Peer Assessment Content and organisation: description 1-3 marks (Weak) Very basic sense of place or atmosphere -Some detail but very general and tedious -Limited vocabulary -No structure to events 14 4-6 marks (Average) Attempt to interest reader -Description moves from general to particular details -Paragraphs help the description to flow -A variety of vocabulary used to generate effect 7-9 marks (Good) Description engages and sustains reader’s interest -Adjectives, adverbs and verbs used to generate effect and mood -Pace of description controlled by mixture of sentences and paragraphs -Attempt to give wide sensory description -Clear understanding of third person narration 10-14 marks (Special) Sophisticated generation of place, mood and atmosphere -Vocabulary is mature and effectively used -Avoids becoming driven by a sole character -Detail (people and objects) and are described in subtle photographic detail: ‘zoom detail’ combined with ‘wide-lens’ focus -Distinct tone used to control all senses; clear, believable moment in time created Sentence structure, punctuation and spelling: description 7 1 mark (Weak) Repetitive sentencing, bad paragraphing, poor spelling -Sentences lack ambition: compounds linked only by 'and' or 'so' -Simple punctuation (full stops, commas and capital letters) is attempted -Simple words are spelled accurately -Tense is not consistent (description jumps unintentionally from present/ past/ future) 2-3 marks (Average) Simple sentencing, clear tense, accurate spelling -Variation of sentences -Punctuation (including speech marks) is accurate -Spelling is usually accurate -Tense is consistent 4-5 marks (Good) Sentences types/length used for effect, impressive vocabulary -Simple, compound and complex sentences used to achieve particular effects -Punctuation used accurately to create deliberate effects (commas for embedded clauses and possibly colons or semi-colons included) -Spelling, even challenging vocabulary, is usually correct 6-7 marks (Special) Ambitious punctuation, vocabulary, sentencing and tense -Appropriate and effective variation of sentence structures -Sophisticated use of simple, compound and complex sentences to achieve effects -Punctuation used to vary pace, clarify meaning and create deliberate effects (semicolons, direct speech etc) -All spelling, including that of complicated vocabulary words, is correct Content and organisation: story writing 1-3 marks (Weak) Very basic sense of plot and characterisation -No thought given to order of events -Story likely to have a beginning and ending but no middle event -Place and characters are undeveloped 14 4-6 marks (Average) Attempt to control plot and character -Description moves from general to particular details -Awareness of different styles of narration and the effect of dialogue -A variety of vocabulary used to generate effect 7-9 marks (Good) Story engages and sustains reader’s interest -Adjectives, adverbs and verbs used to generate effect and mood -Pace of description controlled by mixture of sentences and paragraphs -Dialogue helps to develop character -Narrative is planned, has pace and incorporates figurative language (metaphors, personification etc) 10-14 marks (Special) Sophisticated narrative that entertains, and challenges, its reader -Vocabulary is mature and effectively used to create effect and precise meaning -Awareness of the importance of tense, narrative and structure in the piece -Text linked with connectives and other devices -Writing developed with originality, imagination and accuracy Sentence structure, punctuation and spelling: story writing 7 1 mark (Weak) Repetitive sentencing, bad paragraphing, poor spelling -Sentences lack ambition: compounds linked only by 'and' or 'so' -Simple punctuation (full stops, commas and capital letters) is attempted -Simple words are spelled accurately -Tense is not consistent (description jumps unintentionally from present/ past/ future) 2-3 marks (Average) Simple sentencing, clear tense, accurate spelling -Variation of sentences -Punctuation (including speech marks) is accurate -Spelling is usually accurate -Tense is consistent 4-6 marks (Good) Sentences types/length used for effect, impressive vocabulary -Simple, compound and complex sentences used to achieve particular effects -Punctuation used accurately to create deliberate effects (commas for embedded clauses and possibly colons or semi-colons included) -Spelling, even challenging vocabulary, is usually correct 6-7 marks (Special) Ambitious punctuation, vocabulary, sentencing and tense -Appropriate and effective variation of sentence structures -Sophisticated use of simple, compound and complex sentences to achieve effects -Punctuation used to vary pace, clarify meaning and create deliberate effects (semicolons, direct speech etc) -All spelling, including that of complicated vocabulary words, is correct -Tense changes are used with confidence and ambition