management of chemicals for comprehensive assessment of the national infrastructure, relating to the legal, institutional, administrative, and technical aspects of chemicals, along with an understanding of the nature and extent of availability and use of chemicals in the country. In this sense, an international policy framework is formed for the sound management of chemicals that is shared and accepted by many nations. In order to facilitate this management national chemical profiles are aimed to be prepared by the countries consented to the international agreements. In 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio Conference) marked an important event towards the goal of achieving sustainable economic development, which meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. More than 150 member countries, including Turkey, of the United Nations adopted a comprehensive document called “Agenda 21”, outlining responsibilities of States towards the achievement of sustainable development. Chapter 19 of “Agenda 21” is entitled “Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals, including Prevention of Illegal International Traffic in Toxic and Dangerous Products”. All countries present at the Rio Conference agreed on the goal of achieving the sound management of chemicals by the year 2000. In 1994, the International Conference on Chemical Safety (Stockholm, Sweden) brought together high level representatives from more than 100 countries to identify priorities to implement Chapter 19 and to establish mechanisms for the implementation of its recommendations. The Stockholm Conference established the Inter-governmental Forum on Chemicals Safety (IFCS), 151 through which countries now regularly discuss their activities and priorities for the sound management of chemicals. The Stockholm Conference adopted a “Priorities for Action” plan to implement the recommendations of Chapter 19 of Agenda 21. In 1995, the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) is established at the level of international organizations, FAO, OECD, ILO, UNIDO, UNEP and WHO established, a co-operative agreement to co-ordinate activities in the area of chemicals management. Based on the guidance provided through the IFCS, international organizations will increasingly co-operate towards linking and integrating their respective programmes in the area of chemical management and safety. Since the end of 1980’s several international policy instruments have been adopted which address specific aspects of chemicals management: - UNEP London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade (as amended in 1989); FAO International Code of Conduct for the Distribution and Use of Pesticides (as amended in 1989); ILO 1990 Convention on the Safety of Chemicals at the Workplace (No. 170); ILO 1993 Convention Concerning the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents (No.174); and The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Furthermore, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted resolutions and conventions, which address the management of chemicals, for example, Resolution 44/226 of the General Assembly on “Traffic in and Disposal, Control and Transboundary Movement of Toxic and Dangerous Products and Wastes”. Preparing the national chemical profile, it is also intended to put emphasis on persistent organic pollutants (POPs). POPs possess toxic properties, resist degradation, bioaccumulate, and are transported, through air, water, and migratory species, across international boundaries and deposited far from their place of release, where they accumulate in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. With decision 19/13 C of 7 February 1997 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme it was decided to initiate international action to protect human health and the environment through measures, which will reduce and/or eliminate emissions and discharges of persistent organic pollutants. Additionally, the pertinent provisions of the relevant international environmental conventions, especially the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal including the regional agreements developed within the framework of its Article 11 have to be mentioned describing the international legal framework for prevention of POPs emission and discharges. In linkage with the above mentioned policy framework, the Stockholm Convention was adapted by 125 countries, including Turkey, on 22 and 23 May 2001, focusing on reducing and where appropriate eliminating release of 12 POPs of international concern. Convention became legally binding on 17 May 2004. 152 Stockholm Convention has five aims: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Eliminate dangerous POPs starting with the 12 worst Support the transition to safer alternatives Target additional POP for action Clean-up old stockpiles and equipment containing POPs Work together for a POPs free future. The 12 POPs that are the subject of the Stockholm Convention includes eight pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, and toxaphene), two industrial chemicals (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene) and two by-products (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF)). In Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) is the authorized body to establish standards and guidelines, to formulate policies, to develop co-operation with other ministries, to monitor the trends, to enforce the current legislation and to disseminate information related to the environment and is best suited for undertaking the key activities described in this enabling activities project. MOEF has also been selected as the POPs focal point. With an objective to meet the obligations of the Stockholm Convention, Turkey intend to strengthen national capacity, enhance knowledge and understanding amongst decision-makers, managers, the industry, NGOs and the public on POPs to develop and formulate a National Implementation Plan (NIP). In this respect, MOEF is the coordinator unit for the development of NIP. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Health, Undersecretaries of Treasury, Undersecretaries of Foreign Trade, Turkish Cement Manufacturer’s Association, Technology Development Foundation of Turkey, Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corporation, State Planning Organization, Middle East Technical University (METU), GAZI University, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), and Turkish Chemical Manufacturer’s Association are the stakeholders that are expected to contribute most to the NIP process and ensure full ownership and commitment. As a first step to develop an NIP, a National Profile is prepared to assess national infrastructure for the management of chemicals. This profile is prepared following the guidance document of United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In response to the recommendation adopted by the IFCS on National Profiles, UNITAR initiated a programme in 1995 to assist countries to prepare National Profiles to assess the national infrastructure for the sound management of chemicals. The UNITAR National Profile Programme is conducted within the framework of the IOMC and in close co-operation with the Secretariat of the IFCS. 153 Inventories Chapter 1. National background information Physical and Demographic Context Size of Country: 769.604 km2 Form of Government: Republic Official Language: Turkish Total Population: 67.803.927 (2000) Urban Population: 64.9 % (urban is a place with a population of 20.000 or more) Rural Population: 35.1 % Average age of the population: 27.7 (2003) Population of Working Age (15-64): 43.8 million (2000) Birth Rate: 1.53 % (2003) Life Expectancy: 68.7 (2003) Literacy Rate: 87.5 % (2002) Average Education Level of Population: 5, 97 years Unemployment Rate: 10.5 % (2003) Percentage of Women Employed Outside the Home: 31.1 % (1999) Source: State Statistics Institute (SIS), Population and Demographical Indicators on the web: 2004; State Planning Organization (SPO) Basic Economical Indicators, June 2004; SPO, 8th Five Year Development Plan and its Annual Programs; Hacettepe University Institution of Population Studies, Research for Population and Health-Turkey, 2003. Political/Geographic Structure Of The Country 81 governors in the 81 provinces represent the central administration, headed by the Prime Minister and Ministers, in the territory. There are sub-governors at district level. The Governor is assisted by a directly elected provincial council, and district councils. Several ministries have offices at provincial and district level. An autonomous local administration exists at the level of municipalities (16 large metropolitan municipalities (MM) – subdivided in sectors – and 3200 of the smaller towns) which elect a mayor and a municipal council. In 50,000 villages, the village assembly directly elects a Council of Elders and village headman. The Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) is a one-chamber parliament composed of 550 deputies. Elections are based on proportional representation subject to a national threshold of 10%. Elections take place every 5 years. The TGNA legislates, supervises the Council of Ministers, and adopts the budget. It decides on declaring war, martial law, or emergency rule; it approves international agreements, general or special amnesties. The laws passed by the TGNA are promulgated by the President within 15 days. The President may refer the law back to the Assembly for reconsideration. The TGNA elects the President of the Republic. There are seven – geographical – regions in Turkey, essentially for statistical purposes. Turkey’s 77 million hectares of mostly rugged land lies at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and the 154 south-western corner of Asia. Its exposure to both maritime and continental weather patterns combines with a highly varied topography to produce several distinct climatic zones. Industrial and Agricultural Sectors Table 1. A: Overview of the Industrial and Agricultural Sectors, 2003 Sector Industrial -Manufacturing Contribution to the Gross Dom. Number of Product (%) Employees (million) 24.9 20.2 -Mining and extraction 1.1 -Energy Agriculture 3.7 11.8 TOTAL 36.7 Major Products in each Sector 3.8 Textiles, food processing, automobiles, steel, petroleum, cement coal, chromites, copper, boron Thermic, Hydraulic 7.4 Cereals, sugarbeet, pulses, cotton, fruits and vegetables, lumber, livestock 11.2 Source: State Statistics Institute (SIS) Results of Household Labor Force Survey, 2003 Table 1. B.1: Structure of Industrial Sector Micro Facilities (%) Manufacturing Small Facilities (%) Medium Big Facilities (%) Facilities (%) 58.326 3.191 1.810 1.633.509 Facilities classified according to employees micro: 1-9 employees small: 10-99 employees medium: 100-250 employees big: more than 250 employees Source: SIS, 2002 General Industrial, and Working Places Census Table 1. B.2: Structure of the Agricultural Sector Region Total Mid-Northern Aegean Marmara Mediterranean North-eastern South-eastern Black Sea Mid-Eastern Mid-Southern Micro Farms (%) 5,9 2,7 8,7 2,5 8,9 1,4 5,8 14,4 2,6 3,3 Small Farms (%) 27,5 18,2 33,1 19,7 31,9 17,4 22,3 41,6 21,7 14,4 Medium Farms (%) 50,0 49,9 52,9 58,8 45,6 51,3 40,4 44,5 57,6 45,2 Big Farms (%) 16,7 28,1 7,4 15,9 11,7 26,8 24,5 4,4 15,3 34,3 155 Note: Farms classified according to land size micro: 1-4 decare small: 5-19 decare medium: 20-99 decares big: 100-5000+ Source: SIS, 2001 Agriculture Census. Industrial Employment by Economic Sectors Table 1.E: Industrial Employment by Major Economic Sectors ISIC Code – Description Number of Facilities Manufacturing 31- Food Industry 246,899 30,649 Total Employment Output Value (2002 billion US$, Major Emissions (type) in 1998 prices) 2,043,815 128.92 247,769 25.53 Waste water, sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter 32- Textiles/Clothing and Leather Goods 63,412 749,932 30.07 Waste water 33- Wood and Wood Products 28,334 78,120 4.11 - 34- Paper and Paper Products, Printing 11,045 35- Chemical/Coal/Petro/ 13,327 Plastic Products 79,241 166,416 2.08 22.05 Waste water Waste water, solid wastes, hydrogen sulphate, sulphur dioxide (SO2), metal oxides, carbon dioxide (CO2) 12,323 41,285 131,485 212,630 6.14 7.61 15,514 38- Fabrication of Machinery and Equipment 39- Other Manufacturing Industries 31,010 106,009 6.03 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter Sulphur dioxide (SO2), metal particles, waste water - 272,213 25.30 Waste water Particulate matter cyanide, sulphuric acid, waste water 36- Non-metallic Mineral Products 37- Basic Metals Industry Mining and Extraction (Coal/Oil/Natural/Gas/ Minerals/Metals) 2,394 70,953 2.06 Electric Generation 121 7,904 7.93 Dry Cleaning 3,644 12,914 n.a. TOTAL 253,058 2,135,586 Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Carbonmonoxide (CO), Ozone (O3), hydrocarbons, ash, particulate matter Perchloroethylene and petroleum-based solvents Source: SPO Support Document for Annual Program 2003; SIS Industry Census, 2002; SPO Several Specialists’ Reports, 2000-2001. 