Bulletin - rama sakti mission

NO: 10A
SD NO: 2 / PG 52
Mother is delighted to know that you are celebrating the Mission foundation day on 18th October
in Ahmednagar. The celebration of an event of deep spiritual significance like this should be
expressive of your spirit of dedication to the sacred cause. Solemn resolutions of your pious
minds and the love of your dedicated hearts should result in purposeful action through the purity
of consecration and the power of self-resignation.
In keeping with the glorious traditions which you have inherited from the past, imbibe the
spiritual message from symbolic representations and external worship. Develop the penetrative
vision in order to intuit the underlying reality.
God-attuned and God-dedicated actions are not mere outward activities of the body and mind;
they are same as dynamic meditation backed by supreme devotion; they are of the nature of
propitiatory yajna, capable of invoking the grace of the Supreme.
Your Mission has come into being by the will of the cosmic Divine Mother and as ordained by
Her. Prepare yourselves, through the discipline of devotion, purity of prayer and power of
penance to become instruments for fulfillment of the divine purpose.
Keep fresh in your minds the inspiring ideals that gave the first impulse and motivation for this
organized spiritual movement. Let the enthusiasm and spiritual ardour for service, instilled in
every one of you, blaze forth into glorious deeds of sacrifice and monumental accomplishments.
Introspect deeply on this occasion to assess the measure of your success as also, the causes
of your shortcomings. Strengthen your resolve and remain unshaken under the banner of unity.
Let your united will express itself in remarkable achievements of enduring glory.
Blest are you with the privilege of contact and association with Mother and initiation into the
stricter discipline of higher spiritual life. As faithful disciples and workers in the Mission, you
should realize the sacredness of your spiritual obligation to Mother and become vehicles of
Mother’s divine love and interpreters of Her Teaching.
Always regard your movement as the manifestation of Mother’s omnipotent will, which is finding
its expression in the silent blossoming of transformed personalities and divinely attuned lives.
Each of you should exemplify the exalted ideal of true discipleship through a life dedicated to
the service of humanity.
The gospel of Mother is that of peace which dwells beyond ego-ridden consciousness. The
mission of yours is to realize this peace first in your personal lives and then to propagate the
means to the achievement of it to your brethren.
Tel: 0824 – 2231360.
Website: www.ramasaktimission.org
Blog: http://blog.ramasaktimission.org/
Email: secretary@ramasaktimission.org
The universal heart of the Mother knows, in actual experience, the anguish of humanity, through
Her mystic communion with the children. This anguish is not of the mind. Hence no mind can
ever understand the mystery of this experience through communion.
Let not the doctrine of illusiveness of phenomena or flight of fancy towards transcendent
aloofness prevent you from your identification with the suffering souls. The soul of religion is
compassion for the living.
In the strength of certitude gained through experience, with the calm of mind and the
compassion of heart as your spiritual forces, you should set out, seeking opportunities for
service and worship of the Virat Purusha, the Supreme in the cosmic form, that stands revealed
to your vision, as the universe of matter and souls.
To serve the needy, without egoism, without seeking return, without entertaining the notion of
otherness, is the worship of the Virat Purusha. This is communion with the fellow souls. Begin
this yoga of service, and communion with fellow souls, and you will know in due course, the
secret of your own mission on earth.
Tel: 0824 – 2231360.
Website: www.ramasaktimission.org
Blog: http://blog.ramasaktimission.org/
Email: secretary@ramasaktimission.org