A polarized high energy photon beam is produced by laser

1.3 Instrumentation and detector system
We have started a new project to construct a new LEP beamline at SPring-8 (LEPS2). The
project aims to improve both the intensity and maximum energy of the photon beam and also
expand the detector acceptance by adopting the BNL-E949 detector which is a hermetic detector in
a large 1-T solenoid magnet. A photon beam with higher intensity and higher energy is the key of
LEPS2 in order to achieve the confirmation of  and a lot of new physics possibilities. Currently
two methods of the laser injection are planned to produce the higher intensity beam. In addition, an
X-ray injection into SPring-8 is under consideration to increase the maximum beam energy.
One of the methods for the higher intensity beam is the simultaneous injection of multi-number
of lasers into SPring-8. In this case the beam intensity is nearly proportional to the number of lasers.
A new optical system to inject two lasers has been tested at the current beamline (BL33LEP) and
we have succeeded to increase the intensity in this method. However, due to the narrow aperture of
the BL33LEP, it is difficult to increase the number of lasers more. The LEPS2 beamline needs to
have a large aperture. Another method to increase beam intensity is to change the laser profile.
Since the electron beam in the storage ring has an extremely elliptical shape (400-m width x
10-m hight), collision efficiency will be increased by compressing the laser shape in the vertical
direction, which is technically possible by adding an optical element, shape transformer.
A LEP beam with much higher energies can be produced by injecting X-rays into SPring-8. In
case of 100 eV photons, the maximum energy of backward scattered photons exceeds 7 GeV.
Currently, X-ray from an undulator in the storage ring itself is considered as a possible source. A
LEP beam intensity at the order of 105/sec is estimated by taking into account the X-ray intensity
and the realistic reflection rates at mirrors. An X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) whose project has
just started at SPring-8 might be alternative source of the X-rays, which can provide the
quasi-monoenergetic photons.
In order to measure precisely both the photoproduction process and the decay process
simultaneously is one of the most important requirements for the new detector system. Since the
photoproduction cross section is small and the photon-beam experiment needs much longer beam
time than that using hadron beams, a general-purpose detector with large solid angle to detect not
only charged particles but also neutral particles like photons is desirable. Such a detector, in general,
needs a large cost and a long construction time. An alternative choice is to move a similar detector
system from other laboratory when the experiment using it was finished or no longer it would be
used owing to some reasons. One possible candidate is the BNL-E949 detector, which was used for
the measurement of K    decay from kaons at rest involved observation of the low
momentum  in the absence of other coincidence particles. Measurements of charged decay
products were made in a 1 T magnetic field using an active target, a low-mass central drift chamber
and a cylindrical range stack (RS) of scintillating detectors. Photons were detected in a 4-sr
calorimeter consisting of a lead/scintillator sandwich barrel detector surrounding the RS, and end
caps of undoped CsI crystals. Although central parts of detectors should be modified or removed
for the photon-beam experiment, the inner bore size (2.96-m diameter and 2.2-m length) of 1 T
solenoid magnet is sufficiently large for the further optimization of the detector system. We entered
into negotiations with BNL and associated persons in December 2005, and now the basic
agreement is made for the movement of the E949 detector to Japan. The detector system may also
be moved to J-PARC in the future after the LEPS2 experiments. In section 3.1, a current design of
the LEPS2 spectrometer with the E949 magnet is described in detail.
In the present LEPS experiments, the forward charged-particle spectrometer is a unique and
very successful tool. Since the solenoid magnetic field is not suitable for the momentum
measurement of very forward going charged particles, a forward spectrometer may optionally be
used together with the E949 detector. A large solid-angle photon detector was also successfully
used in the LEPS experiment. Since, at high energies, the cross section of Primakoff process
increases, such a detector is more effective for many experiments. Thus, the upgraded 4 photon
detector system is also under consideration.
The narrow space of the present LEPS experimental hutch has limited the detector size and
flexibility. The LEPS2 experimental hutch (or building) must have a much larger space to place the
detectors mentioned above. It is considered that the experimental hutch is constructed outside the
experimental hall. Fortunately, a few beam lines with a 30-m straight section, which have the best
beam emittance, are still open for such a use at SPring-8. We have applied to use one of such
beamlines (BL31ID) for the LEPS2. Another important point for the new detector system is to
increase the data acquisition (DAQ) speed. R&D studies for the new generation DAQ system have
been done in cooperation with the hadron physics group at J-PARC. A schematic view of the
LEPS2 facility is illustrated in Fig. 1.3.1.
Figure 1.3.1: Schematic view of the LEPS2 facility