156 Chapter 2: Chemical Production, Import, Export and Use Chemical Production, Import, Use, and Export Table 2.A: Chemical Production, Use, and Trade Chemical Industry by 2002, in 1998 prices Production Tons Imports Million $ Tons Use Million $ Tons Exports Million $ Tons Million $ Pesticides 31.244 222,6 16.500 85,6 41.345 289,0 -Agricultural 23.807 191,8 7.521 49,9 30.354 244,5 974 6,6 7.437 30,8 8.979 35,7 10.991 45,5 5.425 14,1 45.839 90,4 497,6 530,5 57,4 397,4 242,3 492,8 140,3 -Other(1) 6.399 20,7 Industrial Chemicals Painting material and pigments Inorganic Chemicals Sodium Hydroxide 173.646 37,4 Sodium Hypochloride 180.433 38,6 Sodium Sulfate 562.660 42,1 9.900 4,5 124.550 Sodium Sulphure Sodium Phosphates Sodium Silicate Boron products 223.699 40,2 383.532 74,6 - - 172.876 37,0 7.557 1,5 2.794 0,4 474.975 35,7 90.479 10,7 6.435 2,6 15.773 6,8 562 0,3 - 99.438 65,1 99.438 65,1 2.359 2,5 126.909 17,6 - - 15,1 157,1 Hydrochloric Acid 8,0 13.813 42,0 2,7 123,1 79.511 7,8 10.543 32,8 89.690 40,5 364 0,1 Phosphoric Acid 199.595 59,2 197.729 69,9 397.214 129,1 111 0,2 Sulphuric Acid 629.786 19,7 454.560 17,2 1.084.135 36,9 211 0,0 Aluminum Sulphate 54.174 7,4 0,0 19.850 2,7 520 0,1 Hydrogen Peroxide 13.956 8,5 3,7 11.982 4,8 12.032 1,5 23,6 Organic Chemicals Phenol Acetone (2) 10.058 - 73,3 - 7.816 5,9 96,6 7.816 0,0 5,9- - 0,3 17.514 8,9 17.471 19,2 43 0,05 Formaldehyde 106.214 16,5 20 0,1 106.196 16,6 38 0,01 Methyl Alcohol 47.890 6,8 165.497 22,0 213.387 28,8- - 157 Chemical Industry by 2002, in 1998 prices Production Tons Imports Million $ Tons Use Million $ Tons Exports Million $ Tons Million $ Citric Acid - - 13.506 16,7 13.506 16,7 - - Acetic Acid - - 44.138 20,3 44.138 20,3 - - 1,2 32.905 1,2 Other Chemicals Ind. Oil Acids and Alcohols 30,4 1.153 1.026,2 Consumer Chemicals Cosmetics 30,4 26,3 28.823 300,1 211,5 26,3 1,9 5.234 1,9 899,2 177,2 379,1 293,3 95,5 Soaps 238.186 258,0 2.619 5,4 72.040 80,5 168.765 173,8 Detergents 603.357 556,7 87.870 117,5 536.998 525,4 154.229 109,9 639,2 Paints 133,6 714,8 57,9 -Synthetic paints and varnish 163.690 302,2 27.692 77,9 156.386 344,6 18.171 35,5 -Water based paints 136.309 285,4 10.867 28,4 127.966 300,7 13.438 13,2 15.958 51,6 5.095 27,3 13.112 69,6 2.846 9,3 -Printing ink Fertilizer Industry (3) by 2002, in 1998 prices Production 000 Tons Ammonia Total Fertilizer Amonium Sulphate Imports Million $ 000 Tons Use Million $ 000 Tons Exports Million $ 000 Tons Million $ 366 76,0 586 82,4 952 197,8 - - 3.560 503,5 2.501 262,3 5.563 742,3 243 30,1 195 16,1 625 35,6 783 64,5 37 2,7 1.059 118,9 727 67,1 1.627 182,7 34 2,2 537 72,0 646 62,4 1.119 150,0 64 6,5 Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) 61 12,0 7 1,3 45 8,8 - - Diamonium Phosphate (DAP) 164 34,4 229 54,0 384 80,6 4 1,0 1.544 250,1 125 23,2 1.463 237,0 104 17,7 142 18,6 142 18,6 - - Amonium Nitrate (%26 –33N) Urea Composed Potassium Sulfate/Chlorite (1) Other pesticide figures are calculated from the difference between total pesticide production, trade figures of SPO and figures of MARA for agricultural pesticides (2) Production data is given in number of units and cannot be converted to unit weight. (3) The uses of urea, ammonium sulphate, potassium chlorite and TSP in the production of composed fertilizer and other industries are included. 158 Coke and Petroleum Products Industry by 2002, in 1998 prices Production 000 Tons Coke and semi-coke Imports Million $ 2.200 000 Tons Use Million $ 000 Tons Exports Million $ 223 694 67 2.893 000 Tons 289 Million $ 1 0,1 Petroleum Products LPG 727 146 2.665 460 3.377 603 15 3 Gasoline 3.717 2.924 720 123 3.638 2.917 799 130 Naphtha 1.461 189 482 81 1.650 234 293 36 Solvent 3 2 79 20 82 22 - - Jet Fuel 1.605 256 - - 1.596 255 9 1 Diesel Oil 7.730 3.003 2.524 412 9.676 3.354 578 60 Fuel-Oil 7.378 901 79 20 8.597 1.047 285 18 Asphalt 1.246 100 4 0 1.242 100 8 1 298 70 3 1 301 71 - - Motor Oil Cement Industry by 2002, in 1998 prices Production 000 Tons Imports Million $ 000 Tons Use Million $ 000 Tons Exports Million $ 000 Tons Million $ Clinker 29.499 850 7 0,3 25.077 710 4.429 140 Cement 32.758 1.436 25 8 27.334 1.222 5.448 221 Total 2.286 8 1.933 362 Source: SPO Support Document for Annual Program 2003; SIS Production and Trade Statistics. Note: Products with significant weight in total production are selected in the given industries. 159 Chemical Waste Table 2.B: Chemical Waste Generation Type of Waste Industrial hazardous waste 2. Commercial and Service waste 3. Medical and Laboratory waste (2000) 4. Port and Shipping waste 5. Community waste (2001) 6. Agricultural waste (2000) Generation (tons) - Hazardous Waste (2000): 1,287,037 - Waste water from 58 organized industrial zones (2002): 107,577,000 - Industrial chemical waste and ash and slag (1995): 7,416,730 n.a. 21,000 (wastes of pharmaceutics production) n.a. 25,133,696 20,809 (pesticide, fertilizer wastes and their packages) Total Source: SIS, Environmental Statistics:, ; SIS, Inventory of Industrial Wastes, 2000; SPO, Specialists’ Report no:2503 OIK: 524, 2000. (1) Non-chemical wastes included. 160 Chapter 3: Priority Concerns Related to Chemical Production, Import, Export and Use Priority Concerns Related to Chemical Production, Import, Export and Use Table 3.A : Description of Problem Areas Nature of Problem City/Region Brief Description of Problem Chemical (s) / Pollutant (s) Air pollution Kütahya, Erzurum, Elazığ, Edirne, Samsun, Isparta, Tekirdağ, Yozgat, Ağrı, Denizli, Kayseri, Diyarbakır, Zonguldak, Konya, Sivas, Balıkesir, Istanbul, Ankara Air pollution mainly comes from vehicles, constructions, and industries. Vehicles and constructions cause air pollution in large urban centers, while industrial air pollution is a locality specific problem found in both urban and rural areas. Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSP), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbonmonoxide (CO), carbondioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (Nox), particulate matter, hydrogen sulphate, sulphuric acid Marine Pollution Marmara Region, Mersin, Izmir Marine water quality in coastal areas is still in good Chemical wastes, community waste etc. condition except at the industrial areas. This is because of discharge of waste water from communities and factories, aquaculture farms, ranch and agricultural land that are contaminated with organic matters, fertilizer, pesticides. The direct waste water discharge and the transport of pollution from river is a factor that accelerates water quality degradation. Ship scrapping is another concern around Izmir. Groundwater Pollution Marmara Region, Central Anatolia, Göksu river delta Public and industrial use, new settlements, some Chemical wastes, community waste, industries, and agricultural activities around water Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) etc. sources create problems. More studies and analyses are needed to determine the intensity of the problem. Soil Contamination Marmara Region, Central Anatolia, Izmir, Göksu river delta Some industries, agricultural activities, and ship Chemical wastes, OCPs scrapping in Izmir cause some problems. More studies and analyses are needed to determine the intensity of the problem. Persistent Organic Pollutants Marmara Region, Central Anatolia, Izmir, Göksu river delta In the mentioned localities or regions, POPs substances 12 POPs are detected at various extents. More studies should be conducted especially in the regions that are suspected to be contaminated by POPs like peripheries of big chemical factories. Chemical Residues in Aegean, In the intensive agricultural production areas like in OCPs Food Mediterranean, Black Aegean and Mediterranean Regions there are pesticide Sea residue problems. Black sea fish also found to contain OCPs. More studies on POPs are required. Public Health Ankara, Van, Manisa There are not enough research studies except the ones OCPs done around Ankara. Organochlorine pesticides (OCP) as the main POPs substances were detected. Source: MOH, MOEF, MARA, SIS Environmental Statistics, 2003. 161 Table 3.B: Priority Concerns Related to Chemicals Nature of Problem Scale of Problem1 Level of Concern2 Ability to Control Problem2 Air Pollution local medium low Air Pollution (construction) local low low Regional medium medium Local high medium Air Pollution (industry) Air Pollution (power plant) Pollution of Inland Waterways n.a. Marine Pollution local low medium Regional low low Local, regional low medium Soil Contamination Groundwater Pollution Unknown Chemical Imports n.a. Hazardous Waste Treatment /Disposal n.a. Specific Availability Chemicals of Statistical Creating 3 Data Concerns sufficient Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSP), sulphur dioxide Priority Ranking4 2 insufficient TSP 3 Insufficient TSP, SO2, sulphuric acid, hydrogen sulphate Insufficient SO2, NOx, CO, Ozone (O3), hydrocarbons TSP 2 insufficient Industrial chemicals, community waste insufficient POPs, industrial chemicals 2 insufficient Industrial chemicals, community waste, OCPs 2 2 3 162 Nature of Problem Scale of Problem1 Level of Concern2 Ability to Control Problem2 Occupational Health: Agricultural n.a. Occupational Health: Industrial n.a. Chemical Accidents: Industrial n.a. Chemical Accidents: Transport n.a. Storage / Disposal of Obsolete Chemicals n.a. Chemical Residues in Food national high medium local low low Public Health regional medium medium Chemical Poisoning /Suicides national low medium Drinking Water Contamination Specific Availability Chemicals of Statistical Creating 3 Data Concerns Priority Ranking4 insufficient Pesticides, mycotoxins 3 insufficient PAH 3 insufficient Pesticides, industrial chemicals sufficient Industrial and consumer chemicals 3 3 1. Scale of Problem = Local, regional or national 2. Level of Concern , Ability to Control Problem = Low, medium or high 3. Availability of Statistical Data = Sufficient, insufficient or no data available 4. Priority Ranking = 1 (most severe problem), 2 (second most severe problem), and on to the scale of 4 (least severe problem). Source: MOH, MOEF, MARA, SIS 163 Chapter 4: Legal Instruments and Non-Regulatory Mechanisms for Managing Chemicals The articles of the Stockholm Convention and the Corresponding legislations in Turkey are shown in Annex 1. Overview of the National Legal Instruments, Which Address the Management of Chemicals Table 4.A: References to Existing Legal Instruments, Which Address the Management of Chemicals Legal Instrument Responsible Ministries or Chemical Use Categories Objective(s) of Legislation Bodies Covered Environment Law No:2872 Official Gazette: 11th Aug., 1983, no: 18132 Ministry of Environment All Chemicals and and Forests (MoEF) Pollutants Ministry of Health (MoH), Municipalities Plant Protection and Ministry of Agriculture and Pesticides (agricultural) Agricultural Quarantine Law Rural Affairs (MARA) Official Gazette: 24th May, 1957, no: 9615 Cosmetics Law MOH Official Gazette: 26th Feb., 1994, no: 21861 Decree Law on Production, MARA Consumption and Control of Foodstuffs Official Gazette: 28th June, 1995, no: 22327 (changed by Law no:5179 published on 5th June 2004, no:25483) Consumer Chemicals Food additives and chemicals Relevant Articles/ Resources Allocated Enforcement Provision Ranking * -Protection and improvement of 13, 16, 24 environment, -prevention of air, water and soil pollution, -establishment of control system, -restriction of hazardous substances, -establishment of a fund for prevention of pollution in the environment, -to specify fines for different charges. To announce the general rules 38-41 of; foreign trade, local transportation, protection from disease and pests for plants, as well as the rules of foreign trade, production, sale and use of the equipment and pesticides. To regulate the trade, production All provisions and sales of cosmetics and authorization procedures of producers To form a basis for the 4, 7 production and sales conditions of foodstuffs and measures foreseen for the official food control 2 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 2 164 Legal Instrument Responsible Ministries Chemical Use Categories Objective(s) of Legislation Relevant Articles/ or Bodies Covered Provision Directive Dimensioning the MoH Pesticides (public health, To regulate the trade, production Chapter 38 Special Characteristics of consumer) and sales of pesticides (public Things and Substances Related health and consumer) and to Foodstuffs and General authorization procedures of Health producers Official Gazette: 18th Oct.,1952 no:8236 Regulation For Chemical MoH Industrial chemicals To control the legal use and All provisions and Substances That Are Subject To trade of chemicals that are used Annex Official Control or have a potential to be used to Official Gazette: produce narcotics 16th June, 2004 no:25494 Regulation for the Control of MoEF, Municipalities Industrial chemicals, To announce the general rules All provisions and Hazardous Wastes and MoI Furan, Dioxin, PCBs of; restriction of discharge of Annex Official Gazette: hazardous substances and 27th Aug., 1995, no:22387 control of foreign trade, standardization of waste management, minimization of waste production and rules of waste production, transport and disposal Regulation for the Control of MoEF Industrial chemicals To announce the general rules 8, 32 Solid Wastes of; restriction of storage, Official Gazette: transport of solid wastes, and to 14th Mar., 1991, no: 20814 form a basis of administrative, technical principals and policy and programs for the control of these wastes which have adverse effects on the environment Regulation for the Prevention of MARA and MoEF Nitrate To analyze, minimize and All provisions Nitrate Pollution in Water prevent the nitrate pollution in Resources Originating from water resources originating from Agricultural Activities agricultural activities Official Gazette: 18th Feb., 2004, no: 25377 Regulation for the Control of MoEF Industrial chemicals, POPs To form a basis in order to All provisions and the Harmful Chemical propose and implement Annex Substances and Products administrative, technical and Official Gazette: legal principals, policy, and 11th July, 1993, no: 21634 programs for the control of (changed name by Regulation hazardous substances and their for Dangerous Chemicals in the products which have adverse Official Gazette: effects on environment and 20th April, 2001, no: 24379) human in the short or long run. Resources Allocated n.a. Enforcement Ranking * 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 3 n.a. 2 n.a. n.a. n.a. 2 165 Legal Instrument Directive for Pesticide and Equipment Used for Plant Protection Official Gazette: 4th Feb., 1959, no: 10126 Regulation for the Control of Medical Wastes Official Gazette: 20th May, 1993, no: 21586 Responsible Ministries Chemical Use Categories Objective(s) of Legislation Relevant Articles/ or Bodies Covered Provision MARA and Pesticides (agricultural) To announce the provisions of 7-48 Municipalities authorization procedures for production, distribution, sale and foreign trade of pesticides, its raw materials and equipment that are used for plant protection MoEF, Municipalities Industrial chemicals found To form a basis in order to Pro. 12, 13, and MoI in medical wastes propose and implement Annex 2,3,4 administrative, technical and legal principals and policy and programs for the separate collection, temporary storage, recycling, transport and disposal of medical wastes MoEF Industrial and consumer To protect the water resources 6, 22, 26, 31, 33, and chemicals, pesticides (ag.) and resource potentials of the 51 and POPs country controlling the water pollution providing safe use MoEF Industrial chemicals, To specify the necessary All provisions and pesticides (ag.)and POPs measures to prevent and remove Annex soil pollution Regulation for the Control of Water Pollution Official Gazette: 4th Sep., 1988, no:19919 Regulation for the Control of Soil Pollution Official Gazette: 10th Dec., 2001, no:24609 Directive for the Hazardous and MoEF Harmful Substances in the Water Resources Official Gazette: 12th Mar., 1989, no:20106 Directive for the Toxicological MARA Classification of Pesticides Regulation for the Protection of MoEF, Municipalities the Air Quality Official Gazette: 2nd Oct., 1986, no: 19269 Directive for the Specification MoH and MoLSS of Precautionary Measures in Institutions/Works that Use Explosive, Flagrant, Hazardous and Harmful Substances Official Gazette: 24th Dec., 1973, no: 14752 Resources Allocated n.a. Enforcement Ranking * 1 n.a. 2 n.a. 2 n.a. 2 Industrial chemicals, To specify the hazardous and All provisions and pesticides (ag.) and POPs harmful substances that are Annex mentioned in the Regulation for the Control of Water Pollution n.a. 2 Pesticides To specify a framework for the 3-14 toxicological classification of pesticides that are ready to be launched to the market n.a. 1 Industrial chemicals and POPs To control all kinds of emissions All provisions to protect the environment and human from hazardous effects of the gaseous chemicals To specify the additional All provisions precautionary measures in institutions or works which use explosive, flagrant, hazardous and harmful industrial chemicals n.a. 2 n.a. n.a. Industrial Chemicals 166 Legal Instrument Responsible Ministries Chemical Use Categories Objective(s) of Legislation Relevant Articles/ or Bodies Covered Provision Regulation for Cosmetics MoH Consumer Chemicals To regulate the production, All provisions and Official Gazette: import licensing and control Annex 8th April, 1994, no: 21899 mechanisms for cosmetic materials Decision on the Responsibility Undersecretariat of Industrial chemicals, To put an obligatory insurance All provisions Insurance for Hazardous Treasury pesticides (ag.) valid during the production, Substances transport and sale of specified Official Gazette: hazardous chemicals in order to 25th April, 1991, no: 21002 make the losses paid to other parties Regulation for the Control of MoEF, Municipalities Industrial chemicals, and To form a basis in order to All provisions and Waste Oils and MoI PCBs, PCT propose and implement Annex Official Gazette: administrative, technical and 21st Jan., 2004 legal principals and policy and no: 25353 programs for prohibition of generation of oil wastes, storage, transport and disposal of these wastes, the establishment of temporary storage and recycling facilities Regulation for the Chemical MARA Industrial Chemicals To form the basis for the All provisions Fertilizers Used in Agriculture determination of the type and Official Gazette composition of fertilizers, as 27th Mar., 2002 well as for their nomination, no: 24708 labeling, packaging and control Regulation for The Wholesale, MARA Pesticides (ag.) To announce the conditions of All provisions Retail And Storage of Pesticides wholesaling, retailing and Official Gazette: storage of pesticides 21st Aug., 1996 no: 22734 Regulation for the Control of MARA Pesticides (ag.) To announce the control All provisions the Pesticides procedures of pesticide Official Gazette: producing and importing 22nd June,1995 no:22321 persons, wholesaling, retailing and storage places of pesticides and related registered persons as well as the pesticide products and their labels Regulation for the Registration MARA Pesticides (ag.) To specify the procedures of All provisions of Pesticides and Similar registration of pesticides Substances Official Gazette: 17th Feb.,1999 no:23614 Resources Allocated n.a. Enforcement Ranking * 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a n.a. 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 1 167 Legal Instrument Responsible Ministries or Chemical Use Categories Bodies Covered Regulation for the Labeling of MARA Pesticides (ag.) Pesticides Official Gazette: 1st Sep.,1983 no:18152 Regulation for the Quality Control Analysis of Pesticides done by the Private Laboratories Official Gazette: 23rd Sep.,2002 no:24885 Communiqué to Ban the Use and Marketing of Certain Active Substances used in the Production of Pesticides Official Gazette: 16th Dec.,2003 no:25318 Regulation for the National Commission of Codex Alimentarius Official Gazette: 7th Feb. 1994 no: 18152 (changed by O.G. 13th Sep.,2004 no:25582) Regulation for the Precautionary Health and Security Measures in the Work with Chemical Substances Official Gazette: 26th Dec., 2003 no:25328 Regulation for the Precautionary Health and Security Measures in the Work with Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Substances Official Gazette: 26th Dec., 2003 no:25328 Regulation for the Precautionary Health and Security Measures in the Work with Asbestos Official Gazette: 26th Dec., 2003 no:25328 Objective(s) of Legislation Relevant Articles/ Provision All provisions To regulate the procedures of arrangement and approval of the labels for pesticides and the responsibilities of applicants and authorized persons. To announce the conditions for All provisions private laboratories that plan to make pesticide analysis Resources Allocated n.a. Enforcement Ranking * 1 n.a. 1 MARA Pesticides (ag.) MARA Pesticides (ag.), POPs To specify the measures to ban All provisions and certain active substances used in annex the production of pesticides n.a. n.a. MARA Food additives and chemicals To establish a coordinating committee and to give the procedure for the preparation of national codex alimentarius All provisions n.a. 1 MOLSS Industrial Chemicals and POPs To put the basis of the healthy All provisions and secure environment for workers who work with chemical substances including hazardous substances and POPs. n.a. 2 MOLSS Industrial Chemicals To put the basis of the healthy All provisions and secure environment for workers who work with chemical substances that carcinogenic and mutagenic n.a. 2 MOLSS Industrial Chemicals To put the basis of the healthy All provisions and secure environment for workers who work with asbestos n.a. 2 168 Legal Instrument Responsible Ministries Chemical Use Categories Objective(s) of Legislation Relevant Articles/ or Bodies Covered Provision Regulation for Environmental MOEF All chemicals, POPs To establish the provisions of the All provisions Audit environmental control around the Official Gazette: facilities from their establishment 5th Jan., 2002 no:24631 stage to processing and to waste disposal stages, considering the protection of environment Regulation on the Control of MOEF Industrial Chemicals, To control the emissions of All provisions Air Pollution Originating from PCBs, Dioxin and Furans industrial and energy generation Industrial Activities facilities and to prevent the Official Gazette hazards caused by these 7th Oct.,2004 no: 25606 emissions. Communiqué of Undersecretariat of Industrial Chemicals To control the importation of All provisions Standardization for Foreign Foreign Trade (solid fuels and their solid fuels such as coal, and Trade No. (2004/3) wastes) regulate the issue of Control Official Gazette Certificate by the Ministry of 31st Dec.,2003 no: 25333 Environment and Forestry. Import of some kind of wastes is prohibited. Communiqué of Undersecretariat of Consumer Chemicals To control the importation of All provisions Standardization for Foreign Foreign Trade certain consumer chemicals such Trade No. (2004/4) as pharmaceutical products, Official Gazette medicines, cosmetics, detergents, 31st Dec., 2003 etc., that is subject to the control no: 25333 of Ministry of Health. Communiqué of Undersecretariat of Industrial Chemicals and To control the importation of All provisions Standardization for Foreign Foreign Trade PCBs certain chemical products that Trade No. (2004/6) receives a Control Certificate O.G. 31st Dec., 2003 issued by the MOEF. Import of no: 25333 certain chemicals is banned. Communiqué of Importation of Undersecretariat of Industrial Chemicals To control the importation of All provisions Substances Thinning the Ozone Foreign Trade certain chemical substances that Layer O.G. 31st Dec., 2003 thins the Ozone layer. no: 25333 Communiqué of Importation of Undersecretariat of Industrial Chemicals To control the importation of All provisions Fertilizer Foreign Trade certain fertilizers by demanding O.G. 31st Dec., 2003 an official letter from MARA no: 25333 that products comply with the legislation Communiqué of Importation of Undersecretariat of Industrial Chemicals To control and ban the All provisions Certain Painting Substances Foreign Trade importation of certain painting O.G. 31st Dec., 2003 substances that are harmful to no: 25333 human health Resources Allocated n.a. Enforcement Ranking * 3 n.a. n.a. 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 1 n.a. 1 Source: Official Gazettes: 169 Standards Related with POPs and Chemicals that are published by Turkish Standards Institute Code of Standard Name of Standard TS 3906 / 01.03.1983 Pesticides-Considered Not to Require Common Names TS 4385 / 15.01.1985 Determination of the Residues of Some Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables (Gas Chromatographic and Thin Layer Chromatographic Methods) TS 7134 / 10.05.1989 Equipment for Distributing Granulated Pesticides or Herbicides-Test Method TS 8312 / 11.04.1990 Water Quality-Determination of Oil and Grease on Water and Sludge-Soxhlet Extraction Method TS 7887 / 13.02.1990 Water Quality-Determination of Oil and Grease-Gravimetric Method TS 10952 / 24.04.1993 Pesticides 4-Chloro –2- Methylphenoxyacetic Acid (MCPA) TS 11100 / 28.09.1993 Pesticides – Terms and Definitions TS 11101/ 28.09.1993 TS 11517/10.01.1995 Pesticides – Classification Pesticides- Testing Methods TS ISO/DIS 11074-1 /01.04.1996 Soil Quality- Vocabulary- Part 1- Terms and Definitions Relating to the Protection and Pollution of the Soil TS ISO 11269-2/04.04.1996 Soil Quality-Determination of the Effects of Pollutants on Soil Flora-Part 2: Effects of Chemicals on the Emergence and Growth of Higher Plants TS ISO 6466 / 04.03.1997 Tobacco and tobacco products; determination of dithiocarbamate pesticides residues; molecular absorption spectrometric method TS 12198 / 03.04.1997 Environmental health-Training rules for pesticide workers 170 Code of Standard TS EN 61619 / 04.11.1997 Name of Standard Insulating liquids-Contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)-Method of determination by capillary column gas chromatography TS EN 50225 / 04.11.1997 Code of practice for the safe use of fully enclosed oil-filled electrical equipment which may be contaminated with PCBs TS 12358 / 23.12.1997 Pesticides-Determination of acetone insoluble matters content TS 12359 / 23.12.1997 Pesticides-determination of mixibility with hydrocarbon TS 12362 / 30.12.1997 Pesticides-Azinphos Ethyl and formulations including azinphos ethyl TS 12363 / 30.12.1997 TS 12364 / 30.12.1997 Pesticides-Determination of diazinon content-Titrimetrik method after chromatographic separation or gas chromatographic Pesticides-Determination of azinghos ethyl content-Spectrophotometric TS 12365 / 30.12.1997 Pesticides-Diazinon and formulations including diazinn TS 12370 / 20.01.1998 Pesticides-Trifluralin and formulations including TS 12413 / 30.03.1998 Pesticides-Azinphos methyl and formulations including azinphos methyl TS EN 1528-4 / 17.04.1998 Fatty Food-Determination of Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyles (PCBs)Part 4:Determination, Confirmatory Tests, Miscellaneous Fatty food-Determination of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)-Part 3:Clean-Up methods TS EN 1528-3 / 15.04.1998 TS EN 1528-2 / 15.04.1998 Fatty Food-Determination of Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)Part 2-Extraction of Fat, Pesticides and PCBs and Determination of Fat Content TS EN 1528-1 / 15.04.1998 Fatty Food-Determination of Pesticides and Plychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)-Part 1:General TS EN ISO 14182 / 21.03.2000 Animal feeding stuffs- Determination of residues of organophosphorus pesticidesGas chromatographic method 171 Code of Standard TS EN 1948-1 / 17.04.2000 Name of Standard Stationary source emissions-Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs-Part 1: Sampling TS EN 1948-2 / 25.04.2000 Stationary source emissions-Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs-Part 2: Extraction and clean-up TS EN 1948-3 / 25.04.2000 Stationary source emissions-Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs-Part 3: Identification and quantification TS ISO 4389 / 29.03.2001 Tobacco- Determination of organochlorine pesticide residues- Gas chromatographic method TS EN ISO 15318 / 22.03.2001 Pulp, paper and board- Determination of 7 specification polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) TS IEC 60997 /27.03.2001 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in mineral insulating oils by packed column gas chromatography (GC) TS EN 12393-1/ 19.04.2001 Non-fatty foods – Multi residue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues – Part 1: General considerations TS EN 12393-2 / 19.04.2001 Non-fatty foods-Multi residue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residue-Part 2: Methods for extraction and clean-up TS EN 12393-3 / 19.04.2001 Non-fatty foods – Multi residue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues – Part 3: Determination and confirmatory tests TS EN ISO 14181 / 29.04.2002 Animal feeding stuffs- Determination of residues of organochlorine pesticidesGas chromatographic method (ISO 14181:2000) TS ISO 3890-1 / 18.03.2002 Milk and milk products- Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides)- Part 1: General considerations and extraction methods TS ISO 3890-2 / 18.03.2002 Milk and milk products- Determination of residues of organachlorine compounds (pesticides)- Part 2: Test Method for crude Extract purification and confirmation 172 TS ISO 15089 / 01.04.2002 Water quality – Guidelines for selective immunoassays for the determination of plant treatment and pesticide agents TS 3696 / 26.02.2003 Pesticides and other agrochemicals-Principles for the selection of common names TS 3696 / 26.02.2003 Pesticides and other agrochemicals-Principles for the selection of common names TS EN 12766-1 /19.03.2003 Petroleum products and used oils- Determination of PCBs and related productsPart 1: Separation and determination of selected PCBs congeners by gas chromatography (GC) using an electron capture detector (ECD) TS EN 12766-2/ 19.04.2004 Petroleum products and used oils – Determination of PCBs and related products – Part 2: Calculation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) content Source: TSE, ; TUBITAK-MRC 173 Table 4. B: Overview of Legal Instruments to Manage Chemicals by Use Category Category of Chemical Pesticides (agricultural, public health and consumer use) Fertilizers Ind. Chemicals (used in manufacturing/ processing facilities) Petroleum Products Consumer Chemicals Chemical Wastes Import Production Storage Transportation Distribution / Marketing Use / Handling X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Disposal X 174 Table 4.C: Banned or Severely Restricted Chemicals No. Name of Chemicals Level of Restriction B = Baned SR = Severe Restricted Detail of Restriction Baned in 1971 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 Baned in 1985 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings and accumulation in fat tissue Baned in 1989 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Responsible Bodies / Ministries 1 Dieldrin B 2 Aldrin B 3 Chlordane B 4 Endrin B 5 Heptachlor 6 Hexachlorobenzene B B 7 DDT B 8 Toxaphene B 9 Mirex n.a. Not used. No registration in Turkey 10 PCBs B 11 Lindane B 12 E-Parathion B 13 2,4,5-T, dodecylamine salt B 14 Leptophos B 15 Chlordimeform B Baned in 1995. Used only in closed systems since then. Baned in 1979 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 because of toxic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 because of toxic impacts on environment Baned in 1979 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1979 because of toxic impacts on environment and human beings 16 Mercury containing pesticides (methoxyethylmercury chloride, phenylmercury acetate,phenylmercury chloride) B Baned in 1982 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings MARA 17 Arsenic containing Pesticides B Baned in 1982 because of toxic impacts on environment and human beings MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA MoEF MARA MARA MARA MoEF MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA 175 No. Name of Chemicals Level of Restriction B = Baned SR = Severe Restricted 18 Chlorbenzilate B 19 BHC B 20 Fluorodiphenyl B 21 Chlorpropylate B 22 Dinoseb B 23 Daminozide(Alar 85) B 24 Zineb B 25 Azinphos Ethyl B 26 Polybromated diphenyl and biphenyls B 27 R-502 [R-115 (Chloropentafloroethane), R-22 (Chlorodiflorometane)] mixture B 28 Polychlorinated terphenyls B 29 4-Chloroaniline B 30 2,4,5, Trimethylaniline B 31 O-Toluidine B 32 4-chloro-o-toluidine B 33 5-nitro-o-toluidine B 34 4,4’methylenedi-o-toluidine B 35 4-aminobiphenyl B 36 2-naphthylamine B Detail of Restriction Baned in 1982 because of toxic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1982 because of toxic impacts on environment Baned in 1987 because of impacts on human beings Baned in 1987 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment and human beings Baned in 1988 because of toxic impacts on human beings Baned in 1989 because of toxic and carcinogenic impacts on environment Baned in 1991 because of toxic impacts on environment Baned in 1996 because of toxic impacts on environment and human beings Imports are banned according to Communiqué of Standardization for Foreign Trade Imports are banned according to Communiqué of Standardization for Foreign Trade Imports are banned according to Communiqué of Standardization for Foreign Trade Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Responsible Bodies / Ministries MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA MARA UFT, MoEF UFT, MoEF UFT, MoEF UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH 176 No. Name of Chemicals Level of Restriction B = Baned SR = Severe Restricted Detail of Restriction Responsible Bodies / Ministries B Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings UFT, MoH B Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings UFT, MoH 39 4-methyl-mphenylenediamine 4,4-Methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline) Benzidine 40 4,4’-diaminodiphenylmethane B 41 3,3’-dimethylbenzidine B 42 3,3’-dichlorobenzidine B 43 o-anisidine B 44 3,3’-dimethoxybenzidine B 45 4,4’-oxydianiline B 46 p-cresidine 4-methoxy-mphenylenediamine 4-aminoazobenzene B 37 38 47 B B Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse effects on human beings UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH UFT, MoH Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse UFT, MoH effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse B UFT, MoH 49 0-aminoazotoluene effects on human beings Baned by annual communiqués because of adverse B UFT, MoH 50 4,4’-thiodianiline effects on human beings A dioxins and furans emission limit value (0,1ng/m3) was set for incinerators by the Regulation for the Control of Hazardous Wastes in 1995. The other unintentional by-products are currently not recognized in the legislation neither are they monitored. 48 B Source: MARA, SPO Specialists’ Report / Chemical Ind. (Pesticides) 2001, Official Gazette. 177 Non-regulatory Mechanisms for Managing Chemicals In some of the City Chambers affiliated with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, waste exchanges are working in different extents. In waste exchanges, waste trade takes place between industrial facilities aiming recycling of wastes by using them in the production of other industrial materials. Chapter 5: Ministries, Agencies and Other Institutions Managing Chemicals Responsibilities of Different Government Ministries, Agencies, and Other Institutions Table 5.A: Responsibilities of Government Ministries, Agencies and Other Institutions Ministry Concerned/ Importation Stage of Life Cycle MoEF MoH MARA Municipalities MoI (City Governors) UFT MoLSS MoIT X X X Production Storage Transport X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Distribution/ Marketing X X X X Use/Handling Disposal X X X X X X X X X 178 Chapter 6: Relevant Activities of Industry, Public Interest Groups and the Research Sector Table 6.A: Summary of Expertise Available Outside the Government Research Institutes Universities Industry Data Collection X X X Testing of Chemicals X X Risk Assessment X X Field of Expertise Risk Reduction Policy Analysis Training& Education Research on Alternatives Monitoring Enforcement Information to Workers Information to Public Others Environment/Consumer Groups X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Professional Org. X X X Labor Unions X X X X X X X X X X X X X 179 Chapter 7: Inter-ministerial Commissions and Coordinating Mechanisms Inter-ministerial Commission and Coordinating Mechanisms Table 7.A: Overview of Inter-ministerial Commissions and Coordinating Mechanisms Name of Mechanism Commission of Chemical Security Responsibilities Secretariat -To activate the legislative process MOEF mentioned in the Regulation for Hazardous Chemicals -To recommend the update or change of that regulation -To work as an advisory body -To work on reasons and solutions of accidents caused by chemicals Commission of Hazardous -To activate the legislative process MOEF Wastes mentioned in the Regulation for Control of Hazardous Wastes -To recommend the update or change of that regulation -To work as an advisory body -To work on reasons and solutions of accidents caused by chemicals Commission of Recycling -To put the basis for recycling and MOEF collection of packaging material wastes -To determine and recommend the limits of collection and recycling of packaging material wastes -To determine the methods of collection, classification etc. -To follow recent developments and give report to the Minister National Commission of Codex - To coordinate the preparation of MARA Alimentarius national codex alimentarius Members Legislative Mandate/ Objective MoEF, MoF, MoH, MARA, Undersec. of For. Trade, Universities, Chemical Industrialists Association, MoLSS, MoIT, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges To work as an advisory and coordinating body between members in order to implement the provisions of the Regulation for Hazardous Chemicals MoEF, MoF, MoH, MARA, Undersec. of State Planning Org., Undersec. of For. Trade, Universities, Chemical Industrialists Association, MoIT, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges To work as an advisory and coordinating body between members in order to implement the provisions of the Regulation for Control of Hazardous Wastes MoEF, Universities, Private Companies, Chamber of Environmental Engineering To work as an advisory and technical body on recycling of packaging material in accordance with the provisions of Regulation for Control of Solid Wastes MoH, Selected experts from universities, T.Standards Institute, Expert from NGO. To work as a coordinating technical body on the preparation of national food codex gathering sub-committees, taking the Regulation for National Commission of Codex Alimentarius as a basis. 180 Chapter 8: Data Access and Use Availability of Data for National Chemical Management Table 8.A : Quality and Quantity of Available Information Data Needed for/to: Pesticides Agricultural use Priority Setting Classification/ Labeling Registration Licensing Permitting Risk Reduction Decisions Poisoning Control X X X X X X X Public Health use Industrial Chemicals X X X X Consumer Chemicals X X X X X X X X X X X Chemical Wastes X X X Emissions Inventories Inspections & Audits (environment/ health) Information to workers Information to the public X X X X Note: X means there is "sufficient information" available 181 Location of National Data Table 8.B : Location of National Data Type of Data Location(s) Data Source Who has access? How to gain access Format Production Statistics SIS, SPO Public SIS, SPO Published document, web/ Detailed data upon request Published document, web/ Detailed data upon request Report/ Bulletin Import Statistics Export Statistics SIS, SPO Questionnaire, Annual Programs Officially registered stat., Annual Programs Officially registered stat., Annual Programs Public Published document, web/ Detailed data upon request Report/ Bulletin Industrial Accident Reports n.a. Transport Accident Reports n.a. Public Report/ Bulletin Occupational Health Data (agricultural) MOLSS-SSK Monthly and Annual Statistics Public Published document, web Report/ Bulletin Occupational Health Data (industrial) Poisoning Statistics MOLSS-SSK Monthly and Annual Statistics Officially registered stat. Public Published document, web Report/ Bulletin Public Detailed data upon request Report Official registries Public Upon request Report MARA, MoH Official Registries Public Application Report MARA, MoH (for pesticides) Association for Chemical Producers MoEF Official Registries Application Report Web/Official Gazette Published Refik Saydam Hygiene Center Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Hazardous Waste Data n.a. Register of Pesticides MARA Register of Toxic Chemicals Inventory of Existing Chemicals Register of Imports (pesticides) n.a. Register of Producers Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Decisions Environmental Health Data Banned Chemicals Reports on Safety and Risk Assessment of Hazardous Substances in Workplaces n.a. n.a. Public Voluntary Application Internet Public Official Gazette Public n.a. Min. Environment and Forestry, Undersec. of For. Trade (for imports), MARA n.a. 182 Table 8.C : Availability of International Literature Literature Location(s) Who has access? How to gain access WHO and other international organizations Documents WHO Liaison Office Public ILO Ankara Office FAO Representation Internet Reports, internet Environmental Health Criteria Monographs (EHCs) (WHO) MoEF Public WHO Health and Safety Guides (WHO) MoH Public WHO International Chemical Safety Data Cards (IPCS/EC) MoLSS Public ILO cis/products/safetytm/toc.htm UNEP/WHO/ILO WHO Food Additive Series MARA Public FAO Documents from the FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide residues MARA Public FAO Decision Guidance Documents for PIC Chemicals (FAO/UNEP) MoEF Public FAO/UNEP FAO/WHO Pesticides Safety Data Sheets MARA Public FAO Environmental Health Perspective and supplements MoEF Public Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Public Good Manufacturing Practice Principles MoEF ULAKBİM TUBİTAK MoH EHP Kluwer Online Public WHO ies/qualityassurance/gmp/gmpcover.html Material Safety Data Sheets (industry) MoLSS Public Web International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC) MoLSS Public ILO k/cis/products/icsc/dtasht/index.htm Literature Location(s) Who has access? How to gain access Journals, Bulletins and Newsletters Journals: Environment, Development and Sustainability Environmental & Resource Economics Environmental and Ecological Statistics Environmental Biology of Fishes Environmental Fluid Mechanics Environmental Geochemistry and Health Environmental Modeling & Assessment Environmental Monitoring and Assessment -ULAKBİM – TUBİTAK, -Middle East Technical Univ. Public Upon Request 183 The Environmentalist Environment international -Middle East Technical Univ. Public Upon Request Location(s) Who has access? How to gain access Environmental action (Washington, D.C.) Environmental and molecular mutagenesis Environmental geology (Berlin) Environmental geosciences Environmental health Environmental health and preventive medicine Environmental health perspectives Environmental health perspectives. Supplements Environmental impact assessment review Environmental management and health Environmental Management Handbook Environmental microbiology Environmental nutrition Environmental policy and law Environmental politics Environmental pollution Environmental pollution. Series A. Ecological and biological Literature Environmental pollution. Series B. Chemical and physical -Middle East Technical Univ. Public Upon Request Environmental progress Environmental quality management Environmental Sciences Environmental toxicology Environmental toxicology and pharmacology Environmental toxicology and water quality Chem. Inform Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin Chemical and petroleum engineering Chemical health & safety Chemical journal on Internet Chemical research in toxicology Toxic substance mechanisms Toxicologic pathology Toxicological and environmental chemistry Toxicological sciences Toxicology (Amsterdam) Toxicology and applied pharmacology Toxicology and industrial health Toxicology in vitro Toxicology letters Toxicology mechanisms and methods Toxicology methods 184 Table 8.D : Availability of International Databases Database Location(s) Who has access? IRPTC MOH-Refik Saydam Staff Hygiene Institute How to gain access Reports (not available since 1993), web site iscas=&iarea=&isubject=&ispec= ILO Related organizations Public IPCS INTOX MOH-Refik Saydam Staff Hygiene Institute Reports, web site MOH-Refik Saydam Staff Hygiene Institute Reports, web site Related organizations Public roducts/icsc/dtasht/index.htm IPCS INCHEM Global Information Network on Chemicals (GINC) STN Database Chemical Abstract Services Database -CAB Abstracts -CHEMnetBASE n.a. ULAKBİM TUBİTAK Middle East Tech. Uni. -IPA(International ULAKBİM Pharmaceutical TUBİTAK Abstracts) -Medline (OCLC) -PubMed ISI Web of Middle East Tech. Knowledge Uni. JECFA MOH- Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute IARC MOH- Refik Saydam Hygiene Institute Public or Researchers Upon Request Public Upon Request Public or Upon Request Researchers Staff Bulletin Staff Bulletin 185 Chapter 9: Technical Infrastructure Table 9.A. Overview of Laboratory Infrastructure Name/Description of Equipment/Analytical Location Laboratory Capabilities Available MARA, Province Control Laboratory GC-ECD, GC-NPD, GC-FPD, GC-MS, HPLC, HPLC-Pickering, HPLC-Cobracell, LCMS/MS, GCMS/MS, HPLC-Gel Permiation MARA, Province Izmir GC, GC-FID, GCYes Control Laboratory ECD, GC-MS, HPLC, GC-NPD, HPLCPickering MARA Province Bursa, GC-MS, GC-NPD, No Food Inspection Istanbul, GC-ECD, HPLC Laboratories Samsun, Mersin, Antalya MoH Refik Saydam Ankara GC, GC/MS, HPLC, No Hygiene Center AAS MoEF, Environment Ankara HPLC, GC, GPC, No Reference Laboratory GC/MS TUBITAK-Marmara Gebze GC, GC-FID, GCYes Research Center ECD, GC-MS, HPLC TUBITAK-ATAL Ankara Accreditation Certified (if yes, by GLP Purpose whom?) (yes/no) Yes Pesticides PCBs, Food Ankara TUBITAK-BUTAL Bursa GC-FID, GC-MS, Yes HPLC, LC-MS GC-FID, GC-MS, Yes HPLC HPLC, GPC, ICP/MS, No LC/MS, GC/MS, GC Middle East Ankara Technical University (Environmental Eng. And Chemistry Dept.) Ege UniversityIzmir GC-FID, GC-MS, EBILTEM HPLC Hacettepe Uni. Ankara GC, GC/MS, AAS, Chemistry Dept. HPLC Yıldız Technical Uni. Istanbul GC/MS, AAS Chemistry Dept. Source: MoEF, TUBITAK-MRC Pesticides, Food Pesticides, Food Pesticides PCBs Pesticides PCDD/F Pesticides, Food Pesticides Pesticides Pesticides PCBs No Pesticides No Pesticides Pesticides PCBs 186 Table 9.B: Computer Capabilities Computer System Location / Database PC and Mac, at TUBITAK least one PC per Marmara researcher Research Center Gebze, Kocaeli PC, but total MoEF, number per Ankara personnel is not enough PC, but total MARA, number per Ankara personnel is not enough PC, but total MoH, number per Ankara personnel is not enough Equipment Available Current uses Yes Research and Development Yes Inspection and monitoring Yes Quality Control and R&D Yes R&D, Monitoring Source: TUBITAK-MRC 187 Chapter 10: International Linkage Cooperation and Involvement with International Organizations, Bodies and Agreements Table 10.A : Membership in International Organizations, Programs and Bodies International Organization /Body /Activity National Focal Point Other Ministries/ (Ministry/ Agency & Agencies Involved Primary Contact Point) Related National Activities International Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) MoEF (DG for Related ministries Submission of official Environmental report or opinions Management) Ms. Müfide Demirural UNEP MoEF (DG for Environmental Management) Related ministries Submission of official report or opinions MoEF (DG for Environmental Management) MoH (DG for Basic Health Services) Mr. Cengiz KESİCİ Ms. Dilek DİKMEN - Submission of official report or opinions MoEF, MARA FAO MARA (Dept. of External Relations and EU) MoH UNIDO ILO MoEF (Dept. of External MARA, MoH Affairs) MoLSS MoH World Bank MoEF - OECD MoEF MARA, MoH Related Project Design and Implementation, Common organizations, Submission of official report or opinions Related Project Design and Implementation, Common organizations, Submission of official report or opinions Related Project Design and Implementation Related Project Design and Implementation, submission of national report or opinions Related Project Design and Implementation, submission of official report or opinions Submission of official report or opinions IRPTCNational Correspondent IE/PACCleaner Production Center IPCS WHO 188 Table 10.B : Participation in International Agreements/ Procedures Related to Chemical Management International Agreement Relevant National Implementation Activities Primary Responsible Agency Agenda 21-Commission for Sustainable Ministry of Interior Development The project entitled the “Promotion and Development of Local Agenda 21s in Turkey” has been implemented since 1997. Submission of official opinions UNEP London Guidelines (voluntary procedure) MoEF (DG for Environmental Management) FAO Code of Conduct (voluntary procedure) MARA (Dept. of External Relations Submission of official opinions, and EU) coordination between related bodies, preparation of legislation Montreal Protocol MoEF (DG for Environmental Management) Submission of official opinions, coordination between related bodies. UN Recommendation for the Transport MoEF (DG for Environmental of Dangerous Goods Management) Coordination between related bodies, preparation of legislation ILO Convention 170 n.a. - Basel Convention MoEF (DG for Environmental Management) London Convention n.a. GATT /WTO agreements(related to Chemicals trade) Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade Chemicals Weapon Convention Ministry of Defense Turkey: signed on 14th Jan.,1993 entry into force: 11th June, 1997 Regional / Subregional Agreements: MoEF (DG for Environmental Convention on the Protection of the Management) Black Sea Against Pollution (approved by the Board of Ministers in 28th Jan., 1994) Convention on the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution Originating From Sources or Activities on Land (approved by the Board of Ministers in 22nd July, 2002) Bilateral Agreements (specify) Related Project Design and Implementation, submission of national report or opinions Preparation of legislation, submission of official opinions, coordination between related bodies Preparation of legislation, submission of official opinions Activities in scope of Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea are; a project implemented for formation of a National Action Program and a project of Monitoring of Contamination originating from land and rivers. Activities in scope of Convention on the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea are a project done for scientific measurement and monitoring of contamination and another project of monitoring of contamination originating from land. n.a. 189 Participation in Relevant Technical Assistance Projects Table 10.C: Participation as Recipient in Relevant Technical Assistance Project Name of Project Dioxin Emission in Candidate Countries International / Bilateral Donor Agency Involved National Contact Point European Union (DG TUBITAK-MRC Environment) Reduction of Pesticide Residues NATO in Environment and Processed Products MARA-Izmir Bornova Plant Protection Research Inst. Relevant Activities -A four-day training provided by experienced experts from Poland -Supervision of PCDD/F emission sampling by the experienced Polish experts -The opportunity to compare their own results with those of the Polish team in order to evaluate the correctness of their own methods. -Dioxin measurements at two secondary aluminum plants -The dioxin measurements in Bulgarian Power Plant -PCDD/F inventories produced for big emission sources for Turkey In the context of traceability, pesticide residue analysis is conducted to agricultural products starting from farm up to end-product. 190 Chapter 11: Awareness / Understanding of Workers and the Public Confederation of Turkish Labor Syndicates (TURK-IS) gives priority to occupational health and safety and considers the issue with the environment. In the field of determination of the risky jobs, vocational training, training in different issues, on-work vocational studies, activities like, workshops, symposium are organized and brochures, booklets are published. Vocational training targeting young workers and awareness against child workers are included in the training studies. As an affiliated body of MoLSS, Social Security Training and Research Center is the only public vocational training organization. The main fields of training in that center are: - Risk analysis and precautionary measures in chemical industry (storage, transport, use etc.) Occupational security in the places working with flammable and explosive materials Occupational security in casting, high temperature ovens and furnaces Precautionary occupational health and security measures in places working in dusty environment Precautionary occupational health and security measures in mines Precautionary occupational health and security measures in the places working with lead and its compounds Precautionary occupational health and security measures in the places working with asbestos Precautionary occupational health and security measures in the places working with solvents The impact of environmental health on workers Occupational health and security in construction works. In the DG Electric Generation, vocational training programs especially for the workers working in the powerhouses with a possible exposition to PCBs have been organized. Booklets to increase awareness and understanding of workers have been published. In some of the City Chambers affiliated with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, there are departments of environment working on the environmental issues. These are: Istanbul Chamber of Industry Bursa Centre of Environment Adana Chamber of Industry Ankara Chamber of Industry Denizli Chamber of Industry Aegean Regional Chamber of Industry Eskişehir Chamber of Industry Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Kayseri Chamber of Industry Kayseri Chamber of Commerce Kocaeli Chamber of Industry Konya Chamber of Industry Konya Chamber of Commerce These chambers also have waste exchanges working in different extents. Environmental test laboratory facilities are planned to be established in a number of these chambers, as well. There are also a number of regional NGOs, like Environment Foundation of Turkey, Foundation of Black Sea Training Culture and Protection of Environment organizes seminars, publish books and brochures to raise public awareness. 191 South East Mediterranean Environmental Education Project (SEMEP) is focused on natural and cultural education in the country. Ministry of National Education is the coordinator of the project and counterpart of UNESCO. It is used to raise local public awareness in the voluntary primary and middle schools. Foundation of Environmental Education of Turkey is another NGO giving education in primary and middle schools. Chamber of Environmental Engineers is another public institution that prepare reports, books and organize seminars to raise public awareness and for vocational training. Greenpeace Mediterranean organizes campaigns and publishes newsletters and press news to publicize environmental problems in the country. Chapter 12: Resources Available and Needed for Chemical Management Resources Available and Needed in Government Ministries / Institutions Table 12.A: Resources Available in Government Ministries / Institutions Ministry/Agency Concerned TUBITAK-MRC, Environment and Chemistry Institute (ECI) Number of Professional Staff Involved 677 (57 for ECI) Type of Expertise Available Research and Development, Education Financial Resource Available (per year) 130.000 $/100 samples of dioxin analysis/year Resources Needed by Government Institutions to Fulfill Responsibilities Related to Chemical Management Table12.B: Resources Needed by Government Institutions to Fulfill Responsibilities Related to Chemical Management Ministry/Agency Concerned TUBITAK-MRC Number/Type of Professional Staff Needed Min 6 staff (1 Env.Eng, 2 Chem.Eng, 1 Food Eng, 2 Technicians) Training Requirements Training on Pesticides Analysis for different matrices- Training on PCBs/Dioxin Analysis for different matrices- Training on quality control and method validation for POPs analysis 192 Assessment The economic values of chemicals production and use are significant in Turkey. The number of chemicals that are produced in the country and the weight of agricultural production in Turkish economy with the abundant agricultural land make chemical use to be environmentally concerned. Hence, chemical management is considered as an important policy tool by different institutions involved in the system with a great number of law and regulations in force. In Turkey, the legal basis is seen to be sufficient to manage chemicals. The adoption to the EU acquis helps the country to complete the lacking legislation. However, the necessary data collection and monitoring activities cannot sufficiently be implemented by the relevant institutions. This is because of both deficiencies in the total number of personnel and in employing expert personnel, insufficient financial resources, change of places of the staff and lacking inter and intraministerial/institutional coordination. Additionally, more research and case studies employed by related institutions are needed in order to put emphasis on national and regional chemical management. The difficulties in preparing the national profile for the management of chemicals can be set as; obtaining regional data and relevant data on chemical wastes, description of problem areas, priority concerns related to chemicals, inventory of technical infrastructure and available resources in related institutions. These difficulties are mainly caused by; lack of a satisfactory official database, insufficient inter-institutional coordination and an obscure policy agenda. On the other hand, it can be stated that there is satisfactory linkage to international database and scientific literature. With a good coordination between ministries and universities, research centers and NGOs, there is a potential of training more staff or scientists as well as project design and implementation. Some studies to raise public and worker awareness for environmental management and their understanding of risks of chemicals are being executed by different non-governmental groups. It is believed that in these studies POPs have to be considered more in order to enforce the public institutions for policy-formation and POPs prevention. In this scope, it is better to state the necessary future studies within the concept of management of chemicals. First, a monitoring system for the chemical waste generation and emission inventories have to be developed in relation with regional and national chemical production facilities and agricultural land as well as considering growing population in urban area. Second, the coordination between related institutions has to be improved in order to monitor or easily change the current policies of chemical management. The permit, registration, use, production, and trade statistics of chemicals collected by different ministries has to be monitored currently within a specific database in order to be alert for risks and find a relationship between scientific research findings on chemical use and the risks of chemicals. A general inter-ministerial committee may help to improve the current situation of management of chemicals. The priority concerns related to chemicals has to be transparently determined officially in order to see the problem areas and to create a procedure of chemical management. The technical requirements of related institutions have to be specified and the cost of these requirements has to be calculated in a separate study. The standards of procedures for the analysis of POPs are needed to be clarified and unified in the laboratories as a matter of accreditation. 193 Although the use or production of POPs has not been registered for a long time, any unregistered use and emission of POPs have to be investigated in human beings, food, soil, and rivers via different regional studies in selected districts. There are suspected areas like peripheries of big chemical factories that can be proposed for investigation in short term. The total cost of these studies has to be calculated and related institutions should start preparation of projects. Details of any relevant system for the assessment and listing of new chemicals (Existing regulatory schemes for assessing new chemicals) (2.3.12) Pesticides and industrial chemicals have different registration procedures in Turkey. The registration procedure of agricultural pesticides is given in the Regulation for the Registration of Pesticides and Similar Substances of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) published in the Official Gazette no: 23614 on 17 Feb. 1999. The registration procedures start with a written application of persons to MARA. The applicant firm has to employ an expert responsible from registration and to submit the relevant documents concerning employees, the plan of production plant and specifications of pesticide products. Registration is executed through formulations of pesticides. Producers have the right for temporary production of pesticides to test them for biological efficiency. For the test production, permission has to be taken from MARA. To apply for the registration related application forms are submitted to MARA and an intra-ministerial commission evaluates these documents. MARA has the right to analyze the pesticide products that are subject to registration before marketing. The consumer pesticides are registered by Ministry of Health (MOH) in line with the Directive Dimensioning the Special Characteristics of Things and Substances Related to Foodstuffs and General Health published in Official Gazette no:8236 on 18th October,1952 and a Ministerial Circular for the registration of consumer pesticides (insecticides, rodenticides and mollucides). The registration procedure is very much like the one for pesticide registrations of MARA. A new regulation is needed to clarify the official registration procedure concerning consumer pesticides and this new regulation is planned to be put into force by MOH in 2005. Chemicals that are hazardous, dangerous, or toxic for the environment and human beings or animals are registered according to the Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) published in Official Gazette no: 21634 dated 11 July 1993, amendment in the Official Gazette no: 24379 dated 20th April, 2001. In the frame of this regulation; the detailed information of producers, identification of produced chemicals, the production, imports, and use data of these chemicals (including the predicted data of production and use), chemical, physical, and ecological properties, and means of disposal have to be submitted to MOEF. However, there is not a sufficient database to monitor or analyze this valuable data. Pesticides, consumer chemicals and toxic and hazardous substances are either banned or under control by regulation in Turkey. However, these substances are not sufficiently monitored by the related institutions. Unregistered use of some chemicals can be possible via smuggling from neighbor countries. Industrial chemical producers and their chemicals are not registered by responsible ministries. The data of production and sales are collected by SIS, and the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade monitors foreign trade. The lack of good monitoring practices and insufficient research are handicaps preventing assessment and listing of new chemicals. Details of any relevant system for the assessment and regulation of chemicals already in the market (Existing regulatory schemes for assessing chemicals already in the market) (2.3.13) The pesticides in the market are inspected according to the Regulation for the Control of the Pesticides published in Official Gazette no: 22321 on 22 June 1995. Inspections are conducted concerning product, label, factory, market, process, and complaints of consumers. During the 194 controls, the specifications of the product, its effects on the plant at recommended use, its effect on disease, insect, and weed at recommended use are inspected or analyzed in the authorized laboratories. The inspections are executed by regional offices of MARA. The evaluation and analysis reports are sent to the central office. The consumer chemicals that are already in the market are inspected by MOH. Market inspections are conducted non-systematically but generally based on complaints of consumers. The inspection procedures are not transparent. This problem is supposed to be solved by the above mentioned new regulation. A person dealing with the trade, production, packaging and labeling, storage, transports of dangerous chemicals are inspected by MOEF according to the provisions of the Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals. Inspections led by MOEF officials are executed via random sample collection from the market or directly from producers. The specifications of products and information given on the label are checked for the accordance with the provisions of mentioned Regulation and with the registration of producers filed in MOEF. Samples are collected in accordance with the related standards of Turkish Standards Institute. Imports of these chemicals are put under control by annual Communiqué of Standardization for Foreign Trade and importers are obligated to receive a Control Certificate issued by MOEF. However, the inspection system of industrial chemicals should be designed to work efficiently by MOEF. 195 References 1. State Statistics Institute (SIS), Population and Demographical Indicators on the web: , 2004. 2. State Planning Organization (SPO) Basic Economical Indicators, June 2004. 3. SPO, 8th Five Year Development Plan, 2000. 4. SPO, Support Document for Annual Programs, 2003. 5. Hacettepe University Institution of Population Studies, Research for Population and Health-Turkey, 2003. 6. SIS, Results of Household Labor Force Survey, 2003. 7. SIS, General Industrial and Working Places Census, 2002, 8. SIS, Agriculture Census, 2001. 9. SPO, Specialists’ Report/Chemical Ind. (Pesticides), 2001. 10. SPO, Specialists’ Report/Chemical Industry, 2001. 11. SPO, Specialists’ Report/Petrochemical Industry, 2001. 12. SPO, Specialists’ Report/Plastics Industry, 2001. 13. SPO, Specialists’ Report/Fertilizer Industry, 2001. 14. Official Gazette, different issues: . 15. SPO, Main Economic Indicators, 2004, 16. SIS, Environmental Statistics:, 17. TSE, 18. WHO, 19. ILO, 20. UNEP/WHO/ILO, 21. FAO, 22. FAO/UNEP, 23. EHP 24. Kluwer Online: 25. WHO, ml 26. Interactive Learning Paradigms Incorporated : 27. MSDS Management, 28. UNEP, 29. IPCS, 30. National Institute of Health Sciences-Japan, 31. Environment Foundation of Turkey, 32. TURK-IS, 33. MOLSS, 34. TUBITAK, 35. MARA, , 36. MOH, 37. MOEF, 196 Article Annex 1 3 No 1 a i ii b 2 a i ii b i ii iii c Brief description Prohibition of production of Annex A POPs Prohibition of import and export of Annex A POPs Restriction of the production and use of Annex B POPs Corresponding legislation - Directive for Pesticide and Equipment Used for Plant Protection Official Gazette: 4th Feb., 1959, no: 10126 -Regulation for the Control of the Pesticides Official Gazette: 22nd June,1995 no:22321 -Regulation for the Registration of Pesticides and Similar Substances Official Gazette: 17th Feb.,1999 no:23614 -Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals Official Gazette: 20th April, 2001, no: 24379 -Communiqué to Prohibit the Use and Marketing of Certain Active Substances used in the Production of Pesticides Official Gazette: 16st Dec.,2003 no:25318 -Regulation for the Control of the Pesticides Official Gazette: 22nd June,1995 no:22321 -Communiqué of Standardization for Foreign Trade No. (2004/6) O.G. 31st Dec., 2003 No: 25333 -Regulation for the Registration of Pesticides and Similar Substances Official Gazette: 17th Feb.,1999 no:23614 -Communiqué to Prohibit the Use and Marketing of Certain Active Substances used in the Production of Pesticides Official Gazette: 16st Dec.,2003 no:25318 Import of Annex A and B POPs is only for disposal Import of Annex A and B POPs is for use and is permitted If exemption is granted for Annex A or B POPs, they are exported for environmentally sound disposal to a party permitted to use them to a non party, (certification) If exemption is no longer valid for Annex A POPs, it is exported only for disposal 197 Article No -Regulation for the Registration of Pesticides and Similar Substances Official Gazette: 17th Feb.,1999 no:23614 -Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals Official Gazette: 20th April, 2001, no: 24379 - Regulation for the Labelling of Pesticides Official Gazette: 1st Sep.,1983 no:18152 -Regulation for the Control of the Pesticides Official Gazette: 22nd June,1995 no:22321 -Regulation for Dangerous Chemicals Official Gazette: 20th April, 2001, no: 24379 If registers for new pesticides and industrial chemicals exist prevent production and use of new chemicals, if criteria of §1 of Annex D is met 4 If registers for pesticides and industrial chemicals exist include criteria of §1 of Annex D when conducting assessment is done for chemicals currently in use 5 If exemption is granted ensure that during production or use exposures and releases are minimized (standards and guidelines) If exemption is filed Procedures for updating it Procedures for withdraw Development of an action plan within two years to address Annex C POPs inventories of Annex C POPs evaluation of the efficacy of the laws, policies strategies to meet the obligation (i and ii) guidelines on education and training on the strategies process to review the strategies every 5 years schedules for the implementation of this action plan promotion of release reduction or source elimination promotion of modified materials, products, processes require the use of BAT/BEP for new sources within 4 years (Part II Annex C) promote the use of BAT/BEP for existing sources (Part II and Part III of Annex C) promote the use of BAT/BEP for new sources (Part III of Annex C) Release limit values and performance standards may be used Development of strategies for identifying stockpiles of Annex A and B Development of strategies for identifying products and articles and wastes containing of Annex A, B or C Identification of stockpiles of Annex A and B Management of stockpiles in environmentally sound manner (Annex A, B) Wastes products, articles should be handled, collected -Regulation for the Control transported in environmentally sound manner of Hazardous Wastes Official Gazette: 27th Aug., 1995, no:22387 - Decision on the Responsibility Insurance for Hazardous Substances Official Gazette: 25th April, 1991, no: 21002 a i ii iii iv v vi b c d e i ii 6 Corresponding legislation 3 4 5 Brief description g 1 a i ii b c d i 198 Article No ii wastes products, articles should be disposed of irreversibly iii iv recycling should not be permitted wastes, products, articles should not be transported across borders without relevant rules e 1 2 7 1 a b c 2 3 8 1 9 1 a 10 b 2 3 5 1 a b c d e f g 2 Brief description Corresponding legislation -Regulation for the Control of Hazardous Wastes Official Gazette: 27th Aug., 1995, no:22387 -Regulation for the Control of Hazardous Wastes Official Gazette: 27th Aug., 1995, no:22387 Development of strategies for identification of contaminated sites (Annex A, B and C) Remediation should be undertaken in an environmentally sound manner NIP development NIP submission in 2 years Periodic review of the NIP (frequency not yet decided) NGOs involvement in the NIP preparation and updating integration of the NIP into the sustainable development strategy (if applicable) Submission of proposals for listing chemicals in Annex A, B and/or C (if applicable) Facilitation of information exchange on reduction or elimination of POPs use, production and release Facilitation of information exchange on POPs alternatives Mechanism for information exchange through the Secretariat Designation of POPs focal point Health related information should not be confidential Awareness raising among decision makers Provision of all POPs related info to public Development and implementation of educational programmes for women, children, least educated Public participation into the POPs issues Training of workers, scientists, educators, technical and managerial personnel Development and exchange of educational materials Development and implementation of education and training programmes Ensure public access to information on awareness raising activities, information is kept up-to-date 199 Article No 3 Brief description Encourage professionals to promote awareness raising Corresponding legislation 1. Directive for the Specification of Precautionary Measures in Institutions/Works that Use Explosive, Flagrant, Hazardous and Harmful Substances O.G.: 24th Dec., 1973, no: 14752 2. Regulation for the Precautionary Health and Security Measures in the Work with Chemical Substances Official Gazette: 26th Dec., 2003 no:25328 3. Regulation for the Precautionary Health and Security Measures in the Work with Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Substances Official Gazette: 26th Dec., 2003 no:25328 11 4 5 1 a b c d e f g 2 a b d e f 15 1 2 a b 3 Anne xA Part II a i ii iii b i ii iii d e f g Establishment of information centres Use of PRTR to disseminate information Encourage R&D and monitoring on Sources and releases into the environment Presence, levels and trends in humans and environment Environmental transport and fate Effects on human health and environment Socio-economic and cultural impacts Release reduction and/or elimination Harmonized inventories and analytical techniques Support and develop international programmes Strengthen national scientific and technical capacities Undertake R&D for alleviating effects on reproductive health Make the results of R&D accessible and up-to-date Encourage storage and maintenance of R&D info Effectiveness reporting Statistical data on production, import, export, List of states from which it has exported and to which it has exported (Annex A, B) Periodicity not yet decided Identify, label and remove from use PCB-containing equipment by 2025 10% PCBs >5 litres 0,05% PCBs >5 litres 0,005% PCBs > 0,05 litres Reduce the risk of exposure by use of intact equipment only not use equipment where food is processed or produced protect electrical failure and undertake regular inspection Not allow the recovery of PCBs >0,05% Dispose of PCBs by 2028 Identification of PCB-containing open systems Progress report on PCBs elimination in every 5 years 200 Article No Anne xB Part I Anne 1 xB Part 2 II 3 4 iii 5 a i ii iii b Brief description Corresponding legislation Notification of the Secretariat on closed-system site-limited intermediate quantities (if applicable) Elimination of DDT production and use unless notification is filed Restrict production and use for disease vector control Notification of the Secretariat and WHO on the use of DDT Report on the amounts used and conditions of DDT use to the Secretariat and WHO every 3 years If DDT is used, Action plan should be developed Restrict DDT use to disease vector control Implementation of alternatives Strengthen heath care to reduce incidences of the disease Promote R&D on safe alternatives to DDT 201 Abbreviations ag: Agriculture BAT: Best Available Techniques BEP: Best Environmental Practices BHC: Benzenhexachlor C: capacitor CLRTAP: Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution CSD: Commission for Sustainable Development DDD: Dichloro diphenyl dichloroethane DDE: Dichloro diphenyldichlor ethylene DDT: Dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane EM: Emulsion EMSRI: Earth and Marine Sciences Research Institute EPA: Environmental Protection Agency ESERI: Energy Systems and Environmental Research Institute EU: European Union EUAŞ: Governmental Electrical Production Corporation FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FSTRI: Food Science and Technology Research Institute TEQ/A: gram toxic equivalent of dioxins per year GATA: Gülhane Military Medical Academy GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade HCB: Gamma isomer of HCB: Hexachlorobenzene HCH: Hexachlorocyclohexane HPLC: High Performance Liquid Chromatography IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer IE/PAC: Industry and Environment Programme Activity Centre IFCS: Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety ILO: International Labor Office IOMC: Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals IPCS: International Programme on Chemical Safety IPPC: Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Directive IRPTC: International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals ISG: Inter-sessional Group of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety ISO: International Organization for Standardization ISTAC: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection and Evaluation of Waste Materials Industrial and Trade Inc. IZAYDAŞ: Turkish Waste Incineration Corp. KCI: Kocaeli Chamber of Industry LPG: Liquid Petroleum Gas MARA Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs MCTRI: Materials and Chemical Technologies Research Institute MoEF: Ministry of Environment and Forestry MoF: Ministry of Finance MoH: Ministry of Health MoI: Ministry of Interior MoJ: Ministry of Justice MoIT: Ministry of Industry and Trade MoL: Ministry of Labor and Social Security MoLSS: Ministry of Labor and Social Security MRC: Marmara Research Center n: quantity of equipment 202 NGO: Non Governmental Organisations NIP: National Implementation Plans OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development PCBs: Polychlorinated Biphenyl PCDD/F: Polychlorinated dibenzo dioxin/furane PCP: Pentachlorophenol PCT: Polychloroterphenyl PETKIM: Turkish Petrochemical Corporation POP: Persistent Organic Pollutant PVC: Polyvinilchloride RSHM: Refik Saydam Hygiene Centre SIS: State Institute of Statistics SME: Small and Medium Enterprises SPO: State Planning Organisation t: transformer t/a: ton per year TCMA: Turkish Cement Producers Association TSE: Turkish Standards Institute TUBITAK: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey TUPRAS: Turkish Petroleum Production Corporation UFT: Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade ug TEQ/t: microgram toxic equivalent of dioxins per ton UNEP: United Nations Environmental Programme UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNITAR: United Nations Institute for Training and Research USC: Undersecretariat of Custom USFT: Undersecretariat Foreign Trade WHO: World Health Organisation WP: Wettable powder WTO: World Trade Organization 203